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Abstract: Association Rule Mining is a technique of data mining that aims to extract interesting
patterns, frequent correlations or associations among set of items in the transaction databases.
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is one of several methods for mining Association Rules. It is
a technique used to explore the search space of a given problem to find the settings or parameters
required to maximize a particular objective. However, avoiding local optima and improving the
convergence speed is still a tedious task. In this work, an Evolutionary Quantum behaved Particle
Swarm Optimization (QPSO) algorithm is proposed by combining the classical PSO philosophy
and quantum mechanics to improve the performance of PSO. It is a global-convergence guaranteed
algorithm and has a better search ability than the traditional PSO. The performance of QPSO is
compared with basic PSO, and three other variants of PSO and the experimental results shows that
the proposed algorithm outperforms PSO quite significantly and is also found to be as effective as
the PSO variants with marginally better computational efficiency.

Keywords: Particle Swarm Optimization, Quantum behavior, Association Rule Mining

1. Introduction

Data Mining, the analysis step of the Knowledge Discovery in Databases process, is the practice
of examining large pre-existing databases in order to generate new information. However,
continuous increase in the amount of data stored in databases and types of databases, the extraction
of critical hidden information from these databases has become tedious. Several methods such as
classification, clustering and association rules have been used to deduce interferences from large
databases. Among these methods, association rule mining is the most widely used method.

Association rules are usually required to satisfy a user-specified minimum support and a user-
specified minimum confidence at the same time. Association rule generation is usually split up
into two separate steps: first, minimum support is applied to find all frequent itemsets in a database.
Second, these frequent itemsets and the minimum confidence constraints are used to form rules.

A very influential association rule mining algorithm, Apriori have been developed for rule mining
in large transaction databases. Many other algorithms developed are derivative or extensions of
this algorithm. A major step forward in improving the performances of these algorithms was made
by the introduction of compact data structure, referred to as frequent pattern tree or FP-tree, and
the associated mining algorithms, FP-growth. Then, an alternative of Apriori Itemset Generation
called Dynamic Itemset Counting was introduced. In this algorithm, the itemsets are dynamically
added and deleted as transaction are read. It relies on the fact that for an itemset, all of its subsets
must also be frequent, so only those itemsets whose subsets are all frequent can be examined.


Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization are both population based search methods
and it moves from one set of points (population) to another set of points in a single iteration with
likely improvement using set of control operators. However, the fundamental problem in both
algorithms is their imbalanced local and global search and also while trying to reduce the
convergence time it gets trapped in the local optimal region when solving multimodal problems.
These weaknesses have restricted their wider applications. These appealing goals in association
rule mining research has been overcome in Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO) that
performs a diversified search over the entire search space for better convergence.

The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 the various input and output parameters are
discussed. In section 3 a brief introduction to basic PSO is given, section 4, 5 and 6 describes the
proposed system in detail. Section 7 explains the results and discussion and section 8 gives the

2. Methodology

2.1. Association Rule Mining

Association rule mining is a technique of data mining that is very widely used to deduce inferences
from large databases. Typically the relationship will be in the form of a rule: IF {X}, THEN {Y}.
Here the X part is called Antecedent and Y part is called Consequent. The rule should be such
that XY = .

The two parameter that indicate the importance of association rules are support and
confidence. The support indicates how often the rule holds in a set of data. It is given by

support(X) =
No. of transactions containing X
Total No. of transactions

The confidence for a given rule is a measure of how often the consequent is true, given that the
antecedent is true. If the consequent is false while the antecedent is true, then the rule is also false.
If the antecedent is not matched by a given data item, then this item does not contribute to the
determination of the confidence of the rule. It is given by

confidence(XY) =
support( )

2.2. Output Parameters

Much work on association rule mining has been done focusing on efficiency, effectiveness and
redundancy. Focus is also needed on the quality of rules mined. In this paper association rule
mining using QPSO is treated as a multi-objective problem where rules are evaluated
quantitatively and qualitatively based on the following measures.


