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Am His Syllabus14-15

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Rebecca Beck American History Syllabus 2014-2015

Website: http://becksbrilliantclasses.weebly.com
Remind 101: @ahshs
Email: rbeck@senecar7.com
Phone at SS: !17"77#"$%&#
'n Person: 1
o(r Plannin) Period or *e+ore/,+ter School
Mission Statement: At Seneca High School, our vision is to promote student success through high expectations
and dedication to continuous improvement.
istory is somethin) that is always chan)in). ,s people li-in) in a )lobal world. we need to (nderstand what is
happenin) aro(nd (s and what has happened be+ore (s so that we can ha-e an impact on the world ahead o+ (s. 't
is )ood +or (s to /(estion and wonder. 'n this class we will st(dy the past so that we can chan)e the +(t(re and try
to (nderstand the present. 0his co(rse co-ers 11#2"&000. and there is an End o+ 3o(rse E4am.
Classroom !iloso"!y:
RESPE30: 0his classroom5.6o( teacher5.6o(r peers5.6o(rsel+
RESP78S'*'9'06: :or yo(r attendance5.:or yo(r s(pplies5.:or yo(r assi)nments
E::7R0: 7n E;ER60'8< yo( do=
Everything falls into one of these three categories. This will include participation, attendance, tardiness,
following instructions, behavior, and having supplies. If you follow these three rules you will succeed in this class
and all of your classes.
Course #$er$ie%:
The following is the !"A# $urriculum "utline. This should serve as a guide only.
>(arter ? @isso(ri 3onstit(tion
Westward E4pansion
<ilded ,)e
>(arter ? 0he AaBB ,)e C1%&0Ds and EepressionF
8ew Eeal
World War ''
Su""lies &ee'e' (or Class )$ery'ay:
1. Planner
&. *inder ? $ rin) binder with 7 section di-iders labeled:
Bellringers, Notes, Vocabulary, Handouts, Assignments, Tests, Projects
$. 0e4tbook
!. ,R *ook
2. Paper and a writin) (tensil
'+ yo( do not brin) the re/(ired materials with yo( to class you will NOT be allowed to go to your locker
unless you forfeit your Crisis Pass
*irst +!in, o( t!e 'ay: $hec% the Smartboard when yo( enter the classroom beca(se it will ha-e yo(r
*ell Rin)er assi)nment. 0he date and daily obGecti-e will always be posted on the board by the teacherDs
desk. e ready to go& have your writing utensil and paper out' *e in assi)ned seat.
Stay on task. When +inished with an assi)nment. yo( sho(ld be workin) on the /(arter proGect. readin)
yo(r ,R book. lookin) o-er yo(r notes. or completin) other homework. ,lways ask permission to do
anythin) o(tside o+ these parameters. (o sleeping or refusing to attempt class wor%.
&ote-takin,: @ake s(re yo( are takin) notes d(rin) class lect(res and o-er any in+ormation presented on
the board. ,lways copy main ideas and concepts. 6o( are )oin) to ha-e to work on +ilterin) the
in+ormation beca(se it is impossible to copy e-erythin) the teacher says word"+or"word. @ake s(re that
>(arter ? Pro)ressi-e ,)e
World War '
>(arter ? 3old War
;ietnam War
3i-il Ri)hts @o-ement
@odern ,merican Eecades
yo( listen and p(t +orth e++ort. Practice makes per+ect. ,lways remember to write down any /(estions
yo( may ha-e d(rin) a lect(re so we can )o back and address them when thereDs time.
Bin'er C!ecks: ' will do /(arterly H*inder 3hecksI e/(i-alent to a test. 0he notebook sho(ld contain all
bellrin)ers. notes. hando(ts. assi)nments. -ocab(lary. tests. and research. Eo not throw anythin) away
(nless the teacher )i-es the appro-al.
Atten'ance: 0aken at the be)innin) o+ the class period. St(dents will be co(nted absent i+ they are 12
min(tes or more late +or a class or i+ they check o(t 12 or more be+ore class has ended.
