Availability Modeling
Availability Modeling
Availability Modeling
Prepared by:
The Fidelis Group
122 West Way, Suite 300
Lake a!kso", T# $$%&&
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed 1
(+ailability Modeli"* ,e-i"ed
.si"* Tita"/ (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................................................................................................2
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................................................................3
KEY DEFINITIONS....................................................................................................................................................................................3
TITAN AVAILABILITY MODELING........................................................................................................................................................3
AVAILABILITY DEFINED..........................................................................................................................................................................4
MODELING DEFINED................................................................................................................................................................................4
SOFTWARE DEFINED................................................................................................................................................................................4
TITAN AVAILABILITY MODELING........................................................................................................................................................4
AVAILABILITY MODELING GENERAL APPROACH....................................................................................................................5
SCOPE OF AVAILABILITY SOFTWARE...........................................................................................................................................6
WHAT CAN BE MODELED BY AVAILABILITY MODELING SOFTWARE? ...........................................................................7
USES AND BENEFITS OF AVAILABILITY MODELING..............................................................................................................1
AVAILABILITY MODELING - OIL PRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................10
AVAILABILITY MODELING - REFINING..................................................................................................................................................10
AVAILABILITY MODELING - CHEMICAL PROCESSING...........................................................................................................................11
AVAILABILITY MODELING - POWER/COGEN.........................................................................................................................................1
AVAILABILITY MODELING - MINING.....................................................................................................................................................1
AVAILABILITY MODELING SOFTWARE SCREENSHOTS........................................................................................................13
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed 2
Executive Summary
This do!u1e"t 0as prepared by The Fidelis Group, LL' a"d is i"te"ded to i"-or1 a"d edu!ate the
reader o" the !o"!ept o- (+ailability Modeli"* a"d the uses o- (+ailability Modeli"* so-t0are2
3ey ,e-i"itio"s
12 Availability 4 The total ti1e a syste1 is i" a" operati+e state2 The total ti1e i" the operati+e
state 5.pti1e6 is the su1 o- the ti1e spe"t i" a!ti+e use2
7 .pti1e 8 5.pti1e 9 ,o0"ti1e6
,o0"ti1e !o"sists o- a!ti+e repair ti1e, pre+e"ti+e 1ai"te"a"!e ti1e, ad1i"istrati+e ti1e a"d
lo*isti!s ti1e2
22 Modeling 4 a set o- ideas a"d "u1bers that des!ribe the past, prese"t, or -uture state o- a
syste1 5su!h as a pro!essi"* syste1 or utility:s syste162 Sour!e: Webster:s ,i!tio"ary
