Dreamshopping Software Requirements Specifications Document: Se Course Project Ayşe Sargın 050501022
Dreamshopping Software Requirements Specifications Document: Se Course Project Ayşe Sargın 050501022
Dreamshopping Software Requirements Specifications Document: Se Course Project Ayşe Sargın 050501022
Software Requirements Specifications
SE course project
Aye Sargn
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of document 3
1.2 The goal of the project 3
1.3 Definitions 3
2.0 Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective 4
2.2 Functional Requirements 5
2.2.1 Actor: buyer/bidder 5
2.2.2 Actor: seller 6
2.2.3 Actor: visitor 7
2.3 Nonfunctional Requirements 8
3 Design Requirements 8
4 Technical Requirements 9
5 Appendix A-Screenshots 9
1.0. Introduction
1.1. Purpose of this document
The purpose of this document is to present a detailed description of a
DreamShopping web site system. It will explain the purpose and features of the
system, what the system will do, how the system will react to external effects
and under which circumstances this software will work.
1.2 The Goal of the Project
This software will work as shopping website, a shopping cart application.
Aim of the project is to create a web site which will serve to customers both
selling and buying issues. DreamShopping customers are both sellers are buyers
(a person can be both), and site make revenue by taking commission from each
transaction. The products can be used before (second hand) or new. The
difference of system is letting reverse auctioning with wish system.
Wish system is briefly reverse of auction system, this time sellers make
offers not buyers, amount of offers are decreasing not increasing and the most
lowest price is important not the highest one. Of course they have the same aim
buying the most convenient product with lowest price and selling the product
with highest revenue.
1.3 Definitions
Users: Both sellers and buyers.
PayPal: An e-commerce business allowing payments and money transfers to be
made through the Internet
Auctioning: An auction is a process of buying and selling goods by offering
them up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the winning bidder.
2.0 Overall Description
DreamShoppings system requires login before any member operation is
done. After customer log into the system he can reach his sales, bids, history,
favorites, wishes and messages. For searching operation logging in is not
required. From My Sales user can create a new sale or delete his/her previous
sales. From My Bids screen user can see current bid status whether he win the
auction or not. If any auction is won he can pay the price via PayPal at the same
page. My Favorites screen lists all the favorite products that user selected before.
My Messages screen lists all the messages, and you can reply the message
senders. From my wishes screen user can add, delete products that they wish to
buy for the price they are willing to pay.
2.1 Product Perspective
The DreamShopping web page offers three main applications: Selling
products, buying products with bid system, wish system and search. Also system
has two main actors: sellers and buyers.
Figure1: system environment diagram
2.2 Functional Requirements
This section explains actors possible actions.
2.2.1 Actor: Buyer/bidder
Some actions do not require any registration.
1. Search and view products,
2. Login with user name and password
3. Send messages after login to any user
4. Read messages after login
5. Bid a product after login.
6. Wish to a product and specify a price after login
7. Pay the price
Use case diagram: Buyer/bidder
2.2.2 Actor: Seller
Sellers can start an auction for the product they want to sell or reply a wish by
using system
1. Start a new auction after login
i. Category arrangements of the product
ii.Upload photo of product
iii.Enter a short knowledge of the product
iv.Specify a selling headline
2. Answer a wished item by determining the price for buyer.
3. View products
4. Read and send messages
Send /Recieve
Bid a product
Wish to a product
Use case diagram: Seller
2.2.3 Actor: Visitor
DreamShopping system does not require viewing or searching for products. The
visitor may become a user.
Use case diagram: Visitor
Wish system
Read and send
Create an auction
2.3 Non-functional Requirements
DreamShopping system created will be constructed by using PHP
programming language, MySQL for database management, since PHP and
mysql are highly compatible, they will be a good couple. System should be on a
fast and reliable server. System will operate 24/7. Database management will be
done from database administrator computer only. Database system will keep
user names, passwords of users and test results of patients. Pictures or
photographs of products will be provided by the sellers. But to prevent long
loading time of web page size of pictures should be limited. All users are
expected to have access to internet, basic internet knowledge user name and
password. After necessary information provided at the page its expected to
users will have no trouble with using PayPal system.
3 Design Requirements
DreamShopping system consists of web pages that users take action by
using them. First page will be seen for every visitor of website is the
welcoming page. A page for creating new auctions this page will be
View product
restricted by the system .For example sellers have to choose a category from
a dropdown menu which is created before and they have to enter a selling
heading and they have to upload a picture of the product they want to sell,
create auction page also has an optional text area for extra product
information if seller want to make a brief explanation. Second page of the
system has to have is the payment page; third is the page for wish system and
the user who want to make a wish he/she will specify the category then
he/she should explain the product and determine the price he/she willing to
pay then the sellers will make a lower bid for selling the product to wisher.
Third page is for inform users about the firm and payment system PayPal.
DreamShopping have also login, register pages and some pages which are be
active and displays different information for different users. These pages are
for users will able to see their sales, bids, history, favorites, wishes and
DreamShopping have frames, banners, applications that will repeat every
page. Banner of firm, an empty area for advertising, section of categories for
grouping similar products which is thought for finding products easy, search
application to find a specific product will appear at every page of website. At
the end of searching process found products will be displayed in a list if there
is any so there is another page for search result. There is some screenshots at
he end of the document for giving an idea about page design but they are not
shows the exact version of the system.
4 Technical Requirements
DreamShopping system and its web pages shall be created by using PHP
programming language. PHP is very easy to use and so powerful that can handle
a system this big. Because of this product working environment is the internet
there should be precautions to prevent web pages loading in long time. Users
should not be redirected from page to page. An Index.php file will be created for
built a main skeleton then all other sites are called in this page to prevent
redirecting. System will determine which page to display by a value in the URL,
then index decides which one will be shown how. The pages which have user
interface are simply display pages, other pages are the operation pages that
receive a parameter and calculate things, add/delete row in the database, etc.
The other big component of DreamShopping is our database, which is built with
MySQL. It is a free DBMS application which has enough capabilities for a
system like this, even bigger. It has an amazing cooperation with PHP. In this
Database will include series of table, for example: User: where we hold all user
data except bank information. Product: Product title, seller, info, picture path, all
other product related info. Category: Products are categorized so that you can
search in different categories. This table holds this category ids and names. Bids:
Who bid which product with what price? New tables can be created by database
administrator with the aim no redundant data left. All tables should be in 3
normal form. Dreamweaver will be used as page editing tool because PHP codes
can be written in Dreamweaver. Designers should avoid using pictures and
frames to provide load pages quickly.
5. Appendix A Screen Shots
Login Page
Signup Page
My Bids Page
Product Page