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Ghislaine Lanctot - The Medical Mafia

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Ghislaine Saint-Pierre Lanctot

I give talks, seminars and workshops,

in English and French, on many different subjects:

To reach me, 1. Dying OF Fear or Dying TO Fear? - A Decision

2. The Feminine Principle: the Key to All-Mightiness
Write to: 3. Religion / Spirituality / Divinity
Ghislaine Saint-Pierre Lanctot 4. Justice / Justness: Legality or Legitimacy?
P.O. Box 309
5. Politics: from Democracy to Personocracy
Waterloo (Quebec)
6. Money: Economy / Finance / Industry / Commerce
Canada, JOE 2NO
7. Unlimited Health / Eternal Youth / Immortality
Phone to: 8. Education / Culture / Media
1 (450) 297 -3930 9. Family / Couple / Children
10. Society: Paradise on Earth, Here and Now
Fax to:
1 (450) 297-0233
I also offer consultations in orientation with step-by-step

Visit my web site: follow-up in every day practical matters. This service is
www.personocratia.com available to individuals, groups and companies.

A list of available books and videos, with ordering deta i

may be found at the back or this book.
I de.divate- thi~ book.

To all the- ~ov'e-r-e-i9'~ I hav'e- KJ1own,

M~ for-Me-r- patiU1t~,
for- ~ow c..onfrde-nu:- in Me- ov'e-r- the- pa~t
tWU1~-frv'e- ~e-ar-( Yov tav~t Me- abovt
life-. It i~ with MVU, gatifvde- that I
~VbMit thi~ work. to 10v.

N, we-It to all of M1 for-Me-r- c..ollaboYdtor-~,

the- ~taff of M1 vlini~,
for- ~ow I01al~ and ~vpport
Yov e-nable.d Me- to look. be-1ond and e-xplor-e-
ne-w hor-i:z.on~. It i~ with MVU, a~tion
that I ~har-e- M1 di~c..ov'e-r-i~ with 10v.

And ~pwall1 to M1 pav-h1e-r- "fYanu:-,

M1 c..oMpanion in thi~ f3:-arl-h11 e-xpe-r-ie-nu:-.
I thank. 10V for- Be-i ~
It ;~ with MVU, e-nthov~ia~M
that I lavnu, with 10v,
thi~ ne-w 2.002 e.dition.

Thank. 10V all fr-oM the- bOITOM

of M1 he-art!
IINTRODvc..nON (2002 edition)~~"

Eight years later, The Medical Mafia is still up to date, actually more than ever. I have
decided to re-edit this book, and I am also beautifying it. So let us see, how is it going?


• Competition is being eliminated. Researchers are being reoriented. Dissidents are
imprisoned or being shown up and reduced to silence. The alternative products that
are profitable are being recuperated by multinationals thanks to the legislation of
the Codex of the WHO (World Health Organization) and the patents of the WTO.
• Cunningly stoked by the authorities and the media that serves them, a fearful panic of
sickness, of aging and of death is haunting the population. The obsession to survive
at all costs makes the international traffic of organs, blood and human fetuses
prosper ... also at all cost.
• Food is irradiated, milk pasteurized, genes modified, water is contaminated, and the air
is poisoned. Children receive 35 vaccines before entering the school system.
Whole families are drugged; the father on Viagra, the mother on Prozac, and the
children on Ritalin. Soon, their security, their normality, and their happiness will be
assured by the implantation of the micro chip, as we do with animals. In fertility clinics
we produce, by artificial insemination, triplets and quadruplets, and a good quantity of
embryos are being stock-piled. Human cloning is around the corner. You have gone
mad, the cows cry at us.
• During this time, costs are rising and services diminishing. The health system is drowning
in a profound chaos that only privatization can save. Financiers are coming to the
rescue, the same people who have conceived, put in place and then killed the health
system. It had to be first adopted as a public monopoly to be able to then transform
the system into a private monopoly. Well done, Dr. Rockefeller and your associates of
the Trilateral Commission. Yet. ..
Consciousness is being raised sharply. Information that before was hidden is now being
exposed: vaccines are ineffective and dangerous, the medical systefTI kills people, medications
are poisoning us, and AIDS is not even a disease! A german doctor by the name of Hamer has
proven that all sickness is psychosomatic. Holistic and alternative health practices are gaining in
popularity. The authority of all authorities is being questioned. Nothing is sure anymore, except
for fear. When 5% of the population will finally lose confidence in the Medical Mafia, the system
will crumble, like a house of cards, which it is. Then we will see that this experience had its place
in the evolution of human consciousness. And together we will conclude that
Head-To-Head From Heart-To-Heart
This book is the fruit of medical studies, apprenticeship, learning by experience, and
reflection over 25 years of practicing and being involved in the world of medicine.
To some, this work will seem obvious. To others, it will appear to be nonsense,
an aberration. It will please one. And shock the other.
In part, it is with one's brain that one will understand this book. And, in part, it is with
one's heart that one will perceive it. Certain areas are explored using logic, others thanks to
intuition. My medical studies have taught me the importance of being rigorous, precise, accurate,
and statistically correct. Life has taught me, however, that these do not always work out as
spelled out in the treatise or as written in stone. I am not going to express myself in an academic
or didactic fashion. But rather I will relate to you what I have seen, read, understood, actually
experienced, and concluded. I am going to avoid statistics which, after all, can prove whatever
they set out to prove. I will restrict myself to presenting approximate ballpark figures with all
the margin of error that they entail. Do not look for proof, footnotes, or exact figures. You will
not find them. I am not a statistician, nor an archivist nor journalist. Nor am I a professional
researcher or economist. But common sense and love, that I know. My aim is not to convince
you, but to inform you. Having said that:
- Either your inner voice will tell you that it is true and, therefore, you will not need any
- Or, your inner voice will tell you that it is not true, and no amount of proof is going to
convince you otherwise.
- Or your inner voice will cause you to question and want to know more, and I will cite
books already full of references.

When I recommend these books for you to read, I am not necessarily endorsing the contents
or the message. There are some that I have read from cover to cover. Others that I just flipped
through. And others that I have not read at all. That is not important in die least. For it is you
who will draw your own conclusions. I am happy only to inform you of their existence. The only
truth that is of any consequence to you is your own.
It is the same with quotations. I include those that have caused me to reflect, hoping that
they will do the same for you.
Despite its title, this book is not a denunciation of the medical world. Many others
have already done that. I am not looking for a guilty party or a scapegoat. For who are we to
judge others? Besides, I am not in a position to do that, given the fact that it is by having been
a participant and having collaborated with the industry that I discovered the Medical Mafia and
its machinations.
The only ones who are responsible are those who pay the bill. And that is us. Which brings
me to the real purpose of this book. Namely, to shed some fight on just how the medical
system works, in order to better focus our efforts if we wish to change it. All too often, I have
seen people full of good intentions devote their energy, time and money to improve a system,
only to beat their heads against a brick wall. In other words, the status quo. Quite simply
because they did not know how the system worked.
And last, but not least, I would like to tell you right now that I have a weakness for fables.
I will indulge in this little pleasure every once in a while. Animals and imaginary human beings
relate things so well that I occasionally turn the pen (make that word-processor) over to them.
This book was conceived in the USA, modified in France, and completed in Canada. ttJave
lived, studied, and worked in the medical field in all three countries.
All three have arrived at the same setback. The same dilemma - it costs too much and
one doesn't have the means to pay - despite the apparent difference of the three health
I also noted that in each of the three countries, people there criticized their own system,
while praising that of another country without reading that, albeit under different labels, the
base was exactly the same. But then isn't grass always greener on the other side?
As if to make the point, certain Americans in authority are trying to convince the American
people to adopt a Canadian-style health system. The very system that is currently helping to
drive Canada to bankruptcy.
I have come to understand that:
1. We have given up trying to make sense of our own health system because it is too
2. We are all dissatisfied, no matter what the system.
3. The systems of different countries differ only in their appearance. Their very essence is
the same, as well as their results: too expensive, out of control, and resulting in an
increasing incidence of illness.
4. Somewhere, there must lie some sort of global plan, or will, if you wish, given that the
results of the systems are so much the same in all countries.

I therefore set out to find examples in these three countries:

the USA, Canada, and France.

And to quote from works stemming from all three.

In this way, we will be able to plainly see the problems that exist within occidental countries
and realize the importance of our influence on the politics of health of the rest of
the world.
In order to transpose the information from one country to another, note that:
• the population of the U.S. is 10 times that of Canada, and 5 times that of France;
• the U.S. dollar is worth 50% more than the Canadian dollar and 5 times more than
the French franc. It equals the worth of the Euro.
These figures are approximate figures applicable in 2002.

Having lived in these three countries, I fully adopted them. Therefore, I speak of "we" when
referring to the inhabitants of these countries.
Having also been a patient from time to time, I understood the sick person's situation and
adopted it. Therefore, I use "we" when speaking of the patients and of the doctors, naturally.

FROM 9 TO 99
Is the medical system complicated? No. Nothing is complicated in nature.
If the medical system seems complicated, then it is because it has distanced itself from its very
reason for being in the first place. One more reason for retrieving it and getting it back on track.
Whether you are 9 or 99, understanding your health and governing it in your own way is
not a question of age. Secrecy and complexity are the tools of manipulation and the control of
some by others. Transparency and simplicity are the tools of personal power. I will apply them
throughout this book. If you find it "simplistic", then I will have succeeded.


You will note three modifications:
• My first name is written from now on, Ghislaine, as it was originally. The pronounciation
is the same as before.
• My family name now has an addition to it, which is Saint-Pierre, my mother's maiden
• My right of practice as a medical doctor, (M.D.), has been revoked by the medical
authorities, following the publication of this book.
See: The Trial of The Medical Mafia.
This explains the Signification of
the following symbol:
W~D Rm 11
~ cloc,tDr
I ha~ pracAiu.J lYIulic-ine- in thG. Fdd of phlc-bolo,81 (thG. tr-e-~ of varl~ ve-in~ in fhe- I~) for allYlo<;t
W ~e-aK. Ne-ve-r onu. dVrl"5- fhi~ 1i/Ylc-, did I ~~ ~k,j"5- 1YI~~lf t'«1ion~:

• Wh~ arc- u-rldin illn«~« vrtfmtable-?

• Wh~ are- ~01Yle- Fple- aIWol~~ ill and ~ nc-IIG¥'?
• Wh~ do ~01Yle- Fple- die- frolYl an illn«~ and oi-hc-K ru.ove-r?
• Wh~ dO lYIuliul c.o<;t~ um1inve- to ~Y'lJC.kL.t?
• Wh~ are- ~01Yle- dovtoK or fhmpi~~ barrc-cJ fr'01Yl prac.-1ic-i~ and ~ not?
• Wh~ i~ onl~ tr-e-atMc-rtt Y'c-IYIvnc-ratui and not pre-vc-rt1ion?
• Wh~ are- pc-ople- ~1iII d~i"5- of unu.r a~ 'So ~e-aK of irttc-n~ive- ~arc.-h at ~tr-onomiul c.o<;t?
• Wh~ do gve-mlYl~ e-lilYlinate- ga~ to ho<;pital~ ~ fhe- nvlYl&c-r of fho<;e- Woli1i"5- to &c- adlYlim.cJ
um1inv« to inc.-rc-a~e-? .,
• Wh~ do pa1ic-rtt~ not know what ~ have-? Nor wh~ fh~ arc- &C-i"5- opc-ratul on or what fh~ are-
&c-i"5- matul for?
• Wh~ are- we- ~o litHe- inforlYlui of altma1ive- lYIulic-in«?
• Wh~ i~ e-ve-r~one- ~o vnhapp~ wifh thG. e-xi~1i"5- lYIuliul and ho<;pital ~~~tc-/YI?
• Wh~ are- fhe-re- ~o lYIan~ lYIuliul or~niZJfion~ and gve-mlYlc-nt ag-nc-i«? Who~ inte-~t are- fh~

M~ prof«~ion Wol~ vnable- to provide- lYle- wifh an~ of fhe- an~we-K to fh«e- t'«1ion~. So I ~ve- vp on hopi"5-
to Ie-am fhrov~ mditional c.-hanne-I~ And I c-nrollul in fhe- ~ool of life..
flKt of all wifh IYI~ pa1i~. The-ir c..onFdc-nu. and m~t in lYle- lYIovul me- 8'e-atl~ and c-nc..ovra~ lYle-
to aIWol~~ Ie-am lYIore- ~o fhat I c..oVld &c-fte-r inforlYl fhe-IYI. ~c-n in are-a~ fhat we-re- not m~ Fe-Id of ~pWaliz.<l1ion.
The-~ we-rc- kind c-nov~ to ~harc- fhe-ir life. e-xpe-ri~ wifh lYle-. I alYl indcMul to fhc-/YI.
And fhc-n I wc-nt to ofhe-r ~ool~. I Wol~ ovt to di~ve-r all that we-, dovtoK, do not Ie-am awvt lYIulic-ine-.
NalYle-I~, altma1ive- lYIulic-in«. I mve-lIuI to lYIan1 plac.-«, e-ve-n a~ far a~ Si&c-ria I Wol~ de-fe.r/YIinui to ~c-c- for
1YI~~e-lf e-xac.-tI1 what c..on~1iM« fh«e- diffe.rc-nt ut~rl« of lYIulic-ine-. I di~vuul a whole- ofhe-r paralle-l world
lYIulic-ine-, whic.-h 81"« ~vl~ fhat are- oftc-n inc%ulibl~ po<;i1ive-.
I al~o di~ve-rul, dvri"5- fhi~ apprc-n1ic.-«hip if ~ov wilt fhe- e-xi~tc-nu. atTJ ilYlpomnu. of fhat whic.-h we- unnot
~c-c-. The- invi~ibl~ fhe- c-ne-rm We- are- all vibrant bocJi« of c-ne-r81 ,md fhe- f~c-n1 of fh«e- vibra1ion~
de-hmin« ovr ~t.te- of k~fh.
I Wol~ wm an c-ntr-e-prc-ne-vr Cvrio<;ifIJ and fhe- love- of a c.-hall~ FKt lui me- to «tabli~h u.n~ of
phlwolo81 in ~e-vml town~ and c-i1i« in Nor1h Ame-riu. 5~ foru. of c-irc.-vm~tanu., I had to N"Pple- wifh fhe-
1~lifIJ, bv~in«~, and poli1i~ of mulic-ine-. I gt to rvb e-IWM w'rfh fhe- muliul «tabli~hmuif.
Thank~ to all fh«e- e-xpe-rie-~, I ume- to vnde-Ktand !tOW IT WORKS in mulic-ine-. Who advall~ c..ontrol~
fhe- kalfh ~1~tc-/YI and who proF~ from it M1 apprc-n1ic.-«hip in fhe- Fe-Id Wol~ mvc.-h diffe.rc-nt from fhat whic.-h
I had e-xDe-rirAlu..J i~ 1'II....Jir..:l1 Crj,,1lIl1 I ,..JICu"I....V'....i +J".... r"M-I,'/-;,f ,[.J.t" ~Ar:::nl(, Il..I ~AIl..-c:lA. , .. J r '_,J .IL _.•
r ..._ ..r
I told M~~e,lf ThClt Clil one, hCld to do wa~ 1b r~lilfe, pove,~ in UlMMvniti~ in orde,r to Uln~idmbl~ iMprove, The,
FnClnc.« of he,ClITh, I ClI~o kaMe, ve,r~ Clware, Clt Thi~ point in tiMe, ThClt he,ClITh proble,M~ we,re" for The, Mo~t pClr1;
~o~ClI Clnd e,nvironMe,niol proble,f'(1( And ThClt The,~ did not re,tvire, Mwic-al ~olvtion~, M rilThe,r politic-al on~,

Yd not onl~hClve, ovr 8've,rnMe,nt~ fClilw 1b r~IClte, The, ~o~ClI proble,f'(1~, The,~ .re, e,Ve,n hClc.kJ~ Clwa~ Clt Clil
The, ~o~ClI pr08'"M~ Cllre,Cld~ In e,xi~te,nu., I The,n ope,nUl M~ ~~ to re,Clli~, Th~e, gve,rnMe,nt~ hClVe, no inte,ntion of
~olvi~ proble,M~, On The, Ulnmr~,

A mofhcw
As cl Mofhe,r of fovr; wori::Jnq- for The, M~t PClrt wiTh WOMe,n, I re,Clliud how Man~ of v~ we,re, Mi~tre,CltW
b~ • pro~~ion whe,re, Mi~o81n~ re,I8'~' I Clko notw The, parildox ThClt it i~ WOMe,n who in fCld are, Mo~t l/lo~e,I~
involvw wiTh he,ClIThc-are"
Trilditionall~, it i~ we, who ioke, l/Glre, of The, he,.ITh of The, faMil~ and it i~ we, who Uln~vlt a dodor for
ovr hv~b.nd~, ovr c..hildre,n, or for ovr~e,lv~, We, hold The, powe,r of The, he,ClITh ~~~te,M, M we, do not e,xw:.~~e, it
Thi~ book i~ The,re,fore, .ddr~~w, Fr~t and fore,M~~ 1b WOMe,n,
As il MoThe,r; I .M UlnvinuW Th.t The, onl~ worfhwhlle, inhe,riionu. That I l/Gln Ie,ave, M~ c..hildre,n i~
M~ UlntriMion to The, ae,.tion of • be-tte,r ~o~e,~ A ~o~e,~ in whic..h Th~, ilnd The,ir c..hildre,n, will Ulntinve,
to Nolve, .nd gow.
To ure,Clte" one, Mv~t Fr~t of .11 dre,.M, And The,n one, Mv~t Fnd cl wa~ to re,.liz.c, one,'~ dre,.M, The, b~t
he,.ITh, for ClII, Clt The, ~t priu. The,re, Mv~t be- • wa~ to ac..hie,ve, it One, onl~ ha~ to Fnd it
fOr ~e,.r~, I wa~ ~vre, Th.t • ~ovru. of he,.ITh e,xi~tw That wa~ ~ond The, Ulnu.pt of ~god he,.IM Th.t we,
now know, whic..h Ulnde,Mn~ v~ to be-i~ ill, to ~Mi~ old, .nd The,n 1b die"
In 1963, I pvt vp • ~i~ on The, walk of M~ Jini~, ~LJNi.-IMITW /t6Ai.-ntJI, I kne,w it wa~ p~~ibb, M
I did not know how to .rrlVe, Clt it It wa~ not vntil1D ~e,aK latu That I fovnd Th.t it Ulvld be- done" Il/GlMe, to
vnde,Kiond Th.t one, Ulvld .c..hie,ve, MVc..h More, Th.n Me,re,l~ Mainioini~. ~vre, of god he,.ITh, IMMOrnli~ i~ u.rninl~
not Ovt of The, tv~tionl
Don't wo~ I do not be-Io~ to an~ re,li,&on, ~~ ~e,ad ~~e,~, or to .n~ pClrt!uvl.r politil/Gli p.~ M~ onl~
.1Ie&anu. i~ 'In M~~e,lf I aM Ma~fe,r of M~ Thov~, M~ e,f'(1otion~, .nd M~ .l/tion~, I .M M~ own pe,Kon, A pe,r~on
with f.iTh, not in e,xfm.1 avfhoriti~, M in M~~e,lf in ~ov, in v~, in hVM.ni~ I h.ve, f.iTh in The, divini~ of The,
hVM.n be-i~ One, onl~ ha~ to ~r frOM ovr pn~on and fl~ fbu., JD~' he-.ITh ;md p~rri~ ;we, Jv~t be-hind The,
wall~ That we, hClVe, vnwittin&~ he,lpw to e,re,ut .nd fortih
To ope,n the, pri~on ~~, I had to vnde,r~iond the, ~~~te,f'(1 in orde,r 1b know whe,re, I ~hovld Ulnu.nWe, M~
e,ffort~ No tre,.tMe,nt Defore, FKt Ulndvl/ti~. Thorov;J;b dia91~i~, I ~e,.rc..hw Whe,n we, ~e,.rc..h, we, do di~ve,r;
M not alwa~~ what we, wovld like, to Fnd - The, Mu1;'l/Gl1 ~~~te,f'(1 i~ • ve,riiobb MWICAi.- MAfiA, whic..h ae,Clt~
~ic.kn~~ .nd kJlk for Mon~ and powe-r A rilThe,r Mal/Glbre, di~ve,~,
I h.ve, Cl~~e,f'(1blw all the, pi~ of The, pvuJe, fh.t I have, dle,utw Throv;J;bovt M~ fClK of appre,ntic.«hip .nd
I have, Fnall~ re,U)n~ml/tw the, bi5- pidvre, fh.t I have, dre,aMw of: UII/imiUd h&altt. f W&altt. foy all.
Conm~ to what all of v~ Mi? like, to be-lie,ve"
it i~ not The, Clvfhoriti~, MWil/Gl1 or politil/GlI, ThClt ClVe, %,i~
to bvi~ .bovt -the, ~olvtion, Includ, it i~ Th~ that Y1Clve, ae,Clte,d The, pvoble,M and It ~ ~ who ~e,e,k in rYI.inbin
it We, .Ione" .~ p.ti~, ~ Ull1Urnw ~tiz.c,n~, l/Gln ope,n the, .9te, 1b -the, pri<;on iItd ~iu. 0111" dre,arYI of he,.ITh
.nd pv~pe,ri~
I h.ve, writte,n Thi~ book fov .11 Th~e, of v~ who love, li~ & rWr fay IY.ith ~ inu/vdw We, onl~ h.ve,
to Cl~ive, The, ingwie,nt~, Mix we,II, Clnd .dd • little, da~h of ~I ~~. A!Id ~ The, ~.~tl
50n appltitl
s.o.s. in t~e USR
The whole question of the healthcare system in the United States is currently under review.
The proposed solutions do not meet the requirements of who we are. A bastardized social
system for the American people. Shame! No wonder it is coming in for such close scrutiny and
The authorities are trying to present us with a rehash of other health systems from other
countries. At the very time when these systems are either in the process, or on the verge, of
collapsing from one day to the next.
We need to create a truly original American health system. One that is custom-designed
by Americans, for Americans. And, as we are all concerned, let us all decide on the system under
which we want to live. We should not leave it up to the authorities and the politicians who
want to force us into a captive market and cause us to abandon our control over our health.
Control by the State under whatever
banner - socialist, capitalist,
conservative, liberal - is a monopoly.
Controlling the money and the criteria
dictating the practice of medicine is to
reduce 1,500 insurance companies to one.
That is the State.
It is our money and our health. They are ours
alone to control and manage. In any case, it is we
who foot the bill.
As the old saying goes, "if you want something done
·ight, then do it yourself." Certainly, we cannot do worse
han the authorities have succeeded in doing to date.
We can only do better. And much better at that.
Quickly and without delay, let us take back control of
our most prized and treasured possession, our health.
And let us manage it ourselves. With common sense,
fairness, and love. We will rediscover health and

Nationalization =Monopoly
RMedicine of Sic~ness

A Medicine of Health

1. The medicine that is practiced is expensive, and we do not have the means to continue to practice it.
2. It causes everyone to be dissatisfied. Patients and doctors alike.
3. This is true for the United States, as it is for Canada, France or, for that matter, all countries
whatever their health sy~tem may be.
4. What they all have in common is a medicine of sickness called" scientific", which consider the
human being to be a machine. It treats only the symptoms - the consequences of the sickness -
and not the cause. It renders the patient dependent.
5. Very little money goes to health. Almost all goes to sickness. A medicine of sickness makes one ill
and costs a lot.

,. If the problem is a mediCine of sickness, then the solution IS a medicine of health, which treats the
cause of illnesses and prevents them from occurring,
2. Probably as much as 75% of the medicine of sickness is unnecessary and its cost can be avoided.
3. It is a matter of placing the emphasis on health and regulating the problems which cause Sickness.
These solutions have been proposed by many for a long time. In adopting them, we would be able
to reduce the cost of sickness by 75% and then apply 25% of the savings to the cost of health.
4. As a result, we would have an effective "health" system at half the current cost With patients who
are autonomous and responsible.
5. The solution is simple, evident, and enticing. Why don't the authorities realize this! Why are they
doing the very opposite?

1. The two principal actors in the system have accepted to become spectators and have relinquished
their power.
- the patients: their financial power to insurance companies, in the name of security.. $ ,
• the doctors: their medical power to institutions, in the name of protection. 1"
2. However, security and protection are illusions. Belief in them, in effect, means that the actors have
become spectators, prisoners of a system of sickness which costs them dearly and which makes them ill.
3. If both patients and doctor are dissatisfied, someone else out there must be happy that such a
medical system is being perpetuated and that it is being" installed" around the world.
4. Who then created the system and is keeping it in place? Surely those that profit from it. It is the
industry that reaps large profits and it is the industry that is keeping the establishment (established
medicine) in power which, in turn, keeps patients and doctors captives of a system of sickness.
5. Officially, we are told that the system is at the service of the patient. But, in practice, the system is
at the service of the industry which pulls the strings and maintains a system of sickness for its own
profit. That is the MEDICAL MAFIA.

1. The two principal actors in the system take back their respective power:
- the patients: their financial power - the doctors: their medical power
2. The only one who has the ultimate power to change the system is the patient - the very reason
for being of the system. The patients will take back their power over health and exercise their
sovereignty. The doctors will recognize the sovereignty of the patients and help them to exercise it.
That is self-health.
3. There will follow a patient-doctor-therapist partnership based on the collaboration between equal
partners in health. It is the way to transform the present medical system.
4. Such partnerships will extend to one and all. And this will be true universal healthcare.
5. Finally, we will realize HEALTH & WEALTH FOR ALL.
SIVPY OF' It <;y<;,TTM

What is a Human Bl!ing?


R Body, a Soul. a Spirit

Rn Ell!ctrical Systl!m

Thl! Enigma of thl! Soul



Four Diml!nsions, Four Worlds





R Journl!Y On Planl!t Earth



Thl! Fundaml!ntal QUl!stion

It MwlC-INf- oF' S!CKJJf-SS

Thrl!l! [ountril!s, anI! Systl!m


Sicknl!ss YES, Hl!alth NO


Trl!ating thl! Symptoms, Normalizing thl! Figurl!s

Ignoring thl! Probll!m

Causing IIlnl!ssl!s

[rl!ating FalSI! IIlnl!ssl!s

A: i.-ITTU:- H-rs-roRY
Malll!us Mall!ficarum
Fll!xnl!r Rl!port

Dl!claration of Rima Rta



Whl!rl! DOl!s Our Monl!Y Go?



~ Medicine of Sickness


A system is an arranged order of elements. This entails:
- several elements,
- disposed in a certain order,
- to make a whole.

We must therefore:
- identify the elements,
- find the order that governs them,
- determine the desired result.

Whether it involves a simple system or a complex one, the principles are always the same.
Whether it be:
- a human being,
- health,
- society,
- planet Earth.

All have an Identical structure and order. They suffer from the same illnesses and require
the same treatments. One only has to study one in order to understand them all.
I would like to explore with you that of the human being.

W~at is a Human Being?
It is a BEING that has a human body. We are in the presence of a duality
To be and to have. This duality finds itself
" either in opposition: that is war, illness, disorder
• or in harmony: that is peace, health, order.
One only has to find the right frequency and get on the right "wavelength" for all to go
well. It is as simple as that.


For millennia, we have sought to know:
1. Who we are.
2. Where we come from.
3. Where we are going.
4. What we are doing on Earth.

These questions often remain

unanswered or receive an answer with a
question mark tagged on. Yet one cannot
approach the subject of the health of a
human being without first posing these
questions. It is in all modesty that I have
outlined some tentative answers. And yet
the TRUTH is there. Right at our fingertips,
but so difficult to grasp.
My research and questioning have led
me to arrive at certain observations and
conclusions that are far different from
those of my medical observations. These
conclusions are far different from those
medical, philosophical and religious
teachings that I was taught. In the pages
that follow, I will share with you the
summary of my extra-curricular
It is the truth as I know it. And it is only of
Cover page of the book "What The Hell Am I
value to me. But perhaps it will encourage
Doing Here Anyway?", published in 2002
you in your quest for your own truth. and a follow-up of "The Medical Mafia ".
That is all that it can do for you.
R Body, a Soul, a Spirit
To the question: who are we?
The answer is: a body, a soul, and a spirit.

We often come across these three words, but with different meanings, explanations and
functions. I outline here that which I have understood and, while it is incomplete, I hope it will
help you also to understand how our system works, to learn why it is sometime out of balance,
and to discover how we can make it work in perfect harmony.


visible body invisible bodies conscience lAm

h sical emotions/thou hts intention God/Goddess
visible invisible invisible invisible
mortal mortal immortal eternal

very low low high very high

vibrations vibrations vibrations vibrations
procreative energy co-creative energy creative energy
personality individuality divinity
external power internal power all mightiness
An Electrical System
We can compare our energy system to an electrical system.
• Electricity comes from the light source, creative, cosmic.
• It is transmitted along a wire, where there are many relays and transformers to reduce
the intensity and to protect matter. However, by increasing the frequency of matter,
we reduce the need for relays and transformers. We are thus able to get more in tune
with our Source.
• The current can pass only when the switch is ON.
• The light is captured by a receptor which lights up.
• It in turn illuminates the organism.
It is important to note that one must take the decision to turn the switch ON in order for
le electricity to pass. Without that decision, there is no light. One remains in the dark.


(SOUL) •

• ~i

~o(_ _ _ _ _S_W_IT_CH____
-+. --


T~e Enigma of t~e Soul
"In all honesty", we often say that when we listen to our innermost selves. And saying that,
we know that we are in accord with ourselves. What exactly do we mean by that? To be in
accord means that one is on the same wavelength, the same frequency. As whom, as what? We
know that it is our spirit, our Energy, that nourishes each and every one of our cells. The music
flows. We feel good with ourselves. There is peace. When there is discord between our body and
our spirit, there is no harmony or accord, but rather dissension. We are strung-out and out of
sync. It is disorder, suffering, sickness.


It is the wire along which flows the electricity from the power station. It transmits electricity
from that station to'tlle light bulb. It transmits Vital Energy from the Source to every cell in the
body, without whi~h they' die.
"He gave up his $oul at 2:35, " is the often-heard saying when describing the exact
moment when a person dies. It is the exact time when the soul departs its body.
The soul is the energizing spinal column of the entire body. It is to the invisible body what
the vertebral column is to the visible body. Its state cannot be measured by instruments, but it
can be perceived. There are several common expressions that describe it well.

At death,
the soul leaves
the body

Sick soul: Healthy soul:

- orchestra conductor controlled: - orchestra conductor is in control:
submissive sovereign
- human being dragged down - human being rises

Petty Generous
Crawling Dignified
Closed Open
Cowers Stands tall
Disconnected Tuned in
Stoops Stands up
Broken Confident
Devious Direct
Complicated Uncomplicated
Twisted Straight
Soft Firm
Fragile Solid as a rock
It brings life and health to the organism.
It is the orchestra conductor.
It arranges and directs the score for every musician (visible and invisible bodies) so that they
play in harmony with the tune (spirit). But still, we have to listen.

The health of the system, or of our organism, depends upon the efficiency of the orchestra
conductor: the conscience.
• If the orchestra conductor is not alert or is asleep, it is cacophony. Each body plays its part
of the composition in its own frequency or rhythm.
• If the orchestrato11ductor is alert and awake, it is a sheer delight. Each body plays the
same melodyin'harmony with the frequency of the others.

The more awakened the state of consciousness, the healthier the bodies.

What can lull the consciousness to sleep?

Matter, - the denser it is, the lower the vibrations, and the less the soul can be heard.

1. The sleeping pill of the physical body is intoxication. It distorts the conscience by alcohol,
noise, work, gambling, success, sex, consomption, and whatever else comes into play.
2. The sleeping pill of the emotional body is fear. The fear of not HAVING that which one
wants, or fear of LOSING th~t which one already HAS. It cripples the consciousness.
It buries one alive in a coffin of ice.
3. The third sleeping pill, that of the mental body, is belief. Belief in preconceived ideas,
rather than conceiving them for oneself from one's soul, which knows all. It imprisons
the conscience.
4. Even if the consciousness is awake, it can be fooled. It can be charmed and so captivated.
Even though we hear it, it does not wany us. One buys its silence. It becomes corrupt.
One sells one's soul for material gain. Power, money, prestige. After all, it is not only
Faust who sells his soul to the devil. We all do it every day.

Intoxication, fear, belief and corruption all have the same consequence. The submission
of the soul to the body. The natural order is thrown into a state of confusion. From here grows
disorder, sickness, war, misery, death. They sabotage our individual health, that of our systems,
that of our society.

Sickness Health
- orchestra conductor unaware, unalert - orchestra conductor awake:
alert and conscious
- bodies are heavy, obscure. - bodies are light and luminous.

The more the soul is twisted, the poorer it The truer the soul, the better it transmits
transmits the Source's light the Source's light.
The lower the vibrations of the soul. The higher the vibrations of the soul.
The lower the level of consciousness. The higher the level of consciousness.
The more thoughts and emotions dominate. The more it controls and facilitates the
passage of light.
The more the bodies lower their vibrations. The more the bodies raise the level of
their vibrations.
The greater the disharmony with the The more they harmonize with the
Source's light. source's light.
The heavier and more obscure the bodies. The more the bodies are light and
Four Dimensions, Four Worlds
Two bodies (one visible and one invisible), a soul, and a spirit. That makes four. Four
dimensions (Barbara Brennan) or four worlds (Janine Fontaine). These four worlds, while
different, all have points in common.


Even the physical body vibrates. It is made up of vibrations with such low frequencies that
we refer to them as heavy. That is why we can see it with the naked eye. The three other worlds
(invisible body, soul, spirit) have vibrations with ever-increasing frequencies and we refer to
them as light or subtle. This is why we cannot see them.
For example, the eagle, when it flies, we see the flapping of its majestic wings at a slow
frequency, even when it is flying at full speed. The humming-bird, on the other hand, beats its
wings at such a rapid frequency that they cannot be seen.
The highest, or lightest, vibratory frequency is that of the spirit, the Source of all vibrations.
It is the light which progressively passes through the other three dimensions or worlds to be
subsequently found in each of even the tiniest particles in our physical body. The easier it passes
through these, the higher it raises their vibratory frequencies during its passage. As a result,
they are in good health. And we, in turn, become healthier.


We cannot see, nor can we touch, the vibrations because they are not in material form.
It is not because we cannot see or measure them, however, that they do not exist. It is because
our capacity for extrasensory perception is atrophied or asleep. It is also because our instruments
for measurement are simply not up to the task. Yet some people have the ability - innate or
acquired - to perceive or feel the vibrations of the bodies or soul, to the point of being able
to describe and quantify them. Several books have been written telling us about the subtle
(invisible) components of the human being. They provide us with their description, their
functioning, their sicknesses, their treatments. I refer you to two of these authors.
• In France, Janine Fontaine, a Doctor of cardiology and
anesthesiology, has developed an extraordinary sensibility which See to '13eUeve
enables her to evaluate the state of subtle (invisible) bodies. or
Since 1977, she has practiced a form of energetic medicine. '13eUeve to See.
She has written several books in which she describes in detail
the energetic body and the physical rules which govern it.
• In the USA, Barbara Brennan, a scientist and therapist, has developed an extraordinary
clairvoyance which enables her to "see" the subtle dimensions of the human being.
She shares the result of her research, describes her practice as a healer and her
teachings, in two well-illustrated books. In them, she also teaches us to use our
inner power of healing.
THE VISIBLE THE INVISIBLE The soul is the link The spirit is the
PHYSICAL BODY BODIES. They which joins the light in all of us,
which we can all envelop the visible light Source emanating from
see because its body. They are four (Cosmos) to the the Source. The
vibrations are low. in number: Earth. It captains spirit is the very
It is our body in 1) the ethereal the journey of the essence, the
flesh and bone. body, molded spirit in matter. substance, the
It is touchable on the physical It knows from reason for being
and measurable. body. where it comes and of a human being.
It is easy to where it is going. No spirit, no
2) the emotional
understand. It has a charted matter. It exists
body, the seat
It functions by map and it knows unto itself. It comes
of emotions.
physical and the itinerary. If it to travel on earth
chemical reactions 3) the mental body, remains true to and takes a vehicle,
based on the the seat of the divine plan, its the body. The spirit
physics of Newton. thoughts.
intentions are also is the original,
All is explicable 4) the spiritual true. Then all goes the body the copy.
and predicable. body, assures well. It is order and The spirit is
Since the phYSical relations with health. If it submits eternal. The body
body also vibrates, others and the to external thought lasts only the
it may be external world. pressures (beliefs) duration of the
influenced by Few people can and emotions journey. It is
emotions and see these bodies (fear), it loses itself temporary and
thoughts which because their in matter. It is mortal. The spirit
control its vibrations are disorder and is everywhere.
hormonal and already too rapid sickness. The It is light, the
nervous systems. for the naked eye. vibration of the highest vibration of
Its state of health But we know from soul is higher than all. It heals all
depends entirely experience that our those of the bodies. others. It is perfect.
upon that of morale influences Its influence on It is God/Goddess
invisible bodies. our phYSical being. them is direct and fused together.
Positive thoughts rapid. It is androgynous.
and emotions It is divine.
assure health, Therefore, the
while certain human being
beliefs and fear is of divine nature.
lead to sickness. It is all-powerful,
health, life.
It cannot be sick.
It is unlimited
health .

..- ... ... ~ ... -~~.~--~ ~-

Whatever happens in one of the worlds affects the others. When one is affected by a
problem, so too are the others. This interdependence follows a natural order. The worlds
influence one another, starting from the highest vibrations to the heaviest. That is to say,
from the spirit to the soul, then to the invisible body and, finally, to the visible physical body.
When sickness occurs in the physical body, it has already occurred in first the soul and then
the invisible body. The spirit, however, is never sick. It is the source of healing for the bodies.
It is health. As for the soul, it transmits health. For its part, the physical body manifests health.
Sickness never begins in the physical body, unless it stems from some kind of accident.
In general, health begins to deteriorate in the soul whose alteration immediately affects the
invisible body. However, the attack on the invisible body can take years to physically manifest
itself. This is to say that:
- one doesn't catch an illness. Rather one develops illness and sometimes it takes years
before becoming evident and apparent.
- one can diagnose eventual illnesses by evaluating the state of health of the invisible body.
- one can therefore prevent illnesses by treating the invisible body before the sickness takes
- it is better to treat the sickness by respecting the order of its appearance. In other words,
treating the most subtle body and working towards the least subtle. In this way, it is
possible that one does not have to work on the physical body at all, contrary to what
we usually do. The healing of the invisible body will automatically lead to that of the
physical body, providing that there is no real physical emergency involved, which goes
without saying.


The Universal Law is the order which rules the Universe. It is the divine cosmic order, which
causes events to arrive at the right time and in the right place. It is the order which governs all
natural functions of our organism and those of all organisms. It is called the Natural Order.
This order is transmitted even into our cells, ensuring that they function well. When they are
disturbed, the opposite is true. For then comes disorder, sickness and death.
The Universal Law is cosmic, divine, and comes from the highest vibrations of all.
It therefore governs the:


to maintain our individual good health, that of society, and that of Planet Earth.
R Journey On Planet Eart~
To the question, what are we doing here? The answer is, a journey on planet EARTH,
The word journey has two implications:
- a goal, a "raison d'etre" or reason for being
- a beginning and an end
We are therefore in passage, in a place which is not ours, and where we come as visitors,


I ask myself why would we, as a spirit/traveller, who is light and free, want to burden
ourselves with a body/vehicle to make a journey on a planet plagued with disasters, suffering,
wars, violence, misery, sickness, and death?
.. either we are masochistic - in which case, we should feel fulfilled;
.. or we want to become richer, In which case we are going to be deceived, Nobody, to my
knowledge, has ever left with their worldly possessions, They are far too heavy,
.. or we want to learn something - perhaps to transform matter.

And if it is only to fly faster and higher? Then why not? Jonathan Livingston Seagull
succeeded! You may have asked yourself why millions of people worldwide have read a story
of a bird which tried to fly a little higher every day. What could be more insignificant?
Unless this bird succeeded in realizing our secret dream!
For that is the challenge that this planet presents, To come and play in the material world in
order to learn how to transcend it. Unfortunately, we forget the "raison d'etre" of our journey,
and we allow ourselves to become suffocated and smothered by this very matter that we wish
to transcend.

appearence essence
creature creator
shadow light
illusion reality
finite infinite
sickness I death health I life
vehicule traveller

To my patients who are concerned about their physical appearance, I ask
them what they came to do on Earth. When they do not know, I tell them this
little story.
Once upon a time, a woman wanted to visit the California wine country.
She decided to take a trip for a month.
She flew to California, rented a car which met her needs, and set off.
On the highway, she saw billboards advertising cars that were faster than hers. So she
stopped at a car rental garage and changed hers for another model. And she set off
again. Rolling along, she saw signs pointing to the ski slopes. She followed the arrows.
Before she knew it, her car broke down in snow right up to the axles She had to spend
several days at the garage while they changed the oil to a winter grade and installed
winter tires. And set off again.

Still rolling along, she saw other billboards advertising red cars. Hers was white.
She turned off into a car bodyshop and had it painted red.
But time ran out when, suddenly, she remembered that she had come to California
to visit the vineyards. Unfortunately, she had spent all her time in garages. And now it
was time to leave.

She realized that our body is only a rented vehicle!

Our body is leased to make our journey. We chose it to meet our apprenticeship needs.
Love it as it is and stop trying to make it fit the standards established by others.

Human nature is good. It is of divine spirit. Each entity on Earth is of identical nature,
for it is issued from the same Source, the same origin. We are all members of the same
family, equal brothers and sisters.

-f) Like the iceberg, the most important part

J is not visible. Similarly, in human beings, it
is the soul that enables the body to exist.

I I Divine entities, which we are, are capable

- ~ of everything. They can therefore cure
themselves. "Spontaneous remissions"
are normal. Sickness and death are not.

,J Laws of the material world are but

--:J illusions. They have no power over the
cosmic reality. To submit to them is to
renounce our freedom and reduce ourselves to slavery.

(- It is our soul that directs the show. The awakened state and alertness of our orchestra
~ conductor (consciousness) determines the vibratory frequency of our body. The higher it
is, the more we are in harmony with the Source's light, the more we are in good health.

That which applies to human beings also applies to every structured organism or
system. Whether it be:
- a person, an animal, or thing
- a system: medical, economic, political
- a society: village, region, country
- a planet: Earth

one always finds duality


T~e Fundamental Question
Each system is confronted with the same fundamental question:



The spirit at the service of matter, or matter at the service of the spirit.
Is the traveler obeying the orders of the vehicle, or the vehicle obeying the orders of the
traveler? That is the fundamental question which underlies the thought process throughout this
book. It is for each of us to answer in our own way.
Only we have the capability of choosing. This capability is found in the SOUL, the seat of
conscience and of will. Depending upon our level of consciousness, we will take the decision
either to give matter priority over the spirit, or the spirit over matter.
Right now, we are living in a materialistic world in which matter has priority over spirit, and
in which, as a result, the spirit is at the service of matter. Matter, we know, is made up of heavy
and very low vibrations. It is limited in time and space and leads to suffering, illness, aging and
But unlike the animals, we have, thanks to our freedom of choice, the possibility of changing
this materialistic priority into a spiritual priority. When we do, matter will be at the service of
the spirit.
We will come to know joy, health, youth, and eternity.
It is up to us to choose!


obeying the OR obeying the
matter spirit

T~ree Countries, One System
Over the years, I have divided my time between the United States, Canada and France. In
each of these countries, I have heard, and still hear today, the same refrain: "The health system
costs too much and we just do not have the means to continue with it". And yet, these
three countries all have a different form of health system.
• The United States has a health system that is very little socialized. Medicare with access
limited to those 65 and over. Medicaid with limited access to those really in need.
The majority of,the population is covered by private insurance, individual or group, paid
for in large part by their employers. A large percentage of the population estimated to
be close to 40 million) has no health insurance whatsoever.
• Canada has a health system that is socialized. Healthcare insurance with universal access
and limited coverage.
• France has a health system that is very socialized. Social Security (SECU) with universal
access and extensive coverage.


In addition to sky-rocketing costs, the state of health is deteriorating before our very eyes.
Cancer, AIDS, and auto-immune illnesses, degenerative illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease,
each one more bizarre than the other, take their daily toll. And we are powerless to stop them.
They are devastating our population and our wallets.
Moreover, dissatisfaction reigns. So what is the common cause of these three health systems
that they all suffer from the same symptoms?
Sickness YES, Healt~ NO
Nothing is allocated for health in health insurance rates. Only sickness is refundable. When
doctors find nothing abnormal, they almost have to forge a diagnosis for the insurance. Try to
imagine the following scene. You show up at your doctor's office and announce that you want
to improve your state of health. And that you want his or her help to achieve this. The response
may well be: "Health? We don't treat health." If you are lucky enough to be a smoker, even just
a few a day, you can be sure that you are in for a sermon. If not, you will leave empty-handed.
I advise you not to insist too much because, if you do, you may be diagnosed as obsessive and
entered into the computer as a psychiatric case. And then you will be given a prescription for
some pills to calm your nerves.
This is not done out of ill-will, but out of ignorance. Over the years, we doctors, have been
taught sickness, but never health. The definition of health is the absence of sickness. If you are
not ill, you are automatically in good health; therefore, you don't need us.

Rates determine the revenue of doctors. Yet the visit, that is to say the regular contact
between doctor and patient, is an act that is most poorly remunerated. And yet it is the act that
is the most important. Conscientious doctors who do take the time, be it half-an-hour to an hour
per patient, are barely able to cover their operating costs. Rates are set by governments and
insurance companies alike so that they force doctors to limit time they spend with their patients
to a minimum.
Doctors, therefore, replace talking with their patients, doing detailed examinations, giving
advice and encouragement, by ordering tests, prescribing medications, or recommending surgical

The systems that we describe as ones of health are, in fact, systems of sickness. There is
simply no other word for it. We practice a medicine of sickness which:
• is concerned only with sickness, not health;
• recognizes only the existence of the body,
• treats only the symptoms, not the cause;
.. keeps the patient in the dark and dependent;
.. encourages consumerism.
Treating t~e Symptoms, Normalizing t~e Figures
A symptom is a physical manifestation of a problem far deeper than that which we can see.
Our organism is a marvelous machine which is constantly adjusting to all conditions that it is
subjected to, without ever saying a word. It is only when it is overloaded that it signals us by
displaying certain symptoms. Symptoms are the language of the body. What an
Thus, fever is the manifestation of the body that defends itself against an attack or
aggression. It is a sign of health. Don't try and make it normal. Unfortunately the medicine
of sickness doesn't listen! It is designed to silence the symptoms, such as pain, tiredness,
discomfort, to make the signs, such as fever, swelling and inflammation, a tumor, disappear,
to re-establish the figures relating to cholesterol, sugar, calcium, to "normalize" behaviour
in instances of depression, anxiety, and the like.
A symptom, like the tip of an iceberg, is desirable. It does us a favour. It tells us that
something much bigger is amiss beneath the surface. Treating the symptoms is just like cutting
off the part of the iceberg that is showing above the surface. No wonder we are surprised when
our boat then crashes into it and sinks.
Not only are we doing a disservice to our body by treating the symptoms, but we are
making ourselves even sicker with all the medicines and drugs that we use to treat them. And
that's not even talking about surgery. Every time this happens, we are upsetting the body even
more at a time when it is already having problems staying afloat. We are destroying our health.
We are making ourselves ill. Why do doctors do it? Because that's what's taught: illness, and, not
to forget, respect for scientific dogma.

symptom =signal boat crashes into iceberg

because of missing signal
Ignoring the Problem
Although we cannot see the problem, that does not mean that it does not exist. Problems
are always" hidden". We must search them out. But do we?
We are products of a materialistic civilization, and we want our physical problems
(symptoms and signs) remedied quickly. That is what we expect from a doctor and that is what
we receive. Moreover, medicine is also materialistic in its conception. In the name of the holier-
than-thou Science, it recognizes only matter that it can see, touch and measure. Nothing else
seems to exist.
To scientific medicine, a person is no more than a visible physical body
- without thoughts or emotions (invisible bodies)
- without a conscience (soul).

In addition, scientific medicine denies the very essence of a human being, the spirit. Yet the
sickness always travels up from the" depths" before it shows itself on the surface.


tip: result of
_______ ~ _____ ~~ •• o


base: cause of
SOUL problem

Sickness begins in the soul: the CAUSE.

It settles in the invisible bodies: the PROBLEM.
It shows itself in the visible body: the RESU LT.

Not correcting the problem is expensive, because it keeps manifesting itself. Sometimes in
the same guise, sometimes in another. But it is the same "hidden" problem which cries out a
warning ... and ... help! Each time, it cries a little louder, each time, we respond to it with stronger
and stronger medications. Right up until the day when the body simply cannot take it any more
and explodes. Then, it is an emergency situation. Hospital. Surgery. Test after test. The octopus
has us in its tentacles. The nightmare begins.
Causing Illnesses
Some illnesses are caused by the medical system. They are known as iatrogenic illness and
are extremely well described by Ivan lilich in his book entitled, Medical Nemesis - The
Expropriation of Health.
Not content with removing the patients' awareness and refusing the true meaning of the
pain and illness, medicine makes them even more ill. I can't help but think of the vaccines which
wipe out the defense systems of children. Sometimes as many as 20 are administered before
they even start school. And then one wonders why they suffer repeatedly from otitis (which
one treats with antibiotics) and later in life, from allergies, cancers, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, etc.
The list of illnesses is long in an immune-depressed population.


It is interesting to note that vaccines only appeared for the first time
after the major epidemics had almost disappeared naturally by themselves.
But the dangers of vaccine are never mentioned or reported, unless they - Ivan flIich
result in a strong reaction right after the vaccination.

