Video Analysis
Video Analysis
Video Analysis
Aquila Brink
Ms. Jennings
English111Section I
14 March 2014
Child Abuse and Its Consequences
According to National Child Abuse Statistics, approximately 5 children die every day
from child abuse. Child abuse is more than just physical abuse it can be verbal abuse, emotional
abuse, or sexual abuse, and/or neglect. Whatever the form abuse may take, there are deep and
lasting consequences for the victim of the abuse. Child abuse victims are more likely to suffer
from anxiety disorders, depression and eating disorders. They are also more likely to commit
crimes, use drugs or alcohol, and the teen pregnancy rate increases greatly among victims of
abuse. In Martina Mc Brides video Concrete Angel off her Greatest Hits album released in
2002, she tells the story of Angela Carter, a seven year old girl who was a victim of child abuse
by her mother. Many times the signs of child abuse are ignored or not understood and this may
lead to serious consequences. Child abuse can not only leave behind lasting emotional scars but
can also result in the death of a child, as heartbreakingly demonstrated in Martina McBrides
song Concrete Angel.
The video tells a heartbreaking story of the neglect that is being experienced by the main
character. As Angela carries her lunch and heads off for school, her mother is shown sitting on
the bed in another room smoking a cigarette. She shows no interest in Angela, she doesnt wave
to her as she leaves nor does she walk with her to the door to say goodbye. As if to add insult to
injury, as Angela is walking to school all alone she looks over to see one of her classmates being
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hugged goodbye by her mother and a look of such deep sadness and longing passes over
Angelas face, giving the viewer an insight into the emotional wounds that she carries within her.
According to the Childhelp National Child Abuse Statistics nearly six million children
are abused or neglected every year in the United States, one of the highest records among
industrialized nations. The annual cost of child abuse to communities within the United States is
an estimated 120 billion dollars. These are sobering statistics. Society has an obligation to learn
the signs of emotional, sexual, and physical abuse, as well as neglect. If a child seems withdrawn,
afraid, or exceedingly anxious about making a mistake or not doing something right he\she may
be experiencing emotional abuse. Some of the indications that a child is being sexually abused
are: displaying a knowledge or interest in sexual acts inappropriate to his or her age, behaving
seductively, showing an extreme discomfort in undressing in front of others or participating
physical activities, and avoidance of a particular person for no obvious reason. Physical abuse
may be more easily recognizable. Bruises, especially those that seem to have a pattern such as
from a hand gripping an arm or welts from a belt, are signs of physical abuse. In the video,
Angela is sitting in the classroom when her teacher walks by her desk. The teacher notices the
bruises on Angelas upper arm as though she had been gripped tightly there, yet instead of
reporting this or questioning the little girl as to where they came from she chooses to ignore them.
Ignoring the signs of abuse can be detrimental to the child and can result in the childs death as
we later see in the video when Angelas mother beats her to death. Martina sings somebody
cries in the middle of the night, the neighbors hear but they turn out the lights when morning
comes it will be too late.
The most heart wrenching scene in the video depicts the teacher, the neighbors, and those
who could have and should have stepped in all gathered around a grave, the stone inscribed with
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the name Angela Carter and dates: 1995-2002 beneath a concrete angel. Unfortunately, this
is too often the tragic outcome when the signs of child abuse are ignored. In a recent study by
British Medical Journal, The Lancet, it was reported that physicians suspected 10% of injured
child patients were victims of abuse, yet Child Protective Services were only notified of 6% of
these cases. What needs to happen to bring these statistics closer together?
State mandated laws have been put in place requiring physicians, teachers, and other
professionals to report suspected child abuse cases, yet many cases go unreported. Making the
process for reporting abuse less intimidating, and informing educators and other professionals of
the devastating long term effects to victims of child abuse, may make them more aware and more
likely to step in. Educating communities on recognizing the signs of child abuse is an important
step toward intervention. Also, it is important to encourage the general public to not just stand
idly by with the assumption that someone else will instead take action. As the saying goes, If
you see something, say something.
There are many hotlines as well as organizations available for reporting suspected child
abuse. The Childhelp hotline is staffed around the clock each day of the week to receive calls
from victims as well as any good samaritan who wishes to report suspected abuse. Other hotlines
include Justice For Children, Stop It Now, or RAINN for sexual abuse. In addition to these
national hotlines, each county has a Department of Social Services with a division devoted to
Child Protective Services. Anyone who witnesses or even suspects the abuse of a child can report
to CPS with the option to remain anonymous if they so desire.
Child abuse and neglect are an immensely devastating cultural issue in todays society.
As illustrated in Martina McBrides Concrete Angel music video, ignoring the warning signs
of child abuse can have a fatal outcome. Each individual has a moral as well as social obligation
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to not only become aware of child abuse and its consequences but also to become proactive in
intervening by reporting abuse through the proper channels.
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Works Cited
"Child Abuse and Neglect Statistics." Child Abuse Statistics Get the Facts of Child Abuse and
Neglect. American Humane Association, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.
"Child Abuse: Statistics & Facts." Safe Horizon. Safe Horizon, n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.
Concrete Angel. Dir. Deaton-Flanigen Productions. Prod. Paul Worley. Perf. Martina McBride and Noel
Wiggens. RCA Records, 2002. Music Video.
Sharples, Tiffany. "Study: Most Child Abuse Goes Unreported." Time. Time Inc., 02 Dec. 2008. Web.
26 Mar. 2014.
Smith, Melinda, M.A., and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. "Child Abuse & Neglect." : Recognizing, Preventing
and Reporting Child Abuse. HelpGuide, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.