Make--" .ork: 't is the student!s res"onsibility to get all missed work and notes when absent. Eo(ble
check with the teacher and classmates. 6o( ha-e the amo(nt o+ days yo( were absent to make (p the
missed work Ce4: & days absent ? & days to make (p workF. '+ it is a school acti-ity it is not considered an
absence. there+ore ' e4pect the assi)nment to be t(rned in on time or it W'99 recei-e late ded(ctions. 't
is yo(r responsibility to come by my room and ask what yo( will be missin) prior to the sched(led school
/ate .ork: ,ll assi)nments #ue on 0-) 0A+)1
o :irst Eay 9ate J $0K o++
o Second Eay 9ate J 20K o++
o 0hird Eay 9ate J H0I +or )rade
+ar'y olicy: *e in the classroom. makin) yo(r way directly to yo(r assi)ned seat. when the bell rin)s.
2ra'in, lan:
o 3o(rsework will be wei)hted as +ollows:
Lnit 0ests/>(iBBes J 20K
ProGects/Research J &2K
Eaily Work J &2K
o 0his will be sli)htly di++erent &
semester beca(se yo( will be re/(ired to take the @isso(ri State
End o+ 3o(rse E4am in ,merican istory. 0his will co(nt as 10K o+ yo(r second semester
Bat!room: St(dents sho(ld allow +or time to )o to the bathroom between classes. 0hey will be allowed
to (se their 3risis Pass once e-ery /(arter. St(dents may recei-e 2 e4tra credit points i+ they donDt (se it
at the end o+ e-ery /(arter.
Home%ork: Sho(ld be completed s(ccess+(lly and p(nct(ally by all st(dents.
3ui44es5 +ests5 6 ro7ects: 0here will be daily /(iBBes randomlyM alon) with -ocab(lary /(iBBes and
(nit tests. We will also ha-e special proGects thro()ho(t the year that will be accompanied by a r(bric and
maGor tests that will recei-e re-iews. 0he /(iBBes may or may not ha-e re-iews or noti+ication. St(dents
sho(ld be keepin) (p with notes and re-iewin) them re)(larly.
)ou will have a comprehensive exam for both the *all semester and the Spring semester. In addition you
will ta%e an End of $ourse Exam that will count as +,- of your grade .
/ea$in, Classroom: Si)n o(t on the clipboard located at the +ront o+ the classroom. (nder the 'n"*o4.
Cell !ones8)lectronic 0e$ices: Lse o+ electronic de-ices may only be (sed with permission +rom
0ress Co'e: SS policy
*oo' 6 0rink: 8o +ood or drink is allowed in the classroom (nless pre-io(sly appro-ed by the teacher
+or a special occasion.
o 3hewin) )(m is +ine as lon) as ' do not see or hear it.
o Remind 101 is a pro)ram that ' will be (sin) to send o(t reminders abo(t assi)nments and tests.
'+ yo( Cor yo(r parentsF are interested in recei-in) those noti+ications. please be s(re and si)n (p
+or o(r class (sin) the code at the top o+ the syllab(s or +rom the hando(t. 0his is a sa+e plat+orm
+or te4tin). *eca(se the class has a code. ' will not ha-e yo(r cell n(mber. 0his will help with
o 0his class will also be (sin) the website !tt":88becksbrilliantclasses.%eebly.com +or additional
in+ormation and assi)nments. @any o+ the important doc(ments and in+ormation +rom in class
may be +o(nd on this website.
C!eatin, an' la,iarism: Pla)iarism and cheatin) demonstrates a lack o+ inte)rity and character that is
inconsistent with the )oals and -al(es o+ this class. E4cellent written e4pression o+ well"+orm(lated ideas
is a +(ndamental skill +or academic and career s(ccess.
