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Panel Penggubal:

1. Pn. Yang Hameza Meor Abdul Rashid
2. Pn. Siti Jawahir Skh. Abu Bakar
3. Pn. Rahimah Ibrahim
4. Pn. Sharida Shafie
5. Cik Farhani Suhimi



Text Completion / Rational Cloze
Examination tips

Before the examination

1. Master the rules of grammar, particularly on items commonly tested in this section:
- verbs
- pronouns (he, she, it, they, etc)
- subject-verb agreements
- relative pronouns (who, whose, which, etc)
- prepositions (beneath, on, at, through, etc)
- articles (a, an, the)
- conjunctions (and, but, because, etc)
- adjectives (pretty, good, enormous, etc)
- tenses (present, past, future)
- modals (can, will, shall, etc)
- sentence connectors / linkers (thus, moreover, however, etc)
- adverbs (quickly, immediately, gracefully, etc)

2. Do a lot of practices for this section.

3. Read widely. You need to have a good command of vocabulary to do well in this section. Use
a dictionary to help you find the meanings of difficult words or phrases.

During examination

1. Read through the whole passage to get an idea of what it is all about. If you do not
understand, read it again slowly and carefully.

2. While reading, look out for clues that may help you in identifying the best answer. (Check for
the tenses used and the grammatical keywords.)

3. Next, study the words or the sentences that come before and after the blanks. These words
may provide you with important clues to get the best answer.

4. Try fitting each option into the numbered blank. Be extra careful. The correct phrase should
be grammatically and logically acceptable.

5. Sometimes, the answers are very close. Choose the best answer for each blank. Cross out
the options that are clearly incorrect.

6. Finally, when you have finished, read through the passage again to make sure your answers
are grammatically correct and the passage itself makes sense.


Grammar : Parts of speech

Parts of
Definition Examples
(kata nama)
A word that names a person, place, thing,
animal, concept or activity or idea.
Uncountable nouns (nU) : Nouns that
cannot be
Countable nouns (nC) : Nouns that can
be counted
tree, apple, orange, kitten,
hospital, frog
e.g.: The cat jumps over
the fence.
(kata kerja)
A word that describes an action or state
talk, eat, run, shout, jump,
is , was, am.
e.g. : the cat climbs.
(ganti nama)
A word that takes the place of a noun
I, he, she, it, they, we, our,
e.g.: Ali likes durian. He is
eating it now
(sifat nama)
A word that describes a noun or pronoun
beautiful, tall, clever, blue,
red, kind
e.g.: A beautiful clever girl
(sifat kata)
A word that gives more information about
a verb, an adjective or an adverb
quickly, fast, slowly, very,
e.g.: The cat walks slowly
and quietly.
(Kata Sendi)
A word that shows relationship between a
noun or pronoun with another word in a
on, at, about, towards,
near, along, under, below,
onto, inside, around,
A word that is used before nouns.
Indefinite articles (a and an) are used
with singular uncountable nouns only. The
definite article (the) is used for both
countable and uncountable nouns.
a, an , the
(Kata Hubung)
A word that joins two or more words,
phrases or clauses.
and, or, but, however,
therefore, moreover, so,
(kata seruan)
A word used to show strong feeling.
Ouch! Wow! Ah! Ops!


Grammar rules : Tenses

The Simple Present Tense

The Simple Present Tense is used:

a) To show a habitual action ( done regularly)
e.g.: Mother goes to market twice a week.
e.g.: Aina always sleeps early.

b) To express a fact or truth
e.g.: The owl hunts at night.

c) To declare something or make observations
e.g.: That book belongs to Ali.
e.g.: He always comes to school early.

d) To show future action that is part of a schedule / timetable
e.g.: The train leaves in five minutes.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - -



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Present Continuous Tense

The Present Continuous Tense is used:

a) To show a habitual negative action ( done regularly)
e.g.: The two brothers are always quarrelling.
e.g.: She is always singing the same song.

b) To show an action that is happening.
e.g.: The teacher is teaching now.
e.g.: The boys are playing in the field.

c) To show a future action that is a part of a plan.
e.g.: They are going camping next week.
e.g.: I am visiting my grandmother this weekend.

d) To show a progress
e.g.: The water is boiling. e.g.: Ali is improving.



- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
( verb + ing )


( verb + ing )


- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -


The Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense is formed by using has or have with the past participle.
Uses of the Present Perfect Tense include:

a) To describe an action or situation that ended a short time ago. (usually with the word just)
e.g.: Mr. Tan has just arrived home from work.

b) To describe an action which started in the past and continues up to the present (usually with
the expressions since and for)

e.g.: I have known Siti for ten years.
e.g.: He has lived here since 2009.

c) To connect the result of a past action to the present.
e.g.: Someone has stolen her purse. (She does not have the purse with her now.)

d) To describe an action or situation that has happened but the time reference is not given.
e.g.: Ali has taken his lunch.
e.g.: They have decorated the hall.

- - - - - - -
(verb past


(verb past

- - - - - - - - -

The Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense is formed by the past tense form of the verb.
Uses of the Simple Past Tense include:

a) To describe an action or situation that has completed in the past.
e.g.: Ali was a teacher.

b) To describe an action which happened in the past with a time reference.
e.g.: I went to Johor last year.
e.g.: Ali spoke to the teacher yesterday.


c) To show habitual past action.
e.g.: We swam in the river when we were young.
e.g.: They always stayed at our place when they visited us.






The Past Continuous Tense

The Past Continuous Tense is used:

a) To show a habitual negative action in the past.
e.g.: The two brothers were always quarrelling.
e.g.: She was always singing the same song.

b) To show an action that was happening at a time in the past.
e.g.: The teacher was teaching.
e.g.: The boys were playing in the field.

c) To show an action that was happening at a specific moment in the past.
e.g.: Ali was reading when I visited him.
e.g.: The girls were discussing their project when they heard a scream.

d) To show two actions taking place at the same time in the past.
e.g.: While Ali was singing, his brother was playing the guitar.
e.g.: While the boys were playing football, the girls were playing netball.



- - - - - - -


( verb + ing )

( verb + ing )


- - - - - - -




The Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense is formed by using had with the past participle.
Uses of the Past Perfect Tense include:

a) When two events happened in the past, the event that happened first is in the past perfect
tense while the second event is in the simple past tense.
e.g.: I had cooked dinner before my parents came home.

b) with the conditional if only.
e.g.: If only I had listened to your advice to leave early, I would not have
missed the bus.
e.g.: If only I had not scolded my brother, he would not be crying.

(verb past


(verb past


Future Tense
The Future Tense is used:
a) To show a planned action for the future.
e.g.: I will buy the book tomorrow.
e.g.: Ali will talk to the teacher later.

(base form


(base form



Practice 1
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

1 A invite 6 A learn
B invites B learns
C inviting C learnt
D invited D learning

2 A invitation 7 A has
B invites B is
C inviting C have
D invite D was

3 A leave 8 A spend
B leaving B spends
C left C spending
D leaves D spent

4 A has 9 A give
B have B gives
C having C gave
D had D given

5 A help 10 A will
B helps B can
C helped C wont
D helping D cant

Dear Margaret,

I was very happy to receive your letter ___(1)___ me to join you and your
family for a holiday in Port Dickson. Thank you very much. I wish I could accept your
____(2)_____ but I have to help my mother in her cake shop. One of the workers has
___(3)___ and my mother __(4)__ not been able to get a new worker.
I dont mind ___(5)___ my mother in the shop. I have ___(6)___ how to make
many kinds of cakes. My mother __(7)__ also promised to give me more money to
spend. Ill be rich! But Im going to ___(8)____ everything. I think Ill save half of what
my mother ___(9)___ me.
I know I shall miss all the fun in Port Dickson. You will invite me again,
___(10)___ you?
Do take good care of yourself and happy holidays! Bye.

Your friend,

Practice 2
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

1 A sees 6 A introduce
B see B introduced
C seen C introducing
D saw D introduction

2 A grown 7 A proud
B grew B dishonest
C grow C lazy
D grows D friendly

3 A never 8 A good
B sometimes B better
C still C best
D maybe D always

4 A know 9 A eat
B knew B ate
C knows C eats
D known D eaten

5 A laugh 10 A sleep
B laughed B sleeping
C laughing C slept
D laughs D asleep

20 February 2012

This evening I attended Siew Chengs birthday party. It was wonderful to (1) her again
after more than ten months. She has (2) much taller and slimmer. But she is (3) the
same friendly and understanding person I used to (4) .
I also made some new friends tonight. John Selvam and his brother, Richard, made me
(5) almost the whole evening. They were very good at telling jokes. I was also (6) to
Sabrina Yusof. I like her very much. She is very (7) . Id like to get to know her (8) .
We share many hobbies.
I think Ive been very greedy this evening. I have (9) too much. My stomach is
starting to feel terrible. I think Ill go to bed now and try to (10) . I hope Ill feel better

Practice 3
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

1 A is 6 A travels
B are B travel
C was C travelled
D were D travelling

2 A having 7 A have
B have B has
C had C had
D has D having

3 A studied 8 A liked
B study B liking
C studies C like
D studying D likes

4 A looking 9 A were
B look B was
C looks C are
D looked D is

5 A do 10 A hoping
B does B hoped
C did C hope
D doing D hopes
Nasri lives in Kuala Lumpur. His family members (1) back in Chaah, which is
a small town in Johor. He (2) four sisters and a young brother. They are all still
studying in primary school.
Nasri was born in Chaah and he (3) there until Year 6. Then he moved to a
boarding school in Kuala Lumpur in Form One. He misses his family and (4)
forward to going back during the school holidays. Nasri (5) like being in Kuala
Lumpur. There are so many things to do. He has gone to the cinemas with his friends
and they have visited the public libraries. They (6) around by bus which is cheap and
convenient. Although they (7) have to walk a lot, they do not mind.
When Nasir goes back to Chaah, he (8) the peace and quiet there. However,
after a few days, he gets bored because there (9) nothing to do except sleep and eat.
There are no big shopping malls to visit. He normally cycles around and visits his old
friends and relatives.
He enjoys living in a big town and (10) to study there until he gets into

