On the next page you will find a key and notes on how to approach this type of task and topic.
UCLES 2006
36 C 37 A 38 B 39 C 40 B
Approaching the task
Consider these two questions. Then look at the commentary below.
1. Which area of language development does this task focus on?
2. What is the task testing?
This task focuses on the development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, specifically micro skills. The task is testing your knowledge of these micro skills. As you can see from this task, an important element of the TKT is terminology. Cambridge have published a free downloadable TKT Glossary to help teachers learn and understand key EFL terminology.
Look at these books and online articles to help develop your knowledge of teaching skills.
Anderson, A. / Lynch, T Listening 1988 OUP White, G. Listening 1998 OUP Nuttall, C. Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language 1996 Heinemann Wallace, C. Reading 1992 OUP Bygate M. Speaking 1987 OUP Thornbury, S. How to Teach Speaking 2005 Longman Hedge, T. Writing 1988 OUP White, R. & Arndt, V. Process Writing 1991 Longman
Articles from Teaching English website: Teaching speaking skills 1 A framework for planning a listening skills lesson Product and process writing: A comparison Theories of reading
Try it out
Take these steps to examine your own classroom practice.
1. Look at your course book. Make a list of the skills and micro skills introduced. Do you think that your course book develops skills effectively?
2. Look back at some recent lesson plans. Do you integrate skills work into every lesson? How do you assess your students skills proficiency?
3. Find another teacher in the staff room and ask How do you teach reading?