Design of Bridges
Design of Bridges
Design of Bridges
‘wy Voesse = eset + carepe =
unde goto 0 anta9 ayy ay
MW S'srLBE = O69 + Ssso¥E =
vod oippru xn J04
rustuott Biypog ye,
= 1050 mm
# Depth of rib
= 1050 ~ 300 = 750 mm
Width of rib = 400 mm
Dead load
Weight of rib
= 0.40 x 0.75 x 25000 = 7500 Nin
DL. from slab
= 00% 25 +75 x24) x 2.5 = 24180 Wn
Total dead load = 31680 n/n
Live toad
Uniformly distributed live toad
= 5714 x 26 x 1.25 = 185705 Wim
Knife'edge load :
= 120x 1000-28") 125
= 1114286 NV
Maximum BM. =
= G1680 +:18570.5) 12.5%.
4 111428.6 & 12:
= 1348220 Nin
Loads on the end beam
Parapet. = 3750 Nin
Kerb : = 900 Nim
Slab = 9750 Nin
Wearing coat = 1620 Win
Di. of deck stab
= 2 jem 290
7500 Nhu
Uniférmly distributed live toad
= 5714 (0.9 + 1.3) 1.25 = 1871 Wm
Total distributed toad = $1320 N/m
Knife edge toad
‘Maximuta bending moment
= 51320 1262 | 94286 x 12.6
4 8 4
= 13154463. Nin
‘We find tiat the mide eam i subjected vo greater
bending moment than the end beam
Let us design the middie beam,
Assuming thet 30 mm diameter bars are likely to
be used in two layers and allowing a clear cover of 40
tint {0 the outer layer of bars, the effecting depth
= d= over depth ~ clear cover — diameter of
bar half the spacing between layers
= 1050 ~ 40~ 30 ~ 15 mm
165 ma
Approximate lever arm
= 965 ~ 150 = 815 mm
Approximate steel requienient
1348220 x 1000
S180 x B15
= 11816 mn?
Provide 16 bars of 30 mm diameter (11310 mnun?),
Width of flange
This is taken at the lesser of the following :
() Spacing of beams = 26 m= 2600 mn
260. 600+ 65300
(i) G40, + 6d, =
= 4300 mum
Width of flange = 2600 mm
Assuming that the neutral axis is situated outside
the Mange, taking moments about We neutral axis, we
2600 x 300 (n ~ 150)
13,33 x 11310 (965 — n)
& 82 mm,
But thickness of tlange = 300 mm
“, Neutral axis lies within the flange,
Hence the depth of neutral axis is given by |
2600.02 13.33 x 11310 (065 =m)
"24 115.9% - 11191202 «0
Solving, we get
= 282 mm
Actual lever arin
871 nmwuowe2s0puar
ean w ssouss aysuay
£ pasdope aq troys satsouts
Suwon Sumonof ayy “sassaxs Burzs04s (4)
{oe = suv9q 40g
BSE = gut 10g
2 SAion0f
$0 99 yous s2ouvaopo Spode -yoeduuy (11)
“Gomvedsou so10f svoys sof sawuos ¢1 pun mato
Suypuag sof owner 2p = 902 yspin sous ¢¢ fo auny
subst 40d poo} aayy 282 afiuy potnususowe (1)
: ‘sauuoy
Be = poo} ai pamquieip Suse pois ()
4 stuauasmban
Sumones ays 0 a4n8if Bukuvduooon aya
us uoys 50 wi { koaipuos 12,9 puo soutew 27 weds
40379 fo ofpug poor ‘9°y wo usisaq “gpg udjsoq
“9p us O0E
© sdiuans @ wav oF p2889}-011 pourwou apinorg
N Os6sLi
awstsa1 aq 0) sous
1 ooteet =
596 X O0W x S40 = 5 =
‘meNUED Jo Zounns}sar swaUg
AMUN SY = °B 098 B49p"Y 203
t= gor x 528% 00 _
S69v't = 001 x EO
‘tgeirear toes opsua Jo oBeiuaoi0g
W Os6sLI'=
N #Y'st66Lz ~ 9B'e98ssp =
Parsysau 2q 01 sous douvpeg
20/8 OORT =
Onl (LOL x #) * £OL0 =
“ry Loe
JB}URIP tw OE JO S7eq JNO} Jo aauNAS!Se2 TwOLg
‘woddns ain wos} ww oopz = O€et + OEC1
We 1uaq 9q Avur sxeq atour smog “suoddns om wHo33
Mou O€CE = 118 * PIPL = Py
Jo aoueIsTp Be 199,99 $289 sN0} 197)
25 20 pou 29 fe} ox a jo seq Blo ay
aN BTL =
uauyy $96 * OOP PO,
ON SeeaRSE * F
sans sys pounoyy
“sq dn ing
430 wy ap uy wouaosoyuin seoys aptcad #12}
N 9R'coR6sy =
sere $8 eons +
ea i"
sar SoLsst + ovorg) =
9940) sways wnusyxepy
eau Sz
282 ~ $96 , eet
x feel
we “Ter
1 sans “onpsexdunoo umupret Suppuodsazio;
wuyy vet = MBX OUETL
ON or ceeareT
PAS UL ssons yemoy
09 hg
ear BE af gto a
shuuon thulioge
J rues Ot snug)
i aes ‘aa
ie td unwosid be
Fig, 955
Compressive stress in 1
concrete’ in flexure = 0 kglem? ( about 75 span of stab)
Modular ratio = 2B Average thickness of the wearing coat
Distribution steek This shall be provided as 5 om.
