Mitraya M Barber Resume
Mitraya M Barber Resume
Mitraya M Barber Resume
Marketing and Social Networking: Fashion and beauty blogger
Business Acumen & Customer Serice: Small business owner, server at up-scale
franchise restaurant
Planning ! Organi"ing: Lead workshops, speaker series and events coordination
#anguage and Cultural Awareness: Fluent in apanese, cultural assistant, e!perience
working overseas
Teac$ing ! Communication: "iano teacher, gave presentations to student and e!ecutive
Teamwork: #eam sports, school and work pro$ects
Bac$elor o' Commerce Sept %&'&
- present
(niversity of )ictoria, *.+., "eter * ,ustavson School of *usiness
Speciali-ing in .ntrepreneurship
Sc$ool o' Business ! Administration Sept %&'/ -
0ec %&'/
1ei$i (niversity, #okyo apan
2nternational e!change program
BC Pu(lic Serice Sc$olars$i) 1ay %&'%
International Eents Coordinator an
%&'3 - 4pril %&'3
5yoto Sangyo (niversity, apan
6rgani-ed information sessions regarding international internships for undergraduate students
"resented information (in apanese7 about 8orth 4merican +o-op programs to (niversity
professors and staff, and company representatives from across apan
4ssisted with organi-ing the '9th :orld +onference on +ooperative & :ork-2ntegrated
.ducation to be held at 5yoto Sangyo in %&';
*econciliation Clerk 1ay %&'/ -
Sept %&'/
<oyal *+ 1useum
<econciled and organi-ed the daily reports of the museum, and learnt how to use many computer
data systems to gather and interpret financial information
<esearched about online museum shops and websites to improve the <*+1=s gift shop. 2n doing
so, provided data and information for a marketing pro$ect presentation
+ostess , Serer , Assistant O-ce Manager Sept %&'' -
1arch %&'/
1o!ie=s +lassic ,rill
<esolved customer issues while working in a fast paced environment, ad$usting to different
communication and people skills to provide an en$oyable e!perience for the guests
<econciled restaurant=s accounts of inventory, purchases, and receipts twice a week
Cultural Assistant 4ug %&'& - an %&'%
.nglish Language +entre, (niversity of )ictoria
+ontinuing Studies in .ducation, (niversity of )ictoria
4ssisted e!change students and teachers with information about )ictoria and +anadian culture
through workshops and activities
"rovided positive e!perience for every student and teacher, assisting them with all and any
Piano Teac$er Sept %&&; - une %&'%
1otivated and taught piano to students aged 3 years to adult
4dapted teaching approaches to individual student needs while maintaining a fun learning
Business Owner 8ov %&&3 - 0ec %&'%
>ueen *eads ewelry
0esigned, produced and marketed high ?uality custom $ewelry
Sales and e!cellent customers service provided through custom orders, networking and at local
craft fairs
Commerce Student Societ0 Sept %&'%-
4pril %&'/
0irector of Speaker Series
6rgani-ed events through inviting professional business speakers from )ictoria, to present to
()ic business students
(sed professional communication and strong organi-ational skills to run events smoothly and
1a)anese International Co2o)eration Agenc0 une -
uly %&&@
6ne of four +anadian students selected to attend the program in Aokohama, apan.
Fluent speaker, high proficiency in reading and writing
2nternational Language "roficiency .!am Level / (9/B7
*eginner '&& Level courses
Fashion & *eauty
Social 1edia