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1 DVD Hack Hits

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1 DVD Hack hits, Showing 1 to 1 DVD Hacks -

DVD Player Hacks Updated DVD Compatibility By !dd

Sony DVP-
!gst 1%, &$$# Click here 'or DVD Compatibility Post hack comment
Region code hack posted by jarret, July 07 2003:
(lti-)egion Hack 'or models*
DVP-+S#$$, DVP-+S#$", DVP-+S,$$D, DVP-+S%$$, DVP-S##$, DVP-S##", DVP-
S#-$, DVP-S##-, DVP-S"&"D, DVP-S"#$D, DVP-S"#"D, DVP-S"#-D, DVP-S%&"D,
- .rn /n the nit with the remote controller
- 0ait ntil 1no disc1 appears in the nit2s display
- Press Pase, #, 1, ,, 1, ", 3
- .he word 1C/D41 shold appear in the display
- 0ithin 'i5e seconds, press the key that corresponds to the 6one yo want i7e7 $ 'or
region 'ree, 1 'or region 1, & 'or region & and so on
- !gain, within " seconds, press Pase and Power
8' the abo5e 'ails to work then yo may wish to try the 'ollowing*
- Pt the player into Standby mode
- Press 1 and )etrn on remote 'or region 1, & and )etrn 'or region &, and so on7
Use $ and )etrn to retrn player to de'alt region settings
- Press P-(ode and )etrn to play DVD2s with the selected region, ato-switching is
- Press !dio and )etrn 'or ato-switching /n
- Press !ngle and )etrn 'or (acroVision /n
- Press Sbtitle and )etrn 'or (acroVision /''
Region code hack posted by Dave Ruch, July 31 2003:
8 ha5e a sony d5p-s"#$d
8 dont know what 8m doing wrong 8 tried with the remote it comes with to change the
region bt it didnt work, 9st as the other posts ha5e stated7 Shold 8 se a
programable remote and program the bttons: 8 ha5e a phillips pronto7 8' so where
can i 'ind the codes: 8 am able to get into the (acro men bt 8 dont know how to
change the region here7 .hanks 'or yor help7
Region code hack posted by ra!y Ja"ie, #ugust 17 2003:
8 ha5e a Sony DVP-S#"$7 8 sed the abo5e hack 'or !ll )egion
DVD2s7 .he remote mlit-nmbered hack did not work too well,
bt the simple $-4nter hack worked great7
1 DVD Hack hits, Showing 1 to 1 DVD Hacks

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