Practice 4
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

1 A is 6 A in
B was B on
C sells C at
D costs D for

2 A affect 7 A is
B effect B are
C effort C has
D afford D have

3 A his 8 A beyond
B they B beside
C their C across
D theirs D from

4 A to 9 A start
B can B starts
C will C started
D for D starting

5 A chose 10 A by
B choice B from
C choices C after
D choose D before

Books are getting really expensive these days. For example, the latest Harry
Potter book (1) at RM89.90. How many people can (2) that? Where else can
children who are interested in reading get (3) reading materials?
Well, there are now many rent-and-buy bookstores (4) cater to bookworms.
Such stores stock a huge (5) of English, Malay and Chinese books, which are all in
good condition. They cater to all children, teenagers and adults who are hooked (6)
reading. There (7) Enid Blyton adventure stories, Sweet Valley High novels and
Archie comics for children, and even books that range (8) medical thrillers to
espionage, for adults.
Rental rates (9) as low as RM3 to RM12 for a rare title. Each book is rented
out for 90 days. Books returned (10) the due date are charged for a second rental

Practice 5
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

1 A seen 6 A told
B reported B required
C expected C asked
D forecast D advised

2 A jammed 7 A angle
B diverted B middle
C closed C point
D destroyed D direction

3 A broken 8 A put
B poured B away
C destroyed C in
D overflowed D back

4 A evacuated 9 A seen
B helped B expected
C rescued C reported
D taken D falling

5 A carry 10 A Expectedly
B take B Hopefully
C direct C Incidentally
D move D Fortunately

Good evening. Tonight the main news is all about the weather. Storms are (1) in all
parts of the country.
In Kota Bharu, many roads are (2) because of flood waters. The Kelantan river
has (3) its banks again. Residents have been (4) to higher grounds or out up at relief
centres. Efforts are now being made to (5) more residents in low-laying areas to these
relief centres. The people are (6) to keep tuned to the radio for news on the weather.
The sea is expected to be rough with strong winds blowing from the (7) of the sea.
Small fishing boats are advised to stay (8) from the sea during the storm.
Elsewhere, heavy rain has also been (9) . In Kampung Pencala, trees have been
up-rooted and roof tops blown away. (10) , no one was hurt. The affected families are
now staying with their relatives, friends or at relief centres set up in community halls and

Practice 6
Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow.
Arina : Hello, may I please speak to Miss Lim?
Miss Lim : Speaking.
Arina : Miss Lim, __________ (1) is Arina.
Miss Lim : Hello, Arina. Are you coming to class on Tuesday?
Arina : Miss Lim, Im sorry but I _______ (2) make it for class next Tuesday. I need to be
_______ (3) netball practice from 4.00 to 6.00 p.m. So, I need to change the time of
________ (4) music class.
Miss Lim : On Tuesdays, my first class is at 3.30 p.m. Can you come at 2.15 p.m. ________ (5)
your class?
Arina : I think 2.15 p.m. is a bit too _______ (6) for me. I only get home at 1.40 p.m.
Miss Lim : Oh! I see.
Arina : Can I have my class on Saturday evening _______ (7)?
Miss Lim : Sorry, ________ (8) that is not possible. I am fully booked by other students on
Arina : In that case, can I have my class slightly _________ (9), at 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday?
Miss Lim : Yes, that ________ (10) be possible. So, Ill change it to 2.30 p.m.
Arina : Thank you, Miss Lim.
Miss Lim : No problem. See you tomorrow then, Arina.

1 A this
B that
C these
D those
2 A can
B cant
C dont
D doesnt
3 A at
B on
C with
D during
4 A her
B our
C mine
D your
5 A at
B for

C after
D before
6 A rush
B fast
C rushed
D faster
7 A only
B when
C instead
D however
8 A so
B or
C but
D and
9 A later
B earlier
C slower
D quicker
10 A could
B couldnt
C will
D wont


Practice 1

1 C
2 A
3 C
4 A
5 D
6 C
7 A
8 A
9 B
10 C

Practice 2

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. A

Practice 3

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. D
10. D

Practice 4

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. C

Practice 5

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. D
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. D

Practice 6

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. C


Notes for teachers:


1. Reading comprehension is tested in Paper 1 (Questions 27 40) of the 2012 PMR English paper.
2. There are 14 questions, each carrying 1 mark.
3. Six questions (Questions 27 32) are based on a non-linear text and eight questions (Questions 33 40)
on a linear text.


1. Read the questions first then the passage.
Normally, some questions will be set to test at the knowledge level (not necessarily in the first paragraph).
Students can get the answers directly from the passage. The rest of the questions are asked in sequence.
2. Identify the keywords from the questions:
a. Why, what - reasons
b. Where - place
c. Who - people
d. When - time
3. Vocabulary identify words/phrases used within the context.


Types of questions:
Direct questions
~ Locate specific information and supporting details
Vocabulary questions
~ Understanding words and phrases
~ Contextual clues
Inferential questions
~ Contextual clues
Analytical questions
~ Theme
~ Main idea


Practice 1
Read the following poster carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

1 Dengue fever can be found in

A tropical countries only
B sub-tropical countries
C both tropical and sub-tropical countries
D all countries around the world

2 Dengue fever is transmitted through

A bites of mosquitoes
B bites of Aedes mosquitoes
C bites of female mosquitoes
D bites of female Aedes mosquitoes
What is Dengue?
It is a disease caused by the Aedes mosquito.
It is found in tropical and sub-tropical regions around the world.

How is Dengue transmitted?
The Dengue virus is transmitted to humans through bites of female Aedes
These mosquitoes acquire/get the virus while feeding on the blood of an
infected person.
After 8-10 days of incubation, an infected mosquito can transmit the virus to
The lifespan of a mosquito is between 15 to 65 days and it will infect as many
people as it possibly can while it is still alive.

What are the signs?
Dengue fever is a flu-like illness with high fever, headache, pain behind the
eyes, muscle and joint pains and rashes. It seldom causes death.
Dengue haemorrhagic fever may cause death.

What can you do to prevent or control Dengue?
Make sure your house is free from Aedes mosquitoes by:
getting rid of containers, both man-made and natural, that can breed
mosquitoes (man-made containers include flower pot base plants, metal
drums, plastic food containers, tyres while natural containers include leaves
and fruit shells);
spraying insecticides in the house to kill the hidden mosquitoes;
using insecticide such as ABATE when storing water.

Remember: Prevention is better than cure!


3 How long can Aedes mosquitoes live?

A 8-10 days
B 8-15 days
C 15-20 days
D 15-65 days

4 All of the following are signs of dengue fever EXCEPT

A high fever
B headaches
C nausea
D rashes

5 ABATE is

A a man-made container
B a type of mosquito
C a spray
D an insecticide

6 The best explanation for Prevention is better than cure is

A prevent the Aedes mosquitoes from spreading
B you cannot cure dengue fever from infecting humans
C it is easier to prevent a cure using insecticide
D it is better to be careful first than to try to solve a problem after it has happened

Read the following letter and answer the following questions.

128, Taman Sepakat,
51000 Kuala Lumpur.
16 June 2012.

Dear John,

Thank you for your letter which I received two days ago. I must really commend you on your ability to write.
Congratulations on winning the second prize in the national-level Petronas Art Competition. Your parents
must be proud of you. Keep on practising and participate in more competitions to hone your skills. Exposure to
higher level competition will spur you to achieve greater heights, so look out for opportunities. Ill keep my eyes
peeled for advertisement and will let you know if I come across any worthwhile competitions. Meantime, continue
to brush up on your skills. Observe techniques used by great artists, study them and develop your own style and
individuality. With determination and hard work, you will succeed.
John, along your way to success, there may be times of hardship. There may be times when things do not
work out. Do not be discouraged, but persevere, for success comes to those who do not quit.
Talking about persevering, Im sorry to hear that your brother James did poorly in his recent exam. Tell him
not to be sad but to take his failure as a challenge to strive for better results the next time. Remind him about
the story of the runner who didnt give up, which Aunty Molly told both of you, and tell him to be that runner. As his
elder brother, advise him to study hard, and help him with his studies. Make sure that he understands his lessons
and encourage him to seek help from teachers or friends. Ill be going to Johor Bahru on a business trip next
weekend, and I shall drop by to speak to him. In the meantime, help him overcome the difficulties he faces in his
Well, John, I think youve heard enough from me for the time being. After all, Ill be meeting you in person
in less than ten days time and well have the opportunity to talk. Continue to develop your talents and help James
discover his.