32 Software 4 the e"tire set o- pro*ra1s, pro!edures, a"d related do!u1e"tatio" asso!iated 0ith
a syste1 a"d espe!ially a !o1puter syste12 Sour!e: Webster:s ,i!tio"ary
Whe" the three key ter1s are !o1bi"ed, (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are is used to !reate a
!o1puteri;ed si1ulatio" o- a !o1ple< pro!essi"* syste12 The spe!i-i! so-t0are that The Fidelis
Group, LL' desi*"ed a"d utili;es is Tita"/ (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are2
Tita"/ (+ailability Modeli"*
Tita"/ is u"i=ue a1o"* sto!hasti! or dy"a1i! (+ailability si1ulatio" so-t0are tools i" its ability to
ha"dle all o- the !o1ple<ities that typi!ally arise i" the pro!ess pla"t e"+iro"1e"t, thereby *e"erati"*
1ore a!!urate a"d pro-itable outputs2 ,uri"* the desi*"8a!=uisitio" phase, (+ailability Modeli"*
So-t0are !a" help *uide the de+elop1e"t a"d desi*" o- "e0 syste1s2 The i"si*hts pro+ided by
(+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are !a" help !o1pa"ies a+oid issues be-ore they happe" > sa+i"* ti1e
a"d 1o"ey2 ?"!e a syste1 is ru""i"* 5i">ser+i!e phase6, there is the pote"tial -or i1pro+e1e"t2 @o0
1u!h i1pro+e1e"t a"d 0hat ki"d o- i1pro+e1e"ts are =uestio"s 0hi!h (+ailability Modeli"*
So-t0are !a" help a"s0er2
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed 3
Introduction & Objectives of Availability Modeling
This do!u1e"t 0as prepared by The Fidelis Group, LL' a"d is i"te"ded to i"-or1 a"d edu!ate the
reader o" the !o"!ept o- (+ailability Modeli"* a"d the uses o- (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are2
Spe!i-i!ally, The Fidelis Group desi*"s, li!e"ses a"d utili;es Tita"/ (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are to
produ!e dis!rete>e+e"t e"+elope studies that e"ables our !lie"ts a"d users to deter1i"e the
(+ailability a"d key !o"tributors to losses e<pe!ted o+er ti1e2
(+ailability ,e-i"ed
Availability 4 The total ti1e a syste1 is i" a" operati+e state2 The total ti1e i" the operati+e state
5.pti1e6 is the su1 o- the ti1e spe"t i" a!ti+e use2
7 .pti1e 8 5.pti1e 9 ,o0"ti1e6
,o0"ti1e !o"sists o- a!ti+e repair ti1e, pre+e"ti+e 1ai"te"a"!e ti1e, ad1i"istrati+e ti1e a"d
lo*isti!s ti1e2
Modeli"* ,e-i"ed
Modeling 4 a set o- ideas a"d "u1bers that des!ribe the past, prese"t, or -uture state o- a syste1
5su!h as a pro!essi"* syste1 or utility:s syste162 Sour!e: Webster:s ,i!tio"ary
So-t0are ,e-i"ed
Software 4 the e"tire set o- pro*ra1s, pro!edures, a"d related do!u1e"tatio" asso!iated 0ith a
syste1 a"d espe!ially a !o1puter syste12 Sour!e: Webster:s ,i!tio"ary
Whe" the three key ter1s are !o1bi"ed, (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are is used to !reate a
!o1puteri;ed si1ulatio" o- a !o1ple< pro!essi"* syste12 The spe!i-i! so-t0are that The Fidelis
Group, LL' desi*"ed a"d utili;es is Tita"/ (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are2
Tita"/ (+ailability Modeli"*
Tita"/ is u"i=ue a1o"* sto!hasti! or dy"a1i! (+ailability si1ulatio" so-t0are tools i" its ability to
ha"dle all o- the !o1ple<ities that typi!ally arise i" the pro!ess pla"t e"+iro"1e"t, thereby *e"erati"*
1ore a!!urate a"d pro-itable outputs2 So1e o- the -eatures i"!lude:
@a"dli"* o- 1ultiple -lo0s
@a"dli"* o- redu!ed a"d tur">up -lo0 s!e"arios
@a"dli"* o- pooled spare parts
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed 4
A"te*rated spare parts opti1i;atio" e"*i"e
@a"dli"* o- stora*e ta"ks 5-eed, i"ter1ediate a"d produ!t6
@a"dli"* o- !o1ple< ta"k lo*i!
The ability to i"put a"y ki"d o- !o1ple< operati"*, 1ai"te"a"!e or lo*isti!s lo*i!
throu*h a !usto1 Mi!roso-t BC( i"ter-a!e
Speedier si1ulatio" ti1es due to state o- the art so-t0are !odi"*
("i1ated si1ulatio" to easily +alidate !o1ple< 1odels
,e-ault outputs tailored to the pro!ess i"dustries
Dasy to use Graphi!al .ser A"ter-a!e
A"ter-a!es 0ith e<ter"al databases 5'MMS, D<!el, LP 1odels, et!6
Tita"/ (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are utili;es a Mo"te 'arlo e"*i"e i" order to si1ulate all o- the
