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in 2 Employment News 19 - 25 July 2014

Note : 1 Applicants who opt for Pay by
Cash mode should print the system gen-
erated Pay-in-slip during part-II registra-
tion and deposit the fee at the counter of
SBI Branch on the next working day only.
Pay by cash mode option will deactivat-
ed at 23.59 hours of 17.08.2014 i.e. one
day before the closing date. However,
applicants who have generated their Pay-
in-Slip before it is de-activated may pay at
the counter of SBI Branch during banking
hours on the closing date. Such appli-
cants who are unable to pay by cash on
the closing date i.e. during banking hours
at SBI Branch, for reason whatsoever,
even if holding a valid Pay-in-Slip will
have no other offline option but to opt for
online Debit/Credit Card or internet
Banking Payment mode on the closing
date ie. till 23.59 hours of 18.08.2014
www.employmentnews.gov.in 3 Employment News 19 - 25 July 2014
www.employmentnews.gov.in 4 Employment News 19 - 25 July 2014
The SSB procedure consists of two stage Selection process-stage I and stage-II. Only
those candidates who clear the stage I are permitted to appear for stage II. The details
are :-
(a) Stage I comprises of Officer Intelligence Rating OIR) tests are Picture Perception
*Description Test (PP&DT). The candidates will be shortlisted based on combination of
performance in QIR Test and PP and DT.
(b) Stage II Comprises of Interview, Group Testing Officer Tasks, Psychology Tests and
the Conference. These tests are conducted over 4 days. The details of these tests are
given on the website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in
The personality of candidate is assessed by three different assessors viz. the inter-
viewing Officer (IO), Group Testing Officer (GTO) and the Psychologist. There are no
separate weightage for each test. The mks are allotted by assessors only after taking
into consideration the performance of the candidate holistically in all the test. In addi-
tion, marks for Conference are also allotted based on the initial performance of the
Candidate in the three techniques and decision of the Board. All these have equal
The various tests of IO, GTO and Psych are designed to bring out the presence/absence
of Officer Like Qualities and their trainability in a candidate. Accordingly candidates are
Recommended or Not Recommended at the SSB.
www.employmentnews.gov.in 5 Employment News 19 - 25 July 2014
www.employmentnews.gov.in 6 Employment News 19 - 25 July 2014
Note II : Permanent body tattoos are only
Permitted on inner face of forearm i.e.
from inside of elbow to the wrist and on
the reverse side of palm/back (dorsal)
side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on
any other part of the body are not
acceptable and candidates will be barred
from further selection. Tribes with tattoo
marks on the face or body as per their
existing custom and traditions will be
permitted on a case to case basis.
Redial Keratotmy (RK) and
Photo Refractive Keratotomy (PRK) surgery for
correction of refractive errors are not permitted
for any air force duties. Candidates having
undergone cataract surgery with or without IOL
implants will also be declared unfit.
Degenerative disc diseases
www.employmentnews.gov.in 7 Employment News 19 - 25 July 2014
(K) State Govt. of Sikkim has approved a
cash incentive of Rs. 1.5 lac (Rupees One
lakh fifty thousand only) to successful candi-
dates of Sikkim for all Officers entry scheme.
www.employmentnews.gov.in 8 Employment News 19 - 25 July 2014
(i) Candidates selected for training at the Indian
Naval Academy will be appointed as Cadets under
the Graduate Cadet Special Entry Scheme (GSES)
Course. The selection of the cadets is based on
the candidate qualifying in the Combined Defence
Services Examination (CDSE), followed by SSB
interview and Medical Examination. Meritorious
candidates who are medically fit are appointed to
the 45 vacancies in the order of merit, Six of these
45 vacancies are reserved for Naval NCC 'C'
Certificate holding candidates under the NCC
Special Entry Scheme.
(ii) Selection of Cadets from the National Cadet
Corps. The eligibility, age-limits, educational qual-
ifications for candidates applying under the NCC
Special Entry Scheme are the same as the GSES
candidates except for the following :-
(a) NCC Cadets graduating in science in Physics
and Mathematics are permitted to apply besides
those possessing a degree in Engineering.
(b) A NCC Cadet must have served for not less
than two academic years in the Senior Division,
Naval Wing of the National Cadet Corps, and must
be in possession of Certificate 'C' (Naval). Those
who have appeared or intend to appear for certifi-
cate 'C' examination are also eligible to apply but
their final selection shall depend on producing
the Certificate before the commencement of the
(c) The NCC Cadet must be in possession of a
certificate of good conduct and character from
his University or Principal of his College.
(d) A NCC Cadet shall not be eligible to apply after
twelve months of leaving the Senior Division,
Naval Wing of the National Cadet Corps.
(e) In order to apply, a cadet must submit his
application to his Officer Commanding, N.C.C.
Unit, Naval Wing who shall forward it through the
Circle Commander concerned to the N.C.C.
Directorate, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi. The
N.C.C Directorate will forward the applications to
the Chief of the naval Staff. The applications shall
be submitted on the prescribed form. These
forms will be available at all N.C.C. Units.
(f) Candidate who are considered prima facie suit-
able shall be required to appear before a Services
Selection Board for interview and other tests.
(g) Candidates to be finally selected should at
least secure the minimum qualifying marks at the
Services Selection Board. Subject to this condi-
tion and to their being declared medically fit, suc-
cessful candidates shall be placed in the order of
merit based on the total marks secured in the writ-
ten examination and the Service Selection Board
interview. The final selection shall be made in the
order of merit up to the number of vacancies
(vi) Training : Selected candidates may be
appointed as cadets on reporting at the
Indian Naval Academy. The candidates
shall remain under probation till comple-
tion of initial training which is as follows.
a) Naval orientation course of INA 44 Weeks
b) Officers Sea Training at
Training Ship 06 months
c) Sub-Leiutenant A float Training 06 Months
d) Sub-Leiutenant (Technical Course) 32 Weeks
e) Afloat Attachment for award of Minimum
Full Naval Watch-keeping 06 Months
(v) Commissioning & Other Benefits : The
cadets shall be commissioned in the rank
of Sub-Leiutnenant after successful com-
pletion of approximately 18 months of
training. The career prospects, leave ben-
efits, leave and travel concession.
Pensionary/retirements benefits and all
such perks and privileges provided to
officers in the Navy in similar to those
being provided by the two services.
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