This document contains a supplication prayer to the Buddhist master Orgyen Padmasambhava requesting the fulfillment of wishes. It is divided into four sections requesting: 1) protection from warfare, 2) healing and protection from disease, 3) protection from famine and starvation, and 4) help in finding treasures and mining. The prayer praises Padmasambhava's compassionate activities, blessings, and ability to help beings through difficult times. It asks that by praying to Padmasambhava with an undivided mind, all wishes will be spontaneously fulfilled.
This document contains a supplication prayer to the Buddhist master Orgyen Padmasambhava requesting the fulfillment of wishes. It is divided into four sections requesting: 1) protection from warfare, 2) healing and protection from disease, 3) protection from famine and starvation, and 4) help in finding treasures and mining. The prayer praises Padmasambhava's compassionate activities, blessings, and ability to help beings through difficult times. It asks that by praying to Padmasambhava with an undivided mind, all wishes will be spontaneously fulfilled.
This document contains a supplication prayer to the Buddhist master Orgyen Padmasambhava requesting the fulfillment of wishes. It is divided into four sections requesting: 1) protection from warfare, 2) healing and protection from disease, 3) protection from famine and starvation, and 4) help in finding treasures and mining. The prayer praises Padmasambhava's compassionate activities, blessings, and ability to help beings through difficult times. It asks that by praying to Padmasambhava with an undivided mind, all wishes will be spontaneously fulfilled.
This document contains a supplication prayer to the Buddhist master Orgyen Padmasambhava requesting the fulfillment of wishes. It is divided into four sections requesting: 1) protection from warfare, 2) healing and protection from disease, 3) protection from famine and starvation, and 4) help in finding treasures and mining. The prayer praises Padmasambhava's compassionate activities, blessings, and ability to help beings through difficult times. It asks that by praying to Padmasambhava with an undivided mind, all wishes will be spontaneously fulfilled.
The key takeaways are a prayer/supplication seeking blessings and fulfillment of wishes from the Buddhist master Padmasambhava.
The text is a prayer/supplication to the Buddhist master Padmasambhava seeking his blessings and for wishes to be spontaneously fulfilled.
The spiritual figure the text is supplicating to is the Buddhist master Padmasambhava, also known as Guru Rinpoche.
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Sampa Lhundrub: Supplication to Orgyen Rinpoche for the
Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes `` `S~``````~`~ \```~`~``S`~`~ E MA HO NUB-CHOG DE-WA CHEN-GYI ZHING-KHAM SU / NANG-WA THA-YEY THUG-JEI JIN-LOB YEY / E MA HO! From the western Buddha-realm of Sukhavati, the compassionate blessings of Amitabha went forth. j`$`"`S`~`S`~` ````````S TRUL-KU PAD-MA JUNG-NEY JIN-LAB TE / DZAM-BUI LING-DU DRO-WAI DON-LA JON / Thus the nirmanakaya Padmasambhava manifested in the world of Jambudvipa in order to benefit all beings. ``]```"`~`` `]`"`S`~``~``~ DRO-DON GYUN-CHED MED-PAI THUG-JE CHEN / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / Working with unfailing compassion for their welfare - to Guru Padmasambhava of Odiyana I pray: ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that all