probable -uture per-or1a"!e 1etri!s o- a *i+e" desi*"2 The output is used to =ua"ti-y the e!o"o1i!s
o- e=uip1e"t related de!isio"s su!h as redu"da"!y, spare parts, e=uip1e"t si;i"*, 1ai"te"a"!e
pra!ti!es a"d poli!ies, =uality o- !o1po"e"t, et!2
( se"siti+ity list =ua"ti-ies the !o"tributio" o- ea!h !o1po"e"t i" the 1odel to "o">per-or1a"!e
allo0i"* the user to opti1i;e the desi*" -or lo0est li-e>!y!le !ost2
Availability Modeling General Approach
The ProEe!t Modeli"* Tea1 0ill !o"du!t the a"alysis as -ollo0s:
12 'reate a predi!ti+e 1odel o- the pro!essi"* site usi"* syste1 lo*i!, !o"-i*uratio" i"-or1atio",
PF,:s a"d PFA,:s2
22 .se u"it a"d e=uip1e"t (+ailability i"-or1atio" a"d repair a"d 1ai"te"a"!e data -ro1 the proEe!t
tea1, i"dustry databases, a"d Fidelis Group, LL' (+ailability database2
32 Balidate the (+ailability 1odel per-or1a"!e a"d data assu1ptio"s 0ith the proEe!t tea12
42 D<plore the i1pa!t o" syste1 (+ailability -or the base !ase 1odel a"d alter"ati+e studies2
%2 'o11u"i!ate results orally a"d i" a 0ritte" report2
The Tita"/ (+ailability 1odel 0as ru" -or 1a"y li-e>!y!les o- 10>30 years ea!h2 Da!h o- the
(+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are ru"s is a possible -uture per-or1a"!e o- the pro!essi"* Syste12
Statisti!s are kept -or ea!h li-e>!y!le a"d a**re*ated at the e"d o- the si1ulatio" to pro+ide
probabilisti! outputs 4 e<pe!ted syste1 beha+ior a"d the +ariatio" possible i" the beha+ior2
A" *e"eral, Tita"/ a"d other Mo"te 'arlo dis!rete>e+e"t si1ulatio" pro*ra1s utili;e statisti!al
sa1pli"* te!h"i=ues i" order to predi!t -uture per-or1a"!e o- a syste12 The beha+ior o- !o1po"e"ts
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed %
i" the syste1 5pu1ps, 1otors, rea!tors, et!26 is represe"ted by a probabilisti! distributio" -u"!tio"2
This -u"!tio" is deri+ed by usi"* !ur+e -itti"* te!h"i=ues o" the ra0 data2 )a0 data is si1ply
i"ter+als bet0ee" -ailures a"d repairs2 The !ur+e that is *e"erated represe"ts the possible -ailure or
repair beha+ior o- the !o1po"e"t2 Tita"/ sa1ples -ro1 this !ur+e a"d deri+es a ti1e to -ailure or
repair -or ea!h pie!e o- e=uip1e"t2 Ma"y li-e>!y!les are ru" i" order to sa1ple e"ou*h poi"ts -ro1 all
o- the !o1po"e"ts i" the 1odel to i"sure that all possible !o1bi"atio"s are take" i"to a!!ou"t2
Da!h li-e>!y!le is a possible -uture li-e o- the a!tual syste12 (-ter 1a"y li-e>!y!les, a histo*ra1 o- the
possible outputs is !reated2 A" this 0ay, the results ha+e a !o"-ide"!e or probability atta!hed to
the1>"ot Eust a" a+era*e or 1ea"2
(s ea!h !o1po"e"t -ails, it has a" e--e!t o" the u"it that it is i" 0hi!h i" tur" has a" e--e!t o" the -lo0
se"t throu*h the pipes atta!hed to that u"it both upstrea1 a"d do0"strea12 Tita"/ tra!ks the -lo0
throu*h the pipes as 0ell as the utili;ed a"d a+ailable !apa!ities o- the u"its2
This study be*a" 0ith a" Gas>isH 1odel o- the syste12 ( proEe!t -lo0 dia*ra1, asset re*ister 5list o-
e=uip1e"t a"d their -ailure a"d repair distributio"s6, a"d operati"* rules 0ere !o"stru!ted -or the
1odel2 A"put data supplied by the tea1 0as i"!orporated i"to the 1odel2
I Syste1 !o"-i*uratio" dia*ra1s
I D=uip1e"t list
I A1pa!t o- !o1po"e"t -ailures
I ?perati"* rules
I D=uip1e"t "o1i"al a"d desi*" !apa!ities
Scope of Availability Software
The s!ope o- the (+ailability Modeli"* e--ort is deter1i"ed by the 1odeli"* obEe!ti+e2 The si;e a"d
s!ope o- the 1odeli"* e--ort should o"ly be as lar*e as is re=uired to 1eet the obEe!ti+e2 A" *e"eral,
(+ailability Modeli"* e--orts i"!lude all pro!ess !riti!al e=uip1e"t ide"ti-ied i" the PF,:s or PFA,:s2
For e<a1ple, the 1odel i"!luded all pu1ps, 1otors, blo0ers, rea!tor, a"d so1e !riti!al
i"stru1e"tatio" a"d +al+es2 A" additio", "o">1e!ha"i!al e+e"ts su!h as 0eather, operator error, a"d
pre+e"tati+e pla""ed 1ai"te"a"!e are i"!luded2
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed &
hat can be modeled by Availability Modeling Software!
