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September Newsletter

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Mark the Evangelist Catholic School

95 Waller Street, Whitby, Ontario, L1R 1Z
!hone "9#5$ %1&%'(#, )a* "9#5$ %1&1%(5
Welco+e to ,ra-e One.
/ienven0e en 1re+i2re ann3e.
Tuesday, September 2
, 2014
Bonjour! Je mappelle Mlle. A. Battista and !a"e t!e pleasure o# bein$ your %!ilds $rade one
tea%!er t!is year. &ould li'e to &el%ome bot! you and your %!ild to t!e #irst year o# (ren%!
mmersion. loo' #or&ard to ensurin$ t!is year is #illed &it! &onder#ul learnin$ opportunities #or
your %!ild. T!is ne&sletter &ill pro"ide you &it! some important in#ormation about your %!ilds
s%!ool year and &ill $i"e you a sense o# &!at to e)pe%t in t!e mont!s a!ead.
O8R !9R65ERS:4! 45 6:E E78C964O5 O) ;O8R C:4L7
As your %!ild ta'es t!e journey o# learnin$ a ne& lan$ua$e t!is year, !e*s!e &ill bene#it #rom bot!
t!e $uidan%e o# mysel# as a tea%!er and support #rom you as parents. Alt!ou$! you may not 'no&
t!e (ren%! lan$ua$e yoursel"es, en%oura$e you to remain in"ol"ed and interested in your %!ilds
edu%ation. By maintainin$ an a&areness o# &!at is o%%urrin$ in our %lassroom, you &ill be able to
dis%uss and %elebrate your %!ilds learnin$. en%oura$e you to "olunteer &!ene"er possible.
!9RE56<6E9C:ER COMM854C964O5
loo' #or&ard to %ommuni%atin$ &it! you t!rou$! t!e #ollo&in$ met!ods+
St0-ent !o0ch = 9gen-a & T!is is my primary means o# %ommuni%ation re$ardin$ !ome&or', due
dates, and any ot!er important in#ormation. ,lease %!e%' t!e %lear po%'et in t!e #ront o# your
%!ilds a$enda #or notes re$ardin$ important in#ormation. # you &is! to lea"e me a messa$e please
&rite it in t!e daily se%tion o# t!e a$enda and &ill do t!e same. # you do &rite a messa$e, please
lea"e t!e a$enda open to t!e pa$e on &!i%! you !a"e &ritten. -t!er&ise, lea"e t!e a$enda %losed.
T!is is a .ui%' &ay to si$nal to eit!er tea%!er or parent t!at t!ere is %ommuni%ation to be read.
Weekly :o+e>ork / At t!e be$innin$ o# ea%! &ee', your %!ild &ill brin$ !ome a printed s!eet &it!
&!at !ome&or' is to be %ompleted. T!e !ome&or' s!eet &ill be put in t!e %lear po%'et o# your
%!ilds a$enda ea%! Monday. By $i"in$ !ome&or' on a &ee'ly basis, !ope to ma'e it more #le)ible
#or you as a #amily to #it into your s%!edule o# a%ti"ities. 0ome&or' &ill %onsist primarily o# re"ie&
o# %lassroom material 1sin$in$ son$s2, pra%tisin$ o# ne& learnin$ 1mat!2, "o%abulary &ords and
Monthly 5e>sletter 3 4our %!ild &ill brin$ !ome a mont!ly ne&sletter and %alendar. ,lease read
t!em %are#ully, as it &ill 'eep you up to date on &!at &e !a"e been learnin$ in %lass and &ill in#orm
you o# any up%omin$ a%ti"ities in%ludin$ library days.
!hone calls an- Sche-0le- Meetings 3 ,lease do not !esitate to %all and lea"e a messa$e on
"oi%email at s%!ool and &ill return your %all as soon as possible. # you &ould li'e to meet &it! me
to dis%uss your %!ilds pro$ress, please %onta%t me and &e %an set up a mutually %on"enient time #or
a %on#eren%e.
Re1ort Car-s an- Con?erences 3 ,arent3Tea%!er %on#eren%es &ill be s%!eduled in late
5o"ember*early 6e%ember to dis%uss your %!ilds s%!ool e)perien%e. A pro$ress report &ill be
issued in 5o"ember. A #irst report %ard &ill be sent !ome in (ebruary and a se%ond report %ard in
n our %lassroom &e are buildin$ a sense o# %ommunity. T!e student des's are set up in small $roups
and students s!are supplies.
Supplies su$$ested t!at your %!ild !a"e to supplement our pro$ram are+
3 1 lar$e $lue sti%'
3 1 bottle o# &!ite s%!ool $lue
3 1 bo) o# 7rayola &a) %rayons
3 2 lar$e 8iplo% ba$s 1please &rite your %!ilds name on ea%! 8iplo% Ba$2
3 2 bo)es o# tissue
3 9 pre3s!arpened pen%ils
3 2 erasers
: ,lease do not send in mar'ers. Mer%i!!
/9C@!9C@S 957 457OOR S:OES
