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Micro Lab1

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EENG410 Microprocessors I

Eastern Mediterranean University

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Objective: Students will learn debug programming commands, and explore simple
Assembly Language Instructions in assembly and run them.
To run the program you need to follow these steps:
1 !se the "ommand #rompt by using cmd from the STA$T menu, using search, of the
& !se edit command to access the '(S editor program for writing programs. After writing
the program use )Save as from the editor menu with )myfilename.asm file under **+,-1.
/ ,o to the '(S screen and write tasm myfilename.asm then press enter.
- %rite ti!" myfilename.obj then press enter
0 %rite deb#$ myfilename%e&e then press enter.
1 Type ' (S:0000 000) then press enter. This will show the first 11 bytes in the "ode Segment
2 $etrie3e the 3alue of 'S 4i.e. 55556 . Then type * ++++:0000 000) and press enter to
see the first 11 bytes of 'ata Segment, before running the program.
7 To run the program, type G then press enter.
8 Then type * ++++:0000 000) and press enter to see the new content of the 'ata Segment
after running the program
7 9inally type , and repeatedly press enter till you see the end of the program 4i.e. I+T
instruction in the end6.
:ou need to write the rele3ant commands e3ery time you run your program.
'ebug #rogramming "ommand List;
Lab -or":
As the first example we will see the addition of two hexadecimal numbers. *ach
student should run the program and should try to trace it as well.
%S,A(. /40
5 '< 0&=
: '< &8=
($, ..1.=
S!> '< ?
MAIN: MO1 A+23*A,A
MO1 *S2A+
>(@ AL,5
>(@ <L,:
A'' AL,<L
>(@ S!>,AL
MO1 A024(0
IN, 410
0%-% 1 5deadi!e: !e&t ab6
%rite a program that uses A'' command to do the multiplication of 1&= and 2=.
(Hint: Multiplication can be performed by iterative addition)
%rite the LAB No% on the emai7s s#bject
Send the email to the following address: rami!%ba"8s8i3cc%em#%ed#%tr
Late submission will not be acceptedA
9esearc8 Assista!t
O::ice No% EE11;
E<Mai: rami!%ba"8s8i3cc%em#%ed#%tr

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