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Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Student Page

Influential People during the Civil ar

Exploring the Civil War: Self-Paced Student Project
Designed by Matt Hillman, Krista Hornberger, Emily Baker, and Heather Prusky


Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Student Page


The American Civil War happened from 1861 to 1865 between the North and South United States over the issue of slaver ! The Southern states formed The Confederate States of America and were in favor of slaver " the North was a#ainst slaver ! $undreds of thousands of soldiers died and after four ears of battlin#% the North won the war and slaver was abolished& There were man influential people that contributed to the histor of The American Civil War! The leaders we are #oin# to learn about in this pro'ect have all had a #reat impact on the United States of America !


Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Student Page

The Task
In this WebQuest, you will learn about one person who you believe did great things during the Civil War. This activity will allow you to explore four important people who were involved with slavery and fighting for rights for African Americans. To start off, you will pic from Abraham !incoln, "rederic #ouglass, $arriet Tubman, and finally %o&ourner Truth. 'ut of these four people you will choose one who you thin played a ma&or part and even impacted the lives of African Americans during the Civil War. (ext, you will read through their lin and learn a little about their bac ground and why they did what they did during this time. "inally, you will create a diary about the person you chose. In this diary you will play the role of the person and write what you thin they felt and how they reacted to what was happening around them. Alternatively you may create a newspaper article that gives a brief biography of your character and some of their accomplishments during the Civil War time period and how it impacted other people. )y the end of this assignment you should be able to share what you have learned and what you wrote in your &ournal or newspaper article to one of your peers that chose a different person. *emember be creative with your &ournal or newspaper article+


Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Student Page

The Process
Choose one out of these four influential people durin# the Civil War! (ou will find lin)s to important information pertainin# to each character on the Student *a#e in this document! +emember to complete our 'ournal or newspaper article ou must include 5 facts about the person ou chose alon# with an e,planation of wh ou chose that particular person! -nce the pro'ect is completed find a classmate who chose a different character and share information about our character with our classmate!

Abraham Lincoln


Sojourner Truth

Frederick Douglass

Harriet Tubman

Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Student Page

Civil War WebQuest Rubric
4 E!cellent " #ood
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$ Lacking
.re/uent mista)es are made!

% Poor
0rammar% spellin# and punctuation is close to or all incorrect!

Points Earned

#rammar& S'elling& and Punctuation (om'letion o) assigned tasks and 'roject *as turned in on time+

All #rammar% spellin#% and punctuation are correct!

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Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Student Page

Hopefully by the end of this assignment you have learned information both about your character and also about your classmates character. This assignment was intended to give you a unique perspective about influential people during the Civil War time period and also how their actions and accomplishments impacted the United States as a whole and also individual lives.


Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Student Page

Student Page

:mportant 9in)s
$arriet Tubman http?@@www!bio#raph !com@people@harriet1tubman1A511>=BCpa#e;1 .rederic) Dou#lass http?@@www!americaslibrar !#ov@aa@dou#lass@aaEdou#lassEsub'!html Abraham 9incoln http,--www.anb.org-articles-./-./0..123.html So'ourner Truth http?@@www!bio#raph !com@people@so'ourner1truth1A51138>


Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Student Page

References for I ages:

(redits . /e)erences

Fio! True Stor ! 73=B1=8! So'ourner Truth! AG< Television Networ)% 99C! +etrieved on 5arch 1B% 3B1> from http?@@www!bio#raph !com@people@so'ourner1truth1A51138> Chitra% +! 3BB8! Gone with the Wind! +etrieved on 5arch 6% 3B1> from http?@@rachelchitra!wordpress!com@3BB8@11@1=@#one1with1the1wind@ Di#ital 9ibrar 73BB68! Who was .rederic) Dou#lassC! +etrieved from http?@@www!americaslibrar !#ov@aa@dou#lass@aaEdou#lassEsub'!html Duc)sters! 73B1>8! Duc)sters! +etrieved on 5arch 11% 3B1> from http?@@www!duc)sters!com@bio#raph @womenEleaders@harrietEtubman!php Wi)imedia Commons! 75arch 3B1>8! Abraham 9incoln head on shoulders! +etrieved on 5arch 1B% 3B1>fromhttp?@@commons!wi)imedia!or#@wi)i@.ile?AbrahamE9incolnEheadEonEshould ersEneedlepoint!'p#


Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Student Page

References for Influential People:

(redits . /e)erences

Fio! True Stor ! 73=B1=8! So'ourner Truth! AG< Television Networ)% 99C! +etrieved on 5arch 1B% 3B1> from http?@@www!bio#raph !com@people@so'ourner1truth1A51138> Chitra% +! 3BB8! Gone with the Wind! +etrieved on 5arch 6% 3B1> from http?@@rachelchitra!wordpress!com@3BB8@11@1=@#one1with1the1 wind@ Di#ital 9ibrar 73BB68! Who was .rederic) Dou#lassC! +etrieved from http?@@www!americaslibrar !#ov@aa@dou#lass@aaEdou#lassEsub '!html $arriet Tubman Fio#raph !71AA613B1=8! Fio! True Stor ! +etrieved on 5arch 11% 3B1> from http?@@www!bio#raph !com@people@harriet1 tubman1 A511>=B 5c*herson% 2! 5! 7.eb 3BBB8! 9incoln% Abraham! +etrieved on 5arch 1B% 3B1> from http?@@www!anb!or#@articles@B>@B>1BB6=1!html


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