Your uncle,

7 John is Franciss
A niece
B uncle
C cousin
D nephew

8 John can improve his art by doing the following except
A painting constantly
B joining more national-level competitions
C visiting art galleries to study paintings done by other artists
D look through the newspapers for announcements on art competitions

9 Molly and Francis maybe related in the following ways except
A brother and sister
B husband and wife
C uncle and niece
D cousins

10 The following are reasons why Francis wrote the letter except
A to condemn
B to encourage
C to congratulate
D to express concern

11 The word persevere refers to
A study
B tolerate
C carry on
D be polite

12 The phrase to take his failure as a challenge can best be described by the saying
A Look before you leap
B A stitch in time saves nine
C Failure is the mother a success
D Dont count your chicken before they are hatched

13 John helps his younger brother by
A going on a business trip
B meeting Uncle Francis to talk to him
C observing the techniques used by great artists
D advising him to study hard and get help from teachers and friends

14 Select the correct statement.
A Francis is a businessman
B Johns future in the field of art is bleak
C James performed superbly in the recent exam
D Aunt Molly is encouraging Francis to persevere in whatever he does


Mr. Grahame : Excuse me. I need to go to Seaview Hotel. Can you tell me the direction?
Iskandar : Yes, of course. Seaview Hotel is along Jalan Mawar. Its not far from here. You
have to walk down this road and then turn left at the roundabout. Now you will be
in Jalan Melati. You will see some shops on your right and left. You will soon
come to a T-junction. Turn right here and walk straight down until you come to a
crossroad. Then turn left. You will see some shops and a clinic on your right.
There is a road beside the clinic. Turn into this road. This is Jalan Mawar.
Seaview Hotel is here, on your left.
Mr. Grahame : Oh dear! Im confused. Could you repeat the directions while I write everything
Iskandar : Ive a better idea. Ill draw a map for you. Do you have a piece of paper?
Mr. Grahame : Yes, here it is. Thank you. Thats very kind of you.
Iskandar : Youre welcome.

Practice 2

Read the dialogue below and study the map given carefully, then answer the questions that follow.

1 Mr. Grahame wanted to go to

A the post office
B Seaview Hotel
C Iskandars house
D Jalan Mawar

2 A crossroad is a junction where

A two roads meet
B four roads meet
C all roads end in a cross
D it is dangerous to cross


3 Iskandar asked for a piece of paper because he wanted to

A draw a map
B write the directions down
C write his address
D draw a picture of Seaview Hotel

4 What is opposite Seaview Hotel in the map?

A Supermarket
B An office building
C A shopping complex
D A medical centre

5 The dialogue is mainly about

A Seaview Hotel
B how far Seaview Hotel is
C directions to Seaview Hotel
D the buildings near Seaview Hotel

6 What is the large building along Jalan Melati as shown on the map?

A Stadium
B Permai Medical Centre
C Swimming pool
D A supermarket

Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow.

Danial : What time should I rise and shine tomorrow morning, Pak Ngah?
Pak Hassan : I am normally up by 5 oclock in the morning. Are you sure you want to get up so
early? You are on holiday, you know. Dont you want to sleep in? your father
wants you to relax. He is my older brother, so I have to listen to him.
Danial : Oh, please, Pak Ngah. I will only be here for a few days. I want to help you with
your chores. I know you have a lot of work to do.
Pak Hassan : Thats right. I do have a fair bit of work to do every morning and I like to finish
before the sun comes up. Otherwise, it gets too hot to work fast.
Danial : What can I help you with, Pak Ngah?
Pak Hassan : Well, I usually feed the chickens, ducks, goats and cows first. You can help me to
collect the chicken eggs and feed the chickens and ducks.
Danial : Thats easy. You also milk the cows and goats. Can I help?
Pak Hassan : You can try. It may not be easy at first but you can learn. After that, if you are not
too tired, we can pick the vegetables for the market. We have to be ready to go to
the market by six thirty, so we have to work quickly.
Danial : No problem, Pak Ngah. I will go to bed but I am not sure I can sleep. I am quite
excited about my first working day in a kampung tomorrow.
Pak Hassan : Good night, Danial. The cockerels will be crowing bright and early even if you
Danial : Good night.

7 Pak Hassan usually wakes up
A early in the morning.
B after the sun rises.
C at six thirty
D at five p.m

8 Danial is Pak Hassans ..
A cousin
B son
C niece
D nephew

9 Why is Danial staying with Pak Hassan? He is .
A working for him.
B planning to relax.
C feeding the chickens
D spending his holidays

10 These are the chores that Pak Hassan needs to do except
A milking the cows and goats.
B picking the vegetables
C feeding the livestock
D sleeping in

11 At the village, Danial will be learning to
A milk the cows
B go to the market
C pluck the vegetables
D collect chicken eggs

12 Pak Hassan wants to finish his chores before the sun rises because
A it is easier to work in the dark.
B the animals do not like the hot sun.
C the hot sun makes it difficult to work quickly.
D he wants to be at the market by six thirty in the morning.

13 Danial is excited about
A helping with the chores on his uncles farm.
B getting up late every morning
C being a farmer in his life.
D going to bed late.

14 Choose the incorrect statement.
A This passage tells us of a farmers difficult life.
B This passage is about the adventures of a boy from a big town.
C This passage shows that life in a kampong and a town is different.
D This passage gives us an idea of what a day in a kampong would be like.


Practice 3
Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.

1 What advice did their mother give May Lin and Sher Lin?
A They should study hard.
B They should enjoy themselves.
C They should make a class timetable.
D They should plan how to spend their time.

2 According to Robert, life at the primary school level is easier because

A there are fewer exams
B pupils need not study very hard
C the teachers give less homework
D pupils are allowed to go home earlier

3 Study the two timetables. Which of the following statements is not true?

A May Lin has no hobby.
B Both Sher Lin and May Lin play the piano.
C Sher Lins favourite hobby seems to be watching TV.
D Compared to Sher Lin, May Lin spends more time revising her lessons.
4 Which of the following statements is true?

A Sher Lin likes gardening.
B May Lin goes to bed later than Sher Lin.
C May Lin helps her mother to cook lunch every day.
D Sher Lin spends more time on her studies than on watching TV.

Twin sisters, May Lin and Sher Lin were very excited. They would be going to a new school
in a few days time. But at the same time they were also very nervous. They wondered
whether they could do well in their studies. Their brother, Robert, had warned them: Therell
be many more subjects and tons of homework!
Dont worry, their mother told them. If you plan out how you should spend your
time, you will have enough time for work and play. So why dont both of you plan your own
The following day the twins showed their mother their timetables.


5 According to the timetables above, Sher Lin and May Lin can

A watch TV together
B do gardening together
C do homework together
D help mother in the kitchen together

6 What do you think Sher Lins mother would say to her when she looks at her timetable?

A Im glad you like gardening.
B I didnt know you could play computer games.
C Do you plan to do your homework at 3.00 pm?
D Dont you think you are spending too much time watching TV?

Read the passage below carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow.

The two salesgirls continued talking though one of them could see Encik Husni approaching the
counter. He had to wait a full five minutes before Mei Ling, one of the salesgirls, turned to him with a
bothered look on her face.
I wonder if you could show me the latest range of belts for me, Encik Husni enquired. Mei Ling lazily
pointed her finger and curtly said, They are over there. Then she resumed her conversation with her
salesgirl friend.
As soon as she was sure Encik Husni was not within earshot, she complained, Did you see how
shabbily he was dressed? He must be blind too, as the belts are just around the corner, and he missed
them. Some people have the nerve!
At closing time, Miss Chan the sales supervisor walked over to Mei Lings counter and asked if a
Malay man had approached her for some belts. Yes, as a matter of fact he did, replied Mei Ling. Well, I
hope you showed him our range and pampered him with the service our company is so famous for. Encik
Husni is the new chairman of our company, Miss Chan said with a smile.
Mei Ling swallowed a gulp of air. She told herself she would say a prayer as soon as she got home. It
would be disastrous to lose her job over this.

7 According to the text above, Mei Ling is a
A supervisor
B customer
C salesgirl
D cashier

8 The salesgirls were when Encik Husni arrived.
A tagging items on offer
B folding clothes
C checking stock
D talking

9 When Encik Husni approached the counter, Mei Ling should have
A ignored him completely
B pretended not to see him at all
C continued talking to her friend
D stopped talking and attended to him


10 The phrase not within earshot means
A could not reach the ear
B could not listen carefully
C unable to hear from a specific distance
D unable to touch the ear from a distance

11 Instead of merely pointing her finger to show Encik Husni where the belts were kept, Mei Ling
ought to have
A made fun of his dressing too
B asked her friend where it was
C accompanied him to where the belts were
D offered to show him where the belts and shirts were

13 We can infer from the passage that
A Mei Ling is Miss Chans subordinate
B Mei Ling will be punished for her inaction
C Encik Husni was desperate to see the latest range of belts for men
D Encik Husni wanted to learn more about the day to day operations of the company

14 It is obvious that Mei Ling
A will change her ways
B treated everyone fairly
C provided excellent customer service
D did not recognize the new company chairman

12 According to the passage, Encik Husni was
A ill-treated
B given a treat
C treated shoddily
D treated with respect


Practice 4

Read the label below and answer the questions that follow.

1 According to the label, what can GG instant skim milk powder do for us?
A It is very easy to use.
B It contains vitamins.
C It is made from cows milk.
D It helps to make our bones stronger.

2 GG instant skim milk is best for
A babies
B fat people
C teenagers who are too thin
D people with strong bones

3 If you want GG milk to taste better, you must
A add vitamins
B add more milk powder
C leave it overnight in the fridge
D drink it warm as soon as you make it

Instant Milk Power
Good Health and Strong Bones

GG skim milk powder is made from cows milk. So it is rich in protein and calcium. It is
very low in fat it contains only 0.7% milk fat.
GG skim milk also has all the important vitamins you need for good health. All you have to
do is drink just two glasses a day.