4our %!ild &ill need a ba%'pa%' lar$e enou$! to %arry !ome !is*!er s%!ool pou%! %ontainin$ !is*!er
a$enda, important notes, s%!ool &or' and library boo's as &ell as a lun%! ba$.
4our son*dau$!ter &ill need a pair o# &!ite3soled indoor runnin$ s!oes 1slip on or ;el%ro s!oes are
pre#erred2. 1,lease also send a %!an$e o# %lot!es #or your %!ild to 'eep at s%!ool in %ase o# any
,lease ma'e sure t!at your %!ilds name is readily "isible on all items t!at %ome to s%!ool so as to
a"oid %on#usion o# &!o o&ns t!em or in t!e e"ent t!at t!ey be%ome lost and later #ound.
977464O59L 45)ORM964O5
3 ,lease send <=.90 to %o"er t!e %ost o# your %!ilds a$enda. Se1arate cheA0es +a-e o0t to St.
Mark the Evangelist C.S. are 1re?erable. ,lease read t!e ,led$e o# A%ademi% 0onesty 1p.=2 and
7ode o# 7ondu%t se%tions and si$n t!e 7on#irmation o# >e"ie& 1p.192.
3 ,lease send <2.90 to %o"er t!e %ost o# pur%!asin$ t!e pou%! 1po%!ette2 your %!ild &ill use to %arry
t!eir a$enda, notes, s%!ool &or' and library boo's bet&een s%!ool and !ome. T!is pou%! s!ould be
returned daily to s%!ool and &ill be used to #a%ilitate %ommuni%ation bet&een tea%!er and parents.
3 S%!ool be$ins at ?+00 am and ends at @+@0 pm.
3 T!e %!ildren !a"e t&o Asna%'A times e"ery s%!ool day be#ore or a#ter ea%! re%ess. T!ere is a
mornin$ re%ess #rom 10+29 am to 10+40 am and an a#ternoon re%ess #rom 2+10 pm to 2+29 pm.
,lease send in t&o small nutritious sna%'s &!i%! are 586&)REE.
3 ,lease note t!at lun%! time is #rom 11+49 am to 12+49pm. T!e students &ill eat lun%! in t!eir
%lassrooms #or 20 minutes and t!en $o out #or re%ess #or t!e remainder o# t!e time. # you &is! to
si$n out your %!ild #or lun%!, you may do so at t!e o##i%e. ,lease be prompt &!en returnin$.
3 -ur s%!ool #ollo&s a 6ay 1 to 9 s%!edule and all subje%t times "ary a%%ordin$ly. Be be$in &it!
6ay 2 on Tuesday, September 2nd. All 6ays &ill be indi%ated on t!e mont!ly %alendar.
Birt!days are "ery spe%ial o%%asions #or %!ildren and &ould li'e to a%'no&led$e t!em. B!en it is
your son*dau$!ters birt!day, you are &el%ome to send in somet!in$ to s!are &it! t!e %lass i# you
&is!. (ood is not al&ays ne%essary. 7onsider instead somet!in$ small su%! as sti%'ers, pen%ils, et%.
or dedi%ate a (ren%! boo' to our %lassroom or s%!ool library to %elebrate your %!ilds birt!day.
Mme. 6upont &ill be seein$ t!e students daily to tea%! t!em "arious subje%ts+ ,!ysi%al
Cdu%ation*0ealt!, ;isual Arts and Musi%. Mme. True &ill be tea%!in$ 6rama*6an%e to t!e students
on%e a &ee'.
74SM4SS9LB bus bell @+29 p.m. #inal bell @+@0 p.m.
St0-ents >ho are b0se- &ill be assi$ned a student #rom an older $rade to brin$ t!em to t!eir bus.
At t!e bus bell, students !ead to #ront o# s%!ool and line up #or t!eir bus.
St0-ents >ho are >alking &ill meet t!eir parent*$uardian outside t!e ba%' doors near our
%lassroom in t!e primary s%!oolyard.
St0-ents >ho are 0sing @iss Cn Ri-e &ill meet t!eir parent*$uardian at t!e #ront o# t!e s%!ool to
&ait #or t!eir ride. ,lease note students must &ait until busses depart be#ore bein$ pi%'ed up.
St0-ents >ho are going to -aycare &ill be lead do&n to day%are room #or a#ters%!ool %are.
# you are able to !elp out in t!e %lassroom on a &ee'ly basis, please send a note in your %!ilds
a$enda. Mer%i! # you are interested in "olunteerin$ in t!e %lassroom and on %lass trips, you must
submit a 1olice check to the o??ice. Stop in at t!e o##i%e to pi%' up a #orm #or a dis%ounted s%!ool
4M!OR6956 796ES
Se1te+ber 11
/ 7urri%ulum 5i$!t 9+@0 ,iDDa*Meet E Freet =+@0 7lassroom "isits
Se1te+ber 1
3 ,iDDa lun%! Mondays be$in
Se1te+ber 1 / 7at!oli% S%!ool 7oun%il Cle%tions
Se1te+ber %E&%(3 Sa#e S%!ool Bee'
Se1te+ber 1F3 S%!ool mass
Se1te+ber %( / ,i%ture 6ay
Se1te+ber %( / Terry (o) >un in t!e a#ternoon
Se1te+ber %3 ,.A. 6ay
T!an' 4ou* Mer%i,
Mlle A. Battista 1>oom 10?2

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