D"tire Supply 'hai"
Pro!ess Site
Pro!ess ."its
ithin these modeling subsets" the user can include:
Me!ha"i!al D=uip1e"t
Fi<ed, )otati"*, et!2
Dle!tri!al Syste1s 5s0it!hes, breakers, buss bars, et!26
@u1a" Ceha+ior
Failure Modes
S!heduled (!ti+ities
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed $
(+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are Sub>Syste1
(+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are Pro!ess ."it
(+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are Pro!ess Site
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed J
(+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are Supply 'hai"
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed K
#ses and $enefits of Availability Modeling
,uri"* the desi*"8a!=uisitio" phase, (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are !a" help *uide the de+elop1e"t
a"d desi*" o- "e0 syste1s2 The i"si*hts pro+ided by (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are, !a" help
!o1pa"ies a+oid issues be-ore they happe" > sa+i"* ti1e a"d 1o"ey2 ?"!e a syste1 is ru""i"* 5i">
ser+i!e phase6, there is the pote"tial -or i1pro+e1e"t2 @o0 1u!h i1pro+e1e"t a"d 0hat ki"d o-
i1pro+e1e"ts are =uestio"s 0hi!h (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are !a" help a"s0er2 @ere are so1e
real li-e e<a1ples2
(+ailability Modeli"* > ?il Produ!tio"
,uri"* the desi*" phase, our (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are 0as used to deter1i"e i- a si"*le oil
pro!essi"* trai" +ersus a double oil pro!essi"* trai" 0ould per-or1 1ore opti1ally2 ,esi*"
spe!i-i!atio" su!h as the si;e o- ea!h trai", the =uality o- !o1po"e"ts a"d the a1ou"t o- redu"da"!y
0ere !o"sidered2 For e<a1ple, 0ould a si"*le 1 < 100L redu"da"!y trai" per-or1 better tha" a 2 <
%0L t0o>trai" oil pro!essi"* !o"-i*uratio"M With the alter"ate !ase results !o1plete, the si1ulatio"
pro+ided the "et !ha"*e i" re+e"ue 5or barrels per day62 Cy !o1pari"* the re+e"ue strea1s to the
asso!iated !apital i"+est1e"ts, this key desi*" de!isio" 0as a" easy o"e2
?" a"other desi*" proEe!t, our (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are 0as used to deter1i"e i- a !o1pa"y:s
oil produ!tio" should be se"t -or pro!essi"* throu*h a subsea tie>ba!k -or third party pro!essi"* or i-
a sta"dalo"e topside pro!essi"* -a!ility should be !o"stru!ted2 The !ost delta bet0ee" these t0o
optio"s 0as e"or1ous, but the di--ere"!es i" e<pe!ted pro-its pro+ided =ua"titati+e a"s0ers -or
de!isi+e de!isio" support2
,uri"* the i">ser+i!e phase, our (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are is 1ost o-te" used to ide"ti-y a"d
=ua"ti-y -a!ility bottle"e!ks2 For 1a"y !lie"ts, this a"alysis be!o1es "e!essary either 0he" a!tual
oil, 0ater a"d *as -ore!asts di--er -ro1 e<pe!ted esti1ates or perhaps 0he" a -ield has rea!hed
reser+oir 1aturity2 Whe" this o!!urs, the oil80ater8*as ratios 1ay !ha"*e si*"i-i!a"tly 0hi!h i" tur"
!o"strai"s the -a!ility2 For these !ases, our (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are has bee" used to ide"ti-y
these bottle"e!ks, =ua"ti-y the e--e!t o" re+e"ue a"d opti1i;e the s!hedule -or !apital i1pro+e1e"ts,
a"d e+aluate di--ere"!e !apital i1pro+e1e"t 1ethodolo*ies2
(+ailability Modeli"* > )e-i"i"*
,uri"* the desi*" phase, our (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are has bee" used to opti1i;e u"it
redu"da"!y "eeds, tur">up !apa!ity, 1ai"te"a"!e s!heduli"*, spare parts =ua"tities a"d
i"ter1ediate bu--eri"*2 To e"sure that produ!t de1a"ds are 1et, our (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed 10
1easured the "et i1pro+e1e"t o- either !ha"*i"* !o1pressor redu"da"!y or trai" !apa!ity2 Whe"