Add 1 part GG skim milk powder to 4 parts warm or cold water. Stir. GG milk powder
dissolves instantly.
For even better taste, keep overnight in the fridge before use.
Keep lid tightly closed and store in a cool dry place.

Recommended price:
Peninsular Malaysia RM 12.99
East Malaysia RM 13.99

Manufactured in New Zealand
Packed in Malaysia for
W&T Dairies (M) Sdn. Bhd.
16, Jalan Semangat,
46700, Petaling Jaya,
Selangor. Tel: 03-7566611
Not suitable
for babies
750 g

4 Which of the following is false?
A This tin of milk powder weighs 750 g.
B GG milk powder is not made from goats milk.
C You can use cold or warm water to dissolve GG milk powder.
D The price of GG instant skim milk powder is the same everywhere in Malaysia.

5 According to the label, GG instant skim milk powder is
A packed in New Zealand.
B made in Petaling Jaya.
C exported by Malaysia.
D a New Zealand product.

6 The word overnight means
A for a night
B for many nights
C over two nights
D a fortnight

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

Normal people do not have to fear mentally retarded or mentally disabled people. These people are
neither dangerous nor crazy. It is just that the brain of the mentally disabled does not have the ability and
power to perform as well as a normal person. Some mentally disabled people are quite gifted in certain ways.
However, in many cases their abilities are not known because no one had tried to tap the potential in them.
Many families still keep their mentally disabled children at home. Some do this because of
embarrassment or because they are concerned that these children might get hurt when exposed to the outside
world. Others feel that there is no point in sending these children to schools or institutions because they do not
realise the potential that the children have of leading a normal life if the required disciplines and skills are
learned and put into practice by these children.
There are several voluntary organizations which take in young disabled children and teach them how to
live almost normal lives and be part of society.
The Joy Training Workshop, however, caters to those aged 16 years and above. The workshop serves
as a day-care centre for working parents with special children. At the workshop, located in Taman Melaka Raya
in Melaka, mentally disabled teenagers and young adults are taught to handle certain responsibilities that
prepare them to fit into society while developing healthy lifestyles. The workshop is managed by Pam Anand.
Her principal aim is to provide the disabled with opportunities and avenues to learn daily living skills and to
pick up work-related expertise.
According to Pam, besides recreational and educational activities and programmes, the workshops
trainees are taught to undertake part-time work such as assembly and packaging. This enables them to earn a
small but meaningful income. Several local manufacturing concerns sometimes utilize the trainees know-how
and expertise for contract jobs. The trainees also run a jumble corner where used clothes and second hand
household items are put up for sale.
Festival days and trainees birthdays are always special occasion at the workshop. Parents and well-
wishers turn up at the workshop to join in the celebrations and bring cheer to the trainees. To stimulate social
outdoor activities, several parents volunteer to take the trainees out on field trips and excursions.
The workshop, which runs on a non-profit basis, also has several volunteers who drop in to help out


7 Mentally retarded people are those
A who are dangerous
B who are gifted in certain ways
C whose brains do not function as well as normal peoples brains.
D whose mental ability and power is better than normal peoples brains

8 Some families keep their mentally retarded children at home for the following reasons except
A they are embarrassed of these children.
B they believe that these children would not be able to lead normal lives
C they know that these children can be taught to lead almost normal lives
D they are worried that their children might get hurt if they are on their own

9 How is Joy Training Workshop different from other voluntary organizations for mentally disabled
or retarded people?
A They take in people who are not retarded.
B They take in people who are sixteen years and above.
C They only take in children who are below sixteen years of age.
D They do not allow people who are not retarded into the workshops.
10 The trainees at the Workshop learn
A where to do part time work
B how to take care of retarded people
C how to become experts and gifted people
D how to live a normal life and earn their own money

11 The word principal in paragraph four means
A main
B opinion
C standard
D headmistress

12 Which of the following statements from the passage states that the trainees are sometimes paid
for the work they do at the workshop?
A This enables them to earn a small but meaningful income.
B the workshops trainees are taught to undertake part-time work such as assembly and
C Several local manufacturing concerns sometimes utilize the trainees know-how and
expertise for contract jobs.
D The trainees also run a jumble corner where used clothes and second-hand household
items are put up for sale.
13 The trainees are taken on field trips and excursions to
A help them to relax
B teach them about fields and excursions
C show them what to do when they go out on their own
D help them learn to mix around freely with other people in public places

14 The phrase non profit basis in the last paragraph means that the workshop
A makes a lot of profit from running the workshop
B does not earn any money by providing training
C spends a lot of money on the workshop
D gets a lot of donations from volunteers


Calling all caring citizens!!

Jointly organized by Perlis Girl Guides Association and Puspanita in aid of the Kenangan Orphanage and
Kenangan Old Folks Home.
Date : October 8, 2012
Time : 8.00 am -9.00 pm
Venue : Kenangan
Official opening by the Chairman of Kenangan Charity Organisation

Cultural performances! Attractive prizes
Food from all over the world! Movies!

Adjacent parking lot is available.

Get coupons at RM10.00 per booklet from the organizers / ticket booth / the entrance. Donations welcome; send
to Puspanita /Perlis Girl Guides Association. All proceeds go to charitable organizations.

Volunteers needed; contact organizers at 05-2738826

Practice 5

Read the poster below and answer the questions.

1 The purpose of the poster is to
A inform the public about the food and fun fair
B convince the public to go to the town hall
C urge the public to support the food and fun fair
D make the public volunteer during the food and fun fair

2 Which statement is NOT true about the food and fun fair?
A It is organized by the members of Puspanita and Perlis Girl Guides Association.
B It will be held in the town hall from morning till night.
C The admission fee to the food and fun fair is RM10.00.
D There will be a lot of food on sale.

3 Seng Hock wants to do his part for the needy but he has no money. What can he do to show his support?
A Make a donation to Perlis Girl Guides Association
B Buy tickets
C Volunteer to help out
D Ask his friends to go to the food and fun fair

4 All proceeds go to charitable organizations means
A only members of charitable organizations can proceed and help out
B money and donations collected will be given to charitable organizations
C various charitable organizations will be present at the food and fun fair
D charitable organizations will sell food during the food and fun fair


5 Below are the reasons for going to the food and fun fair EXCEPT
A there will be many things to see
B it will be crowded there
C we can do our part for the needy
D we can enjoy ourselves there

6 The word adjacent in the poster means
A in front of
B at the back of
C opposite
D next to

Read the following newspaper report and answer the questions that follow.
Kuala Pilah, Sat. A grandmother suffered burns on her face, hands and back when she rushed into her
burning house to save three children during a fire at a squatter settlement in Kampung Serindit here today.
Mastura Rahman, 63, risked her life to save her two grandchildren and a neighbours child whom she
was baby-sitting. I had just put them to sleep when I heard someone shouting that my house was on fire. I
rushed out and noticed my kitchen engulfed in flames. Before I could do anything, there was an explosion and
the flames quickly spread to other parts of the house, says Mastura.
I ran back into the house and headed straight for the cradle where my six-month old grandson was
sleeping. Awakened by the heat, noise and flames, Masturas other grandchild and her neighbours child cried
out for her in fear. However, thick smoke and intense heat prevented her from reaching them at first.
Mastura carried her grandson out to safety, then re-entered the burning house despite efforts and pleas
to restrain her. Minutes later, she emerged, slightly burned on her face, hands and back, but with the two
children in tow. Mastura lost all her possessions in the fire but she is glad she managed to save the children,
adding that she wouldnt know what to do if she hadnt been successful.
20 firemen in 3 fire engines who rushed to the scene after receiving a distress call at 3.10 pm took 95
minutes to bring the blaze under control. In the fire, described as one of the worst in the district since 1996,
about 100 people were made homeless and 19 homes destroyed.

7 According to the newspaper report,

A the fire took place in the morning
B the houses were burned on purpose
C firemen battled the flames for more than an hour
D no one managed to save anything

8 The expression risked her life means

A Mastura could have died in the fire
B Mastura helped to control the blaze
C Mastura enjoyed risks and challenges
D Mastura did not value her life

9 The words below can be used to describe Mastura except

A neighbourly
B daredevil
C self-sacrificing
D impulsive

10 The children cried as they were

A afraid
B awakened
C abandoned
D hot

11 Masturas neighbours try to restrain her from entering the house for

A they were afraid of her
B it was dangerous to enter the house
C they thought she would not have been able to save the children
D the firemen could save the children

12 According to the passage, Mastura felt glad because

A she lost all her belongings
B her grandchildren were safe
C 100 people were made homeless
D 19 homes were destroyed

13 The word engulfed as used in the passage can best be replaced with

A swallowed up
B came out
C caught on
D stood out

14 The best headline for the newspaper report is

A 20 firemen battled fire in Kg Serindit
B 100 made homeless in fire
C Grandma saved three
D Grandma hurt in fire

Practice 1
1. C
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. D
8. D
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. B
13. D
14. A
Practice 2
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. D
10. D
11. A
12. C
13. A
14. B
Practice 3
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. C
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. D

Practice 4
1. D
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. B
10. D
11. A
12. A
13. D
14. B
Practice 5
1. C
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. B
13. A
14. C



Candidates will be given one of the six poems studied from Form 1 to Form 3

Form 1:

The River Valerie Bloom
Mr. Nobody unknown

Form 2:

I Wonder Jeannie Kirby
Heir Conditioning M. Shanmughalingam

Form 3:

A Fighters Lines Marzuki Ali
Leisure William Henry Davies


1. Look into the literary elements:
- Themes - Tones - Values/Lessons
- Mood - Persona - Poetic Devices
2. Understand the keywords and phrases


The Railway Children Edith Nesbit


Areas to focus on:
Plot the outline of the events in the story
Theme idea around the story
Setting the time, place and people/characters/societies
Main characters the person around whom the story revolves
Minor characters other people in the story
Lessons/moral values

Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

Answer the following questions

1. Who is the person in the poem?

2. What does the word wonder mean?

3. What is the tone of the poem?

4. Where is the persona in the poem?

5. Why is the poet always wondering about the nature?

6. Name two things that the persona wonders in the poem?

7. What poetic device is the trees to take a rest?

8. What is the theme of the poem?


I wonder why the grass is green,
And why the wind is never seen?

