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Dipartimento Di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne

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Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne

1st Year Lettorato Exam May 28th 2013

A Grammar Choose the correct answer
1. Some people keep a diary, others hope they. appointments.
a) remember b) will remember c) are going remember d) are remembering
2. Wea lot more bread if all 15 of your friends come for dinner.
a) are needing b) are going to need c) are to need d) can need
3. There was ..much noise, we couldnt hear the mayors speech.
a) such b) so c) really d) far
!. "m really e#cited about this trip. This is the first time .
a) I am abroad b) I would go abroad c) I have been abroad d) I went abroad
5. " didnt en$oy the party %ery much because
a) there wasnt somebody I know there. b) there was nobody nice to talk to.
c) there was anything good to eat d) there werent any bodies to dance with.
&. 'ets %isit Ste%e. 'ook, his li(hts are on and his car is outside his house. )e . be home.
a) must b) ought c) cant d) will
*. +hris ..to (et up early on ,ridays as he has no lessons in the mornin(.
a) mustnt b) cant c) hasnt d) doesnt have
-. She to come home after 11 oclock until she was 21.
a) couldnt b) mustnt c) wasnt allowed d) didnt have
../our room is a mess0 1lease. .
a) tidy it up b) tidy up it c) sort it up d) sort out
12. 3s a result of hea%y storms the island .....................................
a) has been isolated b) is been isolated c) is isolating d) isolates.
11. )enry ......................................one of his wisdom teeth e#tracted this e%enin(.
a) is having b) will be c) has d) was
12. +ould you pass ..please4
a)a mayonnaise b) mayonnaise c) the mayonnaise d) mayonnaises
13. 5y lawyers . did not pro%e to be %ery helpful.
a) advise b) advises c) advice d) advices
1!. What a pity you li%e so far away now. " wish you .. so far away.
a) not live b) lived c) didnt live d) were living
15. The sil%er, is on the table o%er there, belon(ed to my (reat (randmother.
/ear 5ay 2213
a) that b) what c) which d) -----
1&. What .. for breakfast4
a) do you usually have b)are you usually having c) have you usually d) do usually you have
1*. 6id you see 7anes new coat4
a) I enjoy it! b) I love it ! c) Im loving it! d) Its good-looking !
1-. this umbrella belon( to4
a) hos b) hose c)ho do d)ho does
1.. 5artin and 8ath both to pass the 9#ford :ni%ersity entrance e#am last year.
a) managed b) could c) succeeded d) enabled
22. 6o you fancy . for a pi;;a this e%enin(4< =Sounds like a (reat idea0<
a) to go b) go c) going d) of going
21. Theres no doubt about it. 3lfred )itchcock was certainly . director of thrillers of all time.
a) the great b) the greater c) the greatest d) the most greater
22. 3nne> Which dress should " (et4 "rene> " ..the 1rada one.
a) should have got b) would have got c) should be getting d) would get
23. "f " .. a person from the past, " . +harles 6arwin.
a) could have met!would choose b) could meet!would choose
c) could meet!would have chosen d) can meet!would have chosen
2!. This brass ob$ect as a drinkin( cup. "ts much too bi(.
a) could have been used b) couldnt have been used c) mightnt have used d) might have been used
25. )e bou(ht a new phone because his old one ..
a) got broke b) had been broke c) had broken d) wasnt worked
2&. The detecti%e ..to murder his wife.
a) discovered the husband was plotting b) has been discovering the husband plotted
c) discovered the husband plotted d) was discovered the husband plotting
2*. 3s children, we to a small seaside town for our holidays.
a) were used to go b) usually stayed c) usually went d) got used to staying
2-. We looked at . in the hall mirror.
a) ourself b) ourselves c) us d) themselves
2.. 3t the weekend 6a%e asked 7essica
a) to marry him b) she would marry him c) that she marry him d) if marrying him
32. "n the si#teenth century Scotland and ?n(land had a lon( history of fi(htin( with ..
a) one other b) themselves c) each other d) one anothers