And let's remember that:

.. 700 000 AMERICANS DIE



Creating False Illnesses
In the name of prevention, one attacks, mutilates, destroys. And we ruin ourselves financially
in the process. Take pregnancy, for example. What could be more normal? Our ancestors were
having babies that were just as healthy and as normal as ours, and in even larger numbers,
without ever visiting a doctor.
But not any more. In the name of prevention, or perhaps that 'Pn:l11enstrual
the baby will be malformed, or I know not what, the mother becomes a 5:lnirl1 mt (P'MS)
pawn on the chessboard of the medical system. Not to know how SHE is. Ilcls J List been
But to see if the baby is normal. That is to say, that the baby meets all c(clss~Aei as a
the statistical norms. psycliiatric ilTness
Sometimes, the mother is made to undergo echograms. If only in tile 'IJ'MS,
the baby could speak! Then if her weight should happen to increase, if
tlie bib{e
the doctor reprimands and scares her. From now on, she is worried. But dlatjllOstics. To be
it gets worse if anyone parameter does not fit the norm or is in doubt. a woman is now
Then a hellish investigation begins. If the baby is not following its synonymous witli
pre-determined schedule, birth is induced, or a caesarean ordered. bein8 crazy!
And to avoid any future problems, the mother will invariably have
a caesarean from now on. For so-called normal births, it is routine to have an episiotomy.
That is to say, a large deep cut in the vagina so as to prevent lacerations.
Every normal stage in a woman's life is treated as an illness. This is true of menstruation
and PMS. Also menopause, for which one automatically prescribes hormones in order to avoid
the so-called complications. And as for mammograms to prevent breast cancer, this is not
prevention. It is only a detection device to treat it earlier. The tests are often wrong. But the
treatment continues all the same. I am going to stop listing examples of how women's bodies
are mutilated and exploited, the list is simply too long!
It is not only women, however. Children who do not fit the accepted pattern are also
subjected to medication. A child who is rebellious or doesn't fit into the standardized statistical
norm is considered to be "hyperactive" and is made to take medication for a fictitious illness.
I All this is what is called medicalization of society. It is very well explained by Joel Lexchin
In his book, The Real Pushers - A Critical Analysis of the Canadian Drug Industry Also by
lynn Payer in her recent book, Disease-Mongers. How doctors, drug companies and insurers are
making you feel sick.
Pharmaceutical companies show us, and with figures to back it up, that the cost of
medications does not exceed 5% of total health costs. And that a large part of their budgets

s to research. They conveniently forget to tell us that their advertising and promotional
get is two to three times greater than their research budget. Also that their research is
. used on existing profitable products and not new ones, which certain illnesses are greatly
~ need of. They are also not the ones who will tell us that medication is the cause of many
,.,€sses, a third of the cost of hospitalizations, and of many deaths.
"Those who cannot remember their history are condemned to repeat it"

Medicine that we practice today is one of sickness. Has it always been this way?
No. As the vast majority of problems are minor and are related to the emotions, they do
not require extraordinary medical intervention. Rather, the individual needs to be listened to,
advised, and reassured. In addition, it is women who tend to look after the family's health and
who consult a doctor on behalf of their children and even their husbands. Health has always
been the concern of women.
Taking" care" of someone is essentially a feminine profession. It requires feeling, intuition,
insight, observation, compassion, devotion, love, and wisdom. These qualities are all inherent in
the feminine principle, which is more developed in women, children, the elderly, the humble, and
those gifted with extra-sensory powers. This is why healthcare was essentially provided
by women. Mothers of families and grandmothers with their lists of
remedies. Nurses. Also by midwives, healers, phytotherapists, etc. They
practiced an empirical medicine, based on experience and common sense.
Health did not cost a lot and all poor had access to it. The people called
them wise people. The authorities treated them as witches and charlatans.
- Deirdre English
Because the Church, then all-powerful, considered sickness to be a
punishment from God for the sins that one had committed, it found sickness, suffering and
death to be salutary and beneficial. And it therefore discouraged the practice of medicine.
It was not unti I the 13th century that the Church accepted that medicine be practiced.
Medical schools were born in the universities. From which women were excluded.
And so appeared official medicine, dominated by men. It was strictly controlled by the
Church, which imposed its doctrines upon it. The medicine recognized by the authorities was
based on superstition. It was practiced by men and served the rich. Very early on, the authorities
forbade anyone who did not have a diploma to practice medicine.
The arrival of men on the medical scene sounded the beginning of the elimination of
the medicine practiced by women. That which was practical, effective, and inexpensive.
So why do we now practice almost exclusively a medicine of sickness? And which costs
us a fortune 7
The answer is, the elimination of health practitioners by the authorities to serve their
own interests. Whether it be the religious laws of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages or the
medical laws of our own century, the result is always the same. A minority of privileged people
make laws to dominate and exploit the majority; particularly those most in need in our society.
It is history merely repeating itself.
Malleus Malefitarum
From 1257 to 1816, the Inquisition tortured and burned millions of innocent people.
They were accused of heresy towards religious dogma. Of witchcraft. They were judged without
due trial, in secret, under the terror of torture. If they" confessed", they were declared guilty
of witchcraft. If they did not "confess", they were then found guilty of heresy. Then they were
burned at the stake. Nobody could escape. Some historians have estimated that in three
centuries close to nine million "witches" were exterminated. Some 80% of them were women
and children.
Women were also raped while they were being tortured. All their worldly goods were
confiscated from the very moment they were accused, before even being brought to trial.
For nobody was spared. Their children and families were dispossessed. Even the dead were
dug up and their bones burned.
Every woman who was not married and who displayed an unusual characteristic or a
particular feature or trait, - and that even included having red hair - could be accused of
witchcraft. The authorities declared it heresy if one did not consider witches to be dangerous.
The Manual of the inquisition, the Malleus Maleficarum (the Mallet of Witches) stipulated
that the accused witch had to be "often and frequently exposed to torture." This reign of terror
would last five centuries. And it received the blessing of Church and State alike.
Why the terror? To dominate and exploit the population. To impose a religion that the
population did not want. And to enrich the dignitaries (the religious authorities) and their
accomplices (the inquisitors). These, incidentally, enjoyed special privileges. They were above
the law.
Why women? To eliminate the feminine principle. Because they had the natural leadership
role in the community, women threatened the power of the authorities. They took care of health
and men learned with them. They passed on traditions from one generation to the next. Elderly
women solved disputes and arguments with dignity and wisdom. They had a natural power.
They represented the sovereignty of the feminine principle with values of conservation,
protection, helping one another, sharing. They, in turn, made the majority of the population
Although women were the prime target, it did not matter whether you were a man
or woman. Anyone who had a brain represented a threat to the richness and power of
the privileged minority. Therefore, they had to be eliminated. In order to do this, the authorities
declared them witches.
From the beginning of time, the authorities, whether they have been aristocratic, religious,
or financial, have fought to maintain their patriarchal domination and exploitation.
It is still true today.
Flexner Report
From 1910 to 1925, thanks to rules established in the Flexner Report, the American
Medical Association (AMA) and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AMC) would
eliminate the vast majority of natural therapists. In the name of science
and the quality of the practice of medicine, demands were made on " Competition
medical schools to adopt the recommendations of the Flexner Report. is a sill. "
It was the reign of terror in the medical world. The schools had to take - J.D. Rockefelle
the new scientific orientation imposed by the latter and its financial
backers, or they would be made to close their doors.
Yet at this time, there were twice as many practitioners of alternative medicine than there
were of orthodox medicine (allopathic). Homeopathy, phytotherapy, manipulative medicines
such as osteopathy and massage were then taught. Medical reform eliminated them all.
The number of medical schools was slashed from 650 to 50. As was the number of students,
from 7,500 to 2,500.
The future of health fell into the hands of the rich male elite.
Medicine became a service tool of high finance. The Carnegie and
Rockefeller Foundations had financed the Report and its application. idea, tlieol':} lll'
The world of finance took over control of medicine which it has practice wliich
exploited ever since, with the disastrous results that are now evident. Wes a8ai1JSt the
":pinio1JS ani
Their accomplices are the powerful" expert" doctors who enjoy such
d~18nw lJ tlie
privileges as power, money and prestige. It is a North-American monopoly.
alJtfi l 1rities.
Any attempt to deviate from their "ways" or practice alternative medicine
is severely reprimanded. In the name of the well-being of the population,
these practicioners are accused of heresy. Of being charlatans. And they are subject
to harassment and intimidation, the loss of their right to practice. They are being hounded
to the letter of the law. The Inquisition is alive and well today.

Person Apothecary Industry


The industrialization of medicine.

Declaration of Rima Rta
In 1977, the Declaration of Alma Ata gave to the World Health Organization (WHO) the
means to extend the Flexner Report not only in North America, but throughout the entire world.
Again, in the name of health and the well-being of the populations of
the world, and in respect of the right of "health for all", international
criteria and rules were established for practicing medicine. Control of
health, therefore, was transferred from national governments to a world
wIIL'tll,T L'r liL't
government. A world government that is non-elected. And of which its I/Llti IlkL' It - L1I/
- '

"Surgeon General" in charge of health is the WHO. LLllleF/Cst l'r

lL1 1lStllt. "
And what does the right to health mean? It means the right
to medicalization. It opens the doors wide to a medicine of global - Paul Warhurg.
hilil),n: l f R lileIIlhl'l;
sickness, whether we want it or not. Vaccinations and medications are rc\riti'lilllf hc/r)!"£' rhe
imposed on people around the world. And then we are amazed that CS Senille iii /1.J5(),

they are dying of AIDS.

This global manipulation is extremely subtle. Just when our country's population is
beginning to become aware of the industry'S control over health and government corruption and
is demanding change, the world authorities arrive like a knight in shining armor in the name of
the well-being of people everywhere. And with our consent. We are totally mystified. For who
would doubt the honourable intentions of the WHO.
But who actually controls that the WHO? That is the question. And also the answer. The
United Nations (UN), the political arm of world financiers, that includes those who backed the
Flexner Report and its application. More and more subtly, the medical and political authorities
are robbing us of what is ours, as well as our rights. They establish the rules and make the laws
that exploit us. It is a regime of medical terror. It is a world monopoly. Beware those who
oppose it. The witch-hunt continues, but now on a global scale!

Malleus Flexner Alma

Maleficarum Report 4la

Middle Age USA - Canada

The globalization of medicine. The World

Using generally accepted ballpark figures, what does it cost per person every year to have
the right to be sick?
- In the United States: $3,000
- In France: $2,000
- In Canada: $2,000 * Costs valid in 1994.

We can see that the costs are higher in the United States for results obtained in terms of life
expectancy, infant mortality that are equivalent, and perhaps even less, than in the two other
countries. Rather than trying to analyze or justify figures, suffice it to say that the systems in all
three countries are totally out of whack.
A doctor who is very highly placed in France's health insurance hierarchy (SECU) told me
in confidence with a profound feeling of helplessness: "the system is drifting aimlessly".
The Canadian and French governments are cutting back everywhere and are regularly reducing
services. Despite that, their health systems are still in a state of disarray. The American system
is no worse. It is just more expensive. This doesn't make the Canadian and French systems any
In the United States, close to nine-hundred-and-forty-billion dollars ($940,000,000,000) was
spent in 1993. This adds up to much more than $3,000 per person. But let's be conservative so
that it is easier to do the adding up. And don't forget that we are talking about ballpark figures.
We will see later just what these figures represent in our day-to-day lives. And how they affect
our life as a whole.


The American health budget is expected shortly to reach the trillion dollar mark
($1,000,000,000,000). What do all these zeros mean? I don't know if you are like me, but after a
certain number of zeros, I'm lost. When figures reach a certain level, they lose all their meaning.
I have therefore tried to interpret them in a more tangible form.

Let's determine the number of small $10,000 cars that

that would buy?
The answer is, 100 million (100 000 000).

It represents ten million (10 000 000)

$100,000 homes.

That is also equivalent to one million people

(1,000,000) each winning a one million dollar
(1,000,000 $) prize at the lottery.
Or to put it still another way, with the money spent on
healthcare in the United States, we could feed every American
lr an entire year.

Make up your own example!

Ten (10 )

Hundred (100=10x10)

Thousand (1,000 = 10 x 10 x 10)

Million (1,000,000 = 1,000 x thousand = 1,000 x 1,000)

Billion (1,000,000,000 = 1,000 x million = 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000)

Trillion (1,000,000,000,000 = 1,000 x billion = 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000) 10 12


This individual figure of $3,000 applies to each and every person in the United States,
including children, parents and the elderly. Therefore, for a family with two children it costs
S12,000 a year for their health insurance. That is what it costs. Whether it be paid through
an employer, direct contributions, or income taxes, it is still we who pay it in its entirely.
If we wished, we could pay a doctor $100,000 a year to look after the health needs of 32
individuals or of eight families of four on a full time basis. Just imagine the personalized service
we could get.
There would be a lot less sickness around! The doctor would soon realize that it would be
;n his or her best interest to ensure that we are healthy if for no other reason than to have as
nuch time as possible to follow a leisure pursuit, like playing golf, for example. The doctor would
jiscover very quickly the benefits of the medicine of health. Why shouldn't we treat ourselves to
this luxury, considering all the money we are spending?


As few of us actually pay these costs directly, these figures may seem affordable at first
glance. Remember, however, that it is the minority of the population that absorbs these costs.
The rich, the elderly, children and those who are out of work do not contribute. For those who
1re working, it is a question of them paying much more than just for their families. Clever
alculations have been done which show that we work approximately three-and-a-half months
3 1/2) a year solely to pay for our health insurance! Think about it. Three-and-a-half months
or the privilege of being sick. No wonder that we are.
W~ere Does Our Money Cia?
What is it that costs so much? We only have to look at what we spend the most on when
we go to see a doctor.


Laboratory tests, X-rays, early detection, scanning, biopsies and all the new tests that are
more and more sophisticated. These tests are used for everything and nothing. They are
ohen repeated. They require extremely expensive equipment and specialized operators
who are also expensive. The equipment always has to be the latest model, rather like
cars. It is now ingrained in the mentality of doctors that they cannot diagnose a patient
without equipment, and the latest at that, and without resorting to one or more tests.
Doctors ohen order these tests before even examining their patient. It is customary,
for example, for a cardiologist to automatically conduct an electrocardiogram the
moment the patient enters the office. Whether it is necessary or not. A hospital will be
judged based on the quantity of state-of-the-art technological equipment it has.
And not on the quality of its services to patients.


While we may not always leave our doctor's office with a form for a test, we hardly
ever leave without a prescription in hand. It has come to the point where, if our doctor
fails to write such a prescription, then we wouldn't consider him to be a very good
doctor. We would lose confidence in him. And we would go and see another.
When complications and after-effects occur, we go fight back to the doctor who
prescribes another medication to counter the bad effects of the first. And we take twice
as much. And then three times as much, and so on, up to 20 pills at a time for many
elderly people. They are so drugged that many fall and fracture their hip!


You don't have to try and figure out what is most expensive in hospitals. Everything is!
They represent about 50% of the entire health insurance costs. Hospital clients, to a
large degree, are there for sophisticated tests. Above all, remember that one
hospitalization in three is caused by after effects of medication. It therefore becomes
obvious that hospital costs are directly proportional to our use of diagnostic tests and


They are directly proportional to the services we use.


They are directly proportional to the overall medical costs. The bigger the system,
the heavier the administration.


So-called health systems are systems of sickness.
Doctors are only concerned with sickness.
Yet, sickness costs an arm and a leg!
Then, we must find a solution. And fast.
])e:ANlnONS H
W~at Is Healt~? H
W~at Is Sickness? '1-1
W~at Is a Do[tor? 50
W~at Is Medicine? 57-
A: MwICINe:- Or- H-e:-A:L-nt
Re[ognizing t~e Invisible ,,~

Identifying t~e Probll!m: t~1! Invisibll! Bodil!s H

COIIl!cting t~1! Causl! of t~1! Probll!m: t~1! Soul ""
t~1! Vicious Circll! of Sickness
Harmonious Circle of Hl!alt~: GO 1'1.
Re-Establis~ing t~1!
Natural Ordl!r 1~
WH-f.R&- SH-OUW OUR. MONe:-y (?IO? 1'1-
Rnd W~at Rbout S[il!ntifi[ Ml!dlcinl!? 11
How Mu[~ Will RII T~is Cost? 16
W~at Is Happl!ning? 19
W~y? 61

~ Medicine of Health

W~at Is Healt~?
According to the conventions of scientific medicine, health is "the absence of sickness".
To be healthy means that one is not sick. This very practical definition applies in many cases.
However, how does one explain a heart attack suffered by someone whose tests proved normal?
Take a woman who has felt out of sorts/ experiencing some minor discomfort. She goes to see
her doctor. She is put through a battery of physical and laboratory tests. Only to be told:
"Don't worry. Everything is normal."
How can she suddenly diet "in good health", the very next week? How can one explain
such a thing? To be in perfect health one day and dead the next? Unless, of course, one has
a serious accident. Can one pass from being healthy to being dead, from one day to the next?
Yes, if one refers to the conventional definition of health. No, if one defines health in another
manner: variable health or the "health-thermometer."

Since health is a continuum along which our state of health varies, we should be able
to measure it using an imaginary thermometer ranging from 0 to 100 percent. The higher the
better. When high, one is said to be healthy, the light zone. Less, and one is said to be less
healthy, the grey zone. When not healthy at all, one enters the black zone.
One day, we might be at 50 percent, the next at 52. Our health can also vary several
degrees when we experience a big emotional shock. For example, one can suddenly drop
from 65 to 40/ and can continue to deteriorate to the point where an illness manifests itself.
The patient who" died in good health" / as mentioned earlier, was not healthy at all.
She had probably entered the black zone on the scale without any measurable signs of illness.
But she was ill. And she was gravely ill at that.
How many times have we heard people say after they had gone to see their doctor because
they were not feeling well or felt ill: "My doctor told me that there was nothing wrong with
me. I was in perfect shape. That I had nothing to worry about". Had the doctor lied? No.
He gave an evaluation conforming to the scientific definition of health. However, I believe a definition
along the scale of a "health-thermometer" to be more appropriate. It better translates reality.



Apparent Good Health

Real Health




FROM 0 TO 100 Death Sickness/Old Age Unlimited Health


How can we know our exact position on the scale between 0 and 1OO? While nothing
has ever really been established in this regard, I would like to make the following analogy.
Let's take the example of a used car. Are we going to check the principal systems and,
if there is no evident problem (no illness), conclude that the car is in excellent shape (perfect
health), and pay 100% of its value? No. We take it for a test drive, listen to the engine, and then
check out that the brakes work (physical exam).
We ask about the history and maintenance of the car over the past few years. Who had
driven it? Where? How? With tender loving care? Or as a hot rod with total abandon?
Was the oil changed regularly with a good quality product? Was the body washed and polished
on a regular basis? Did it receive an anti-rust treatment? Was it ever driven over dirt roads?
Was it subjected to a lot of stop and go traffic? Was it involved in an accident? Only when one
adds up the answers to all these questions, can one determine whether the car is in good or bad
shape. And only then is the price determined accordingly.
The same goes for health. Apart from physical and laboratory tests, one must evaluate the
other aspects of the person's lifestyle.
• The person who eats fast-food, sleeps four hours a night, smokes three packets of
cigarettes a day, works under stress 12 hours a day, and who regularly downs five
scotches and a bottle of wine, is potentially not in good health. But surprising as it
might seem, the same person could be in better health than the "health nut" stuck
in a job he doesn't like simply because the job provides him with security.
• Then there is the person who doesn't drink much, who takes care of herself, but works
in a job that places tremendous pressure on her. She too is not in good health.
And soon she will be suffering from heartburn, migraine headaches, and back pains.
• Or she happens to be someone who is always trying to please others to the detriment
of her innermost self, she is not in good health either. Tomorrow, she will be told she
has a cancer, but she will never understand why it came about.
The other advantage of defining health along the scale of a "health-thermometer" is that
it permits a continual improvement. People will assume that if they are not sick: "/'m in good
health, therefore / can act just as / want, accept any pressure along the way, and do
whatever I wish. " Right up until the day they suddenly crack up, again without ever knowing
why. If we use our "health-thermometer" as a definition, we will come to better understand our
state of health. We can prevent the catastrophe and, above all, continuously improve our state
of health.
In the materialistic optic in which we live, life
begins with birth, and ends with death. We achieve
the maximum" degrees" of how at about the age of
20 and then our body begins to fire, wear out, and 50%

we are on an inevitable downhill slope to sickness,

aging, and death.
Sickness, suffering, aging and death are the 80 years
consequences of thought limited in time and space.
Everything is built around this. Health insurance, life (death) insurance, retirement, pension
funds, prepaid funeral services, etc. We are robots programmed to be born and then to obey,
study, work, consume, become old, and die. The path is already mapped out for us and we follow
it. We submit ourselves to our fate. We endure our lot in life and we do so without complaining.
Awaiting our final deliverance.
We are a throw-away disposable commodity, just like any other on this planet.

From a spiritualistic perspective, on the other
hand, our earthly life is but a step in our eternal life.
Our spirit has always been and always will be.
Forever. It is perfect health. 50%

In quantum physics, time and space are

. illusions. They do not exist. Their corollaries,
si<;kness, aging and death are also illusions and not 80 years
realities. They can only exist if we believe them to
exist. So we give them body in tangible form.
The state of health of our physical body is going to depend upon to what degree it is in
harmony with the spirit. If the body is one with the spirit, it will vibrate at the same frequency
and it will come to know the perfect and eternal health that the spirit now enjoys.
. Health improves continually, from one day to the next and from one incarnation to another
incarnation. Even death is a step of growth.
This choice between the two points of view stems from our inner power to choose, which is
to be found in the soul. It is the centre of conscience and the will. It is sovereign. It regulates
and frees the emission of energy flow in our body, following its own state of health. The soul is
sovereign of the body.

Nota Bene: For reasons of simplicity, I will use the words

Health to mean good health and
Sickness to mean poor health.
W~at Is Sickness?
Sickness occurs when the body shows its disharmony with the soul. They are no longer on
the same wavelength. And this disharmony is blocking the transmission of the vibrations of our
spirit and is preventing them from spreading throughout our entire body. Sickness is a physical
manifestation of a much deeper problem. Sickness is always seen as a misfortune that happens,
out of the blue, by chance, attributable to an exterior agent.

Whenever my friends fall ill, I send them a card
which reads: "Congratulations on your illness and
don't get well too soon."
Because I believe that sickness is an information,
and an opportunity we give ourselves.

Let me explain. Illness is the language our body

uses to tell us that it is upset - physically and morally.
As a matter of fact, more and more people are taking
note of the importance of the inter-relationship
between morale (emotions/thoughts) and the physical
bodies. We know that the sickness of one can induce
a sickness in the other. For example, a great sadness
(morale) can lead to a cancer (physical).
It is the same for the cause and the treatment.

Taking care of one improves the other. And vice versa.
~, ,
Someone who is paralyzed and begins to walk again
has his morale lifted with each step. It is at the very
root of psychosomatic medicine (psycho = psyche;
Somas = Greek for body), and of the "holistic"
approach to medicine (global medicine).
Sickness, in such a context, is the manifestation of a physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual
problem. It provides us with information. It sets off an alarm bell. How lucky we are to have it!
Providing, of course, that we listen to it and we know how to use it. Our reaction, in the face
of illness, can be one of two kinds:
- either we see it as an enemy, we curse it, and we shut it off with surgery or
drugs. We simply negate it. But it will come back knocking at our door.
Sooner or later.
- or we look upon it as an ally. We rush to decode the message which it has
transmitted to us. And we try to resolve the real cause of the problem.

Sickness is a malfunction of the soul. If we wish to profit from it, we have to see it as an
ally that we have called upon to help us realign our sights, and refind our direction. That is to
say that:
1. We are responsible for our sickness and we caused it to come about, albeit
unconsciously. We are therefore masters of the situation. And not victims of events
or other people.
2. We got lost along the way and we want to regain our direction - our goal in life -
why we are on Earth. It is the spiritual aspect of health which is
unfortunately so rarely considered. And yet, it is so paramount. " 'Don't dim6
Taking a trip, going for a ride in a car, is all very well. But one must the [adder if
know where one wants to go, if one is to choose the right direction to success onfy to
take. Such is the purpose of sickness. To remind us of exactly that. find it's feanina
aaainst the
Again, let us look at the car. As soon as we hear a strange noise, wrona wa[e"
we rush to the garage and ask them to check it out. They will look for - Bernie Siegel
the cause in order to fix the real problem before the car breaks down
and we are stuck somewhere. "Take the time that you need to figure
out the real cause of the problem so that it is fixed and will not create
another problem elsewhere. "

When it comes to ourselves, we rush to take an aspirin for a headache. An anti-acid tablet
for heartburn. Or a Valium for nerves. All to get as far away from the pain as possible. It will
come back and we start taking the pills again. Until finally, the "breakdown" occurs. That is to
say the illness which forces us to stop our activities. Will we again rush oft to be operated on
or submit to treatment without asking ourselves what is the real origin of this illness?
For the information is there. If we do not, we are going to have all the time in the world to think
about it during our convalescence. But think about what?


(O 0
~TO~;' • C).

illusion >J ~' reality

Think of the real reasons why we are so deeply disturbed and which have forced us to come
to a halt. We don't like our jobs any more. Our relationship with our partner is dead. Our
children or our friends treat us badly. Our father or mother terrorizes us.
We are fed up with having to work for a living. The competition is killing 'ln our society,
us. And so on, and so on. We refuse to think about it. For if we did, then it is stif(
we would have to do something to remedy the situation. And that makes considered'6etter
us afraid. Afraid of what? Fear of changing one's job, fear of divorce, that to go and'see
our children will love us less or tell others that we are bad parents, fear a doctor than
of guilt, etc. a ysycho(ogist.
Sickness is the equivalent of divorce, a heartbreak, being stuck in a rut
professionally or bankruptcy. It is precipitated by the loss of respect from someone who is
dear to us, the loss of a job, the loss of money, the death of a loved one, a move, etc. All these
situations have a common denominator. We fear change. Change that we push aside and avoid
until it really makes us sick. We would rather stay in bed than face up to the real situation.
We blame the heavens, fate, our boss, and just about everyone else in the world, except for
ourselves. We consult a doctor, we make the pain go away, and the real reason that caused us
to fall ill in the first place is not addressed.
If only we could maintain the status quo! We are prepared to remain
half well, or half ill, rather than face the real underlying problems " Pe'!Jle die at 25
because they disturb us. They threaten our security. years o(t, 6ut they
are not 6uried' unti(
And let's talk about security! What is this term which causes us to
they are 751 "
accept so much suffering? An illusion!
Let us look at one example that we are always hearing about and one that saddens me.
Security in the workplace, or job security. I know a number of teachers, for example, who no
longer want to teach because they were never really cut out for the job in the first place,
or because they would welcome a change and the chance to practice another profession?
But they remain prisoners of their wage security. They have been made to believe that their
employer, the State, will never go bankrupt.
All they have to do is "hang in" in order to have a guaranteed salary with cost of living
increases, and retirement benefits at the end of the line. Isn't that just great? And so, while
they are hanging in there, they put up with headaches, back aches, depression, and digestive
problems. Their body is crying out that it can't take it any more, that it doesn't like this way
of life, that it wants to do something else.
But they keep" hanging in there". There is no way they are going to Security
give up their job security. Better to be sick than to be insecure about one's is death.
job. One day, they will become so ill that they will have to stop working.
But they held up well. They made it long enough to take an early retirement, before dying,
surrounded by all that security. They were dead the day they gave up their soul for job security.
W~at 15 R Doctor?
Doctors are human beings. They eat three times a day. They sleep. They worry, celebrate, get
irritable, laugh, cry, love, hate. They argue with their loved ones, get angry with their children,
worry about their finances. They have their fears and insecurities. In brief, they survive.
A doctor is a product of our society, with an image created to conform to that society.
As in any field or profession, there are good, average, and mediocre
ones. Neither saints nor sinners, still less gods, all are human. §ettinB 'Doctored
In general, when doctors start on their careers, they are full of good - Martin Shapiro
intentions with noble ideals. The majority have chosen this profession to
help others. Some to acquire respectability and/or to please their parents. Others, finally, to
ensure financial comfort. There are, of course, those who do it for a combination of reasons.
Doctors are no different from their patients. Except for one little detail. We have spent from
four to ten years, sometimes more, in a medical school and a hospital where it was
ingrained in us that:
- The role of the doctor is to heal and save lives.
- Sickness and death represent defeats. The doctor must avoid them at all cost.
- The medical education and training received is the only valid one. The doctor is in
possession of the truth.
- Doctors always have an answer for any question and must know everything. If there is
something they don't know, it is because it does not exist.
- Doctors are workhorses, working 15 hours a day. That's normal, they are, after all,
superhuman .
. - Statistics are infallible, or almost. They must be believed and followed, if one is to remain
scientific and thorough.
- Patients act like statistics and must follow the recommendations of the doctor in full
confidence, blindly.
- Doctors cannot get involved emotionally. They must remain cold and aloof in order to keep
control of the situation and make logical decisions.
- The doctor is the god of health. All other practitioners are inferior.
- Doctors are part of the elite of society.

And we believed it! Some still do. Others have their doubts.
Others no longer believe it at all.


I am one of the latter. I entered medicine full of ideals. I knew the golden era of medicine,
if I may put it that way. That is to say, the time when we had succeeded, one believed, in
controlling the principal illnesses. Illnesses such as tuberculosis, diphtheria, infections.
One no longer died of appendicitis. We now operated on the heart.
We seemed unbeatable and invincible. There were still some cancers or stubborn, hard-to-
beat arthritis, but it was only a question of time before we would have them too under control.
We had not yet even heard of AIDS.
In light of such successes, and such a rosy picture, how could we not enthusiastically adopt
the teaching we received? Yes, I believed it. I believed it for many years. Before realizing that
I did not have all the answers. Neither did the learned books or leading experts. I had to learn
to say, in all honesty: "/ do not know" and, to my amazement, my patients didn't hold it
against me. On the contrary.
I also detected that emotional and mental problems exerted a strong influence on the
health of my patients. That concern or worry caused headaches or heartburn. That I could accept.
But when my patient suffered from pain in the legs (I am a phlebologist) without any physical
problem to explain it, other than she was going through a divorce, well that was powerful stuff!


I therefore began to doubt the sanctity of medical truth. My faith was shaken. I began
asking myself questions and visiting doctors, non-doctors, healers, researchers in several
countries, as far away as Siberia. I noticed the extraordinary results they were achieving through
their methods.
I came into contact with the parallel world of health. One on which the all powerful
establishment was stomping despite the fact that it was doing their patients good. I realized
that there was a very strong hierarchy in medicine. And I understood why, very early on, they
had put us doctors on a pedestal and taught us to mistrust all non-doctors. Why they treated
therapists as charlatans, chiropractors as exploiters, psychologists as unbalanced, and nurses
as "Jills-of-all-trade".
Today, I no longer believe the sanctity of medical truth. Yet, in a way, I believe more than
ever. I believe in a wealth of knowledge which is to be found beyond that which we were
taught. The conscience. I believe in the all-powerful nature of the medicine which is to be found
within each of us. I believe in well informed and responsible patients who will know how to take
charge of their health and govern it accordingly. With our support and encouragement. I believe
in doctors and therapists who work together in close collaboration and who will rediscover the
enthusiasm they once had. As well as love for their profession.


W~at 15 Medicine?
Medicine is:
- a science, the objective of which is preserving and restoring health;
- the art of preventing and caring for human illnesses;
- but above all, THE ART OF LIVING


When one speaks of vibrations or biochemical reactions, one speaks of science. Science,
notably physics, has its laws that are totally applicable to biology. However, the human being is
also made up of subtle components that one cannot see or touch. It is the artists, and their
perceptive talents, that we call upon to interpret these bodies in visual form.
Medicine is therefore a science and an art, all at the same time. It calls upon our sensorial
and rational knowledge, as well as upon our extra-sensorial and intuitive perception.
In other times, before the advent of our patriarchal society, medicine
was often practiced by midwives. In French, they are called sage-femmes, '1-feauna Wise
the word sage meaning wise. They were so called because they were - Susan S. Weed
recognized for their wisdom in their community. They had established a
tradition of healing based on wisdom. But they were treated as witches
and were burned.
This tradition, the Wise Woman Tradition, is marvelously well (jettina 'Doctored
explained and given respectability once again, by Susun Weed in her - Martin Shapiro
book: Healing Wise. I love the first words of the Wise Woman when
faced with a health problem. Namely, "do nothing". It reminds me of a
Latin phrase that I have heard, "Primum non nocere" which means,
in essence, "Above all, do not be prejudicial". I am afraid that we have forgotten this wisdom.

• As spirit is light, the realized being is always in perfect health .
• As for the sovereign individual, aware of his inner divinity, he does not need a doctor, he
is his own doctor. He is the principle of all healing. That is why we can affirm that only
the patient can heal himself. nobody can do it for him. Self-healing is the only healing .
• All other medicine is only a complementary aid to help patients work on themselves.
So that we are all clear on the terms, I will try here, far from perfectly I might add,
to distinguish the three main therapeutic approaches which are available to us. And I will also
add the essential characteristics of each. I have categorized them according to their main field.
But remember that these often overlap one another. It is the same with practitioners. Medicine
is not the sole purview of anyone person or group, be they doctors, therapists, or healers.

Isn't the only real doctor the patient?

, ~ • • m ••• _.


visible body invisible body soul spirit
SEAT OF emotions
physical conscience
SYSTEM death survival life
PROBLEM manifestation problem itself cause of problem
DEFINITION science art faith in oneself
FIELD OF reductionist
holistic unlimited
ACTION (symptomatic)

OBJECTIVE kill the sickness maintain health improve health

ACTION war attack war defense peace Never

MEANS medications and remedies which unconditional
surgery which dean and love which
destroy reinforce nourishes
EFFECTS destroys the takes care olthe empowers sick
sickness one who is sick the person
temporary lasting permanent



oneself Unlimited
enemy punishment ally
a number human being co-creator
obeys questions is the
authority authority authority
dependance participation sovereignty
} PREVENTION detect and treat maintain and raise level
i early on restore health of health
i RESULT aggravation improvement cure
~ ~'w
,~ _ w
This is the medicine that we all know. It is practiced by doctors trained in university medical
schools. Scientific medicine is based on the materialistic physics of Newton. Such a cause gives
such an effect. A given symptom coming from a given illness requires a given treatment.
The anticipated results conf.orm with the given statistics.
Scientific medicine recognizes only that which it can see,
touch, and measure. The truth is to be found only in tests. Science
makes the law. It therefore automatically denies the existence of
invisible bodies. And the same is true of all links between the
emotions, thought, conscience, and state of health of the physical
body. Whenever
it is confronted with a problem of this kind, it slaps on a
"psychosomatic" label and patients are sent home with pills
for their nerves.
For scientific medicine, which is essentially materialistic, life
begins with birth and ends with death. One must avoid the latter
at all cost. The death of a patient is a defeat for the doctor.
Also according to scientific medicine, illness is always an aggressive agent coming from the
exterior. A microbe, tumor, pain, etc. They must be fought and war is declared. War on cancer,
battling AIDS, wiping out epidemics (vaccines), eliminating pain with pain-killers. Quite a military
vocabulary, wouldn't you say, and an arsenal of attack. It is the medicine of war. And like war,
scientific medicine is destructive, extremely costly, and doesn't solve anything.

Visible TIP Scientific Cuts off

c '"
cu cu
Body: Medicine the tip of '"
";:; .:.:
;e; 1.1
the iceberg
cu "iii
:E e


thoughts /
the iceber
According to Harris (oulter, "authorities have estimated that
':'> lc'ct !CI1l,'5 clll,j
adverse reactions related to prescribed medicines cause or contribute
,jrll~15 (11',
to one-third of all deaths in the United States every year (700,000 - - -
It~lclll::,·ti r' ,'i5('1l5.
out of 2 million deaths annually)." We should add to that the deaths
and secondary effects related to surgery and other aggressive treatments
such as radiotherapy - without forgetting debilitating treatments such as those practiced in psy-
chiatric hospitals where patients are quite literally imprisoned. This medical bludgeoning disconnects
them from their soul and prevents them from living their sickness. Therefore, they can never be
healed. And they remain forever prisoners, dependent upon drugs and medication.
You have probably already asked yourself why synthetic medicines cause
adverse, negative reactions, while natural remedies (herbalism, homeopathy)
have no secondary effects? The answer is simple .
.. Medicines and drugs are synthetic products that cannot be assimilated by
the organism (we can't digest plastic, for example). They work against
nature. Even so, the authorities impose a scientific 'method' which
places priority on the use of medicines and drugs. They spread (dis) order.
$ Remedies are natural products that can be assimilated by the organism (one can
digest plants, for example). They work with nature. And yet, the authorities
prohibit alternative medicines that use these remedies. They refuse order.

As is the case with war, scientific medicine requires very sophisticated and costly equipment.
Yet in all reality, it is very rare that one really needs very elaborate tests. Some 95% of tests
could be avoided, either because they are unnecessary, or because they could be postponed
to a later date. The evolution of the sick person almost always provides the answer. Even a so-
called emergency may not be one if it doesn't require immediate intervention.
The diagnostic skill rests with the patients, not with machines. Let us question and examine
them. And then question again and re-examine. They will give us the answer on a silver platter.
What the patients need is to be reassured that they are not about to die. It doesn't call for an
immediate diagnostic test. But scientific medicine imposes it upon the patient. And the patient
believes that the best hospital is the one with the best machines.

Scientific medicine is an octopus that we are not afraid of, or distrust, because we only see
a little part at a time. The tip of a tentacle. We forget that being caught by the tentacle can
mean the beginning of the end. It always tries to draw its victim near in order to devour it.
A patient told me one day that she was going to have an operation on her
elbow. I asked her if surgery was really necessary and whether she had
considered other alternative solutions. She told me yes. She had consulted three
people. And all three had recommended surgery. I then asked her who these
three people were. "The three best orthopedists in the city, " she replied.
I mentioned to her that a surgeon recommends what he knows best. Surgery!
He could not recommend something he knew nothing about. The patient then
realized that a "second opinion" in scientific medicine is simply a repeat of the
first opinion.

When we go to a doctor for whatever reason whatsoever, we may not realize that we are
coming within the reach of the tentacles, the arms of the medical system. From one ordinary
test for an ordinary problem, it will find something which seems to be ordinary. It will then do
another test, more complicated this time, to ensure that it is really an ordinary problem, and
when it again gives an ordinary result, "We're not sure. We will have to take more tests. "
Now we really begin to worry. As the tests increase, so does our fear. The octopus has us in
its grasp. We want out? We want to stop everything and escape? Yes, but... that but has already
condemned us.
Scientific medicine makes the symptom or the sign of the body disappear without curing
the problem. It only shears off the tip of the iceberg. But the problem, the bulk of the iceberg,
remains. And the tip will grow again, sooner or later.
Let us take, for example, a headache. It is the symptom which leads
a patient to consult a doctor. If the patient is given something to relieve it,
then the headache will go away. Only to return once the effect has worn off.
As the cause of the headache remains, it will come back even stronger and
more frequently. The same thing for surgery. Removing an organ does not
correct the cause of the problem.
As it does not cure the cause, scientific medicine keeps the patient in a state of
dependence and permanent submission.

Scientific medicine should only be used in the last resort, when all else has failed.
And that is true of both the diagnostic equipment and treatment. Except for emergencies,
which goes without saying.
It is like firemen. When do we call
them? When the house is burning.
They will devastate everything, but we
hope that they will save the structure
of the house. Between two evils, we choose
the lesser evil.
Should we call the firemen when the
kitchen floor is dirty? Obviously not! They
will cause much more harm than good. It
would be non-sensical. But that is what we
do every time we go to a medical doctor for
any problem that is not an absolute emergency.
Good family doctors, full of common sense and compassion, have kept their sense of proper
judgement. They don't follow the doctrine set down by the authorities and don't allow
themselves to be influenced by the threat of possible legal action. They listen to their patients
and propose simple and effective solutions. They help their patients to feel better about
themselves and to do what needs to be done.
This type of doctor does exist. We all know one. They don't need a title or a degree.
Everyone respects them for their wisdom. It is by listening to our heart, our feelings,
that we will make the choice between doctors who practice dogmatic
scientific medicine and those who practice a medicine of common
sense and compassion.

These are the medicines which we are hearing more and more of nowadays. They are also
called energetic medicines, vibratory medicines, natural therapies, parallel medicines, alternative
medicines, complementary medicines, and holistic medicines. In general, they are taught in non-
university specialized schools. They are based on quantum physics and recognize the existence of
invisible bodies.
Alternative therapies are practiced by therapists who are knowledgeable of energy and
vibrations. The most often practiced therapies are chiropractic, kinesiology, osteopathy,
homeopathy, acupuncture, and naturopathy. To these we can add psychotherapy, massotherapy,
and phytotherapy. Healers are in a category all of their own. They work directly on energy.
They are gifted with very special talents.
Contrary to scientific medicine which takes care of the illness, alternative medicines take
care of the one who is sick. They focus on reinforcing one's natural defenses. They work to
improve the overall state of health of patients so that they themselves, in their turn, can defend
themselves against any harmful agent.

Alternative medicines work at two levels: B)

A) on the invisible bodies. The sickness
affects the invisible bodies before it
manifests itself in the visible physical
body. It therefore makes sense to first of
all treat the invisible bodies, the hidden
part of the iceberg.
B) on the visible physical body in order to
help it while waiting for improvement
brought about by the treatment of the
invisible bodies.

In general, alternative medicines do not cause side effects. The best example of this is
homeopathy, which some now call the medicine of the 21 st Century. I have seen marvelous
results in very many cases, particularly relating to allergies and otitis in children. All in all of the
chronic problems. It even improves one's character!
Alternative medicines are custom-made for each patient because the cause of the problem
differs from one patient to the next, even if the symptoms are the same. From time to time,
they require the input of a therapist. They are much less expensive than scientific medicine.
In addition, they regulate the problem in depth. They free patients and encourage them to
become autonomous.

Holistic is a word based on the Greek "holos", meaning "entire" or "whole",

Holistic medicine looks at the whole human being, It recognizes the complexity and the
interconnectedness of the parts of a patient's being, As all the bodies are interdependant, all
treatment of one of the bodies brings about improvement in the others, Re-establishing the
health of an affected organ also corrects the imbalance that has been triggered in the whole
The holistic approach regroups many different methods of alternative medicine. All practicioners
(doctors and therapists) can orient themselves toward a holistic practice.

This combines scientific medicine and alternative medicines. It is practiced by doctors
who have added one or more alternative medicine practices to their existing scientific medicine
arsenal. At first glance, that may seem like getting the best of two worlds. But it is rarely the
case. "Clothes do not make the man", as the old saying goes.
The two practices, scientific medicine and alternative medicines, are diametrically opposed.
One cannot mix fire and water. The two elements are all important in their own right, but they
can never be mixed together. A doctor may be interested in alternative medicines but, if he
practices them, he will do so in a scientific manner. He will treat the symptoms rather than
reinforcing the overall state of the patient. A doctor who is really" converted" to alternative
medicines will never be able to practice scientific medicine again. It will no longer make sense.
Unfortunately, doctors often adopt alternative medicines for purely financial reasons instead of
referring patients to those whose field it is.

TRUE complementary medicine does exist. It is that which brings together around a
:able, the patient, therapist, and doctor. It is the patient who leads the discussion. The patient
:akes the decision - enlightened - and decides what steps to follow for the treatment, or non-
:~eatment. It is a partnership for the benefit of the patient.

These small, multi-disciplinary collaborative groups are growing in number. Always bear in
mind that "the only doctor is the patient".
One hardly ever hears of this medicine, also known as spiritual medicine. It is easy to
understand why.
- First of aiL because the soul is understood poorly, or not at all. Scientific doctors deny its
existence. Therapists know it exists, but don't know what to do with it. The soul is an
enigma. And yet...
- Secondly, because according to tradition, religion took care of the soul. A lay person would
undoubtedly have been burned alive at the stake if he or she had committed such a sacrilege
of soul care. But times have changed. We are now free of religious powers, and it is spiritual
masters who teach us spirituality and the health of the soul. We have to be careful, however,
not to replace our former religious leaders with masters or gurus. That will not be any better.
Whether you obey one doctrine or another, the result is the same -submission to an external power.
- Thirdly, because there is a very big step to make in order to pass from alternative medicines to
self-healing. As big as passing from scientific medicine to alternative medicines. This step
requires a new transformation of consciousness with all the difficulties that this entails.
Medicine of the soul is practiced individually or in a group. New techniques are being
developed which address the soul directly. They are very efficient. The results are there
for those who really want to change their level of consciousness.
These are the most frequent sicknesses which prevent the conscience from growing and changing.
Victims are put upon, dominated, exploited. They can do nothing about it and are not
responsible for anything. They can only blame external factors such as circumstances,
people, etc. We forget that we are sovereign.
Those who are well-off are particularly prone. They are afraid of losing their jobs, money,
love, etc. They will make themselves ill rather than give up their illusion of security. Job
security is a malignant form. We forget that we are rich, even if we don't own anything.
Another illness which causes us to give up our sovereignty to external powers to compen-
sate for the low opinion that we have of ourselves. We forget that we are all-powerful.
~ The sickness of those who always follow the norm. Who think like everyone else. Who say
what everyone else is saying. Who act like everyone else. Mr. Everyone, the man in the
street, is sick. He is suffering from normopathy. It is a contagious sickness which is passed
on to those around him, from family to family, from region to region. It is to live through
proxy, rather than living what one really is with all that this entails in terms of differences
and originality. It is to become a carbon copy of others, living an illusion. We forget that
we are unique and divine.
In each case, our conscience is paralyzed by fear or imprisoned in belief. We have
forgotten our inner divinity.

Going from being a spectator to becoming an actor is a
transformation. It consists of quitting our role of being spectators of our
5<-1 t-.\ k kll<-.\5.
We must stop being passive in front of events that arrive and putting
them down to fate.
We must recognize that we are responsible actors for all that happens to us.
We must take our life in hand and master our own destiny,
living it how we wish to live it.
We must create our future.
We must become the authors of our life.
Victimization and all its faults must give way to responsibility. We " 'Tilt:rt:L1( d~ytl'r is
can write it in such a way that it is a great story. With a happy ending! tI;t ,{yt,,/, wit/iill.
']l.1,'st Jl'Ctl'rs
Patients must take control of their health. They know that they alone - -
klll'W lll'tiJilld
can heal themselves and have faith in their divinity. They also know
l~f t/i is scitllce
that nobody else can do this for them. Doctors and therapists can only
help make them aware, accompany them. They also know that sickness mu{ :/tt
liS an opportunity to readjust and give a new direction to their lives.
it wl'rks 5,' wd!:"
They must take advantage of it by making it their ally. - Robert Schweitzer

Self-healing is the process of
transformation of the conscience.
It works on the base of the iceberg
and melts it progressively and surely
until it disappears entirely. It is the
only medicine that CURES, that is to
say that cures the root of the problem
once and for all.


A MrolG.IN~ Or ttt::A-L-Tlt
Medicine of health re-establishes, maintains and increases health. It takes care, on the one
hand, of the invisible bodies (which is the medicine of improvement) and on the other hand, of the
soul (which is the medicine of self-healing). In every instance, it raises the level of consciousness.

Practicing a medicine of improvement is to Practicing a medicine of self-healing is to

put emphasis on the factors which put emphasis on the factors which
maintain and re-establish health. increase health.
It is a medicine which: It is a medicine which:
\\> gives priority to health over sickness, • definitely cures,
\\> recognizes the existence of the soul • recognizes the priority of the soul
and the body, over the body,
\\> corrects the problem rather than • corrects the cause of the problem,
the symptoms.
\\> encourages the patient to become • encourages the patient to become
autonomous, sovereign,
\\> discourages consumerism. • does not involve consumerism.

It is the medicine of invisible bodies. It is the medicine of the soul.

It improves health. It transforms the consciousness.

One day, I received a call from a woman living some distance away
explaining that she had just opened a health center and that she was looking
for a doctor to work there. So I asked her whether it was a center of sickness
that she had opened. No, health, she replied, obviously astonished at my
question. I then asked her why she wanted to hire a doctor given the fact that
doctors only treat illnesses, not health. Realizing the difference, she stopped


Recognizing t~e Invisible
The medicine of health recognizes that the invisible exists. We are more than just robots in
flesh and blood. Our thoughts and emotions greatly influence our state of health, even if they
cannot be seen. Our consciousness gives us the power to direct and live our lives as we wish.
It is freedom of choice that distinguishes us from the animals.
Moreover, animals also have emotions that can affect their state of health. Plants, do as
well as has been clearly demonstrated by Christopher Bird and Peter Tomkins in their book:
The Secret Life of Plants.
We instinctively know just how much our emotions and our thoughts influence our daily
health and how they can harm it.
It wasn't by accident that Bernie Siegel's book: Love, Medicine and
Miracles was such a phenomenal success. In addition to having been
written by a man of great compassion, this book brings to the fore that
- B~mard Siegel
which we know in our innermost selves. It confirms our daily experiences
and explains to us why sicknesses respond differently to identical treatments. It confirms that we
are not machines and that, above all, we need love. It is all very well to talk about love. But one
cannot buy it, or see it. It is invisible. And yet, it is essential to life!
Another doctor who has also touched on the problem, but from an angle that is more
scientific than practical, is Deepak Chopra. In his best-seller: Quantum Healing - Exploring the
Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine, he provides us with the explanation that we are looking for.
He follows through on his study of quantum physics to conclude that eternal youth is possible.
He goes on sharing his secrets with us in his most recent book: Timeless Mind, Ageless Body.
A scientist, Beverly Rubik, has also written a most interesting book on the frontiers of the
visible and the invisible entitled: The Interrelationship Between Mind and Matter.
There are many others in the world to show that the invisible exists and that sickness
appears in the invisible bodies before manifesting itself in the physical body. Yet in spite
of everything, scientific medicine continues to deny it. Up until the time we were plunged
into" scientific" materialism, which reduces us to physico-chemical reactions, the invisible
was recognized and was revered and treated with respect. Once, people were ostracized
who did not have faith in the invisible. Nowadays, those who do, are terrorized.
Identifying t~e Problem: t~e Invisible Bodies
A symptom is only the tip of the iceberg. It is the small external manifestation of a deeper
and bigger problem that we cannot see well below the surface.


The story of a commonplace occurrence that follows illustrates well how our organism
functions and how each organ compensates for the lack of the other in providing additional help
in order to maintain overall balance.
When the physical sickness appears, it is because the real problem has been dragging on for
some time without ever having been resolved. And that the entire organism is exhausted.
The symptom cannot reveal the real problem. We must dig deep to find the problem itself.
Often, the symptom is deceptive and misleading. The problem turns out to be much different
to that which the symptom appears to indicate. The symptom only serves to warn us: "Look
deeper. There is a problem below!"
When we seek, we invariably discover just how much false thought and belief imprisons
us. And how fear paralyzes us. Beliefs and fear rule in a materialistic world. They impose their
heavy vibes on the more vulnerable physical body. It suffers and cries out for help.


When dealing with problems located in the invisible bodies:

- the mental body with its thoughts and beliefs,
- the emotional body with its emotions nourished by fear,

we have the choice between two diametrically opposed approaches.

