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Emotional Appeal

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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Nate Postmus

Date April 1 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Persuasive Writing (Emotional Appeal) ra!e """#
I. Objectives
How does tis lesson connect to te unit !lan"
This is the $
lesson in the %nit
Learners will be able to#
' % Ap An E ()
(omprehen! +hat this tool is an! ho+ to use it %
Demonstrate ho+ to implement this tool into their o+n +riting Ap
(ompose their o+n +riting given a prompt using this tool

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
Provi!e reasons that are supporte! b* ,acts an! !etails- lin. opinion an! reasons using +or!s an! phrases
(Note# Write as man* as nee!e!/ 0n!icate ta1onom* levels an! connections to applicable national or state stan!ar!s/ 0, an objective applies to particular learners
+rite the name(s) o, the learner(s) to +hom it applies/)
)remember- un!erstan!- appl*- anal*2e- evaluate- create
II. 'efore (ou start
Identif( !rere)uisite
*nowledge and s*ills.
%n!erstan! !i,,erent tools that +e have !iscusse! in class together ,rom the beginning o, the unit- an!
un!erstan! +h* +e +ant to learn an! use them in our lives as +ell as +riting
Outline assessment
(applicable to this lesson)
Pre-assessment (for learning):
'evie+ pervious tools an! ho+ the* are all !i,,erent
Formative (for learning):
3isten an! +rite !o+n the notes as 0 +rite them on the boar!
Formative (as learning):
Write using the tool on the given prompt
Summative (of learning)4
Wor. o, the ,inal project at the en!
+at barriers migt tis
lesson !resent"
+at will it ta*e ,
emotionall(- etc.- for (our
students to do tis lesson"
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Action and E.!ression
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Provi!e options ,or perception&
making information perceptible
The notes +ill help them
un!erstan!- the boo. on persuasion-
As +ell as the *outube clip
Provi!e options ,or ph*sical action&
increase options for interaction
Provi!e options ,or recruiting
interest& choice, relevance, value,
authenticity, minimize threats
Ta.ing notes an! listening to me
!escribe +hat this topic is
Provi!e options ,or language-
mathematical e1pressions- an!
s*mbols& clarify & connect
Provi!e options ,or e1pression an!
communication& increase meium
of e!pression
Provi!e options ,or sustaining e,,ort
an! persistence& optimize
challenge, collaboration, mastery-
oriente feeback
Provi!e options ,or comprehension&
activate, apply & highlight
The* +ill be +riting !o+n the
notes an! +riting passe! on
their o+n emotions
Provi!e options ,or e1ecutive
,unctions& coorinate short & long
term goals, monitor progress, an
moify strategies
Provi!e options ,or sel,&regulation&
e!pectations, personal skills an
strategies, self-assessment &
/aterials1wat materials
$boo*s- andouts- etc& do
(ou need for tis lesson
and are te( read( to
Ever*one +ill nee! a blan. piece o, paper- the boo.- *outube vi!eo- their notes to continue ,illing
out/+riting them !o+n
How will (our classroom
be set u! for tis lesson"
Same as al+a*s
III. 2e Plan
2ime Com!onents
3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities
for eac com!onent of te lesson. Include im!ortant iger order tin*ing )uestions and5or
'evie+ +ith them the tool that the* use! the !a*
prior/ As. them +hich tool +e use! *ester!a*-
have one stu!ent give me the !e,inition o, the tool-
an! use a !i,,erent stu!ent to provi!e an e1ample
,rom the tool +e use! earlier/
Write the name o, the tool on the boar! an! be,ore
+e +atch the vi!eo have them tell me +hat the*
thin. Emotional Appeal is/ As. 7+hat !oes
emotional mean8 (oul! it have something to !o
+ith Emotions89 An! once the* ,igure that it has
to !o something +ith emotions +atch the vi!eo/
Watch the vi!eo (https4//+++/*outube/com/+atch8
v:5gspElv1*vc lin. to the vi!eo) A,ter +e +atch
the vi!eo as. them 7ho+ !i! this vi!eo ma.e *ou
,eel89 7What !i! it !o to ma.e *ou ,eel so
connecte! to the vi!eo an! +h* it ma!e them ,eel
li.e the* !i!89
Participate in the revie+- pa* attention to the vi!eo
as +ell as the boo.
(the largest
component or
main bo!* o,
the lesson)
Write the !e,inition on the boar!- an! +ait ,or them
to +rite it !o+n/ E1plain that this tool ,ocuses on
people;s emotions tr*ing to !ra+ them in ma.ing
them +anting to !o something/
'ea! the boo. Dear/ <rs/ 3arue- an! have the
stu!ents tell me ho+ the boo. relates to the tool at
han!/ 7As. +hat !oes 0.e !o in the boo. to get a
reaction ,rom <rs/ 3arue89
Write the e1amples on the boar! allo+ing them the
time to +rite them !o+n/
Put the prompt up on the screen an! provi!e an
e1ample ,rom m* o+n li,e/ The +riting prompt is
7=our parents are thin.ing o, bu*ing a ne+ pet-
using this tool convince them to bu* the pet that
*ou +ant/9
Participate in the conversation- help me ,igure out
the tool ,or the !a*- ta.e notes an! ,ill out the
e1ample- loo. at the prompt on the screen an! start
+riting on it
Wal. aroun! the room an! ma.e sure that the*
.no+ +hat the* are !oing an! ans+er +hatever
>uestions the* get/
When the* are ,inishe! +riting the* can !o A'
Write +hen the* are suppose! to
6our reflection about te lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement
for ne.t time. (Write this a,ter teaching the lesson- i, *ou ha! a chance to teach it/ 0, *ou !i! not teach this lesson- ,ocus on the
process o, preparing the lesson/)
2is lesson went well es!eciall( wit te video of te animal cruelt(. 2at video reall( sows and draws on !eo!le7s emotions
convincing tem to cange someting in teir life to get wat te( want. Once we got to te writing !iece toug- te(
seemed to struggle wit it- but strangel( some of tem got it reall( fast and ad an e.tra 89 minutes to do A0 reading. I
tin* it is cra:( ow some students will understand wat to do and get it immediatel( wile oters ta*e te entire time and
still don7t trul( understand. I ave found out tat te boo* 3ear- /rs. Larue doesn7t reall( fit into m( lessons and it doesn7t
reall( el! so I tin* I am going to sto! using it because I tin* it just confuses tem more tan it el!s.

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