The document appears to be a menu from a Ramadan buffet listing various dessert and snack items including fruit drinks, puddings, cookies, and more. It includes over 50 items and categories them under headings like "Fruit Milk", "Ice Cream", "Cakes", "Cookies", etc. The document also includes advertisements and recommendations for other recipes on the website.
The document appears to be a menu from a Ramadan buffet listing various dessert and snack items including fruit drinks, puddings, cookies, and more. It includes over 50 items and categories them under headings like "Fruit Milk", "Ice Cream", "Cakes", "Cookies", etc. The document also includes advertisements and recommendations for other recipes on the website.
The document appears to be a menu from a Ramadan buffet listing various dessert and snack items including fruit drinks, puddings, cookies, and more. It includes over 50 items and categories them under headings like "Fruit Milk", "Ice Cream", "Cakes", "Cookies", etc. The document also includes advertisements and recommendations for other recipes on the website.
The document appears to be a menu from a Ramadan buffet listing various dessert and snack items including fruit drinks, puddings, cookies, and more. It includes over 50 items and categories them under headings like "Fruit Milk", "Ice Cream", "Cakes", "Cookies", etc. The document also includes advertisements and recommendations for other recipes on the website.
Fruit Milk Es Selendang Mayang Kolak Campur Bubur Gerendul / Cadil Bubur Srintil Es Kacang Merah Kolak Biji Salak Bubur Biji Salak Es Sarang Burung Selasih Pie Kurma Puding Ketan Hitam Agar-Agar Gula Merah Cake Manggo Puding Puding Kelapa Muda Saus Tape Puding Ubi Ungu Mandrin Orange Puding Berlapis Coklat Puding durian saus karamel Es Puding Tape Pudding Coklat Delight Puding Batik Home Aneka Cookies Aneka Cookies Save page as PDF Chocochips Cookies Fancy Cookies Chrunchy Blueberry Cookies Green Tea Cookies Cookies Strawbery Corned Cheese Cookies Cheese Coconut Cookies Norwegian Cookies Peanut Cherry Cookies Cheese Savoury Cookies Cheese Nut Cookies Cheese Skippy Cookies Banana Cheese Cookies Cookies Kacang Polong Sandwich Chocolate Cookies Cookies Bulan Sabit Corn Flakes Cookies Walnut Cookies Havermut Pisang Kue Kering Kelapa Domino Kue Kering Vanila Berlapis Kurma Isi Lapis Coklat Kue Kering Thumbprint Chocolate Coffee Bunga Ubi Ungu Biskuit Havermut Buah Biskuit Susu Biskut Keju Biskuit Pisang Choco Vanilla Cookies Kue Linzer Cookies Kue Berry Chocolate Cookies Coco Crunch Cookies Almond Marroline Cookies Cookies Fudge Fantasia Cookies Inisial Kastengel Kacang (Resep Dapur Bunda) 2 people like this. Sign Up to see what your friends like. Like Like
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