This non-compete agreement prohibits the employee from disclosing trade secrets or confidential information both during and after their employment. It also prevents the employee from competing with the company for a specified number of years within a certain radius after leaving the company. The employee agrees to pay liquidated damages if they violate the non-compete covenant. Both the company and employee sign the agreement to indicate their acceptance of its terms.
This non-compete agreement prohibits the employee from disclosing trade secrets or confidential information both during and after their employment. It also prevents the employee from competing with the company for a specified number of years within a certain radius after leaving the company. The employee agrees to pay liquidated damages if they violate the non-compete covenant. Both the company and employee sign the agreement to indicate their acceptance of its terms.
This non-compete agreement prohibits the employee from disclosing trade secrets or confidential information both during and after their employment. It also prevents the employee from competing with the company for a specified number of years within a certain radius after leaving the company. The employee agrees to pay liquidated damages if they violate the non-compete covenant. Both the company and employee sign the agreement to indicate their acceptance of its terms.
This non-compete agreement prohibits the employee from disclosing trade secrets or confidential information both during and after their employment. It also prevents the employee from competing with the company for a specified number of years within a certain radius after leaving the company. The employee agrees to pay liquidated damages if they violate the non-compete covenant. Both the company and employee sign the agreement to indicate their acceptance of its terms.
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Non-Disclosure and Non-Competition
At all times while this agreement is in force and after its expiration or termination, [Employee Name] agrees to refrain from disclosing [Companys Name]s customer lists, trade secrets, or other confidential material. [Employee Name] agrees to take reasonale security measures to pre!ent accidental disclosure and industrial espionage. "hile this agreement is in force, the employee agrees to use his#her est efforts at performing his#her $o, and to aide y the non%disclosure and non%competition terms of this agreement& the employer agrees to compensate the employee as follows' [Compensation]. After expiration or termination of this agreement, [Employee Name] agrees not to compete with [Company Name] for a period of [Numer] years within a [Numer]%mile radius of [Company Name and (ocation]. )his prohiition will not apply if this agreement is terminated ecause [Company] !iolated the terms of this agreement. )he definition of competition means owning or working for a usiness that [Explain]. [Employee Name] agrees to pay li*uidated damages in the amount of +[Amount] for any !iolation of the co!enant not to compete. ,N ",)NE--, [Company Name] and [Employee Name] ha!e signed this agreement. Company Name' -ignature of .epresentati!e' Employee Name' Employee -ignature' /ate'