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Frank D.

Petruzella PLC Chapter 1 Review Questions

1. What is?
A: An industrial grade computer that is capable of being programmed to
perform control functions.

2. Identify four tasks in addition to relay switching operations that PLCs
are capable of performing.
A: performing other applications such as timing, counting, calculating,
comparing, and the processing of analog signals.

3. List six distinct advantages that PLCs offer over conventional relay-
based control systems.
A: Increased Reliability.Once a program has been written and tested, it
can be easily downloaded to other PLCs. Since all the logic is contained
in the PLCs memory, there is no chance of making a logic wiring error
The program takes the place of much of the external wiring that would
normally be required for control of a process. Hardwiring, though still
required to connect field devices, is less intensive. PLCs also offer the
reliability associated with solid-state components.
More Flexibility.It is easier to create and change a pro-gram in a PLC
than to wire and rewire a circuit. With a PLC the relationships between
the inputs and outputs are determined by the user program instead of
the manner in which they are interconnected. Original equipment
manufacturers can provide system updates by simply sending out a new
program. End users can modify the program in the fi eld, or if desired,
security can be provided by hardware features such as
Frank D. Petruzella PLC Chapter 1 Review Questions
key locks and by software passwords.
Lower Cost. PLCs were originally designed to re-place relay control
logic, and the cost savings have been so signifi cant that relay control is
becomingobsolete except for power applications. Generally, if an
application has more than about a half-dozen control relays, it will
probably be less expensive to install a PLC.
Communications Capability. A PLC can communicate with other
controllers or computer equipment to perform such functions as
supervisory control, data gathering, monitoring devices and process
parameters, and download and upload of programs. User program PLC
All the logic is contained in the PLCs memory. Relationships between
the inputs and outputs are determined by the user program. Contactor
Light Solenoid Outputs Inputs Pushbutton Limit switch Sensor
Faster Response Time. PLCs are designed for high-speed and real-
time applications. The programmable controller operates in real time,
which means that an event taking place in the field will result in the
execution of an operation or output. Machines that process thousands of
items per second and objects that spend only a fraction of a second in
front of a sensor require the PLCs quick-response capability.
Easier to Troubleshoot. PLCs have resident diagnostics and override
functions that allow users to easily trace and correct software and
hardware problems. To find and fix problems, users can display the
control program on a monitor and watch it in real time as it executes.
4. Explain the differences between open and proprietary PLC
A: An open architecture design allows the system to be connected easily
to devices and programs made by other manufacturers. Open
Frank D. Petruzella PLC Chapter 1 Review Questions
architectures use off-the-shelf components that conform to approved
A system with a closed architecture is one whose design is proprietary,
making it more difficult to connect to other systems. Most PLC systems
are in fact proprietary, so you must be sure that any generic hardware or
software you may use is compatible with your particular PLC. Also,
although the principal concepts are the same in all methods of pro-
gramming, there might be slight differences in addressing, memory
allocation, retrieval, and data handling for different models.
Consequently, PLC programs cannot be interchanged among different
PLC manufacturers.
5. State two ways in which I/O is incorporated into the PLC.
A: There are two ways in which I/Os (Inputs/Outputs) are incorporated
into the PLC: fixed and modular.
Fixed I/O is typical of small PLCs that come in one package with no
separate, removable units. The processor and I/O are packaged
together, and the I/O terminals will have a fixed number of connections
built in for inputs and outputs. The main advantage of this type of
packaging is lower cost. The number of available I/O points varies and
usually can be expanded by buying additional units of fixed I/O. One
disadvantage of fixed I/O is its lack of flexibility; you are limited in what
you can get in the quantities and types dictated by the packaging. Also,
for some models, if any part in the unit fails, the whole unit has to be
Modular I/O is divided by compartments into which separate modules
can be plugged. This feature greatly increases your options and the
units flexibility. You can choose from the modules available from the
Frank D. Petruzella PLC Chapter 1 Review Questions
manufacturer and mix them any way you desire. The basic modular
controller consists of a rack, power supply, processor module (CPU),
input/output (I/O modules), and an operator interface for programming
and monitoring.
6. Describe how the I/O modules connect to the processor in a modular-
type PLC configuration.
A: The modules plug into a rack. When a module is slid into the rack, it
makes an electrical connection with a series of contacts called the
backplane, located at the rear of the rack. The PLC processor is also
connected to the backplane and can communicate with all the modules
in the rack.
7. Explain the main function of each of the following major components
of a PLC:
a. Processor module (CPU)
b. I/O modules
c. Programming device
d. Power supply module
A: a. The processor(CPU) is the brain of the PLC. A typical processor
usually consists of a micro-processor for implementing the logic and
controlling the communications among the modules. The processor
requires memory for storing the results of the logical operations
performed by the microprocessor.
b. The I/O system forms the interface by which field de-vices are
connected to the controller.The purpose of this interface is to condition
the various signals received from or sent to external field devices. Input
devices such as pushbuttons, limit switches, and sensors are hardwired
to the input terminals. Output devices such as small motors, motor
Frank D. Petruzella PLC Chapter 1 Review Questions
starters, solenoid valves, and indicator lights are hardwired to the output
c. A programming device is used to enter the desired program into
the memory of the processor. The program can be entered using relay
ladder logic, which is one of the most popular programming languages.
Instead of words, ladder logic programming language uses graphic
symbols that show their intended outcome. A program in ladder logic is
