What is the domain Name? Are there any structural errors?
1. .edu .gov .org .net .mil .kids .k12 .com 8. Are there spelling or grammatical errors? y n
Does the web page author have What do the graphics do? 2. their name of the website?
y n 9. Do they enhance the site? y n
3. a company name, organization or school name on the website?
y n What do you think about the quality of the site? 10. Is it easy to read? y n 4.
E-mail address on the website? y n 11. Does it have quality information? y n
Is the website current? Was the site easy to navigate? 5. Is the date created on the website?
y n 12. Links worked y n 6. Date updated or revised on the website y n 13. Well organized y n
What does the website try to do What is your conclusion? 14. Is the site good for the purpose you want? y n Grade this website. 7. Inform you Persuade you Explain something Entertain you 15. 1 2 3 4 5
Comments: List anything you found that is wrong with the site that was not covered above. Revised: May 29, 2007 2:55 PM bj