Greeting & Work Time (!"#$) Coloring- zoo animals Zoo animals sorters Coloring- zoo animals Zoo animal sorters Coloring- zoo animals Transition 8:15-8:20 Jump like a kangaroo to your next activity! Flap like a bird to your next activity! Howl like a wolf to your next activity! wing your arms like a monkey to your next activity! !rot like a pony to your next activity! %ircle Time (Large Grou& Gathering) ("'(!")() o "ear #unt song o Giraffes Can't Dance- $iles %ndreae and $uy &arker- 'ees o (ancing like giraffes! o )ntroduce class pet *Hamster+ ,iggle and move like a worm Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile- Houg#ton -ifflin .uestions about crocodiles o ,e/re $oing to t#e Zoo song o The View at the Zoo- 0at#leen 1ong "ostrom and $uy Francis o %nimal 2oises o %t t#e Zoo song o Put Me in the Zoo- 'obert 1ops#ire o Colors! o %"C alp#abet song animals o Zoo Animals- "rian ,ildsmit# o %nimal 2oises Transition/Plannin g 8:40-8:50 ) will randomly select a student from t#e name box to come up and c#oose t#ree giraffes from t#e name box to participate in t#e small group activity3 ) will randomly select a student to come up and pull t#ree crocodiles from t#e name box for t#e small group activity3 ) will randomly select a student from t#e name box to come up and select t#ree ot#er little animals for t#e small group activity3 ) will randomly select a student to come and select t#ree little ladybugs from t#e name box to participate in t#e small group activity3 ) will randomly select a student to come up and c#ose t#ree seals from t#e name box to participate in t#e small group activity3 Work Time *ndoor!+utdoor %lassroom ("$(!,"$() cience4 "irds of a Feat#er 1anguage 5 1iterature4 -y Favorite %nimal -at#4 1ittle -onkeys ocial tudies4 6motional 6lep#ants %rt4 Fingerprint %nimals Transition/Clean- tomp like elep#ants -ove like 7ellyfis# to Flutter like a butterfly 8ink like a piggy to 'ibbit like a frog to up/Wash Up for Snac !:50-10:05 to clean and was# #ands clean and was# #ands to clean and was# #ands clean and was# #ands clean and was# #ands -nack Time (#("($!#("#$) 9:;c3 9< milk = w#ole grain muffin water ;>oz3 non-fat yogurt 9:?c3 mixed berries water 9:; slice w#ole w#eat bread 9!bsp almond butter water 9 9:;oz3 cottage c#eese 9:;c3 diced peac#es water 9:;c3 apples 9!bsp3 peanut butter water Transition 10:15-10:20 Flitter like #ummingbirds to t#e next activity ,addle like a penguin to t#e next activity Hop like a frog to t#e next activity $rowl like a bear to t#e next activity Hoot like an owl to t#e next activity Work Time *ndoor!+utdoor %lassroom (#("'(!##"(() cience4 "irds of a Feat#er 1anguage 5 1iterature4 -y Favorite %nimal -at#4 1ittle -onkeys ocial tudies4 6motional 6lep#ants %rt4 Fingerprint %nimals "eparture 11:00 !ust "or#ot $A Little Critter %oo&'- -ercer -eyer %rown %ear, %rown %ear, (hat Do )ou *ee+- 6ric Carle 5 "ill -artin "ro# and Toad To#ether- %rnold 1obel $reen 6ggs and Ham- (r3 euss ,h, the Places )ou-ll Go.- (r3 euss