B - Vocabulary Choose the most appropriate word to go in the blank.
31. " hope we find somesoon before the thunderstorm hits us.
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a) refuge b) rescue c) survival d) shelter
32. The animal ri(hts (roup wouldnt buy anythin( made of
a) leather b) material c) waste d) peat
33. The housin( committee are tryin( to the problem of homelessness in our area.
a) supply b) tackle c) cause d) power
3!. 'ouise can make up her mind @uickly and she always knows what she wants. Shes
a) not very ambitious b) very decisive c) fast deciding d) not forgetful at all.
35. The police couldnt . the suspect because they didnt ha%e
a) catch!an evidence b) arrest!enough evidence c) arrest!an alibi d) catch!his motive
3&. 5y traditional parents dont like my boyfriend because he
a) wears typical clothes b) wears weird clothes c) dresses average clothes d) dresses odd clothes
3*."f you break the law you ha%e to pay a .
a) ta" b) fee c) fine d) fare
3-. " cut my fin(er while the onions.
a) chopping up b) slicing off c) melting up d) cutting off
3.. The company had to (et a to co%er the costs of the new factory.
a) loan b) borrowing c)lend d) budget
!2. Aecause there is a sin(le in most of the rest of ?urope, shoppin( in Aritain can be confusin(.
a) money b) banknote c) current d) currency
!1. eAay is an online .. site where you can buy and sell thin(s cheaply.
a) action b) selling c) auction d) consumer
!2. When the Bdotcom . burst, a lot of people in the "T field lost their $obs.
a) ballon b) dream c) bubble d) e"perience
!3. "f you dont like modern architecture, why dont you %isit monuments4
a) old b) ancient c) aged d) historic
!!. 6urin( my last trip to 7apan, " mana(ed to a few words of 7apanese.
a) learnt b) pick on c) pick up d) assimilate
!5. "ll be in 'ondon for a week from ne#t 5onday. Would you mind .. my do( while "m away4
a) to look up b) to look at c) looking around d) looking after
!&. 7enny has always been %ery . of 7ohnny, but " dont think she wants to marry him.
a) keen b) fond c) liked d) cra#y
!*. The (o%ernment wants to ban all . pro(rammes on tele%ision.
a) satyr b) satirical c) satiri#ing d) $aturn
!-. The idea that the Aritish and ,rench hate each other is a total .
a) misconception b) misconceive c) misconceived d) misconceiving
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!. . There is no use tryin( to con%ince 7ames, it is ..cause
a) a losing b) a failing c) a dead d) a lost
52. This isnt your car. " think you . a mistake.
a) have done b) did c) make d) have made
51. Thats a pretty :nfortunately it looks too small for my wrist.
a) bracelet b) brooch c) necklace d) pendant
52. We are friends because we ha%e a lot..
a) alike b) in common c) of similar d) on common
53. She was %ery sad. "n fact, she was ..
a) tragic b) miserable c) delighted d) astonished
5!. We%e ar(ued, but we%e ne%er really fallen
a) out b) under c) apart d) together
55. 3 .. is a man whose wife has died.
a) widow b) widower c) bachelor d) spinster
5&. " . from uni%ersity last year.
a) left b) graduated c) passed a diploma d) made a degree
5*. "m sorry to hear your father passed ..
a) by b) over c) through d) away
5-. " always useto listen to my i1od.
a) earsets b) headphones c) a microphone d) earplugs
5.. 'eopards are renowned for their .
a) stripes b) dots c) spots d) stains
&2. )e was when he heard what had really happened.
a) eavesdropping b) listening to c) whispering d) muttering
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Key 001 MAY2013
1. B
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. A
12. C
13. C
14. C
15. C
16. A
17. B
18. D
19. A
20. C
21. C
22. D
23. B
24. B
25. C
26. A
27. C
28. B
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29. A
30. C
31. D
32. A
33. B
34. B
35. B
36. B
37. C
38. A
39. A
40. D
41. C
42. C
43. D
44. C
45. D
46. B
47. B
48. A
49. D
50. D
51. A
52. B
53. B
54. A
55. B
56. B
57. D
58. B
59. C
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60. A
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