Affidavit of Fact
Affidavit of Fact
Affidavit of Fact
County of Stevens
Introductory Certification
I, Samuel Salmon, the Undersigned Affiant, hereinafter Affiant, does
hereby solemnly swear, declare under penalty of perjury, and state as
1 Affiant is competent to state the matters set forth herewith
! Affiant has personal "nowledge of the facts stated herein
# All the facts stated herein are true, correct, and complete in
accordance with Affiant$s best firsthand "nowledge and
understanding, and if called upon to testify as a witness Affiant shall
so state
Plain Statement of Facts
% Affiant declares of personal first hand "nowledge of all the facts, and
writings listed in all documents, filed by the &laintiff under case 'o
!(1( ! (()*+ ,, at the Ste-ens .ounty .ler"s office, and Ste-ens
.ounty /ecorders office
Specific Statement of Facts
) Affiant declares, and has specific witness that the deed of trust listed
at Ste-ens .ounty /ecorders office under file 'o !(1( (((0(!#
assigns the trustee and beneficiary whom are affiliates, and are
fiducially responsible to one another, as 1the trustee2 /econ3rust
.ompany, 'A is a wholly4owned subsidiary of 1the beneficiary2
5an" of America, 'A
+ Affiant witnesses the same signer for corporations 5an" of America,
and 67/S on the deed of trust listed at Ste-ens .ounty /ecorders
office under file 'o !(1( (((0(!#
0 Affiant declares 67/S capacity is also listed as merely acting solely
as nominee for the 8ender, on the deed of trust listed at Ste-ens
.ounty /ecorders office under file 'o !((0 ((1!%+0, and !((0
, Affiant declares the amount listed on the alleged 'ote 9%10,((( is not
correct principal amount the &laintiff agreed to
3he Undersigned Affiant, Samuel Salmon, does herewith swear, declare, and
affirm that Affiant issues this Affida-it of :act with sincere intent, that
Affiant is competent to state the matters set forth herein, that the contents are
true, correct, complete, and certain, admissible as e-idence, and reasonable
and just in accordance with Affiant$s best firsthand "nowledge and
3he Affida-it of :act <ate
Samuel Salmon
*10. &hilpott /d
.ol-ille, =A **11%