2.2.1. Predictive Accuracy

Predictive Accuracy (PA) measures the effectiveness of the rules mined. The mined rules must
have high predictive accuracy. The formula is given by:

Predictive accuracy =
|X & Y|

Where |X&Y| is the number of records that satisfy both the antecedent X and consequent Y, |X| is
the number of rules satisfying the antecedent X.

2.2.2. Number of rules generated

The count of the rules generated above a certain PA.

2.2.3. Laplace

It is a confidence estimator that takes support into account, becoming more pessimistic as the
support of X decreases. It is useful to detect spurious rules that may occur by chance. It is defined
lapl(X Y) =
support(X Y) +1
support(X) +2

2.2.4. Fitness

Fitness value is utilized to evaluate the importance of each particle. It is given by

Fitness(k) = confidence(k) * log(support(k)) * length(k) + 1

The objective of this fitness function is maximization. The larger the particle support and
confidence, the greater the strength of the association, meaning that it is an important association

2.2.5. Conviction

Conviction measures the weakness of confidence. Conviction is infinite for logical implications
(confidence 1), and is 1 if X and Y are independent.

2.2.6. Convergence Rate

The generation in which the global optimum is obtained indicates the convergence of the

3. PSO Algorithm

PSO introduced by Kennedy and Eberhart simulates the behaviors of bird flocking. In PSO, the
solutions to the problem are represented as particles in the search space. PSO is initialized with a
group of random particles (solutions) and then searches for optimum value by updating particles
in successive generations. In each iteration, all the particles are updated by following two best
values. The first one is the best solution (fitness) it has achieved so far. This value is called pbest.
Another "best" value that is tracked by the particle swarm optimizer is the best value, obtained so
far by any particle in the population. This best value is a global best and called gbest.

Particle Swarm has two primary operations: Velocity update and Position update. During each
generation each particle is accelerated toward the particles previous best position and the global
best position. At each iteration, a new velocity value for each particle is calculated based on its
current velocity, the distance from its previous best position, and the distance from the global best
position. The new velocity value is then used to calculate the next position of the particle in the
search space. This process is then iterated a set number of times or until a minimum error is

After finding the two best values, the particle updates its velocity and positions with the following

v[t +1] = v[t] +c1 rand1 (pbest[t] present[t] ) +
c2 rand2 (gbest [t] present[t])

present[t +1] = present[t] + v[t]

v[ ] is the particle velocity, present[ ] is the current particle. pbest[ ] and gbest[ ] are local
best and global best position of particles. rand () is a random number between (0,1). c1 and c2 are
acceleration factors. Usually c1 = c2 = 2.05. [4]

The outline of basic Particle Swarm Optimizer is as follows

Step 1: Initialize the population
Step 2: Evaluate fitness of the individual particle (update pbest)
Step 3: Keep track of the individuals highest fitness (gbest)
Step 4: Modify velocities based on pbest and gbest
Step 5: Update the particle position
Step 6: Terminate if the condition is met
Step 7: Go to step 2

4. Quantum PSO

The Quantum inspired Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO) is one of the recent optimization
methods based on quantum mechanics. Like any other evolutionary algorithm, a quantum inspired
particle swarm algorithm relies on the representation of the individual, the evaluation function and
the population dynamics. The particularity of quantum particle swarm algorithm stems from the
quantum representation it adopts which allows representing the superposition of all potential
solutions for a given problem. Moreover, the position of a particle depends on the probability
amplitudes a and b of the wave function . QPSO also stems from the quantum operators it uses
to evolve the entire population through generations. QPSO constitutes a powerful strategy to
diversify the QPSO population and enhance the QPSOs performance in avoiding premature
convergence to local optima.

In terms of classical mechanics, a particle is depicted by its position vector xi and velocity vector
vi, which determine the trajectory of the particle. The particle moves along a determined trajectory
following Newtonian mechanics, but this is not the case in quantum mechanics. In quantum world,
the term trajectory is meaningless, because xi and vi of a particle cannot be determined
simultaneously according to uncertainty principle. Therefore, if individual particles in a PSO
system have quantum behavior, the PSO algorithm is bound to work in a different fashion.