• One, MEDICINE OF SICKNESS, denies the invisible bodies and makes war to get rid of the
signs and symptoms manifested by the physical body.
• The other, MEDICINE OF HEALTH, recognizes the invisible bodies and treats them, knowing
that treating them will consequently improve the condition of the physical body.
Here's a little story of an office problem that I use to illustrate the origin of sickness.

Once upon a time, there was a little business which worked in perfect
harmony. It made good products, enjoyed a good reputation, and was assured
of a good clientele that was more than satisfied and faithful. The company
prospered. Every knew what he had to do every day. There were no problems
and everyone was happy.
One day, the receptionist failed to show up. Everyone else manned the pumps.
First one, and then the other, was answering the telephone, opening and distributing
themail.doing the scheduling. Meanwhile, they were still going to business meetings
and receiving their own clients. The receptionist failed to show up for work more and
more frequently. But nobody really worried because, by now, they were used to it.
Sure, everyone had to take a little more responsibility on their shoulders, but they
held the fort. Even though they finished later arrived home later, and were more and
more tired. After a while, they lost their enthusiasm and peace of mind. Their attitude
to their clients wasn't the same. They no longer had time to chat with them. But the
clients remained faithful and nothing appeared untoward.
But then came the day when the accountant had a car accident and was laid up
for a few days. This only added to the problem. Everyone did their best, but they were
overloaded and fell behind. Then the inevitable happened. The director of marketing,
who was looking after the accounting temporarily in addition to his other functions,
which were already over loading him, made a mistake in writing out a cheque. Instead
of $5,000, he wrote $50, 000. In light of such a serious error, he was fired.
After that, things went from bad to worse. Management and staff were simply
unable to cope. Mistakes became more and more frequent. Each time, the person making
the mistake was fired, instead of the situation itself being evaluated so that the real
cause could be realized - the failure of the receptionist to show up for work. The
personnel was exhausted. Clients were dissatisfied with the products and service they
were receiving. A short while later, the business declared bankruptcy and [CLOSEDj.
And yet, the problem was simple. The receptionist was missing work because
the woman who had looked after her children while she was at the office had quit.
And she had been unable to find a full-time replacement. Rather than punish those
who had made mistakes, one only had to identify the receptionist's problem and help
her find someone to look after her youngsters. The company would still be in business.


Influenza Go to the doctor who recommands Rest in bed. Take time to question
aspirin, drops, syrup and, more than yourself on the conditions that weaken
often, antibiotics. (A friend of mine, your immune system and prompts
a doctor specialized in bacteriology, influenza to develop.
told me that 95 % of antibiotic
prescriptions are useless).

Arthritis Intake of anti-inflammatory drugs for Herbalism and/or homeopathy to start

years with additional medication to with. At the same time, induce a
counter their side effects. One day, a change in your eating habits and free
digestive hemorrage will burst, which the emotions that emprison you. Seek
will command many tests, help with additional therapies like
hospitalizations, additional drugs, massage, osteopathy, acupuncture.
maybe transfusions, -all with their own
complications-, and possibly death.

Otitis Many visits to the doctor and, sometimes, Natural remedies (as simple as garlic
emergencies and hospitalizations. in the ear or urinotherapy) or others
Antibiotics with their complications. that re-establish homeostasis
Installation of tubes in the ear. (equilibrium within) and prevent
recurrences; without secondary effects.

Allergies Strong medications, with their side Natural remedies as a support during
effects, for acute episodes. crisis and research for the underlying
Desensiblllzation cure, with Its dangers, causative mental connection that
between crisis. triggers the allergy.

Cancer Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, Natural remedies to reinforce the

all very destructive weapons, with their immune system. Meanwhile, correction
severe complications, mostly regarding of alimentary, emotional, mental,
the immune system. environmental causes.

Tonsilitis Antibiotics with surgery, if recurrence. Remedies to improve the immune


Insomnia with Sleeping pils with their risks of falling Encourage and help them with walking
the elderly and fracturing a bone. Physical and and other physical activities.
mental loss of autonomy.

Headache Pain killers with their complications. Search for the emotional cause that
Many tests if recurrence. triggers the headache.

Underweight babies Incubator and high technology special Good nutrition of the mother during
care to maintain them alive during the pregnancy to prevent it. Permanent
first days. contact with the mother after delivery,
to cure it.
Correding t~e Cause of t~e Problem: t~e Soul
If we want to definitely resolve the problem, CURE it, then we will have to go beyond the
problem itself. More in depth, right to its origin. What is causing the problem 7 Why is there
an iceberg in the first place? Where does it come from? What caused it to arise?
It is the ultimate step in medicine. It is the medicine of the soul. It ascertains that the
conscience is sleeping. It awakens it. It alerts the soul, the "raison d'etre" of our existence
on earth. It asks it the fundamental question:


Visible Manifestation
Body: of the problem

Invisible t
thoughts / itself


Soul: Cause of
conscience BASE the problem


- If the soul chooses submission, it is sickness.
- If the soul chooses sovereignty, it is health.
- If the soul does not choose, it chooses submission, by default.

To correct the problem, one only has to recognize the soul's sovereignty and thus
re-establish the natural order, that goes:
- from the interior to the exterior
- from the invisible to the visible
- from the depth to the surface
- from the cause to the manifestations.
• The natural order is over-turned. OF SICKNESS
• The system is upside down. Submission of the soul permits low
• The ship is capsized. vibrations to take over.
Poverty and fear take hold.


It is disorder.
It is war.
It is sickness.
It is poverty.
Submission -> Fear + Poverty



- The natural order is respected. OF HEALTH
- The system is as it should be. The sovereignty of the soul raises the
- The ship navigates well. vibrations of the invisible and visible
love and prosperity follow.



It is order.
Prosperity Love
It is peace.
It is health.
It is prosperity. Sovereignty -> love + Prosperity

The soul is at the service of the body.

The traveller is at the service of the vehicle.
The spirit is at the service of matter.


The visible and invisible bodies dominate.

The soul is submissive,
The captain, (conscience), remains asleep, drunk, or paralyzed,

To give priority to matter over spirit, is to go against the natural order. It is to go anti-
clockwise. It is to give priority to, the tip of the iceberg, to that which is visible.




The body is at the service of the soul.

The vehicle is at the service of the traveller.
The matter is at the service of the spirit.


The soul dominates the visible and invisible bodies.

The body follows.
The captain (conscience) awakes and retakes control.

To give priority to spirit over matter is to go with the natural order, with common sense,
clockwise. It is to give priority to the base of the iceberg, to that which is invisible.


STOP t~e Vicious Circle of Sitkness
Let us see what happens in each of our bodies and in the soul when we live a life that gives
priority to the materialistic option. And let us look at the consequences of such a choice.


It is the prison of the conscience. It locks one up. It renders its victims powerless and
unhappy. We submit to the circumstances rather than master them. We sink into lethargy, silence
and passiveness. We let others do our thinking for us and make our decisions theirs. We let fear
invade our home and muzzle our conscience.
Submission translates into symptoms of feelings of
"'The mass
powerlessness and hopelessness. Two recognized major
'~f men
causes of cancer and suicide. It feeds the sicknesses of auto-
(cal (ives
destruction such as drugs, alcoholism, and degenerative illnesses.
It robs us of our very essence and our most profound aspirations
':f quiet
to improve and do better.
wfi~t is carrel
Submission reduces us to robots, servile machines, 'Rcsianation
a potentially very profitable commodity, a human resource. is c,mfirmel
It strips us of our superior functions of consciousness and will. 'lJespera tion.
It is a direct attack on our human dignity. - Thoreau
Submission is the major cause of sickness. And yet,
our entire system encourages submission. Schools reward
quiet children who do as they are told and punish the rebellious.
Universities teach uniformity and discourage creativity.
The establishment severely punishes those who disobey.
There is simply no place for a maverick.
The worst form of submission that one can impose upon
people is social assistance. And we are all socially assisted.
Health insurance, unemployment benefits, life insurance, salary
insurance, pension funds, welfare, taxes and others.
All these measures to make us dependent upon the
authorities. Because we believe that we cannot do things
for ourselves.
We end up being treated like sheep.
Fear of losing what we have. Fear of not having what we want. Fear of the past, fear of
:he future. Fear of being robbed, raped, condemned, ridiculed. Fear of failure. Fear of losing one's
. Jb. Fear of flying. Fear of the dark. Fear is the basket of all emotions. It contains them all. Fear
caralyzes the conscience. It renders one blind and powerless. Yet fear is on the rise every day in
:ur society what with all its criminality, job losses, bankruptcies, the recession, sickness, wars,
a~,d violence. it is enough to make anyone afraid. The media hardly ever seems to mention
anything else. Have you heard any good news lately, except in the realm of sports? Apart from
, artists, who are having a rough time making ends meet, who talks to us of love?
And as thought generates reality, therefore, when we hear on the news that four out of ten
women will suffer from breast cancer, we think that one of them will be us. And we are afraid.
The thought, and the emotion, "cancer" implants itself in our invisible bodies and the callcer will
appear in the physical body sooner or later. We have programmed it.
Fear brings sickness. And yet, the powers that he conspire to create it. Fear freezes us and
turns our blood to ice. It keeps the icebergs in place. Belief, its twin sister, ravages our thoughts
just as much as fear does the emotions. The most deeply rooted belief is that we are not all


Poverty is the mother of all misfortune. it gives rise to all calamities. it has been
demonstrated a thousand times over that the level of sickness is directly linked to that of
poverty. The poor are sick. They all have physical, emotional or social problems. Mothers give
birth to small, underweight babies whose health is compromised and mortgaged for life from
the moment they are born. And all it takes is a minimum of good nutrition to ensure the birth of
a normal-sized baby and save the economy tens of thousands of dollars in both immediate and
future medical costs. Poverty is the biggest cause of sickness.

it is the vicious circle of sickness:


Harmonious Circle of Healt~: (iO
Let us see what happens in each of our bodies and in our soul when we live a life that has
a spiritual priority.


As a sovereign person, you are the supreme authority of your life. You exercise your inner
power rather than submit to the power of the authorities. You are in full control of your
thoughts, and emotions. You know no boundaries and are full of creativity.
It is easy to encourage sovereignty among individuals. We only have to remember the divine
essence of each and every one of us, for us to realize that "we can do it". And that many
people, united and working together, can move mountains. And build a society that is rich and
in good health.


"There are only two emotions: love and fear. The first is our natural heritage. The
other, a creation of our spirit. " - Jampolsky.
To discourage fear, one only has to stop talking about security and
protection, two impracticable illusions. To encourage love, it is sufficient
Love is Lettin8
to create links between individuals. To bring them to discover and to get
§o 'Fear
to know one another, like one another, and help one another.
- Gerald Jompolsky
Love is warmth. It has always melted icebergs. Progressively, the
symptoms disappear, and then the entire iceberg.
Unfortunately the authorities promulgate hate, suspicion, and distrust.
Every man for himself. Nothing that promotes health.


Individual sovereignty ensures prosperity and abundance for all. Being on the same
wavelength as our inner divinity assures us of real and unique security. Namely, assurance, that
which no one can take from us and from which flows prosperity, in all its forms:
.. physical: adequate food and housing, vital and recreational space, pure air and water.
.. psychological: love, belonging, recognition, consideration in the home, at school, work
and at play.
.. spiritual: dignity, power, identity, passion, respect for one's differences, value in originality
and creativity.

It is the harmonious circle of health:


Re-Establishing the Natural Order
The deeper the problem, the more fundamental it is. Therefore we have to re-establish the order
of priority of our solutions, beginning with those at the deepest level, and working towards
those that are the most superficial.
Since the soul is at the deepest level, solutions that will improve its state of health are
therefore key.
1. This is why the priority action must focus on the sovereignty of the soul (medicine of self-
2. At the same time, we have to make every effort to re-establish the health of the invisible
bodies. For us to rid ourselves of the emotions and thoughts that imprison us, and
instead spread love and sharing (alternative medicines).
3. And last but not least, we have to take care of our physical body in terms of food,
hygiene, non-pollution, and lifestyle.

Natural order
goes from
the inside out.

It is obvious that all these different types of medical practices

'T~lkc Charae of
overlap, and that one influences the other. This is why medicine must
Yc1 uY'Body
offer patients different alternatives for the well-being of their bodies and
- Carolyn DeMarco
souls. Concomitant treatments touching both medicines and calling upon
the skills of doctors and therapists at the same time are necessary.
There exist many books which explain, in easy-to-understand terms, the different practices
of medicine from self-health to the rarest of illnesses, as well as everything one needs to know
about nutrition and all facets of daily hygiene. It is up to us to determine which best suits our
One book that merits special attention is Take Charge of Your Body by Carolyn DeMarco.
I highly recommend it to all women and all health practitioners.
Towards health, because that is our best investment. First of all, to the health of the soul,
because it is in the soul that sickness is born ... so too is the cure. In practical terms, our money
should go first towards education which leads to empowerment.

Sickness Health
scientific medicine education
alternative medicines

-'. i To education
It Education brings knowledge. Knowledge is a tool which leads to
power. When we know, we control. To educate is to share knowledge. It is
to share power. It is empowering others. It is to give information that will
enable others to control their health, their life. The education of health is that
which makes people aware of their divine and all-powerful nature. It gives us
the tool to break free from the illusion of sickness/death and pass on to the
reality of health/life. If we are ill, then it is because we have distanced
ourselves from our divinity. We only have to come back to it to be healed.
Education leads to empowerment. That is to say, the reinforcement of our inner power.
We are all-powerful, but we have forgotten it.
Education reminds us of this and teaches us how to free ourselves from the ideas that
imprison us, notably the illusions that we entertain. Namely, physical and mental suffering,
sickness, aging, death. Education also teaches us how to replace the paralyzing emotion of fear
(creation of fear = illusion) with the all-powerful emotion of love (innate = reality). In this way,
we will no longer be slaves, but free. We will leave the bleak jungle and enter "the garden of
life", as my friend Louise would say.
Tandem F - P = Slavery Tandem E - E = Freedom

The bleak jungle The garden of life

Education enables us to evaluate the intentions that underpin all politics and decisions.
These must be clearly understood so that people can take their rightful place and actively
participate in the formulation of decisions.
Schools should encourage creativity and initiative. Painting, drawing, or any other art form
help one to develop ideals. Silence and nature enables one to get one's bearing again and a
better perspective on life.
We should learn self-health. How to take charge of our health, learn how to select good
food. If we do become sick, learn all there is to know about our illness and, with the help of
therapists and doctors, cure ourselves. We are the only true doctor. We have to learn to set aside
false securities, such as insurance, job security, pension funds and the like. We will learn to
appreciate the fact that there is only one person who can help protect us against the only real
enemy that exists. We are our own worst enemy. Empowerment improves the health
of the soul.


~ To alternative medicines
As a general rule, remember that chroniC Illnesses and those which are said to be
psychiatric in nature are in the domain of alternative medicines.

Alternative medicines comprise treatments which treat and reinforce, which is real prevention.
They free blocked energy, while rebalancing and reinforcing the entire energy system. The role
of healers is to be found at this level. They re-establish energy in the invisible bodies and help
them to become stronger, as well as replacing the energy. Healers sometimes work with the help
of "guides" that are invisible to the majority of us. These are the "doctors of the sky" of whom
Maguy Lebrun speaks about in her book Medecins du ciel, medecins de la terre (Doctors of
the Sky, Doctors of the Earth). She also explains just how much more powerful the energy of
f1ealing is when we work together in a group.


;J To the environment
- To take care of Mother Earth, our hostess. To learn how to respect and venerate her.
Thank her for having welcomed us. Stop chemically polluting the air, water, and soil.
Stop stripping forests and changing the course of our rivers and waterways. Realize
that we are at her service, and not she at ours. Our fate depends on her.
- To ensure hygiene for all, having access to clean drinking water, suitable lodging,
and a healthy environment. Reduce consumerism and all the waste that this generates.
Purify the air in workplaces.
- To provide food that is both physically and mentally nutritious. Produce that has not been
bombarded with rays. Encourage biological horticulture and, where possible, community
and family gardening.
- Make sports and art activities available to all. Make it easy to go to the country. Take
charge of communications and ensure the quality of media information. Replace
violence and fear in the print and electronic media with respect for the person and love.
Encourage positive thinking.
- Promote simple and extensive public transit systems so as to encourage exchange
between individuals.
- Poverty must be eliminated by all means possible. Install an economy of need based on
richness for all. We must remember that it is not technology that has prolonged our life
span, but rather hygiene, and improvement in the quality of our lives. Poor people are
more ill than rich people. People living in poor countries have a life expectancy well
below those of people living in rich countries. The rate of infant mortality is also far
greater. Poverty and sickness go hand in hand.


61 Professional fees
- They are directly proportional to services we receive, therefore not as high.

Administrative costs,
- They would also be reduced, as they would relate to a smaller" health machine".

Rnd W~at Rbout Scientific Medicine?
Is it the end of scientific medicine? Not at all. It will always have its place and we will
always have need of doctors that have been trained in science and technology. At the same time,
however, they must realize their limits.
• They should use scientific medicines and drugs only when it is not possible to treat the
patient by other methods.
• They should learn, but not practice, alternative medicines. For they are incapable. It is
contrary to their training.
• They should work together with therapists and patients.
As a general rule, remember that trauma, emergencies,
and acute illnesses are those wh'\ch most otten have need ot
treatment by scientific medicine. But not over extended periods
of time. Only for the duration of the acute crisis. Once this has
passed, such aggressive treatments must be stopped. In many
cases, surgery that is debilitating and expensive can be replaced
by a method of treatment that is much simpler and less
It is the case with heart by-pass operations, for example,
which may be replaced by a chelation and costs about $3,000 as
opposed to the $50,000 it can cost for the operation. As another
general rule, unless there is a real obvious emergency, nothing should be done to upset nature
which knows how to take care of itself. "Step zero, do nothing", says Susun Weed in the wise-
woman tradition mentioned earlier.
If we learn to adopt this attitude, we will save ourselves a lot of grief. Never resort to the
medicine of science for preventative purposes. It is like taking a hammer to kill a fly buzzing
around on a window pane. You don't always hill the fly. But you always break the window!


How lV1u[~ Will RII T~is Cost?
To reduce the exorbitant cost of our health systems, we must pass from a system of sickness
to a system of health. In practice, this implies that we considerably reduce our use of tests and
medications, and invest a little of the money saved in health. When I say considerably reduce,
I do mean considerably. That is to say, eliminate all tests and medications that are not absolutely
necessary and justified. This represents between 75% and 95% of current tests, medications and
surgical operations. I can hear you shouting, "but that's crazy, its madness". Well, rest assured,
the figures are as high as that. One just has to want it. to transform it into reality.
In years to come, the health of everyone would be greatly improved and costs would be
much lower. Even if we only managed to reduce the health costs by 25% in the United States,
it would save a whopping $250,000,000,000 (250 billion). That's close to $ 1,000 for every man,
woman and child.
As the chart which follows shows, if we succeeded in going even further than that, the
savings become astronomical.

Take, for example, a budget of 1 trillion dollars

total budget of sickness $1,000,000,000,000
reduce it by 75% $750,000,000,000
balance remaining = $250,000,000,000
add 25% to health budget + $250,000,000,000
total cost of sickness/health = $500,000,000,000

This represents a saving of close to $2,000 per individual. We can reduce our total costs and
have a population that is in far better health. One that will benefit both from state-of-the-art
scientific technology and the refinement of alternative medicines. It is the best of both worlds.
Science and art combined at the service of the patient.

The solution is obvious and simple. Anyone can find it. But why isn't it applied?
Why is industry still allowed to pollute the water, the air and foodstuffs?
Why are people still left homeless, hungry, living in slums, or working in unhealthy
Why is the emphasis placed on competition, conformity, obedience, submission, fear?
Why is materialism pushed and not spiritualism?
Why do we dwell on the inevitability of aging and death?
Why are alternative medicines ridiculed and forbidden?
Why are vaccinations allowed to continue?
Why are people encouraged to take pills and drugs?
Why is ignorance and dependence promoted? Why?
W~at 15 Happening?
All the information exists, and it has for some time now, to enable the authorities to
introduce an effective and less costly medicine of health. They have not done it. Not only have
they not done it, but they have done exactly the opposite. They are plunging us even deeper into
sickness and submission, a little more each day.
® Budgets for social services such as daycare, battered women, recreational centers, help
for single mothers, health associations, etc., are cut.
® The gap between rich and poor continues to widen, even during the 80s when times
were said to be good and prosperous. We are all affected by this, we will all be poorer
if we continue like this. What we often fail to realize is that the rich are now much
richer, and there are fewer of them than before.


Rich Middle Class Poor



Rich Poor

Concentration of money in the hands of a few.

Progressive disappearance of the middle class into poverty.

CD Welfare dependency in all its forms is increasing everywhere, as is unemployment, people
on pensions, and those collecting health insurance. In losing our jobs and becoming
poorer, in becoming sick and older, we become to depend upon the State with all the
loss of human dignity that this entails.
A thought in passing:
With the advent of feminism and women's liberation, more and more
women have been freed from the guardianship of their husbands. They have
become autonomous. There are fewer so-called "kept women" than there were
one or two generations ago. But, alas! It is now men and women who are being
"kept". Not by their wives or husbands but, this time, by the government.
We should always remember that being "kept" is a lousy position to find oneself in.
For even if one has the best "keeper" in the world, one is always at their mercy, for at
any time:
- they can stop taking care of us, to start taking care of someone else
- or just simply be unable to take care of us any longer
In either case, we lose what we have in all cases, we lose our dignity. And remember
that submission is the basis of all illnesses.

@) Industries continue to pollute the air, water, and soil. Every day, we discover that such
and such a region is suffering from some sort of illness directly related to a polluting
industry. And we go on.

For example, many people living around the Great Lakes in both Canada and
the United States suffer from sterility. Rather than resolving the problem at its
source, the problem of pollution, we develop methods of fertility.

o Alternative medicines are banned and those who practice them are hounded.
The authorities harass, threaten, and intimidate them without any reason whatsoever.

CD" Health" insurance, both public and private, reimburses only sickness. Alternative
medicine therapies are not reimbursed at all as they are in some countries.
® Good remedies are banned. The authorities pass laws declaring them illegal, they are
therefore withdrawn from the market and become inaccessible to the public at large.

® Everything contributes to creating fear among the public. The media projects nothing but
violence, war, misfortune, sickness and all that this entails. Recessions, budget cuts,
debts, and so on. Fear is the vehicle of sickness.
Why are the political, medical, and financial authorities doing all in their power to ruin our
health and our bank accounts? Shouldn't the government, our representative, look after our
interests? It is paid for that. Not only is it not doing so, but it is doing just the opposite. Why?
Three hypotheses present themselves:

1st hypothesis: They do not know how to do it.

This explanation is impossible, because the information has existed
for years. Medical Nemesis -The Expropriation of Health by Ivan
lilich dates from 1975. Some 20 years ago, we were warned of the
disastrous consequences that awaited us with the practice of
scientific medicine. Since 1980, several books have denounced -
and continue to do so - the corruption, yes even the conspiracy,
against our health. Several other books have proposed solutions.
Therefore, the government knows the problems that exist and knows
how to remedy them.

2 nd hypothesis: They cannot do it.

This explanation is also impossible, because the government has all
the powers. The power to inform, the power to educate, the power
to finance, the power to legislate, the power to enact that legislation.
It can therefore do anything that it wishes.

3 rd hypothesis: They do not want to do it.

This explanation is the only one possible, once the other two
hypotheses are eliminated. One always thinks that governments, and
their civil servants, are without intelligence and really don't put their
hearts into their work. How can we be so mistaken. One also always
thinks that they act in good faith, but that they are simply
overburdened by the amount of work that they have to do.
How can we be so mistaken.
"There is none more deaf than those who will not hear". It is
true as far as our demands are concerned. We can also add: "There is
none more paralyzed than those who wish to maintain the status quo. "
The current system of sickness is a disaster for our health and our finances. Moreover,
it displeases everyone. However, it must profit someone, if, despite everything, it has been
maintained for all these years.

T~e Real Beneficiary Bt
T~e Players in t~e Medical System 6"
me:- TIL-nNb Orme:-Me:-DICAL- SYSn:M 66
Officially 66
In Practice 90
me:- e:-STA-BL-ISltMe:-NT 9Z
T~e Power of t~e Privileged 9~
me:- Me:-DICA-L- MA-FIA- 9t
Its Composition 9t
How it Works 9"
T~e Number One Mafia 96
me:- FA-M IL-Y bA-Me:- OF MONOPOL-Y 99
T~e Saga of Rcupuncture in Quebec 99
T~e Winners 106
T~e loosers 109
me:- "INPVSTRIA-L--bOV~Me:-NTAL- WMPt-e:-X' 110
Couple Don Multinationalio-Donna [jovernmenta
T~e 110
WHO. t~e Donna of all Donnas 111
Meet Mr. Smit~ 11Z
Patents 11t
T~e Corporate P~ilosop~y of t~e Healt~ Care Business 115"
THE TRILOGY OF LIES see page 118
PASnvR OR BtutAMP? 1"Z
Two Men 1"Z
Two T~eories 1"~
Two Systems of Values 1H
But Not Two Trut~s 1""
W~y t~is Murderous Relentlessness? 1"1
FROM Bt.c-ItA-MP TO NAe:-SSe:-NS 1"6
R True Rnswer: t~e Somatidian T~eory 1"9
R True Diagnostic: t~e Somatoscope 1"9
R True Prevention: Improving Healt~ 110
R True Treatment: t~e 114-X 110
00 I Stop Or [jo On Reading? in
The Medical Mafia
T~e Real Beneficiary
Doctors and patients alike are concerned with health, each from their own perspective.
They should be able to reorient themselves and create a more effective health policy.


Because these two actors in the system have become silent and powerless
spectators. They no longer have any power over their health. Nor over its practice.
Nor over the financing of health. Who then has taken over this power?


"He who pays the piper calls the tune", goes the old saying. Well, we have made a lie of
that old dictum. Sure, it is the patient who pays. But it is not the patient who calls the tune. It is
the insurance companies. Whether they are privately-owned or government-run, they take our
money and do with it what they think best. As soon as we entrust our money to someone else,
we lose the control and freedom to use it as we see fit. They have taken over the stage.
And we have relinquished it. We have accepted to sit back and watch the show these actors
wish to stage. Whether we like it or not.


They place this knowledge at the service of patients who come to consult them. Yet they
too have also been dispossessed of their power, reduced to the role of spectators. In effect,
doctors do not have free access to medical information and even less to the practice which
seems to them best suited to their patients' needs. Those who decide the practice of medicine
are the authorities, the all-powerful medical institutions. They have full powers of decision over
the practice of doctors. The doctors are their instruments, their means of action. They form and
shape them, and keep them in their mold, at their service.


/ -""{::-<:)~
I ~
HOSPITALS Authorities

FEES Institutions

The patient and the doctor wish to meet one another to exchange.
One, the patient, brings the money $ ,the other, the knowledge -( .
But the authorities prevent this direct meeting. '1'1StltlitiL'115
.. The insurers, the financial authority, deviate the money towards illness .
.. The institutions, the legal authority, deviate the practice of health towards illness.

Therefore, the patient and doctor can only meet indirectly, through the intermediary of the
authorities, in the realm of the illness. Health is short circuited and inaccessible.


Doctors know only one medicine: sickness. Who goes to see a doctor if they are not
sick? Nobody. In addition, patients are not entitled to medical services unless they are sick.
No sickness, no medicine. Doctors are not reimbursed for their "health" services. Only for
their" sickness" services.
Doctors who stray from the narrow paths that are recognized and approved by the
established powers pay dearly for it. They are assailed by fear, harassment intimidation, threats.
They are dragged before a disciplinary committee, lose their right to practice, pay fines, are
carted off to prison. For some years now, it is a witch·hunt aimed at all health practitioners,
whether they be doctors or therapists.
So the two actors of the system, the patient and doctor, have lost their role as actors.
But then who has taken their place? Who are the real, true actors?
If we cannot discover who is preventing the actors from playing their roles, let us ask
ourselves whose interests are best served in such a case. Who profits from the current system
of sickness? Do they perhaps have a vested interest in seeing such a system survive?
Those who realize a profit from the system of sickness are ~.-

undoubtedly the beneficiaries of the largest sums of money dispensed by " 'Til,' Il,'Lllrll Llf

the system. And we have already identified the three major expenditures: Cltl::,'115 is [1
Cll11llllL1dit.lf which is
.. tests which make a profit for the technological industry.
i;Lll1~Jlit [met' sl,li"
.. medications which make a profit for the pharmaceutical industry.
- Fran<.;oi, Mitterand.
'" hospitals, pharmacies, laboratories, which make a profit for both prni!lclI{ of' FroliCi'
the above two industries, as well as a plethora of other small

All of these industries have an obvious interest in sickness and would have everything
to fear from a population in good health.


Most notably it is the pharmaceutical industry, whose profits are far greater than those
of most other industries, that has taken control of medicine. How has it been able to do this?
How has it been able to tilt the system in its own favour?
T~e Players in t~e Medical System

One generally speaks of the medical BODY.

Now every system comprises a body and a soul.
Therefore, if there is a body, there is also a soul.


Make your choice.

:J Laboratories :J Government :J Insurers

:J Charitable organizations :J High Technology :J Medical Colleges

:J Clinics "J Pharmacists :J Patient

:J Medicare :J Surgeons :J Therapists

:J Medical Associations :J Administrators :J Pharmaceutical industry

:J Hospitals :J Ministry of Health :J Universities

:J Researchers :J Civil Servants :J FDA

For the answer, you'll have to read on ...


In order to be able to reply to this question, let us recap the five different players on the
medical stage and their roles:

1) the patient who consults and pays: the client

2) the practitioner who advises: the consultant

3) hospitals, clinics, laboratories, pharmacies: . the executants

4) industry which makes the products: .. ... the manufacturer

5) the authorities: the manager

0 1
Doctor 2
Hospital - Clinics
Laboratory - Pharmacies 3
CQ Industry 4

THE SOUL IS THE PATIENT, the essence, the reason for being of the system. Without a
;oul, there is no body. Without a patient, there is no medical system.

THE BODY IS THE STRUCTURE at the service of the soul. The doctor, hospitals, clinics,
3boratories, pharmacies, industry.
All the rest are artificial realizations created to respond to artificially created needs.
The authorities.
. . .o-r: ~ MWIUL..- SYSnM

It involves a system of HEALTH at the service of the SOVEREIGN patients.

They are the decision-makers, the all-powerful element in the medical system. Officially,
they are the supreme authority. The entire health system is at their service. They are its
"raison d'etre". They are the SOUL of the system.
The other players make up the BODY of the system. We spoke earlier of the" medical
corps", the" medical body". Strange that we never speak of the" medical soul".
1) PATIENTS: the clients. It is they who employ and pay. It is they who have the power
of decision.

2) DOCTORS: the consultants. They are employed and paid. It is they who advise the
patients. They are entirely at the patients' service.
the assistants, dispensors of the services and products deemed necessary for the health
of the patient, and complementary to the practice of the doctors:
• hospitals which accommodate the very sick and provide very serious forms
of treatment.
• clinics which dispense fighter forms of treatment and care.
" diagnostic laboratories (analyses, X-rays).
'" pharmacies and retailers which dispense products (medications, glasses,
protheses, etc.).
4) INDUSTRY. the manufacturers of goods and products necessary for the health of
the patients and doctor's practices in the health system. It is an industry at the service
of health:
• the pharmaceutical that manufactures medications.
• the technological that manufactures instruments and equipment.

5) The AUTHORITIES: the managers of the patient. They are the patients' delegates. Their
role is to facilitate the medical practice and its administration. It is an artificial creation:
" The insurance companies which" insure the security" of patients. They may be
g privately- or publicity-owned. In either case, they deduct money from the patient

~~ and redistribute it to different players in the medical system that contribute to the
good health of the patient.
.. The Medical institutions which" ensure the protection" of patients and doctors.
They look after the interests of the public, patients, and doctors. They also control
training (faculties, colleges, schools, journals, conventions, teaching), as well as
research and publications, the manufacture and authorization of products, grants,
fund-raising, institutes, and foundations.


4 Exploiter

3 Distributor


Manager Usurper

Consultant Exploited

Executant 3

Manufacturer 4

N.B. Pradionner = doctor or therapist

Health system serving the patient. Patient at the mercy of a system of

The body serving the soul. sickness. The soul serving the body.

system upright System over-turned

If we take off our rose colored glasses, we perceive quite another
scene. The system is tilted. It is the patients who are at the service of
the system of sickness.
The tilting of the system is the result of the intervention by the
authorities who have wedged themselves between the patients and their servants.
Without the intervention of the authorities, who purport to be our agents, there would be
no possible way of tilting the system.
In Practice
In this new fight, let us look again at the role of each of the players on the medical stage.
1) PATIENTS: The exploited consumers. The more they consume, the better. The more sick
they are, the more profitable it is. So one has to make sure: that they are sick; that
medications do not cure illnesses; that new illnesses are created. The only thing that
counts is financial performance as reflected on the stock market.
2) DOCTORS: The sellers, albeit unaware, of industry. The industry's promotional tools.
The authorities form and mold them to serve their goals, blindly, faithfully, and to the
letter; without ever doubting nor questioning the sanctity of the truth. This truth and
blind obedience, which the industry commands, is set out by the medical establishment.
It is taught in the form of doctrine to eager medical students who, although full of good
intentions, lap it up. After five to ten years of such brainwashing, nobody could fail
to succumb. They are also bought with financial privileges and/or steps up the ladder
of success. To some, they give prestige. To others power. And to still others they give
money. The vast majority are unaware of just how they are being "prepared" for their
chosen profession.
3) HOSPITALS, CLINICS, LABORATORIES and PHARMACIES: The manufacturer's distributors.
They are accomplices who very assiduously convey the manufacturers' products to the
patient, for a very handsome profit.
4) The INDUSTRY: The exploiter. The head of the medical system.
'The exp{~liter is
The beneficiary of sickness. Under the cover of scientific research
tile ,~ne who
and public concern, it scatters the seeds of sickness and reaps
makes all
the rewards. With extraordinary tact and diplomacy, it pulls all
excessive YYL:fot
the strings of the system in the direction it wants it to go and
F'L1nt otlicys.
in its own interest. It works in the shadows and through go-
betweens. It controls every facet of medicine, from the medical
student right up to the patient, whom it solicits directly through the media.

No doors are closed to it. All levels of the" authorities", whether they be government or
medical, are subject to its immense power. After all, it is the industry that has allowed
them to rise to power and recognition. All that it asks is that they remember and that
they do not bite the hand that feeds them. It rules. Sometimes benignly
by corruption. Sometimes dictatorily by fear, threats and punishment.

Industry has succeeded in appropriating our supreme Authority. It is an insidious

"coup d'etat"!
5) The AUTHORITIES: The usurper. They have created the institutions
'Till 115wyer
and the laws in order to dispossess the patients of their financial
is till l'lle Wllll
and legitimate rights over their health and appropriate these for
seIllS 6v
themselves. They have stripped the patients of their legitimate
lI1lJ list mCl11l5.
Authority and replaced it by "authorities" that they legally

• the authorities • divine Authority

'" established by force • innate in everyone
" illigitimate • legitimate
* legal • illegal

The impostor is the one who deceives by false appearances, by lies, particularly in passing
himself off for someone that he isn't.
In order not to arouse suspicion, the industry has erected a screen.
That screen is the GOVERNMENT. This impostor with all the airs of a
saint coming to our aid, has betrayed us for the sake of profit for the 15 tile l'1l2

industry. It is elected by us. It is paid by us. But it has sold us off to the Wlill d2Cc!W5
industry. Government and its agencies are on the payroll of the industry.
The latter finances them and grants them rights of authority over the L1PpCLl nl1lCC5,

other players. 6:1 lit'S,

Hidden behind yet another screen, this time the veil of government, pLlrticlilarll! ill
are its agencies, the insurance companies and the medical institutions. 'PLl55ill£j
. l

Globally, they are called "the authorities" and they are revered.
tllat Ile im't.
They are accorded enormous power. This power, established by the
industry, is referred to as the" establishment". Elected politicians and civil
servants, whom they will keep just as long as they follow the rules of the game dictated by
their superiors, the industry. Should they show the least sign of defiance or waver in their loyalty,
they will fail from grace and be cast out. Thanks to government, insurance companies control
the money and the institutions, the practice of medicine.
According to the dictionary, the establishment is "a powerful group of well-placed
individuals who defend their privileges; the established order".
The established order versus the natural order.
Why has an order been established? Wasn't there one already? Does nature really need
to be told what to do? Do flowers wait to be computer programmed in order to know when
they should bloom and wilt? Must we instruct our stomach when to begin digesting food that
we have eaten? No. NATURE KNOWS. It follows an order. Its own, inner, natural order.
The natural order is inherent in every human being, plant or creature. it is innate.
We come into the world with it. Nature, whether it be a person, an animal, or a plant, follows
the natural order. And all goes well. It does not need to be told what to do, and has even less
need of having this imposed upon it. Flowers grow in spring and die in the fall. Our organism
functions harmoniously. The captain of every human being is in command and steers in the right
direction, using the waves, wind, currents, as allies. There is peace and health aboard.
it is the order.

The established order has come to supplant the natural order. it is acquired. it is imposed
by force and violence. The established order puts its pawns in place - the authorities - and gives
them power over others, who in turn have to obey.
it makes its own laws and imposes them through tribunals, the police, the army. it goes
contrary to nature and the natural law. it must therefore use force to achieve it. it has taken
over control from the captain. And so the wind, waves and currents have become foes.
And so it is war and sickness. it is DiSorder.


Who has established the established order and for whom? - The establishment.
And who profits from the established order? - The privileged.

The established order replaces The natural order is innate, every

the innate Authority of each person is his or her own authority.
individual through external Nobody can dominate or exploit the
authorities, which it names and other. Each is in possession of the
imposes. As a result, it can dominate supreme Authority. Each is sovereign
and exploit others. Each human being and follows the divine Universal Law,
is subjected to, and forced to obey, the law which upholds the natural
their laws, laws which ensure the order.
established DISorder.
T~e Power of t~e Privileged
The establishment is a parallel power, contrary to nature, established and imposed by the
privileged in order to maintain their privileges.


The medical establishment is a parallel medical power, which goes contrary to the power
of natural healing. It is established and imposed by the privileged to dominate and exploit
the patients and, therefore, maintain the privileges of the privileged.


tl1t flt/, $
1' t1' 11 1111 LAW
1't 1'l1'l11'
The minority possesses Each individual
the majority of goods and power. possesses the totality.


>,. ,
The establishment does not only exist in the medical world. It exists '1'v1l1rd2r [;:1
n all systems. The political establishment, financial establishment, 'l n f"'ctil111.
religious establishment, university establishment, the communications - Eustace MullInS
:?stablishment, agro-food establishment educational establishment,
artistic establishment, sports establishment, and so on, and so on.
:lrivileged people who band together to maintain their privileges.
All these privileged people pull the strings. There is strength in unity. Make no mistake.
A.II, regardless of what profession or business they are in, are on friendly terms. Even if they
do argue sometimes. They help one another, they combine their efforts for but one common
objective. To dominate and exploit. It is the alliance of power.



The establishment is not only national. Over and above the health system of each country,
there exists a world health system. The World Health Organization (WHO) establishes world
health policies. It imposes them progressively on the governments of all countries.
It is the globalization of powers.


Its Composition*
A strong couple. Accomplices for a long time, they have one goal:
"'As ill (crtaill
the total power of the Godfather.
Pl1Plll~Jrfi(m\ ou I'
- Don Multinationalio, the Godfather, the industry, the purveyor f~l1ll illj mcml7crs
and decision-maker. fiuv( CL11~lwfu(
- Donna Governmenta, the mother, the government. She is in llLlIHCS tllll, wfiidi
charge of the house. She establishes the rules and makes LIre in Ill1 Wu~j
sure that everyone does their homework. Everyone takes her illtcnd;'i tll
for a saint. She obeys the Godfather and serves his interests. )h1rtrLlyallY
The parents sleep together. Donna Governmenta gave birth to a YCr5ll11 , ruce,
number of children who the couple needs to run the many facets l1r (Olmiry
of the family business. l,vfiutSl1CVCI'.
The TRIO of the governmental organisms.
- Assurancio, the accountant. He collects the money, public or private, and channels it to
the Godfather.
- Collegio, the lawyer. He makes the laws and makes sure they are respected. He maintains
the authority and privileges of the Godfather.
- Associo, the negotiator. He ensures the loyalty of the" employees" to the parents.
The children, despite their frequent arguments, all have the same allegiance: to the Godfather.

The duo which looks after the operations of the families business.
- Propaganda, the informer. He ensures submission by gentle persuasion. He controls all
the brains, the conventions, courts, scientific publications, publicity, etc.
- Gestapo, the enforcer. He ensures submission by force. He complements Propaganda,
with his judiciary machine, and his police, to crush any and all dissenters.
Both answer directly to the parents and know only one master, the Godfather. Their law
is harsh: OMERTA, the code of silence .
Those who faithfully execute all orders.
- Medico, the seller. He is well treated. His complicity is bought with money and prestige.
But at the same time, his power is regularly reduced in favour of Civilservanto. He is
totally controlled, locked up in an gilded cage.
- Civilservanto, the permanent representative. He is always well treated. His complicity is
bought with power - over Medico - hence their frequent arguments. Their ongoing
rivalry is encouraged.
- Scientifico, the researcher. He too is well treated. He collaborates through fraud, conflicts
of interest, compromise, political influence, falsification of data. In exchange, he is
furnished with laboratory equipment and material, research funds, perks, trips and
prestige .
Sold by the family.
- Medicamenta, for chronic and repetitive use.
- Surgerica, for immediate use. May be repeated if need be.
- Testa, for constant use. Before, during, and after the first two .
Targeted by the family.
- Patienta, the commodity to be exploited.
- Generosa, the charitable one. She is mandated to collect as much money as possible from
Patienta, to better exploit Patienta .
Enforced by the family.
- Omerta, code of silence. No silence, no Mafia.
How it Works
Under a health system, which seems incomprehensible because it is so complicated, hides a
hierarchy that is extremely simple and harsh. The Godfather reigns supreme. Each family
member has a specific function, defined and commanded by the Godfather. Behind the veil of
government, industry pulls the strings for its own profit. If the industry were openly to control
the medical system, it would run into insurmountable opposition.
We have given up control over our health and our money in accepting to delegate our
sovereignty as patients to the authorities. Let us recognize that that, in essence, is the grand art
of the impostor on the part of the government and usurpation on the part of industry.


The great impostor. Some of its members realize it, others do not. But all wish to hang on
to their position of power. None of them will give up that power lightly, without being forced to,
or by becoming aware of the deadly consequences of the system of power.


The tools of government. At the very top, sit those who ensure government control over the
entire health field. Legislative control, financial control, administrative control. It is the State
which decides in which major directions the health field will go and what major orientations it
will adopt. It controls research and teaching. It decides who will do what, how, when, and
where. It controls health and sickness. It exercises its control through the TRIO OF MEDICAL

1) Insurancio: Health-insurance. It is the group which manages the patients' money:

Public, it is Medicare and Medicaid (USA), Health Insurance (Canada), SECU (France). All
report to Governmenta.
Private, comprise insurance companies, PPOs, HMOs. They are dependent upon
employers and unions. They are regulated by government.

2) Collegio: The Board/College of Physicians (I'Ordre des medecins / France, The Board of
Physicians / USA, The College of Physicians / Canada). It is an organization of doctors,
subsidized by doctors, to protect the public. It is also dependent, in the last instance,
upon government. It controls teaching, and issues diplomas. It regulates the right of
doctors to practice, and all facets of the medical profession. It may rescind the right of
doctors to practice and bar them. It may pursue in court any" non-doctor" who opens
for business in the health field, citing the illegal practice of medicine. And it is this
organization that defines what is medical and what is not! All the power it enjoys has
been attributed to it in the name of protecting the public. That is to say for our own
good! In reality, it has usurped our right to freedom of choice as sovereign patients,
who alone have the right to choose the medicine that best suits us.
3) Associo: Doctors' Associations. These too are financed by doctors. But, this time, to
protect the interests of doctors. It is these associations that represent doctors in their
negotiations with insurance companies for the attribution and allocation of the moneys
for medical activities. They are the official spokespersons for doctors. In France, they
have very little power. In Canada, not much either. But in the USA, they are very strong.
The all powerful American Medical Association (AMA) that has enormous financial and
political clout. It is the second biggest lobbyist after the National Rifle Association
(NRA). It benefits from a long tradition of power which dates back to the beginning
of the century. And this power has remained very strong ever since. As for France and
Canada, it is the College of Physicians and not the associations, which reigns supreme.

All the other medical institutions: control of medications, drugs and instruments (FDA in
the United States, Health and Welfare in Canada, Contra Ie des medicaments in France); medical
schools, research, hospitals, foundations, fund-raising, etc., are dependent upon one or another
of the TRIO of medical authorities.

These three large institutions have interests that are very divergent. That is reassuring.
It means we can be assured that our interests will be well looked after and defended. Officially,
Medicare/Insurance companies assure our interests, taxpayers and consumers. The College/Board
defends our interests, the public. The Medical Association defends their interests, the doctors.
It is a good war, TWO institutions out of three watch over the health and finances of the
population. We are in good hands. We can sleep soundly at night.
Wake up! The three institutions are SIBLINGS, born of the same mother, Donna
Governmenta, under the control of the same father, the Godfather.
Officially, they are three separate entities each with its own address.
In reality, they are all fed by the same hand.
Insurancio, Collegio and Associo, while they do not share the same
'T'c[[ me wlto
roof, all eat at the same table. As is the case with any family, they argue
frequently. more often than not, two children gang up against the third. pays you and
It is not always the same two. They barter and trade a lot. For example,
'] wilT t.:lr you
you pass my law and I'll put a ceiling on doctors' billing rates. Why is it
so? Because just like politicians and civil servants, doctors highly placed
in these institutions are more concerned with accumulating power than they are about serving
other doctors or the patient. And that, the industry has well understood.
Using its financial power, industry ensures the authority of the government which, in return,
ensures its financial interests. I can see you grimacing. I know just how you feel and I agree
with you. It is very unsettling to learn that one is being betrayed by the very people in whom
one placed all one's trust and confidence. But do we want to keep sticking our heads in the sand
like ostriches?

T~e Number One Mafia


A mafia, by definition, is a parallel power, with its own Jaws, its own justice. But parallel to
what? Parallel to whom? Unquestionably, parallel to the official government. But then why does
the Mafia enjoy the protection of those in power, the financial and poHtical authorities?
Perhaps it is because the government is also a mafia. And that, as Olivia Zemor reports in
her book entitled The Mafia Above All Suspicion: "Between honest people, there is always a
way to get along." The Mafia-government tandem is as old as the world and it continues
The first wants money, the other power. So an exchange is worked out. "You give me this,
1'/1 give you that. And everyone will be happy. "IJpqt;lh is war. The weapon of government is
the law. The weapon of the Mafia is money. Bothiite based on force and fear. The government
comes across as an angel, the Mafia, the devil. Both usurp sovereign power. And they both know it.
If we reflect on what a government actually is, we quickly realize that it is merely a small
mi~9ftty of privileged people who have appropriated the decisional, financial, and judiciary
power of the majority. They have stolen our freedom. With our consent, on top of everything
else! They have done it with style by making us believe that it was in OUf own best interest.
For our own security and protection. Protection from whom?


We call that democracy. We firmly believe that we have,the final decisional power as a
result of universal suffrage. It consists of putting an X every few years beside one of the names
already chosen by the establishment. Let us recognize our tyrants for what they are and who
they represent when we exercise our democratic prerogative. Exploitation and domination of
the majority by the minority.

As in certain popular films, our family members have colourful names too, which are in no
way intended to portray any person, race, or country whatsoever.


T~e Saga of Rcupundure in Quebec
In order to familiarize ourselves with the tactics of the Medical Mafia, let me recount
the story of the family's take-over practices in the case of one alternative medicine. The birth,
survival, and elimination of acupuncture * in the Province of Quebec, Canada. A telling example
of what happens in every country where the game is played.
As events unfold, we will be able to observe that the pattern is always the same when it
comes to something that could do us some good. Either it is simply outlawed, or it is allowed
to slip quietly under the control of the authorities to make it a tool of the medicine of sickness.
The fate of acupuncture is that of almost all alternative medicines, of all natural therapies.
It happens in the USA as elsewhere because we, patients, doctors and therapists always make
the same mistake. By understanding the tactics of the authorities, let us identify our mistakes,
and make sure that we do not make them again.

Let us watch the game unfold!


* Acupuncture is a medical treatment of Chinese origin which consists of using needles

to stimulate certain points of the body along vital energy lines. Acupuncture is part of health
medicine. It treats the invisible bodies. It re-establishes energy flow and improves health.

1951 Birth of acupuncture in Quebec with the arrival of Oscar Wexu, professor of
Chinese acupuncture. Private practice, free of all control by the authorities:
• practitioners sell their services
• patients buy them
• without any law, nor government interference.

1951-1970 Growing popularity of acupuncture.

Proportionate growth in client satisfaction.

1968 Beginning of pressure against acupuncture practitioners by the CPMQ

(Corporation professionnelle des medecins du Quebec). (College of
Physicians/Medical Board), Accusation: acupuncturists are charlatans despite the
fact clients are very satisfied.

1970 Founding of a private acupuncture school, free of all controls from the authorities.
• teachers sell their courses.
• students buy them.
• without any law, nor government interference.
1970-1977 Acupuncture continues to increase in popularity.
As does satisfaction on the part of patients.

1974 Creation of the office of Professions by the government. It is the new" head"
for the" protection of the public". It defines the sector of activity of each
profession. It limits professional practice, until now unlimited. It gives full
powers to scientific medicine over the practice of health, including childbirth
(Article 31 of the Medical Law). It also gives scientific medicine the exclusive
right to open new specialties in the health field (Article 94 of the Code of

1977 The CPMQ recognizes the effectiveness and validity of acupuncture and thus takes
over the control of acupuncture, despite the fact that it knows almost next to
noth ing about it.

1977-1985 Acupuncture has never been more popular.

Patients, who have had access to it and benefited from its therapeutic results,
have never been more satisfied.

10 01

Patient Patients content

Practitioner: Acupuncturist
Practitioners happy
More patients
More practitioners
There are only two actors.

Don Multinationalio frowns. The patient-practitioner partnership

The authorities begin to be worried. works very well.

Don Multinationalio loses patience. The liberty of the practitioner is

Collegio = CPMQ begins the witch-hunt. threatened.

Abuse of power.
There is now 1 player of the Mafia.

Don Multinationalio is angry.

