Future Forms - Revision: A. Fill in The Gaps Using Will, Be Going To, The Present Simple or The Present Continuous Tense
Future Forms - Revision: A. Fill in The Gaps Using Will, Be Going To, The Present Simple or The Present Continuous Tense
Future Forms - Revision: A. Fill in The Gaps Using Will, Be Going To, The Present Simple or The Present Continuous Tense
A. Fill in the gaps using will, be going to, the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense
1. My cousins (come) to dinner tomorrow.
2. She has bought a lot of food. She (prepare) a delicious lunch today.
3. I am sure she (call) you these days.
. !" #$here are you going tomorrow%&
'" #I (tra(el) to the seaside.&
). $hy are you ta*ing that big bas*et% I (buy) a lot of (egetables.
+. ,here-s somebody on the door. /*0 I (go) and chec* who it is.
1. My father (ta*e) my mother to a fancy restaurant tonight.
2. /h0 no. I forgot to post this letter. 3on-t worry. I (post) it for you.
4. I thin* that you can-t do it by yourself. I . (help) you finish it.
15. ,he train (lea(e) at 1.
11. I don-t thin* he (manage) to do it today.
12. She loo*s wonderful. She .. (ha(e) dinner with her boyfriend tonight.
13. $e (mo(e) in ne6t wee*.
1. $e (ha(e) a party ne6t Saturday.
1). #$hy are you putting your old clothes on%&
#'ecause I (cut) the grass.
1+. ,he lecture (start) at 11 young lady.
11. She is waiting for him to call her. I don-t thin* he . (call) her.
12. #7e has 8ust been ta*en to hospital with a bro*en leg.&
#I-m sorry to hear that. I .. (send) him some grapes.
14. #$hy do you ha(e so much food%&
#'ecause I (coo*) a meal for ten people.&
25. #I passed my dri(ing test.&
#,hat-s great. I . (buy) some champagne to celebrate.&
21. I (meet) with my business partners tonight.&
22. #/h0 dear. I-m late for wor*.&
#3on-t worry. I (gi(e) you a lift.
23. 9oo* at her sad face. She (cry).
2. #It-s ,ony-s birthday ne6t wee*.&
#Is it% I didn-t *now. I (send) him a card.
2). I (go) out with my friends ne6t wee*.
2+. She has studied a lot. She .. (pass) an e6am.
21. :lane (ta*e off) at 11"3).
22. 9oo* at that tree. It . (fall) down.
24. I (ha(e) lunch with the president today.
35. $e are sure he (succeed) one day.