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Availability Check Transfer of Requirements Sales

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Availability Check & TOR in Sales
Sales & Distribution
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
2. Types of Availability Check
2. Types of Availability Check
3. Replenishment Lead time
3. Replenishment Lead time
4. Control parameters
4. Control parameters
5. Scope of check
5. Scope of check
6. Process flow
6. Process flow
7. Transfer of Requirements in SD
7. Transfer of Requirements in SD
8. Control elements in TOR
8. Control elements in TOR
Availability check is one of the key functionalities in sales
document processing. The confirmation of delivery of
goods to customer while entering a sales document is
carried out on the basis of this check.
Availability check can be carried out on the deadline of
goods availability that would be necessary to consider
the picking, packing and shipping time.
Availability check can only be carried out if transfer of
requirements take place for goods from sales to
purchase or production.
Types of Availability Check
System provides for three types of Availability check
explained as under:
ATP basis check
Available To Promise (ATP) is calculated from warehouse stock,
planned inward movement of stock (purchase orders, planned
orders etc.) & planned outward movement of stock (sales orders,
deliveries, reservations etc.)
ATP check explained in equation terms above. The check is
performed dynamically for each transaction.
ATP W/h Stock Inward mvmt. Outward Mvmt.
Types of Availability Check
Check against Product Allocation
Product allocation is used for period based distribution of
products for specified customers or regions. This check is over
the normal availability check. It is carried out in cases where
production is low and goods produced need to be distributed to
customers and ensured that first customer is not allocated
complete quantity.
Check against Planning
Check against planning is performed against planned
independent requirements which are generated from a demand
planning program.
Replenishment Lead Time
Definition: Replenishment Lead Time (RLT) is time that
is needed to order or produce requested material. RLT is
calculated based on time maintained in master data.
ATP check Including RLT
Availability check is calculated only up to end of RLT. If the
material availability date calculated on basis of current date lies
after RLT, system confirms the item in spite of insufficient stock
in the assumption that stock would be procured or produced by
that time. Thus confirmation can be sent to customer in this
(refer example in next slide)
Replenishment Lead Time
Example: In this example (refer figure) 20 pcs of stock requested
by customer can be confirmed if RLT is included with ATP check
because although 20 pcs of stock may not be available on day
requested the date falls after the lead time specified for item and
hence stock would theoretically be available.
Replenishment Lead Time
ATP check Excluding RLT
If RLT is not included in ATP check system performs a check on
the unrestricted stock and scope of check on inward and
outward movement of stock.
Similar example as above excluding RLT check, system would
confirm the item only when stock would actually be available.
Control Parameters
Control Parameters of Availability Check in Sales
Following SD specific control parameters need to be maintained.
Checking Group
Checking group forms one of factors for specifying scope of
availability check. It is used for grouping of materials for
individual or collective requirements. It is assigned in material
master Sales/Plant view.
Checking Rule
Checking rule forms the other factor in specifying scope and is
assigned to each transaction in sales and distribution. The
checking rules are predefined in system.
Schedule Line Category
Schedule line category had additional check to turn on/off
availability check.
Scope of Check
Following elements can be included in scope of
availability check
Safety Stock
Stock in Transfer
Blocked Stock
Quality Inspection
Inward/Outward movement of goods
Purchase requisitions & orders
Planned & Production orders
Sales & Delivery requirements
Dependent requirement
Process Flow
The process flow in which system checks for Availability
is as follows
Requirement Type exists to find
Requirement Class
Requirement Class has
Availability Check ON
Schedule Line Category has
Availability Check ON
From Material Master of Item
From Transaction (like SD
Transfer Of Requirements
Requirements generated in Sales & Distribution need to
be transferred to material requirements planning to
ensure the quantities ordered are available to be
delivered on time to Customer. This is called transfer of
requirements (TOR).
TOR are of two types:
TOR with individual requirements
A line for each individual requirement is created in availability
overview for each sales document and schedule line. This helps
in tracking the initiating document. System uses this for special
stock scenarios like Make-to-order stock, project stock etc. It can
also be used for standard orders if sales order volume is not
large and requirements need to be tracked at item level.
Transfer Of Requirements
TOR with collective requirements.
Collective requirements combine various requirements based on
following criteria:
Storage Location
Transaction &
Requirement class
These requirements can either be created daily or weekly. The
documents initiating collective requirements cannot be directly
identified but can be traced via list of orders for material.
Control Elements in TOR
Control Elements of significance in TOR are
Requirement type
Requirement class
Checking group
Schedule Line category
TOR needs to be switched on at Requirements class
and Schedule line category level for proper processing.
Plant must be defined at item level in sales document.
Checking group must be defined in material master in
Sales/plant view.

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