1. Butler's Trucking Company wants to estimate daily driver travel time based on miles traveled and number of deliveries to improve scheduling. Managers collected data on 10 delivery assignments including miles traveled, number of deliveries, and travel time.
2. A simple linear regression was performed using miles traveled as the independent variable and travel time as the dependent variable. This showed a significant linear relationship between miles and time with an R^2 value of 0.664.
3. A multiple linear regression was then performed using both miles traveled and number of deliveries as independent variables. This also showed significant relationships between both independent variables and travel time based on the F-statistic and t-tests.
1. Butler's Trucking Company wants to estimate daily driver travel time based on miles traveled and number of deliveries to improve scheduling. Managers collected data on 10 delivery assignments including miles traveled, number of deliveries, and travel time.
2. A simple linear regression was performed using miles traveled as the independent variable and travel time as the dependent variable. This showed a significant linear relationship between miles and time with an R^2 value of 0.664.
3. A multiple linear regression was then performed using both miles traveled and number of deliveries as independent variables. This also showed significant relationships between both independent variables and travel time based on the F-statistic and t-tests.
1. Butler's Trucking Company wants to estimate daily driver travel time based on miles traveled and number of deliveries to improve scheduling. Managers collected data on 10 delivery assignments including miles traveled, number of deliveries, and travel time.
2. A simple linear regression was performed using miles traveled as the independent variable and travel time as the dependent variable. This showed a significant linear relationship between miles and time with an R^2 value of 0.664.
3. A multiple linear regression was then performed using both miles traveled and number of deliveries as independent variables. This also showed significant relationships between both independent variables and travel time based on the F-statistic and t-tests.
1. Butler's Trucking Company wants to estimate daily driver travel time based on miles traveled and number of deliveries to improve scheduling. Managers collected data on 10 delivery assignments including miles traveled, number of deliveries, and travel time.
2. A simple linear regression was performed using miles traveled as the independent variable and travel time as the dependent variable. This showed a significant linear relationship between miles and time with an R^2 value of 0.664.
3. A multiple linear regression was then performed using both miles traveled and number of deliveries as independent variables. This also showed significant relationships between both independent variables and travel time based on the F-statistic and t-tests.
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Linear Regression in Excel
Butlers Trucking Company is an independent trucking Company in southern California. A major portion of Butlers business involves deliveries throughout its local area. To develop better work schedules, the managers want to estimate the total daily travel time for their drivers. nitially the managers believed that the total daily travel time would be closely related to the number of miles traveled in making the daily deliveries. A simple random sample of !" driving assignments is provided in Table !. #se $%cel to make a scatter diagram of these deliveries &to verify that a linear relationship does e%ist' and develop a regression e(uation e%pressing this relationship. Table ! )riving Assignment * ! +,iles Traveled -+Travel Time &hrs.' ! !"" ../ 0 1" 2.3 / !"" 3.. 2 !"" 4.1 1 1" 2.0 4 3" 4.0 5 51 5.2 3 41 4." . ." 5.4 !" ." 4.! Excel Instructions for Drawing a Scatter Plot !. $nter the above information in the $%cel spreadsheet as shown in 6igure ! below. 0. Click on Insert on the toolbar and then click on the Chart tab. The Chart 7i8ard will appear. n step ! on select the *- &scatter' chart type &6igure 0', then click ne%t. /. -our numerical data is contained in cells A0 through B!!. 9o in step two enter your data range as shown in 6igure /, and click ne%t. 2. n steps / you can give your chart a title and label your a%es. n step 2 specify where you want the chart to be placed. The finished chart is shown in 6igure 2. 1. After verifying that a linear trend does e%ist, determine the least s(uared regression e(uation. Figure 1 Figure Figure ! Figure " Butler Trucking Example 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 50 100 150 Miles Traveled T r a v e l