Donna Governmenta intervenes. Freedom of choice of the patient and the

She establishes order through legislation. practice of the practitioner limited by the
laws and regulations of
She usurps the rights of patients
- Donna Governmenta
and practitioners.
- Collegio
She collaborates with Collegio. to "protect the public".
There are now 2 players of the Mafia. True acupuncturists number approximately 800.

Collegio usurps the rights of acupuncturists

to "protect the public" .

Don Multinationalio orders that it cease. The patient-practitioner partnership is



July 1985 The CPMQ exercises its control over acupuncture. It passes a regulation that
separates the doctor acupuncturists and the" non-doctor" acupuncturists.
'" Doctors who know nothing about philosophy and the practice of acupuncture
who do not have a clue about energetic medicine, are accorded unfair
privileges .
.. "Non-doctors" are threatened with prosecution, ordered to retake courses,
useless examinations under the control of doctors, and made to incur
unjustified expenses to update their skills in order to continue to be allowed
to practice.

All to discourage the true acupuncturists and cause them to give up their profession.

Right to practice in acupuncture
Without training, except for After training of 1,000
300 hours attending hours, theory and practical,
passive theory. in a recognized school.
Inscription the Registry of Acupuncturists of the CPMQ
Non-mandatory Mandatory and exacting:
because already conditional upon passing
registered. a written and oral exam
determined by the CPMQ.
Costly: $425 + $200 for
each additional entry.
Rules regarding the practice of acupuncture
Exempted. Obligated to obtain a medical
certificate and provide a treatment report.

1985 The CPMQ decides to recognize only one new experimental school of
acupuncture that is part of the public network that it control. In doing so, it
eliminates the three experienced schools of acupuncture, which are forced to

1985-1987 The acupuncturists organize themselves, some in associations, others join a union
to defend themselves. They are accepted by private insurance companies for the
reimbursement of acupuncture treatments. But, on the recommendation of the
CPMQ the insurance companies only reimburse treatments dispensed by
acupuncturists listed in the Registry, as "being in good standing".


Collegio deploys his strong-arm tactics:

.. divide to conquer
<I abuse of power
.. legislate outside his field of knowledge
.. penalize the rebellious acupuncturists
.. prevent patients from having access to
alternative medici nes
Collegia increases his control to the
<I swing the practice to doctors detriment of patient and practitioner.
.. ensure the interests of Don Multinationalio. The patient-practitioner partnership is about
to disappear.

The doctor, who is the most uninformed and Acupuncture is:

the most ignorant about acupuncture, is 1. In the hands of the authorities who are
favoured over the true acupuncture interested in destroying and
practitioner. misrepresenting it.

2. practiced by greedy doctors who have no

The true acupuncturists are penalized and
other interest in acupuncture but to profit
discouraged in their practice and must submit
from it.
to all kinds of pressures.
3. taken from the hands of true
Patients who want true acupuncture are
discouraged by first having to go and see a 4. rendered inaccessible to patients by red
doctor, obtain a medical certificate, and pay tape and added costs.
$20 to $100. They are also penalized in this
way. 5. changed. Its very essence is altered.

Collegio and Donna Governmenta combine Once again, acupuncture sees its quality
their efforts to take control over training in deteriorate and its essence undermined.
acupuncture. (See the Flexner Report). The authorities want to replace acupuncture
with an acupunctural technique.

New decisions: Associo, a new player, positions The authorities increase their control to
himself between the acupuncturists and the the detriment of patient and practitioner.
authorities. Insurancio, another new player,
places himself between the acupuncturists and
The patient-practitioner partnership is
the patients and collaborates with Collegio.
There are now 4 players of the Mafia.

1985-1991 The acupuncturists, respecting their true practice, refuse to submit to the medical
- they do not become listed in the Registry.
- they do not demand the mandatory medical certificate.
And they continue to treat their patients as before.
The CPMQ pursues them for "the illegal practice of medicine". It sends bogus
patients to visit the insubordinate acupuncturists. Informants are paid to trump-
up complaints. Because the ureal patients are happy and satisfied, they have no

complaints. The acupuncturists have to defend themselves on an individual basis

at their own expense. They are forbidden from joining in a class action.
May 1990 By decree, without any justification, the CPMQ lifts their demand that patients
should present a medical certificate.
1991 The CPMQ steps up and expands its pursuit against all therapists practicing
alternative medicines. The witch-hunt is in full swing.
November The CPMQ wins its court case against the insubordinate acupuncturists. They are
1991 found guilty for having refused to submit to medical domination. As a result,
the CPMQ, which knows nothing about acupuncture, is now recognized by
the governmental judiciary authorities as having control over acupuncture.

December The CPMQ proposes and ratifies the signature of an agreement between a group
1991 of acupuncturists, their union, and the CPMQ.
The acupuncturists, discouraged and broken, accept:
1) pleading guilty to having practiced acupuncture and renouncing their right
to practice.
2) abandoning their right to contest the unjustified lawsuit.
3) restricting the teaching of acupuncture to the only institution designated,
and controlled, by the government.
4) submitting to the medical domination and accepting to pass acupuncture
exams organized by the CPMQ.
5) inscribing in the CPMQ Registry and paying the enormous costs that this
The CPMQ promises the acupuncturists:
1) amnesty from all accusations - except those - made unjustly against them
by the bogus patients.
2) its" support" in the setting up of their own Corporation, one that would be
autonomous and based on a format of their own choosing. The
acupuncturists, therefore, were hoping that they would at least be free, once
and for all, from the domination of medical authorities who knew nothing
about their field.
Yet the CPMQ had made promises to the acupuncturists that exceeded their
jurisdiction. Moreover, these promises so angered the president of the Office of Profes-
sions and the responsible government minister. The revenge was not long in coming.

Collegio decrees that the acupuncturists are The acupuncturists are exhausted.
guilty of "the illegal practice of medicine" Physically, mentally, and financially.
and pursues them in the courts.

Donna Governmenta places her judiciary

machine at the disposal of Collegio to squelch
the insubordinate acupuncturists, and accepts
the false testimony of bogus witnesses in
denouncing the illegal practices.

Collegio changes the rules to suit his own The acupuncturists are deceived, harassed,
ends. Collaboration between Collegio and and then crushed. They had believed in justice
Donna Governmenta/Justicia to put down and democracy and they have been had.
and control the true acupuncturists who work
to improve health.

Divide and Conquer

Complicity between Collegio and Associo

to deceive the acupuncturists and get them
to sign a fraudulent agreement.

Complicity between Collegio and

Governmenta/Educatio to recuperate
university training in acupuncture for their
doctor members.
The death of acupuncture
The acupuncturists are made to accept
the arrival of a new player, The Office The acupuncturists are eliminated from the
of Professions, an offspring of Donna game. Only 200 survive.
Governmenta, in order to obtain their own Acupuncture is placed under medical
Corporation and free themselves from the domination.
domination of Collegio.
The interest of patients is of no importance
There are now 7 players of the Mafia. whatsoever.

March 1992 The president of the Office of Professions takes everyone by surprise by
submitting a bill to Parliament on acupuncture. This document, written in the heat
of anger, intended to annul and reverse the promises made by the CPMQ to

Since The union, to which acupuncturists belong, continues to have its members believe
March 1992 that the terms of the agreement with the CPMQ (which it recommended) will
eventually be respected by the Office of Professions. Even though the union was
aware that the president of the office of Professions had declared that no part of
his proposed bill was negotiable.

June 17, Bill 34 is passed. This" Law on Acupuncture" creates a Corporation of

1994 Acupuncture to govern the practice of acupuncture for" non-doctor"
acupuncturists. It does not apply to doctor acupuncturists. In effect, Bill 34:

1) Makes acupuncture a practice of "needle-therapy". It reduces the true

practice of acupuncture from one of holistic medicine to that of a simple
"pain-killer" technique.

2) Forces patients to first rim the medical gauntlet before having access, in the
last instance, to acupuncture.

3) Transforms a medicine of health into a medicine of sickness.

4) Places "non-doctor" acupuncturists under government jurisdiction.

5) Favours inept doctors to practice acupuncture to the detriment of those who

are true acupuncturists.

6) Creates a number of different types of acupuncture, which does nothing but

confuse the patients.

A cock fight between Collegio and Donna Acupuncturists are now become mere
Governmenta/Office of Professions. Donna technicians performing" needle-therapy".
Governmenta gets her revenge and has shown
her authority over Collegia to the detriment of
acupuncturists and, above all, over the public
who ends up the big loser.

The complicity continues between Collegio Acupuncture is finally recuperated by the

and Associo to shut out the duped authorities:
acupuncturists. The dice are cast, Donna - genuine acupuncture has been eliminated -
Governmenta and her children, Collegia, true acupuncturists are handcuffed
Insurancio, and Associo return quietly home - doctor acupuncturists are free to do as they
and tell Don Multinationalio that the mission wish
is accomplished. Acupuncture can no longer - new acupuncturists are "trained" in the
threaten his pharmaceutical interests. science of acupuncture in the new schools
Don Multinationalio congratulates them set up by the authorities
and promises not to forget them! - patients become more and more dissatisfied.

Don Multinationalio has won: Patients and practioners have lost:

to all intents and purposes, acupuncture is Acupuncture is now a medicine of sickness
under his control. under the control of the authorities.

T~e Winners

1. Look after the interests of Don Multinationalio and do
,; .:' :• .' .~. .<' :~f! ;2
nothing as long as he is not threatened. · ·.· · · '· .· · ·.·.•· · ·:.· '.· .· · ·';.·.•'. . . . . .•. . . . . . . . . .

2. Ban, any therapy, person, or product that threatens the profits ,"--At'
of Don Multinationalio, because it will improve health,
in the name of charlatanism, and "for the protection of the
public". Begin the witch-hunt. Don Multinationalio adroitly manipulates the legal
system by getting Donna Governmenta to protect his interest with our money.

3. Recuperate, if these steps are not enough to stop competition, in order to control.
Charlatanism of yesterday becomes a blessing of today. Under the protection of
the Medical Mafia.

4. Push the therapy towards a more scientific technological bent by controlling the training
and the functioning of the practice. It also determines the" official" remuneration.


1. Divide to conquer. The end justifies the means.

2. Enact laws. They can always be amended, changed, or modified, according to its needs.

3. Complicate the system and its vocabulary (technocratic jargon) so that the public cannot
understand anything. Complicate the means of access to the therapy so as to
discourage those who wish to benefit from it.

4. Crush the rebels by all methods possible. First, declare them illegal and eliminate then.
Then later, legalize them, integrate them, and control them.



T~e Losers
1. Competing with one another instead of working together. Judging
other practitioners and setting up self-serving groups and
associations. Encroaching on each other's fields.

2. Fighting with the Mafia. Be it in attack or defense, it is nothing but

a war game. It leads to a series of battles, primarily legal, in which
the Medical Mafia is always victorious. It controls the laws, as well as the judicial
machinery. It is always a no-win situation.

3. Asking to be recognized by the authorities. With diplomas, endorsements, approvals,

professional corporations, associations, schools, etc. It is giving someone else the power
to judge. It is to give up power to others. It is forgetting that letting even one member
of the Mafia come between the patient and the practitioner, for whatever reason
whatsoever, is always the beginning of the end of a death knell to a sane patient-
practitioner partnership.

4. Dealing with the Mafia: Associo, Collegio, Insurancio, Donna Governmenta, and all
their bodies. It is forgetting that they are all in the pay of Don Multinationalio and that
the only masters to be served are the sovereign-patients.


1. Ensuring their protection by relying on the authorities' seal of

2. Ensuring their security by entrusting it to the insurance companies.

3. Believing in the authorities and following their directives.

4. Believing more in titles and diplomas rather than in their own sound judgement.
For example, believing that doctors are better than therapists is forgetting that
common sense is not learned in a classroom.


T~e [Duple Don Multinationalio-Donna Ciovernmenta
It is always present in whatever system one studies. Sometimes it is subtle. Other times
more obvious. The couple is the comer-stone of every Mafia. There are no single-parent families
in the Mafia. The Don provides the money to get Donna elected. She, in turn, passes the laws
necessary to ensure profits for the Don. For centuries, money and power have always made for
good bedfellows.

They are inexorably intertwined. Always close by the couple are the children and other
players, the accomplices necessary for the success of the operations. They each specialize in
a certain field of activities.
- In the MEDICAL field, Carter described it well in his book Racketeering in Medicine.
He calls it the" medico-pharmaceutico-industrial complex". It is organized medicine.
Already, in 1984, Stanley Wohl warned us of an unsuitable marriage in his book
The Medical Industrial Complex.
- In the ARMAMENT field, Pierre Marion, former chief of the French Secret Service,
explains in detail the "militaro-industrial complex" in his book Le pouvoir sans visage
(The Faceless Power). He shows how private interests decide the defense and
armament policies of a country.
- In the field of AGRICULTURE, Brewster Kneen made the same "expose" in From Land to
Mouth. In France, Jean-Clair Dausnes shows how banks and industry have assassinated
- What can one say of the most lucrative industry of all, the DRUG industry? It is thanks to
the collaboration of government in all countries that the market can flourish so well
and make such huge profits. The book Dope Inc., teaches us all we need to know on
this business that is controlled by some of the most respected names in the world.
There has never been any intention of stopping this market. The so called War On
Drugs is one big lie, just as big as that of the War On Cancer.
The situation is identical in all fields. You will find a list of books that might interest you
in this regard later in these pages.
In addition to the couple's marriage, revealed in the above works, the liaison is there to
see with our very own eyes. For one even sees television cereal ads sponsored jointly by
a cereal maker and the Ministry of Health! Difficult to miss. What else must they do to make us
open our eyes?

WHO - T~E! Donna of RII Donnas

This same industry-government liaison is to be found at the world level. It is the product of the
world government, the United Nations. At this level we find Don Financio, the world financier
Godfather, who invests in the field of health, among others, to make profit. His credo is the



To achieve this even faster, he poisons foodstuffs (agro-food).

And pollutes the soil, the water, and the air (chemical industries).


She is the world's Ministry of Health.
She is married to Don Financio. Her allegiance to
him is unwavering. Like all good mothers, she passes for
a good person, concerned for the well-being of us all.
She defines health as a "state of physical, mental
and social well-being."
She gives the impression of being above all the
pettiness and narrow-mindedness of national
She recognizes the importance of the mental and
social aspects of health.
She supports alternative medicines.
She recommands "health for all". But, if we look
really closely, we realize that health for all, according to
WHO, means medicalization and vaccinations for all.
That is to say, "sickness for all".

Meet Mr. Smit~
We are accustomed to thinking that people think and act like us. Often this perception has
been proven to be wrong, and has cost us dearly. And yet we continue to think this way.
Mr. Smith is President & CEO of a pharmaceutical multinational. If we were Mr. Smith, the
first thing we would do on arriving at the office in the morning would be to ask our employees
about the improvement in health we realized for our clients. We would be proud of the
beneficial effects of our products. But we are not Mr. Smith.
As for Mr. Smith, he works for a multinational belonging to financiers. For them, only profits
count. Mr. Smith graduated from business school with a sound background in productivity,
finance, efficiency, and marketing. The bottom-line is the only thing that matters to him.
He knows how to exploit his commodity: the public. His product: drugs. His evaluation criteria:
the stock market. If the value of the shares grows, he will keep his job and receive a big bonus.
If it dips, he will lose his job. So what does Mr. Smith do when he arrives at the office in the
morning. He checks the stock market!
Therefore it becomes clear that Mr. Smith:
1. Must sell as many drugs as possible. In order to achieve this, anything goes. Lies, fraud,
concealing information, kickbacks, and so on. In the name of product excellence,
he will resort to any manner of tactic to improve the firm's financial performance.
He will put children, women, and men under medication, as well as the elderly.
And he will vaccinate entire populations. All this with the connivance of the authorities.
Both medical and governmental!
His marketing budget is 2 to 3 times that of research.
His principal salespeople are doctors. Mr. Smith trains them in medical schools where
he controls the curriculum. Then he cultivates them through conventions and scientific
publications that he finances. He provides them with information brochures for their
waiting rooms. His staff monitors their billing charts.
He rewards them with research grants, gifts and perks such as trips. And entertains
them lavishly.
His principal buyers are the public whom he solicits directly via:
" Magazines, "informative articles".
It Newspapers, focusing on the launch of "new products" so that people will ask
their doctors and pharmacists for them.
" Foundations, which" inform" the public of the dangers of certain illnesses and
diseases, of the need to prevent them, and the importance of helping those who
have contracted the illness.
$ Public places like shopping centres and schools, where he presents information on
sicknesses and their treatments.
" Television, either directly in advertising his products, or indirectly in self-serving ads
about the pharmaceutical industry's considerable research efforts.

Recently, when I was giving a course, I ate in the university cafeteria.
To my surprise, I saw a table, complete with video, pamphlets, and sellers busy
informing the students of the dangers of hepatitis B, "AIDS WHICH CAN BE
BEATEN", thanks to a vaccine which they were selling. Lies, manipulation, fear.
Anything goes. Understand well, however that selling shoes or selling
vaccines/medications, it is selling! How could these sellers be allowed or authorized
to solicit the students? And with the blessing of the university authorities?
That's the establishment and its associates. You scratch my back, I'll ... Let me sell ..
and I will give you your research project. All this dirty business under the hypocritical
guise of information and education. And with our funds!

2. Makes sure that his products only alleviate problems but do not cure them, thus
ensuring the financial performance of sickness.

3. Doesn't concern himself with the fact that his drugs make people ill. The fact is their
harmful effects are extremely frequent and lead to the taking of still other drugs, which
is simply good for business.

In January 1993, The Medical Information, a medical tabloid, reported that the
Ministry of Health of Ontario had recently signed an agreement with the Burroughs
Wellcome company to purchase zidovudine (Retrovir), which is used to treat people
infected with the HIV virus. This three year agreement, engaged the Ministry to buy its
stock of zidovudine from Burroughs Wellcome in exchange, the pharmaceutical company
undertook to invest $1.25 million annually into new social programs for those suffering
from AIDS or who are HIV positive, as well as in research projects relating to the AIDS virus.

4. Makes sure that his medications be imposed. He deals with

bureaucrats who determine health expenditures. ' ~~I1:I't'tit~~lll
15 n 5111.
5. Eliminates competition. From the producers of affordable
- 1.D. Rockefeller
generic counterparts to manufacturers of natural remedies. He
also makes every effort to have the practice of alternative medicines banned. As he
controls the medical and political authorities, this is not difficult.

6. Seeks to control information, legislation, and the economic/financial decisions which

impact upon his products. To achieve this, he sits on numerous boards of directors,
belongs to secret societies, secret commissions, and leads a social active life geared
to influence - peddling and lobbying.

7. Makes sure that scientific research is profitable. He ensures that his research costs are
minimal, are supported and subsidized by public funds, are done in university facilities,
and that they result in remedies that pay, for which he has the exclusive patent.

8. Makes sure that his products sell at the highest price possible. To achieve this, he
patents them. The patent protects the monopoly of the product and, as a result, its
monopolistic sales price.

Mr. Smith patents all that is patentable, and all that is not.
He doesn't hesitate to have the UN and its bodies declare that some medicinal plants are a
"world heritage". In this way, he can appropriate the exclusivity, patent them, and sell them at
exorbitant prices, even to those who actually own them.
Mr. Smith has even gone as far as creating from nothing, despite the protestations of the

Two years ago, in Canada, there was a big controversy surrounding the
extension of patents. The Canadian public learned what Free Trade was all
about. It was going to cost them billions of dollars a year, because the
pharmaceutical multinationals, under the Free Trade Agreement, were now
demanding an extension of their patents from 17 to 20 years.
A patent is issued for an original medication that has been invented or
discovered for the first time. In order to enable the pharmaceutical companies to recoup
their research and marketing costs, they can apply for a patent. During this time, the
company holding the patent can sell the product at any price it wishes, without any
restrictions. Nobody else could compete. When the patent expires, others can then copy
the product. Then prices invariably drop, generally speaking in the following proportions:

1 competitor a drop of 20% from the original price

2 competitors, a drop of 40% from the original price

3 competitors, a drop of 80% from the original price

This is all to say that, even if the medication is sold only at 20% of the original price,
it still is very profitable. Hardly surprising that the pharmaceutical multinationals' profits
far outweigh that of most other manufacturers.

Beth Burrow reported in Boycott Quarterly: During an international conference on the

Future of Intellectual Property Protection for Biotechnology, one of the panelists reported on the
problems the industry was facing with "environmentalists and those who would bring ethics
and other irrational considerations to the table." And nobody felt the need to contradict this

T~e Corporate P~ilosop~y of t~e Healt~ [are Business
During a meeting that brought together 40 businessmen and women from
different fields of specialization and different parts of Canada, one of the
participants nonchalantly threw out the words "we, commodities" in referring
to people in general. No sooner were the words out of her mouth than half
the people in the room were furious, outraged at being called commodities.
The other half asked what was bugging them. This woman then proceeded to expound
on the nature of corporate philosophy and found it quite normal to consider people as
In the corporate philosophy the word "COMMODITY" applies to all which can be exploited
for maximum profit. That includes people, their health, their organs, their blood, their life, etc.
Nothing is spared, there are no limits.
The traffic in organs is a very lucrative industry in some countries. In Mexico
reportedly, they remove the eyes from perfectly healthy children to sell them in the
US with the tacit complicity of the authorities
The traffic in blood is also a paying business. The authorities have not
hesitated to authorize the use of contaminated blood to protect financial
business interests. Even more, they still protect these business people and
make us, the public, pay the costs of compensation. Costs that should be
borne entirely by those responsible, those who profited from the fraud.


This extends to schools, colleges, universities, where it is taught like a religion. We make
heroes out of people who succeed by this philosophy. Success stories excite us all, and give us
hope that we too can become like them. In US way, the establishment is able to continue its
domination and exploitation for profit.
Even hospitals. Why are certain illnesses "welcome" in hospitals? Because they make
money. Just as others are" refused". Because they do not. One only has to
impose criteria of profitability on hospitals to determine which illnesses
are treated or not. Who is treated or not. ,'f til,' ,-ItiUILI
Speaking of profitability, regardless of the field, it entails putting 1-' II ~)lllld tllLlt

profits before the needs of clients. In medicine, this means sacrificing CLlII L;c Ilcl 11C)llt
the health of many to fine the pockets of a selected few. That is why elllJ tilt'll -'lll~{ "
government wants to control your health! - Franl.,:ois Mittcrand



1. Obesity
As we know, obesity is more often than not the result of an underlong emotional
problem. But obesity pays. It generates vast sums of money for industry. Keeping people
in a state of submission and making them feel abnormal and guilty is good business.

2. Sterility
This results in large part from pollution in the water, air, and foods we eat, yet this
pollution makes money for industry. Therefore, they don't touch it. Moreover, sterility
opens the door to quite another lucrative business. That of in vitro fertilization.

3. Breast cancer
Cancer is the result of feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Yet the authorities
proclaim everywhere that one in 3 ... 4 ... 9 women will have breast cancer.
It is persistently impressed upon our minds so that it will in fact happen.
In addition, they push mammograms which create the fear of cancer and precipitate it.
Which is good business.

4. Cholesterol
This is not a sickness. But a number. A number that sells us pills which make us sick,
which then sells more pills.

5. Depression
It is a normal state in our evolution. It is a valley between two mountains. To have a
depression is to descend one slope, to take stock, before climbing another. The last
thing one needs in order to be able to climb out of it is drugs. They keep one
in the valley, dependent on them. A bonanza of profits.

100% ~k~tfw~
aJ 80% 4tfw~,

aJ tfw t'ow~ ~ ~.
.5 60%
:is 40%
:::s ~~,
20% tfw ~ OM!L ~ iQ at ~.

Interest of the establishment

We live in an era that is seeing great transformations of our level of
consciousness, which may be accompanied by bizarre physical and behavioral
phenomena. Phenomena often inexplicable from a scientific viewpoint.
Do not be worried. Live them. And above all, stop taking pills and drugs that
are turning us into zombies.


.. Corporate philosophy is learned in school. It is a way of thinking that is instilled in us
by the authorities. It is external power.
.. Common sense is not teamed in school. On the contrary, it is suppressed. Common sense
is our conscience which tells us whether we are in harmony with ourselves or not.
It is our inner power which manifests itself. It is innate.



contrary to nature
acquired innate
rational felt
instilled by the authorities dictated by the conscience
external power inner power

Instituted (DIS)ORDER Natural ORDER

To rediscover your common sense, forget about reason and listen to your heart, as you did
when you were children. Have confidence in yourselves. You are divine.


. .@. . .
Tlt~ 51(;71 L-I~
Ineffective and Useless 1'1.0 ;~e rOt;
Dangerous 1'1.1 ~
Frig~tening and Unforeseen Effects
I=Ind t~e lies Go On 1'1.5
1Zb ~
- .·.·1 ~
. •. :. 5
.. •'..t.. , ;'., v,
VAC-C>!NATt::AW- ntf-OtlL-Pr<'$-N ON ~Knt 12.1
, :.' ~

A Very Well Planned Agenda 1'1.1

T~e (onvention of Rig~ts of t~e (~ild 1'1.9
W~y t~is let~al Relentlessess? 1~0
Mar~eting 1~5
Varrinal Obligation 1~b
To Varrinate or /\lot to Varrinate? 1~9

vVl-tAT IS AlPS? 140

1=1Syndrom and /\lot a Disease 140
(auses of I=IIDS 14'1.
/\lot Viral. /\lor Mortal 14~
\11/1'1:'( MUKPf-KOUS Rf:i-6N~SSNf-SS? 1H
Despite All Evidenre 1H
T~e Srapegoat Virus 1'1-5
T~e Origin of t~e HIV Retrovirus 1'1-b
T~e Saga of I=IIDS 141

4: SA::") STArr-MESNT Or A~UNr AFn:.R 40 Y~KS 1'1-9

Despite Sixty Years of Effertive Treatments 150
W~o Suppressed T~ose Treatments? 151
T~e (auses of (anrer 1~
T~e Srapegoat Gene 15'1-
''WAR 151
Wllo is t~e Enemy? 151
Prevention or Early War 156
(ui 80no? T~e Arms Merr~ants 159
... l=Ind How About Ma~ing Peare! 1bo

"Vacci nes protect us."

"AIDS is contagious."
/I Cancer is a mystery."

For years, the authorities have been pulling the wool over our eyes. As we believe in the
authorities, we unquestionably believe the truths they promulgate. It never occurs to us to doubt
their sincerity.

And yet...

let us look closer at

three of their lies.
Do vaccines prevent illnesses ...
or create them?

We are taught by the authorities that vaccines protect us against eventual aggressive
viruses and microbes and, therefore, prevent contagious illnesses and epidemics. REALLY?

Ineffective and Useless

This big lie has been perpetuated for 150 years despite the:
1. INEFFECTIVENESS of vaccines in protecting against illnesses .
.. Vaccination may provoke the illness which it is supposed to prevent.
.. People who are vaccinated can transmit the illness, even if they are not ill themselves.
" The vaccine can make the person more susceptible to the illness.

In 1905, the Philippines had a mortality rate of 10% due to

" 'The vaccinated
smallpox. After a massive vaccination program, it reached epidemic
proportions, killing 25% of the population, by now vaccinated. Despite
c/ij(l is a
this, the authorities stepped up the vaccinations. In 1918, the worst
cliili{ "
epidemic killed 54% of the people there, at a time when 95% of the
- Kalmar
population had been vaccinated. Manila, the capital. where everyone
had been vaccinated or re-vaccinated, was the hardest hit with 65%.
" 'T~1 vaccinate
The Island of Mindanao, where the inhabitants had refused to be
is to rep{ace
vaccinated, was the least hit. Only 11 %. Despite this evidence, anti-
the natHra{
smallpox vaccinations continued and, in 1966, the WHO launched
im11lunity with
a world campaign which would last 10 years, only to be abandoned
an art~~cia{
because it proved to be ineffective.
i11lmunity "
- Simone Delarue

The best immunity is natural immunity. It is normally found in 80% to 90% of

the population under the age of 15. Because the contamination of a person by an
illness mobilizes all the body's defense systems, natural immunization goes hand
in hand with being sick.

Contamination from vaccines, on the other hand, short-circuits all the body's
first line of defenses. Artificial immunization adds to the disorder. Hardly surprising
that it requires to be repeated often. It is just as useless as the vaccines themselves!

2. USElESSNESS of certain vaccines, notably:
¢ Tuberculosis and tetanus to which one is never immune. The fact that we have had
tuberculosis does not prevent us from getting it again. On the contrary, a first case of
tuberculosis, sometimes caused by the vaccine itself, renders one much more vulnerable
to a second attack. And one that can be fatal.
ft German measles where 90% of women in a population are naturally protected and
where the risk of contracting the sickness is limited to the first three months of
pregnancy. Yet one vaccinates everybody.
• Diphtheria which is contracted by only 7% of children during the biggest epidemics. Yet
again, everyone is vaccinated. Moreover, children and adults are vaccinated repeatedly,
despite the fact that we are led to believe that one single vaccine received in childhood
ensures immunity forever.
@ Influenza and hepatitis B rapidly become strongly resistant to antibodies of the
vaccines. These two vaccines are therefore totally useless, in addition to being extremely

1. Innumerable COMPLICATIONS of vaccines which go from minor problems (allergic,
neurological) to death (sudden death of an infant) and which:

© are of short duration or permanent; " are short-lived or irreversible;

© immediately appear, later, much later; are known and unknown.

Throughout my lectures and in discussions with people, I have made a list

of the complications of vaccines that were communicated to me over the years.
I relate these to you as such and have laid them out in the following table,
according to when the complications appeared after the vaccination:

• rapidly (1 day to 7 month) SHORT TERM

~ slowly (a few months to a few years) MEDIUM TERM
ft much later (a few years to a few generations) LONG TERM
Complications in the short and medium term are known and documented.
Complications in the long term are already evident in certain cases. But we do not
yet have living proof for all. Do we really need to see them before we begin asking
People who work with children, even once in a while, are reluctant to be vaccinated.
I have a doctor friend who has always categorically refused to vaccinate against whooping
cough. She prefers to be reprimanded by the authorities rather than having a death or an
infirmity on her conscience. People who work with autistic children and/or those with behavioral
or learning problems also know that there is nearly always a vaccination at the root of the
problem. Recently, someone working with elderly people told me that her patients were sick
for two or three months after they had received a vaccine against influenza and that many even
died during this period.

The sickness itself or Neurological disorders DEFINITE EFFECTS

its atypical forms: 1) Autism 1) Unbalancing of our body
- whooping cough 2) Cerebral damage (individual ecology)

- paralysis (polio-like) - convulsions 2) Weakening of our immune

system (natural defenses)
Allergies - hyperactive children
3) Upsetting the interior of our
- urticaria (giant) - incessant crying
cells: permanent alteration of
-eaema - appetite problems (anorexia, chromosomes (DNA)
- exanthemes (rash) bulimia) (malformations)
- asthma - attack on cranial nerves 4) introduction of foreign proteins
(bl indness!deafness! dumb! transmissible to the genetic
- discomfort and feeling faint
dyslexia) code of a species (new
- painful inflammations
- hypotonia mutations)
- local reactions
- delayed development RESULTS
- swollen ganglions
- cerebral palsy - multiple sclerosis
- anaphylactic shock which can
3) Mental problems -leukemia
result in death
- late mental development - cancer
Fever - AIDS
- behavioral problems
Renal attacks - congenital malformations
- personality problems
Purpora Sterility
- intellectual problems
Edema (swelling) Chronic fatigue syndrome
- learning problems
Rheumatism Epilepsy
- hyper-sexuality
Gastro-intestinal problems Parkinson's Disease
- emotional instability
Unexpected infant death Cardio-vascular illnesses
1 to 3 weeks after vaccination - juvenile delinquency
All acute Illnesses of the nervom - sociopathic personality
Degenerative illnesses
system: - criminal behaviour
- Alzheimer's
- serious to mild encephalitis Child leukemias
- lupus
- pan-encephalitis (measles vaccine) Repetitive infections - Arthritis
- meningitis Numerous allergies Re-appearance of old illnesses that
- irreversible neurological attacks are resistant to medications and
- Guillain-Barre drugs

- cerebral paralysis Appearance of new unknown

- major cerebral damage
- Congenital malformations
"Vaccinal infarction"
(30- and 40-year-olds) - Hereditary genetic defects

Hepatitis B - Mutations of the human species

Change or death of the fetus A threat of extinction for the human


Health and Welfare Sante de Bien etre social In confiOenc;.e to Vaccine-Associated Adverse Events
. . . Canada Canaca Bureau of Communicable Disease

I L.C D C.. Tunney'sPaslure
,-'QE:NTIFICAT!Q1L ____________ _ - - - - - - ---c=---:-c::----:-::-- - - - - - - - - - - -
1 - - - - - - - - - ----
DATE OF Y'_",_ _M_o_"th___ Day SEX e:~~I~~ Year _ _M_o~ DaL


(If more than one event reported below,
record time to onset of the first event)
or spec

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minutes
or spec
units "

__ ,~Days



Unconsolable for 3 hours or more or quality of cry definitely abnormal for child and
39,0 - 40,4'C (102,2. 104,9'F) not previously heard by parents


Believed to be very high AND presence of other systemic symptoms Muscle contractions and decreased level of consciousness. Mayor may not be
associated with fever
INFECTIVE ABCESS Focal and diffuse neurologic signs; increased intracranial pressure and/or changes
Positive gram stain or culture lasting at least 6 hours in level of conciousness, with/wIthout convulsions

No evidence of acute microbiological infection.
Drainage andlor nodule persisting more than one month and larger than 2.5 cm in diameter
Lasting 4 days or more or requiring hospitalization: swelling past nearest joint as in arm
past elbow. PARALYSIS
ADENOPATHY Progressive weakness of more than one limb and generalized hypo/areflexia
Severe or unusual enlargement or drainage of Iympatic nodes
Hives·, wheezing; puffiness; general"lzed edema
Severe lasting 4 days or more or requiring hospitalization Swelling with pain andlor tenderness of parotid gland(s)

Swelling of nouth/throat; difficulty breathing; shock; cardiovascular or respiratory collapse Swelling with pain andlor tenderness of testicle(s)


Decrease of muscle tone; loss of color; turning white or blue: decreased levenlloss of
consciousness; prolonged sleeping with difficulty arousing; cardiovascular or respiratory OTHER SEVERE OR UNUSUAL EVENTS
arrest (Plea~e describe) __

