Dragon Age Install Notes
Dragon Age Install Notes
Dragon Age Install Notes
1. Open a mounting program like Daemon Tools or PowerISO. Open and Mount the 'da
ouea.iso' file from the Dragon.Age.Origins.Ultimate.Edition-DRK folder.
2. A popup will appear, click 'Open folder to view Files'
3. The Folder for Disc 1 will open. Click on autorun.exe and press Install. The
installer will run to about 2/3 of the way and then another popup will appear sa
ying to insert Disc 2.
4. Go back to Daemon Tools (or whatever mounting program you're using) and Open
& Mount 'daoueb.iso'. Close the popup window that appears and click on the "Retr
y" button on the dialog box that's asking for Disc 2.
5. Let the installation finish. The game will ask for a registration code. Open
the 'Crack' folder in the Disk 1 Mount Folder. then open 'KeyGenerator' folder i
nside that. Run 'KeyGenerator.exe' and click Generate. Copy the key into the Reg
istration window and hit Register/Enter.
6. Now a folder in 'C:Program Files(x86)Dragon Age' will open. Open the bin_ship
folder inside that. Now, go back to the Disc 1 Mount folder. Click on the Crack
folder, and again on the inside Crack folder. You should see twot items, a ViTA
LiTY folder and 'daorgiins.exe'. This is the craced EXE. Copy it and paste into
the 'C:Program Files(x86)Dragon Agebin_ship' folder. Replace if needed.
7. Now we need to open Disc 2 Mount folder. You may need to close Disc 1 Folder,
re-mount Disc 2, and select "Open folder to view files" from the popup window.
8. Once Disc 2 Mount folder is open, go to CrackDLC CrackBiowareDragon AgeSettin
gs. Copy the 'addins.xml' file and paste it in the 'My DocumentsBiowareDragon Ag
eSettings' folder. Replace if necessary.
9. Go back to the first Crack folder in the Disc 2 Mount folder. Click on Bonus
DLC's folder. There are 2 items in here, addins.txt and 'Bonus PROMO Offers DLC'
10. Open 'Bonus PROMO Offers DLC's.rar' (you may need WinRAR). Open the folder i
nside that with the same name. Open the addins folder. Extract all files inside
this addins folder to 'C:Program Files(x86)Dragon Ageaddins' folder.
11. Popup windows will come up asking if you want to replace old files with new
files. Select "Yes to All" option. Wait for it to finish copying.
12. 'C:Program Files(x86)Dragon Agebin_ship' and double click on the daorigins.e
xe file that you pasted in a few steps before. The game should run!