Who taught the birds to build a nest,
And told the trees to take a rest?

O, when the moon is not quite round,
Where can the missing bit be found?

Who lights the stars, when they blow out,
And makes the lightning flash about?

Who paints the rainbow in the sky,
And hangs the fluffy clouds so high?

Why is it now, do you suppose,
That Dad wont tell me, if he knows?

Jeannie Kirby

Suggested answers

1. Child/young boy/boy
2. Unsure/not sure
3. Earnest/curious
4. Open place/park/garden/field
5. Wants to know how such things happen/alerts/sensitive of surroundings
6. Any two themes
7. Personification
8. Appreciate nature/nature is beautiful/ curiosity of a child towards the nature/aware of

Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

1. What is the poem about?

2. What is the symbol of modern life?

3. What is the symbol of olden life?

4. What did the persona highlight in the second stanza?

5. Who are involved in the poem?

6. What is the tone of the poem?

7. Give two moral values that you know from the poem.

8. Which type of life would you prefer to live in? Give a reason.

9. What do these symbols represent?

a) Paper fans
b) Air cons
c) Money


Grand dad did you breathe
before air cons were invented
was it hard staying
alive without modern inventions?
Grandma werent you flustered
as you fluttered with paper fans?
Could you communicate before
faxes and long distance calls
became basic necessities?

Grandchild we lived
before your age. Because
of our ignorance,
we did not know
pollution, stress, traffic jams
destruction of forests, streams and hills
we feared God and nature
now nature fears you and
money is your new God.

M. Shanmughalingam

Suggested answers

1. About life (modern/olden)/past life/present life
2. Air cons/faxes/long distance calls
3. Paper fans
4. Living without modern technologies/easy life/life without modern gadgets
5. Child, grand dad, grandma/child, grandparents/child, grandmother, grandfather
6. Serious/nave/eager
7. Any suitable answer
8. Any suitable answer
9. a) paper fans-simple life
b) air cons- present life/modern life
c) money- new God in present life/materialistic

Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

1. What is the theme of the poem?
2. The word he in the above poem means
3. The River is having the qualities of human beings. What is the poetic device used?
4. Which stanza tells you that The River is threatening?
5. What is the tone of the poem?
6. What word tells you that The River is angry?
7. Why does the poet compare The River to a wanderer or a tramp?
8. What is your opinion about The River?

The River

The Rivers a wanderer,
A nomad, a tramp,
He doesnt choose one place
To set up his camp.

The Rivers a winder,
Through valley and hill
He twists and he turns,
He just cannot be still.

The Rivers a hoarder,
And he buries down deep
Those little treasures
That he wants to keep.

The Rivers a baby,
He gurgles and hums,
And sounds like hes happily
Sucking his thumbs.

The Rivers a singer,
As he dances along,
The countryside echoes
The notes of his song.

The Rivers a monster
Hungry and vexed,
Hes gobbled up trees
And hell swallow you next

Valerie Bloom

Suggested answers

1. The joys Nature brings/Nature is both beneficial and destructive/Nature has its simple
charms/The River is a natural source of life
(accept any other suitable answer)

2. River
3. Personification/metaphor
4. Last stanza/Stanza 6
5. Cheerful/happy/joyful
6. Vexed
7. Moving/non-stop
8. Any suitable answer

Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

1. Who is Mr. Nobody?

2. What is your feeling about Mr. Nobody?

3. Do you like Mr. Nobody? Give your reasons.

Mr. Nobody

I know a funny little man,
As quiet as a mouse,
Who does the mischief that is done
In everybodys house!
Theres no one ever sees his face,
And yet we all agree
That every plate we break was cracked
By Mr. Nobody.

Tis he who always tears our books,
Who leaves the door ajar,
He pulls the buttons from our shirts,
And scatters pins afar;
That squeaking door will always sqeak,
For, prithee, dont you see,
We leave the oiling to be done
By Mr. Nobody.

He puts damp wood upon the fire,
That kettles cannot boil;
His are the feet that bring in mud,
And all the carpets soil.
The papers always are mislaid,
Who had them last but he?
Theres no one tosses them about
But Mr. Nobody.

The finger marks upon the door
By none of us are made;
We never leave the blinds unclosed,
To let the curtains fade;
The ink we never spill; the boots
That lying round you see
Are not our boots they all belong
To Mr. Nobody.

Author Unknown

4. Mr. Nobody is blamed for:


5. Which line and stanza shows the poetic device simile?

6. What is the tone of the poem?

7. What kind of person is Mr. Nobody?

8. What actions that can be considered as mischief at home?

Suggested answers

1. A person who behaves badly/ someone who does naughty things/someone who is making
mischief in everyones home/ a mischief maker.
2. Any suitable answer.
3. Any suitable answer.
4. Any suitable answer from the poem.
5. Stanza 1 line 2
6. Humorous tone
7. A guilty person
8. Any suitable answer from Stanzas 1,2,3 and 4

Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

1. What is the theme of the poem?

2. What is the tone of the poem?

3. Why does the persona have lost his strength?

4. The phrase sons of our ancestor means

5. What will happen if the younger generation does not do anything?

6. What can we learn from the poem?

7. Why does the persona feel helpless?

8. The phrase the net of deceit refers to

A Fighters Lines

I am old and worn
And have lost all my strength
And the history of the fight for independence
Have forced sacrifices
That know no name
Or life

From the wheelchair of the rest of my days
I, body and energy crushed
See and cannot do much
These times are too big a challenge
For the remnants of my crippled years
The net of deceit spread everywhere
Disturbs me.

In the name of justice
Wake up and form ranks sons of our ancestor
Be brave
And erect a wall of people
Stand up heirs of our freedom

I have no more voice
It is you now who should speak!

Marzuki Ali

Suggested answers:

1. Fight for justice/freedom/patriotism/independence
2. Gloomy/depressing/patriotic/worry
3. He has been fighting and has sacrificed for freedom/ badly wounded/became crippled for the rest
of his life/ has been suffering because he has been fighting for independence. (any suitable
4. Young generations/current generation
5. Any suitable answer
6. We should love our country/ should be united/ should fight for our rights
7. He is old and crippled/ tired and weak
8. Corruption/cheat (other suitable words or phrases)

Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

1. Name the type of this poem.

2. What type of life do we have today?

3. What does the word leisure mean?

4. How can we appreciate the Nature?

5. Who is the persona in this poem?

6. State the activities that you can do during leisure:


7. The expression as long as sheep or cows is used as a

8. What have you learnt from the poem?


What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like stars at night.

No time to turn at Beautys glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stop and stare.

William Henry Davies

Suggested answers

1. Couplet
2. Busy life
3. Rest/relax/enjoy
4. Looking/seeing/observing
5. Young person/adult/man/youth
6. Any suitable answers (2)
7. Simile
8. The simple things in life/happy life/we must have free time/we must enjoy our life/we must
find time for leisure.
(any other suitable answer)


1 In the novel The Railway Children, write about a character that you find most interesting. Give
reasons for your choice. Support your answer with evidence from the text.

Suggested outline of the answer:

Name/ choose the novel
State one interesting character from the novel
Give at least 2 reasons why the character is interesting
Provide evidence from the text.

2 Based on the novel The Railway Children, write about one helpful character.
Give evidence from the novel to support your answer.

Suggested outline of the answer:

Name / choose the novel
Write one character who shows being helpful
Provide evidence / reasons from the novel

3 Based on the novel The Railway Children, write about one of the themes.
Give evidence from the novel to support your answer.

Suggested outline of the answer:

Name / choose the novel
Mention / write on one theme that you know from the novel.
Give evidence from the text to support your answer.

4 Based on the novel The Railway Children, write about a moral value that you have learned.
Give evidence from the novel to support your answer.

Suggested outline of the answer:

Name / choose the novel
Write a moral value that you know from the novel chosen
Provide evidence to support your answer.

5 Based on the novel The Railway Children, write on one of the lessons that you have learned.
Give evidence from the novel to support your answer.

Suggested outline of the answer

Name / choose the novel
Write on one lesson that you have learned.
Provide evidence to support your answer
Relate the lesson learnt with your personal life.

6 Based on the novel The Railway Children, write about an event that makes the characters feel
Provide evidence from the novel to support your answer.

Suggested outline of the answer:

Write one of the events in the novel which makes the characters feel happy
Give evidence from the novel

7 Based on the novel The Railway Children, write about a sad incident in the novel.
Provide evidence from the novel to support your answer.

