Joseph Essay
Joseph Essay
Joseph Essay
Benjamin's mother (Rachel) was also Joseph's mother. hey must have been particularly close to one another. !he
died "ivin" birth to Benjamin. heir mother was their father's favorite wife. !he was not one of his concubines and
so the sons she had bore him were most precious to him. (his also e#plains why Joseph was blessed by his father
with the coat of many colors. !imply put, he was his father's favorite.) $ith the death of Rachel and Joseph
believed dead, the person that Jacob held as most precious was his son Benjamin. Joseph was wise. %e
understood this. %e was testin" the hearts of his brothers. $ere they still the men who had thrown him in a pit and
then sold him into slavery, or had they chan"ed. $ould they protect Benjamin or use him to "ain what they needed
and leave him in &"ypt. 'n the last part of the story when the cup is found in Benjamin's ba", we see the chan"e in
the older brothers. (enesis ))*+,-.), Judah ac/nowled"es the sin they committed by sellin" Joseph, fa/in" his
death and lyin" to their father. 'n the final two verses Judah offers himself as a replacement Benjamin. $hat does
Joseph "ain by this, his brother's repentance which opened the door for the reconciliation eventually too/ place
between them. $ithout the repentance he reconciliation would not have been possible.
Why does Joseph involve Benjamin:
he must have really wanted to see Benjamin in particular
the person that Jacob held as most precious was his son Benjamin. Joseph
was wise. He understood this. He was testing the hearts of his brothers.
Were they still the men who had thrown him in a pit and then sold him into
slavery, or had they changed.
Would they protect Benjamin or use him to gain what they needed and
leave him in Egypt.
What does Joseph gain by this, his brothers repentance which opened the
door for the reconciliation eventually too! place between them. Without the
repentance he reconciliation would not have been possible.
He could interpreter dreams so the dream he had as a child had to come
Joseph !new that this plan wouldn"t go astray due to his childhood dream
involved Benjamin because he wanted to see his brother, and # thin! it was
also because he saw it as a way to get his father to come to Egypt.