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Lisa W Art Final

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CHDV 150 Introduction to Curriculum

Small Group Activity Form

25/25 J
Name of Activity: Butterfly footprints
Curriculum Area: Art
Length of Activity: 15-20 minutes
Learning Objectives (specify at least three:
Measure 13-Comprehension of meaning- The child will e ale to descrie the
alance of symmetry on the utterfly
Measure !-Awareness of di"ersity in self and others- The child will e ale to
descrie the contrast#difference in color compared to their peers utterfly
Measure 15-$%pression of self through language- The child will e ale to
descrie what they li&ed#disli&ed aout their art
Measure 2'-Memory and (nowledge- The child will e ale to thin& ac& or
reflect on what they did first on the paper
!aterial/"#uipment Nee$e$:
)arge white paper
paint of "arious colors
mar&ers* glitter or decorating materials
+rinted words ,Than& you for helping me spread my wings,
%reparation (&hat $o you nee$ to $o beforehan$':
-a"e a sample of .ust footprints
-a"e a sample of finished utterfly as an e%ample
/ would as& for a parent "olunteer to come in the day efore our pro.ect is
scheduled and ha"e them do each child0s footprints 1separated with small space in
etween2 so that he has time to dry efore the pro.ect time
Collect all glitter* eads* mar&ers and things the children can use to decorate with
%roce$ures (step by step ( )e *pecific
+)eginning (,o- -ill . intro$uce activity'
This pro.ect will e our final small group pro.ect so that the children can ta&e
them home as a than& you to their parents3
4e will read A Book of Colors Butterfly, Butterfly y +etr -orace&
4e will tal& aout how they are symmetrical* the same loo&ing on oth sides
Then we will re"iew how much we ha"e learned aout utterflies 1si5es* colors*
Then / will tell the children that we are going to create a ,than& you, note for their
parents for helping them grow and change li&e a utterfly3
+!i$$le: (,o- -ill . support/enhance/scaffol$' ( /he person rea$ing your lesson
plan shoul$ be able to i$entify -hat you are saying or $oing to support your state$
learning objectives0 /,.* .* 1"23 .!%O2/AN/0
/ would as& the children 6what did our parent helper do with our feet yesterday7,
/f / drew a line right etween your two feet on the paper would it loo& the same
on oth sides7 18raw a line on a sample footprint23
9emind the children how the mirror in the science area was ale to show
symmetry etween of an o.ect3
,:our footprints loo&ed the same; your right foot is the same si5e as your left foot*
same numer of toes3
Then as& ,8id all of our feet loo& the same as our friend<s footprints when we
were done7,* ,8oes =oey0s feet loo& the same as Cindy0s feet7,
,8id they use the same colors to ma&e their footprints7,
,8o our footprints loo& li&e utterflies yet7 4hat is missing7,
,8o we ha"e a ody7 8o we ha"e antennae<s7 8o we ha"e eyes7,
4e will each get to ma&e our own uni>ue utterfly starting with our footprints
-a"e the children draw the ody in etween their two footprints*
As& ,Can we see how the wings on this side are the same shape as the other side3,
-a"e children decide and glue on what materials they would li&e to add to their
Then add the antennae<s3 ,4ould you li&e your antennae<s to e straight line or
curl a little7,
,4ould you li&e yours the same as Anthony0s or li&e =enny0s7,
Then ha"e child attach pre-printed words onto the utterfly paper
,4hat is your fa"orite part of your utterfly7,
,/s there anything you didn0t li&e aout your utterfly7,
4hen the children finish / would as& them ,8o you rememer the first thing you
did to ma&e your utterfly7,
+"n$: (,o- -ill . bring this activity to a conclusion an$ transition to the ne4t
activity' )e very specific in ho- you -ill transition the chil$ren0
/ will gi"e a 5 minute warning efore clean up time
After the 5 minutes / would sing entire song of wee&? 1sung to row* row * row
your oat2
,@ne caterpillar* two caterpillars* three caterpillars today3
Aour caterpillars* fi"e caterpillars eating all the day3
@ne cocoon* two cocoons* three cocoons today3
Aour cocoons* fi"e cocoons* sleeping all the day
@ne utterfly* two utterflies* three utterflies today3
Aour utterflies* fi"e utterflies* flying* flying away3,

Then / would ha"e the children help clean up all the materials and ha"e some
wipe down the tales
/hroughout the $ay/-ee56 -hat opportunities -ill the chil$ren have to reflect bac5
on this activity'
/ would ha"e all their utterfly footprints up for display so that they could see
4e would discuss how they are different in si5e* color
4e would discuss the similarities and differences in the specific ody parts of the
utterfly 1long or short antennae<s* long or short ody*etc2

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