In the quantum model of a PSO, the state of a particle is depicted by wave function (x, t), instead
of position and velocity. The dynamic behavior of the particle is widely divergent from that of the
particle in traditional PSO systems. The particles move according to the following iterative

x(t+1) = p + * |mbest x(t)| * ln(1/u), if k >= 0.5
x(t+1) = p * |mbest x(t)| * ln(1/u), if k < 0.5

Local attractor, p = (c * pid + (1-c) * pgd)
c = (c1 * r1)/ (c1 * r1 + c2 * r2)
u,k,r1,r2 are uniformly distributed random numbers in the interval (0,1)
is the contraction-expansion coefficient in the interval (0,1)
c1 and c2 are the acceleration factors (usually c1 = 1.82 and c2 = 1.97) [5]
pid is the pbest of the i
pgd is the global best particle

Mean best position or Mainstream Though point (mbest) of the population is defined as the
mean of the best position of all particles.


5. Adaptive QPSO

QPSO is mainly conducted by four key parameters important for the convergence and efficiency
of the algorithm: the contraction-expansion coefficient (), mean best position (mbest) and two
positive acceleration factors (c1 and c2). Contraction-expansion coefficient is a convergence factor
used to balance between exploration and exploitation by using the previous flying experience of
the particles. Mean best position is replaced with Weighted mean best position to determine
whether a particle is elitist or not. Acceleration parameters are typically two positive constants,
called the cognitive c1 and social parameters c2.

Adaptive Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization updates the algorithmic parameters dynamically
by identifying the evolutionary state that the particle belongs during each generation. Earlier QPSO
alternatives for parameter adaptation do not consider the particle state while AQPSO takes into
account the state of the particle obtained from diversity information. The Evolutionary State
Estimation (ESE) approach is adopted to identify the evolutionary states that the particle undergoes
in each generation. The parameters are adjusted according to the estimated state in order to provide
a better balance between global exploration and local exploitation. Additionally, an Elitist
Learning Strategy (ELS) is developed for the best particle to jump out of possible local optima.

5.1. Evolutionary State Estimation (ESE)

The Evolutionary State Estimation approach uses the population distribution information of the
particles to identify the state of the particle. Initially, the particles are dispersed throughout the
search space. During the evolutionary process the particles tend to crowd towards a globally
optimum region. Hence the population distribution information is necessary to identify the state
that the particle undergoes. The distribution information can be calculated by finding the mean
distance between each and every particles in the population. It is seen that the particles are closer
to globally best particle during the convergence state when compared to other states. The ESE
approach is detailed in the following steps:

Step 1: At the current position, calculate the mean distance of each particle i to all the other
particles. The mean distance can be measured using an Euclidian metric-

N 1

Where, N and D are population size and number of dimensions respectively.

Step 2: The distance of globally best particle is denoted as dg. Compare all distances and determine
the maximum (dmax) and minimum (dmin) distances. Determine the evolutionary factor f using-

f =

Step 3: Classify f into one of the four sets S1, S2, S3, and S4, which represent the states of
exploration, exploitation, convergence, and jumping out respectively.

Fig 5.1.1 Fuzzy membership functions for the four evolutionary states

Step 4: Adaptation of the Acceleration Factors: The acceleration factors c1 and c2 should be
controlled dynamically depending on the identified evolutionary state of the particle. Adaptive
control can be designed for the acceleration coefficients based on the following notion. Parameter
c1 denotes the self-cognition that brings the particle to its own historical best position, helping
explore local niches and maintaining the diversity of the swarm. Parameter c2 denotes the social
influence that pushes the swarm to converge to the current globally best region, helping with fast
convergence. Initialize c1 = 1.82 and c2 = 1.97, which satisfies the convergence condition of the
particles = (c1 + c2)/2 1. Since c2 > c1, the particles will converge faster to the global optimal
position than the local optimal position of each particle. [5]

These are two different learning mechanisms and should be given different treatments in different
evolutionary states. In this paper, the acceleration factors are both initialized to 1.82 and 1.97
respectively and adaptively controlled according to the evolutionary state, with strategies
developed as mentioned in table below. The values of c1 and c2 are varied in the range of 0.15.[5]