follows : Dead load
40% of Main steel for spans upto 1.25 metres Weight of weastug coat
50% of Main see! for spans upto 1.80 metres 150.
55% of Main steel for spans upto 240 metres Fie « 2300 = 173 Rein?
60% of Main stel for spans upto 3 metres.
Weight of slab
‘Inno case need the area of distribution sieel exceed siamese
105 om? per metre width, op 2800 = 528 ke/n?
Solution. For the given set of working siresses it oo
is first necessary to compute the corvespondinig design
coefficients, .
Depth of critical neutral axis
where n= md
= 087d
MR. = Q bd?
where 2-4 x087x-B x 7921199
4 MR, = 1199 pat
Design of the slab
Assume the thickness of the slab t0 he 22 ent
= 701 kg/m?
Live oad
Uno dished od
= IO ota
572 kg/m?
Kite ge a
x 1900
kg/m for BM,
= 3429 kg/m for BLM,
BM, Calculations per metre strip of slab
Deck sta
A. Max. bending moment due to dead los at mid
support 4
1 «26 x 100
= 59240 kg. cm,
atewo 8y yo9gos
ees + Petess =
uauiow saaaqnue)
‘uo By QOEESE = OB6ZL + OcEOHE =
weeds tea 30 ana omn ay
wo BY ObIsE =
czar + o1zs9¢ =
‘aoddns ojpprur atp 2940)
wuauout Bujpusq TOL,
wo 8 0291 =
x =
Gor x xe x8)
owow Sujpusg sona{nUeD Jo asea19Uy
9 8y Og6zt =
oor x oboe ex 8) =
* qovo Jo anuao aif we ywewou SuIpuag Jo avwarouy
mo By ogcat = O01 x Bay x (HEX 8)
‘woddas opp an soac wwawour Burpuag Joost!
wis 33a,
2 ssouyony uy
‘ssvaxouy 9 go} onp yvotow Huypung uy aseesoUy
“PHD WO OE GeIs 3tp OxEUE SM 207]
“WO 6p2 =
wo 6orSt+SIC=
‘ndop tresado uimuun ‘Srey sqoureyp uau gy Susp]
uw st =
dwoursaz0juyDs qojs 9¥p1L9 01 39409 3091)
wo ost =P
“oney amt Twowour SupLaa
unuaseu 2p 01 courrstsat Jo wawou ay Sunes
: “wwowour Surpuiog azo
2m 5 aww Fiapuag soxsqrTo om TN PU ph
WOR PERSE = ——wawow sonsqmues prog,
io aT OBI =
SCL X06 x ozve =
vot ¥p9 a}Uy 01 anp “Wee
we By OWZIE =
+ yee
SEX OO xe x tus
eo} sai painginsip Aquuojun on anp “Wes
‘anui29 amp 1 pro} pap 01 2np uawow FuppuTR xe
uo By Gia =
$9 00h «08 L xzz'0 =
aus Mn 30 wSan-98 1 aN Hr
0 By $959.=
oot, 00t
sp.x ooee x SE x OO =
100 BupeaM 01 anp “Wes
wo 8y Gees =
$201 x OOee x SOx Sz0=
495 JO 148f0u 01 onp "WE
wo By OL1hp =
Sel x OOP x 1x STO=
radered Jo 14394 01 amp “pre
juatuout Buypuag ss4aqnUED
wo 8y oceorE
OzLOve + O0ZeS + OOFLY =
weds you9 Jo anu20 9m9 18 “WE [EOL
wo By OIZs9e
wo Sy OZLO¥e + OS299 + OFS =
1woddns oqppru ame.