Lasting over 24 hours


Must interfere with daily routine


Patient recovered with residual effects Pending Unknown Fatal
~- 0.,
Month Year Month Day
OF EVENT(S) admitted discharged I
~~E::P::O'::R=TE::R:::'S:::NC"A"'M::E~---------------~!-:T=E::"CLE::P"'H:::O"'N'::E::"CN "'UM"'B::E=R------'---i-C,.,O"MLM"E::-N-:TS:---------------------------.J....---1-------------«
~~~ea Code -- f

~ ___ I

.~=st~~~;o~~_=-_"- _


_.'!'!ta! Day __


2. Numerous PROTESTATIONS and COMPLAINTS continually repeated by specialists
on the subject, conscientious doctors, and knowledgeable parents, or those who have
children that are victims of vaccines. There are many reports of all kinds that are tucked
away in filing cabinets. Out of sight, out of mind. The authorities have the information,
but they hide it. It took them 45 years to reveal that 175,000 to 600,000 American
soldiers were contaminated with hepatitis B when the virus was present in the vaccine
against yellow fever!

3. PARENT LEAGUES and ASSOCIATIONS, such as The Dissatisfied Parents Together

(OPT) in the United States, The National League for the Freedom of Vaccinations
in France, which has been operational for 40 years and which has a well documented
comprehensive library, has warned the authorities about the dangers of vaccinations
and has claimed the right to freedom of choice for parents in matters of vaccination.

4. LEGAL ACTIONS are so numerous that they have threatened the very livelihood of
certain manufacturers of vaccines. Compensation funds for victims of vaccines have
been established by governments. One example is the National Childhood Vaccination
Compensation Law, voted by Congress in December 1986, that authorizes the payment
by government - with our dollars and not those of the responsible manufacturers -
of damages to children seriously handicapped by a vaccination.

5. Catastrophic and staggering consequences of EXTENSIVE NEUROLOGICAL

DEFICIENCY, which affects a great number of children,
following on the heels of vaccinations. In the United States, 20% ~(Cilldti"l1'
of youngsters suffer from developmental disabilities, as a result .s,'(ill( Vi"I:'lICt'
of encephalitis caused by vaccines. This, in turn, has had a dllJ CrimillL1(itH

profound negative impact on the school system, which ~ tilt' £l55Llldi- ,1/1
is simply unable to accommodate so many children who can tile 'Al1lel'icaJl
neither read nor write. It has also contributed to the marked l;rLlili.
increase in social violence and crimes committed by sociopathic - Harris Coulter
personalities created by vaccines. It also explains the explosive
use of Ritalin on children. We are drugging them, pure and simple!

The following is a Government of Canada report entitled
( It is distributed to medical institutions.
(see preceeding page)
Frig~tening and Unforeseen Effects
We witness in terror:
the creation of new uncontrollable illnesses such as AIDS and

• the permanent and hereditary changing of our genetic code, the results of
which we cannot even begin, or dare, to anticipate.

New types of viruses are creating themselves, transforming themselves, multiplying, and
passing themselves on from one generation to another. They do so through sperm or the egg,
placenta, or a mother's milk. Yet, several vaccines are made with viruses from cells of animals
that are themselves contaminated with all sorts of viruses. And that is why we had some very
unpleasant surprises:

IN 1960
Cultures from the renal cells; of rhesus monkeys used in the manufacture of anti-polio
vaccine were discovered to be infested with simian virus 40 (SV 40). As a result,
millions of children were contaminated with this virus before it was detected. Today,
however, we know that SV 40 causes a deficiency in the immune system, congenital
anomalies, forms of leukemia (particularly in children aged two to four), as well as
malignant illnesses.
IN 1973
Researchers proved that the incidence of brain tumors was 13 times 'Tile Ya1l5om

higher among children born of mothers who had been vaccinated l~f vacci1lation
against poliomyelitis during their pregnancy. - F. et S. Delaruc

IN 1980
Researchers found presence of SV 40 in human brain tumors.
They seemed to be present in 25% of cases.
IN 1987
It was confirmed that HTLV4 came from green African monkeys. Yet the virus of human
leukemia is HTELV1 and the virus of human AIDS is HTLV3. It is the same for the fowl
leukosis virus which contaminated the yellow fever and measles vaccines until 1962.
And t~e Lies fie On
DESPITE ALL THAT, the authorities not only continue vaccinating our children from the cradle
to the classroom, but they extend the practice to adults. Moreover, for the past 20 years, they
have done so throughout the entire world.
Did you know that 45% of Unicef funds goes to vaccinating people in the Third World,
compared to only 17% for clean water and sanitation? This despite the fact that, according to
this same agency, one person in five in the world is not always served by water and a reliable
sanitation system. Youngsters in the Third World need clean drinking water and food in their
stomachs, not aggressive agents, which make them die like flies. Massive vaccinations in African
countries have decimated these populations as a result of their immediate effects. And now as
a result of AIDS. And yet we continue to vaccinate them regardless of the consequences.
Better still, the world authorities have launched the Expanded Program on Immunization,
the objective of which is to vaccinate all the children in the world against six illnesses that are
most common among youngsters: poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, whooping cough,
and tuberculosis.


What the authorities are telling us is more often than not far different
from the reality.

Vaccination prevents epidemics. The real epidemic is vaccination.


The world government is the United Nations Organization, the UN. Its Ministry of Health is
the World Health Organization, WHO. The world government is in the process of imposing itself
everywhere on the globe,


R Very Well Planned Rgenda

An all-powerful global authority, the government of governments,
said to ensure peace in the world. With the purest of intentions, the UN,
through its Ministry of Health, WHO, has succeeded in achieving the following:

" IN 1974
WHO launched a massive program to promote" Health for all in the year 2000".
This program was the result of a long battle led by people living in
the Third World who finally convinced the organization that they had [Th' ~"kcfo(lc,
their own special needs and that they wanted to be part of the
decision making process. - Gary Allen

It was also the time of the canonisation of WHO - Saint WHO - consecrated as the world
authority in health matters. As a result, it would now assume responsibility for directing the
focus and orientation of health in the world, overshadowing all national governments.

IN 1978
The Member States of WHO met at Alma Ata to define a common policy of primary
healthcare in which all their respective country's populations would be democratically
involved ... so that they themselves would be able to confront their own health problems. Yet
we have seen earlier in this book, the Declaration of Alma Ata followed from the
globalization of the recommendations of the Flexner Report. A report that imposed
"scientific" medicine (medicine of sickness) as the only valid one, and eliminated all other
medical practices. Let us not forget that this Report was financed by the Carnegie
Foundation and its application by the Rockefeller Foundation. The sponsors of the
Alma Ata Conference included: the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Bank, and Unicef.
Financiers magnanimously spending their money for the health of the world!
IN 1983
In order to achieve its praiseworthy objective of "health for all in the year 2000", Saint
WHO launched its Expanded Program on Immunization. A committee to oversee the
vaccination of the children of the world against the six illnesses is established, comprising:
- Leopold Sedar Senghor, former president of Senegal.

- Jonas Salk, director of the Salk Institute, manufacturer of vaccines and biological reagents,
most notably for the American army. The Salk Institute has a department which works
under contract with the Pentagon. (In 1988, The Wall Street journal reported that the
Institute had concluded a $32 million deal with the Army to produce vaccines and
biological reagents.)
- Van den Hoven, president of Unilever, the huge multinational with interests in the Third
World, whose speciality is to impose there the peanut monoculture. Unilever is the most
important manufacturer of margarine, oil, and soap in the world.

Saint WHO, financiers, industrialists, and militarists come together to save

the children of the world. How touching!

IN 1984
In order to realize the pious wishes of Saint WHO, five respectable institutions combined
forces and founded the intervention Force for the Survival of Children, so as to continue
and enlarge the vaccination program on a global scale: Saint WHO, Unicef, the World Bank,
the UN Development Program and the Rockefeller Foundation. Unicef is encouraged in its
noble venture by the Merieux Foundation, which has 30% of the world's vaccine
manufacturing market, and the Pasteur Institute. What generosity.

IN 1989
In order to impose immunization programs on children as foreseen by the Expanded
Program on Immunization, as well as beat the resistance and opposition put up by obstinate
adults, Saint WHO went in search of a restraining tool. Always for the good of the children,
of course. It had the UN adopt the Convention of Rights of the Child to improve the
life of children in the world. This convention unilaterally and arbitrarily imposed
fundamental changes in the structure of our society and our family. Without any discussion,
representation or consultation with citizens whatsoever!
T~e Convention of Rig~ts of t~e C~Hd
This Convention:
a) establishes the concept of citizenship of the child.
b) replaces the right of authority of the parents with a duty to obey the administrative
c) enables the authorities to separate the child from neglectful parents.
d) recognizes the child has freedom of choice, thought, expression, to practice his, or her
religion or convictions, association, and peaceful gatherings, the only restrictions being those
which are prescribed by law, or which relate to health.
e) prescribes that all countries do all in their power to ensure the integral realization of the
right of the child to enjoy a better state of health and take the appropriate measures to develop
preventive healthcare, including vaccination.


The Convention of Rights of the Child allows the authorities to impose by force, against the
wishes of the parents:
- blood transfusions to those who may oppose them;
- vaccines to those who oppose them;
- scientific medicine to those who may prefer alternative medicines;
- severe medical treatments, such as AZT for AIDS or chemotherapy for cancer, to those who
refuse them.

Let us not lose sight of the fact that it is not

- children, nor parents; nor our children, nor we, the patients; nor our doctors,
nor the authorities of our country, but rather the world financiers who control
our health, hidden behind the respected Saint WHO

II From the WSO
(World Sickness Organization)
/I Saint WHO, protect-us" let us deliver ourselves"

W~y t~is Let~al ~elentlessness?

What is the objective of the world authorities in destroying people's health, both in
industrialized countries and in the third World? It is always difficult to presume the intentions
of others, particularly when one is not close to them. And this is true in this instance. But there
are certainly advantages for someone, somewhere, to so doggedly keep-up the campaign for
vaccinations, by any and all means possible. They must profit someone, somewhere. One thing
is certain. It is not to our advantage. In order to determine what these advantages are, and for
whom, let us stop and look at the CONSEQUENCES of these massive vaccination programs and
draw our own conclusions.

~;;j Vaccination is expensive and represents a cost of one billion dollars annually. It therefore
I benefits the industry, most notably, the multinational manufacturers. One sells the
vaccines. The other then provides the arsenal of medications to respond to the
numerous complications that follow. Their profits increase while our expenses go
through the roof. To the point where we have simply had it up to here and are ready to
accept the unacceptable, such as socialized medicine in the United States, for example.

Vaccination stimulates the immune system, the body's defense mechanism. Repeated,
vaccination exhausts the immune system. It gives a false sense of security and, in doing
so, it opens the door wide to all kinds of illnesses. Notably, to those related to AIDS,
which can only develop on ripe ground, where the immune system has been disturbed.
It causes AIDS to explode, it ensures that the illness flourishes perpetually.

Vaccination leads to social violence and crime. What better way to destabilize a country
than to disarm its inhabitants, and reinforce police and military control?
The authorities subtly create situations of panic and fear among the population which,
in turn, necessitate the reinforcement of "protection measures", including forbidding
citizens from owning weapons. The authorities then come across as saviors and
strengthen their control. It is certain that, in order to impose a single world army,
one must first disarm the citizens of every country. One must therefore create violence,
if they are to achieve this disarmament, particularly in the United States where the right
to bear arms is guaranteed by the Constitution.

Vaccination encourages medical dependence and reinforces belief in the inefficiency of

the body. It creates people who need permanent assistance. It replaces the confidence
one has in oneself with a blind confidence in others, outside ourselves. It leads to loss
of personal dignity, in addition to making us financially dependent. It draws us into
the vicious circle of sickness (fear - poverty - submission) and,

in this way, ensures the submission of the herd so as to better
dominate and exploit it. And then lead them to the abattoir. I
To slaughter. Vaccination also encourages the moral and financial
dependence of Third World countries. It perpetuates the social
and economic control of Western countries over them.
~. Vaccination camouflages the real socio-political problems of poverty of some due to
ill exploitation by others, and results in techno-scientific pseudo-complexity solutions
that are so complicated and sophisticated that patients cannot understand them.
In addition, vaccination diverts funds which should be used to help improve living
conditions, and channels them into the banks of the multinationals. It widens the gap
between the dominant rich and the exploited poor.

. (~ Vaccination decimates populations. Drastically in Third World countries. Chronically in

" industrialized countries. In this regard, the former President of the World Bank, former
Secretary of State in the United States, who ordered massive bombing of Vietnam, and
member of the Expanded Program on Immunization, Robert McNamara, made some
very interesting remarks. As reported by a French publication, "J'ai tout compris",
he was quoted as stating: "One must take draconian measures of demographic
reduction against the will of the populations. Reducing the birth rate has proved
to be impossible or insufficient. One must therefore increase the mortality rate.
How? By natural means. Famine and sickness. " (Translation)

-::. ) Vaccination enables the selection of populations to be decimated. It facilitates targeted

1/ genocide. It permits one to kill people of a certain race, a certain group, a certain
country. And to leave others untouched. In the name of health and well-being,
of comse.

TAKE AFRICA, FOR EXAMPLE. We have witnessed the almost total disappearance of
certain groups. Some 50% dead, estimate the most optimistic. Some 70% dead, according to
the less optimistic. As if by chance, many were in the same region, such as Zaire, Uganda,
the extreme south of the Sudan. In 1967, at Marburg in Germany, seven researchers, working
with green African monkeys, died of an unknown hemorrhagic fever. In 1969, also by chance,
the same sickness killed one thousand people in Uganda. In 1976, a new unknown hemorrhagic
fever killed in the south of Sudan. Then in Zaire.
It is noteworthy that since 1968, virologists (virus specialists) have installed their
sophisticated equipment in certain hospitals in Zaire.
At a CIA hearing, Dr. Gotlieb, a cancerologist, admitted having dispersed, in 1960, a large
quantity of viruses in the Congo River (in Zaire) to pollute it and contaminate all the people who
used the river as their source of water. Dr. Gotlieb was named to head up the National Cancer
A couple of years ago, Reuters reported "An illness similar to AIDS has killed 60, 000
in the south of Sudan. They call the illness, the killer Families, whole villages, have
disappeared. This illness, the Kala-azar, takes the form of a fever and loss of weight.
The symptoms are the same as those of AIDS. The immune system is deficient and one
dies of other infections."
It is obvious that Africa, particularly those countries in the center and to the south, contain
fabulous resources that have always incited westerners to crush their inhabitants to take over
their riches. And beware anyone who stands in their way. The colonies have disappeared.
But not colonialism.
Vaccination serves as a form of experimentation, to test new products on a great
sampling of a population. Under the guise of health and the well being of the
population, people are vaccinated against a pseudo-epidemic with products that
one wants to study.
'E xpcri 111<.' Iltdti,1/I
The vaccine of hepatitis B seems to be the choice of
authorities to accomplish this goal. Yet, this vaccine is
,"xta11l illL/ti,'1l '1f
manufactured by a process of genetic manipulation. And it is /;"tlicrsl1 11lt" .
much more dangerous than the traditional vaccine because it
inoculates into the body cells that are foreign to its genetic code.
Moreover, this vaccine is produced from virus cultivated on the ovaries of Chinese
hamsters. One can only imagine what future generations wi" look like! But there
is more. It is also reported to cause fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis. Despite all that.
it enjoys great popularity among the authorities, who impose it first on all those who
work in the health field, and then on the rest of the population.
In 1986, the medical authorities administered the vaccine against hepatitis B to Native
Indian children in Alaska, without any explanation or the consent of their parents. Many
children fell ill. And several died. It seems there was a virus called RSV (Rous Sarcoma
Virus) in the vaccine. American Indian tribes have been subjected to many vaccinations.
Let us be aware that they are difficult to beat into submission, and they own vast tracts
of land, with plenty of fresh water, which the authorities would like to have for their
own benefit.
Recently, when I met a group of Native women to chat about health with
them, the subject of vaccinations cropped up I was giving them some informa-
tion on the topic when, suddenly, the group's nurse confided in me that the
federal government had given her complete freedom in the management of
their health, but on one strict condition. That every vaccination had to be
scrupulously applied to all. The silence was deafening. We all understood.
In 198~, the Ambassador of Senegal gave a radio interview reporting on the ravages of
AIDS in his country where entire villages were being decimated. A few years earlier, scientific
and medical learns had come to vaccinate their inhabitants against hepatitis B.
In 1978, a new vaccine was tested on homosexuals in New York. And in 1980, on those in
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, and St-Louis. Officially, this "new vaccine" was
against hepatitis B and, as we now know, it caused many of them to die from AIDS.
It sounded the" official" beginning of the AIDS epidemic in 1981.

The vaccination program of homosexuals against hepatitis B was led by Saint WHO and
the National Institute of Health.
In 1970, these two organizations collaborated in studying the consequences of certain
I viruses and bacteria introduced to children during vaccination campaigns.
In 1972, they transformed this study to focus on the viruses which provoked a drop in the I

immune mechanism. I
It is Wolf Szmuness who directed the anti-hepatitis B experiments undertaken on
homosexuals in New York. He revealed that he had very close links with the Blood Centre, ~~;:
National Institute of Health, the National Cancer Institute, the FDA. WHO, and the Schools
of Public Health of Cornell, Yale, and Harvard.

In 1994 a vast vaccination campaign against hepatitis B was undertaken in Canada.

It is both useless, dangerous and costly. And what for? Is there a hidden agenda? I note that
the Province of Quebec is a particular target, over the course of three years.
- 1992: vaccination against meningitis
- 1993: re-vaccination against meningitis
- 1994: vaccination against hepatitis B.

I was there in 1993. It troubled me to see that it was aimed at a whole

generation (1 to 20 years), in only one province. Since when do viruses
respect borders, and specially provincial ones at that? The facts are:

- There was no epidemic, nor risk of one. Epidemiologists confirmed it.

- Not one but three different vaccines were administered, each in a designated area.
- Certain nurses were selected and trained to administer a special vaccine.
- All children were entered into a computerized data bank.
- The pressure to vaccinate the children was enormous. Schools were turned into clinics.
Those who did not want to be vaccinated were pointed out and treated as social
- Nurses chased down parents at home who did not want their pre-school children
- The vaccination cost $30 million.

I had a direct account of one of these kids. The mother did not want her
child vaccinated. The nurse who came to the house made her believe that
it was compulsory. The mother gave in ... The child is now handicapped:
physically and mentally (paralyzed, spastic).

Why was there such a murderous will. Like Native peoples, the
" ']5 pan11l,'lLl Ll
people of Quebec are also a "bother". They believe in their cultural
identity and in their sovereignty. What is more, Quebec with its Native
t:'nll l,f
(1\I'(1I'CI1<'55:' "
territories, encompasses huge reservoirs of fresh water which many a
- Kerry Thornk)
multinational have their eyes on. As an acquaintance of mine who sits
on the California water management board said, "Water today is
gold." Could one think of a more appropriate biological weapon to
possibly remove any impediments to accessing that resource?
Vaccinations permit epidemiological studies of populations to collect data on the
resistance of different ethnic groups to different illnesses. It permits one to study the
reactions of the immune systems of large numbers of the population to an antigen
(virus, microbe) injected by vaccination. Should it be within the framework of the fight
against an existing illness, or one that has been provoked.
10.1981, certain American laboratories and the Department of Biotechnology of India
signed an agreement authorizing the testing of genetically manufactured vaccines on
the people of India. This agreement was met with fierce opposition because it gave
access to epidemiological and immunity profiles of a population. This data is extremely
important from a military standpoint. It is even more valuable because India has never
experienced yellow fever. And, at time of writing this book, it had known only a handful
case of AIDS. Over and above all that, the private American laboratories proposed to
test products on the Indian population for which they had no right to test in the United
States! And the Indian authorities acquiesced!

Vaccination is a biological weapon in the service of biological warfare. It permits the

targeting of people of a certain race, and leaves the others who are close by more or
less untouched. It makes it possible to intervene in the hereditary lineage of anyone
selected. A new speciality is born. Genetic engineering. It is flourishing, enjoys much
prestige, and is receiving substantial research funds. The challenge is staggering. To find
a vaccine which gives an illness against which we already have the vaccine! In this
way, we would be able to send in troops who have already been vaccinated against the
killer vaccine, which they would then spread among the enemy. It is absolutely crazy
and insane!
Meanwhile, industrial theft is in full swing. Captain and biologist of the US Navy at
Fort Detrick Neil Levitt, reported the disappearance of 2.35 liters of an experimental
vaccine. A dose sufficient to contaminate the entire world. Fort Detrick is a research
laboratory that manufactures vaccines. It is located quite close to Washington in
Maryland, and it is attached to the National Cancer Institute at Bethesda, a suburb of
the capital.
It is hardly astonishing that, in every major vaccination campaign, one finds the same
tangled web. Government, the military, Saint WHO, financiers, researchers, laboratories,
universities, the CIA. and the World Bank.


In the name of the defense of our countries, we manufacture the
most murderous of weapons. War, whether it be biological or not, is war.
And weapons kill. Biological warfare is a giant business, largely financed
BY OUR FUNDS, through the medium of our income tax, and our donations
to UNICEF. It is also financed, and without our knowledge, BY OUR LIVES.
Those of our children and of millions of innocents who have been sacrificed. It is we, those who
live in the Western world, who are responsible for all the illnesses and acts of genocide in the
world. By our acceptance of vaccinations, both at home and abroad.
Marketing " 'lt is easier for a
MARKETING is a relatively recent "science" that encompasses man tl' sp(it an
several disciplines, such as information, advertising, education, influence, atLml tlian to
lobbying, press releases, messages, jingles, gadgets, and the like. It may break a
be written, oral, silent, subliminal. It may be open, subtle, or hidden. It is yreconc~ptill/l."
the science of manipulation. It is taught at university. One hands out - Albert Einstein
diplomas. One creates specialists.
Regardless of the nature of the actual product, the goal is to create a demand,
or a need, on the part of the" consumer". To cause people to purchase products that they might
not normally buy, because they don't really want them or because they don't really need them.

SOCIAL MARKETING, also called social engineering, is identical to

conventional marketing except for the product it promotes. It sells ideas, 'ManufaaurinB
that is, it gets people to accept the ideas of someone else and to make Consent
them their own. Specially ideas that run contrary to their own or to their - N oam Chomski
common sense. The goal of social marketing is the submission of the
conscience, to put the conscience to sleep in order to lead us down a path. With our full
consent. It replaces conscience. And with it, undermines our power to choose. It is what Beauvais
and Joule call "submission freely consented to". They add: "in the final analysis, it allows
one to think, decide, and conduct oneself in total freedom. But differently from how one
would do so spontaneously. II

MEDICAL SOCIAL MARKETING is the science of social

marketing applied to the field of health. It consists of selling
sickness to people who want health.
I cannot find a better example than that of the Unicef's
banks, into which everyone, big & small, give generously and
contrigute to vaccinate and kill third world children, thinking
that they are helping them.

SOCIAL MARKETING OF VACCINATION is to sell the idea of the necessity of vaccination

to people who do not need, or want it. The target goal is to submit 95% of the population to all
vaccinations that the authorities decide they should have. This is vaccinal obligation, which
intensify according to the degree of resistance to the submission:

• manipulation,
•• organisation
... repression.

Whether vaccination is officially obligatory or non obligatory, the obligation to vaccinate is

omnipresent and it commands us to submit.

Vaccinal Obligation
It contaminates all fields:

The authorities have instilled in us the belief that vaccinations are effective and harmless.
Whoever questions this doctrine, be they a doctor or non-doctor, is a heretic. Yet we have come
to learn that the reality is something else altogether. There is more. The authorities scrupulously
uphold another myth. Namely, that vaccinations have wiped out the major epidemics. Yet these
major epidemics had almost entirely disappeared when the vaccines first came on the market.
Books on vaccines, not wriIten by the establishment, are very eloquent on this subject and they
substantiate this fact as far as every one of the former major illnesses is concerned. It is improv-
ement in living conditions, and notably that of hygiene, that has caused the progressive
disappearance of illnesses that once were the scourge of the planet. Ivan Illich also confirms this
in his respected book, Medical Nemesis. This brainwashing is called
"sanitary education" or "public hygiene". Everyone working in the health
field receives this deceitful training regarding vaccination. They pass it on,
without questioning it. And in doing so, they transform vaccination into an
aggression which becomes normal. Just like violence and war on television.

The authorities put words in our mouth which shape our ideas and the way we behave.
For example, winter is referred to as "the season of the common cold". From this stems the
concept of a cold epidemic and the need for vaccination against it. And we're hooked! But social
marketing goes further. It makes us believe that the elderly are more vulnerable to illnesses,
including colds in winter, and therefore of the necessity to vaccinate them all. And, to provide
them with even greater protection, everyone involved in treating them must also be vaccinated!
This is what one calls" gerontocide".
One of the initiators of the vaccine against the common cold frequently repeated:
"If you want to inherit quickly, vaccinate your grandmother against a cold!"

Not just any. But fear. The very concept of vaccination rests on the FEAR-PROTECTION
TANDEM. They make us afraid so that we will run after a savior to protect us. Are we so helpless
and ill-equipped that we have need of protection? Manipulation makes us believe that we do.
We allow ourselves to be taken care of by our protectors. Just like with the Mafia. But protection
does not come cheaply. So as to be even more effective, social marketing plays upon another
emotion. One that is even more perverse. Guilt. "If I do not
vaccinate my child and he becomes ill, I would never forgive
myself as long as I live. And if he suddenly dies in his crib, FEAR PROTECTION

or gets leukemia at three years old, or multiple sclerosis
when he is in school, because I did have him vaccinated.
Who willi feel then? Guilty if I do. Guilty if I don't.
One must do like the others. If
everyone else does it, then it must be good.
But have we forgotten the Pied Piper of
Hamlin? That is submission. And that is what
Yf ~/
it leads to. We follow fashion fads in clothing,
foods, music. And vaccinations. Above all,
don't question. The authorities know better
than us. And they tell us that all is well.
Who are we to dare think any differently? One calls that social pressure. It is orchestrated
by the establishment & associates: financial, political, industrial, medical, insurance, religious,
artistic, and academic. It is disseminated by social marketing.

Medical or non-medical, information is in the hands of the establishment to ser\(e its own
ends. It is the tool of broadcasting social marketing. Many journalists transmit information
which comes to them from the authorities and simply reproduce it faithfully without doubting
it for one minute. Particularly when it comes to the highly protected subject of vaccination, they
hesitate to stray from the beaten path and ask questions. If they ask too many, their text is cut.
Then their job. Be that as it may, some have questioned. For example, in 1979, the CBS television
program "60 Minutes" presented an inquiry on the massive vaccination campaign against
swine fever in the United States in 1976. This vaccine created so many complications, particularly
neurological, resulting in death or paralysis, that the manufacturers were inundated with
massive legal actions and the vaccine was suspended. This broadcast was the showcase of
social marketing in all its glory. All the elements are there. I strongly recommend that you get
a copy of the video or a transcript to see how a massive vaccination campaign is organized.

The authorities speak of the" right to health for all".
Who could put it better? Yet whoever speaks of a right speaks
of a duty. And from here stems the concept of a "social duty
to be vaccinated". To refuse to do 50 would be to refuse
health for all. What a lack of ethics and social conscience! And
being a good citizen, we fulfill our duties and get vaccinated. I am a
And social marketing has met its goal. good citizen.
i, i
I ~
\ I
• e'

This ensures the effectiveness of the manipulation. It comprises a system of control by

computer index of the population and of doctors. All are tabulated on a computer, which
ensures that they can be tracked down. In this way, the authorities ensure that every citizen
regularly rece'lves his or her vaccines and that every doctor 'IS ·lnvolved. Lists are drawn up.
Indexes tabulated. Vaccination report cards issued. Nobody can escape. Those who are negligent
are immediately called to order and are brought in fine. It is systematic regimentation.
BIG BROTHER is watching your health!


It punishes insubordination. In order to ensure obedience, the authorities make laws.

Vaccines became obligatory at the very beginning of the century. They still are in many countries.
When people become aware of the reality of vaccinations, the seeds of rebellion are sown.
Whenever resistance becomes too strong, the World Health Organization quietly passes new
laws, such as the Convention of Rights of the Child.
- Those who disobey are forbidden access to nurseries, schools, universities, certain hospitals
or clinics. They cannot travel abroad. They are forbidden from practicing certain
They are continually harassed by the medical, administrative, and school authorities.
They are the black sheep in the beautiful program of "health for all".
- The very rebellious are hit with fines, or are vaccinated by force or are put in prison.
Doctors lose their right to practice medicine.


We finance this network by paying all taxes.
This hierarchal network is directed on a national
- by each country's" ministry of health" ,
Donna Governmenta;

- herself under the directive of the world

"ministry of health", Saint WHO

- herself under the directive of the world

financiers: Banco Mondialo.
To Vaccinate Of Not To Vaccinate?
The words of American doctor, Edward Kasse, who addressed the Convention of Vienna on
Infectious Diseases in 1983, in his role as president of the Convention, speak for themselves:
"The goal of epidemiologists should not be the irradication of infectious diseases
thanks to the massive use of vaccines and antibiotics, but rather the control and
improvement of the quality of life. One must admit that there exists a certain number
of cases of tuberculosis, polio or malaria and enter into a natural, ecological dynamic
in making more effective the possibilities of our body's defenses, thanks to a health policy
that is not contaminated by the interests of pharmaceutical multinationals."
In the final analysis, we find ourselves once again facing the following dilemma. Obey the
authorities or listen to our conscience. Give our power to others or exercise it ourselves. Blame
our governments or assume our own responsibilities. It is a question of conscience. To this effect,
there do exist" clauses of conscience" which are recognized in certain American States for one
to refuse vaccination. In France, young people recruited into the army have the same legal right.
In Canada, vaccination is a matter of choice, but we are led to believe that it is obligatory. The
right to health is a legitimate, innate right of every human being. No law can grant us that
which we already have. And even less, take it away from us. To obey the laws is to submit to
legality, exterior power. Listening to one's conscience is to respect its legitimacy. Its inner power
of divine essence. Between legality and legitimacy, WE HAVE THE POWER TO CHOOSE!

- real
-law of love
- invariable and immortal
- egalitarian
- innate
and fallible - divine and infallible
1authorities - internal self-authority
ndown - dictated by conscience
by force 8 - unrestricted
- accepted willingly
- all rights
." ny duties
LF8 - no duties
l:;;;lmlted, fallible, changing
;;"'.{OI1lpJlcated and difficult
~ - boundless, infallible, unchanging
- simple and straightforward
::~)Udges and condemns ~ - ultra permissive
::;j.1P~!1ishes and rewards
h'.t(luallty good/evil =u= - blesses everything
- indivi-duality
{:;":discord and war
)lIgives rise to disorder D - concord and peace
- gives rise to order
';~nonsense - common sense

JUSTICE - unfair JUSTNESS - fair

AIDS Is caused only by the HIV virus ...
or by the use of drugs, medications, vaccines?

R Syndrom and Not a Disease

Acquired I mmuno Deficiency Syndrome

ACQUIRED, that is to say obtained, contrary to the natural, innate, hereditary.

THEREFORE, the weakening of our defense system is acquired during the course of our life.
WHERE, WHEN, HOW? That is the question. And the enigma!

IMMUNO for immunity. This is the natural or acquired resistance of a living organism to
an infectious agent (microbe, virus) or to a toxic agent (venom, toxins).

DEFICIENCY, that is to say organic or physical insufficiency.

THEREFORE, different illnesses have in common an immuno-deficiency. Namely, an
insufficiency on the part of the body to resist, a weakness of the body's defense system.
From where it becomes easy to contract illnesses.

SYNDROME comes from Greek and means reunion.

It is a clearly defined combination of signs and symptoms which can be seen in many
different illnesses and which does not allow one in and of itself to determine the cause and
the nature of the illness. Take, for example, the cold syndrome. The signs and symptoms are well
known. Discomfort, fever, cramps, tiredness, a runny nose, watery eyes. We know that this
involves a cold. But we cannot determine what kind of cold we have, nor the cause of the cold.
It is the same for AIDS.
1. It is a combination of signs and symptoms. Tiredness, weakness, loss of appetite, fever,
infections, loss of weight. The same that we find in many illnesses.
2. It is not only one illness that can present these symptoms, but many different illnesses.
3. It remains to determine the cause of these illnesses.

- Fatigue
SYMPTOMS: - Infections
- Anorexia


- Submission
IMMUNO- - Poverty

We note that with the one definition of the letters A-I-D-S and based on our common sense,
we can arrive at an understandable definition of AIDS:

- AIDS IS A COMBINATION OF SYMPTOMS (the tip of the iceberg) , 3

- PRESENT IN DIFFERENT ILLNESSES (the body of the iceberg) 2


SOMEWHERE IN THE COURSE OF OUR LIFE (the base of the iceberg),

It is at the base of the iceberg,

in the soul, that originate
the AI OS-related illnesses.
Causes of RIDS
The entire question is there. Because a good diagnosis leads to a good treatment.
If the illnesses of AIDS have an immunitary weakness in common, it is


logical to direct our efforts towards the causes in order to cure the illness. 'T..1 prevent is
And, particularly, to prevent it. The most frequent CAUSES OF ttl avoid" liavin8

IMMUNITARY WEAKNESS among people who are sick with one ttl cure.

of the illnesses of AIDS are:

1. Indiscriminate use of illegal drugs. It seems to be the most devastating. One must
not only stop the use of contaminated syringes, but the use of drugs itself.
2. Medications: antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, chemotherapy, transfusions, blood
derivatives. "We are an immune-depressed society", states Dr. McKenna.
In the United States, for example, every year sees $30 billion in prescribed medications
and $50 billion in non-prescribed medications (over the counter).
3. Vaccines. We know that vaccines depress the immune system. Children receive some
20 vaccines before starting school. Then people of all ages are submitted to annual
vaccinations and, occasionally, to mass vaccinations.
4. Pollution of the air, water, foodstuffs. Countless industrial chemical products pollute the
water that we drink and the air which we breathe. Moreover, our foodstuffs are filled
with radioactivity, electromagnetic waves, pesticides and chemical fertilizers. And that
is not even including the vaccines and hormones that are present in the meat we eat.
5. Malnutrition. Whether it be by scarcity, dieting, excess, or alcoholism. It goes hand
in hand with infectious illnesses. It is particularly present in Third world countries
and among pregnant women.
6. Recurring infections of all kinds, acute or chronic.
7. Factors which affect a person's soul. Hopelessness and helplessness. A feeling that one's
life lacks any purpose or sense of direction. Submission to fatal prognosis.
8. A libertine or unbalanced lifestyle. Lack of love and caring support.
9. Fear which imprisons the individual. It is his worst enemy.
10. Unconsciousness of one's inner divinity.

At the Convention of Copenhagen on AIDS, in May 1992, "surviving"

" 'Ma1J docs not
patients of AIDS all agreed. To live, one must correct the causes of the
die, lic kilTs
immunodeficiency. And first and foremost, one must free oneself from
liil1lse!t. "
fear. It kills us. Other solutions proposed by scientific medicine are
- Seneque
ineffective, particularly All None of their friends who had taken AZT,
a strong immune depressant, had survived. One survives AIDS.
But one doesn't survive AZI
Not Viral, Nor Mortal

factors causing incapacity of the

the iIInessess
a weakness -----+ body organism -----+ of AIDS
of defenses to defend itself

In erasing the factors which cause immuno-deficiency, one prevents and/or cures AIDS.
All that seems logical and conforms to common sense. Why then are the authorities upholding,
strongly and exclusively, as they have done for the past 10 years, the following formula:


In making the virus responsible for AIDS, the authorities condemn every person who is
seropositive (HIV+), in good health or not, to the diagnosis of AIDS and, next, death. The word
seropositive is synonymous with AIDS and it is mixed in with the AIDS statistics. They also have
the right to the same murderous and ineffective treatment that is AZT.
While in reality, seropositive means nothing more than having come into contact with the
retrovirus HIV. Without immuno-deficiency, no AIDS. One can be seropositive and not lose a wink
of sleep!
What is more. This approach, that HIV = AIDS, kills people in good health and prevents
those who do have AIDS from recovering. For AIDS is preventable and can be treated.
But not with AZT. Common sense tells us that it is NOT with immune-depressant medications,
which weaken the defense system, that we are going to reinforce the immune system.


We can choose to live or die. We only have to look at the two approaches
of treating AIDS and make a decision. The survivors of AIDS are
witnesses to that. Listen to them.
- Treatment of tne fffness (war against the virus) with aggressive medications, leads to
- Treatment of the patient (peace of the bodies, soul, spirit) with a reinforcement of his
or her immune system, maintains life.

The survivors' recommendation is clear. Take charge of your health and of your life.
Consult, become informed, and make your OWN decision.


Despite RII Evidente
Why do the authorities impose by force this idea that:
- AIDS is one, single illness?
- is caused by a single virus: the retrovirus HIV?
- is transmitted sexually?
- is treated by anti-retroviral medications, powerful immuno-depressants, such as AZT. which
precipitate AIDS?
- is prevented by practicing safe sex?

Why do the authorities continue to push and recognize only the theory of "HIV alone" as
the cause of AIDS? Despite the strong evidence of:
- many scientists, led by Peter Duesberg of the University of California, Berkeley. One of the
first virologists to study the retrovirus (HIV class). His work resulted in his becoming
an elected Member of the National Academy of Sciences. His stance against the medica
establishment caused him to be discredited by his profession and lose his research
- Luc Montagnier, of the Pasteur Institute, the official discoverer of the HIV virus in 1983.
Since 1990, he states that HIV alone is not sufficient to cause AIDS.
- the evidence of many cases of AIDS without the HIV virus and the many cases of HIV
without AIDS.
- the impossibility of one virus being the sole cause, because there are many types of HIV
that are secondary to the mutation of the HIV virus.
- the impossibility of proving that the HIV virus causes AIDS. It is however a basic rule of
science, that one must establish a relationship of cause and effect between two factors.
- HIV is an inoffensive retrovirus. It can only be activated when the defense system is
weakened. In addition, it alone cannot destroy the immune system. Duesberg calls it
the pussy-cat. Montagnier says that it needs other factors with it. It seems a far cry
from the image of the big bad wolf that it has been given.
- Lauritzen, an analyst in polling research and author of the book, Poison By Prescription -
The AZT Story, which exposed fraud relating to the research, acceptation by the Food
and Drug Administration, and the usage of All Which is medically ineffective and
dangerous ... and which causes cancer.
- the fierce denunciation of the lying and fraud in the official practice of AIDS treatment.
Patients, therapists and journalists angrily blamed the medical establishment at the
Convention of Amsterdam. The" survivors" claimed their right to the truth and to life.

T~e Scapegoat Virus
As one cannot explain with any certainty the intentions of others, one cannot answer the
question: Why do the authorities insist upon killing people? Be that as it may, one can, however,
envisage the consequences of the" HIV alone" theory.
1. One has finally found the perpetrator of AIDS. The HIV virus. It is much more practical and
makes more economic sense to make war against a virus with medications than to tackle
and resolve the socio-political problems of drugs, malnutrition, submission, despair. And to
stop vaccinations and medications. Moreover, in giving the same name to the virus and the
illness, one has created total confusion. Allowing the indiscriminate use of one for the other.
2. One has also found those responsible for the epidemic. Homosexuals. Many still refer to it as
the" gay epidemic". It is easier to get away with than calling it a "vaccine epidemic". And so,
nothing is said about the experimental and hepatitis B vaccines received by groups of
homosexuals before they had even contracted the illness. Also, the term AIDS has been
reduced to the vulgar acronym of STD, Sexually Transmitted Disease, when it is really a
question of several illnesses resulting from an immuno- deficiency.
3. One finds the treatment. Against a virus, one gives an anti-viral treatment, AZT, which brings
in hundreds of millions of dollars for its manufacturers. Close to $700 million in 1991 alone.
4. One finds the means of prevention. Safe sex and condoms. One is punished according to our
sins. One's morality is saved. And so are vaccines.
5. One finds the explanation for the disappearance of the peoples of Africa. Promiscuity causes
the sexual transmission of the virus which spreads the illness and brings death to all. It is
certainly a much easier answer than saying that the World Bank impoverished them and
Saint WHO vaccinated them.
6. One finds an extremely lucrative detection and screening test. It is so lucrative in fact that
protagonists from France and the United States have been battling for some years now to
determine which of the two will pick up the royalties.
7. One finds a whole new subject of research, which soaks up millions of dollars. But what is
one in fact looking for? Imagine the reply. An ANTI-AIDS VACCINE! A vaccine to fight the
virus propagated by other vaccines!
8. One finds a new, extremely effective and subtle tool for population control, particularly
among the poor and non-whites. This policy is not exclusive to the overpopulated countries
of the Third World. It also applies to industrialized countries. In its program Agenda for the
Eighties. The Trilateral Commission (world government) determined that the ideal, desirable
population for the United States would be 100 million people.
9. One finds a means to limit a person's rights to a private life. In the name of the rights of
the public at large, one divulges the names of people who are seropositive yet in good
health. And the names of patients suffering from one or more illnesses of AIDS, patients
who are non-contagious. They are pointed out, they are indexed, and what will we do with
them? Studies on "seroprevalence", to use a word of epidemiologists, constitute the violation
of a person's fundamental rights and open the door wide to another form of genocide, or the
exclusion of undesirables". Is it by chance that Blacks and the poor are those hardest hit!
T~e Origin of t~e HIV Retrovirus
HIV was officially "discovered" in 1983.
Yet some who have looked at this question, have made astonishing discoveries that have
led them to believe that HIV was purely a laboratory creation and not the discovery of an
already existing virus.
In 1982, Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman published a book entitled A Higher Form of
Killing: The Secret Story of Chemical And Biological Warfare. They denounced
secret experiments carried out on humans by the Army and the CIA during the 1950s.
They also revealed the work done by the Army's Department of Biological Warfare at
Fort Detrick.
In 1985, Robert Strecker, a doctor in gastro-enterology and doctor of pharmacology,
concluded that AIDS had been deliberately provoked, voluntarily or involuntarily, as a
result of testing of the vaccination against hepatitis B on homosexuals. He was also
convinced that the African continent had been contaminated in the same way.
Vaccination campaigns against smallpox were used to study the capacity of specific
bacteria and viruses to destroy the immune system. The request came from the World
Health Organization. He explains that HIV cannot come from nature, as it is so radically
different from all other known viruses. It would be the result of a cloning of animal
viruses, inoculated into humans, which provoked a new illness. See his video, The
Strecker Memorandum.
In 1987, Alan Cantwell Jr., doctor of dermatology and researcher, reached basically the
same conclusions in his book AIDS and The Doctors Of Death.
In 1987, Rolande Girard, journalist, wrote of ethnic weapons in her book Tristes Chimeres.
In 1992, Eva Lee Snead, doctor, wrote a book, Some Call it AIDS, I Call It Murder - The
Connection Between Cancer, AIDS, Immunizations, and Genocides. She stresses the
similarity of clinical syndromes between HIV and SV 40, which is present in African
green monkeys. It is the same SV 40 that one found in the Sabin vaccine against polio
(" monkey soup" Sabin) which was used to vaccinate millions of children over the years.
Indeed, it has been found that SV 40 causes congenital anomalies, leukemia, cancers,
and serious immuno-suppression. All symptoms similar to those of AIDS. She demonstrates
the responsibility of vaccines in the appearance of AIDS and in the increase of forms of
leukemia and cancers.
In 1996, Leonard Horowitz, a dentist and Public Health specialist wrote an astounding book
titled Emerging Viruses - AIDS & Ebola - Nature, Accident or Genocide? In this
book, he demonstrates - with proofs and references - that the AIDS virus was originally
cultivated as a biological weapon and later deliberately propagated through mass
vaccination of selected population groups.
T~e Saga of RIDS
To put our time-frame in perspective, here is a sequence of dates.
1952 Meeting behind closed doors in Ottawa, Canada, of Canadian, American, and
British researchers studying retroviruses.

1959 The World Health Organizat'lon warns of the dangers of using vaccines derived
from monkeys.

1960 The World Health Organization announces the presence, in vaccines, of

unexpected and undesirable viruses.

1960 The presence of virus SV 40 is found in the cell cultures of the African green
monkey and one learns that SV 40 WAS PRESENT IN THE MAJORITY OF ANTI-

1961 Vaccination by living viruses begins.

1963 One learns of a tumoregenic virus, which causes tumors, originating from a

1963 It is reported that the number of cases of leukemia has increased in States
where the anti-polio vaccine containing SV 40 was administered.

1963 A biological research program is launched under the auspices of the Central
Intelligence Agency and the US Army at Fort Detrick, in Maryland. It is attached
to the National Cancer Institute.

1964 The presence of the virus SV 40 is discovered in children vaccinated against

polio with Sabin vaccine.

1964 It is found that viruses of vaccines (living viruses) give malignant illnesses.
a) deficiencies in the immune system
b) congenital anomalies
c) different forms of leukemia
d) malignant illnesses among young children.

1968 American virologists set up their sophisticated equipment in Zaire.

1969 President Nixon announces his intention to suspend the manufacture of

biological weapons and to destroy existing stockpiles.

1969 The beginning of another strong push on cancer research. Retroviruses are in the
spotlight because it is known that they cause cancer in animals. Why not also in
humans? One quickly succeeds in cultivating these retroviruses on the human cell.
One knows how to cancerize human cells. One learns how to manufacture cancer.
1970 The World Health Organization and the National Institute of Health decide to
inject the virus and the bacteria into children, during vaccination campaigns,
so as to conduct a study.

1971 It is proven that SV 40 cancerizes the cells of mice.

1972 The World Health Organization transforms the 1970 study into one focussing
on virus which weaken the immune function.

1973 Berg and other leaders in biochemistry reveal the general principles of a new
science. Genetic engineering is born.

1973 A new retrovirus is isolated: BVV (Bovine Visna Virus).

1974 The hereditary transmission of a foreign gene is a success.

1975 Gallo, an American researcher, announces the discovery of HTEV and states that
this virus gives leukemia to certain population groups.

1977 First case of immuno-deficiency. Acquired by a young African woman doctor.

Followed by many cases among Blacks, drug users and hemophiliacs.

1978 Vaccination against hepatitis B of homosexuals in New York.

1980 Vaccination against hepatitis B of homosexuals in five American cities.

1980 The appearance of more and more cases of immuno-deficiency which fall into
no formerly known categories.

1981 The official debut of the AIDS epidemic.

1983 Official discovery of a retrovirus, which is held responsible for AIDS. It is given
the same name as the illness HIV.


It is an illness of unknown causes ...
or one of the illnesses of AIDS.

"SAD SJAnMe:NJ of AU-OVNJ A-fn:R. 'to

- . --'
After decades of an intensive war against cancer, the situation is the following in
industrialized countries:
1. The mortality rate from cancer has increased. More and more people are dying from
cancer. Tangible proof that its prevention and treatment are not succeeding.
2. Billions upon billions of dollars have been spent to no avail.
"Cancer costs Americans over $ 100 billion dollars each year. ..
" 'The cancer
for treatments that are both ineffective and inhumane",
(lire wver-up
reports Frank Wiewel, director of People Against Cancer.
is 'America's
3. The number of deaths continues to grow. Some 500,000 (half a
million) Americans die of cancer every year.
- Barry Lines
4. Millions of people have been tortured. Maiming is commonplace.
Nobody escapes it. Patients have to choose between one or more forms of mutilation:

- amputation = surgery <

- burning = radiotherapy

- poisoning = chemotherapy.

All these treatments are extremely aggressive. They destabilize the body's organic balance.
And seriously damage the immune system.
S. The existence of alternative remedies is either hidden from the public or access to them
is forbidden. Remedies that are effective, safe and inexpensive. Those who promote
them are hunted down. It is the same as the witch-hunts of the middle Ages.
6. The rights to freedom of medical choice are undermined. Our rights to decide for
ourselves and to determine what we will, or will not, do with our own bodies, have
been taken from us.
7. Our immune system has systematically been destroyed by the presence of many
carcinogenic products, such as pesticides, vaccines, radiations, medications in the water,
air, foodstuffs, and elsewhere in the environment.
Despite Sixty Years of Effective Treatments
On one hand, the authorities continue to have us believe that cancer is an illness that is
just as mysterious as it is deadly. And that we must combat it with violence. On the other hand,
we know that effective treatments do exist. These treatments have existed for sixty years.
Could it be that those close to us might still be alive today?


Royal Rife and a group of doctors, under the auspices of the
University of Southern California, revealed their clinical successes. 'TEe CaJlcer Cure
'Th.at Worked--
They had succeeded in destroying the micro-organism responsible for
cancer by means of a precise electro-magnetic wavelength. In the 'F~fty Yean Of
years that would follow, the technique of treating cancer using S u}:premoll
electro-magnetic waves would spread. And many doctors would use - Barry Lines
it successfully. But not for long.
When Morris Fishbein, director of the American Medical Association (AMA), heard talk
of this cancer treatment, he demanded that he be given a part of the action. He was refused.
The result of this refusal was not long in coming. Doctors were forced to abandon the new
technique. All articles on the treatment in medical journals were forbidden by the AMA. Results
of this technique obtained by government laboratories were lost. Researchers who supported
the treatment, as well as the principles upon which it was based, fell into disgrace and were
treated as cheats and liars. The author of the article explaining the technique, published by
the Smithsonian Institute, died while he was driving his car. ..


Gaston Naessens, biologist, developed a series of effective anti-
cancer products. First GN-24 and then Anablast enjoyed an enormous
'AJld 'Trial Of
success, which alerted the authorities. The latter instituted legal
Gastl11l %Jcsst!IlS
procedures. He had to stop treating his patients despite the extra-
ordinary results. In 1964, he immigrated to Canada. There, he developed - Christopher Bird
a new remedy against cancer, 714-X. Again a new success. And a new
headline-making trial in 1989. Patients flocked from around the world,
all bearing witness to the success of his treatment. The authorities could not condemn him.

W~D Suppressed T~Dse Treatments?
Who then was responsible for such a decision? Already, at this time, medicine was for
the most part in the hands of financiers. The principal actors defended prime interests.
- The all-powerful American Medical Association, which issued "seals
.. Competition
of approval" on products and medications, in return for
is a sin. "
-J.D. Rockefeller
- The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, established in 1902.
By 1928, it had already received $65,000,000 in funds from John D. Rockefeller.
- The "king" of microbiology, at this time, was Thomas Rivers, a doctor at the Rockefeller
Institute, who in 1926 decreed that viruses and bacteria were two distinct things.
He was later director of the Rockefeller Hospital from 1937 to 1955 and vice-
president of the Rockefeller Institute from 1953 until his death. His influence
on cancer research was significant.
-The Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center in New York was the first cancer hospital in
the United States. It was the medication test centre for large pharmaceutical companies
between 1940 and 1955. Interestingly enough, Cornelius Rhoads, after several years
at the Rockefeller Institute, was named director of the Center in 1939. He remained
there up until his death in 1959. He was the biggest defender of chemotherapy
in the country.
- The American Cancer Society, founded in 1913 by John D. Rockefeller Jr. and his
associates, received tons of public money and used it to finance research projects
approved by the authorities. Those positions with any decisional powers were held
by financial interests.

Whatever the country, the players in the medical system, and their tactics, are the same,
to suppress treatments that are effective against cancer. The world financiers and their
multinationals are stateless. They have no allegiance to any country. And they exploit all. It is
they who control the Medical Mafia in every country. Donna Governmenta and her children see
to it, on their behalf, that we continue to buy and consume those products which guarantee
thei r profits.
Cancer is one of the illnesses of AIDS, characterized by disordinate multiplication of cells,
which form a tumor. Cancer presents the same symptoms as AIDS: weakness, loss of weight,
loss of appetite and fever, caused by a deficiency of the immune system.

factors causing incapacity of

a weakness
the body to Cancer occurs
of the body's
defenses defend itself

- Fatigue
- Infections
- Anorexia

- Submission
- Poverty
- Drugs

,. Every day, we create a little cancer. Every day, our defense system defeats the tumor.
,. But if our defense system comes to be deficient, it no longer defeats the cancer.
It grows and becomes a tumor. This is the pre-cancerous phase.
,. The tumor, in turn, secretes a hormone which destroys the immune system.

It wipes it out completely. This is the cancerous phase.

It is the base of the iceberg,

in the soul, that originates
the cancer disease.
The Causes of Cancer
The same causes as those for illnesses of AIDS. We saw them in the previous chapter.
It is said of cancer that it is sickness of the soul. In fact it is very strongly linked to
the emotions. Cancer is often preceded by a depression.
The most frequent symptoms are despair and a feeling of helplessness, which reflect
the state of our soul. Moreover, patients who come out best, regardless of the treatment,
are the fighters, the rebels. Those who refuse to give up.
Bernie Siegel calls them his "Exceptional Cancer Patients" in his marvelous book
Love, Medicine And Miracles.
The greatest sickness of the soul continues to be submission. To others. To their ideas,
their pressures, their fear, their expectations, their laws, their statistics, their treatments.


- Cancer is an illness that is treatable and preventable.

- The principal cause of cancer is to be found in the soul.

- There is rarely an emergency involved in treating cancer.

We should take the time to inform ourselves.

- Chemotherapy weakens our immune system.

- Preventing cancer implies reinforcing our immune system.

- Refusing to submit is a plus for a healthy recovery.

- Prognostics are for books, not for human beings.

- Cancer is a wake-up call that we give ourselves. Our body is telling us to take the weight
off our feet, re-establish contact with ourselves, and re-orient our life. It is a chance
that it is giving us.

II One does not die of cancer.

One dies of fear and exhaustion. "
- Hamer
T~e Scapegoat Gene
As for AIDS, the whole question is in the cause of cancer. Because a good diagnosis leads
to a good treatment. As long as one cannot find the cause of the illness, one cannot cure it.
Even less, prevent it. Since the beginning of the century, the authorities have persistently led
us to bel'leve that cancer is an illness that we cannot master. Desp'lte all the evidence, despite
all the proof to the contrary, despite all the" spontaneous remissions", despite all the useless
deaths, despite...
- In 1974, Norman Zinder, doctor at the Rockefeller University, stated: "We do not know
how to attack cancer, even less how to conquer it, because we do not know
enough about how it works. "
- In 1975, the Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center discovered different types of virus-