similar to a schematic for a relay control circuit.
d. The power supplysupplies DC power to other modules that plug
into the rack. For large PLC systems, this power supply does not
normally supply power to the field devices. With larger systems, power to
field devices is provided by external alternating current (AC) or direct
current (DC) supplies. For some small micro PLC systems, the power
supply may be used to power field devices.
8. What are the two most common types of PLC programming devices?
A: Hand-held programming devices and personal computer (PC)
9. Explain the terms program and programming languageas they apply
to a PLC.
A: A program is a user-developed series of instructions that directs the
PLC to execute actions. A programming language provides rules for
combining the instructions so that they produce the desired actions.
10. What is the standard programming language used with PLCs?
A: Relay ladder logic (RLL) is the standard programming language used
with PLCs. Its origin is based on electromechanical relay control. The
relay ladder logic program graphically represents rungs of contacts,
coils, and special instruction blocks. RLL was originally designed for
Frank D. Petruzella PLC Chapter 1 Review Questions
easy use and un-derstanding for its users and has been modified to
keep up with the increasing demands of industrys control needs.
11. Compare the method by which the process control operation is
changed in a relay-based system to the method used for a PLC-based
A: If a relay system were used, it would require some re-wiring of the
circuit to achieve the desired change. However, if a PLC system were
used, no rewiring would be necessary. The inputs and outputs are still
the same. All that is required is to change the PLC ladder logic program.
12. Compare the PLC and PC with regard to:
a. Physical hardware differences
b. Operating environment
c. Method of programming
d. Execution of program
A: b. unlike PCs, the PLC is designed to operate in the industrial
environ-ment with wide ranges of ambient temperature and humidity. A
well-designed industrial PLC installation, is not usually affected by the
electrical noise inherent in most industrial locations.
c. PLC is programmed in relay ladder logic or other easily learned
languages. The PLC comes with its program language built into its
memory and has no permanently attached keyboard, CD drive, or
monitor. Instead, PLCs come equipped with terminals for input and
output field devices as well as communication ports.
d. Computers are complex computing machines capable of
executing several programs or tasks simultaneously and in any order.
Most PLCs, on the other hand, execute a single program in an orderly
and sequential fashion from first to last instruction.
Frank D. Petruzella PLC Chapter 1 Review Questions
a. A personal computer (PC) can be made to operate as a
programmable logic controller if you provide some way for the computer
to receive information from devices such as pushbuttons or switches.
You also need a program to process the inputs and decide the means of
turning load devices off and on.
13. What two categories of software written and run on PCs are used
in conjunction with PLCs?
A: PLC software that allows the user to program and document gives
the user the tools to write a PLC program using ladder logic or another
programming language and document or explain the program in as much
detail as is necessary.
PLC software that allows the user to monitor and control the process is
also called a human interface (HMI).It enables the user to view a process
or a graphical representation of a process on a monitor, determine how
the system is running, trend values, and receive alarm conditions. Many
operator interfaces do not use PLC software. PLCs can be integrated
with HMIs but the same software does not program both devices.
14. What is a programmable automation controller (PAC)?
A: Most recently automation manufacturers have responded to the
increased requirements of industrial control systems by blending the
advantages of PLC-style control with that of PC-based systems. Such a
device has been termed a programmable automation controller, or PAC
(Programmable automation controllers) combine PLC ruggedness with
PC functionality. Using PACs, you can build advanced systems
incorporating software capa-bilities such as advanced control,
communication, data logging, and signal processing with rugged
hardware per-forming logic, motion, process control, and vision.
Frank D. Petruzella PLC Chapter 1 Review Questions
15. List four criteria by which PLCs are categorized.
A: functionality, number of inputs and outputs, cost, and physical size
16. Compare the single-ended, multitask, and control management
types of PLC applications.
A: A single-ended or stand-alone PLC application involves one PLC
controlling one process. This would be a stand-alone unit and would not
be used for communicating with other computers or PLCs. The size and
sophistication of the process being controlled are obvious factors in
determining which PLC to select. The applications could dictate a large
processor, but usually this category requires a small PLC.
A multitask PLC application involves one PLC controlling several
processes. Adequate I/O capacity is a significant factor in this type of
installation. In addition, if the PLC would be a subsystem of a larger
process and would have to communicate with a central PLC or computer,
provisions for a data communications network are also required.
A control management PLC application involves one PLC controlling
several others . This kind of application requires a large PLC processor
designed to communicate with other PLCs and possibly with a com-
puter. The control management PLC supervises several PLCs by
downloading programs that tell the other PLCs what has to be done. It
must be capable of connection to all the PLCs so that by proper
addressing it can communicate with any one it wishes to.
17. What is the memory capacity, expressed in bits, for a PLC that
uses 16-bit words and has an 8 K word capacity?
A: memory capacity is maximum value of memory on PLC for stores
datam instruction, and control program.
16 * 8 * 1024 = 131072 bits

Frank D. Petruzella PLC Chapter 1 Review Questions
18. List five factors affecting the memory size needed for a particular
PLC installation.
A: Number of I/O points used
Size of control program
Data-collecting requirements
Supervisory functions required
Future expansion
19. What does the instruction set for a particular PLC refer to?
A: The instruction set for a particular PLC lists the different types of
instructions supported. Typically, this ranges from 15 instructions on
smaller units up to 100 instructions on larger, more powerful units.

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