NCP For Dengue
NCP For Dengue
NCP For Dengue
Nahihilo, nanghihina
at wala pa rin akong
gana kumain. As
verbalized by the
Poor appetite
Pale in color
(+) Headache
BP: 100/70 mmHg
T: 36 C
RR: 22 bpm
PR: 78 bpm
Imbalanced nutrition
less than body
requirements related
to loss of appetite
After 6 hours of
Nursing Interventions
the patients laboratory
values should be
within normal limits;
Should also report
of energy levels.
Large portions of food
offered during the day
when a high appetite.
Make sure the diet
meets the needs of the
body as indicated.
Make sure the
patient's diet is liked or
Monitor input and
expenditure and body
weight periodically.
Assess the patient's
skin turgor.
By administering a
large portion can
maintain adequacy
of nutrition intake.
High carbohydrate,
protein, and calories
needed or required
during treatment.
To support the
increasing appetite of
the patient.
Knowing the balance
of intake and
expenditure of food
As the data supporting
a change of less
nutritional needs.
After 6 hours of
Nursing Interventions
the patients laboratory
values were within
normal limits; no
verbalization of
weakness or