bacteria in the blood of all its patients. But they burned the laboratory results.

Despite everything, the authorities maintain that cancer is due to a defective

chromosome, the cause of which we do not know. It supports research along this false track.
And causes us to hope for the discovery of - what? - a vaccine against cancer!
All this time, people are dying, being assassinated with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery,
And we are being vaccinated in droves.
Better still, we are told of new discoveries about nasty genes and incited to test our genes
and submit to early operations to prevent the illness.
In April 1994, Time Magazine ran a cover page headline: HOPE IN
rf'1'M'E - ']{ope
THE WAR AGAINST CANCER. In an in-depth, rather complex and cleverly
'1n rffie War
illustrated article, it praised the virtues of new treatments. For one, 'Aaainst Cancer.
a synthetic vaccine. For another, a detection and screening test for
inherited genetic defects, which makes us "persons at risk". As such,
we have the good fortune of being able to have the operation before
the illness appears. And why don't we have both breasts removed right away?
That would be real prevention? WHAT MADNESS!

<10 Lance Liotta, the number one expert in metastase at the National Cancer
Institute, states: "After all, we don't cure diseases like diabetes and
hypertension. We control them. Why can't we look at cancer that way?"
<10 Ann Fagan, 37, having submitted to an ileostomy for a colo-rectal cancer
(a bag for cancer of the rectum), and a mother of two girls, is happy for them:
"They will have surgical options not available to me. For that reason,
I decided they should be tested. I'm a real advocate for early detection."

"4 out of 10
women will have \ Family Clinic
breast cancer."
CJ 0

i~tt •




- Her cancer could have been treated differently, without having to resort to a bag.
No more than her children will in the future.

- That there are a lot of other treatments for cancer apart from " ~4']l1Sis Wlleer,
surgery and chemotherapy. They are much more effective LmJ CLlllCCr is
and they have no secondary effects. 'A']'DS. "
- Alan Cantwell
- Cancer is not hereditary.
- The genetic fault inherited by her daughters probably came from

- Cancer is an illness which often disappears without surgery, or chemotherapy,

or radiotherapy.
- Cancer is one of the illnesses of AIDS. That is to say, the result of an immuno-deficiency.
Those affected with AIDS often die of cancer.
- Causes of the deficiency of the immune system are known and are treatable, as is cancer.

- The only possible prevention of cancer, is to maintain the immune system in a healthy
state. All aggression, most notably the fear of cancer, is an impediment to that state.


The diagnosis of cancer is synonymous with fatality. That is if it is
Cmlccr is J1L1t e1l1
not treated we are led to believe that it is an EMERGENCY and rush us
to have their mutilating treatments. And yet there is no emergency.
Indeed, one should be aware that some patients do not follow the treatments of scientific
medicine. And they don't die. More than that, many are cured completely without any
chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgery whatsoever. The tumor just simply disappears.
The experts and specialists are then dumb-founded. For it does not conform to their statistics
or knowledge. They therefore conclude that there was a mistake in the diagnosis. "So then why
did you propose that I undergo chemotherapy?" asked one patient. No reply.

Cancer is not any more fatal

than the common cold.
To confront the plague of cancer, the authorities decided to go all out. In 1971, President
Nixon signed the National Cancer Act. It was a declaration of war on cancer.

Waging war is to destroy in the hope that, in the destruction, one also destroys the enemy.
- One thing is certain. One destroys oneself and one's environment.
- One thing is uncertain. The destruction of the enemy.

W~D is t~e Enemy?

We are searching for it still! After 40 years of intensive and horribly costly research. Because
we have not yet found it. It must surely be well hidden.
Without knowing the enemy, after more than four decades of trying, the authorities
continue to look in the wrong direction. It is a lot like looking for a rabbit on the same path,
day after day, week after week, year after year, decade after decade.
Our common sense will tell us that, after a few days, it would be better to look elsewhere if one
wants to find rabbits.
But in medicine, science and common sense just somehow do not go together. Nevertheless,
certain experts are now beginning to ask questions of themselves ..
"We must rethink our basic strategy in the matter of research
and ask ourselves whether a new strategy would not be more " Our decades of
desirable ... if a major re-orientation would not be more war aBainst
advantageous to the public." stated John Bailar III. A doctor, professor cancer II ave been
of epidemiology and biostatistics at McGill University, Montreal, Canada, a qua{ifiel
and scientific advisor to the US Department of Health and Human fa lure. "
Resources in Washington, D.C., he was speaking at the Convention of the -Bailar
FORCTC in 1992 on the epidemiology of cancer.
After 40 years of dismal failures hunting down an unkown enemy, the authorities continue
to strike out in the same manner. One mercilessly shoots at anything that moves. And with
machine guns at that. One amputates, burns, poisons. One destroys everything. Anything goes,
in times of war. Fight fire with fire. Anything goes. The enemy must be destroyed. Even if they
are still in their cots and have not yet learned to walk. They could grow up to be dangerous.
They must be detected early and nipped in the bud. In the name of prevention.
John Bailar went on to add'. "( am going to show that this insistence on the progress
of treatment represents largely a defeat, and that it is time to seriously consider
prevention. "

There is no enemy!
Prevention or Early War
Are there two definitions of the word PREVENTION?
To prevent, according to the dictionary, means to make impossible, to keep a thing from
happening. In medical parlance, to prevent means to stop the illness from occurring. And to do it
in such a way that it never appears.
The authorities, however, use the word prevention in terms of treating
the illness as soon as possible. Quite a different usage from the true To yre:,ent is
meaning of the word. When the illness occurs, one treats it. One does to avoid havin8
not prevent it. As a result, what they call prevention, is nothing more to cure.
than early detection. The illness is discovered as soon as possible,
in order to treat it as soon as possible. This is not to prevent. It is to try
to cure it after the fact. As such,. it is false representation!
I have a good friend who every year, as a matter of course, goes for a
mammogram. Because her doctor recommended that she do so. Two years ago,
a suspect test was diagnosed in addition to having a swollen and very painful
breast for the next six months following the examination, she was terribly
afraid. Her doctor suggested to her that she participate in a blind test study
involving two groups. One that would take a medication, and another that
would not. She was so afraid of having cancer, she accepted. She was included in
the group which took the medication. You can imagine the rest.
She became ill for real!


- tests called prevention tests are done 50 as to treat the illness as early as
- the equipment is not infallible and often gives false results.
- early treatment is to obey the statistics.
- passing prevention tests is to bring the sickness upon us.
- medicine said to be preventive, more often than not provokes the illness
which it tries to avoid.
- the only real prevention, is health and peace.


Cui Bono? T~e Rrms Mer[~ants
Whenever we do not understand certain policies, which do not seem 10
whatsoever, we invariably ask ourselves: "Cui bono?" This is the question posed
in his book, The Cancer Industry. This extremely well documented book gives a det• •
breakdown of the industry-government liaison, its activities, and what it all means to us.
In English, Cui Bono? means who stands to gain? When we know who profits from
a situation, then we known who has created, and who maintains, that situation.
When it comes to war, there is no question that it is the arms merchants who gain.
It is they who profit. In medicine, these arms merchants, are the manufacturers of weapons
used in the war against cancer. Those of chemotherapy, radiotherapy,
surgery, and all the hospital industry infrastructure that use and support
these weapons. Fraud, lies, conflict of interest, theft, propaganda, control,
power play, misinformation. These are but some of the means they use,
with no scruples whatsoever, to serve their interests. Even the highly
respected cancer societies, such as the American Cancer Society in
the United States, the Canadian Cancer Society, and the ARC in France
are part of the plot and continue to get money from us even after death!
In making genes the scapegoats fro cancer, the establishment of Cancer
& Associates:
1. make us believe in the fatality of cancer, in our helplessness in the face of the illness,
in our depenence on the authorities and their treatments.
2. distract us from the real causes of the illness: pollution, poverty, medications, vaccines.
3. deflect all funds for research, treatment, and medications to their own profits.
4. eliminate all competition which could threaten to destroy their financial interests.

And we foot the bill.

But we know that many alternatives do exist to the draconian solutions that are proposed
to us by the authorities. Ralph Moss opens our eyes to them in his book, Cancer Therapy-
the independent consumer's guide to non-toxic treatment & prevention. It makes for
fascinating reading.

'The Cancer Cancer 'Therapy -

'lndustrlJ, a c(assie tlie indeyendent
exyos-e on tlie consumer's tiuite
cancer to non-toxic
estaG(isliment treatment &'
- Ralph Moss
- Ralph Moss
... Rnd How Rbout Making Peace I
Congratulations to all those who have cancer. You are treating
yourself to a lUxury. You are giving yourself the most beautiful gift
" 'Eidin 'war
possible. For that is the reality. When we say that someone has or is
suffering from cancer, we are living an illusion. That illusion is that it
ell' mel! are.
implies a sickness, suffering, aging, death. This is not true. In any case,
- B. Fuller
let us take our time. There is no great rush to die as Sandra Ray tells us
in her beautiful book How To Be Chic, Fabulous And Live Forever.
We have lost FAITH IN OURSELVES. It is to rediscover this faith, that we give ourselves
cancer. A mavelous illness, if ever there was one. It causes us to confront death and rediscover
our true path in life. At the same time, it affords us the time to make peace with:
• ourselves
• our family
,Ht>w 'T~l 'Be eli ie,
'FaL1!ll~llI5 'Ani
~ those around us. L ivc 'Fllrever
Let us profit from it to rediscover life, health, and peace. - Sandra Ray


If you want peace, prepare for war. If you want peace, make peace.
sickness/aging/death hea Ith/youth/life
illusion reality
nature is fragile nature is divine
tandem tandem
Fear - Protection Education - Empowerment
believing in others faith in oneself
war on germs, viruses, tumors peace and ecological harmony
destroys rapidly reinforces gradually
costly economical
dangerous painless
obeying established laws obeying one's conscience


Two ""en
In 1850, two men greatly influenced medicine, in diametrically opposite directions.
Both conducted extensive biological research.
Only one made the headlines, PASTEUR. His name is known worldwide. He symbolizes
victory over germs. "Pasteurization" of milk and cheese is an everyday expression. Many
hospitals and institutes bear his name. He is famous.

As a quasi divine legend in At the same time, the New York

the history of science, Pasteur Times was running an article titled
is scientific medicine's idol. "Pasteur's Deception". After
The UNESCO proclamed the having thoroughly read Pasteur's
year 1995 as "the year of lab notes, a science historian
Pasteur". This dedication named Gerald Geison
was to celebrate the declares that Pasteur had
centennial of the lied about his research
death of this great on vaccines. Furthermore,
scientist and he had stolen a
venerated competitor's ideas
benefactor of and had been
humanity. fraudulent in
many ways.

Statue of Pasteur erected in Paris after his death.

thanks to an international fundraising effort.
He is presented as the ~a\ior of humanity.

As for BECHAMP, he worked in obscurity, little concerned about his reputation. He was not
known then. And he isn't today. Neither is his name nor his work. No school bears his name.
Yet he had an extraordinary microscope which enabled him to identify extremely small corpuscles,
even smaller than cells. These are known as microzymes and they are at the very origin of life.
They can be found in humans, animals, insects, plants, and micro-organisms. In humans, their
form varies according to the person's state of health. They take different forms according to
the general condition of the cell in which they live and on which they feed. Illness follows when
:here is an imbalance in the normal functioning of the microzymes. When the state of health is
:: DD' (malnutrition, intoxication, physical or mental stress), the microzyme is transfor-med into
=::C:""'cg:enlc germ which fights the imbalance brought about by the poor state of health.
Two T~eorie5
As we can see, there exists two diametrically opposed positions at the core of the medical
body. As different as fire and water.
$ ONE THEORY defended by the medicine of sickness, claims that one unique agent
causes the illness to occur. That agent is an external enemy of
the body organism. It attacks us and threatens our health. 'The 8erm causes
tlte {{Gress.
This is the GERM THEORY. This germ has only one form. And it is
always the same. Hence, what is called the monomorphism of the germ, mono meaning one,
and morphism meaning form. As a result, the same illness is always caused by the same external
agent. And this exterior agent always has the same form.

Therefore, this theory, in the case of illness, stems from research of the external agent (the
enemy) and making all-out war on it. Eliminate the germ and the illness disappears.

The germ theory The cellular theory

.... 1

$ THE OTHER THEORY defended by the medicine of health, claims

(Tlie ilTness causes
that it is the body organism itself that manufactures, inside the
the Berm.
cell, the different agents that cause the illness to occur. The
agent is an interior friend of the body organism. It tends to re-establish the balance of
our ecological system. If its natural environment is disturbed, then it becomes morbid
(abnormal, unhealthy) and the illness appears. If its natural environment is re-
established, it returns to its normal state and the illness automatically disappears.

This is the CELLULAR THEORY. A germ may have many forms, depending upon the body
organism's state of health. Hence, the polymorphism of the germ, poly meaning many, and
morphism meaning forms. As a result, the illness is caused by internal agents of various forms,
which become aggressive in certain states of poor health.
Therefore, this theory, in the case of illness, seeks to re-establish good health by all means
possible in order to return the internal agent (the friend) to its normal state. It re-establishes
balance and maintains peace between the different elements of the body organism. Health is
the prevention of the illness. Reinforce a person's health, and the illness disappears.
Two Systems of Values
With Pasteur and Bechamp, it is not only a matter of two different theories, they had
two different systems of values. They personify the two fundamental options of our existence
on earth:
" external matter or inner spirit
" the enemy germ or microzyme friend
'" external power or inner power
" war or peace

Who was right? Ethyl Douglas Hume asked the question and made an in-depth study of
the two men. For years, she sifted through the archives and gathered information. Then she
published her report in 1947 in a book entitled Bechamp or Pasteur? - a lost chapter in the
history of biology. In it she takes us back to the time of the two men and goes on ...

Around the 1850's, scientists were speculating about the origin and
tlit' rcaCitlf
nature of living matter, and were questioning why milk turned sour, meat
l;cliilli tile ;;ytfi.
rotted, and wine fermented. Where did this phenomenon originate?
- Walene James
The majority of them thought that the "thing" - the living matter-
which caused these phenomena came from nowhere. It was the theory of "spontaneous
generation", very much in fashion at the time. Scientists who adhered to this theory were
known as "spontepratists". Pasteur, a chemist, was one of them.
At the same time, another scientist was bent over his microscope studying living blood.
He proved that fermentation resulted from small organisms, called microzymes, which could
be found within the cell as well as outside the body. This man was a chemist, doctor, naturalist,
and biologist. It was Bechamp.
Pasteur was ambitious, an opportunist. He was also a genius in Tilt' (lirse ':f
the art of promoting himself. And he plagiarized, and then vulgarized, Ll111 is 'PLl5tt:'1l r.

the work of Bechamp. He stole the idea of small organisms being - Nancy Appleton
responsible, but he only revealed a small part of Bechamp's discoveries.
Pasteur proclaimed that these small organisms only came from the outside. He forgot to mention
that, once exposed to air, germs and other morbid (abnormal) microzymes lose their virulence
very rapidly. And this deceit has been perpetuated ever since.
On his death-bed, Pasteur purportedly stated: "Claude Bernard (biologist) was right.

no journalists there at the time to record his words! And so Pasteurian Dogma is perpetuated
to this day:

To each germ, an illness and to each illness, a vaccine.

Pasteur's fame is particularly linked to his vaccine for rabies. History would have ~5 :o?ftI!:'l1,"!
that Pasteur rid us of this terrible affliction. Yet we know two things.
1. The miracle cure of little Joseph Meister, who was" saved" by Pasteur's vaccine, had
nothing to do with being a miracle. It later came out that nobody died, neither the
dog who was supposedly infected, nor its bitten master. People who were bitten, and
who were not vaccinated, did not die. Those who were not bitten, but who were
vaccinated, died from paralysis and not from spasms which are symptomatic of rabies.
2. Rabies, it seems, does not exist. It appears to be an imaginary illness. Dr. Millicent
Morden compiled statements by veterinarians and kennel owners in a booklet, The
Fraud of Rabies, distributed by California Animal Defense and Anti-Vivisection League.
According to them, rabies consists of an acute hysterical nervous breakdown. This state
is exacerbated by the simple mention of the word rabies, which scares the living
daylights out of everyone, specially the one who is sick. Moreover, these" enraged"
animals often suffer from hunger and misery. What is certain, however, is that the
Pasteur vaccine against rabies produces a state of delirium. What is known as
"Korsakoff psychosis," for up to twenty (20) years after the vaccine has been


Pasteur was also famous for the pasteurization of milk. This consists of heating it to high
temperatures so as to kill pathogenic bacteria, which cause illnesses, and retard the
development of other bacteria. Yet we know that:
1 . The temperature is not high enough. It requires much higher temperatures to kill the
bacteria that give typhoid, coli bacillus and tuberculosis. Some salmonella epidemics
have been reported to have come from pasteurized milk. But very high temperatures
damage the milk.
2. The temperature is too high. It kills the lactic acid which prevents the putrefaction
effect of the bacteria. The pasteurization destroys the milk's intrinsic germicidal
properties, that is to say its ability to kill germs in the milk. As a result, bacteria multiply
much faster in pasteurized milk than they do in non-pasteurized milk. Moreover,
pasteurization has a considerable effect on the milk's nutritional value. In this regard,
it destroys the enzymes, the principal role of which is to free the nutrients in the food
that we eat. For example, almost 50% of calcium contained in milk is not used by our
body if the milk is pasteurized. Despite all this knowledge, however, the authorities
continue to pasteurize milk and cheese.


The most recent great assault that the authorities have mounted
on our food, and our health, despite widespread public protest, is that
of permitting foodstuffs to be irradiated. An updated version of
pasteurization, this time by X-Rays. It destroys the germs themselves,
the source of life. Eating irradiated foodstuffs, is eating death!
But Not Two Trut~s
These two theories are diametrically opposed.
For Pasteur, it is the germ that gives the illness.
For Bechamp, it is the illness which gives the germ.
Who is right? Only one. The other is wrong. For there cannot be two truths.

The truth is always in the same place -IN COMMON SENSE. Regardless of the beauty
of the theory, it must adapt to reality. And it is that reality that guides us. One only has to
see where the theory leads us to determine whether it is true or false. Results do not lie.
If they are good, that is good enough for Dr. COMMON SENSE, who we are, to formulate
an opinion.

The results of applying The results of applying

PASTEUR'S theory are disastrous. BECHAMP's theory are marvelous.
Cancer continues on the rise People reestablish the overall state
unabated. It is killing more and of their health and reinforce their
more people. AIDS is spreading immune system. Their microzymes
everywhere. New auto-immune return to their natural habitat and
illnesses are constantly appearing. resume their normal functions
Infectious diseases are coming of collaboration. Health returns.
back with new vehemence. Whether it is a question of cancer,
Our health and our money are AIDS, infectious or auto-immune
disappearing before our very eyes. illnesses, all are curable simply by
Pasteur's theory leads to war re-establishing the balance at the
with mutilations of all kinds. very core of the body organism.
Amputations, burning and Bechamp's theory ensures peace,
poisoning associated with with the reestablishment of inner
vomiting, infections, weakness, power and harmony in the
hair loss, new illnesses, mutations, organism ... ORDER, HEALTH, LIFE.
and ecological imbalance...

There is no need of degrees or impressive diplomas and certificates to make a decision.

Dr. COMMON SENSE knows that the good theory gives good results. But the GREAT Dr. DOGMA
blindly obeys the laws that are taught, despite the evidence. He continues to wage war without
W~y t~is Murderous Relentlessness?
in order to exploit and dominate.
The decision to continue pasteurizing medicine was taken at a global level, by Saint WHO. in
order to dominate, submission must be maintained.

Applying the Pasteur theory maintains a practice of medicine of sickness

and generates in us feelings of
.. helplessness vis-a-vis external forces
• dependence vis-a-vis external authorities
.. being a victim of other people and events.


"I've caught a cold. "/ gave myself a cold.

/ am a victim of a virus. / am responsible.
/ need medication. " I. / must take care of myself"


Applying the Bechamp theory introduces a medicine of health and generates

within us feelings of
• inner power
.. sovereignty. We are the authority capable of healing ourselves
• responsibility (control) for what happens to us.
The followers of Bechamp have been many. Indeed, history will
" '111 a wor(i wliere
remember those who have tried to publicly promote his theory. They
ever1jone cheats, it
have all been condemned to silence, either by persuasion, or by force.
is tfte hl1llcSt mall
And since alternative medicines are founded on the cell theory of
w/l,1 {~'oks 11kt' a
Bechamp, they too have all but been eliminated and those who practice
cliar{atmt. "
them ostracized.
- Andre Gide
For 150 years, the authorities have succeeded, and they are still
succeeding, in imposing the pasteurization of medicine. Against all common sense and
even nature itself. But nature will always have the last word. And woe betide anyone
who forgets this!
Throughout my research, a name kept cropping up time and time again. That of GASTON
NAESSENS. I soon learned that he was one of the most boycotted scientist of our time.
I therefore concluded that he must have been one of the best. For the simple reason that
the more one does well, the more one is boycotted by the authorities.
Naessens invented an extremely accurate microscope that enabled him to clearly view not
only the small particles, the microzymes described by Bechamp, but also all the different forms
that they may take. According to the forms he sees, he can conclude on specific illnesses.
He is able to evaluate the state of the cell and correct its deficiencies to ensure that the
illness does not appear. REAL PREVENTION. For cases where the illness was already present,
he invented a remedy which can re-establish the immune system's good health, allow the
germs to come back to normal, and the patient to be healthy once again. Is it any wonder
why the authorities boycotted him!

Antoine: Bcchamp. 1816-1908. Gaston Naessens. today.

R True Rnswer: t~e Somatidian T~eory
To the eternal question, "where does matter come from?", the answer
is: from the somatid, the microzyme of Bechamp.
The SOMATID is the smallest particle of living matter. It is at the origin
of living matter. It is to be found in everything, whether it be animal, vegetable,
or human. It can take whatever form, be it spore, bacteria, bacillus. The somatid is the
precursor of DNA. therefore of genes. If its capsule is damaged or removed, it is a virus.
The somatid lives unto itself. It is life. The somatid is immortal. It is virtually indestructible.
They cannot be destroyed by any means, should it be physical or chemical. Upon our death,
it becomes bacteria and ensures the decomposition of our organism and its basic components.
Namely, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. Once its job is finished, the bacteria once again becomes
a somatid and returns to nature.
The somatid is an energy condenser. It condenses cosmic energy (Universal, from the Divine
Source) and transmits it to matter. It is the link between the spirit (cosmos) and matter.
Is that not the definition of SOUL?

R True Diagnostic Test: t~e Somatos[ope

The somatoscope is a microscope which enables ANYONE to see
somatids and all their different forms. It is used to look at fresh blood.
Blood that is alive. It is important to realize that all high magnitude
microscopes - electronic microscopes - look at coloured blood. But blood
that is dead. They are therefore unable to see somatids moving. Thanks
to his famous microscope, Naessens was able to describe the complete
cycle of a somatid:
- in a healthy environment: somatid spore, double spore, then return
to somatid. A three-cycle form.
- in an environment in poor health: the somatid does not change back into a somatid after
the double spore phase. It enters into a cycle of sixteen different forms.


It means that each individual can sit by their practitioner's side and watch their living blood
under the somatoscope or on a linked-up television screen. Each person can see with their
very own eyes the state of their immune system and determine their own state of health.
We have this power today. And it is light years away from what is being done today. We are
not involved. We do not participate. The state of our health is evaluated by proxy. Figures are
provided to us by machines, and transmitted to us by an anonymous voice over the telephone.
With this power, we become our own doctor. We become conscious of. and control, our own
state of health. It can be seen. It can be evaluated. We can change it. We can follow its
evolution. Every practitioner who knows how to operate a microscope is able to see the somatid
in action. All that is required is the addition of a condenser, designed for this purpose, and
manufactured so that it can be installed on ordinary microscopes. It is really as simple as that.
R True Prevention: Improving Health
In observing our blood under the somatoscope, we are able to conclude one of three
1. our somatid is in a very good state = good health. For further
2. our somatid presents some anomalies = poor health information, consult:
3. our somatid presents several forms = illness installed

At stage two, the illness is not yet installed. If we correct the causes of our poor state of
health, we will prevent it and it will not appear. That is true prevention! Let us take the case
of cancer, for example. One or two years before the tumor appears, the somatid begins to
present anomalies, without always changing form. The tumor has not yet appeared.
It is the pre-cancerous stage. "WWii!\!JiM@iJ§"'II.!£iM'

If we re-establish our health at this moment,

the tumor will not appear.
If we do not, the tumor will appear.
It is the cancerous stage. The somatid has
entered into its cycle of 16 different forms. The
illness is installed. But this is not
a sentence of death.

R True Treatment: the 114-X

Once the cancer is established, all is not lost.
If one is able to give oneself cancer, one is able to remove it.
This is self-healing. One must research and determine the causes of our poor health. With the
help of our practitioner, we will analyze different facets of our life on the physical, emotional,
mental and spiritual levels. We will correct those that are deficient and lacking. In doing so,
we will improve them all. Self-healing is to correct the cause of the illness.
This in-depth process may take some time. During this time, we can rebuild our state of
health and re-establish the good state of our immune system. In order to do this, Naessens
perfected a remedy called 714-X. This is injected into the lymph gland and we can learn how
to do this ourselves.
There are no side effects. The 714-X does not cure the illness, be it cancer or others.
Only we are capable of healing ourselves. But it does rebuild our state of health. Our appetite
will improve. And we will regain the strength and energy that we have lost. We are therefore
able to correct the very causes of our illness and cure ourselves. If we do not do this, the illness
will remain.
The effects of 714-X on one's state of health are easy to see under the somatoscope. Very
quickly after a treatment of three weeks (for cancer), one will already see that the somatid has
returned virtually to its normal form. We are therefore able to follow the evolution of our state
of health on a regular basis, during and after the treatment.
As human beings, we have the power to choose. It is that which distinguishes us from
animals. The ability to choose is a fundamental right of all. It is also a duty. If we do not exercise
our right to choose, we choose not to choose. We choose to let the authorities choose for us.
Let us not lose sight of the fact that the authorities' choice is motivated by:
./ the profits of the multinationals
the performance of the financiers' investment portfolios
./ reducing the world's population
./ eliminating those who do not toe the fine
eliminating any undesirables (groups or races).

To choose is to make a decision today:

- either to continue to leave control of our health to the GREAT Dr. DOGMA
- or to take back control of our health and have confidence in Dr. COMMON SENSE, who we
all are.

Choosing between Pasteur and Bechamp is much more than a choice of health. It is a choice
of life. It is to reply to the fundamental question of our existence:



,d'Everywell person is a sick person Every sick person is

": ~.doesn't know it.» - Jules Romain
medical totalitarianism
[J=[J a God/Goddess who doesn't know it.
individual sovereignty
the germ gives the illness the illness gives the germ

m' . ", •

.U:th~ powers that be (power OVER)

>t,:~~ '.~." u
the power within (power OF)
war on the enemy germ peace with the microzyme friend

destroy to heal
~~!t':. 'NONSENSE and (dis)ORDER
0 reinforce to care

victim/sumbmissive responsible/all-powerful
react to fear act with wisdom
established medicine Mother Nature


Do I Stop Dr Go On Reading?


We continue to believe that The system was at the service of

government, its institutions the patient.
and the entire medical
The system was directed
establishment, are concerned for towards health.
our well-being. A Mafia cannot
exist in the health system The patient was the beneficiary.
because we would have known
The patient was master.
about it long before now and
the authorities would have
intervened. We cannot doubt Doctors controlled medicine.
or question our leaders.
Who would we believe? They
may not be perfect, but what Government served us.
would we do without them?
Alone, we can do nothing and
we would be courting disaster. Multinationals were under the
control of the government.
There is an elite, it is they who
have the right to govern and laws protected us.
rule. let us continue to have
faith in the authorities. They Insurance companies guaranteed
our security.
know better than we do what is
good for us. Man is weak and The authorities saw to our well-
needs to be told what to do. For being.
our own good, let us obey
We were free.
government directives. Because



(but do not put it away too far because you
will have to get back to it, sooner or later)


The patient is at the service of Just like Colonel "Bo" Gritz of

the system. the American Army, we notice
that the enemy is not outside,
The system is directed towards but within our border. A sad
illness. observation! We have been
betrayed. We are angry and we
Industry is the beneficiary. want to cry. But on the other
hand, we are glad to finally see
The patient is exploited,
the system for what it really is,
one which is physically and
Doctors have no power of financially ruining us. Let's stop
decision over the practice of having confidence in this
medicine. impostor, government, which,
under the guise of being a good
Government serves the provider, has betrayed us in
financiers. favour of the multinationals and
world financiers. Let's no longer
Government is under the control ask for help, assistance, laws,
of the multinationals. etc., from our enemy. Today,
we will adopt an attitude of
Laws control us. automatically being suspicious
of all proposals, decisions or
Insurance companies guarantee gifts coming from government.
nothing but illness and death. Always look this gift horse in the
mouth. If it suggests that we go
Authorities lie to us and
right, we will go left. Even if we
dispossess us.
do not know why, we will
We are slaves. always make the right decision.



TO l.--IVe:::- OR Ple:::-? 116
Quiz 116
Self-Healt~ 160
me:::- cAvse:::-of"me:::-CAPsIZJN01: SV5MISSION 161
Scientific Medicine. t~e Tool of Submission 162
T~e Punis~ment for Insubordination 165
T~e Story of t~e [at and t~e Mouse 190
Power OVER. Power OF 19t
Being Power Crazy: t~e [ontrol Syndrome 191
Medical [ontrol 196
me:::- TR£.A-TMr::-NT: SOVe:W,01NTY 199
Rig~ting t~e System 199
STOPPIN(j t~e Social Hierarc~y 200
T~e Rut~orities:
an Unnecessary Evil 202
Employer-Employee Relations~ip 20'1-
Let Us Resume Our Real Roles 205
Legal Rctions on Trial 209
So W~at Rre We to Do? 212
me:::-CVRr::-. SOL-IPAKITY 21~
Medical Solidarity 214
Universal Solidarity 215
W/tO WIL-L-INInATr::- me:::- Rr::-MWYIN01 Ofme:::-SYSrrM? 216
T~e 4 COllaborators of t~e Mafia 216
Story of a Bank Robbery 211
STOP t~e Mafia 216
me:::- CONscrr::-Nce:::- 219
Becoming Conscious no
Conscience and Vaccination n2
Say NO to t~e ~['s of Submission nt
Say YES to t~e ~['s of Sovereignty n5
Transformation of t~e (onscience n6
From Hell to Heaven n6
PAWD ANP 0l0l-IAm n9
T~e Patient is RII-Sovereign and RII-Powerful / T~e Story n9
T~e Example 2~0
~e~~~ ~
SOC/M-IUP !vl£'-P!CINe:::- -POR AMf-iZICA-NS? 23)
T~e Facts: T~ere Rre Two Problems 2~~
T~e Myt~s: and T~ey Rre Many 2~5
IT'S nMe:::- TO CAtOOSe:::- 2'1-1
Individual Sovereignty 2'1-1
[~oice of a Healt~ System 2'1-2
(jeneralisation of RII t~e Systems 2'1-~

I TO L-IV~OR. PI~("~m
TO RECAPITULATE: before moving on to the realization of our ideal system of health,
let us recapitulate what we have seen so far:

1. The SYMPTOMS: the medical system:

- is becoming more and more expensive and is leading to the bankruptcy of countries,
regardless of the system and regardless of the country,
- doesn't suit anyone. Everyone is dissatisfied. Patients and practitioners alike.
2. The SIGNS: we note that:
- all the money goes to sickness, not health,
- the patient is becoming poorer, while the industry is becoming richer.
3. The DIAGNOSIS: the system of health has flipped over:
- from a system of health, to one of sickness,
- while conceived for the benefit of the patient, it has become one which benefits

Realizing our ideal system of health involves three stages:

1. The CAUSE: finding out why the medical system has overturned
- the submission to authorities SURVIVAL
- power OVER= external
2. The TREATMENT: redressing the medical system
- individual sovereignty LIFE
- power OF = inner
3. The HEALING: ensuring unlimited, definitive health of the system
- universal solidarity IMMORTALITY
- power WITH= fusion

In this way, we will re-establish natural order and harmony.

$$$$$; 8 8 88

It is often said that:

II poverty is the mother of all misfortune. "

Who then is the grandmother?

For the answer, you will have to tum the book upside down.

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Let us imagine that our boat (the medical system) is sailing between two icebergs in
the waters of the far north. One iceberg is named poverty. The other, exploitation.
They appear to us as two distinct icebergs. We are wary of one, poverty, and not the
other, exploitation.

Suddenly our boat strikes something and is overturned. Now our head is underwater.
Now we can see that the two tips of the icebergs that we saw from above, poverty
and exploitation, are twin peaks of the same mountain of ice. They are the same iceberg!
One could not exist without the other. What affects one, automatically affects the other.

We also notice that the base of the iceberg is huge. That the hidden part (invisible) is much
more important than the exposed tips (visible).

We then realize that:

1. Poverty is the result of exploitation.
There is no poverty without exploitation.
2. Exploitation is the result of domination.
There is no exploitation without domination.
3. Domination is the result of submission.
There is no domination without submission.


1. While material poverty is the mother of all misfortune, it is not it that we must attack
in order to completely eliminate the cause of capsizing our boat (medical system).
2. It is inner submission, the grandmother of all misfortune, that we must remedy in order
to be able to navigate in peace.

Knowing this, let us unite all our efforts to melt the submission. The melting of
domination will automatically follow. Little by little, the tip of exploitation will disappear,
as will that of poverty. We can then right our boat and from then on sail safely and peacefully
on the seas without striking any obstacles.

For the rest, you will have to turn the book, again.
Self-health is personal management of health. In order to do this, we must take back
complete control of the financing of our health. We must also recognize our total responsibility
in the face of whatever happens to us. Self-health is not possible without self-sickness.
We alone are responsible for the present state of the system. We alone can put it right.
This undertaking requires the following:
1. a decision to die to the world of illusion and its false promises of security and protection
from external authorities;
2. a leap of consciousness of the reality of our nature: individually sovereign with internal

The taking back of control over our health will automatically also free practitioners from the
shackles of the present system. This will allow them to practice the medicine of health that they
judge to be the best and, in doing so, better serve their patients.

The sovereign patient and the sovereign practitioner are now free to meet in partnership.
It is the end of separation.
The two actors take back their respective roles and are satisfied. From that point on, the
health system regains balance and rediscovers health.




I T1t~ c,A-US~ or 11t~~0A-PSllJN~: SUBMISSION
In order to realize what we have to do, we must first know the root of the problem.
The cause of the overturning of our system of health is our SUBMISSION.

Whether patients or practitioners, we have all abandoned our sovereignty. We have given it
to the authorities and are submissive to them. We must now be obedient and loyal to them. We
have traded our inner power for Illusions. Namely, security and protection.

As we have seen at the beginning of this book, submission is the " T/ie on{y sin is
primary cause of all sickness. It is the sickness of the soul *. It affects unconsciousness. "
all the bodies. It is at the origin and root of the vicious circle of sickness. - Osho
It engenders fear, obliterates the conscience, and creates poverty.

* As the case may be, we refer to the soul of the system or the soul of the individual.


To accept submission is to To practice one's sovereignty is to

~ accept slavery; - choose freedom and life;
- accept sickness and death; - rediscover health;
- accept the priority of the body - re-estblish the priority of the soul
over the soul; over the body;
- accept that the spirit is at the - choose that matter is at the
service of matter; service of the spirit;
• accept an overturned system. - right the system.


Scientific Medicine, t~e Tool of Submission
As we have noted, illnesses are first and foremost social in nature. But scientific medicine
has made us believe otherwise. But how?
Medicine said to be "scientific" has its origins in SCiENTISM. This doctrine consists of only
recognizing that which can be measured and evaluated in numerical terms. It denies anything
that is invisible, including thoughts, emotions, intentions. It limits the Universe to the visible
world. And its functioning to that of physico-chemical reactions. That which it cannot see and
measure simply does not exist. Figures are everything.
- The human body becomes equated with a machine, different parts of which may be
treated independently without affecting the body as a whole.
- Human beings become entities with no relation to their physical, psychological and social
- Practitioners become technocrats who use statistics learned by rote, and apply them to
the letter.
In this way, the social context of problems becomes irrelevant. Once the social context is set
aside, then everything may be quantified in terms of figures, norms and statistics. One can treat
the figures. Common sense and initiative are no longer prerequisites for technocrats. They are
replaced by bureaucrats and computers. The machines decide.
The advantage of this scientific doctrine, as Berliner so aptly explained in 1975, is that
it transforms problems of a social origin, for which the solution is political, into scientific
problems, for which the solution is technological. For example, violence which stems directly
from social injustice. "Violence begets violence". The problem is social, yet to master it, scientific
Justice increases its electronic controls and the efficiency of its polire. And everyone is reassured,
while the violence continues and our dollars disappear. This is how scientism has avoided
the embarrassing social problem created by exploitation and has substituted a technological

SCIENTIFIC MEDICINE was inspired by this doctrine to apply the same criteria to medicine.
In this way, it can reject the social causes of illness. And avoid treating poverty, the mother of
JII misfortune.
Every social problem has been replaced by a scientific illness with a technological solution.
For example, poverty causes underweight babies to be born. Scientific medicine provides these
babies with a scientific solution, involving incubators, medications, etc. It has even created
a special discipline In this regard called neonatality it can therefore avoid the real problem,
which is poverty. Why is there still poverty in our country of such abundance?
Even hygiene, and we know how important that is to health, has quietly taken a back-seat
to the profitability of vaccines. Every illness has its own vaccine! Even research neglects the
Importance of social factors which contribute to sickness. For years they have been searching,
and we are still all impatiently waiting, for a vaccine against cancer and another against AIDS.
When we know that it is vaccines themselves that cause these illnesses!


In order to impose scientific medicine, one has established a doctrinal system. And everyone
is forced to adhere to its tenets:
- Medical students are selected based on their scientific performance, as well as their loyalty
and blind submission to the goals and ideals of scientific medicine.
- University education, the stage prior to medical school, teaches that science is limited to
the concrete (that which can be seen and touched) and denies the abstract (that which
cannot be seen or touched).
- Authorities impose by force, that is to say by obligatory scientific proof the scientific
practice of medicine. And they forbid all other practices, particularly that of alternative

Yet scientific medicine has not been proven scientifically!


t In 1978, the office of Technology Assessment conducted a major

study on scientific medicine and presented its results to the " Seit'l1ee wit/illiit
Congress. It concluded that 80% to 90% of treatments used in
scientific medicine had not been proven by clinically-controlled
studies. In other words, they were being used and taught
extensively despite the fact that they were not scientifically proven.
In 1985, the National Academy of Science repeated the same study, with the same results.

It is a simple matter of arithmetic to determine that no more than 16% to 20% of all
treatments used in scientific medicine - make that "said to be scientific" - have been proven
by clinically-controlled tests. This means that the vast majority of medical treatments have
no scientific basis whatsoever!


- Either one believes in it and is on the right path,
- or one doesn't believe in it and is a heretic.
Like a religion, it establishes its arbitrary doctrine and demands blind obedience.
As in all systems of belief, those who contest it are declared to be heretics.
The" non believer" doctor is accused of practicing a medicine that has not been proven
Therapists are accused of illegally practicing medicine.
In either case, the result is the same: the insubordinates are suppressed so that the privileged
"'lay maintain their privileges.

It causes iatrogenic illnesses. These are illnesses created by medical intervention. For anyone
who would like to read a well-documented study of the present system of health, I highly
recommend Medical Nemesis by Ivan Illich. It is a small, inexpensive book that is easy to
read. In it, he describes, among others, three types of iatrogenic illnesses:
- clinical: illnesses caused by the doctor
- social: illnesses created deliberately by the machinations of the medical-industrial complex
- cultural: illnesses of stress that sap the will of patients to survive
Scientific medicine alienates patients.


1. Scientific medicine was established by financiers. The Flexner Report was financed by
the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations.
2. It was spread by them. Abraham Flexner was hired as Secretary of the Board of Directors
of Education of the Rockefeller Foundation to implement
the recommendations of his report everywhere. -ref( me who,ays
you all£ '1 wi((
3. The Declaration of Alma Ata, which consecrated the "world
t~(( you who you
ministry of health" of Saint WHO, was co-sponsored by the World
serve ...
Bank and the Rockefeller Foundation.
4. Foundations of all kinds continue to support medicine. Financing from foundations
consists of combining their money (that of our exploitation, as well as their tax
evasion) with public funds (our taxes) for projects of a humanitarian nature.
These projects are determined by the foundations themselves to serve their own goals.
The bottom line is that we finance projects serving the interests of financiers. While
they reap the benefits and all the prestige.
5. The financiers are owners of pharmaceutical and technological
industries which supply scientific medicine. All have a vested
interest in us being sick and taking drugs.
6. The financiers control the governments of countries and, by the
same token, the laws and the finances of their health systems. Contro( "
With no obstacles at all in those countries where health systems
-Gary Allen
are socialized.
7. The financiers are responsible for social injustice, poverty, violence and the illnesses that
result. It is in their interest to see that social sicknesses are replaced by scientific
sicknesses with technological solutions.

This is why the medicine of sickness continues to ravage populations of the world.
This despite its exorbitant cost and widespread discontentment.
T~e Punis~ment for Insubordination
Refusing to submit to the authorities and insubordination have been severely punished
throughout history. Most of us only have to look back to our school days to know that it was
always the rebellious ones who were on the receiving end of the stick.
Just try to go against the flow, the established order, in any profession. There is a high price
to pay by those who disobey the authorities and their laws. The same is true in medicine. Doctors
and therapists who propose or recommend to their patients different approaches, therapies or
solutions, other than those imposed by the authorities are punished.
It's totally immaterial if these:
- have helped us: they are punished " '~f the worM can
f;" saved; it witt
- comply with our request: they are punished
lm (y be by the
- avoid complications for us: they are punished
rebertious. "
- have improved our health: they are punished.
- Andre Gide
The authorities. The Medical Mafia. Either directly, or through the intermediary of family
members. They work very closely together. This is why one often finds them working as a team
on the same" case", comprising medical, fiscal, judicial, law enforcement members. It is difficult
to escape their clutches. Once they cast their net, the catch is guaranteed.


To defend the interests of the multinationals. That is to say to ensure the sale of the greatest
possible number of vaccines, drugs, and technological equipment. In order to do so, the authorities
must encourage and create illness everywhere and for everyone. Faithful to this directive, our
medical and political authorities make sure that it is applied on a national scale. The WHO and
the multinationals do this on a global scale. Beware all those who oppose them! The entire
Medical Mafia will combine forces to make sure that they understand and "come to their senses".


The same as they did during the Inquisition in the Middle Ages. With a good old-fashioned
witch-hunt. The sooner the victims give up, the sooner the torture ends.
" they hunt down the quarry,
*" they dispossess it of its belongings and rights
*"" they torture it and,
finally they sacrifice it.

18 51

Fear, the silent threat.

This is the weapon "of choice" to prevent insubordination. We only have to know what
awaits us, and what has happened to others, for the authorities to keep us obedient
and docile. Fear ensures "omerta", the code of silence. You think that your doctors are
strong and brave? They are human beings just like you. They are just as much afraid of
the authorities as you are, if not more so. I have seen doctors high in the medical
hierarchy kowtow to their superiors. A title or diploma does not necessarily instill valor.

Intimidation, the threat of a threat.

The authorities operate in a world of power and secrecy. They write letters menacing
the" guilty" doctors and admonish them from their lofty perch. Everything done is
designed to make the quarry feel small and guilty, without ever knowing what ultimate
fate awaits the prey.

Harassment, the ongoing threat.

If the quarry hasn't yet given up, harassment is used to make it understand the error
of its ways. From simple reprimands to formal warnings. They are dragged from one
committee to another. From one court to another. They had better wise up and act
accordingly. Or else! The objective of this technique is to wear them down, both
physically, morally and financially.

Shame, the open threat.

The shame felt by a practitioner being pursued by the authorities is similar to that felt
by any victim of aggression. It is the victim who feels ashamed, while it should be the
aggressor. To increase the pressure, the authorities point the finger of shame through
the media.

- Ridicule that, as one proverb says, kills.

¥iii The authorities know this full well and do not hesitate to use it to their own ends.
One only has to ridicule a treatment technique, a simple phrase or act, or even
a physical characteristic of a person, to rob it of all value.

Such was the case, for example, with Jacques Benveniste, a doctor
researcher at INSERM, in France. He was visited by a team of observers
when he was conducting a scientific study of his famous discovery of the
memory of water. This study shows beyond all doubt the effectiveness of
homeopathy. So that no one would miss the point of the visiting team's
bias, they brought along a magician!

Today, in 2002, Masaru Emoto from Japan, offers his book titled "The Message From
Water" in which he presents photographies of water crystals. His work allows the
assessment of the water's purity (be it from the tap, lakes, springs, .. .) AND also
reinforces the concept of the memory of water. His work demonstrate the effects
of various factors on waters: music, words, images, thoughts, ... And 70% of ours
constitution is water!
(- Doubt, which saps credibility.
U It is a very subtle art that causes us to abandon our powers of reasoning and ::::-~:­
sense when confronted by someone or something. One only has to sow the seea Of a,.,
kind of lie, without exactly spelling it out in words, for some people to lose faith in the'
own opinions. And, in doing so, come to accept those of the authorities.

Diversion, sowing confusion.

This too is a subtle weapon often used to confuse the quarry. It distracts its attention
from the authorities' main objective. For example, how doctors fill out their medical
files has become an often-used ploy when the authorities cannot find anything more
serious to go after. As if the way a file is filled out influences the practice of medicine
or the well-being of the patient!

Labeling, closing the mind.

The label that is most often used to punish media insubordinates is that of charlatan.
As soon as we hear the word charlatan, we freeze. Our mind snaps shut like a giant
clam. And we just don't want to hear anything more about it. This is the very purpose
of labeling. To shut down the conscience and prevent valuable information from
reaching it. The word placebo has exactly the same effect. It too saps the marvelous
effects of homeopathic remedies.

Defamation and slander, the shotgun approach.

This is the big gun in the punishment arsenal. The entire Mafia is on the alert and
lashes out in all directions. It is used in cases of extreme defiance where it is necessary
to completely destroy the quarry, quickly and by any means possible. The threat is too
great to allow for the sport of a good hunt. Few can stand up to this sort of
punishment. Those who do resist pay dearly.

Sexual or financial scandal is a prime weapon. It is made up from scratch, as needed,

and heavily publicized. It shocks the good people and distracts honest people. It
demolishes the insubordinate as well as all his writings, sayings and practices.

The accusation of racism is also very effective and facilitates the censorship of books,
conferences, classes and the like. Its particular agency is called the ADL, Anti-
Diffamation League and shuts up whomever it wishes to.

The accusation of fascism is used against undesirable people, people we would want
to associate with right wing extremists.

The insinuation of belonging to a sect (cult) is also a fearsome, effective weapon.


-"",J wi.d Dispossession of its rights.

I V The most frequent example is that of the right to practice.
It is either withdrawn or suspended. Sometimes, this is even
followed up by the dispossession of another basic right.
That of freedom. The quarry is carted off to prison. All th is
is done according to the rules of the art. Arrest by the police,
search and seizure, a trial, defamation in the newspapers,
prison. The route is all mapped out.
The most commonly used accusation varies according to
who is being hunted down.
- If it is a doctor, he or she is accused of practicing a medicine,
which is "not based on scientific proof". Bear in mind the
reports which found that only 10% to 20% of all scientific
medicine treatments were scientifically proven to be effective.
- If it is a therapist, he or she is accused of "illegally practicing medicine". Yet these are
not strictly medical treatments, because one also condemns doctors for practicing
these same so called NON-medical treatments. Go figure ...

The authorities will not be detered by reason, common sense, humanitarian


In losing their right to practice, practitioners also lose their clientele, their livelihood,
and their reputations. Their careers are ruined.

Dispossession of its belongings.

In general, a fine is imposed. But the financial penalty can also take quite another form.
And here again, the Mafia connivance between the medical establishments and its
associates is very evident. The weapon is fiscal control.
The tax "man" suddenly shows up. Can you imagine a more effective means than that
of an audit? Resulting, as always, in a loss of time, energy and money for the
unfortunate victim.
It is such an effective weapon that the medical authorities have adopted it with
another slant. The health insurance companies" check" doctors' past billings. The fate
of the victims is then placed in the hands of a committee which arbitrarily sanctions the
terms of the reprimand and the amount to be repaid. It is often too expensive to appeal
the decision before the courts as the victims have to pay their lawyers from their own
pockets, unlike the authorities who use our tax money to do so.


For those who have not yet" cried uncle", there are other more drastic means in store.
Their laboratories, or their research funds, are taken away.
Such was the case of Duesberg, an American doctor and eminent researcher in
immunology, for having stated, and for continuiny tu uu ~u tu this day, that the HIV
virus is not responsible for AIDS.
And as if that wasn't enough, their laboratories and products are destroyed. The sale
of their remedies or equipment is forbidden, by having them declared as illegal.

This was the case with Rife, a biologist who invented a piece of equipment to treat
cancer, and who refused to band over a financial share in the discovery to the then
president of the American Medical Association. In response to that refusal, the latter
forbade all doctors from using this marvelous invention. If they did so, they would lose
their right to practice.

-f j Putting it to death.
W Alive or dead, the quarry has been bagged. It can no longer be a nuisance to the
interests of the multinationals. In general, by this time, it is totally exhausted. If not,
it will be given the coup de grace. The authorities will stop at nothing to hammer the
insubordinate into submission. Remember, these are the same authorities that killed
thousands during the Opium Wars in order to ensure the sale of their drug. Today,
it is still a question of drug sales. Even if they are legalized, they are no less deadly.
And they are still very profitable.


¥' those who only wish us well are condemned as charlatans.
¥' the real charlatans, the mafiosi of health, enjoy their freedom and
privi leges.
¥' the lack of concern on the part of patients, doctors, journalists, jurists
kills us and impoverishes us all.


_ l 'Pll(itic5
ill 'HCLl{]lhjl

ill 'Medidlll' - - 'Tllc SuppreSSil11l

till' sllppressill )1 &-- 'MaJi i~;l; 1~1tillJ1 of
llf Lllt~·;-JldtiWS. 'flmcric(]'11 'MtJiciJlc.
- J amcs Cartcr - Daniel Haley
T~e story of t~e [at and t~e Mouse
Recently, I was reading about James Carter, M.D., Dr. P.H., who had exposed details of this
situation in his book entitled Racketeering in Medicine - The suppression of alternatives.
Despite the horror stories that he described in his book, I couldn't help but smile.
It reminded me of my childhood when the family cat would stalk and catch a mouse and
then eat it in front of my grandmother. My poor grandmother just couldn't stand it. She found
the scene simply horrific and would always shudder. Much to the amusement of us children.
The cat chases the mice, catches them, plays with them for as long as it amuses it, and
then invariably ends up eating it. It is exactly the same scenario in medicine. The cat always
wins. The mouse always loses. It is medical terrorism on the part of the cat. Perhaps it is time
that we changed the story.
Shortly after reading Carter's book, a group of practitioners invited me to speak to them
about fear. Notably the fear of harassment and of reprisals by the medical authorities against
practitioners of holistic medicine. My story of the cat and the mouse came back to me. I related
it to them and, together, we set out in search of creative solutions to put an end to the despotic
ru Ie of the cat.


Q. WHO are the mice?

A. Every doctor, therapist, healer, or healthcare worker who practices a medicine other than
the scientific medicine sanctioned by the authorities.

Q. WHO is the cat?

A. Scientific medicine. Carter calls it "organized medicine". Would this be that organized by
the Medical Mafia? He calls it the medico-pharmaceutico-industrial complex, which he
defines as a "vast mosaic of special interest groups which exercise a disproportionate
influence to maximize profit and perpetuate the status quo in the fields of
medicine." It is precisely the Medical Mafia.
Q. WHY does the cat eat the mice?
Because it is hungry? Because of voracity? Because they taste good? Becc~3-:- -::-:-
is all they know?
If it is because of hunger, let's simply feed it.
If it is because of the taste, let's simply manufacture synthetic mice that smell and tas:~
just like the real thing.
If it is because it doesn't know any better, let's educate it.
A. It is voracity. The eat's insatiable need for power, money and prestige, constantly
commands it to eat mice. It is power crazy.

Q. HOW MANY mice can a cat eat at once?

One at a time? Several? All at once?
If it is one at a time, let's choose the toughest.
If it is several at a time, let's give it indigestion.
A. One at a time. Two at the most. It derives just as much pleasure from torturing the
mouse as it does from eating it. It is in no hurry to end the torture. That is part of the
fun of it. It also instills fear in the other mice to keep the others in line. Each mouse
tries to be as discreet and invisible as possible so as not to draw the attention to itself
and end up as the next snack.

Q. HOW can the cat succeed in eating all the mice?

A. The cat is intelligent and lazy. It is therefore cunning. It knows how to divide and
conquer. It has learned that if it is going to dispose of all the
mice, then it must do so progressively, let them fight among each
other, and then simply finish off those who are left over.
The really big ones.
- It gets all the big mice (medical experts, specialists, professors)
on its side and gives them privileges, power and prestige, to
dispose of the smaller mice. The poor things don't realize that
one day they too will just be another snack.

- It manages and controls the medium-sized ones (doctors)

by giving them advantages that other mice do not have. Better
hours, better meals, better living conditions, better terms, better
insurance. They are very afraid of the big mice and so they obey.
The poor things do not realize that they too are on the menu!

- It leaves the little mice (therapists) to their fate and the greed of
the other mice. It encourages the medium-sized mice to invade their
territory, pick from their dish, and take the food from their mouths.
Whatever their size, the mice don't realize that all will be eaten, sooner
or later. They do not see the cat's strategy and they fall into its trap.
Faced with the threat of imminent extinction, the mice band together and draw up a
strategy of survival.

1. STOP BEING AFRAID. Fear paralyses the conscience and prevents the mice from seeing
what is actually happening, from thinking and acting. It is the worst adviser of all. The
mice must always remember that cats that use fear are the very ones that are most
vulnerable to fear.

