Psychology in Orthodontic
Psychology in Orthodontic
Psychology in Orthodontic
Test of association 76.08, df 42, p 0.001.
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January 1998
34 Tung and Kiyak
tent with the diagnosis as reported by their parents
76.08, df 42, p .001). The primary diagnosis,
as reported by parents, was crowded teeth (56%),
followed by overbite (17.3%). The least frequently
mentioned problems were oral habits (n 0),
missing teeth and generalized malocclusion (n 3
each). Children were especially likely to describe
crossbite as poorly tting teeth or as problems with
biting into foods. It is noteworthy that nine children
and six parents did not know why the child had been
referred for orthodontics; all nine of these children
were in treatment at the time the questionnaire was
When asked to rate themselves on a visual-
analogue scale comparing normal occlusion with
one of ve types of malocclusion, children generally
perceived themselves in the normal range. Mean
scores and SDs on these self ratings (shown for one
type of malocclusion in Fig. 3) are in a relatively
narrow range. That is, despite their ability to de-
scribe verbally their particular occlusal deviation
that necessitated treatment, these children viewed
themselves in the normal range when given drawings
illustrating childrens faces with normal occlusion vs.
illustrations of malocclusion matching their own
Parents, Siblings, and Childrens Experiences
With Orthodontics
Among the children with siblings, 44.9% of these
siblings had undergone orthodontic treatment.
Among the parents themselves, 65.2% reported
Fig. 3. Childrens aesthetic rating scale. Sample malocclusion: crowding.
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having undergone orthodontic treatment (mean age
at treatment 12.6 years). In general, most parents
did not recall having had problems with their ortho-
dontic treatment. Most commonly, they reported
that orthodontics had improved their self-concept
and oral function. Parents also reported that their
other children who had undergone orthodontics did
not experience major problems; however, they were
more likely to report that their other children had
had functional problems with orthodontic appli-
ances than they had personally experienced (33% of
siblings with orthodontics). The parents also de-
scribed greater improvements in these siblings oral
function and appearance than in themselves
(26.6%). Parents recollection of their own and
siblings problems were found to be related (
18.75, df 9, p 0.03).
Parents were also asked to describe any prob-
lems the subject child was having with orthodontics.
The largest group (42.3%) apparently had had no
problems. Another 38.5% reported some pain and
discomfort (44% when combined with those who
had completed Phase I orthodontics). Some were
having problems with retainers (15.4% of active
patients, 27% of patients who had completed treat-
ment). Compliance problems were noted by only
four parents (5.33%).
Childrens self-ratings of their satisfaction with
treatment decisions revealed generally neutral feel-
ings regarding treatment (mean 3.56, df 72, SD
1.13). However, signicant sex-related differences
emerged in satisfaction scores (t 2.11, p .05);
girls reported greater satisfaction with the decision
to undergo treatment. White children reported
greater satisfaction with the decision than did chil-
dren of ethnic-minority background (t 2.96, df 70,
p .002).
Expectations From Treatment
The 14-item measure of expectations from or-
thodontics was analyzed along the four dimensions
represented by the items. Table IV illustrates chil-
drens and parents expectations for each of the four
dimensions and the results of t tests comparing their
responses. The mean ratings by children and their
parents indicate the greatest expectation of im-
provement in self-image (e.g., appearance, self-
condence) and oral function (e.g., better chewing
and occlusion) but little or no change in the childs
social life or general health. Note that mean scores
revealed an expectation of improvement or no
change in all areas; very few children and no parents
expected orthodontics to impair their quality of life.
Although parents and childrens rank orders of
expectations in these four dimensions were identi-
cal, their mean scores differed. Parents expected
greater improvements in the childs self-image (t
4.58, p .0001), oral function (t 4.35, p .0001),
and social life (t 2.19, p .03) than did their
children. Neither children nor their parents ex-
pected much change in the childs general health as
a function of orthodontics.
Self-Concept and Body Image
Childrens ratings of their self-concept on the
Harter Self-Perception Scale
were summarized
Table IV. Expectations from orthodontics (N 75 pairs)
Feature Parent (Mean SD) Child (Mean SD) p
Self-image* 6.33 3.38 4.23 3.66 0.0001
Oral function 6.00 3.67 3.78 3.97 0.0001
Social life 1.55 2.36 0.93 2.29 0.03
General health 0.27 1.04 0.41 1.34 NS
*Summary scores may range from 12 (expect much decline) to 12
(expect much improvement).