wa 84 OTLOPE =
WH Poy,
weds yova jo antiaa on ay
to By ozzope =
(SEL) OOI X. wR ™
odes om 2340
prot a8pa ajay or anp Wea“.
wu BY goets =
GED 001 x Ae
ands yor 0 anton ain ay
tu By 9529 =
(SET) OL x wrx
‘wodds an 2040,
voy aa pay AluLO,IUN OF aE "He
wo 8 gopep =
e9t™ TOL git
weds Jo.Exquating the moment of resistatice to the maxireu
bending moment, weibiaveys "9
sa 11,99 x 100 d?
hos, d= 2180 om?
Actual effective depiti available (with 18 mm bars
‘at a clear cover,of 25 mum) :,
= 30-250 09 =266 om
Steel requirement,
‘Ay for cantilever moment
= 558664
'400x 087x266
7 2116 em? es
“Spacing of 18 mun diameter bars
2.54 3100:
ag. em
= 14 cn centrés
‘Ag at mid span +S"!
353300" at
* 14000875266
1 Spacing of 18 rim diamitér bars
= 23 cit centres’ >
Ay over middle support
381440 a
* 1400 x 087x266 ©"
= 180 en?" s
‘Spacing of 18 mn diameter bars
1 om centres
Studying the spacings of reinforcement computed
above, we may adopt the following :
‘Over mid support
aati spn |
Distribution steel
Span of slab
For the specifications mestioned inthe problem te
distribution steel requirement
= 60% of main steel
= 060 ( 251210.) oy
18 mm diameter bars
at 20 cm centres
im = 7.62 om?
Spacing of 12 mm diametet bars
= x10,
=" 762
= 148 on
say 14,5 cm centres
Check for shear stress
Shear force at the inner edge of the end beam
= (20% 260 715% 23) x 28
+ 572-22 (1.35) + 4286 (1.35) kg
1950 ke
Nominal shear sess
_S___ 7950
&* bd = 700 x 266
98 ke/em?
12.82 i
Bot sweet = AR x 100 = 048%
For 048% steel
Ge 3.0 keg/em?
Permissible nominal shear stress for slabs
= Ky.
For slabs of thickness 30 om or more
++ Permissible nominal shear stress
=1X30= 30 kg/emt
Shear force at the outer edge of the end beam
Parapet 0.15 x 1x 2400 = 360 ky
Kerb 0.25 x 0.15 x 2300 = 86 ky
Stab 1.30 x 0:30 x 2400 = 936 kg
Wearing coat 0.90 x 0.075 x 2300 = 155 kg
Uniformly distributed live load
S72 09% 135 = 695 kg
Knife edge load
Shear stress
Loads on the middle beam
Effective span (60 em bearing)
= 12 +06 = 12.6 metressu.
(ST ~%) 0€ x 092
ant ‘se enna ap moge swuowoM Forse ‘oStMy ot
spisino parerns sy sexe enna ain vein Stussy,
“wo 092 =
38u0y 30 wpa, +
Porar3 wy
Wo 092 = w 09 =
siuoq Jo Supeds (1)
40 859 a0 $e voy 5} Stu,
9 Of = +a2
WO 06h = (OF x9) bon + 5S.
M9 OE = OE X9 + OF +
Potns eng
s8uey 30 eras
(e%9 ETT) se1awoyp aw o¢ fo sang gr apaout
20 891
#28 x 0061
ee Cooper eT
twouissmbat oars ayeurowly
WO YB = St 46 =
ust s049] syeuyyouddy
Mo 16 =
2 90 0¢ ~~ sor =
ss9fey toomi2g
Supeds ox s1ey ~ 19 30 soraump
~ 42009 J} ~ indap 3940 = p =
Indsp aanseyo ofp “meq Jo so6ey sno tq 0} 19
30 s9409 ae v Bapnoyte pe s30%e; OM UH past 29
01 Atoay ome req sore wat Of vet Supunssy
“ureoq OIpPRU am UBisap sn ra]
“ug pu ain ween yuowou uypu09
‘Wos8 01 porafans sy weeq etporur ann win pay om
wo By ON0'pLE'Z1 =
us : +
18 001% serrate t
3 7
001 XE * 066 =
‘wowou Saypaog wnwexeyy
8Y Gov =
rge \,
se x cone» { See)
voy aBpe om
‘eOT paingznsip (EOI,
w/t 0665
wy ELST = STL x (ET +60) ZLS =
Deol aaqt painginsip Apwoyrar)
my ote = any
y - jy
vy OOLL 18
Is y09 Jo "TG.