2. RID THE CAT OF ITS APPETITE FOR MICE. Steps that make eating mice a most unpleasant
experience include:
- Attack the cat with an army of mice ready to bite on all sides whenever it begins to
threaten any mouse. In order to achieve this, the mice must stop waging war among
themselves, become organized, draw up their plans in advance, and stick together no
matter what happens. They must be ready to intervene in strength at the very first
sign of aggression.
- Give the cat indigestion. Put pressure upon it from all sides. From citizen's
committees for freedom of choice in terms of therapies, newspapers, other doctors,
politicians, lawyers. Everyone should be made to understand why the mice are
savagely attacked. And why the cat must be stopped.
- Make sure that eating mice leaves a very bad taste in the cat's mouth. The cat
always uses intimidation and makes the mice feel ashamed so as to weaken them
before it strikes. If that is to stop, the mice must turn the tables. They must denounce
in a loud and clear voice the abusive power of the cat.
- The mice must make it known publicly that only they serve the truth and freedom
of choice while the cat serves a system that is entirely based on secrecy. That 80% to
90% of the so-called "scientific" medicine imposed by the cat is not scientific at all.
The mice must also show that what the cat is doing goes against all scientific
principles and is harming patients.

3. HOLD THE CAT AT BAY. Team up and make an alliance with a large watch-dog
(the media). Work closely together. By informing it of the cat's antics, it can alert
the public of the danger. The cat will never dare indiscriminately attack a mouse again
in the presence of a dog with teeth.

The mice put up such a co-ordinated and effective defense that they beat the cat.
The cat leaves home. The mice throw a great party and celebrate. They have won the battle.
But, unfortunately, not the war.
The very next day, however, another cat shows up. Even more fierce than the one that has
just left. Only then do the mice realize that cats are in the pay of an invisible master. They also
realize that fighting is not the solution.

For several days, the mice scamper about the house searching in vain. They do not find
whoever is responsible for giving the cats their orders. He remains hidden away in his
headquarters somewhere else in the world. He is unreachable. He is a member of a worldwide
organization dedicated to the extermination of mice.
Suddpnly, i'l mOII~p cries out. It has just found (l bound and gagged lady in a closet. The mice
all rush and free her. They ask her: "Who are you ?", lithe mistress of the house", she replies.
The mice tell her of their misfortune. She listens to them attentively and comes to
understand that they, and she herself, have been victimized by the same invisible impostor.
He had imprisoned her, passing himself off as the master of the house. And in this way, he was
able to establish his rule. And create war and disorder in the very heart of the home.
She explained to the mice that her name was" Patient". And that she was the sovereign
of the house. Now that she was free, she would reassume the control that she once had and
re-establish order. And so she did.
The mice came to understand that only the "Patient" had the power to re-establish order.
And from now on, they would work together to protect forever" her" sovereignty. And order
and peace returned to the household. From that day on, all lived in peace and harmony under
the very same roof.


The first lesson to be learned is that patients are the true sovereigns of the health system.
Only they have the power to remedy it. Not doctors and certainly not government.
The second lesson is that the false and bogus masters of the medical system are hidden
far away from us. These are the inaccessible world bankers who control through their go-
betweens, the authorities do their beckoning.
The third lesson is that the authorities are afraid of journalists and that journalists are
looking for true and valid information and news. Let us give it to them. The authorities get away
with any lies they wish to plant with the media. Journalists will not know the truth if we do not
give it to them. Let us establish close and permanent ties with journalists in all facets of the
media, both print and electronic.
The fourth lesson is that practitioners should stick together. There should be no hierarchal
distinction between surgeons, specialists and general practitioners. Also between doctors
and non-doctors, either working in hospitals or anywhere else. Let us replace competition
by collaboration. And let us stop stealing from one another's plate. Particularly when one already
has more than one's fair share.
The fifth lesson is that only love of me can lead to peace and life. Any kind of battle,
whether offensive or counter-offensive, automatically leads to war and inevitable death.
Let us end our submission to fear and exercise our individual, all-powerful sovereignty of
Love and prosperity.
Power OVER. Power OF
Power is the fact of being able to. That is to say of HAVING the ability, the right, the
strength to act. TO BE in a state of, TO BE capable of, to have the faculty, the possibility of doing.

Power may be exercised over others:

- It is the power OVER their destiny
- It is HAVING power over others
- It is dominating and exploiting
- It is a win-lose game.

The power OVER is based on illusion. Those who play it are like those who play
"Monopoly". But around a board that is on a world scale. And they forget that it is nothing
more than just a game. That the pieces, houses, hotels, dice and money are nothing more than
an illusion. They fight all out, to the death as it were, just to win. Just for the sake of winning,
for the money is not real. Their power OVER others is dependent upon others whom they must
control in order for they themselves to be powerful. They know only victory and defeat.
Sooner or later, they will succumb to the game.

Power may be exercised over oneself:

- It is the power OF one's destiny
- It is the power of BEING oneself.
- It is creating equality and equity.
- It is a win-win game in which everyone comes out a winner.

The power OF is based on reality. It is innate. Everyone has it. Everyone is a winner. It does
not depend upon others. It is sovereign. All-powerful. Eternal. It is of divine nature.

The authorities: person or persons exerCising power or command.

Power: ability to do or act; capability of doing or effecting something.

Sovereignty: supreme authority; possessing supreme dominion or

jurisdiction; free of outside influence or control.
Authority: power or right to command or act; control.

Autonomy: self-government; independance.

To empower: to authorize; to warrant; to licence.

Self-empowerment: development of individual inner power.

Power established by the privileged Power that is inherent to each
to maintain their privileges individual to realize their destiny

patriachal Mother-Nature

established innate

outside oneself inside oneself

relative absolute

limited iIIimited

human universal-cosmic-divine

rights established by man divine Universal Right

acquired by legality based on legitimacy

the laws of man Universal laws

imposed by fear realized voluntarily

taught by obedience promoted by dignity

leads to dependence leads to autonomy

encourages irresponsibility, favors responsibility,

domination and possession helps others and shares

SUBMISSION to authorities SOVEREIGNTY of the individual

it is slavery it is freedom

ESTABLISHED (dis)order NATURAL order

war peace

Being Power Crazy: t~e [antral Syndrome
Once again, I am going to make an abstraction from our normal
way of thinking and walk in the shoes of those in power. For us,
power means the ability to do something. To accomplish a task.
To overcome a challenge. That is the POWER OF.
For th(l Godfather, power consists of controlling others,
imposing his law, and dominating them. That is the POWER
OVER. In order to achieve this, he must have more money
than the others. He must always have the advantage.
The edge. He will never have enough because someone
may always have more than he does. In order to keep
potential rivals in line and under his control, he will give them control over others. And they, in
turn, will do the same to others. This is the pyramid of power. Everyone strives to reach the next
rung of the ladder and, in doing so, have the greatest possible power over others. Those who are
still climbing. It is an insatiable game. It is crazy. It is being power crazy.
People who ar(l afflicted with this sickness are insecure. They hide their insecurity
by exercising control over others. The more they are insecure, the more
despotiC, the more tyrannical, they become. The higher they climb on the
Contro( or be
ladder of power, the more dissatisfied they become. They spend half of
their life accumulating money and power. And the rest hanging on to it.
Protecting it, so as not to lose it. What a miserable way to live!
" Such people know only war. Control or be controlled. Win or lose. Of the two options,
their choice is understandable. They always want to win. And to win more and more.
If they are to achieve this, they must always control. More and more people. It is a
vicious circle. Whenever one plays the role of torturer one day, one cannot forget that
one will be a victim the next. The two roles alternate.
" Such people do not know peace. Paradise on earth for all. They don't even know that it
exists. They are prisoners of their thoughts and of their fears. They cannot even peek
through the gate of their prison to see the shining fight behind. They have submitted
to fear and are prisoners of it.
Anyone who lives in submission of fear and of preconceived ideas is like them. Anyone who
believes in elitism is like them. In maintaining the social hierarchy. And in preserving the concept
of domination and exploitation.
We are all sometimes, in our own way, controllers or someone who is controlled. We are all
torturers or victims. The only thing that differentiates us from them is our degree of craziness.
They believe that they have power over us. We believe that they have power over us. We are
both crazy. They because they are prepared to sell their family, their children, their loved ones,
their soul, to win the game. And we because we dedicate all our energy to defending ourselves
against them. Whether attacking, or defending, it is game of war. And a deadly one at that!

Are we all crazy without knowing it? And could those who are said to be
crazy because they refuse to join our craziness really be sane?
Medical (ontrol
The same hierarchy of craziness rules the medical field. Government has usurped the power
of patients in promising them security. The patients believed it and have entrusted their money
to government not knowing that it would be given to industry. This is a very poor beginning.
How do we get out of the trap?

• Of the patriarchal, social hierarchy in which we live. It is a system that is supported and
maintained by a minority in order to control the majority by making us argue and fight
among ourselves. "Divide and conquer!" Stop being used like this. Let us replace
competition with collaboration.
" That by giving up our financial power (for our security) and our medical power (for our
protection), we lose our rights. Our supreme power. Nobody has the right to decide
for us. Let us replace submission to the" authorities" with our sovereignty as
clients and employers .
., Of our non-caring attitude and of our inertia (transfer of
responsibilities) when confronting everyday problems that have To d~l/)l inate is
allowed the authorities to wedge themselves between doctors to accept to be
and their clients. We are all responsible for ensuring that the
system works well and that it is accessible to all. Let us replace
irresponsibility with responsibility.
.. That uncertainty drives us even further apart and gives rise to poverty and violence. Let us
replace possession with sharing .
.. That elitism is an exploitation tool of the privileged that serves to let them control the
majority. Let us replace our so-called leaders with our own inner power, our
• That any law, whatever it may be, is an infringement on our freedom. Everyone is born
sovereign with all inherent rights. It is the unlimited IcgitimLlcy of Universal Rights. The
privileged have created legality, their own law, which they impose upon us to eliminate
our legitimacy. Let us replace legality with legitimacy.
• That silence is golden only for the authorities who exploit it, and us, with our tacit
consent. Let us replace that silence with our voices.
• That secrecy, whether it be professional, diplomatic or political and exercised by services,
lodges, associations, or sects, is the hiding place of truth. Tolerating it is to lie. Let us
replace the secrecy with openness .
.. That giving priority to titles is belittling the human values of respect, sharing, helping one
another, and creativity. Let us replace appearances with essence .
., That fear is the death of conscience. Letting it kill us is to accept that someone else, who
makes us afraid, controls our destiny. Let us replace fear with willpower.
.. That in negating the sovereignty of the clients and in abusing our authority as doctors, we
deny our own sovereignty and accept the authority of another over us. Let us replace
the power OVER with the power OF.
Rig~ting t~e System
The dispossession of the power of patients and doctors is achieved thanks to an all-
powerful hoax. Namely, so-called" scientific" medicine. The righting of the system consists of:


From the very moment that patients take back their power and exercise their sovereignty
and decisional power, they take back control of their money and health. They stop feeding the
system of sickness, "scientific" medicine. For lack of food, the system dies. It disappears of its
own accord. Without money, there is no longer a system. Can you imagine civil servants
continuing to work without being paid?
No bloodshed. No revolution. But rather a change of power achieved quietly and calmly.
Noblesse oblige!
This first step is fundamf'ntal ilnd has never been done. All sorts of beautiful projects in the
past failed because the first step was omitted. Only someone who is sovereign can exercise his
power without being dominated and exploited.


4 patient 4

As soon as patients exercise their sovereignty as clients and employers, the authorities
disappear. Both they and their established system. There is no longer any reason for them to exist.


Plugging the breach between patient and doctor, a breach which has allowed the
authorities to infiltrate between the two. This means that doctors must also become aware
of the illusion of "scientific" medicine and see it for what it really i~. In addition, they must
recognize the true sovereign of the medical system, the all-powerful patients, and put their skills
at their service, their clients, their employers.
This second step is achieved automatically, once the first step is concluded. Because people
who are equal always understand each other and get along. As nobody is trying to dominate the
other. A win-win partnership is born.
STOPPING t~e Social Hierarc~y
Based on inequality and inequity, the social hierarchy is man-made.
It is a creation by human beings designed to exploit human beings.
It is a creation by the privileged to maintain their privileges.
They take for themselves the usurped rights of individuals and
parcel them out. Some to the next less-privileged along
the chain who, in turn, part some on to others who are
even less-privileged. And so on and so on. That is how
the hierarchy is created.
This authority exists only because we believe in it.
It is nothing more than an illusion. What authority do we have
over someone who does not wish to obey? None. We can always beat them, even kill them.
But they will only obey if they decide to. We have only the authority that others wish to give us.
Let us stop playing this game of power OVER others and apply ourselves to acquiring the power OF.


Let us regain our rightful place in the social hierarchy. If we have
'Autlilwity is
lost it, and we have for centuries, it is because we ourselves have let it
.f~lY tlioSe wlio
be taken from us. We have believed that others could heal us better
t;clicw ill it.
than ourselves. That they were better equipped to make decisions for
us than we were ourselves. That they were more competent than we
are ourselves.
Medicine is first and foremost an affair of the heart. Who better than we to decide that
which suits us best? In any case, it is our health and it is we who will live the results of our
choice. Better that we make that choice ourselves. If we accept to have our child vaccinated
because the doctor says we should, and if our child becomes paralyzed as a result, it is not the
doctor who is going to come and take care of him or her every day. It is we who will have to
do that. If we are going to have to suffer the consequences of a decision, let it be ours. The soul
of the medical system, the essence, the reason for being, is ourselves. Let us be aware of this
and act accordingly.
We are going to run into resistance, particularly on the part of those who have been sitting
on the thrones that we should have been occupying for all these years. We should always
remember that the last thing the privileged are going to give up are their privileges.
They will feel very threatened and will try to intimidate us and make us afraid. We should only
listen to what our heart tells us. We will not go wrong. Let us begin by practicing it today.
Let us no longer give our doctor the title "Doctor". Let us address him or her as we would
address someone who is at our service. Mr. or Mrs. XYZ. Or even by their first name. Whatever
we think best. And stop letting ourselves be called patients. We are clients of a counselor whose
services we have retained and whom we pay from our own pocket. If we act in such a manner,
we will be recognized accordingly. Doctors are not imbeciles. When they see that they are losing
clients, they will adjust. It is we the clients, therefore, who must take the initiative and educate
our doctors. If they are too stubborn and thick headed, go ahead and see another who is more

20 01
IN me:- SAMe:- WAY mAT C-1t1L.-PR£N
U/vun:. nt~R PAR£NTS
Wlte:-N me:-y AR£- 0rRDWIN0r vp:
C-L.-I~TS U/vU"flS. nt~R. POC-TOR.S.


Ever since we began studying medicine, we have been taught to
believe in us, our superiority over patients. Let us realize that if the o.ff the Pedesta{
authorities have given us power over others, it is their way of having - Michael Greenberg

power over us. We all lose in this game.

"Let us come down from our pedestal", urges our colleague Michael Greenberg in his
marvelous book entitled Off the Pedestal.
As long as we maintain a hierarchal rift among doctors, between doctors and patients,
between doctors and hospital personnel, between doctors and nurses, between doctors and
therapists, we will also be victims of this hierarchy. To play an authoritative role
is to accept the authority of someone else over oneself.
We should remember that our patients can live without us. But we cannot live without
them. Let us recognize that and let us tell it to them. Let us call them our employers. Let us use
all our talent to help them. Even if we do not always agree with their opinions. Let us admit that
their opinion is just as valid as ours. Have we never been wrong? After all, it is really a matter of
their health, not ours.
Let us recognize our limitations and learn more about alternatives to conventional
treatments. Always with an open mind. In doing so, we will be able to offer a better range of
solutions to our patients for their well-being.
Let us realize our helplessness in the face of the health system in which we operate.
Let us share our fears and our concerns with patients. Let us realize that it is they who can free
us from our golden prison. Only our lack of confidence and insecurity makes us act with
authority. Let us not fear our patients. They are just as worried as we are. Let us make them our
accomplices, our partners, rather than our adversaries. We will both be winners in the process.
Starting today, let us remove our masks and drop our facades. Let us become the
uncomplicated people that we once were when we chose a profession of helping and devotion.
Let us call ourselves by our names, without hiding behind the title. Let us also call our patients
by their true name, our employers.
T~e Rut~Drities: an Unnecessary Evil

Like a broken record,

we keep repeating that
"Government is a necessary
evil". And we believe it. We are
so molded by the patriarchal
system based on hierarchy and the
leadership of the elite that we find it
difficult to believe otherwise. We are
afraid of disorder, abuse, anarchy.
Are we so irresponsible, so uncertain, and
so incapable, that we must always have someone
else judging us and directing our lives? And
punishing us whenever they wish just like children?
Even children do not need to be scolded or punished after
a while. They begin to practice self-discipline. Why should it
be any different with us adults?
Who are these people who purport to be our superiors? What
gives them the right to call themselves authorities and appoint
others to decide for us that which is good for us? Nobody. Absolutely
nobody has the right to decide for us, nor judge us. We should not let
anyone usurp our fundamental right of managing our own lives and our
freedom to choose. Nobody. We allow people to usurp our power because we
believe that we are unequal and that some people have more worth than others.
By putting our individual authority in the hands of others (power OVER) we
have created the governmental monstrosities that we must deal with today, where
techno-crats who know only statistics and doctrines make all decisions regarding our
health. We could not do worse than that. And they know it. In order to preserve their power,
they cause us to argue among ourselves. They are not lacking in imagination!
And we dance to their tune without ever saying a word. While we are so busy arguing
among ourselves, they continue to play with our health and our money. And we suffer in silence.
And we foot the bill.
Health insurances (public or private) insure the practitioner's
security, in order for them to get paid - and the patient's security, in order
for them to get services. This is how we yield to technocrats the power
(or responsibility) of managing our money.
Can having our health money managed by a technocrat be any better
than how we could do it ourselves? Who are they to tell us who, or what, is good and who,
or what, is not? We can do that. Moreover, we pay for the service.
There are good and bad professionals in every field, regardless of their degree of education.
Sure, there must be a minimum of study. But it is not in school that common sense is perfected.
It is up to us to check out a professional's qualifications when we consult him or her, or even
before. Then we can make up our own minds and trust our feelings and the comments of others
who have used their services.


The Medical Board (College of Physicians) is said to be for the
protection of the public. Yet each time that the public needs its services,
they run into a brick wall. Their file is passed from one committee to
another, so that the issue is often lost in paperwork. Or, it simply refuses to
give out information. It is because of these failings that different groups
have been created for patients with complaints. We have already seen this with vaccines. For
those who have been sexually abused, there are independent groups that put out brochures and
provide support committees. As for victims of plastic surgery, let's not even talk about that. The
scandal of breast implants has proven that the authorities have known of the dangers of such
implants for years. And yet they continued to authorize them.
Following the incompetence and ineffectiveness of the authorities to inform and protect us,
one woman took the initiative. She created an agency providing information on esthetic surgery
and those surgeons practicing it. It provides information on the types of surgery available, as
well as the results, good or bad, of those surgeons who are practicing it. The data bank is based
on the results of those operated on. Isn't that individual authority? It is a thousand times more
effective than what the established authorities can, or would even want to, offer us.
There are many examples to show that we can indeed do much better for our health and
our wallet than the authorities!
Another trap that we should beware of is that of being taken over by the medical
establishment. In France, for example, when it became impossible to forbid acupuncture and
homeopathy because they were so popular with patients, the Board/College had no choice but
to take them" under its wing". Since then, only doctors have the right to practice these
We are making the same mistake when we want the authorities to recognize midwives.
We should simply consult them and have them help us give birth at home. Period!


Employer-Employee Relations~ip
* The employer is the one who pays the salary of someone, either directly or indirectly.
The patient is the employer.
* The employee is the one who is paid for doing a job. The doctor is the employee.
We are the employers of the medical and political authorities. Yet our employees
make us call them "Doctor", "The Honourable", "Your Honor", "Your Majesty", and on and on ...
In addition, they:
- ordain respect for their status
- decide without consulting us
- spend without accounting
- steal our money against our will
- make laws to control us
- impose electronic systems to keep track of us
- train controllers to catch us
- pay judges to condemn us
- pay the police to punish us
- pay soldiers to subdue us
- set their own salaries, pay increases and pensions
- and on and on it goes ...

And all that with our money! We would never tolerate such behavior in our own company.
But we do it in the two biggest companies. Health and society.


Unfortunately, in medicine, as elsewhere, the employer is at the service of the employee.

The system is upside down! It is because we have abdicated our individual rights, our sovereignty,
that the authorities have taken it over.
I will never forget the face of a client who told me one day "Doctor, I am
sorry for taking up your time again, but I have another question to ask you."
And I said to her: "Madame, please continue to take up my time because,
if you don't, I will find myself on welfare." She looked at me flabbergasted.
After a few seconds of silence, she said: "But its true, you're right." To which
I replied "I know that it is true. Without you, I wouldn't have a job. It is you
who is allowing me to make a living."

The employer is at the service The employee is at the service
of the employee. of the employer.
Let Us Resume Our Real Roles
In practice, this means that the patient, the client, and the doctor resume their real
respective role of employer and employee.

The patients will take their rightful place, exercise their power, take back their
sovereignty. This means that we as clients:
.. Regain control of our money, never again doing business with intermediaries that are
imposed upon us, private or public insurance companies.
,. Pay cash without a receipt for services rendered.
,. Stop the electronic control of information by the authorities. Stop using any form of health
card. Keep our own data on our state of health, that is, keep our files with us.
,. Stop signing any form of document relating to consenting to treatment, confirming the
refusal of a treatment or of being vaccinated, etc. We alone are responsible for our
health. Nobody else is .
.. Ensure that all have access to healthcare, rich or poor. It is because of this lack
that government has promised security for all and has established
its control over health. Universality of healthcare, yes.
But by government, no.
@ Give donations at a local level. to those in need in
the community. Never give or bequeath money
to societies or other foundations for illnesses.
These bodies support the establishment and
are in the control of the Medical Mafia .
.. Change our own sense of values. Opt for sharing
instead of possessing. For helping others instead
of always thinking of ourselves .
.. Completely control the medical system, medical schools, hospitals, etc.
Organize medical conventions, and choose the subjects and the guests to be invited .
.. Take remedies that are locally made. And made by people whom we know. Also keep
a close eye on the intentions of the industry. Is it to provide a valid service or
solely to make a profit?

A major reputable manufacturer of homeopathic products has just been

bought out by a giant car manufacturer.
.. Follow a normal pregnancy, without automatically resorting to a doctor, echography, tests.
The experience of birth is a determining factor on the future psyche of the child. Giving
birth at home with the help of a midwife is much less traumatizing than the hospital

.. Take responsibility for our own health and for the cost that this entails. Declare ourselves
a sovereign person and hold ourselves totally responsible for whatever happens to us.


................................................... /

I aM a ~ove.Y"e.it0 pe.Y"~on,
divine. c.-Y"e.atoY" of M~ pa~t, M~ pY"e.~e.nt and M~ fvtvY"e..
I aM ~ole.l~ and wholl~ Y"e.~pon~ible. and ac.-c.-ovntable.
foY" e.ve.Y"~th; n5- that happe.n~ to Me.
ph~~ic.-all~, e.Motionall~, Me.ntall~ and ~piY"itvall~.

signature date

.. Stop taking legal actions. Become informed before consulting. Make a clear decision .

.. Realize that we have the cure in us and that we alone can cure ourselves .

.. Do not ask the practitioner for a prognosis of the illness. How the illness evolves depends
entirely upon us. We alone create our future.

© Change practitioners if we are not well served. And explain why.

.. Inform and educate our doctors and all medical personnel.

© Judge the quality of the office, reception, services, and let our feelings be known.

© Pay more for consultation than for treatment.

" Pay quickly and well, but never before having received a service.

iii Carefully screen and scrutinize any and all medical booklets talking about vaccination,
medications, etc.

,. Stop being duped by scaremongering in the media .

.. Take time to reflect and to listen to our conscience.

As doctors, we will reassume our rightful place and act as advisers. Come down from
the pedestal and begin serving our clients. This means that we, doctors:

.. No longer acts like gods or gurus, but as human beings equal in every way.
.. Take the time needed to listen to, and examine our clients and make a clinical diagnosis.
.. Charge more for the consultation than for the treatment or test.
.. Reduce work hours and adjust lifestyles accordingly.
.. Conduct ourselves in a professional manner, defend our opinions and stop practicing
defensive medicine .
.. Cancel our responsibility insurance and inform our clients that they alone are responsible .
.. Establish a reasonable hourly rate and make the terms of payment easier, if necessary
.. Practice a medicine of health and shun all tests or medications that are not absolutely
.. Respect the clients and treat them as we ourselves would wish to be treated .
.. Use common sense and compassion .
.. Stick to medicine and eliminate bureaucracy. Treat human beings and not files .
.. Respect the decisions of the clients and work with them in their choice of therapy,
even if it is not our own .
.. Put the well-being of clients before all else .
.. Never tolerate in silence any dangerous medicine being practiced by a colleague.
No more "omerta" - code of silence .
.. Do not make clients sign any document. There must be complete confidence. The clients
must know that they alone are responsible for their health and the decisions they make .
.. Become more open-minded and learn more about alternative medicines, as well as
collaborating with therapists, midwives, and healers as equals .
.. Learn more about medicine in books written by non-doctors so as to obtain information
that is not controlled by the medical establishment.
.. Never again accept a single favor, regardless of what it is, from the industry, particularly
the pharmaceutical industry. Realize that even research that is subsidized by the
industry in unacceptable. And that is not even talking about conventions, magazines,
newspapers, perks, apprenticeships, trips, etc.
.. Stop paying membership fees to the authorities, such as Collegio, Insurancio, and Associo.
Stop belonging to associations and cancel subscriptions to medical magazines.
.. Become involved in society, in neighborhood activities. Become part of the community.

111 Drop prejudices. Clients are not" difficult", they are simply worried. They only need to be
comforted and reassured.

As a rule, clients who at first seem to be difficult end up being the best
partners I remember one who had come a long way to see me after having
consulted several doctors, none of whom she was pleased with. As she entered
my office, she took a notebook from her purse. It contained several pages of
questions. I had already seen others with their list of questions. What I had
never seen, however was blank space immediately following the question, so that they
could write down the answers. Right away, I knew why she had not gotten along with all
the other doctors she had visited. I therefore decided to remain calm and not lose my
patience. I replied to all the questions and waited while she wrote the answer to every
one. That took some time, as you can imagine. But it was the best lesson of my life,
because there seemed to be such a feeling of confidence and complicity between us,
that all the subsequent treatments went as smooth as silk. To the satisfaction of us both.
I learned that day how important it was to respect her concerns and wishes, and her way
of proceeding.

111 Welcome clients into a nice but not ostentatious office with an open reception area and
friendly reception. Just imagine how you feel when you must knock on a little window,
which is opened by someone who obviously wishes they were somewhere else, and
which is then closed again. Just like in a prison.
111 Visit clients at home. Spend some time with them. You will find answers to lots of their
'" Stop feeling elitist. Remember that having authority over someone
is to accept that someone has authority over us.
tl' aCCt:pt tl' !7C
'" Do not look upon clients as adversaries, but as partners.
'" Establish a pool of money for those who do not have the means
to pay. And encourage those who are better off to participate. Contribute your time.
'" Say "thank you" for the confidence that a client has placed in you .
.. Write the medical file, simplified to the maximum, so that the client can read and
understand it.
'" Give the clients their diagnosis and hand over the files to them.
111 Never vaccinate again without putting the client fully in the picture.
'" Do not prescribe medication about which you know nothing.

Legal Rctions on Trial
Legal actions are crimes of lese-majeste. They deprive and constrain
the rights of a person to their very core. Let me explain. Lese-mCl:feste
A sovereign is the person who holds the supreme power of decision.
A sovereign is the supreme judge. Yet a legal action consists of asking tel undermine
someone else to assume that role of judge and decide in their place. tlie mCl:iesty of
Therefore, anyone who launches a legal action renounces their sovereign trte sovereiBH
status, their fundamental right of being the supreme judge.
The goal of a legal action is to take money from someone by force. Against his or her wish.
Rather than assume responsibility for whatever happens to us, we blast off against someone
else, making them the guilty party and making them pay for our problems.
A legal action is legalized violence. The very same justice imposes the right of the
stronger. It dispossesses individuals of their legitimate rights. It is based on a spirit of vengeance.
It is revenge of the oppressed against the oppressor. Of the exploited against the exploiter.
Of the dominated against the dominant. And the dominant, in the case of the patient-doctor
relationship, is the doctor. Hardly surprising that the patient seeks revenge against the violence
of domination/exploitation by responding with violence. In this case, a legal action.
A trial is a game of football with two players on the field. The lawyers and a referee,
the judge, who decides the fate of the patient by applying the rules of the game. Rules that
have been established by the authorities and which have nothing to do with justice. In this
macabre game, the patients are the indispensable object. The ball. Attacker and defender
(the one who initiated the case and the one who is charged) are sometimes kicked in every
direction so that the lawyers can earn their living playing the game. And it is we who pay for
the admission fee.
Yet, money never brings back health, and vengeance makes it worse. Therefore, the only way
to be cured is to take responsibility (and that does not mean guilt) for our acts and for whatever
happens to us. And to make an ally of our misfortunes.


Officially, the patient.

In practice, everybody, except the patient.

1. lawyers who charge exorbitant professional fees, plus various costs related to specific
areas of expertise, without counting the fact that they often take a percentage of the
damages awarded by the court.
2. Insurance companies which make cases drag on for years so that the patient becomes
worn out, discouraged, and gives up on a claim, or settles for very little. They also forbid
doctors from doing anything that might bring their innocence into question. Failure to
do so will mean that their insurance company will cancel their policies. There are many
doctors who would have made fair reparations or paid reasonable damages, if they
had not had lawyers and insurance companies come between them and their patients.
When a lawyer opens a file, it is war. Just as doctors know only illness, lawyers know
only litigation.
Better still, in order to keep the industry's mind at peace, as well as that of its
accomplices, and allow them to continue their crimes without a worry in the world,
the authorities have created" compensation funds" for automatic payment to future
victims. Such is the case with vaccines.
Today, French and Canadian hemophiliacs, who became seropositive following a
contaminated blood transfusion, are still impatiently waiting for their compensation.
However, they have to realize that:
- They are not ill. Because seropositive does not mean AIDS. People who are seropositive
are not ill. Unless they take AZl
- In order to camouflage an enormous political scandal, they are being" paid off".
They are protecting the giant financial interests of those engaged in the world-wide
business of blood.
- They are in effect stealing from their fellow-citizens. I was even told by one French
doctor that some of them, upon the advice of their lawyer, stopped receiving treatments
that would otherwise have so improved their health that they would not be eligible
for compensation.

3, Industry, which makes us pay for its mistakes. When there are so many legal actions
being taken out that the company could face bankruptcy and the government was
party to the hoax, the claimants are brought together in a "class action". They are
led to believe that there is strength in numbers, also that it will not cost them so much
as they can share the legal fees. It is an illusion. It merely results in an agreement
settlement for the victims paid by the government. In other words, it is we who pay,
with our taxes, for the criminal "mistakes made by manufacturers and their
accomplices in authority". The silence of claimants is bought with their own money
as taxpayers.

4. The authorities, medical and non-medical, who are delighted to see us arguing among
ourselves as patients and doctors. Divide and conquer, such is their tool of domination.
While we devote all our energy to fighting among ourselves, they do whatever they
want. And in their own interests. Understandably, the authorities do nothing to stop
this plague of legal actions in the field of medicine. On the contrary. They encourage it.

Officially, the doctor. In practice, all patients.
1. The patients who win money are not satisfied. They must spend months, and.,:"'O
often years, of waiting and frustration of all kinds before having their day in cOurt. -'O'~
they will realize that it is only a pretext for a chess game. The outcome will be decloe:
of its own accord. Whether it be right or wrong. If patients in a legal action do not ge:
as far as the court, it is because lawyers, theirs and those of the insurance company,
will have arrived at a settlement and will have strongly urged them to accept it. Money
doesn't buy happiness. And victory does not rectify the mistakes.
I was called as an expert witness on behalf a patient who had been seriously injured by
a medical treatment. The judicial process dragged on so long that, her husband left her,
and she had no means of supporting herself because she could no longer work nor had
she yet received any compensation. I learned one day that she had committed suicide.
2. The doctors being prosecuted are, first and foremost, the big losers. Some live a
nightmare which runs the full gamut. A feeling of defeat in the eyes of their peers.
A feeling of being rejected by their patients. The fear of being reprimanded by
the authorities, distrusted by their fellow-doctors and being financially ruined by
the lawyers. They are ashamed. They don't sleep. Their situation also nourishes hatred
against those they believe to be responsible for their misfortune. The lawyers. The
patients. They then protect themselves by practicing defensive medicine. They will
compensate by increasing their professional fees in proportion to the new insurance
premiums that they will have to pay. And who do you think will pay this new bill?
3. All patients are the big losers in a legal action, on all fronts. Medical, financial, and moral.
® On the medical level, they are served defensive medicine. They are treated as illnesses

and not as sick people. The doctors no longer take any initiative for fear of being put on
trial. They no longer treat patients, but files.
Because, on these files will focus the attention in a legal action. Since only that which is
written counts, that's one rule of the legal game, doctors are going to fill out a lot of
paper. And as only tests are credible, that's also a rule of the medical game, doctors are
going to order a lot of tests. They do so simply because they are afraid of being accused
of not having done enough. Tests substitute for comprehensive medical examinations.
Silence for dialogue. Figures for common sense. Suspicion for complicity. That is what
we, as patients, reap from our legal actions.
® On the moral level, we act like victims. Incapable of taking charge of our lives and
how we live them. We become passive and obedient.
® On the financ'lal level, we pay needlessly for an excess'lve number of tests, V'IS'ltS,

medications, hospitalizations that are not necessary. The big winners, at the end of
the line, are the technological, pharmaceutical and other industries. It is therefore easy
to understand why the authorities are in favor of maintaining legal actions.
Always remember that each time that we give our power to someone other than
ourselves, we are victims, irrespective of whether we are the patient or the doctor.
So W~at Rre We to Do?
First of all, take your own reciprocal responsibilities.
Then, create a client-doctor partnership.
Once the system is back on its feet we can be assured that it will never be turned upside-
down again. Let us replace the gap that exits between patient and practicioner with a close
relationship. Let us rid ourselves of the intermediaries who separate us.


The PATIENT takes responsibility for his HEALTH. T:'fle~l1/~/ rear
When it comes to choosing a practitioner, let's trust the justness of
is l11lcsclf
our intuition more than the number of his diplomas. Let's listen to our
body first, before we consult for a diagnosis. Like Susun Weed, always start
with treatment zero: do nothing.
The PRACTITIONER takes responsibility for his PRACTICE.
Let's stop practicing" defensive medicine", and heal our great fear of the authorities and
their controlling institutions. We do not need any protection, whatsoever. We are not children
anymore. We are adults, sovereign and fully responsible for our professional practice. We owe
obedience to our conscience only.


,]t's ~/"lLJ r fica/th,
The PATIENT puts an end to all forms of HEALTH CARE INSURANCE. Sll take clim;cJC
Should they be public or private, they consist in creating illness and - Centre for self-
investing in it. Let's take back control over our money and thus the capacity governance
to create wellness and invest in it.
We consult practitioners who have already given up their own insurances: malpractice and
health care program participation. We check it out before we make the appointment. We also
clearly establish what our expectations and needs are. And we ask for a precise scale of his fees.
We inform the practitioner that we have no insurance plan; that we pay" cash"; that we hold
ourselves fully responsible for our health.
The patient has become a free patient.

The PRACTITIONER puts an end to all forms of LIABILITY INSURANCE.

He does not take responsibility for the patient's health. No more than for any consequence
for any treatment. And he drops his fees accordingly. He does not have to know everything and
he can make mistakes. He is not a savior, but a human being. He treats the patient the way he
would like to be treated. He provides the patient with ALL the available information and the
possible options and he "facilitates" the patient's decision-making process.
The practitioner also stops all forms of health-care program participation.
The practitioner has become a free practitioner.

Our patient-practitioner" couple" relationship is the external manifestation of our inner

soul-body" couple" relationship. Inner peace ONLY can bring external peace.

The cure, or healing, is the complete and definitive disappearance of the illness. To cure
implies eliminating sickness everywhere and forever. That is to say curing
- the cause of the illness: submission, and replacing it with sovereignty,
- the tool of the illness: the hierarchal pyramid of domination and exploitation.
Healing follows the evolution of one's consciousness of power.

OVER The letting go of the two illusions: security i $1 and protection IT'I·
The patient-doctor partnership leads to the crumbling of the illusory
pyramid of power of some OVER the others. Indeed, this pyramid is like
a house of cards. Take away a single card, and it will collapse. Take away
a single block of the pyramid, and it will come toppling down. Take away
a single level of domination, and the social hierarchy is no more.
Collective submission comes to an end.

The crumbling of the illusion generates a consciousness of reality:

individual sovereignty and its power OF, inner power.

WITH Whenever two people who are sovereign come into contact with one
another, there is fusion, reSUlting in a sphere of power of one with the
others. That is universal solidarity.

power power power

exterior interior universal

Medical Solidarity
Medical solidarity is the concrete result of the successive fusion of four groups of the
medical system. It is accomplished in three steps.


The sovereign patient initiates the first fusion, the patient-doctor partnership. The doctors
cannot prevent it, whether they wish to or not.


" The doctor-services fusion
The doctors initiate the second fusion, the doctors-Iaboratories-hospitals-clinics-
pharmacies partnership. In order to achieve this, the doctors will have first fused with
therapists and healers. The doctors will also have come together among themselves.
In other words, they will have eliminated their medical hierarchy of surgeons,
specialists, and general practitioners.
" The services-industry fusion
The services initiate the third fusion, the services-industry partnership. In order to
achieve this, the services will have fused together by having replaced competition
with collaboration. Industry follows their example.


All the members of the medical system are working together, on an equal footing, for good
health and the prosperity of all. Patients and those who look after their medical interests, it is
the fusion of the bodies and the soul of the medical system. The medical system is definitively
healed and cured.

Patient-Doctor Successive fusions

/----- \

Patient-Doctor Medical
pa rtnershi p solid a rity

Universal Solidarity
A partnership, whether it encompasses two or a thousand people, demands that each of the
individuals involved recognize his or her own sovereignty and that of others. The power games
of some OVER others is automatically eliminated. Everyone is equal. Domination, exploitation,
possession, are finished.


One can see how the fusion of two blocks of the pyramid gives rise to the progressive
fusion of other blocks of the pyramid and the collapse of the entire pyramid.
1. Sovereign patients recognize the sovereignty of their partners in life and of their
children. The conjugal and family partnership replaces the power games between
the parents and the parental authority over the children. The same type of relationships
are established at work and at school. And the fusion grows.
2. Sovereign doctors recognize the sovereignty of patients, other doctors, specialists
and general practitioners, therapists using alternative medicines, healers, nurses,
and everyone involved in health. Partnerships mUltiply at all levels. Doctors recognize
that everyone is equal to them, regardless of whether or not they have a diploma.
All have the same importance and right to the same considerations. The same types
of relationships are established in the home, with neighbours, and in the community
and the fusion grows.
3. Universal solidarity follows this progressive fusion. Ever more closely, all of the blocks
of the pyramid fuse together and we find ourselves in another social structure
altogether. A world where everyone is interdependent. One relying on the other.
The health of each depends upon the health of all. And the health of all is reflected
upon the health of each individual. It is the power of one with others.
We will then witness the coming together of all human beings within themselves, between
each other, and with all the inhabitants of the planet. We are all fused together, with the Source
of Universal Energy. We are the Creative Universal Energy.

Successive fusions among patients and doctors.

8 -
- --

--===------:- - -- ~

Hierarchy Universal
I WItO WILt. INITIA:T~ Ttt~ R&Me{)YIN0r Of 1lt~ SYSnM?
T~e 4 [Os of t~e Mafia
If the Medical Mafia or any other Mafia for that matter, remains in existence, it is because
it can count on a whole hierarchal network, which serves it at all levels. From the top down,
in order, there are 4 COllaborators of the Mafia.

A conspiracy is a plot. That is to say a secret plan. If the element of secrecy is missing,
there is no conspiracy. The medical conspiracy consists of reducing the patient and the doctor
to a state of slavery at the service of the multinationals. It also strips everyone's control over
their health by a single centralized world control, of which the representative is the World Health
Organization. An organization that is itself largely infiltrated by pharmaceutical multinationals
and world bankers.

Corruption is the act of corrupting, causing someone to act contrary to their duty.
For a bribe. It is the level of the establishment that barters and trades in its soul for privileges.
A level that sells us out to the all-powerful to ensure their power. Money begets power. And
power begets money. Multinationals set up and maintain governments which, in turn, wanting
to remain in power, ensure the privileges of the multinationals. The philosophy is as old as time
itself. "/ scratch your back and you scratch mine". Medical corruption is to be found at the
level of the medical establishment. To be precise, at the level of government (agencies
responsible for health, health insurance, laws) and the bodies over which it has total control.

Complicity is participation in a crime. It is at the level of those charged with performing a
task by the establishment. Sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously, they collaborate
with the Mafia. Medical complicity is driven by those who work in the established health field,
without always playing an influential role. They are agents of the system. And they include
doctors. Either one is part of the solution, or one is part of the problem. They are part of the
problem. These are the "quiet accomplices".

Consentment is agreement. It is to accept that something has happened. Through silence
and failure to act, it allows a crime to have taken place. It is the omerta of the Mafia. By saying
nothing, they agree. Medical consentment is the patients who remain silent and who continue
to obey a system which has totally abandoned them. They value security and protection
to autonomy and responsibility. Slavery to freedom.

Story of a ~ank Robbery
Let's transpose this collaboration to a bank robbery and take a close look on how each of
the four COllaborators participate in it.

I plot to rob all the banks in a major city

and, as a result, take over control of the city.
It is a secret plan and I do not tell anybody.

In order to carry out my plan, I retain the services of

experts, professional bank robbers. I hire each of them to
hit a specific bank. But I do not reveal my overall secret
plan to anyone. I bribe them to make them commit a
crime. That is CORRUPTION.

To help them rob their allocated bank, each professional bank robber hires a driver who
will drive the car and transport the money. The drivers are not aware that they will be driving a
get-away car or carrying stolen money. They do their job without asking any
questions. They are paid, without ever asking where the money came
from. Sure, it all seems a little suspect. But it is best not to ask
questions for fear of losing one's job. That is COMPLICITY.

While all this is going on, two pedestrians happen by. They lean against
a lampost to check out what is happening. There seems to be a lot of strange
activity around the bank. But after a couple of minutes, they pass quietly on
their way. They could have raised the alarm. And the robbery could probably
have been averted. But they were afraid and preferred not to get involved.
They kept quiet. They opted for omerta. By their silence, they consented to
the robbery taking place. That is CONSENTMENT.
STOP t~1! Mafia
In this scenario, we note that the four levels of the Mafia, the 4 COs, are essential for
the success of the project. If just one of the four was missing, the robbery would have failed.
The lesson to be learned is that we only have to concentrate our efforts on one of the four levels
to stop the Medical Mafia. BUT WHICH ONE?
.. Do we think that we can change the mastermind's plan? No.
Because we do not know who he is. It is a secret.
.. Do we think that we can change the minds of the professional bank robbers? No.
Because they each have too much to lose. It is too lucrative a profession to just let it drop.
.. Do we think that we can change the accomplices? No.
They also have too much to lose. They have a good job and are afraid that they will lose
their share .
.. Do we think that we can change the idea of the passers-by? Yes.
They have nothing to lose and everything to gain. All they have to do is whistle, cry out.
Just let others know what is going on and everything will stop right there. After all,
it is a conspiracy. A secret plan. Take away the secret and there is no conspiracy.
The plan is dead.

So it is not at the level of the World Health Organization, nor the level of government,
nor the level of doctors, that we must turn to, if we are going to see and realize the remedy
of the system. It is at the level of the patient. The antidote to the Mafia is individual sovereignty.
The CO of sovereignty is COnscience.
Conscience is the sovereign voice of your inner God/Goddess. It is through conscience
that you will realize your sovereignty and power over the health system. Pharmaceutical
multinationals control medicine, thanks to their enormous profits. But if you decide to no longer
buy their medications, the industry will collapse, as will its power. That is true, real power.
You have the real power of the medical system. And it is you who will initiate the righting
of the system. Because it is you who has the least to lose in reestablishing the health system.
On the contrary, you have everything to gain.
The conscience is to the soul as the physical senses are to the body.
" One can on(y see
It is the sense of the invisible, just as sight, hearing, smell, taste and
wctr witll tile eyes
touch are the senses of the visible. The conscience sees, hears, feels and
manifests the inner reality. It reads thoughts, reads between the lines,
tile lieml. "
- Saint-Exupcry
understands body language, hears that which is not said, reveals to us
the hidden face of things. It is your contact with your inner divinity.
your light. your spirit. It is to be found in the soul.


senses the visible sees the invisible
matter spiritual
at the level of the body at the level of the soul
informs us about appearance reveals to us the essence
external information inner knowledge
human divine


Conscience makes us see reality, that which is over and above the illusion of matter. It tells
us whether spoken or written words are illusionary or real. It enables us to distinguish between
truth and lies. To go beyond what a person is actually saying or writing in order to determine
their intentions. It dictates what path we should take .

.. The conscience can remain asleep and blind. It allows the authorities to continue
manipulating us. It is quiet complicity.

.. The conscience may be awakened. But it lets fear take hold. And it is paralyzed.
It is the conscience of helpless submission .

.. The conscience can take the situation in hand and control its destiny.
It is the conscience of all-powerful sovereignty.
Betoming [onsdous
Becoming conscious, becoming aware, triggers action. It is neither contemplative, nor
passive. It means getting up from our seat in the audience of passive spectators and victims,
and climbing up on to the stage. As an actor responsible for our destiny. This is achieved in
three stages. The 3 Ps.

Our conscience makes contact with our inner voice. In order to do this, there has to be
silence. Turn off the radio and the television. Get away from the noise for a little while each day.
Spend some time alone. And listen. The truth will come. There will be light shed on reality, on
that which doesn't please or suit us, on that which we want. And on our fears.

Let's be honest. It is we who lie to ourselves. I cannot help but think of the
policeman to whom I explained that parking tickets are illegitimate and who
answered me: "I don't have any choice but to obey the law because I have a wife
and children to support." To which I replied: "Have you ever asked them if they
really want you to do this? That you sell your soul for them?" My question went
unanswered. The policeman knew that I knew that he was afraid. He realized that
he was lying to himself. How can one confront fear if one pretends that it doesn't
exist? Everyone has the right to be afraid. Even the policeman.

Reality creates fear because it threatens our habit of illusion.
" LlfillB makes
This is why we do want to see it, or face up to it. Now that it has
one ilL "
appeared, welcome it. And with it, the inevitable fear that accompanies
it. Do not reject it. Identify it. Call it by its rightful name, what it is. - Oscar Wilde
And laugh at the fact that an illusion, like fear, can cause you to be
upset. And sometimes even paralyze you.

Once we recognize that we are afraid, we can then

proceed to demystify and unmask our fear. Fear of what,
of whom, why? Once that is established, we can then
tackle it. Get right into it. Take our fear to the very
extreme. Stop dying OF fear. Instead, let our fear die.
Fear is an illusion which paralyzes the conscience. It is
the master of emotions and thoughts. Wherever it hides,
it is always fear that imprisons our love in its cage of
hatred, jealousy, anger, resentment. And in the falseness
of preconceived ideas.

There are a thousand and one reasons for not taking a position.
And they can all sound good. But isn't it crazy what tricks the mind can " One cannot serve
play on us? To make us lie to ourselves. When we say to ourselves: God' and 'Mammon
"/ don't have a choice," what we are really doing is renouncing our (§od-'Money). "
human condition. As human beings we have a choice. An animal that is - Jesus-Christ
afraid, fights or takes flight. It has no choice. We can follow our instinct.
We can also transcend it. This raises the questions:
- am I going to stay submissive to my fear, let it direct my life, and collaborate with
the system?
- am I going to take charge of my life and object to the system?

liThe right of every man is to listen to his

conscience and his duty, and act "according to that
which it dictates. II

This phrase of Albert Einstein reminds me of something

that happened to my son in school. During a philosophy
class, his teacher was expounding upon morality. She was
explaining that one had to respect the laws and obey the
rules established by the authorities. William, as a teenager
was little inclined to obedience and with a mind of his
own, began to discuss the validity of such laws. But without
much success, his teacher having been trained in the school
of obedience When, suddenly, he had a brainwave.
He asked his teacher what she thought, on a moral level,
of Robin Hood. He of Sherwood Forest who robbed from
the rich and gave to the poor. The teacher cut short the
discussion, saying that she would answer him later.
There is no point in explaining how frustrated my son felt.
He told me how angry he was. Using my common sense,
/ told him that he had understood the difference between
legality (laws) and legitimacy (conscience). But that the
school authorities did not want to think about this.
To make him feel a little better, I quoted this little phrase
of Einstein, adding that both he and Einstein had
understood the real difference.
[onsciE!ntE! and Vatcination




Let us take vaccination for example. In order for vaccinations to be done, it takes the
collaboration of all parties. Industrial, medical, political, education systems, and parents.
That is the Mafia. It works thanks to the "omerta" of us all who participate in its realization,
at whatever level. Some make the vaccine. Others sell it. Others announce it. Others impose it.
Others inject it. Others lead our children to it. Like most people, we do it without ever

Like the proverbial lemmings we jump into the

sea. After all, the other lemmings are doing it.
As we were taught. we repeat stereotypical
phrases without even thinking twice:
.. "For your protection ", yet nobody asks to
be protected unless they are afraid .

.. "So as not to be responsible for the sick",

as if anyone has ever been responsible
for the health of others .
.. "So as to avoid legal action ", as if anyone
could take legal action against us for being

" "Because it is the policy of the institutions (school, hospital)", while it is we, patients,
students, taxpayers, who are the bosses of everyone working in these very institutions.
We have the sole right to make the laws and policies.

·. ·
" "It is mandatory", while each individual has the right to determine what, if anything,
is going to be put into his or her body.

Each step leading to collaboration with forced vaccination is just
" 'Till" lllllV sill is
as deadly as that of a rapist stalking the streets. Both end up violating
tIllCl'lIScil llSIl255. "
the body. '
- Osho
The position of sovereign persons is entirely different. They obey their consciences, ratr,,'
than obeying the authorities. They are not stopped by the manipulation of fear and guilt.
They rise above it. They make contact with their inner divinity, which reminds them that they
are all-powerful and in perfect health, as they were created. They remember that vaccines
are dangerous, ineffective, and that they disturb their inner ecology, in addition to draining
their immune system. They decide to take the decision that THEY will decide to take. They decide
to listen to their conscience and to do that which it tells them to do. It is as simple as that.
If their conscience objects to laws, rules or obligations imposed by force and/or by the
law, they will declare themselves CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS. They will proclaim that their only
decision-making influence and judge is their conscience.