Suggested outline of the answer:

Write one sad incident
Provide evidence to support your answer




Requirements of task fulfilled
Ideas and details well-developed, well-organised with
evidence form text.
Varied sentence structures (simple and compound)
Wide and apt vocabulary
Accurate use of language
Accurate mechanics of writing



Requirements of task fulfilled
Ideas and details largely developed, organised and supported
with evidence from text
Varied sentence structures (simple and compound)
Vocabulary wide enough
Largely accurate use of language
Largely accurate mechanics of writing



Requirements of task fulfilled
Ideas and details sufficiently developed with some
organisation and supported with some evidence from text
Sentence structures lack variety (simple structure dominates)
Adequate vocabulary used
Sufficiently accurate use of language
Fairly accurate mechanics of writing



Requirements of task partially fulfilled
Ideas lack development and organisation with minimal textual
support mere narration
Sentence structures mostly simple with errors that hamper
Vocabulary limited
Language is barely accurate with errors that hamper reading
Inconsistent mechanics of writing



Requirements of task hardly fulfilled
Hardly any development of relevant ideas or textual support
High density of errors; blurring evidence, lacks cohesion
Vocabulary very limited
Mechanics of writing numerous errors


Sentence Construction

1) Simple sentence

a) It must have at least one object and one verb
Subject + Verb : To show what happened in the story

Subject Verb
slept (in the room)
smiles (at me)
died (yesterday)
will go (to Langkawi)
were shopping (there)
have arrived (at the jetty)
are playing (football)

Subject + Verb + Object : To show action done on someone/ something else.

Subject Verb Object
is looking at
will read

b) Subject + was / were + ing : To show what was happening in the story (past continuous

Subject Verb (to be) + ing

c) Subject + was / were + what : To describe people, things, place or time

Subject Verb (to be) Descriptive (adj)

2) Compound sentence

A compound sentence is a sentence with 2 simple sentences joined by a conjunction.

The conjunctions are as follows: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
(Tips: The first letter of each conjunction when put together forms the word FANBOYS.)

Subject Verb Object Conjunction Subject Verb Object
can take

a bus
can take
a taxi

3) Complex sentence

A complex sentence is a sentence or a phrase joined by one or more simple sentences. A
complex sentence always has a connector such as because, since, after, although, or when or a
relative pronoun such as that, who, or which.

Subject Verb Object Connectors Subject Verb Object
He handed in his homework that he
Teacher returned the homework after she noticed the error
They stopped studying before Maria left them

Past Tense

Singular (verb)


Plural (verb)



Analysis of PMR Guided Writing Questions

General Guidelines for GUIDED WRITING [25 marks 40 minutes]

1. Always read the question carefully and highlight what you need to do (task). Check the tone/pronoun
2. Use the 40 minutes wisely: Use 5 minutes to plan your essay and organise your thoughts (what to
write, how to elaborate on the points given). Then, use 30 minutes to write and 5 minutes to edit.
3. Remember to use all the points given.
4. Remember to give relevant details or elaborate the points given. Use WH- questions to help you
develop your points.
5. Vary your sentence structures so that your essay is not dull and monotonous.
6. Include an introduction (may copy from the question and check if you need to change the pronoun)
and a conclusion.
7. Also, make sure your paragraphs are well-organised.
8. Read through your written piece and edit it.

2002 Informal Letter
2003 Giving opinion
2004 Speech
2005 Report based on pictures
2006 Informal Letter based on notes given
2007 Story based on pictures
2008 Speech based on poster about safety in school
2009 An Article A visit to old folks home
2010 Story based on pictures


Good morning to the principal, teachers and fellow students. I am honoured to be given
this opportunity to talk on 'Health is Wealth'.


Thank you.


66, Lorong 8,
Diamond Park,
08000 Sungai Petani,

9 MAY 2012.

Dear Yati,


Yours sincerely,



At 8.30 a.m., 40 students and

Reported by,
(Secretary of Drama Club)


Health is Wealth

Which is more important? ..


Written by,


It was raining heavily. ......................................................................................


As I was walking home,.........................................................................................


Greeting / Salutation

(is most often used)
Dearest and My dearest
(are usually used only for people you love)
My dear .
(is used if you have a close relationship with someone, like your family or best friend)

Opening Remarks

How are you? I hope you are fine What a surprise to hear from you
I received your letter yesterday / a few
days ago
How are you? I am sorry I couldnt write

Closing Remarks

That will be for now. I hope to hear from
you soon.
Please send my warmest regards to your
Do write soon. I shall write again when I have time.

The Format



1, Jalan Bukit Lagi,
01000 Kangar,

2 June 2012

Dear Fadzle,

It was a wonderful surprise to hear from you

Do write to me again after your examinations. Until then,
good luck in the exam!

Your friend,





Ending &


Teachers Day Celebration : Word list/ Glossary for Exercises 1,2 and 3.

Word List Meaning in BM
advice (noun) nasihat
advise (verb) menasihat
aim/purpose/objective tujuan/matlamat/objektif
appreciate menghargai
appreciation penghargaan
assembly perhimpunan
celebrate/celebration meraikan
ceremony upacara
chairman pengerusi
cheer/cheered bersorakan
clapped tepuk (tangan)
concert konsert
decorate/decorated menghias
delicious sedap
deliver (a speech) menyampaikan
disperse/dispersed bersurai
district daerah
education pelajaran
gather/gathered berkumpul
grand meriah
guest-of -honour tetamu kehormat
guidance bimbingan
help bantuan
officiate merasmikan
prepare/prepared bersedia
present/presents hadiah
presented menyampaikan
principal pengetua
proudly dengan bangganya
render memberi
speech ucapan
state anthem/national anthem lagu negeri/lagu kebangsaan
various pelbagai
wakil representative
win/won menang

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with words from the word list to complete the following sentences.

1. My school ____________________ Teachers Day last week.
2. The _______________ started at 7.30 a.m.
3. We sang the National Anthem, Negaraku and the state _________________ .
4. The __________________ gave a speech.
5. The aim of the __________________ was to show appreciation to teachers.
6. The head prefect thanked the teachers for their __________________ and advice.
7. The teachers and students played _________________ games.
8. The students _______________ most of the games.
9. We had a _________________ at the school hall.
10. The principal ___________________ us to study hard.

Exercise 2


You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this question.
Your school celebrated Teachers Day last week. Write a letter to a friend to describe this special

Use these notes in your letter:
Assembly at 7.30 am
Speech by principal gave advice to students
Aim of celebration show appreciation to teachers
Speech by head prefect
Activities carried out games class parties - concert
When writing your letter :
you may use all the notes
elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
add any other relevant information
make sure it is not less than 120 words

(25 marks)

INFORMAL LETTER: (Notes for teachers)

BEFORE WRITING, always remind your students to ask a few WH-questions to help them elaborate on
the points given.

No Ideas / Points given WH Question
1 Assembly at 7.30 a.m.

* Where did the assembly take place?
* Who attended the assembly?
* Was anybody invited? Who?
2 Speech by principal gave advice
to students

* What was the main message of the
* What advice did the principal give?
3 Aim of celebration show
appreciation to teachers
* Why do students have to study hard
and develop good qualities?
4 Speech by head prefect * What was the content of the message?

Activities carried out games
class parties - concert

* What games were played?
* What did the winners get?
* What was the food prepared?
* What did you have in the concert? Singing?

Remind students to use these points in their answer:

1. Assembly at 7.30 a.m.
2. Speech by principal gave advice to students
3. Aim of celebration - show appreciation to teachers
4. Speech by head prefect
5. Activities carried out games class parties concert

Sample Answer 1
** Note the simple connectors e.g. After that, Then, After 12 noon, Finally.
Task : Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

123, Jalan Raja,
02600 Arau
22 June 2012

Dear Maslinda,
How are you? I hope you are fine. My family and I are doing just
My school _____________ Teachers Day last week. Many
students came that day. The ____________ started at 7.30 a.m. The
chairman of the PTA (PIBG) also came. We sang _________ and the
state anthem.
After that, the ____________ gave a speech. He __________ us
to study hard and be good students. He also told us that the aim of the
_____________ was to show appreciation to teachers. We should thank
our teachers.
Then the head prefect gave a speech. He thanked the teachers for
their ___________ and advice.
After 12 noon, the teachers and students played some
___________ games like football, throwing balloons and other games.
The students _________ most of the games. We won hampers. My class
bought a big _______ for the class party. Finally, we had a ___________
in the school hall. I took part in the concert. I sang Michael Jacksons
Beat It. We were very happy that day.
How about the Teachers Day celebration in your school? Do tell
me about it in your next letter. Take care and bye.
Your friend,
Mei Ling

Dari soalan tukar
gantinama Your kpd

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3
Point 4
(head prefects)

Point 5
( Activities)

---- (remember to
give a suitable
ending )

Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

123, Jalan Raja,
02600 Arau

22 June 2012

Dear Indra,
How are you? I hope you are fine. My family and I are doing just fine.
My school ____________ Teachers Day last week. Activities on that day started at 7.30 a.m.
First, we had an ___________ in the school hall. The principal and all the teachers were seated on a
colourful and nicely-decorated stage.
The school principal __________ a speech. He reminded students to study hard and develop
good qualities. This is our way of showing our ____________ to our teachers for their hard work. At the
end of the speech, we clapped loudly to show our appreciation to our teachers.
Then the Head Prefect delivered a speech. He thanked the teachers for their __________ and
compassion all this while. He also recited a poem entitled KASIH GURU. This was followed by our class
parties. At the parties, we ate the food that we had brought from home such as fried noodles, cakes and
sandwiches. We also sang, danced and played indoor games. I enjoyed playing Musical Chairs.
After 12 noon, some outdoor games were played. That was the most exciting event of the day.
Teachers and students played __________ interesting games like sack race, football, throwing balloons
and other relay games. The students won most of the games. The final event was a concert. Popular
songs were rendered by some students and traditional dances were performed by the Cultural Club. By
then, we were all tired but happy because we had had a whale of a time that day.
How about the Teachers Day celebration in your school? Do tell me about it in your next letter.
Take care and bye.
Your friend,

Exercise 4
You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this question.
Your school held the annual Prize Giving Day last week. Write a letter to a friend to describe this special

Use these notes in your letter:
Students and guests gather at the hall hall, well-decorated
Speech by principal congratulated students advised students to study hard
Aim of celebration to reward students for their hard work
- to motivate students to work harder
- you won a prize second position in the class.
Performance by students cultural dances by students of various races
( Malay dance, a Chinese dance, an Indian dance)
- choir presentation
Prize giving ceremony by guest-of-honour The District Education Officer
Prizes for a) good academic results
b) active participation in co-curriculum
c) service to the school
d) full attendance to school
Closing - a refreshment at the canteen

When writing your letter :
you may use all the notes
elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
add any other relevant information
make sure it is not less than 120 words

(25 marks)


General guidelines

1. Reports can be divided into a few types ( school magazines, newsletters and newspapers)
2. Reports are usually brief and written in simple language.
3. Read the question given carefully. Understand the short notes given.
4. When you have understood the notes given, expand these notes.
5. You may use your own ideas to make the report more interesting.
6. Know who you are writing for. This allows you to write with your readers in mind.
7. Arrange your points in paragraphs. Each main idea should have some supporting ideas.
8. Give your report a suitable title and write your name at the bottom on the left.
9. Check your spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Report On An Event-Wordlist for Exercises 1, 2 and 3.