Woo BtusB9 44
luteaq pus 94 uo sprory
‘wo By QoO'rEz'CL =
wo % 001 x ‘
x8 =
on x8 (sit 0}
8y tit =
er (S8)noans
peor apo ayruy
WAY 6581 = SLX 9 x ELS =
Peo] att pomaensip étusONUA,
- peo} gary
WAY TOE = peo} peap Tero,
WAY Ieee = 9% x UX SL + Hex OD)
Quis Woy “Tq
WEY O2L = OOF x SL'0 x OFO = aU 30 14810
(paumnsse) wo gy =
qs jo indo ~
wa sor =
wo oor x 9@L xa.
tds jo HE =
‘urwaq 30 widap [TEACBRipors
13 x 113.1 074 —n)
28.08 cm
But thickness of flange
= 300m
;- Neutral axis lies within the flange,
Hence the depth of neutral axis is given by
260 n2
2 213 113.1 07.4 — 9)
m4 113122 1102
n= Bem
Actual lever arm,
“+ Actual stress in steel
= 13.234)000: is
“Tai xlas.r er
= 1327 kyle} 6
Corresponding -maxitilin’ compressive stress in,
concrete ese
1 then oe
2M. 7 a.agg Refom?
= 412 kyle?
Maximum shear force [
Nominal shear stress
5 __ 44800
"ha = Brora been
= 115 ke/omt
Let us provide sheae reinforcement in the form of
bent up bars.
Let eight burs of the top layer be utilized for shear
Let four bars be bent at a distance of
1Alda = 1414 x 88,1
= 124.6 om say 125 om
{i the support. Four more bars may be bent at
125 + 125 = 250 cm from the support.
Shea resistance of four bars of 30 mm diameter
= 0107 Ayty,
0507 & (8% 7.07) x 1400 ke
= 27990 ig
Balance shear to be resisted
= 44800 27990 ag
= 16180 kg
Percentage of tensile steel available
= Fox a7d * 100 = 1.45%
For 1.45% steel,
= 45 ky/em?
Shear resistance of concrete
Se2 45% 40x 974
= 17532 kg
But shear to be resisted
= 16180 kg.
Provide two-legged 10 mm¢ stirrups at 30 0m ef
em,Jo} sauuor gp 30 “pee agus B 30} s3UUOI OZ 94 THUS
‘sojorgos parsoyse hn 40} spo] wMUEUH OGL “E
‘xn Buissox9 8} saqskjan go wren pauonvow anoge an
AysoSoureo unpes aue-Z pes 9 0
‘34 (NeUS PO] AA 3240 ON
106 314
“siapys act ougen
‘omy Aaan0 303 pasapysto9 9 YLO4s SUOMTPUOD 1319425
saqwaxo s9naqonys SOPONVOR Po|OHH.IO PAL VY SSID
Jo uyen ou sweaqno pure s2Sppxy OUEINTML 20
“96 uemp'sS0] 99 10U {THUS SaFo:GaR oatssaDNS
fom ugaattag Brq9EUS THE 0} 980 OHI, "T + SHON
: eo] aay Tevorppe Aue 01 paroles
se pownsse aq tow yes ToRyes 20 EN pscpUS
‘ain 4a pasononun ao] AersaBeure 2x v0 S902 aL,
sossons umuapaat fume sod wy Ssnoou MS
Sumov sp, palopsod a yous sofaugan JON
go Sars 24h 178 wed 20 a} prOPUES 12 20
tod poov0s9H9 10U a2 $05 ©!