State Strategy c1 c2
Exploration Strategy 1 Increase Decrease
Exploitation Strategy 2 Increase
Convergence Strategy 3 Increase
Jumping out Strategy 4 Decrease Increase
Table 5.1.1 Strategies for the control of c1 and c2

Strategy 1: In Exploration state c1 is increased so that the particles search for the maximum
number of possible solutions instead of crowding at the same region. Decreasing c2 helps the
particles to refine its search in finding their historical best position instead of trying to find new

Strategy 2: In exploitation state the particles make use of local information and group around the
current pbest of each particle. Thus, increasing c1 slightly will promote exploitation around pbest.
Since the global optima will not be found at this stage decreasing c2 slowly and keeping a low
value will avoid possible illusion of local optima.

Strategy 3: In convergence state the swarm is about to find the globally optimum region. Hence,
increasing c2 slowly will guide the other entire particles to this region. But c2 is decreased to avoid
probable local searches to let the particles converge fast.

Strategy 4: In jumping out state the globally best particle shifts towards a new optimal region as
soon as it finds that the particles are crowed in the local optimal region in convergence state. The
whole swarm should be updated to the new region as soon as possible. Hence maintaining a large
value of c2 with smaller c1 will help us in achieving this.

5.2. Adaptation of Contraction-Expansion Coefficient ()

The contraction-expansion coefficient is used to keep the balance between exploration and
exploitation by using the previous flying experience of the particles. The particles change its path
according to its best position and also by using the information from its neighbors. In addition, the
contraction-expansion coefficient is also an important convergence factor; from the results of
stochastic simulations, QPSO has relatively better performance by varying the value from 1.0 at
the beginning of the search to 0.5 at the end of the search to balance the exploration and
exploitation. [6]

5.3. Elitist Learning Strategy (ELS)

The most important problem is to determine whether a particle is an elitist or not, or say it exactly,
how to evaluate its importance in calculate the value of mean best position (m). It is natural, as in
other evolutionary algorithm, that we associate elitism with the particles fitness value. The greater
the fitness, the more important the particle is. Describing it formally, we can rank the particle in
descendent order according to their fitness value first. Then assign each particle a weight
coefficient i linearly decreasing with the particles rank, that is, the nearer the best solution, the
larger its weight coefficient is.

The Weighted Mean best position (or) Mainstream Thought point (m) is calculated as

i is the weight coefficient (decreases linearly from 1.5 to 0.5) [8]
M is the population size

The steps involved in Adaptive Quantum Particle Swarm Optimizer are as follows

Step 1: Initialize the population
Step 2: Set c1 to 1.82 and c2 to 1.97
Step 3: Evaluate fitness of the individual particle (update pbest)
Step 4: Keep track of the individuals highest fitness (gbest)
Step 5: Update mean best position
Step 6: Compute evolutionary factor by using the distribution information of particles in
the search space
Step 7: Estimate the evolutionary state using fuzzy classification and adaptively control
the algorithmic parameters as mentioned in ESE
Step 8: Perform ELS once the particles get into convergence state
Step 9: Update the particle position
Step 10: Terminate if the condition is met
Step 11: Go to step 2

6. Memetic QPSO

Memetic Algorithm combines local search techniques into existing algorithm. It performs more
refined search around potential solutions of the problem at hand. Here we have introduced Shuffled
Frog Leaping (SFL) Algorithm to improve the local search ability of Quantum Particle Swarm
Optimisation algorithm.

6.1 Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm

In the SFLA, the population consists of a set of frogs (solutions) that is partitioned into subsets and
it is named as memeplexes. The different memeplexes are considered as different cultures of frogs,
each performing a local search. Within each memeplex, the individual frogs have different ideas,
that can be influenced by the ideas of other frogs, and evolve through a process of memetic
evolution. After a defined number of memetic evolution steps, ideas are passed among
memeplexes in a shuffling process. The local search and the shuffling processes continue until
defined convergence criteria are satisfied.