Word List Meaning in BM
announced umumkan
audience penonton
ceremony upacara
cheer/cheered bersorakan
disperse/dispersed bersurai
district daerah
education pelajaran
free/freed membebaskan
gather/gathered berkumpul
grand meriah
jubilantly dengan penuh gembira.
march/marched berkawad
most awaited yang dinanti-nanti
occasion peristiwa
officiate merasmikan
organise/organised menganjurkan
participant peserta
practise mengamalkan
prepare/prepared bersedia
principal pengetua
proudly dengan bangga
receive/received menerima
remind/reminded mengingatkan
spectator penonton
speed memecut
support menyokong
various pelbagai
warm up memanaskan
wave/waved melambai
win/won menang

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with words from the word list to complete a report on an event.


On 15 June 2012, SMK Merpati [1]________________ a Sport Day. It was a grand
[2]______________ of the school. There were flags and buntings everywhere in the school. Teachers
and students prepared for the sports day several days before. On this day the State Education Director
came to [3]___________________ the Sport Day. In his speech, he reminded every student to practise
good sporting spirit. When he freed a pair of pigeons into the air, the [4]_______________ cheered
Next, everyone [5]_____________ at the field. There was a march past by the uniforms units and
sports houses. They marched proudly past the VIP and the audience. The sport houses teams were in
tracks suits and caps. They brought their mascots along and waved at the audience. Everyone cheered
and clapped their hands.
After the march past, the [6]_______________ of various events started to
[7]__________________ their bodies. The field events such as high jump and long jump started first.
This was followed by 100m, 200m and relay events. These were the most awaited events of the day.
When the referee shot to the air, the participants speed on their tracks. The spectators shouted to
[8]________________ their sport houses. The green houses won in most of the events.
Finally, it was time for the prize giving ceremony. The winners [9]______________ medals and
trophies. The principal gave away the presents. Selvaraja was [10]_________________ as the male
athlete while Fatimah Alias was the female athlete. The last trophy was given to the Champion, the green
house. The team members cheered [11]__________________. Before we [12]__________________,
the Senior Assistant of Co-curriculum reminded everybody to clean up the school field. Overall, we
enjoyed this sport day very much.

Reported by:
Rahman b. Abdul
(Secretary of Sports and Recreation Club)

Exercise 2
Using the pictures and notes below, write a report for your school magazine about your experience
during the cross country event at your school.

Gathered briefing rules safety

waved flag started to run
followed tracks 4 check-points tickets

reached finishing line winners
received trophies happy
red house champion

before leaving clean up field

Exercise 3

Note Expansion : Construct meaningful sentences for the words below

last week school organized cross country.
teacher students prepared several days.
flags buntings schools grand occasion.

Paragraph 1
8.00 am students gathered school field.
first senior teacher gave briefing rules reminded safety
before run students warm up
President of Parents and Teacher Society - officiate cross country.
he waved flag students cheered started to run

Paragraph 2
students ran steadily followed the track
after 2km found check-points
students collect tickets to ensure correct route
one hour some students reached finishing line
first 10 students winners
most from red house

Paragraph 3
finally 11.30 am prize giving ceremony
winners received trophies
red house announced champion
members of house clapped cheered happily

before dispersed principal reminded clean up school field
all students together collected rubbish cleared everything
students enjoyed the day


The purpose of a recount is to retell or recount events or past experiences. (The prefix re
means again. So to recount is to tell again).

Types of Recount
Personal recounts a recount of an experience in which the writer is personally or
directly involved
Factual recounts a recount of an event or incident such as a newspaper report.
Imaginative recounts retelling a fictitious or imaginary event.

There is always a setting of a scene in the opening or introduction eg.
I went to the beach last week.
The events in a recount are often in a chronological order (or the order in which the
events happen).
I went to the beach last week. I saw many people there. Many of them were playing in the
The recount will always have a closing statement.
When it was dark, people started packing their things. I picked up my things and left.

Language Features
Recounts are written in the past tense.
Recounts can be written in the first or third persons point of view.
person point of view The event or experience is happening to the person writing the
eg. I went to the beach last week.
person point of view An observer or a third party is telling or writing the recount.
eg. Johan went to the beach last week. He saw many people there.
Sequence connectors are often used in recounts to narrate events in a chronological
eg. Next, then, after that, following this, etc.

FLOOD: Word List
Word Meaning in BM
abandon meninggalkan
alert amaran kecemasan
banks tebing
belongings harta benda
casualties kecederaan
contaminated tercemar
critical kritikal /teruk
current arus
dangerous bahaya
diseases penyakit
distribute/distributes/distributing/ distributed mengagihkan
dive/dives/diving/dived menyelam
drag menarik
evacuate/evacuates/evacuating/ evacuated memindahkan
expose/exposes/exposing/exposed mendedahkan
flash flood banjir kilat
food shortage kekurangan makanan
grab/grabs/grabbing/grabbed memegang / merangkul
heavy rain / downpour hujan lebat
inadequate tidak mencukupi/ kekurangan
level aras
low area kawasan rendah
meteorological department jabatan kaji cuaca
overflow melimpah
overjoyed sangat gembira
pack kemas /bungkus
plight pahit getir / kesusahan
relief camps kem bantuan
relief centre tempat/ pusat bantuan
rescue/save menyelamat
rescuer penyelamat
rise/rises/rising/rose naik
roof bumbung
safe selamat
scream menjerit
severe sangat teruk
shelter tempat berlindung
shut down menutup/ memberhentikan
struggle/struggles/struggling/ struggled meronta-ronta
supply bekalan
swift / rapid cepat/laju
swiftly / rapidly dengan cepat/laju
thunderstorm rebut petir
trauma pengalaman buruk/dahsyat
victim mangsa
weather forecast ramalan kaji cuaca

Activity 1:

Fill in the blanks with words from the word list to complete the following sentences.

1. There was _________________ for many days.

2. The river _____________________ its banks.
3. There was ____________________.
4. We packed our _______________________.
5. We climbed to the ____________________ of our house.
6. Sitis mother ___________________ for help.
7. I ________________ into the water.
8. I swam to her and ____________________ her.
9. The water was flowing ___________________.
10. The water ___________________ us along.
11. I _____________________ a branch and pulled myself up.
12. I saw a _________________ boat.
13. The men took us to a ________________________________ .
14. The villagers were _________________________ to see us.

Activity 2:

Heavy rain had caused a flood in your village. Based on the pictures and notes given below, fill in the
blanks to complete a recount of what happened.

C1 C2
heavy rain river overflowed
banks village flooded
C4 C5
my family packed

important belongings
climbed roof house
saw neighbours
C8 C9
five-year-old girl fell into
water mother screamed I
C11 C12
dived grabbed her

swiftly flowing water
C14 C15
dragged along spotted tree

C16 C17
grabbed branch sat long
C18 C19
saw boat shouted loudly
C21 C22
school everyone overjoyed
parents thanked me

Taken from Fajar Bakti

Sample Essay:

Last week, there was ____________________ for many days.
Soon the river _________________ its banks and the village was flooded.
As the water rose, my family and I quickly packed all our important
_________________. Then, we climbed to the ____________________ of
our wooden house. We saw many of our neighbours also sitting on the
roofs of their houses.
Suddenly, Siti, a five-year-old girl, fell into the water. Her mother
_______________ for help. I immediately ______________ into the water.
I swam to Siti and ________________ her. The swiftly flowing water
_________________ us along. Then, I spotted a tree. I quickly grabbed a
branch and pulled myself and Siti up. We sat on the branch for a long time.
In the evening, I saw a boat. I shouted loudly and luckily the men in
the boat saw us. Finally we were _________________. The men took us
to the school where the rest of the villagers were. Everyone was
__________________ to see us. Sitis parents thanked me for saving their


C2, C3

C4, C5



C8, C9

C10, C11

C12, C13






C22, C23

Sample Question 1

Your class went on a four-day trip to Taman Negara, Pahang during the last school holidays. With the
help of the notes you made in your diary, write an account of the trip.