16:88 404s se saqouoa Huyss05920 Busse Oot
igen pat Qu0% © 30 29E9 SKEANPUOS aKN PARE aTPHIDA
roomy soouepp WNNMUN xn we peptacad
ossans minanseut aanposd ys woos von sod
uw Kalman 01 pate pang ayn 30 Buy 0 oF ECL
yonen oy pauunsse aq us UE 30 SFOS PPUEIS
Jr skeaspoos at JO AAPL. QHD GION 2 UNTIL
“pgtyap 5 pasop#su09 9q 120 IE UR BUND 21
‘ou pgpene Suoiea UY, 806 0006 ‘Ble waves
Se sojonan Jo suren 30 SoppHUDN Paya 20 Parsons
epans Jo sfS0OD TUS proL IAN UHISOP. OL
Buypeoy “O°WT Je eA
“asnuyo sp go sosoxlmnd Dip 30 Sammons
‘bsorwdwor se papzefas 94 01 ase suds soqum tne
‘Sompnaag sbaze paysnads ut S9GpUq 405 pee SaIMINAS
‘renokra Joy patton Aeon 04 01S! Supe] SLL
‘ suypuoy gf Sse “OWT LD
sup 20 pauisop axe sani pu sang mound
diuypeoy y sep “OWT (2)
-Saypoor ¥ s8e19 29pu PoURTIGD
aq Avr sossants soto ‘Suontpuos upe99 Japan
St ose Suypoot S80 409 payaBUD 24 PINOYS Suupeot
Yv store 10) pausisep salud “sAemusiy pautoeds
iro Booze pie sve pomods sono wy “sear
fetnsnpin poreyJusowo> 40 Bunstxe wress9 uy SH
Frulomunur reno ene pawdope 2018) Supeor SLL
‘voBam stp aepun ausoo segs pie svare paywoods
qo uo SuipeoyAnvay Aran 01 pavafins SeBPUR,
Buypeo ¥ ¥ SED “DAT
{ sqjodare> SuyMorfo} OM OWE
-svaqyno pe song soyss979 9709 HL, “SUIpEO| “BT
01 Suiprozoe pavijsop ome soRpL9 peOs Te LION UL”
Huojeayypedg s50a8u0D speoy WET “SOTS
m7 cord ‘como | wa |
wre wean pip | 5 moToq UDA Se 99 {Tuas FeBPHG
‘uuyE,nUur uo Sojonox Sutssoxo 40 Buyssed 40 B8pa.o3N0
P06 Sit
30 sofpa sano amp uaomiog # souema[9 wnurTZUE
‘un pie *q'94 UKHSICE =
1 ¢8'¢ = ude aansoyjo = 7
3989 100 Uy
Po1s9 Fu,puesaiz09 ayy spi,
Posopysuo9 of OF PMOL 2 el
peo wos as
{pws assay aye ponent DUN Bs
‘04s Wo pee paytaoun Jo wenmqneena
185 09,
2019) waeduay
3194p JO womsod ax SiNOUS HG “mas up JO 240
Spi} Faun gO ax ped apeL KAwAKE aK JO HOHsoAt
fs 949 01 ya0dso4 Him AeoqnIoUNMEAS p3Oetd
34 ts samuo) FT Jo SpoO} ape AtourEH spUOY CAC
wot acre
stow 30
anion pu aie Jo ay esaptos sonny aes
wat = 0¢0 +250=
Soman oma yo sion go samo ta
0 $0 = 1a ose =p
1p og = 100 095 = 74
wit ie
eau Joen00 panos)
wo st = aw os
604949 Jo 958) epwoH a) pu aK
2up so apa nino uaomtog Joona ny
x ait 26) =
is ~ su)
$930 Bempuos Jo rum zo so
"W s4 30 Kompuos 30 iba 489 © 0
“WS J0 Kempeos 30 mbt & 404
+ smo) se poujuto.9p 99) st
dovenyp sy, surat ont waosog# avon som
“en Jo sou ow 40} peut} ostaoud
“our g9 1 Kespecn 9 fo ts JOS aD 90
PEO] aN] (Gq)
wo 3y onuzor =
miss 39) +rOse
+28Since. the effective width is more, the critical 4 = 0.869 d say 0.87 d
condition i therefore the previous case viz, when both Q=12 :
the trains of toads are present. Equating the moment of resistance to the maximum,
Dispersion of toad along the spaa bending moment, we have,
Eifective ength of slab on which the wheel lead acts 12 x 100 a? = 1,410,400 ty
shall be taken as equal to the dimension of the tyre d= 34.28 cm
contact area over the wearing surface of the span plas Effective depth avail
twice the overall depti: of the slab inclusive of the cover an si
thickness of the wearing surface, ——
le providing 25 mm clear
92366 cm
“1 Tn our case’ the effective fength on which the 1410400, -
‘wheel load is applied, Aa Ta00% 0.87 x 366 °™
= 2542 (40+8) om = 31.63 en?