Plagiarism includes$
N takin) someone elseDs assi)nment and s(bmittin) it as oneOs own
Ns(bmittin) material written by someone else or rephrasin) the ideas o+ another witho(t )i-in)
the a(thorDs name or so(rce
Npresentin) the work o+ t(tors. parents. siblin)s. or +riends as oneOs own
Ns(bmittin) p(rchased papers as oneOs own
Ns(bmittin) papers +rom the 'nternet written by someone else as oneOs own
Ns(pportin) pla)iarism by pro-idin) work to others. whether yo( think it will be copied or not
C%eating includes$
Ncopyin). +a4in). emailin). or in any way d(plicatin) assi)nments that are t(rned in
Ne4chan)in) assi)nments with other st(dents. either handwritten or comp(ter )enerated
N(sin) any +orm o+ aid d(rin) tests//(iBBes witho(t the permission o+ the instr(ctor
N)i-in) or recei-in) answers d(rin) tests or /(iBBes
Naccessin) a test or /(iB +or the p(rpose o+ determinin) the /(estions in ad-ance
Conse&uences of Plagiarism and'or c%eating$
o++ense ? st(dent will be allowed to retake an alternate test/or re"do assi)nment +or hal+
creditM discipline +orm will be s(bmitted to the principalDs o++iceM and parents will be noti+ied
and s(bse/(ent o++ense ? st(dent will recei-ed a )rade o+ H0IM discipline +orm will be
s(bmitted to the principalDs o++iceM and parents will be noti+ied
)n' o( Class 0ismissal: 0eacher dismisses the st(dents not the bell.
0est E4emption: SS policy
E4tra 3redit
o E-ery /(arter. ' allow st(dents to brin) in e4tra classroom materials 7R complete a one pa)e
S(pplies incl(de the +ollowin): bo4 o+ tiss(es. pens. pencils. loose paper. notecards.
binders. and di-iders Cst(dents may brin) in (p to 2 items at 2 points each +or a total o+
&2 points o+ Eaily Work each /(arterF.
7R St(dents may complete a one pa)e. typed. ,P, +ormatted. report o-er one o+ their
+a-orite historical +i)(res. 0his is an alternati-e option to brin)in) in s(pplies. and m(st
be t(rned in by the end o+ the /(arter. Pla)iariBed papers will not be accepted. Worth &2
points o+ Eaily Work each /(arter.
o 3risis Points that are not (sed will be an additional 2 e4tra credit points at the end o+ a /(arter.
E4tra work
3omm(nication to parents
Pero on an assi)nment
,ny conse/(ence that the teacher G(d)es appropriate +or the o++ense.
Severe disruptions& St(dent sent immediately to the o++ice with discipline re+erral.
,ll other r(les as o(tlined in the St(dent andbook will apply in my classroom. '+ yo( ha-e any /(estions. please +eel
+ree to ask or -isit with me a+ter class. 0his syllab(s is +or in+ormational p(rposes and in not intended to be all"incl(si-eM
this means it may be amended. when necessary. at the teacherDs discretion. 3ontent +rom this syllab(s was taken +rom
@rs. 3heryl *(tter+ieldDs syllab(s. SS Social St(dies Eepartment ead.
Mrs. Rebecca Beck American History Syllabus 2014-2015
Website: http://becksbrilliantclasses.weebly.com
Remind 101: @ahshs
Email: rbeck@senecar7.com
Phone at SS: !17"77#"$%&#
'n Person: 1
o(r Plannin) Period or *e+ore/,+ter School
' ha-e recei-ed the ,merican istory Syllab(s. ' ha-e read and ' (nderstand the in+ormation and
re/(irements contained within the syllab(s. ' will p(t +orth my best e++ort to ens(re s(ccess d(rin) this
' (nderstand o(r class will be (tiliBin) Remind101 this year. ' (nderstand this is a te4t or email ser-ice
that ' can Goin and @rs. *eck will send o(t reminders re)ardin) tests. assi)nments. and d(e dates. ,ny
costs associated with te4ts are my responsibility.
' (nderstand ' need to access the class website on a re)(lar basis to keep (pdated on -ocab(lary. links.
instr(ctions. etc. http://becksbrilliantclasses.weebly.com/
' (nderstand Pla)iarism and 3heatin) will 870 be tolerated and can res(lt in discipline action.
' (nderstand this is my 1
assi)nment. ' ha-e si)ned below indicatin) ' ha-e read and (nderstand the
syllab(s. Si)ned Syllab(s is #() on Tuesday, August *+, ,-*..
St(dent Si)nat(re R Eate
Parent Si)nat(re R Eate *est Way to 3ontact Parent CEmail. 0e4t messa)eF
Please pro-ide phone n(mber or email address

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