our (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are !o1pleted se+eral alter"ate si1ulatio"s, +aryi"* ea!h o- these
+ariables i" tur", the o+erall re-i"i"* !apabilities i1pro+ed a"d retur" o" i"+est1e"t i"!reased2
With re-i"i"*, operati"* -le<ibility is +ery i1porta"t2 ?ur (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are has bee"
used to i"!rease operati"* -le<ibility a"d i1pro+e shippi"* lo*isti!s2 A" this i"dustry, de1a"d is
+ariable a"d produ!t pro-itability is dy"a1i!2 Gi+e" the !urre"t 1arket !o"ditio"s, our (+ailability
Modeli"* So-t0are 0as used to test the per-or1a"!e o- se+eral operati"* 1odes2 (+ailability Model
So-t0are pro+ed that s1all desi*" i1pro+e1e"ts dra1ati!ally i"!reased operati"* -le<ibility a"d the
ability to !ha"*e produ!t 1i<es to 1a<i1i;e pro-itability2 A" additio", i1pro+ed o+erall per-or1a"!e
si1pli-ied lo*isti!s, 1ai"te"a"!e, a"d de!reased !ost pe"alties asso!iated 0ith 1issed deli+eries or
+essel bu"keri"* delays2
?"!e i" operatio", re-i"i"* i"+ol+es !o1ple< day to day de!isio"s re*ardi"* opti1al pre+e"tati+e
pla""ed 1ai"te"a"!e a"d spare parts pro!ure1e"t de!isio"s2 For e<a1ple, should a !o1pa"y allo0
e=uip1e"t to ru" to -ailure or ser+i!e proa!ti+elyM Should a !o1pa"y ha+e 1 spare part o" the shel-
or te"M ?ur (+ailability Modeli"* tool has bee" used to a"s0er these =uestio"s a"d i1pro+e
pro-itability by i"!reasi"* re-i"ery per-or1a"!e 0hile opti1i;i"* spare parts i"+e"tory2
(+ailability Modeli"* > 'he1i!al Pro!essi"*
,uri"* the desi*" phase o- a" i"te*rated !he1i!al pro!essi"* -a!ility, our (+ailability Modeli"*
So-t0are 0as used to deter1i"e the appropriate u"it !apa!ity, trai" redu"da"!y, tur">up !apability
a"d =uality o- !o1po"e"t2 With the alter"ate !ase results !o1plete, the si1ulatio" pro+ided the
opti1al !o1bi"atio" o- all o- these +ariables 0hile e"suri"* that produ!tio" tar*ets 0ere 1et2 Gi+e"
!urre"t 1arket !o"ditio"s a"d esti1ates, the e"*i"eeri"* tea1 0as the" able to use these produ!tio"
outputs to deter1i"e the li-e !y!le !ost be"e-its2 For e<a1ple, does the desi*"ed -a!ility a"d
e<pe!ted produ!tio" o--er a -ast e"ou*h retur" o" i"+est1e"t to 0arra"t -urther pro*ress 0ith this
proEe!tM 'apital 'ost sa+i"*s 0ere 1easured i" the K di*it ra"*e2
,uri"* the desi*" phase o- a ti*htly i"te*rated petro!he1i!al site, the si;e a"d lo!atio" o- bu--er
+olu1es is i"stru1e"tal2 ?ur (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are 0as used to opti1i;e o+erall site
i"te*ratio" by i"trodu!i"* key bu--er +olu1es throu*hout the pro!ess a"d opti1i;i"* the si;e to
de!rease !apital !osts2 For e<a1ple, should your ethyle"e a"d propyle"e bu--er ta"ks be lar*er or
s1allerM (re there additio"al i"ter1ediate produ!t bu--ers "eeded to help 1iti*ate do0"strea1
produ!t lossesM
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed 11
?"!e i" operatio", opti1i;i"* pre+e"tati+e pla""ed 1ai"te"a"!e s!hedules a"d spare parts
pro!ure1e"t de!isio"s is +ery +aluable2 ?ur (+ailability Modeli"* tool 0as used to a"s0er these
=uestio"s a"d i1pro+e pro-itability by i"!reasi"* site per-or1a"!e 0hile opti1i;i"* spare parts
(+ailability Modeli"* > Po0er8'o*e"
,uri"* the desi*" phase o- a po0er *e"eratio" -a!ility, our (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are 0as used
to deter1i"e i- a utility *rid !o""e!tio" 0ould pro+ide ade=uate ele!tri!al (+ailability2 This optio" 0as
!o1pared to o"e 0ith sel- *e"eratio"2 For these !ases, the 1odel deter1i"ed that the utility *rid did
pro+ide ade=uate (+ailability a"d that the additio"al !ost o- addi"* o">site *e"erators 0as
u""e!essary2 This pro+ed to be a si*"i-i!a"t !ost sa+i"*s to the !o1pa"y2