= 12Lem= 121 m Spacing of 18 me diameter bars
But distance betivéeit wheels = 1.20 m 254 x 100
‘The effective length of dispersion is abtiost equal -“e
to whoel-snace, / i = 8 cm contres.
“The thadiig for aro m wie sripis therefor taken ystribution Steet
as sone F/ 918. Distrbition siea! should be compuicd for resisting
2 Max, BAM 4 O3times te tive fod binding moment nd 02 tines
/2 2.95 x 58% 2.95 x AZ py” the dead toad moment
2 2 . BM, for whieh the distibution steel shout be
J 665m computed,
£665,000 kg em = 03 x (665,000 + 252,700) + 0.2 x 492700 ke em
peayenenrs += 373,850 ke cm
5 2 RO emt
: An = Ti00 0.87 «481
8.75 om?
p re wucing Of 12 nm diameter bars
/ BLM. due to impact LH too cH
8 X 665.000 ky en * pee |
w252700 fe cin lee 129 em soy 12.8 om centres
Total bending moment perm width “The greatest shou fore wl occur when the toads |
= 492,700 + 668,000+252,700 ke cm are closes! 10 the support
= 1,410,400 kg om
Adopting sat pest
€ = T0.kyfone®
t= 1400 kg/m?
For this tof stresses,
m= 0.304
Pig. 916,‘Nol 235 55049
a6 “iy
your set 8 owue
(ore ® ewe
owe guue~ «
wousas ms savan wos
witha, |
\ wowrses Pewaen s7u9 0. + ume),
\ wher Gereanjme” avis
\ SEE OB aa
- souucr 9R'p = uasaid are
“ues 2 Suen otp qiog wet asus axa sop ue QsOU SE SHEL)
wo =
ee TESeite + Co ee A Mw SLBE
V 20 won eas jeomsen, chp +081 + 0r0+090%
: “panda oq
“passpsuo 99 204 ue soyBIn
20 9%01 0 wen sue duo Spm 939 aN LUA
ime 8 aa
180" Sipe
{POWA ausow Jad parapysuco 2q 0) pur *
soso B=
090+ SCT + 08 + zp +08 +00 +90 =
‘wosaud cre suyen qpoq uo ep BANDON *
spin om a Jo spr sanoaya an en smoHS SUL
~1)ovt + ese
ne L8'S
ssv0+( tf
at (4 -t}asee
PO, puos9F oi 20} aes Jo ApH BANDON
‘pM oanoaye Sumpuocsaaroa sup speot
JO uta au 4]u0 oF paroofans 8} a8 tq amN WTA
samuot 1'e =
AUPE UW 9d paxapysuos 99 0) peOT.
w $601 =
FEL FUT FST +¥0 +908
‘p01 aansay a ues am suren p09
waa ce. fem spp oxnzayo a ose ONL
w 990+ (45-1) 20x gove=
ie eas
928arta mak at
Fig. 919
= 4866 Live load 400 061 240 kg/m
SE due to impact. 038x486» 1851 4, pane 7
USE: due wo ded oad Total load per metre run = 1308 Keim
nae, BM.
1308 x 5,872
Max. SF.= 10277 Pee eee een
= 563100 ke/om
Bffective depih available
= 7025 ~ 0.9 em (18 mun dia. bars)
= 666.0m
Au = Ta00 x 0.872686 6
Fa Rey x 100= 020% ° = 694 on’,
Provide 3 bors of 18 mm diameter,
Design for horizontal loads
Horizonial toad per metre ran
& kel = 750 kg,
Permissible nominal shear stress BLM, due to this force
rt Ag, = 1x 3.5 = 3.59 kefom? P = 750 x (70 40)
Letaltemate bars be beat at one-6yenth of he span 7 9 = 40) ag cnt
Bond stvere 7 : = 22500 he cin
Effecuve depth
2.75 kelom?
a = 60-32 STom
ao oe
obo. 500 a
er Au” TaG0 x 08757
087 x 36.6 x 7F = 0.3241 cm? (very small quantity)
. = 10 kyon? «Provide nominal 8 mn, dameier vertical ink at
1 Ghee 8 4 13 haven? 25 cm contre,
ieee une sae IB om) 20S Deen d migra concn eam
“Kerbs 0.6 metre or more in with shall be designed bridge for carrving a no-lane trafic. the detailed
for alive load of 400 kg per m? {nd also a horizeatal requitements of which are given below «
lead of 750 ky/n run, () Effective span = 12 metres
“Design for vertical loads (ii) Width of the carriage way = 6.8 metres
Loads on kerb will therefre consist of the iii) Thickness af the wearing coar = & em
following : (iv) Live loud : IRC~ Class A toading
DL. of kerb 06 x 0.70 = 1008 kyin Fig. 919 shows the eae loads for this class loading.