May gathered at school compound left at 8.00 a.m checked into hotel.
May hiked up Gunung Tahan lush green jungle beautiful scenery
May canopy walk 400 metres long exciting to walk 25 metres above the ground
May packed things got ready to go home exhausted but happy

When writing your recount:
use all the notes given
elaborate on the notes to make it more interesting
make sure it is not less than 120 words

Sample Answer 1

During the first semester holidays, my class organized a trip to Taman Negara in Pahang. Our
class teacher, En. Nizam, accompanied us on the trip.

On 24 May, all the students gathered in the school with our bags. The bus arrived promptly. It
was a 42-seater air-conditioned bus. Although the journey was five hours, we did not feel tired. As soon
as we arrived at our destination, we checked into a budget hotel.

After a good nights sleep, we were ready for the most exciting event the climb up Gunung
Tahan, the highest peak. Although the hill slopes were steep and jagged and the hike up was a real
challenge, we were excited. We enjoyed the cool, crisp mountain air. The view of the lush green scenery
and the variety of exotic flora and fauna was a real treat. In fact, the scenery was so beautiful that we
stopped to take some photographs.

The next day, we braced ourselves for another challenging activity the canopy walk. Although
some of us were at first reluctant to walk at a height of 25 metres above the ground, we gave in after
much persuasion from our class teacher. It was a real thrilling experience to view the green jungle
canopy. The rustling of the leaves and the sounds made by the animals sounded like a strange musical

The next day, we packed our things and left for home. We slept during the entire journey as we
were exhausted. Nevertheless, it was a very exciting trip.


Accompanied - followed
Lush - growing well
Exotic - attractive
Braced - prepared for a difficult activity
Canopy - covering
Rustling - sound made by leaves when the wind blows
Exhausted - very tired

Exercise 1

The Nature Club of your school organized a two-day trip to the Kuala Selangor Nature Park in Selangor.
You made the following notes about the trip.
Aim of trip : to bring students closer to nature
Area : 300 hectare mangrove reserve, 168 species of birds, varieties of
reptiles, butterflies, insects
Location : two-hour drive from Kuala Lumpur
Activities : bird watching
Walk in the mangrove forest
Slide shows, talks
Firefly watching at night
Accommodation : Firefly Park Resort

When writing your recount:
use all the notes given
elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
make sure it is not less than 120 words

Exercise 2

During the holidays, you and your friends went camping. Based on the notes below, write a recount of
your adventurous trip.

23 May - two friends and I went on a camping trip walked reached a waterfall
put up tents gathered firewood made a fire had simple dinner
24 May - woke up early had breakfast bathed at waterfall went deeper into
jungle got lost spent the night in jungle frightening sounds insect bites
25 May - look for way back not successful came across a hunting party rescued

When writing your recount:
use all the notes given
elaborate on the notes to make it more interesting
make sure it is not less than 120 words


1. Study the map carefully.
2. Locate the starting point of the route (if any) and trace it to the end.
3. Look out for landmarks, road names, buildings, rivers, and any written information on the map. Make use
of them in your answer.
4. Remember to mention the route taken if the question requires.
5. Expand your points. Include details of what you saw and did at each particular place. Make your
description as interesting as possible.
6. Read the question to decide the correct tense to be used.
7. Finally, check your answer for errors especially in spelling, punctuation, grammar and facts.


1. Study the map carefully.
2. Look out for arrows or a sequence of dates /time. Arrange your writing according to the
directions or series of events given.
3. Expand your points. Include details of what you saw and did at each particular place. Make
your description as interesting as possible.
4. Read the question to decide the correct tense to be used.
5. Finally, check your answer for errors especially in spelling, punctuation, grammar and facts.

Sample Question 1

You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this question.
During the school holidays, you took a ride on the LRT (Light Rail Transit) to the Sega Mall. Your cousin
is eager to know more about your outing. Describe what you saw and did.

When writing your description:
use all the notes given
elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
make sure it is not less than 120 words.

(25 marks)

Sample 2

I reached the LRT station after a ten-minute walk from home. I bought a ticket from the ticket
machine by following the instructions stated on the machine. Then I waited for the train to arrive.
During the first part of the journey, I could see mostly residential houses, namely Taman Intan,
Taman Mewah and Taman Damai. After the residential areas, the train stopped at the station near
commercial centre. The passengers who got down probably worked at the two new multi-storey
buildings. They are Bangunan Besta and Good Tower
For the next part of the journey, the train travelled parallel to the highway. I could see heavy traffic on
certain parts of the roads, especially where there are junctions and traffic lights. It was not long before
the train stopped at the next station. At this stop, a lot of students boarded the train as the station is near
a private college named Supreme College.
After this station, the train continued on its journey, passing by a market and some residential houses
before it stopped at the station in Sega Mall where I got down.
The whole journey took only fifteen minutes. It was truly a fast and easy way to travel.

Exercise 1

You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this question.
Your friends and you went to Pulau Permai for a holiday. Based on the map and notes given, write about
the trip.

When writing your description:
Day one
ferry to island checked into Kalong Resort sea view water sports dinner on the

Day two
sightseeing orchid farm fruit farm ostrich farm safari park explored park caves
barbeque on the beach

Day three
fishing picnic by waterfall jungle trekking packed to leave ferry to mainland

use all the notes given
elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
make sure it is not less than 120 words (25 marks)


Speeches are made during special occasions like school assemblies, student gatherings and other social
occasions like weddings, anniversaries, dinners and farewell parties.

When making speeches, you should:

Sample Sentences for Speech

Opening Address (Greeting Audience, Introducing Speaker)
1. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to give a speech.
2. Boys and Girls, A very good morning to you all. Before I begin my talk today, let me introduce
myself to you. I am Adnan b. Khalid from the Kangar Health Department.
Introducing the topic
1. Today, I am going to talk on the topic How to Keep Our Teeth Clean and Healthy.
2. Without wasting any more time, I would like to introduce my topic today, and that is Qualities of a
Responsible Prefect.
Greet your audience
Introduce yourself
Introduce your topic
Thank your audience
Make your speech.
Elaborate on your points

Sample Question 1

There has been an increase in the number of robberies in your area. You have been asked to give a
speech at your school assembly on how to defend your homes from burglars. You have made the
following notes:
Ensure that all doors, windows and gates are locked before you go to sleep or before you leave
the house.
Have additional security devices like an alarm, a peep hole, safety-chain catch and good
Avoid keeping too much money or valuables in your house.
If you are going on holidays, stop the delivery of newspapers.


soared - went up, increased
lackadaisical attitude - careless attitude
halt - stop
prevention is better than cure it is easier to prevent something from happen than to find a cure

Sample Answer 1

Introduction of the topic

Additional information

Main point


Main point


Main point


Thank the audience

Good morning to our principal, senior assistants, teachers and
friends. Today, I wish to give a talk on how to ensure the safety of our
homes and prevent housebreaking.

Statistics provided by the Police Department revealed that
cases of house-breaking had soared last year compared to the
previous years. Our lackadaisical attitude towards home security has
resulted in burglars gaining easy entry to our homes.
How can we ensure the safety of our homes? First of all,
ensure that all doors, windows and gates are locked before we go to
sleep or before we leave our homes. Sometimes we leave our grilles
ajar and sometimes we leave our door keys dangling from the lock.
We should have additional security devices like an alarm, a
peep hole, safety-chain latch and good padlocks. Statistics reveal that
installing a burglars alarm is the best investment for home security.
Having a peep hole and safety-chain latch will prevent unwelcome
guests from entering your home.
In addition, we should avoid keeping too much money or
valuables in the house. Keeping them in a bank is always a better
guarantee for the safety of our valuables.
If you are planning to go on a holiday then make sure you halt
the delivery of newspapers so that it does not seem obvious that there
is nobody at home.
So my dear friends, I hope that we will pay attention to these
preventive measures that we often overlook. Remember Prevention
is better than cure. Thank you.

Exercise 1
You have been asked to give a speech entitled Leading a Healthy Lifestyle which is to be delivered
during the school assembly. Using the notes below, write out your speech.
- cut down on sweet food
- consume less oily food
- eat more vegetables and fruits
- exercise regularly, have a hobby
- dont drink or smoke

When writing out your speech:

use all the points
elaborate on the notes
make sure it is not less than 120 words.

Exercise 2

It is the English Language week in your school. As the President of the English Language Society in
your school, you have been asked to give a speech entitled `The Importance of Studying during
the assembly.

Importance of English:
English is an International language
Important if you wish to further your studies in a foreign country
A lot of literature is in English
Many jobs require as a pass in English

When writing out your speech:

use all the points
elaborate on the notes
make sure it is not less than 120 words.





Task fulfilled with ideas and details well-developed and well-
Language is accurate with few minor errors and first draft slips.
Varied sentence structures are used effectively to convey
Vocabulary is apt and widely used.
Accurate use of mechanics of writing.
Interest of reader is aroused and sustained.



Task fulfilled with ideas and details developed and organised.
Language is largely accurate with some serious and minor
Simple and compound sentence structures are accurate.
Vocabulary is wide enough but lacks precision.
Almost always accurate use of spelling, punctuation and
Interest of the reader is aroused but not sustained.



Task fulfilled with ability to develop some ideas but lacks
details; ideas adequately organised.
Language is sufficiently accurate with frequent serious errors.
Simple and compound sentence structures are attempted.
Vocabulary is sufficient to convey meaning.
Some errors in mechanics of writing.



Task partially fulfilled with ideas less developed; ideas lacking
Language is barely accurate with frequent serious errors that
hamper reading.
Vocabulary is limited.
Serious errors in mechanics of writing.



Task hardly fulfilled; ideas lack cohesion.
High density of errors; meaning is hardly conveyed.

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