Whe" desi*"i"* a "e0 stea1 *e"eratio" -a!ility, our (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are 0as used to
deter1i"e the si;e a"d opti1al "u1ber o- stea1 boilers2 (-ter ru""i"* se+eral alter"ate !ases 0ith
1a"y di--ere"t si;e di--ere"tials a"d !o"-i*uratio"s, the 1odel la"ded o" the 1ost e!o"o1i!al desi*"
that 0ould pro+ide the re=uired le+el o- (+ailability2 This !ould be !o1pleted -or a"y utility pla"t su!h
as air !o1pressio", po0er *e"eratio", !o>*e"eratio", or e+e" 0ater supply F treat1e"t2
,uri"* the operatio"al phase o- 1a"y utility pla"ts, de1a"ds -or ele!tri!ity, strea1, a"d i"stru1e"t air
o-te" i"!rease as the !usto1er pla"ts *ro0 a"d i"!rease produ!tio"2 ?ur (+ailability Modeli"*
So-t0are has bee" used to help e+aluate 1a"y di--ere"t de>bottle"e!k alter"ati+es2 Whe" the
desired (+ailability o- ea!h alter"ati+e is a!hie+ed, !o1pleti"* a !ost a"alysis is a" easy 0ay to
sele!t the 1ost e!o"o1i!al solutio"2 So1e e<a1ples o- this 1ay i"!lude: sele!ti"* a +e"dor -or a
"e0 skid, i"stalli"* sta"dby *e"eratio" or diesel ba!kups, !o""e!ti"* to a sta"dby utility header or
i1pro+i"* site re!o+ery 1ethods2
(+ailability Modeli"* > Mi"i"*
,uri"* the desi*" phase o- the proEe!t, our (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are 0as used to e+aluate the
proEe!t li-e !y!le !osts2 The 1odel 0as i"itially !o"stru!ted at a hi*h le+el, but added additio"al detail
o+er 1a"y 1o"ths as the desi*" pro!ess 1o+ed -or0ard2 (-ter ea!h 1aEor desi*" phase, the 1odel
0as used to 1easure retur" o" i"+est1e"t2 A" this 0ay, the proEe!t !o"ti"ued to pro+e its +alue a"d
e+e"tually 1o+ed i"to !o11issio"i"* a"d start>up 0ith a" assura"!e o- pro-itability2
Withi" a 1i"i"* operatio", 1eeti"* +ariable de1a"ds a"d allo!ati"* resour!es is a day>to>day
!halle"*e2 To o+er!o1e these !halle"*es, our (+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are has bee" used as a
day>to>day pla""i"* tool2 Pulli"* -ro1 a" e<pe!ted de1a"d s!hedule, the 1odel 0as used to predi!t
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed 12
the le+el o- hu1a" resour!es re=uired a"d the e=uip1e"t that 0ould be "eeded to a!hie+e produ!tio"
Availability Modeling Software Screenshots
Titan Availability Modeling Software Control Panel
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed 13
Titan Availability Modeling Software Animation Screen
Titan Availability Modeling Software RAM Data Editor (imported directly from Excel
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed 14
Titan Availability Modeling Software Re!"lt! # Sy!tem Sen!itivitie!
Titan Availability Modeling Software Re!"lt! # Time ba!ed performance ($nit Availability
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed 1%
Titan Availability Modeling Software Re!"lt! # Probability to meet or exceed %i!togram
Titan Availability Modeling Software Re!"lt! # Sen!itivity S"mmary
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed 1&
Titan Availability Modeling Software Re!"lt! # $nit Capacity S"mmary
Titan Availability Modeling Software Re!"lt! # $nit S&"tdown'Slowdown S"mmary
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed 1$
General Disclaimer
This report a"d asso!iated 1odel -iles su11ari;e the key ter1s a"d uses o- (+ailability Modeli"*
So-t0are2 The appli!ability a"d a!!ura!y o- the de-i"itio"s reported herei" are depe"de"t upo" the
appli!atio" o- the key ter1sN this do!u1e"t is i"te"ded to aid i" edu!ati"* the audie"!e about
(+ailability Modeli"* So-t0are2
Oo Third Party Ce"e-i!iaries: This report is i"te"ded -or use solely by Fidelis Group LL' -or
edu!atio"al purposes2 At 1ay "ot be used or relied upo" by a"yo"e else2 There are "o Third Party
Fidelis Group, LL' (ll )i*hts )eser+ed 1J