my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. ]`"`H`~`````~ ~`]``]````J~` GYAL-PO TRI-SONG DEU-TSEN MEN-CHED NEY / CHO-GYAL DUNG-GYUD THA-LA MA-TONG BAR / From the time of King Trisong Deutsen, up to the end of the dynasty of Dharma kings, ~`~`]```"`S`~`~ ``~``]`"```" DU-SUM GYUN-CHED MED-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / BOD-KYI CHO-KYONG GYAL-POI NYEN-CHIG PO / you granted your blessing unceasingly throughout the three times. You are the sole friend of the Tibetan kings who guard Dharma. ]`"`~`g```~`` `]`"`S`~``~``~ GYAL-PO CHO-CHOD KYONG-WAI THUG-JE CHEN / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / Protecting with great compassion those kings who rule according to Dharma, to Guru Padmasambhava of Odiyana I pray: ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that all my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. To download a free copy of this auspicious prayer, go to: 1 $``(``~`"``` ~`~```~~``~``~ KU-NI LHO-NUB SIN-POI KHA-NON DZED / THUG-JEY BOD-KYI SEM-CHEN YONG-LA ZIG / Your body subdues the rakshas of the southwest. Through your compassionate gaze, you saw that the time had come to visit Tibet. ```"`~~```"`" `~```~~``~`~` MA-RIG LOG-PAI SEM-CHEN DREN-PAI PAL / NYON-MONG DUL-KAI SEM-CHEN THAB-KYI DUL / You are the glorious guide of beings misled by ignorance. You skillfully tame afflicted beings difficult to tame. *``]```"`~`` `]`"`S`~``~``~ TSE-DUNG GYUN-CHED MED-PAI THUG-JE CHEN / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / Compassionate One of unceasing kindness, to Guru Padmasambhava of Odiyana I pray: ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that all my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. ~``)~`````"` ``~``````S DU-NGEN NYIG-MAI THA-LA THUG-PAI TSE / NANG-RE GONG-RE BOD-KYI DON-LA JON / Now that the end of the evil age of degeneration has been reached, come day and night for the benefit of Tibet. ```t`~``~``S ``~``~`~`~`~`S NYI-ZER CHAR-DUD DANG-LA CHIB-TE JON / YAR-NGO TSE-CHUI DU-SU NGO-SU JON / Riding the rays of the rising and setting sun, you manifest your presence on the tenth day of the waxing moon. ``J~```"`~`` `]`"`S`~``~``~ DRO-DON TOB-CHEN DZED-PAI THUG-JE CHEN / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / Compassionate One who benefit beings in powerful ways, to Guru Padmasambhava of Odiyana I pray: ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that all my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. J`]```*`~`)~`` ~~``~```~``J`~ NGA-GYAI THA-MA TSOD-DU NYIG-MA LA / SEM-CHEN THAM-CHED NYON-MONG DUG-NGA RAG / In these last five hundred years of the degenerate age of strife, all the sentient beings become coarsened by obscurations and the five poisons. To download a free copy of this auspicious prayer, go to: 2 `~``J``]`g`"` ``~````~`~` NYON-MONG DUG-NGA RANG-GYUD CHOD-PAI TSE / DE-DRAI DU-NA KYOD-DRAI THUG-JEY KYOB / Yielding to the defilement of obscuration they take the five poisons as their path of action. In such times we need to have one such as you to protect us. ```~``"`~`` `]`"`S`~``~``~ DED-DEN THO-RI DREN-PAI THUG-JE-CHEN / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / You who compassionately guide the faithful to the higher realms, to Guru Padmasambhava of Odiyana I pray: ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that all my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. I. For protection from warfare `~~`~`"``~``$`~ ~```"````"` HOR-SOG JIG-PAI MAG-GI THA-KOR NEY / CHO-KHOR NYEN-PO JIG-LA THUG-PAI TSE / When we are surrounded by the terrifying warlords of Hor and Sog, and the precious wheel of the Dharma teachings are on the verge of being destroyed, `~````"`~``~ `]`(`~`t`]```~ YID-NYI THE-TSOM MED-PAR SOL-WA DEB / OR-GYEN LHA-SIN DE-GYED KHOR-DANG CHEY / if we pray to you with undivided mind, free from all hesitation, you will appear surrounded by the eight classes of gods and rakshasas. `~~``"`J`"``` `]`"`S`~``~``~ HOR-SOG MAG-PUNG DOG-PAR THE-TSOM MED / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / There is no doubt that the Mongol armies will be repelled. To Guru Padmasambhava of Odiyana I pray: ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that my wishes are spontaneously accomplished. II. For healing and protection from diseases ~~``g`~``"``S` ``t`}``~``"` SEM-CHEN GYU-LU JIG-PAI NED-JUNG TSE / MI-ZOD DUG-NGEL NED-KYI NYEN-PA NA / When the sicknesses that destroy the illusory bodies of beings appears, and we undergo intolerable suffering, To download a free copy of this auspicious prayer, go to: 3 `~````"`~``~ `]`J``5``S``"~ YID-NYI THE-TSOM MED-PAR SOL-WA DEB / OR-GYEN MEN-GYI LA-DANG YER-MED PEY / If we pray to you with a mind free of doubt; because you, Orgyen, are inseparable from Orgyen Menla, ``````~`"`~ `]`"`S`~``~``~ TSE-ZED-MA-YIN BAR-CHED NGEY-PAR SEL / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / life will not be exhausted and obstacles will definitely be dispelled. To Guru Padmasambhava of Odiyana I pray: ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that all my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. III. For protection from famine, starvation S```~`~``~`"` ~~`````~``"` JUNG-WA DRAR-LANG SA-CHUD NYAM-PAI TSE / SEM-CHEN MU-GEI NED-KYI NYEN-PA NA / When the elements become antagonistic and the goodness of the earth is diminished, and beings are threatened by famine, `~````"`~``~ `]````(`~``~ YID-NYI THE-TSOM MED-PAR SOL-WA DEB / OR-GYEN KHAN-DRO NOR-LHAI TSOG-DANG CHEY / if we pray to you with a mind free of doubt, you, Orgyen, with appear along with the dakinis and wealth gods. `"~`~`$`~```` `]`"`S`~``~``~ UL-PHONG TRE-KOM SEL-WAR THE-TSOM MED / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / All poverty, hunger and thirst will surely be quelled. To Guru Padamasambhava of Odiyana, I pray. ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. IV. To find treasures, mining ~```````` `````"`"``~ LEY-CHEN DRO-WAI DON-DU TER-DON NA / DAM-TSIG ZOL-ZOG MED-PAI PA-DENG GI / When those with karma reveal treasures for the benefit of beings, with courage and confidence and utterly free from deceit and samaya free from hypocrisy, `~````"`~``~ `]```(``S``"~ YID-NYI THE-TSOM MED-PAR SOL-WA DEB / OR-GYEN YI-DAM LHA-DANG YER-MED PEY / if we pray to you with undivided mind, free from all doubt, you, Orgyen, appear inseparable from the yidam. To download a free copy of this auspicious prayer, go to: 4 "```~``"``` `]`"`S`~``~``~ PHA-NOR BU-YI LON-PAR THE-TSOM MED / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / There is no doubt that the child will inherit the parents wealth. To Guru Padamasambhava of Odiyana I pray. ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. V. For finding hidden lands, not getting lost F~``~`H``~`)~`"` ```````~` BE-YUL NAG-TROD WEN-SA NYOG-PAI TSE / KHA-CHAR BU-YUG TSUB-CHING LAM-GAG NA / When we pass through hidden valleys, forests and isolated places, if our way is blocked by rainstorms and blizzards, `~````"`~``~ `]````"``~`$ YID-NYI THE-TSOM MED-PAR SOL-WA DEB / OR-GYEN ZHI-DAG NYEN-POI KHOR-GYI KOR / if we pray to you with a mind free of doubt, you, Orgyen, will appear surrounded by a retinue of powerful local gods. ~```\``"``` `]`"`S`~``~``~ CHO-DZED LAM-NA DREN-PAR THE-TSOM MED / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / There is no doubt that the practitioner will be led on his way. To Guru Padamsambhava of Odiyana, I pray. ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. VI. For protection from wild animals J`````j``` ``~`"`:```"` TAG-ZIG DOM-DRED DUG-DRUL CHE-WA CHEN / DROG-CHEN JIG-PAI TRANG-LA DRIM-PAI TSE / When we pass through terrifying wilderness, menaced by tigers, leopards, bears, poisonous snakes and other predators, `~````"`~``~ `]`"````~``~ YID-NYI THE-TSOM MED-PAR SOL-WA DEB / OR-GYEN PA-WO GING-DANG SUNG-MAR CHEY / if we pray to you with a mind free of doubt, you, Orgyen, will appear accompanied by wrathful emissaries and guardians. To download a free copy of this auspicious prayer, go to: 5 `"`~~```"``` `]`"`S`~``~``~ DUG-PAI SEM-CHEN TROD-PAR THE-TSOM MED / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / There is no doubt that vicious animals will be driven away. To Guru Padamasambhava of Odiyana, I pray. ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. VII. Protection from natural disasters ~````S````~ g`~``"````"` SA-CHU ME-LUNG JUNG-WAI BAR-CHED KYI / GYU-LU YAR-PO JIG-LA THUG-PAI TSE / When our temporary illusory bodies are threatened by frightful obstacles posed by the elements of earth, water, fire and wind, `~````"`~``~ `]`S````(``~ YID-NYI THE-TSOM MED-PAR SOL-WA DEB / OR-GYEN JUNG-WA ZHI-YI LHA-MOR CHEY / if we pray to you with a mind free of doubt, you, Orgyen, will appear along with the goddesses of the four elements. S```~````` `]`"`S`~``~``~ JUNG-WA RANG-SAR ZHI-BAR THE-TSOM MED / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / There is no doubt that the elements will be pacified in their own place. To Guru Padamasambhava of Odiyana, I pray. ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. VIII. Protection from criminals and to ensure safe passage `~`~`"`:```"` ~```"``"~``"` LAM-SANG JIG-PAI TRANG-LA DRIM-PAI TSE / SED-KYER JAG-PA CHOM-PO NYEN-PA NA / When we travel on dangerous roads, and are menaced by criminals and bandits, `~````"`~``~ `]`S`]```~`"` YID-NYI THE-TSOM MED-PAR SOL-WA DEB / OR-GYEN CHAG-GYA ZHI-YI GONG-PAR DEN / if we pray to you with a mind free of doubt, because you, Orgyen, possess the wisdom of the four seals of perfect realization, To download a free copy of this auspicious prayer, go to: 6 ```=`*`~~``"`S `]`"`S`~``~``~ TSO-RA MI-GOD NGAM-SEM LAG-PAR JED / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / the malevolence of savage assailants will be quelled. To Guru Padmasambhava of Odiyana, I pray. ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. IX. Protection from weapons and persecution `````~``$`~ ``\`"~`~```"` GANG-ZHIG SHED-MAI MAG-GI THA-KOR NEY / TSON-CHA NON-PO DEB-SHING NYEN-PA NA / When we are surrounded by an army of executioners, menaced by blows from their sharp weapons, `~````"`~``~ `]``````"`~ YID-NYI THE-TSOM MED-PAR SOL-WA DEB / OR-GYEN DOR-JEI GUR-DANG DEN-PA YI / if we pray to you with a mind free of doubt, because you, Orgyen, possess a tent of vajras, ```````` `]`"`S`~``~`~ SHED-MA DRED-CHING TSOM-CHA THOR-WAR GYUR / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / the executioners will be shamed and their weapons scattered. To Guru Padmasambhava of Odiyana, I pray. ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. X. To transfer ones consciousness at the time of death ``````~`S` ``t`}``:``"` NAM-ZHIG TSE-ZED CHI-WAI DU-JUNG TSE / NAR-CHOD DUG-NGEL DU-TRED NYEN-PA NA / When we come to the time of our deaths, and are menaced by agonizing suffering, `~````"`~``~ `]`\```~`j`"`J YID-NYI THE-TSOM MED-PAR SOL-WA DEB / OR-GYEN NANG-WA THA-YEY TRUL-PA TE / if we pray to you with a mind free of doubt, because you, Orgyen, are an emanation of Amitabha, ``````~`"` `]`"`S`~``~``~ DE-WA CHEN-GYI ZHING-DER NGEY-PAR KYE / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / we will definitely be reborn in the realm of Sukhavati. To Guru Padmasambhava of Odiyana, I pray. To download a free copy of this auspicious prayer, go to: 7 ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. XI. To become liberated while in the bardo g`~``"``"``` H`\``H`t`}``"` GYU-LU YAR-PO ZHIG-PAI BAR-DO RU / TRUL-NANG NYID-TRUL DUG-NGEL NYEN-PA NA / When we reach the bardo, after the destruction of our temporary illusory bodies, and are terrified by intense hallucinations, `~````"`~``~ `]`~`~``"`~``~ YID-NYI THE-TSOM MED-PAR SOL-WA DEB / OR-GYEN DU-SUM KYEN-PAI THUG-JE YI / if we pray to you with a mind free of doubt, because you, Orgyen, have compassion that knows the three times, H`\``~````` `]`"`S`~``~``~ TRUL-NANG RANG-SAR DROL-WAR THE-TSOM MED / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / there is no doubt that the hallucinations will be liberated in their own place. To Guru Padmasambhava of Odiyana, I pray. ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. XII. To become liberated from mental delusions ``~```~``` H`\`~`"```t`}` ZHEN-YANG LEY-DANG KYEN-GYI WANG-GYUR TE/ TRUL-NANG NGO-POR ZHEN-CHING DUG-NGEL NA / When, through the power of karma or circumstances, we mistake our projections for reality and suffer, `~````"`~``~ `]```]`"```J YID-NYI THE-TSOM MED-PAR SOL-WA DEB / OR-GYEN DE-CHEN GYAL-POI NGO-WO TE / if we pray to you with a mind free of doubt, because you, Orgyen, are in nature the King of Great Bliss, t`}`H`"`*`~``"`S `]`"`S`~``~``~ DUG-NGEL TRUL-PA TSED-NEY ZHIG-PAR JED / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / you will eradicate our suffering and bewilderment. To Guru Padmasambhava of Odiyana, I pray. To download a free copy of this auspicious prayer, go to: 8 ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. XIII. To become free from samsara and free from the problems in ones own country ``t`}``"~``"` `"````~`t`}` DRO-DRUG DUG-NGEL CHEN-PO NYEN-PA NA / KYED-PAR BOD-KYI JE-WANG DUG-NGEL NA / When the six realms of beings are afflicted by great suffering, and especially when the lord and subjects of Tibet are oppressed with suffering, `~`~`"``~``"`~ `~````"`~``~ DED-GU MO-PAI DUNG-SHUG DREG-PO YI / YID-NYI THE-TSOM MED-PAR SOL-WA DEB / if we pray to you with a mind free of doubt, with fierce yearning faith, reverence, and longing, `]`~`~`"```"`~ `]`"`S`~``~``~ OR-GYEN THUG-JEY PHO-GYUR MED-PAR ZIG / OR-GYEN PAD-MA JUNG-NEY LA SOL-WA DEB / you, Orgyen, will look upon us with unchanging compassion. To Guru Padmasambhava of Odiyana, I pray. ~`"`(`~``"`S`~`~ SAM-PA LHUN-GYI DRUB-PAR JIN-GYI LOB / Grant your blessings so that my wishes be spontaneously accomplished. `]```"`S`~`~`(`~~``H``"```````````~```` These thirteen sacred instructions, which are the wish-fulfilling jewel, was taught by Orgyen Guru Padma Jungney at the request of the crown prince, Mutri Tsenpo. To download a free copy of this auspicious prayer, go to: 9