FOTM Timeline 1 Nov 09
FOTM Timeline 1 Nov 09
FOTM Timeline 1 Nov 09
• Week of November 9-13: Meeting with Richard Gutman at J&W
Go over timeline, budget, questions and clarifications regarding the roles
of the Museum and the students.
• November 19: Public Humanities student group meeting
Define narrative arc, research objectives, and tone of the exhibition.
• December 7: Initial Conceptual Design Meeting with exhibit designer
• December 7-14: Programming & Exhibit Groups Meet.
Coordinate plans prior to main phase of research.
• December 15-January 27: Winter Break, Research/Writing Period
Choose objects for the wish list.
Write & select images.
Acquire permissions for images if necessary.
Programming and exhibition groups remain in contact electronically.
• January 28: Public Humanities student group meeting
Finalize wish list of objects to submit to the Museum.
• Date TBD: Submit wish list of objects to the Museum.
• Date TBD: Students and Museum agree on final checklist of objects.
• February 11-18: Public Humanities students edit all texts.
• February 25: Preliminary Design Phase
Full draft of all content due to designer.
• March 11-18: Final editing and review of design with designer
Final typesetting
• March 25-April 8: Fabrication of panels and labels
• April 8-15: Installation at the Museum
• April 15: Thursday, Opening Reception
Does the museum participate in Gallery night on the third Thursday? This
date is the second Thursday of the month.
Begin public programming.
• May 15: Conclude any events relating to public programming.
The passport / map program, cell phone tours, scvngr hunts, or other
programs that don’t require significant administration could continue over
the summer.
• December 7: Programming committee meets to sketch out program,
identify transportation partners and individuals; Send program
description/project goals in advance; prepare pitch, specific request, be
prepared to present an example
• December 7-14: Pitch project to possible partners.
• December 7-14: Programming & Exhibit Groups Meet
• Spring: Meeting with J&W student liaison, go with special ideas that come
out of research.