»; Railing, = 60 kg/m The nose to tail distance between successive trains
oe (assumed) shall not be less than 184 metres,seule sateen =n a0 ara Taare ei
. 50 uayo1 99 Kou suowosop3suoo -
aoays weap uo \1 quys ays fo yipior aangally (Wt) =
‘oqo staoddns snonunuos ayy san Ost Auwneyran, amss
1 sono 2508 Shumsso pun sony pournuser mo F 3 Taw Boas
; ‘aoied (9 05 a0 pounosapsnuotou a Steonpot ‘219
DIUoD pwned ayy
‘a8puq ays fassors $1 (aug auopumnu we sapaiian
fo ss) 10) sapypsa Jo was v uaysr Kouasouays
‘ar fo sand uo 19809 joys poo} any 4210 ON
|Fig. 923,
1 = thickness of wearing coat in ¢
B = wheel contact dimension in en,
(viti) The width of the rib of she T-beans may be
taken as 35 cm and the spacing of the beams as 2.15
(ix) Three diaphragms ~ one atthe cetre and one
‘each at he ends ~ may be provided to siffen the floor
system and the width of didphragnt may be assumed
‘as 30 en. .
(x) Concrete Mix : 4-200 grade.
Solution, Fig, 922 shows an arrangement proposed
for the bridge.
Since the stab is continuous over the supporting
‘beams, the positive and negative bending moments will
be taken at 80 percent of the maximum positive free
bending moment, The maximum free bending moment
due to live load will be determined by Keeping the
heaviest load (Cor D) atthe centre of one intermediate
panel. (See Fig. 923).
Dispersion of the wheel load
since a diaphragm is present atthe centre
12215 m
Let the thickness of the wearing coat be 8 em
Ground contact dimensions
B=25 cm
We 50 cm
ye B+ mS +2x8= 41 cm
Wa W+ 2 =504+2% 8 = 66 cm
L +6 100
4 Reb
= 0.068 say 0.07
1" Bide 100
= 0307 shy 0.31
‘The smallest value of t given Is 0.36. Hence m,
and i will be taken corresponding wo 0.07 and ¢
= 036,
Hence, we get
‘my = 0.173 and
mg = O11
1. BLM. along the shorter span at the centre
= (ty + 0.15 nits) W
(0.173 + 0.15 x 0.11) x 5.7% 1000 kg.
(080 ky mt
108,000 kg cnt
Impact factor
(L in this case is the span of the slab)
= Ga 2is = 05%
Bot theimps (or to be adopted is not to exceed
0.5. Hence we will adopt an impact factor of 0.5.
< Tmnpact moment
= 0.5 x 108,000 kg om
= 54,000 kg cnn
D.L, Moment
‘Assume the slab to be 20 ent thick
Dead load of slab per metre?
= 20x 24 = 480 kg mi?7
: imo 6
Sar= wey “ny 891 X 180% OOF
BY site = SIX Hgrere abee
dooygo adty um seOGs PHL 94F] + wo9o- 62-0
z =nagone dap aanoay0 29 sim aU
By y= woe aw ZI put aA09 eater & upg
; on a 8821091 = 2P OOL XZ
: ana 30 91D “ane 9m youu Suxptog
“9p wo Of 1 s1nq ‘oWp wou 8 2PHHO1d—umaqEat 9 oF aouEtss Jo nou a BuNINby
we Zi= OP Lg0=P P rHEO =H
s20q Jocureyp uau g 30 Supeds on er
to 8y QgeT =
a0 27 gor
pawdope aq 11H svants
Surqom Suumortoy exp ‘x1 aresD009 60g AT BUNS)
wo 6SL* ¥O~T1-S%-00= wo 84 g87'091
foors syen Jo anuao cin ot map aanoay9 24 wo o9e002 * 80
‘Joes wonngunsyp se pasn ay smeq soroureyp we BT wowour 9045 “xOU 941 JO OR
wo 8y O16E = : ufisap soy vax 99 ot
wo By pau Sigg emia an “MUNtID 304 HUAOT
(000s +000'801)2'0 + O9E8ExZ'0 = sy oocae + onc ome
wowout puot peap aun sot £10 + tw 8y QOERE + 00DKS + 00080T
uourou poor OAM oon SH 7 _ Wa me,
dors wou w 21 open =
1 opsrosd 01 $0 Gs poprsoat st towsos0zura8 SI i:
ows wonnatnsia WN ree
sauna wo pt &os Seas bet poet
Le 8 99 = PEO PAP (COL,
wo 64 a ee
OLX ETT a By pa = ETXB =
s3nq sarauregp aw Z1 Jo Suoedg *- 1nop Buueam Jo peo} peact
eto fia
farses ——- sre
“aeLOr (5205
1s 46
SHUNLONYS ALFYONOD 4IIYOINITY AO NISTEffective width from shear consideration
of the crossing or passing vehicles shall be as follows :
[eter caioge wi
: soamnenfanea(1- 22
SS mo 75m 04 m to 12m
above. 7.5 m 12
ns | 2+ 05+2x0 (1-3)
= 176 em
Nominal shear stress
8 __ 4989.
