This document provides instructions for students in the EENG410 Microprocessors I course to complete Lab 1. It outlines the steps to write and debug an assembly language program using the MASM assembler and debugger. Students are instructed to write a program that adds two hexadecimal numbers as an example, and for homework must write a program to multiply two numbers using iterative addition. The document provides contact information for the research assistant and notes that late assignments will not be accepted.
This document provides instructions for students in the EENG410 Microprocessors I course to complete Lab 1. It outlines the steps to write and debug an assembly language program using the MASM assembler and debugger. Students are instructed to write a program that adds two hexadecimal numbers as an example, and for homework must write a program to multiply two numbers using iterative addition. The document provides contact information for the research assistant and notes that late assignments will not be accepted.
This document provides instructions for students in the EENG410 Microprocessors I course to complete Lab 1. It outlines the steps to write and debug an assembly language program using the MASM assembler and debugger. Students are instructed to write a program that adds two hexadecimal numbers as an example, and for homework must write a program to multiply two numbers using iterative addition. The document provides contact information for the research assistant and notes that late assignments will not be accepted.
This document provides instructions for students in the EENG410 Microprocessors I course to complete Lab 1. It outlines the steps to write and debug an assembly language program using the MASM assembler and debugger. Students are instructed to write a program that adds two hexadecimal numbers as an example, and for homework must write a program to multiply two numbers using iterative addition. The document provides contact information for the research assistant and notes that late assignments will not be accepted.
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EENG410 Microprocessors I
Eastern Mediterranean University
Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering LAB1 Objective: Students will learn debug programming commands, and explore simple Assembly Language Instructions in assembly and run them. To run the program you need to follow these steps: 1 !se the "ommand #rompt by using cmd from the STA$T menu, using search, of the %indows. & !se edit command to access the '(S editor program for writing programs. After writing the program use )Save as from the editor menu with )myfilename.asm file under **+,-1. folder. / ,o to the '(S screen and write tasm myfilename.asm then press enter. - %rite ti!" myfilename.obj then press enter 0 %rite deb#$ myfilename%e&e then press enter. 1 Type ' (S:0000 000) then press enter. This will show the first 11 bytes in the "ode Segment 2 $etrie3e the 3alue of 'S 4i.e. 55556 . Then type * ++++:0000 000) and press enter to see the first 11 bytes of 'ata Segment, before running the program. 7 To run the program, type G then press enter. 8 Then type * ++++:0000 000) and press enter to see the new content of the 'ata Segment after running the program 7 9inally type , and repeatedly press enter till you see the end of the program 4i.e. I+T instruction in the end6. :ou need to write the rele3ant commands e3ery time you run your program. 'ebug #rogramming "ommand List; Lab -or": As the first example we will see the addition of two hexadecimal numbers. *ach student should run the program and should try to trace it as well. %MO*EL SMALL %S,A(. /40 %*A,A 5 '< 0&= : '< &8= ($, ..1.= S!> '< ? %(O*E MAIN: MO1 A+23*A,A MO1 *S2A+ >(@ AL,5 >(@ <L,: A'' AL,<L >(@ S!>,AL MO1 A024(0 IN, 410 EN* MAIN 0%-% 1 5deadi!e: !e&t ab6 %rite a program that uses A'' command to do the multiplication of 1&= and 2=. (Hint: Multiplication can be performed by iterative addition) +(T*S: %rite the LAB No% on the emai7s s#bject Send the email to the following address: rami!%ba"8s8i3cc%em#%ed#%tr Late submission will not be acceptedA 9esearc8 Assista!t 9ami!%ba"8s8i O::ice No% EE11; E<Mai: rami!%ba"8s8i3cc%em#%ed#%tr