The document provided is a bibliography or list of references for a research paper on tonsillitis. It contains 41 references from various medical journals, textbooks, and publications published between 1991-2009. The references cover topics related to tonsillitis including its symptoms, causes, treatments like tonsillectomy, relationships to other conditions like glomerulonephritis, streptococcal infections, and microbiological studies of the tonsils and adenoids. The bibliography provides a comprehensive list of sources to support research on clinical aspects and management of tonsillitis.
The document provided is a bibliography or list of references for a research paper on tonsillitis. It contains 41 references from various medical journals, textbooks, and publications published between 1991-2009. The references cover topics related to tonsillitis including its symptoms, causes, treatments like tonsillectomy, relationships to other conditions like glomerulonephritis, streptococcal infections, and microbiological studies of the tonsils and adenoids. The bibliography provides a comprehensive list of sources to support research on clinical aspects and management of tonsillitis.
The document provided is a bibliography or list of references for a research paper on tonsillitis. It contains 41 references from various medical journals, textbooks, and publications published between 1991-2009. The references cover topics related to tonsillitis including its symptoms, causes, treatments like tonsillectomy, relationships to other conditions like glomerulonephritis, streptococcal infections, and microbiological studies of the tonsils and adenoids. The bibliography provides a comprehensive list of sources to support research on clinical aspects and management of tonsillitis.
The document provided is a bibliography or list of references for a research paper on tonsillitis. It contains 41 references from various medical journals, textbooks, and publications published between 1991-2009. The references cover topics related to tonsillitis including its symptoms, causes, treatments like tonsillectomy, relationships to other conditions like glomerulonephritis, streptococcal infections, and microbiological studies of the tonsils and adenoids. The bibliography provides a comprehensive list of sources to support research on clinical aspects and management of tonsillitis.
Amirudin T, Christanto,2005, Kajian Manfaat tonsilektomi di RS dr. Sarjito. Yogjakarta.
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