4 bd * T76 x 169
= 1.68 ag/om?
Percentage of tensile steel
= eeag x 100 = 026%
For 0.26% steel,
Ge = 2.20 hgfem?
‘Thickness of slab
= 200m
+ Permissible nominal shear stress.
Kg, = 12x 2.20 = 2.64 kp/om?,
Destgn of girders, Tic load transferred to a girder
[Will be @ maximuin when one row of wheels of one
"rtm is exactly of the girder and one row of wheels
«of a passing train is closest to one girder. The position
of the train loads for producing the severe effects on
(ie eitder macked A is shown in Fig*924,
“| The minimum clearance g between the onter edges
Tn oie-case tie eatiageway bending 68.m the
FSS) 68-55) m
152 m
+. Distance between the centre lines of these wheels
192 + 0:50 = 142 m
IC Wis one ofthe whee! loads of one axle then the
corresponding load waisted tHe glider marked A:
(282 Tw
= 1502 W
But the axle load
+ The girder is subjected to “'502 = 61751 times
the axle loads, Multiplying the given axle toads by
0.751, we get the following load system to be
considered for the girder A.
W, = 0.751 x27 = 2.03 ¢
W, = 0.751 x27=2.03 1w By 0280p =
nee oe
worm “pq
WAY g9¢2 = wor prAN MOY,
| WAY Ong =
oor x1 x se19 =
(ua 001 % 19 $e) gH JO ry PLo94
way 966 = STE x €2 <8 109 Sumapy
wy 2¢01 = SUX 92 x OF Geis
tana ant ase peop pratt
wie =
Wm Les x s70-=
oto roe
= TL49
sto= Hee
9m J0 wis om 317) 749.
sor0) edu
WY LS = L612 - GosL
MSY X LVS — 98'S x 6L7I =
Jwawout Suypuog wane ‘Apinosqay
826 Sig
aeher 1
Be tane16 ol png — A
ae wer pet mae fuel
ah :
ge Gee ate joe
TOT = OSEI - 6r9z =
10st =
ees hg
wre. 131:
ore x are =
1 6c9e=
Ee OCR HITS = az
“pua-itoy an wows w OF'9
JO SOUP BW 3a PINOY Fy Peo] sin “aOUDH *
£26 Fey ty mous se st woRpUOD "yy g uuMuNxeUE
ainosqe 40} Max peo ox Jo omsod ax “aon
M 2E0* Oy - et =
t0z + 07 +9
SONDW Z0'p =
£07 E07 + 98 FOrB+T
4q vanyl sy wrashs poo} anoge in
JO tones 2k9 paw 44 poy 2xn uadI0g aOUESTCL
241 J0 yop ain ay Woy awESIPIMba om UloEAS
Peo] aaoqE am JO wuIINsAL axN pu “At peo! rep
{ons ods 2m uo paoeid x ou As ORs POOL aL,
1988 = Fay
‘hv ax optim sna90 Hak iuowOR Rumpig wie
Arpimosue ag MM axoge om WOK! PUL OAK
226 Hy
wer tus} wee fun
as 4959 198 $0 seo
a mH MH
Mawou! Supurg wne aq 1 RupuodsaieD
td 0 HO 94 LA MOTE Ya pute MMH,
“Ak SPHOI a YAN Puy am “iapa oxn Jo astusD sip se
Sendo muowow Siypasg wunareeeu
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