Table V. Harter self-perception scores
Norms* Sample (N 75)
Female Male Female Male
Scholastic competence 2.79 2.77 3.24 3.27
Social acceptance 2.82 2.93 2.89 3.08
Athletic competence 2.73 3.14 2.97 3.12
Physical appearance 2.74 3.14 3.09 3.35
Behavioral conduct 3.22 2.79 3.30 3.27
Global self-worth 2.90 3.02 3.45 3.44
*Based on average of fourth- and fth-graders in national sample.
Table VI. Body-image correlations (N 75 children)
Harter physical-appearance category r p
x Total body image 0.50 0.0001
x Facial body image 0.33 0.004
x Prole body image 0.43 0.0001
Table VII. Ethnic differences in aesthetic ratings
Malocclusion White (n 63) Ethnic minorities (n 12) p
Crowded teeth 1.21 2.53 0.02
Overbite 1.65 2.53 0.02
Diastema 0.99 1.67 0.01
Overjet 1.21 1.95 0.07
Open bite 1.55 1.99 NS
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36 Tung and Kiyak
along the six dimensions specied by the scale and
compared with the normative samples of fourth- and
fth-graders tested by Harter. As shown in Table V,
our sample scored higher than or equal to the
normative samples on all six dimensions. It is note-
worthy that their global self-worth scores, repre-
senting the childs overall perceptions of self-es-
teem, was higher than any component score,
whereas for the normative sample this global self-
worth score was in the intermediate range. Self-
esteem with regard to physical appearance was
somewhat lower among girls than boys in this sam-
ple (t 1.66, df 73, p .10) but higher than that of
the normative sample.
Body-image scores were also in the intermediate
to high range for this sample. Mean scores were high
for the facial body-image items (mean 3.45, SD
0.74), for overall (mean 3.48, SD 0.71) and for
prole image (mean 3.58, SD 0.91). Compari-
sons among children who had completed treatment,
those who were in treatment, and those who were
not in treatment revealed no differences in body-
image scores. Not surprisingly, all three components
of body image were highly correlated with the
physical-appearance dimension of the Harter Self-
Perception Scale. As shown in Table VI, the higher
a childs self-rating of his or her prole, facial
features, and overall body image, the higher the
scores on the physical-appearance items of the
Harter Scale.
Ethnic Differences
Children who described their ethnicity as white
were compared with ethnic-minority children. Al-
though the latter group represented only 16% of the
total sample, they differed signicantly from the
former group in their ratings of the attractiveness of
malocclusion. As shown in Table VII, ethnic minor-
ities rated the faces more positively; differences
were signicant for crowded teeth (p 0.02), over-
bite (p 0.02), and diastema (p 0.01) and
marginally signicant for overjet (p 0.07). How-
ever, they did not rate themselves more negatively
than white children on these dimensions, nor did
they score lower on body image and self-concept.
Parents Perceptions of Childrens Self-Care
Parents perceptions of their childrens ability to
perform various self-care activities indicated that
most believed their children were generally indepen-
dent in self-care (mean range 3.0 to 4.93). On a
scale of 1 to 5, children were reported to be most
independent in areas such as dressing themselves
(mean 4.93, SD 0.31) and fastening their seat
belts when riding in a car (mean 4.80, SD0.53).
They were considered least independent in areas
such as performing household chores (mean 3.22,
SD 0.71) and cleaning their rooms (mean 3.0,
SD 0.9). Parents rated their children as relatively
independent in the care of their teeth (e.g., brushing
and ossing) and in other areas of personal hygiene
(mean 4.2, SD 0.93 and mean 4.0, SD 0.9,
The literature on personality development and
on the psychological aspects of physical appearance
reviewed earlier suggests that preadolescent chil-
dren are at a stage of developing a sense of self-
condence and competence. They are aware of their
own physical appearance and that of their peers.
They can accurately describe their own facial fea-
tures. Another strength of this stage of development
is that these children are more focused on the
future, less concerned about peer approval than are
adolescents. They generally are still seeking the
approval of signicant adult role models (e.g., par-
ents, health care providers); as a result they are
more likely to adhere to rules and daily routines
established by adults.