An initial population of P frogs is created randomly. Then, the frogs are sorted in a descending
order according to their fitness. Then, the entire population is divided into m memeplexes, each
containing n frogs. In this process, the first frog goes to the first memeplex, the second frog goes
to the Second memeplex, frog m goes to the m
memeplex, and frog m+1 goes back to the first
memeplex, etc. Within each memeplex, the frogs with the best and the worst fitness are identified
as Xb and Xw, respectively. Also, the frog with the global best fitness is identified as Xg. Then, a

process similar to PSO is applied to improve only the frog with the worst fitness (not all frogs) in
each cycle.

Accordingly, the position of the frog with the worst fitness is adjusted as follows:

Change in frog position(D
) = rand() X

New Position ( X
) = Current Position ( X
) + (D

Where rand ( ) is a random number between 0 and 1; X
is the position of best frog in the
group; X
is the position of worst frog in the group. If this process produces a better solution, it
replaces the worst frog. Otherwise, the calculations in Equations are repeated but with respect to
the global best frog (i.e. Xg replaces Xb).

The steps involved in Memetic Quantum Particle Swarm Optimizer are as follows

Step 1: Initialize the population
Step 2: Set c1 to 1.82 and c2 to 1.97
Step 3: Evaluate fitness of the individual particle (update pbest)
Step 4: Keep track of the individuals highest fitness (gbest)
Step 5: Update mean best position
Step 6: Sorting of population in descending order in terms of fitness value
Step 7: Distribution of frog into M memeplexes
Step 8: Iterative update of worst frog in each memeplexes
Step 9: Combining all frogs to form a new population
Step 10: Update the particle position
Step 11: Terminate if the condition is met else go to step 2

7. Results and Discussion

The datasets used and the comparison of general PSO and QPSO are presented in this
section. To confirm the effectiveness of PSO and QPSO, both the algorithms were coded in Java.
Lenses, Car evaluation, Post-Operative Patient Care, Habermans Survival and Zoo datasets were
taken up from UCI Irvine repository for the experiment. The details of the datasets are listed in
Table 6.1. The association rule mining on the above mentioned datasets were performed by both
PSO and QPSO. The efficiency of both algorithms were compared by utilizing the output
parameters mentioned earlier.


Dataset Attributes Swarm Size Classes
Lenses 4 24 3
Car Evaluation 6 700 4
3 310 2
Patient Care
8 87 3
Zoo 16 101 7
Table 7.1 Dataset Description

7.1 Predictive Accuracy

7.2 Number of rules generated

Datasets PSO APSO PSO +
Lenses(24) 3 8 13 17 18 21 19
Car(700) 33 386 49 619 685 691 685
Haberman(310) 34 258 72 281 301 303 296
Postop(87) 19 20 22 41 79 82 76
Zoo(101) 20 25 45 70 92 95 87

7.3 Laplace

Datasets PSO APSO PSO +
Lenses(24) 0.501 0.636 0.560 0.641 0.576 0.624 0.606
Car(700) 0.51 0.642 0.564 0.651 0.58 0.627 0.591
Haberman(310) 0.5 0.645 0.511 0.656 0.59 0.633 0.6
Postop(87) 0.5 0.560 0.532 0.634 0.563 0.61 0.573
Zoo(101) 0.5 0.570 0.534 0.570 0.56 0.589 0.566

7.4 Conviction

The conviction value obtained for both PSO and QPSO is found to be infinity which implies that
the confidence of the rule is maximum.

8. Conclusion:

The QPSO algorithm is superior to the standard PSO mainly in three aspects. Firstly, quantum
theory is an uncertain system in which different state of the particles and a wider searching space
of the algorithm can be generated. Secondly, the introduction of mbest into QPSO is a benchmark
in Quantum Theory. In the standard PSO, it converges fast, but at times, the fast convergence
happens in the first few iterations but falls into a local optimal situation easily in the next few
iterations. With the introduction of mbest in QPSO, the average error is lowered, since each particle
cannot converge fast without considering its colleagues, which makes the frequency lower than
PSO. Lastly, QPSO has fewer parameters compared to standard PSO and it is much easier to
implement and run. Hence the performance of the algorithm is significantly improved by QPSO.

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