T i m e Excel Instructions for Regression Anal#sis !. The :egression ,acro &which is part of the Analysis Tool;ak' is standard with $%cel, however, it is not always active and available for use. 9elect the Tools menu, if Analysis ToolPak is active then you should see a Data Anaylsis item at the bottom of the menu. f this item is present skip to step /. 0. f this item is not there then you need to do one easy step. 9elect the Add Ins option under the Tools menu, which brings up the following window. Figure $ Click the Analysis ToolPak checkbo%, then OK. Analysis Toolpak should now be present under Tools in the future. 0. 9elect the Data Analysis option under the Tools menu and select the Regression option &as shown below'. Figure % /. -our dependent variable &y' data is in cells B! through B!! &including the variable name or label', and your independent variable data &%' is in cells A! through A!!. Click the labels bo% to indicate that the first row contains the variable names, and then click ok. 9ee 6igure 5. Figure & 2. A new worksheet will appear revealing the results of your regression analysis. The results from this analysis are shown below. SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.8149057 R Square 0.6640713 Adu!ted R Square 0.6220802 Sta"dard #rr$r 1.0017919 O%!er&ati$" ! 10 A'O(A df SS MS F Significance F Re)re!!i$" 1 15.87130435 15.87130 4 15.814578 0.004080177 Re!idual 8 8.028695652 1.003587 T$tal 9 23.9
Coefficient s Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95!% Upper 95!% *"ter+ept 1.273913 1.400744525 0.909454 2 0.3896874 ,1.95621171 4.5040378 ,1.9562117 4.5040378 -1.Mile! Tra&eled 0.0678261 0.017055637 3.976754 7 0.0040802 0.028495691 0.1071565 0.0284956 9 0.1071565 Inter'reting Results !. n your second model summary table, you will find the Coefficient of )etermination, : 0 , and the Correlation Coefficient, :. 0. The A<=>A table gives the 6 statistic for testing the claim that there is no significant relationship between your independent and dependent variables. The sig. value is your p value. Thus you should reject the claim that there is no significant relationship between your independent and dependent variables if p?. /. The Columns below the Coefficients bo% gives the b " and b ! values for the regression e(uation. The intercept value is always b " . The b ! value is ne%t to your independent variable, %. 2. n the last ;@value column of the coefficient output data, the p values for individual t tests for our independent variable is given &in the same row as your independent variable'. :ecall that this t test tests the claim that there is no relationship between the independent variable and your dependent variable. Thus you should reject the claim that there is no significant relationship between your independent variable and dependent variable if p?. Coefficient of )etermination Correlation Coefficient ; value for Anova Test b " b ! ; value for t test for * ! II( M)L*IPLE REGRESSION EXAMPLE n attempting to identify another independent variable, the managers felt that the number of deliveries could also contribute to the total travel time. Table 0 includes the number of deliveries for each of the random driving assignments provided in Table !. Table 0 A B C ! * ! +,iles Traveled * 0 +<umber of )eliveries -+Travel Time &hrs.' 0 !"" 2 ../ / 1" / 2.3 2 !"" 2 3.. 1 !"" 0 4.1 4 1" 0 2.0 5 3" 0 4.0 3 51 / 5.2 . 41 2 4." !" ." / 5.4 !! ." 0 4.! To determine the regression e(uation for this scenario follow the same 9;99 steps provided for 9imple Ainear :egression with the following modificationsB $nter your multiple regression data in $%cel as shown above. n 9tep /, specify your dependent variable &y' data is in cells C! through C!! &including the variable name or label', and your independent variable data &% ! and % 0 ' is in cells A! through B!!. Click the labels bo% to indicate that the first row contains the variable names, and then click ok. 9ee 6igure 3. -our output for this multiple regression problem should be similar to the results shown below. 9#,,A:- =#T;#T Regression Statistics ,ultiple : "..1"453!4 4 : 9(uare ".."/533.5 1 Adjusted : 9(uare ".354/""!! ! 9tandard $rror ".15/!20!1 0 =bservations !" A<=>A df SS MS F Significance F :egression 0 0!.4""1141 ! !".3""03 /0.353/452/ "."""05402 :esidual 5 0.0..22/23 4 "./032.0 Total . 0/.. Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% !!er 95% Lower 95"#% !!er 95"#% ntercept @ ".3435"!24 5 "..1!12550 1 @"..!0.2 "./.!4/2/"2 @ /.!!351043 / !./3!/2.51 @ /.!!351043 / !./3!/2.51 *!+,iles Traveled "."4!!/21. . "."".3332. 1 4.!30/.5 "."""210.4! "."/5510"2 ! "."321!5!1 4 "."/5510"2 ! "."321!5!1 4 *0+<umber of )eliveries "..0/201/4 5 ".00!!!/24 ! 2.!5401! ".""2!14400 ".2""15123 . !.22405102 2 ".2""15123 . !.22405102 2 Inter'reting Results !. n your second model summary table, you will find the Adjusted Coefficient of )etermination, Adjusted : 0 , and the Correlation Coefficient, :. 0. The A<=>A table gives the 6 statistic for testing the claim that there is no significant relationship between your all of your independent and dependent variables. The sig. value is your p value. Thus you should reject the claim that there is no significant relationship between your independent and dependent variables if p?. /. The Coefficients bo% gives the b " and b !, and b 0 values for the regression e(uation. The constant value is always b " . The b ! value is ne%t to your % ! value, and b 0 is ne%t to your % 0 value. 2. n the last column of the coefficient bo%, the p values for individual t tests for our independent variables is given. :ecall that this t test tests the claim that there is no relationship between the independent variable &in the corresponding row' and your dependent variable. Thus you should reject the claim that there is no significant relationship between your independent variable &in the corresponding row' and dependent variable if p?.
(BS 1016-106.4.1-1993) - Methods For Analysis and Testing of Coal and Coke. Ultimate Analysis of Coal and Coke. Determination of Total Sulfur Content. Eschka Method PDF