The ndings of this study support theories of
developmental psychology. Although we did not
compare preadolescents with adolescents undergo-
ing orthodontic treatment, it is apparent that chil-
dren ages 9 to 12 have many psychosocial strengths
that make them ideal candidates for Phase I treat-
ment. The children in this study were generally
aware of the type of occlusal condition for which
they had been referred for treatment. They agreed
with the diagnosis (as reported by parents) in almost
80% of cases, although 12% could not explain their
condition at all. Contrary to the work of Shaw and
who found that children in the
United Kingdom were most likely to be referred for
orthodontic treatment of a large overjet (7.0 mm),
the ndings of this study indicate that a low percent-
age of children were referred for treatment of this
condition. Most children and their parents reported
that crowding of teeth was the primary reason for
referral (56%), followed by overbite (17.3%). It may
be that these parents and children attributed overjet
to crowding and overbite. These ndings are more
consistent with those of Helm and colleagues
Denmark, who found that overbite was a common
reason for treatment to be sought.
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Tung and Kiyak 37
Subject children scored higher on the self-con-
cept measure than did population norms for their
age, and they scored higher than previous studies of
patients seeking treatment. Furthermore, we found
no differences in self-concept scores between chil-
dren waiting for treatment, those who had com-
pleted treatment, and those in active treatment. This
nding is consistent with those of studies with
orthognathic-surgery patients reported by Kiyak and
and with studies of conventional orthodontic
patients reported by Albino and colleagues
Dann and colleagues.
On comparison of the spe-
cic domains of self-concept, scores were highest on
perceived global self-worth, behavioral conduct, and
scholastic achievement. Self-concept with regard to
physical appearance was intermediate in mean
scores, followed by the self-ratings on social accep-
tance and athletic competence. Even on these di-
mensions of self-concept, however, these children
rated themselves more positively than the normative
sample of non-orthodontic patients. In general, chil-
drens body image scores were high and were cor-
related with the childs physical appearance self-
concept. This correlation may be reective of the
patients being in treatment or anticipating treat-
ment, which promotes a tendency to see changes in
themselves even before completing Phase I ortho-
One possible reason for the high self-concept
and body-image scores in this sample is that these
children had not yet reached adolescence, when
many enter the stage of role confusion or identity-
seeking. Their high scores may be a reection of the
increased sense of competence found at the pread-
olescent stage. Alternatively, these children may
have been gaining their self-condence by seeing the
improvements that orthodontics was making in their
appearance. It may be that they will never experi-
ence the traumas of adolescence as described by
Erikson and Freud.
Ethnic-minority children assigned more positive
ratings than did white children to drawings repre-
senting various malocclusions. This nding is con-
sistent with data from a previous study in which
ethnic differences in perceptions of various maloc-
clusions by white and Asian adults were assessed.
These similarities are striking when one considers
that these two samples differed widely from each
other (i.e., middle- and upper-income children seek-
ing orthodontic correction in our study, compared
with low-income adults who had never undergone
orthodontics in the earlier study). Such similarities
suggest that cultural differences inuence esthetic
values. Coupled with the ndings of studies by Soh
and Lew
and Wheeler et al.,
these studies indi-
cate a need for more research with ethnic-minority
children referred for orthodontic interventions. To
what extent does the need for treatment as deter-
mined by an orthodontist conict with that childs
value system and desire for orthodontics?
Finally, the ndings that most parents in this
sample had undergone orthodontic treatment
(65.1%) and that 48.4% with siblings had undergone
treatment suggests that this may be a segment of the
population that is more informed about the need for
and benets of orthodontic treatment than the
general population. Given their past experience with
orthodontics, these parents and their children may
not be unrealistic in expecting this procedure to
have a positive impact on their social lives and their
image of themselves. Indeed, perhaps these children
represent an ideal patient population; both their
parents and siblings have experienced orthodontics,
albeit at a later age than the child. These childrens
self-reports may have a more realistic basis than the
child who undergoes Phase I treatment with no
preparation by parents, siblings, or peers. The re-
sults of this study suggest that such children fare
very well with Phase I treatment; they appear to
adhere to home care and appointment-keeping be-
haviors and are supported in their orthodontic ex-
periences by informed parents.
The authors acknowledge the valuable suggestions
offered by several orthodontic colleagues in designing this
study and developing the questionnaires. In particular, we
thank Dr. Rebecca Poling, Dr. Anne-Marie Bollen, and
Dr. Douglas Ramsay. We also thank members of CDABO
who attended the annual meeting in Quebec City in July
1997 and gave the authors valuable feedback on the
preliminary results.
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