They will act according to their SOUL AND CONSCIENCE.

Nobody can object to this. It is such a strong sentiment that even the military authorities
respect its "power". What can be more normal than refusing to kill?


Once we have made a decision as to whether to collaborate or not, proclaim it loudly.
Taking a position is to speak and to act.
• SAY what camp we are in. Say it to ourselves, first of all.
There is no good or bad. There is simply a choice between life
and death. One must say it loudly so as not to be mistaken.
Then say it to others so as to let them also become aware of
their right and of their duty to become aware of it.
To speak is to put an end to "omerta", the complicity of silence. All murderous acts
are done with our collaboration, active or passive. Not speaking of what we see, is to
be an accomplice. Not saying that vaccines are dangerous, for example, is being party
to the usurpation of our rights. Journalists have never interviewed the many victims of
vaccinations, simply because they are not around anymore. Everyone and anyone who
has had problems resulting from vaccinations, and is still alive, needs to stand up and
be counted .
.. ACT in accordance with your choice. Never accept the unacceptable. Make sure that every
act and step is in accordance with the choice you have made. Be true to yourself.
Maintaining the status quo is to accept submission.
Opting for a real world, is passing from submission to sovereignty, and choosing
This passage is called transformation. It happens in our daily actions when we break
with our old habits. And begin new ways of acting.
Say ND to t~e '['s of Submission
1. No to confrontation
Let us stop playing the game of the enemy: divide and conquer. 'Belia"i Ild as !f §l1£
We are all sovereigns of divine essence, therefore equal. Let us realize ill alT L~fc
that the authorities create scapegoats to deflect our anger. More ohen 'Mattered
than not, they are the minorities, be they black, white, native American, - Machaelle Small
women, the poor, the homeless, homosexuals, blue collar workers, etc. Wright
Let us realize that we live in a world of violence regardless of country.
The direct result of the hierarchal domination of some OVER others.
Let us take back our power OF, our inner power. And we will also see the divinity of all
other living souls in the world. Make the book of Machaelle Small Wright our motto, "Act as if
God/Goddess in each human being was important". In his marvelous book which I recommend
to everyone, Serge Mongeau teaches us: "Peace is not utopia". And peace can be learned.
Always remember that: that which we do not like in others is always the mirror of that which
we do not like in ourself.

2. No to cards
Be wary of credit cards, automatic teller cards, health insurance cards, hospital cards, cards
of any kind. Also cards for vaccinations and medications. They are used to track us down, code
and classify us. They are the tool of Big Brother. They know everything we do. You believe that
your medical file is confidential? Well, it sure isn't to civil servants and others like authorities!
They have access to all the information it contains. We can live without cards. Pay cash and stay
far away from computers, as long as they are controlled by the authorities.
What's more, let us put an end to running into debt, the tool of our slavery. To be in debt
is to submit to the oppressor. Begin by lending money to your relatives and friends. The Mafia
does it, why shouldn't you?

3. No to consumerism
Consumerism is a really bad habit. It is an addiction. Saying no to consumerism is really
nothing more than that. It is being conscious of how one spends one's money. Buy only what
you need. Support your local economy. Avoid chainstores, products from multinationals and
imported products. Always basing one's purchases on the lowest price is to act irresponsibly.

Let us not forget the golden rule of our economic survival: "Buy all
'N:, 'PI~ILl' Like
that we make and make all that we buy. " Marcia Noczik tells us how
to do it in her book, No Place Like Home.
- 1\1arcia ~oczik
Say YES to t~e 3['5 of Sovereignty
1. Yes to the community
Let us realize that we, alone, can do nothing. We are interdependent. And nobody is going
to save one's skin alone.
The community is made up of sovereign people joining
together. We are all equal, without exception. EQUALITY
The community constitutes the basic unit.

2. Yes to the circle

No one is worth more than the other. Wise people
do not need diplomas in wisdom. We find them and ALL
we consult them. Everyone participates equally. SOVEREIGN
Everyone's views count. No domination, no exploitation.

3. Yes to consensus
Decisions have to be taken unanimously. Decisions
cannot be imposed by a simple majority. How do you feel EQUITY
when six people out of ten decide on a course of action
while four others disagree strongly? And you are one of the four?

NO to the 3 C's

•• • confrontation

::. • cards

• consumerism YES to the 3 C's
of submission • community

• circle

• consensus
of sovereignty
Transformation of t~e Conscience
A transformation is much more than a mere change. It is much more than improving a
caterpillar by giving it legs. It is transforming its very essence. To become
a butterfly. Transformation is an "initiation". That is to say, a passage, " Witllout Geina re-
from one state to another. The caterpillar must die in order for the Gom you wirr not
butterfly to be born. enter into tile
THE FIRST TRANSFORMATION of the conscience is available to us %aven. "
all. It consists of the death of submission and the birth of sovereignty. - Jesus-Christ
The death of those emotions and thoughts that imprison us, coming to
know freedom at last. To act like a sovereign is to let oneself be guided
by one's conscience and not let external powers, or forces, dictate the path we take. Our inner
power is to be found in our soul, as is our life program and our conscience. We have within us
the tools of our sovereignty.


THE SECOND TRANSFORMATION of the conscience will follow the first. It consists of the
demise of the hierarchy and the birth of equality and equity. It is the advent of true universal
solidarity. The transformation of the conscience is something that has to be worked at every day.

A 1~:---~-<0

/ \.,

\ ~:;;

Level of Collective Individual Universal

consciousness Submission Sovereignty Solidarity

State of the overwtumed boat unsinkable

system boat righted

Power power OVER power OF power WITH

Authority (divinity) exterior inner fusion with

Source Source

State of sickness ~ aging - health - youth - unlimited

health death life health

Reply to soul at body at life eternal body

the fundamental the service the service and soul fused with
question of the body of the soul the Source

Kingdom material spiritual divine

Energy procreator
co-creator creative

Structure .division duality unity

Vibrations heavy light subtle ;

Medium of evolution matter spirit pure spirit

Organisation established (tlis)order natural order Cosmic Universal law

Relations war defense liberty

Attitude suffering standing up transcendent

Action spectator actor author

From Hell to Heaven
Every moment. In all circumstances. In all one's thoughts, words, emotions, and actions.
It is simple. In the words of my daughter Valerie, one only has to:


Every moment of our life can be heaven or hell. One only has to bring it forth from the
darkness of the material world for it to shine in the light of the spirit.

peace with the friend within
happy thoughts
oneness with God/Goddess
glass 112 full
the death of fear
power OF
God/Goddess within

Conscience and health go hand in hand.

The level of our conscience determines the state of our health.

The higher the level of conscience, the higher the vibrations of our bodies.
And the better our health.

The transformation of our conscience is definitely the key to good health.

I can already hear you saying that this is impossible. That the government is all-powerful
and that we can do nothing against such a behemoth. That it has all the powers. And that it can
crush us whenever it wishes. But we should know that nothing is impossible. Let us remember
the story of David and Goliath. Don't we feel like David right now? Like a little poor shepherd
boy in the shadow of a giant who is armed to the teeth, who is threatening us with slavery.
If that is the case, let us remember how the story really went. And let us take inspiration from it.
It was certainly told so that it would serve us one day.
Well, that day is long over due.

T~e story
There was once an army which wanted to beat a people
into submission. To conquer them. To avoid an all-out baffle
and the deaths of many, the attackers proposed a duel,
between only two men. One from each of their camps. Their
man was already chosen. He was a terrifying giant of a man,
wearing heavy armor and armed to the teeth. He was called
He was so fiercesome a sight that nobody in the other
camp wanted to challenge him. All seemed lost when,
suddenly, a young boy stepped forward. Dressed like a
shepherd boy, he carried only a sling-shot. He had come
to defend his people against the aggressor.

The duel began. But David had seen a small, vulnerable

spot where Goliath was unprotected. He picked up a stone and,
whirling the sling-shot, he aimed for that very spot. He hit his
target and Goliath crashed to the ground.

Little David had defeated the colossus, Goliath, to the

astonishment of all. He had saved his people from slavery.


T~e Example
Let us look closely at how the fight to the death between David and Goliath went.
A blow-by-blow analysis, if you will, so that we can perhaps draw lessons from it to assist us
in our fight. We can identify five major points:
1. David decided not to be overcome by fear.
2. He identified the enemy.
3. He found the weak spot in the armor.
4. He used an extremely simple tool, or weapon.
S. He won.

We only have to do the same to get out of the crushing and threatening situation in which
we find ourselves right now. By applying these same five points to our current situation. Let us:

1. Take the decision to no longer let fear cripple U~ dnd Ldke control
of our lives. Fear paralyses the conscience. One cannot see
anything, hear anything, or feel anything. One is like a deer
in the glare of a car's headlights. One is a slave to whoever, or
whatever, is creating that fear. It is a decision that has to be
taken. If we do not, it is opting for the status quo, submission
and slavery.

2. Identify the real enemy that is hidden behind what appears to be a giant. Look beyond
appearances and become conscious of the very essence of the aggressor of our
freedom. The apparent giant is the medical, governmental and administrative
authorities. It is the big machine that makes us afraid with its laws, its police,
its prisons, its army.
But it is important to see that this facade is created by the privileged in order to
maintain their privileges. The real enemies are the world financiers. It is they who
pull the strings of their giant puppets.

3. Find the weak spot which makes the enemy vulnerable. Remember, the armor is
only made of paper, bank notes that we willingly hand over every day of the week.
The enemy's power rests in our money that we give it.

4. Use a very simple tool, or weapon, to vanquish the enemy. All we have to do is to stop
giving them our money. It is the VELCRO SOLUTION, whereby we put Velcro on all our
pockets in order to stop supporting the enemy and its armies. We will then be rich and
free, as opposed to being poor and enslaved.

S. Visualise the victory. Have faith. Imagine a great future and create it. Nothing less than
a paradise for sovereigns! We will come to know health and wealth.
T~e Practice
I can already hear your shouting. "It is not all that serious. I'm used to it." Let us look at
the three most common causes for reluctance: the authorities, human nature, and utopia.

liThe authorities will never let us do it!" That's true. The last thing they are going
to let go of are their privileges. How could it be any other way? They are going to hang on to
them any way they can. Don't wait for their blessing. We are going to be threatened, they are
going to try to scare us, and we are going to be attacked by all their arsenal of manipulation.
The authorities cannot control us without our consent. The only true power that exits is our inner
power. Nobody can take that away from us.
e David is daring, but not suicidal. He will never fight using the weapons of his enemy. What
are they? LAWS AND WEAPONS. You probably know or have heard of someone who
spent a lot of time, energy and money trying to fight" city hall". Never forget that that
is their strength. The authorities make and change the laws as they wish, to suit their
For example: Whenever a strike lasts too long for
their liking, the authorities simply pass back to work
legislation. This is what happens to a right which our
ancestors fought for decades to acquire.
The same reasoning applies to FORCE AND
WEAPONS. Never, never, never resort to violence.
The authorities are past masters at making us fight
between ourselves. It is their favorite tactic.
Don't fall into the trap. Always remember who
the real enemy is.
.. David had a sense of community. The first thing
to do, therefore, is to hang together in our
respective neighborhoods in order to take charge of our health. The objective is simple
and attainable. To reduce surgical procedures as well as the taking of tests and
medications the large majority of which are useless and damaging. Let us treat social
problems with social solutions and not with pills and surgery.
For example: There is a grandmother, who takes 15 pills a day and
Civi( war is tile
who, as a result, is a zombie. Then there is Richard, who is out of work
and who spends much of his time in front of the television. He could visit
suyreme art cJ
"divide a1ld'
with her every day. Help her to get out, write letters for her to her friends,
make telephone calls to her children. And he would be able to talk about
a thousand and one things, to someone who has the time to listen. Both of
them would feel useful. Both of them would feel proud and that they have
a friend. Everyone would be richer. And, the grandmother would probably need far fewer pills.

We can multiply this example thousands of times. Let us have confidence in our imagination.
"Human nature is corrupt and corruption always rears its ugly head." "One will never
change human nature. " Really?
No, this is not human nature. It is our perception. Human nature is corruptible, but is
not corrupt in its very essence. We are intelligent beings, endowed with freedom of choice.
Our intelligence determines whether we are corrupt or not. The choice is not predetermined.
We make it every day, every moment. The opinion that we have of others is the mirror of that
which we have of ourselves. When we say "People are like this or like that", substitute the
words, "I am like this or like that.II

Think of ten people who are closest to you and try and find an example of corruption.
Perhaps, sometimes, one in ten. Is 10% of the population really a significant figure? No.
So why do we think this way? It is because, for centuries, the authorities have nourished this
illusion, to cause us to squabble and bicker between ourselves. For centuries, we have repeated
the same old refrains, such as: "man is man's own worst enemy", without ever realizing that
we are capable of transcending our instincts. By debasing human nature, we act accordingly.
Elevate it, and we will each conduct ourselves like a sovereign God/Goddess. It is up to us to
choose. We are the creators of our future.

"It is utopian!" Yes, it is utopian. So much the better. It reminds me of this one found on
New Hampshire's license plates: "LlVE FREE OR DIE".
And I add a phrase that really captures my true thoughts: "Utopia or Death" - Rene
I have chosen life! And you? I invite you to join me. As we approach the end of a turbulent
century, we seem to be rushing towards our own extermination and global totalitarianism. Both
of which are the result of our materialistic choices pushed to the extreme. It is not a question of
continuing to make little changes. Either we transform our old scheme of references or we die.
Now you may want to reply to the question:


I soc...IAL-Iz.&.D M~Ic...IN~§- POR. AM~Ic...ANS?
"Socialized Medicine is to Americans what a Bicycle is to a Fish"

This was the title of a talk that I gave in Chicago at the

beginning of 1990. Today, here, I repeat the same thing with more
certaintly than ever.

T~e Fads: T~ere Rre Two Problems

What is not working in the health system in the United States?
It is simply TOO EXPENSIVE and NOT ACCESSIBLE TO ALL. That is it
in a nutshell.

All sickness systems are expensive. Only health is economical. That is why all existing
systems, socialized or not, and regardless of the country, cost so much that they are pushing all
countries towards ruin. In addition, they do not satisfy anyone, except of course those who profit
from the practice of a medicine of sickness, which does not cure or heal.


Ever since the Flexner Report was implemented in 1910, scientific medicine was put in
place by force and alternative medicines have been eliminated. Based on the concept of war
against an external enemy, scientific medicine uses a sophisticated, technological arsenal,
a jargon all of its own, and robotic technocrats to wage its war.


Let us bear in mind that even words are very misleading:

- Health system means a system of sickness
- Health insurance means sickness insurance: it pays sickness, it ensures sickness, not health
- A Health Security Card means Sickness Guarantee Card
- A National Health Board means National Board for Administration of Sickness.


The system of sickness that we have is not accessible to all. Not only because of the system
itself, but because of poverty, the fruit of social injustice. It is this social injustice that we
must correct first and foremost, not the system of sickness.
In countries where socialized medicine is already in place, there is also a parallel pay-as-
you-go type of medicine for the rich. Those who can afford to pay to get first class service, while
the poor have to be content with second best. Some have to wait for hours, and even months,
for certain services. It is by cutting more and more guaranteed services, that is to say by reducing
the services themselves and the publics accessibility to them, that the government has
succeeded in holding down constantly soaring costs.
And although the rich do have to pay even more to maintain the former level of services,
many are no longer available to the poor. The poor are again losers. As for doctors, they also lose
out. The cuts force them to work even harder and faster. While the only winner, industry,
continues to amass astronomical profits!
Why has our system of health assumed such prohibitive costs? Who, if not the international
financiers and scientific medicine that support it, profit from such sums of money? Remember
one thing:

"In politics, nothing happens by chance. " - President F. D. Roosevelt

Let us ask ourselves why the authorities have waited so long to propose socialized medicine
to us, if it is the best solution. In France, it has existed since 1950. In Canada, since 1970.
And if it is not the best solution, why do the authorities wish to impose it upon us when
other countries, convinced that it has been a disaster, have been trying to get out of it for years?

"In politics, nothing happens by chance. " - President F. D. Roosevelt

Either it is good and it should have been done earlier. Or it is bad and should never be done
at all. Do we really want to put our health totally in the hands of government?
- Either our government works for us. Just look at how it has shown its incompetence in
the small part that is under its control. Medicare and Medicaid. One can only shudder
at the prospect of what would happen if it controlled the entire system of sickness.
- Or our government works for the world financiers. Then it has been an accomplice to
the financial exploitation of our health. Do we want to give total power to those
who betray us?

"In politics, nothing happens by chance." - President F. D. Roosevelt

Could it be that all has been set up by the authorities for many
" Competition
years? With the intention of causing us to give up our freedom of health?
All the ingredients are there to make us so frustrated with the present is a sin. "
system that even a socialized system with its centralized bureaucratic - 1. D. Rockefeller
control would be welcomed as a deliverance. After all, nothing could be worse.
Or could it?

"In politics, nothing happens by chance. " - President F. D. Roosevelt

T~e Myt~s: and T~ey Rre Many
Myth. Socialized medicine will be administered at the least cost by one standard
insurance, as opposed to being administered by thousands of different private.
independent insurance companies.
Reality. Passing from 1,500 independent insurance companies to one governmental
controller, is to pass from competition to a monopoly. A monopoly exists when all
control is in the hands of one entity. Yet one of the sickness programs proposed
stipulates that:
"Health benefits would be established and viewed periodically by a national
health board appointed by the President"

In practice, this means that

- the control of recognized services and their costs is in the hands of a single committee.
- One person names the members of the committee,
- and that same person controls the health of each and every American.
A monopoly couldn't do better.



250,000,000 controllers 1,500 controllers 1 controller

It is complicated for world financiers and their multinationals to deal with 1,500 insurance
companies. And so they squeeze everything under a single guardianship, that of the government,
which they already control. The monopoly is thus established.


Whoever says monopoly says exclusive control over prices and services. The patient
who must deal with a monopoly is at its total mercy. It is passing from a multiple form of power
to a single form of power. It is giving a blank cheque, for life, to someone without any restriction
whatsoever and forever. It is paying in advance, without any recourse, for a service, the content
of which we do not know. Nor are we sure that it is needed. Would we ever walk into a store
and pay in advance, without knowing what we were going to buy?
Moreover, payment is obligatory. And the amount to pay is determined by a committee,
whether we are sick or not. If we all opt for health and not sickness, we must still continue
paying for sickness.
In reality, we have need of neither government, nor insurance companies, to administer
our health and our money. We are going to do it ourselves. We are going to insure ourselves
between ourselves. It will be much more effective and much less costly. And we will all be
in better health. A service for all, by all, tailor-made for us.


Myth. The system of sickness in the United States is the worst, as we have heard
Reality. The system of sickness in the United States is the best, because one can
still get out of it. It is much easier to get out of the system of sickness in the United
States because there is still a choice between giving, or not giving, one's money to
insurance companies. One can lay down conditions when considering a policy and
refuse it, if it doesn't live up to expectations.
Under a State-controlled system, however, the government has exclusive control over
the practice of medicine and its costs. It decides which medicine it will recognize and
which it will reimburse.
Whether we are sick or not, it automatically takes money from our pockets. It can
regularly increase the amount without our consent and use it as it sees fit. One cannot
get out of it, even if one wants to take charge of one's own health.


Myth. Only government can ensure universal care.

Reality. Government is not a guarantee of social justice. Every person has a right
to health. Right! But not under the terms defined by worle! financiers and
their health branch, the World Health Organization.
We are really lacking in imagination if we really believe that only a Big Brother
government can guarantee universal care.
It really is having a low opinion of ourselves, we who are sovereign patients. We know
that from now on we will rediscover health and wealth. We are all in a perfect position
to guarantee ourselves universal care at an unbeatable cost.


Myth. By controlling medicine, government will finally be able to pass laws that
are necessary to ensure the greater freedom of therapeutic choices.
Reality. Why hasn't it done that already? In the socialized medical systems, as
well as in the United States, alternative medicines are ridiculed and forbidden. The
smothering of such medicines is very subtle in France, less subtle in Canada, and not at
all subtle in the United States. But let's not kid ourselves. Freedom of therapeutic choice
does not exist in western countries. Everywhere, the practice of medicine is strongly
controlled by governmental organizations, in the pay of industry. Hopefully the
Constitution, which was written to guarantee the rights of citizens against the abuse
of power by the authorities, will see to the guarantee of freedom of choice in terms
of medicine and health.
While the Ninth Amendment guarantees all freedom to all individuals but, as it does
not specify the medical field in particular, it will have to wait for a decision of the
Supreme Court to this effect. And the Supreme Court will rely on the recommendations
of experts, recognized by the authorities!

Myth. Without socialized medicine, and if the current growth rate of expenditures
continues, we will be bankrupt.
Reality. Countries that already have a system of socialized medicine are already at
this point. Therefore, let us ask ourselves why, for many years, the big names in high
finance have been in favour of the health system? Either through their participation on
commissions, or through the information that is put out which is financed by them. Why
do they push socialized medicine? Have they all suddenly become philanthropists? It is
certainly not their usual custom. Since when have they been concerned about people's
well-being? Let us put ourselves in their shoes for a few minutes and try to understand
their interest in socialized medicine.
- First of all, there is a mass of clientele not yet fully exploited. The 38 million Americans
who are unable to buy insurance. It is a big untapped market that sickness insurance
will deliver to them on a silver platter. And the people will pick up the cost.
- Secondly, it stabilizes their consumer sickness markets for their multinationals. One
client, the government, is much easier, particularly when one controls it. At the same
time, they are going to get rid of giant competitors, private insurance companies, once
and for all.
- And lastly, they are financiers, don't forget. As bankers, their speciality is to make and
provide money with interest. Sickness insurance will bring in enormous expenditures
which the supplementary taxes will not be able to make up. The bankers will see to
Myth. Socialized medicine is the only and inevitable solution to the problems of
our current system of sickness.
Reality. To choose between the current medical system and socialized medicine is
like having to choose between being punched in the face or kicked in the behind.
Both hurt.
What a lack of imagination! Why take for granted that the solution must be painful,
unpleasant, and also costly? The right reply, because there always is one, is that if
the authorities really wanted to find a good solution, they would propose to us several
scenarios, from which the ideal solution would emerge.
So while, on the one hand, Canadians are convinced that their health system is the
best in the world, on the other, Americans are convinced that theirs is the worst in
the world.
As we have confidence in the authorities, we believe these myths and all conclude that
"one must adopt a socialized system similar to that of Canada". Financiers have
been preparing this scenario for years. The brainwashing has born fruit and we are now
convinced that it is the only solution. A big mistake!
There is no excuse for ignorance, particularly when one is so close to that supposed
role model country. We have had the opportunity to watch their health system evolve
over the past 25 years. Let us go and see the bankrupt Canadian system for ourselves.
Then we will be able to draw our own conclusions, rather than letting the authorities
do it for us.
We have the luxury of coming up with something new, the first of its kind. It is more
stimulating for the imagination and much more enriching for evolution.


Myth. Socialized medicine is a means of smoothing out the differences between

rich and poor and of ensuring a fair allocation and distribution of money.
Reality. It is not a question of the distribution of money. But rather the
REdistribution of money that has already been unequally distributed from
the beginning.
All forms of taxes, allowances, compensations, sickness insurance, unemployment
insurance, grants, forms of financial assistance, scholarships, pensions, or guaranteed
incomes, are the means of REdistribution of money. Not by the rich to the poor.
But by the less poor to the poorest of all. From those who still have jobs to those
who no longer have one. It is always the same monetary mass that is earned by the
work of some that is shared out with others.
Real distribution is done well before REdistribution. It was done at the precise moment
that the rich took possession of our riches - natural, industrial and services - the
heritage of all the population. They seized and exploited them for their own profit,
which they did not distribute at all. The only part that they did relinquish was in the
form of salaries. And then only because they didn't have any choice.
Even there, they are now moving their companies to under-developed countrIeS In me
Third World in order to pay as little as possible and replace workers with ~
"Power is always charged with the impulse to eliminate human nature, file
human variable, from the equation. Dictators do it by terror or by inculciJtialt '"
blind faith; the military do it by discipline; and the industrial masters think they
can do it by automation. "- E. Hoffer
Real distribution is therefore done between owners, who reap the profits of the
exploitation of our riches and from workers, who reap the salary of their work.
It is ONLY this salary that is REdistributed.


Myth. Raising taxes to allow millions of people to be taken care of and easing
pressure on companies, which have to carry the burden of health insurance,
is commendable.
Reality. It is a fancy way of skirting around the Constitution. All increases in taxes
that are not consented to are anti-constitutional. Let us also not forget that in 1913,
Congress granted private banks the right to make their own money, And it is because of
this decision that we are stuck with the so-called debt that has cost us so much in
interest charges.


Myth. Socialized medicine is an evolution over capitalist medicine. It denotes a

concern for others and a sense of sharing.
Reality. Capitalism, socialism, communism, liberalism. All are identical regimes and
forms of government. Only the label varies. All of these regimes have one
common denominator. Control of the majority by the minority Power in the hands of a
privileged clique who pass the laws necessary to maintain their privileges.
Socializing health is repatriating it entirely, in both financial and practical terms, into
the hands of a few. It is therefore much easier to control than when it is in the hands
of many. It is true that we made a mistake somewhere along the he. We have allowed
social injustice and the resultant poverty. Let us recognize that. And correct that.
Myth. Ensuring all of security in the case of sickness is to ensure everyone of
Reality. Freedom and security are two antagonists. The more one has of one,
the less one has of the other. And vice versa.
We have already sunken into materialism and individualism. But
-To choose is
from there to sink into blindly giving up our power into the
hands of the government is a very big step.
sayina ']\{O.
The Fathers of the Constitution are surely turning over in their
graves. They remember well that the more oppressive legality there is, the less freedom
there is. But what will they do when they learn that there are those who would trade
freedom for security in opting for socialized medicine? With the total loss of freedom of
our health and our right to freedom of choice. Both essential to the growth and
happiness of every individual.


Individual Sovereignty
,. SOVEREIGNTY means supreme authority.
It is the above-all authority, the creative spirit. the divine.
Individual sovereignty is the consciousness of one's inner divinity.
Some call it Christ consciousness, meaning that of the incarnated divine.


The spirit-matter (soul-body) duality is indivisible.
The two elements are one. They are ONE person and one person only.
This consciousness puts an end to separation, to division and to war.
It brings real unity and inner peace.

power OVER power OF power WITH

exterior interior fusioned

= >-
Submission Souvereignty Solidarity
(collective) (individual) (universal)
sickness health unlimited health
disorder order perfect order
overturned righted eternal stability

The only real

because it is
[~oi[e of a Healt~ System
The rule is the same for every system. Whether it is a question of a medical system, or of
our own individual system. Their state of health is a reflection of what we do with our power.
The power to think, feel, act. The choice is in our hands. We can give up our power or we can
exercise it. Because we have the power to choose between:



If we give tip our power to the authorities, the law, fear, peer pressure,
etc., we submit ourselves to the domination of others over us. We do not
take decisions which are in harmony with our essence. With that which we
really are. We live in a world of appearance, of illusion, of the material. Our separation
soul is at the service of our body. The traveller is at the service of the vehicle.
Without control over our destiny, it drives us towards sickness, aging, and


If we keep our inner power and exercise it, we will conduct ourselves
as sovereign individuals, all-powerful and responsible. We will take decisions
that are in harmony with our essence, with that which we really are.
We live in a world of reality, of spirit. Our body is at the service of our soul. fusion
The vehicle is at the service of the traveller. In controlling our destiny,
we direct it voluntarily towards health, youth, and life.



If we fuse our inner powers of individual sovereigns, one with one
another, we become interdependent and in solidarity, one with the other
and with the Universe. We are Creative Universal Energy, unlimited in time
and space. We are in perfect control of our vibratory frequency, of our state
of health. We are then on the road to unlimited health, of eternal life.
the unlimited


Each time you think, feel, or act, ask yourself.

Generalization of RII t~e Systems
We now know how the medical system works:
• How it came to be overturned and capsized: Submission.
4> How to right it: Sovereignty
• How to navigate it, and sail it to infinity: Solidarity.

As a result, we also know how the smallest to the biggest systems work.

For any system, whatever the field, the nightmare is the same everywhere:

1. The system has always turned over and is upside down.

2. The soul of the system is always at the service of the body of the system.

3. The big beneficiaries are always the same, under different names, according to the system.

4. Their goal is always the same: to control, dominate, and exploit.

5. Their means are always the same: divide and conquer.

6. Their work is always done in the same way: in secrecy.

7. Their intermediary is always the same: government.

8_ Their lie is democracy, in which all but they believe.

Regardless of the field, however

deep it has sunk it is possible to
get out of it and find the light. To
do this, we must open the door
that we have been locked behind
for years. That of submission. We
all have the master key without
which no door can be opened.
We only have to use it. That is ...


sovereign client

unlimited health
submissive patient for all
of us
sovereign client

submissive riches
taxpayer/consumer for all
sovereign individual

submissive citizen justice
for all
sovereign client

submissive knowledge
reader/listener for all
sovereign child

submissive creativity
parentlchild for all

The patient 0) is at the service of the system of sickness. •

He is exploited by doctors (2)

health service providers (3)
pharmaceutical and technological industries (4)

who make people sick and keep them dependent to enrich themselves. !

The taxpayer/consumer (1) is at the service of the monetary system.

He is exploited by accountants a book-keepers (2)

economists (3) ;:la C
m ;:la
bankers (4) :I> m
r- :I>
=t 3:
who impoverish, enslave and combine to dominate and exploit. -< 0
"TI .....
..... 0
The citizen (1) is at the service of the judicial system. 0 3:
c 0
~ ;:la

He is exploited by lawyers (2)

courts, law enforcement (3)
legislators (4) :sc c:
c: <:
who usurp legitimate rights. make the laws, impose them by force in order :I>
r- ;:la
to maintain their privileges. V\ V\
0 :I>
m V\
The reader/listener (1) is at the service of the propaganda system. 0

He is exploited by the media (2)

experts (3) ..... ;:la
-< =t
opinion leaders (4) -<

who manipulate.

The child/parent (1) is at the service of the system of obedience.

He Is exploited by teachers (2)

universities and intellectuals (3)
think tanks (4)

who teach obedience to the authorities and established order.

T~e Medi[al Mafia. an Evolutionary Ne[essity
It is from Mother (Divine Materialism by Satprem) that I am borrowing the expression,
an evolutionary necessity with the example of a fish suffocating within the confines of its bowl. I
am this fish that is going in circles, limited by the narrow walls of its bowl, separated from the
world of LIFE, preoccupied with survival, waiting to die. For thousands of years now ...
Because I have forgotten who I am, a divine unlimited being, I am mistaking myself for a
fish condemned to survive in its bowl with no chances of coming out alive. And yet, my inner
flame, my yearning to BE, my evolutive fire, my soul ... are pushing me relentlessly toward
something else, the absolute, the unlimited ... beyond the limits of the bowl.
But this does not suffice to push the fish out of its bowl. It is only when the suffocating
becomes intense, that water becomes scarce, and all survival tools will be lost, that the fish
will finally decide to smash the bowl, to break through the wall of illusion, to LIVE. Changing
environments, changing states, BEING. This suffocation is necessary in the evolution of the fish.
And in my evolution also.
"We are at a time of intolerable pressure ... Our bankrupcy is our marvellous hope. "
I am creating this suffocation, the Medical Mafia, in my image and likeness, to force myself
to make a huge leap in another consciousness. The passage into the reality of BEING,
the creative spirit of a new matter, the divine being .

.fhrOfUgh the eyes Seen through the eyes

of a person who is conscious
of her creative nature,
the Medical Mafia
makes sense.
It leads to evolution.
To life.

Human beings have a choice. Our role is to pass from:

the animal to the divine.
The animal being The divine being
unconscious of conscious of
its creatrive nature, its creative nature.


T~e Passage From Rnimality ...
Human beings are improved chimpanzees. Our biology is totally animal, as the German
doctor Ryke Geerd Hamer, with his New Medicine has shown. The human being is subject to
the same biological codes and reproduces the same conflicts that bring about the same
sicknesses as animals do. The only way in which they differ is by free will. Humans have choice,
animals do not. Humans have of course evolved on a mental level. We have good achievements
to our credit, artistically and scientifically. But all this is still animal improvements. Humans try
by all means, in every domain, to push back our limits ... but we still live within those limits
and end up being dead of suffocation in our bowl. Because we are still missing the essential,
the consciousness of our being, of our immortal creative spirit.


Everything that exists is swimming in duality, reality-illusion, spirit-matter, being-
having, soul-body. Reality is the unlimited creative spirit (the real trees). Illusion is created
matter (the mirror image of the trees in the water) in all likeness and resemblance of spirit.
Reality and illusion are identical; they are an original (reality) and a reproduction (illusion) of
the same tree. The state of health of the body (visible) is the mirror of the state of health of the
soul (invisible consciousness). What do we see in the illusion (body) with our eyes? Separation,
war, sickness. What to conclude about the reality (state of being) of humans? Unconsciousness.

Human beings are unconscious of their real divine nature.

We have forgotten who we really are.
We believe that we are separate from the creative spirit.
We are divided. We are sick. We suffer.
... to Divinity
Human beings restore health when we become conscious that we are the
unlimited creative spirit. We then understand that both components of duality, spirit
and matter, are but ONE. They are undividable. So we then realize our indivi-duality.
We no longer see division, no more good and bad, only divinity. We reunite the two opposites.
We make peace between the creator (us) and our creations (us). We find inner peace.
We accept our grandeur and our all mighty power of divine being. We see ourselves as
the only creator, responsible and guarantor of all of our creations. We behave as divine beings
in our thoughts, our words, and our actions. We penetrate spirit into matter.


Human beings know definite healing, perfect health and physical immortality when
we integrate the consciousness of not only being the sole creator in the universe, but
also the consciousness of being ALL that is created in the universe. Then we realize our
universality. We are all the light and all the shadow. We include everything, fuse everything,
and love everything. We bring the most subtle light into the darkest shadow. Of this fusion is
born the new being, the divine being. At the same time dense and immobile as rock, and light
and subtle as air. Androgynous, we become neither woman nor man. Creators of only originals,
we have no longer need for reproductive organs. Being in permanent cosmic orgasm, we have
no other sexuality. Nourished with prana, we no longer need to eat or to drink. Free of the limits
of time and space, we live in the eternal present moment. We incarnate all mightiness, light,
love, truth, and supreme perfection.
Intolerable Suffocation
We are at a time of revelations. The cat is out of the bag, the truth is
coming out of the silence, and what is hidden is being revealed. I come out
of ignorance and illusion. I become conscious that those who were there to
protect me, are exploiting me; that all that I took for truth is false; that all the
systems that I put in place, from the family system to patriotism, from religion
to spirituality, come tumbling down one after the other. Just like the towers of
New York, a sublime symbol of my brutal awakening to reality. Even medicine, in which I had
placed an absolute trust, is a mafia that works to make me sicker. Where are we going? What
are we to become? I am suffocating, screams the fish in its bowl, What am I to do?

I have the choice between these options:

., I refuse to see the Medical Mafia, I drug myself with pills, I age and I die.
I see the Medical Mafia, I protest, I combat, I resist, I tire myself out fully and then die.
I see beyond the Medical Mafia, I recognize myself. I embrace it, I love it and I bless it..

No Bowl, nor Fis~

I open my eyes and realize that there is no bowl and that I am not a fish.
I realize that for thousands of years now, I have been swimming in an illusion
that I mistook for reality. To the point of dying ... of fear. .. from fear of death.
What a comedy! Reality is that I am infinite love in unlimited expansion.
To grow in consciousness of who I really am, I closed myself off into a bowl,
I made myself sick, and caught the one and only real sickness of humanity
OF FORGETTING WHO I REALLY AM. I created medicine to heal me, and the Medical Mafia,
that kills me. HELP? Where is the exit?
INSIDE OF MYSELF. It is the consciousness of who I am, the unique creator of the whole
universe. It is out of love for myself that I am living this earthly experience, the incarnation that
allows me to see myself in a mirror. It is out of love for myself that I experiment with suffering,
war, sickness and death. It is out of love of myself that I have created the Medical Mafia that
forces me to wake up to who I really am, the one and only creator of my sickness and my
healing. I Yf:.Mf:.Mbf:.Y.

:.. - ~ ~ -:..
,' -- ,- ~


The Medical Mafia

is a blessing!
There was once a mare with wings
Who incarnated creativity and all things.
Light as the wind, free as the air,
She moved with the speed of a lightning flare.
Because she knew no boundary
She was called ETERNITY.
But one day man organized society.
Established his order and made his law.
He grounded the winged mare,
And her wings wasted away.
He forbade her from galloping,
And her legs shortened.
He prohibited her from working for herself,
And her woolly hair was exploited. She returned to the sheepfold
THE WINGED MARE HAD BECOME A SHEEP. And said to the other sheep:
A black sheep, "We've allowed ourselves
Which had accepted to trade to be fleeced far too long!
Her wool for security. The time has come
to set ourselves freef"
Soon she was to see
The black sheep set off,
That the shearing was increased
Offering her wool to one and all.
And the food was decreased.
She began to walk so proudly
In great disarray,
That her legs grew longer.
She went to see Mother Nature
She bounded so high
not far away
That her wings grew back.
Who reminded the black sheep:
"Remember that in times gone by
You were a winged mare TURNED BACK INTO A WINGED MARE.
Soaring high The poets got back their inspiration,
Independent and resolute. And the sheep, their creation.
That nobody could refute".

The black sheep replied: FAREWELL SECURITY

"I remember". LONG LIVE L1BERTYI
And After The Medical Mafia ? ..


Since the publishing in 1995 of The Medical Mafia, it has
created a reaction from the media that is considerable. Its contents
leave no one indifferent; some adore it, others detest it, but
everyone reads it.
An instantaneous best seller, the book stirred up the anger
of the medical authorities. They could not stand that one of
their members would dare to reveal publicly truths that were
not allowed to be talked about even in closed chambers.
The College of Physicians demanded my resignation.
Faced with my refusal, they brought me to court and to a trial
that echoed loudly, with the intention of silencing me definitely. But, it ended
up that this trial exposed to everyone well guarded secrets of the medical
establishment. It took a toll on the public trust, the fondation upon which rests the
whole medical system.
Joachim Schafer has recited this whole judiciary saga in a book called
The Trial Of The Medical Mafia.


The follow-up to The Medical Mafia. In this book, I deal in
greater depth with solution to the system of sickness we are
experiencing now. The reader is provided with the nuts and bolts
for developing and integrating one's individual sovereignty,
the key to health, youth and immortality.
More than ever, I am convinced of my inner divinity.
And I share why and how. How I improve my behaviour as
a divine being in my daily experiences and tasks. How I
cultivate love of me and stop expecting love from the ..
others. How I learn to recognize and embrace my fears, and
heal them, one after the other. How I give up my attachment to the
past and stop wondering about the future. How I realize that two things are
EVITABLE: income tax and death. And how I conclude that life is a comedy!
In 2002, I put my experiences and the journey of the last seven years in a book
titled What the Hell Am I Doing Here Anyway?
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• Neil Z.Miller: Vaccines - Are They Really Safe & Effective? • Richard C. Chirimuuta: AIDS, Africa and Racism, Richard C.
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• Michael Moore: Stupid White Men ... and Other Sorry • Harris L. Coulter (Ph.D.): AIDS and Syphilis - The Hidden
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• Randall Neustaedter: The Immunization Decision - A Guide Regnery Publishing, USA, 1997.
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• Rolande Girard: SIDA: tristes chimeres, Ed. Grasset, France,
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• Peggy O'Mara, Editor: Vaccinations, The Rest of the Story -
A Selection of Articles, Letters, and Resources 1979-1992 • Leornard G. Horowitz: Emerging Viruses - AIDS & Ebola -
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• Marie-Therese Quentin (N.D.): Les vaccinations - Prevention • Felix Konotey-Ahulu (M.D.): What is AIDS?, Tettah-
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• Chuck Whitlock: Mediscams - How to Spot & Avoid Health
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• Alan Cantwell Jr. (M.D.): AIDS, the Mystery and the Solution
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• Alan Cantwell Jr. (M.D.): Queer Blood - The Secret AIDS Articles
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• Robert Root-Bernstein: "Rethinking AIDS", Frontier
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• John Seale: Scientific articles in the Journal of the Royal REALIZATION
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also in Nature 335: p, 391, 1988, Messiah, Doubleday, USA / NY, 1977.
Bulletin • Dr. James P. Carter (M.D.): Racketeering in Medicine - The
• James Trabulse (Publisher): Rethinking AIDS, 2040 Polk Suppression of Alternatives, Hampton Roads Publishing,
St., suite 321, San Francisco, CA 94109, USA, USA / VA, 1992,
• Center for Self·Governance & Dana J. Harrison: It's Your
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• H.I,V. Connection?: 1072 Folsom St., suite 321, San Nation, Institute for Contemporary Studies, USA / CA, 1994,
Francisco, CA 94103, USA,
• Foundation For Inner Peace: A Course in Miracles - Text,
Manual for Teachers and Workbook for Students, Foundation
for Inner Peace, USA / CA, 1975,
• Christopher Bird: The Galileo of the Microscope - The Life
• Dr Michael A. Greenberg (M,D.): Off the Pedestal -
and Trials of Gaston Naessens, CERBE, Quebec, 1990,
Transforming the Business of Medicine, Breakthru
• Dr. Alan Cantwell Jr (M.D,): The Cancer Microbe - The Publishing, USA / TX, 1990 - Out of print, some used copies
Hidden Killer in Cancer, AIDS and Other Immune Diseases, available,
Aries Rising Press, USA, 1990 - Out of print.
• Dr L.F.C. Mess: La maladie .. , une benediction, La guerison ..
• Kathleen Deoul: Cancer Cover-Up-Genocide, Cassandre un devoir, Les Trois Arches, France, 1989,
Books, USA, 2001,
• Serge Mongeau: Parce que la paix n'est pas une utopie, Ed,
• Barry Lynes: The Cancer Cure That Worked - Fifty Years of Ecosociete, Montreal/Quebec, 1990,
Suppression, Marcus Books, Canada, 1987,
• Marcia Nozick: No Place Like Home: Building Sustainable
• Christopher MacNaney: Cancer - New Connections, Communities, Canadian Council on Social Development,
People's Research Centre, England, Canada, 1990,
• Patrick M. McGrady Jr.: Cancer Scandal - The Politics and • Isabelle Robard: La sante assassinee (Le sang contamine
Policies of Failure (Video), American Science Writers en France), Ed, de I'Ancre, France, 1995,
Association, USA,
• Machaelle Small Wright: Behaving As If God In All Life
• Ralph W, Moss (Ph.D.): Cancer Therapy - The Independent Mattered - A New Age Ecology, Perelandra, USA / VA, 1983.
Consumer's Guide to Non-Toxic Treatment & Prevention,
Equinox Press / Movable Type, USA, 1992,
• UTNE Reader: "Managed Care Scam", USA /MN, Sept.-Oct.
• Ralph W. Moss (Ph.D.): The Cancer Industry - The Classic
Expose on the Cancer Establishment, Paragon House, USA,
• Sante et Bien-Etre Canada: Compte rendu du Colloque de
• Satprem: Mother - The Divine Materialism, Institute for
la F,O,R.C.T.C, sur I'epidemiologie du cancer, Canada, 1992,
Evolutionary Research, France, 1987,
• Scientific American, January 1994,
• Time Magazine, April 1994,

• Dr Eric Ancelet: Pour en finir avec Pasteur - Un siecle de
mystification scientifique. Ed, Marco Pietteur, Belgique, 1998,
• Nancy Appleton (Ph.D.): The Curse of Louis Pasteur,
Choice Publishing, USA, 1999,
• Gerald L. Geison: The Private Science of Louis Pasteur,
Princeton University Press, USA, 1995,
• Ethyl Douglas-Hume: Bechamp or Pasteur? - A Lost
Chapter in the History of Biology, C.w. Daniel, England,
1923, 1947 - Out of print.
• Marie Nonclercg: Antoine Bechamp, 1816-1908 - L'homme
Thanks to Jacques Viau from BIOSFAIRE bookstore
et Ie savant. originalite et fecondite de son ceuvre, Ed,
for the revision of this bibliography.
Maloine, Paris, 1982 - Out of print.
All the mentioned books (and even some listed as
Magazines "out of print") are available at the bookstore:
• Saturday Night - "Blood Feud" (Canada, December 1992), www.biosfaire.com
A Common sense, 2, 5, 7,34, 57, 69, 109, 117,
Africa, 125, 126, 131, 145-148 135,141,143,157,160,166,168,171,
Aging, 1,26,46, 74, 160, 227,242 182,187,203,207,211,221
Alaska, 132 Conscience, 18, 26, 31, 46,51,53,54,60,61,
Alma Ata, , 37, 127, 184 67, 69-71, 117, 121, 135, 137, 139, 160,
American Cancer Society, 151, 159 181,183,187,192,198,206,212,218,
American Medical Association, 38, 97, 189 219-221,222,223,226,227,228,230
Amsterdam, 144 Consent, 37, 98, 132, 135, 136, 138, 139, 198,
Anablast. 150 205,216,217,231,236,239
Army, 92, 128, 130, 139, 146, 147, 173, 192, Conspiracy, 81, 216, 217, 218
229,230 Convention of Rights of the Child, 128, 129
Authority, 1, 3, 53, 72. 85, 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 97, Competition, 1, 36, 49, 78, 108, 109, 113, 114,
107, 127, 129, 167, 180, 194, 198, 200, 151,159,162,193,198,214,234,235,237
201,202,203,208,210,215,227,241 Corporate Phylosophy, 115, 117
Awareness, 32, 133 Coupl~ 94, 110,212,250
All 129, 142, 143, 144, 144, 145,210 CIA, 131, 134, 147
B o
Bank (World), 127, 128, 131, 134, 138, 145, 184, Depression, 30, 49, 116, 153
193,216 Detection, 33, 40, 145, 154, 158
Banker, 37, 193, 216, 237, 245 Divine, 6, 21,22,25,52,60,61, 72, 74,91,92,
Bankruptcy, 3, 49, 65, 176, 210 117, 139, 142, 160, 162, 169, 181, 194,
Bechamp, 162, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171 219,223,224,227,241,247,248,249
Belief, 9, 18, 60, 71, 130, 136, 183 Dogma, 30, 35, 36, 57, 164, 166, 171
Benveniste, Jacques, 186 Donna, 94, 97, 101-111, 138, 151
Bethesda, 134 Duality, 13, 25, 227, 241, 248, 249
Biology, 114, 128, 133, 134, 146, 147, 150, 151, Duesberg, Peter, 144, 189
162,164,189,248 E
Blessing, 35, 108, 231, 250 Ecology, 122, 223
Blood, 142, 154, 164, 169, 170, 199,210,231 Empowerment, 53, 74, 75, 160, 194
Board,96,97, 100,203,233, 235 Emoto, Masaru, 186
Breast, 33, 71, 116, 154, 155, 158,203 Engineering, 134, 135, 148
Business, 5, 93, 94, 95, 96, 110, 112, 113, 115, Enemy, 47, 53, 75, 134, 142, 157, 163, 173,224,
116,134,205,210 230,231
C Equality, 9, 25, 71, 194, 199, 200, 202, 207, 214,
Canada, 3,4,9, 28,37,38, 80,96, 97, 99, 114, 215,224,225,226,238
115, 123, 133, 139, 147, 150, 157, 234, Establishment, 5, 9, 51, 70, 90-94, 98, 113, 136,
237, 238 137,144,159,166,172,188,203,205,207,
Canadian Cancer Society, 159 216
Cantwell, Alan, 146, 156 Eternity, 21,26,46,63, 169, 194,227,242,249,251
Cellular (theory), 163 Evolution, 1, 55, 116, 169, 170, 213, 227, 238,
CFR,37 239,247-250
Chaos, 1 Experimentation, 102, 106, 132, 133, 134, 146, 250
Children, 1,6,32-35,39,49,50, 58,65, 70, 78, Exterior, 47, 54,67, 139, 163,213,227,242
94, 96, 97, 100, 11 0, 112, 115, 117, 120, F
121-126,127,132,139,142,146-148,151, FDA,133
15~ 171, 197,20~ 201,202, 205,20~21, Ferti Iity, 1, 80
215,222,231,244 Flexner, 36, 37, 103, 127, 184, 235, 236
Cholesterol, 30, 116 Fort (Detrick), 134, 146, 147
Cloning, 1, 146 France, 3,4, 9, 20, 24, 28, 35, 38, 39, 85, 96, 97,
Codex, 1 11~ 12~ 12~ 13~ 13~ 145, 15~ 18~
College, 36, 86, 89, 94, 96, 97, 100-109, 115, 203,226,236,239
203, 207, 252
Commodity, 46, 70, 85, 95, 112, 115
Freedom, 25, 26, 63, 75,84,96, 124, 129, 135, l
149, 181, 188, 198, 202, 216, 226, 230, Laboratory, 40, 44, 45, 95, 135, 146, 154, 162,
232, 234, 237, 240 189,205
Fusion, 176, 213, 214, 215, 227, 242, 249 Law,22,35,54,80,92,95,97, 100, 129, 139,
G 185, 197, 220, 223, 225, 231, 242
Gallo, 148 Legality, 5, 55, 57, 80, 85, 91,96, 104, 108, 124,
Genes, 1, 154, 159, 169 137,139,142,150,183,188,189,198,
Genetics, 122, 125, 132, 134, 148, 154, 156, 206 206,209,210,211,221,222,240
Genocide, 131, 134, 145 Lies, 84, 91, 112, 113, 119, 120, 126, 159, 166,
Germ (theory), 160, 162-165, 168 173,187,193,219,220,221,243
Globalization, 3, 37, 47, 93, 127, 128, 167, 185, Love, 2, 5, 7, 25, 34,49, 53, 63, 68, 72, 74, 76,
232 142, 193, 220, 249, 250
Gotlieb, Dr., 131 M
Guilt, 3, 35, 49, 104, 116, 136, 186,209,223 Madness, 1, 33, 78, 134, 154, 191, 197
H Mafia, 1,3,5,9, 13,93-95,98,99, 108, 110,
Hamer, 1, 153, 248 136, 151, 159, 172. 185,203,216,218,
Healing, 20, 22, 52,60,61,62, 73, 75, 167, 170, 247,248
176,213,249,250 Malleus Maleficarum, 10,35,37
Hemophilia, 148, 210 Malnutrition, 142, 145, 162
Hepatitis B, 113, 121, 122, 124, 132, 133, 145, Marburg (R.E.A.). 131
146,148 Marketing, 65, 112, 114, 135-137
Herd (sheep), 70, 130, 138,229,251 McNamara, 127, 131
Heretic, 136, 183 Merchandise, 46, 53, 70, 85, 95, 112, 115
Hierarchy, 38, 51, 90, 96, 110, 138, 186, 193, Microbe, 54, 120, 134, 140, 160, 162-166
197,198,200,201,215,216,218,226,228 Micro-chip, 1
HIV, 113, 140, 143-146, 148, 189 Microscope, 164, 168, 169
Holistic, 47, 53, 58, 59, 99, 190 Midwife, 205, 206
Homosexuals, 132, 145, 146, 148 Milk, 1, 125, 142, 162, 164, 165
Horowitz, 146 Military, 54, 128, 130, 134
Humanity, 6, 162,250 Merieux, 128
Microzyme, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169
Mitterand, 85, 115
Ignorance, 29, 78, 148,238, 250
Monkey, 125, 131, 146, 147
Immortality, 6, 169, 227. 242, 248, 249
Monopoly, 1, 7, 36, 37, 113, 235, 237
India, 134
Montagnier, 144
Individual, 18, 22. 28, 34, 39, 52, 72, 78, 92,
MSKCC, 151
104, 122, 142, 169, 176, 181, 193, 194,
Multinationals, 1, 112, 114, 128, 130, 135, 137,
202, 203, 204, 213, 215, 218, 222, 22 7,
Industrialization, 3, 9, 33, 36, 37, 78,80, 85, 86,
87,90,91,94,96,97,110 N
Institutions, 9, 84, 85, 89, 91, 97, 128, 172. 212, Naessens, Gaston, 150, 168, 169, 170, 203
222 Nationalization, 7
Insurance, 7, 28, 29, 38, 39,46,70,75,80,84, Natives, 132, 133, 134,222
88,91, 96, 97, 102, 109, 137, 172. 173, NCI, 134, 147, 154
188,191,205,210,211,212,224,233, Necessity, 1, 135, 136,247
235,237,239 New York, 132, 133, 148, 151, 162, 250
Irradiation, 1, 72. 165 NIH,148
Nixon, 147, 157
NWO, 167
Justice, 36, 96, 105, 182, 184,205,206,209,
212, 233, 244 o
Judiciary, 95, 105, 108, 150, 185, 209, 210, 211, Obesity, 116
247, 254 Objection, 223
Obligation, 102, 135, 136, 138, 139, 183, 223, 236
Kala-Azar, 131
Option, 69, 70, 164, 194, 197, 212, 250
Ouganda, 131
p Soudan, 131
Pasteur, 1, 128, 144, 162, 164, 165, 167, 171 Sovereignty, 9, 35, 37, 53, 60, 62,67, 68, 72, 73,
Pasteurization, 162, 165, 168 96, 133, 167, 176, 180, 181, 193, 194, 198,
Patents, 1, 113, 114 199,208,213,218,219,225-227,241,243,
Peace, 6, 13, 16, 53,68, 127, 143, 158, 160, 163, 245, 252
166,193,197,212,226,230,235,243,251 Sterility, 80, 116, 122
Polio, 122, 125, 126, 139, 146, 147 Strecker, Robert, 146
Population control, 131, 145, 146 Survival, 1, 50, 53, 65, 85, 99, 128, 142, 144,
Poverty, 5, 68, 71, 76, 79, 130, 131, 152, 159, 176,184,192,224,226,247
17~ 182, 19~ 23~ 239 SV 40,125,146-148
Prevention, 5, 33, 53, 75, 145, 149, 154, 155, Syndrome, 33, 122, 140, 146, 197
158,163,168,170 Szmuness, Wolf, 133
Privatization, 1, 98, 102, 134,235,237,239 T
Property (intellectual), 114 Tactic, 99, 103, 108, 112, 151,231
Prosperity, 6, 68,72,123,193,214 Taxes, 70, 138, 210, 231
Protection, 9, 35, 60, 72, 89, 98, 100, 108, 114, Technology, 40, 66, 76, 77, 78, 85, 88, 108, 114,
130,136,203,212,222 134, 182, 184, 185, 211,233,245
Prozac, 1 Transformation, 59, 60, 61, 117, 223, 226, 227,
Public health, 133, 146 228,232
Q Trafic, 1, 11 5
Quebec, 82, 96, 99,100,128,133,224 Trial, 4, 35, 150, 188,209,211
R Trilateral (Commission), 1, 113, 145
Rabies, 165 U
Research, 1, 2, 5, 13, 20, 33, 51, 86, 89, 90, 95- UN (United Nations), 37, 111, 127. 128, 231
97,112-114,125,131,134,144-148,150, Unconsciousness, 181, 222, 248
151,154,157,159,162,163,168,170, UNESCO,162
182, 186, 189, 207 UNICEF, 126, 127, 128, 134, 145
Resources, 46, 112, 141 Unilever, 128
Responsibility, 3, 9,48, 51, 60, 115, 124, 134, United States, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 37, 55, 150, 151, 224,
143,145,148,150,151,164,167,184, 252
189,193,198,202,203,205,206,207, Unity, 93, 227, 241
211,212,216,220,222,228,242,249 Unsubordination, 30, 33, 35, 70, 103, 104, 108,
Rife Royal, 150, 151, 189 112, 138, 153, 171, 183, 185, 190,221
Ritalin, 1, 124 v
Rockefeller, 1,36, 113, 127. 128, 151, 154, 184, Van den Hoven, 128
234 Velcro (solution), 232
Roosevelt, 234 Viagra, 1
Salk, Jonas, 128 War, 13, 18, 53, 64, 68, 80, 92, 109, 134, 145,
Secrecy, 4,186,192,198,216,243 157, 158, 159, 163, 189, 192, 197,227,
Security, 1, 9, 28, 45, 49, 60, 72, 75, 88, 98, 109, 231,248
130, 172, 180, 181, 197, 198, 201, 202, Warburg,37
203,205,213,216,233,240,251 Water, 1, 131. 133, 250
Senate, 37 Weapon, 66,98, 108, 130, 133, 134, 146, 147,
Senegal. 127 15~ 186-188,23~ 231
Senghor, Leopold Sedar, 127 Wexu, Oscar, 100
Silence, 1, 18, 30, 70, 75, 95, 132, 168, 186, 198, WHO, 37,93,111,113,120,127,128,129,132,
202, 20~ 20~ 21~ 211, 21~ 217, 22~ 133,134,138,146,147,148,167,184,
223, 250 185, 193,21~ 218,233
Slavery, 25, 181,216,224,229,230 y
Snead, Eva, 146
Youth, 26,63, 160, 227, 242
Separation (conflict of), 180, 213, 2228, 241,
248 Z
Socialized medicine, 28, 130, 184, 210, 233-240 Za'ire, 131
Solidarity, 176, 213-215, 226, 227, 242, 243-245
Somatide, 168, 169, 170
• The Medical Mafia
by Ghislaine Lanctot
A comprehensive expose of the working of all medical systems. A best
seller that continues to draw public attention. It is a scathing account of
the links between the medical establishment, the drug manufacturing
conglomerates and governments at all levels. The book also provides
readers with insights on how to take stock of their individual situation
and raise their level of awareness in order to take back their health and
wealth. The controversy generated by this book ended up costing the
author her right to practice medicine ever again.
- 272 pages, with illustrations.

• The Trial of The Medical Mafia

by Joachim Schafer
It is an account of how the medical establishment deals with any
dissident medical practitioner who does not toe the official line. One
who dares to stand up to it and who takes it upon herself, in this case,
to denounce such practices as vaccinations, and the treatment of AIDS
and cancer. Some characterised the very public trial of Dr. Lanctot,
the author of The Medical Mafia, as one held before a kangaroo court.
Her book figured prominently during the trial as the prosecution's most
damming evidence against her and resulted in her being banned from
practising medicine for life.
- 270 pages. with illustrations.

• What The Hell Am I Doing Here Anyway?

by Ghislaine Saint-Pierre Lanctot
I am experiencing division, war, poverty, famine, terrorism, fear, illness,
suffering. old age, death. Life makes no sense. It is Hell on Earth!
I could simply end it here and now, and go back to where I came from.
But instead, I hang on. trying to postpone the inevitable day of
reckoning ...
Why do I put up with all of this?
Because I know deep down that all this nonsense is unreal and artificial.
A little voice keeps telling me that I can live in peace, that this planet
can feed all of us, that love can spread like wildfire and that happiness
is just around the corner waiting to be let in. I keep listening and I hang
on, trying to survive at any cost. I want to know Paradise on Earth.
BUT HOW? That is what this book is all about. It is about: Finding my
true creative nature. Becoming aware that I created this Hell on Earth.
Realizing that I can just as well create Paradise on Earth! Learning how
to think, speak and behave like the divine being that I am. Transforming
my imaginary fears into love. Discovering that life has a direction that
makes sense. Experiencing self-fulfillment. Finding happiness.
Laughing. Getting younger and healthier. Living forever.
- 272 pages, With illustrations.

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