Ajit Prakash Ahuja is seeking a position in finance and accounting that allows him to utilize his skills and experience. He has over 15 years of experience working in accounting roles for various companies in industries like food manufacturing, automobiles, and publishing. He has a Bachelor of Commerce degree and is knowledgeable about topics like taxation, accounting software, and commercial operations. His hobbies include reading books on taxation, spirituality, and analyzing news on politics and economics.
Ajit Prakash Ahuja is seeking a position in finance and accounting that allows him to utilize his skills and experience. He has over 15 years of experience working in accounting roles for various companies in industries like food manufacturing, automobiles, and publishing. He has a Bachelor of Commerce degree and is knowledgeable about topics like taxation, accounting software, and commercial operations. His hobbies include reading books on taxation, spirituality, and analyzing news on politics and economics.
Ajit Prakash Ahuja is seeking a position in finance and accounting that allows him to utilize his skills and experience. He has over 15 years of experience working in accounting roles for various companies in industries like food manufacturing, automobiles, and publishing. He has a Bachelor of Commerce degree and is knowledgeable about topics like taxation, accounting software, and commercial operations. His hobbies include reading books on taxation, spirituality, and analyzing news on politics and economics.
Ajit Prakash Ahuja is seeking a position in finance and accounting that allows him to utilize his skills and experience. He has over 15 years of experience working in accounting roles for various companies in industries like food manufacturing, automobiles, and publishing. He has a Bachelor of Commerce degree and is knowledgeable about topics like taxation, accounting software, and commercial operations. His hobbies include reading books on taxation, spirituality, and analyzing news on politics and economics.
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Mob.: 9557707261 OBJECTIVE To secure the position, which would broadan my skills and challenges my various abilities and to add valuable assets to your organization as an active member for finn!"# A!!o$n%in& ' M()"%in&. PERSO*A+ ,ETAI+S Fathers Name : Shri !uldeep "rakash #hu$a %ate of &irth : '( rd )an *+,- .ender : /ale /arital Status : /arried 0anguage known : 1indi, 2nglish 3 "un$abi PERMA*E*T A,,RESS &4*'*+, Shastri Nagar %elhi "h 5**,+6(+,5- /ob No 7+*4+88--5-',* 24mail : a$itahu$a'5*59gmailcom E-PERIE*CE :n *+;6 attached with Shri .urudev Siddhapeeth <Now named as S=%# F>?N%#T:>N, 0>S #N.20S@, .aneshpuri, .oregaon, /umbai and worked with Facilities Ao4ordination %epartment and editor of their magazine as editing assistant *+;, to *+;- A# #rticle Training with /Bs !hameshra &hatia and /ehrotra, !anpur Nov *+;- to )une *+;+ A# #rticle Training with /Bs Ca$ !hosla 3 Ao, !han /arket, New %elhi %uring my articleship : audited many private ltd companies, nationalized and private banks and limited companies and other institutions *++5 to *++; worked as a managing partner of /Bs Sheetal /edicos, Dholesale "harma %istributer at &areilly, ?" *+++ to '555 worked with /Bs %evsons "vt 0td "un$abi &agh, New %elhi #s Ahief #ccounts /anager '55* to "resent worked for his A0:2NTS :4 /S %heer Foods "vt 0td< /fg of &read@, Suri Sales "vt 0td <%ealer of Coyal 2nfield@ "artnership firms E Aentral "ress, Narula #utomobiles 2Fperience of /arketing gold items 3 #uto mobile items E,UCATIO*A+ .UA+I/ICATIO* A# :nter .roup First in *+;+ from :A#:, New %elhi with 8('8G &Aom from /)" Cohilkhand ?niversity in *+;, with -5G :ntermediate from ?" &oard in *+;6 with ,;'G 1igh School from ?" &oard in *+;' with ;'G E-TRA .UA+I/ICATIO* !nowledge of H#T, :ncome TaF, T%S, Service TaF and other :ndustrial laws !nowledge of /S42Fcel, /S4Dord, Tally86, -' , +* 3 &usy Aommercial knowledge of manufacturing and service sector companies "assport 3 Hisa knowledge Spiritual knowledge of Saha$a =oga HOBBIES Ceading TaFation 3 Spiritual &ooks #nalysing a upgraded news of world politics and economic activities %riving of luFury cars