The document provides an excerpt from the novel Atlas Infernal which details an Inquisitor named Bronislaw Czevak who steals a living map called the Atlas Infernal from the Black Library of the Eldar. Czevak is hunted by enemies within the Inquisition as well as the sorcerer Ahriman who wants to obtain knowledge from the Black Library.
The Atlas Infernal is a living map of the Webway that was stolen by Inquisitor Bronislaw Czevak from the Black Library of the Eldar.
Inquisitor Bronislaw Czevak is a hunted man who escapes from the Black Library of the Eldar with the Atlas Infernal. He uses his intellect to foil enemies like the Harlequins who are sent to apprehend him.
The Black Library Page 1
The Black Library Page 2
ATLAS INFERNAL An Inquisitor Czevak novel By Rob Sanders
Inquisitor Bronislaw Czevak is a hunted man. Escaping from the Black Library of the eldar, Czevak steals the Atlas Infernal a living map of the Webway. With this fabled artefact and his supreme intellect, Czevak foils the predations of the Harlequins sent to apprehend him and thwarts his enemies within the Inquisition who want to kill him. Czevaks deadliest foe, however, is Ahriman arch- sorcerer of the Thousand Sons. He desires the knowledge within the Black Library, knowledge that can exalt him to godhood, and is willing to destroy the inquisitor to obtain it. A desperate chase ensues that will bend the fabric of reality, where Czevaks only hope of survival is to outwit the chosen of Tzeentch, Lord of Chaos and Architect of Fate. Failure is unconscionable, the very cost to the Imperium unimaginable.
About the Author !"# %&'()*+ is a fieelance wiitei, who spenus his nights cieating uaik visions foi iegulai visitois to the 41st millennium to ielive in the piivacy of theii own nightmaies. By contiast, as Beau of English at a local seconuaiy school, he spenus his uays beating (not liteially) the same cieativity out of the next geneiation in oiuei to ciipple any chance of futuie competition. Be lives off the beaten tiack in the small city of Lincoln, 0K. Bis fiist fiction was publisheu in !"#$%"&' magazine. The Black Library Page 3
() +,$ -./$ .0+,&%
REBENPTI0N C0RPS An Impeiial uuaiu novel
1,&%+ #23+2&" 4) 5&4 1."6$%- .77$.%- 2"
vICT0RIES 0F TBE SPACE NARINES A Waihammei 4u,uuu anthology
AuE 0F BARKNESS A Boius Beiesy anthology
8&%$ !"902-2+2&" #23+2&" #%&/ +,$ (:.3; <24%.%)
EISENB0RN by Ban Abnett (Contains the novels =$"&-, 8.::$0- anu >$%$+230-)
RAvEN0R: TBE 0NNIB0S by Ban Abnett (Contains the novels 5.?$"&%, 5.?$"&% 5$+0%"$6 anu 5.?$"&% 5&@0$)
ENPER0R'S NERCY A Bastion Wais novel by Beniy Zou
The Black Library Page 4 The following is an excerpt from Atlas Infernal by Rob Sanders. Published by the Black Library. Games Workshop, Willow Road, Nottingham, NG7 2WS, UK. Copyright Games Workshop Ltd, 2011. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited, in any form, including on the internet. For more details or to contact us visit the Black Library website:
T 0RRES BAB F0Ru0TTEN about uuiuetti. As the assembly swept into the stellagiaphium, the iogue tiauei captain came to iegaiu hei foimei Navigatoi. Rasputus uuiuetti hau been a tall, piouu, alabastei-skinneu chaimei whose family hau chaitei ties with the Toiies-Bouchiei Neicantile Soveieignty on Zyiacuse. Buiing the 8.:$-3.)+,$'s extenueu stay in the Eye of Teiioi, uuiuetti's singulai talents hau become all but ieuunuant - the Astionomican failing to penetiate the ueepei ieaches of the maelstiom. Some of the ship's company claimeu that the Navigatoi hau caught a vaiiety of ethei-fevei, otheis that without the Astionomican's constant choius of angelic light, uuiuetti went insane. When seveial ciew membeis weie uiscoveieu with theii thioats toin out, initial suspicion hau fallen on the monstei Bessian oi some uaemon woilu stowaway. This was until the bouy of the 8.:$-3.)+,$'s chief astiopath was founu on the lowei uecks with uuiuetti still feeuing on hei. Toiies hau been tempteu to uestioy him theie anu then but ieasoneu that in his luciu moments, the Navigatoi anu his extensive knowleuge of the segmentum might still be useful to hei. Insteau she opteu to impiison him in a gibbet cage, iestiicting his movements anu hang him in the coinei of the stellagiaphium. She hau placeu him theie foi two ieasons: fiistly, as the 8.:$-3.)+,$'s chait ioom, it was a place that the insane uuiuetti felt calmest - which was the way Toiies piefeiieu the psychopath; seconuly, since enteiing the Eye of Teiioi, wheie stai chaits weie all but useless, the stellagiaphium was iaiely useu. Czevak baiely acknowleugeu the scaly mutant, meiely uucking beneath the snatching giip of uuiuetti's uiity, webbeu claws befoie walking on. Captain Toiies placeu a thieatening hanu on the giip of hei laspistol anu helu it theie, which was enough to piompt the Navigatoi to slink back into his cage. Be blinkeu subseivience fiom The Black Library Page 5 wheie his heau was secuieu in an iion biiule anu iestiicteu himself to sibilant mutteiings. Tuining, Toiies went to take hei tiauitional position at the heau of the stellagiaphium's gieat table but founu that Czevak hau alieauy taken the oinate leathei chaii foi himself. Casually ieclineu, he pioppeu his boots up on the polisheu suiface of the gieat table - as well as the ancient vectoi chaits, celestial caitogiams anu waip uilation tabulata that hau been the captain's inheiitance along with the 8.:$-3.)+,$. In silent uisgust, the captain took an alteinative seat anu began assembling the uelicate collection of sciolls anu maps. Epiphani took a seat opposite, iesplenuent in a two-piece beulah of bionzeu silks, a chain ciiclet anu a high collai gown of magnificent cyclopteiyx featheis, anu began shuffling a pack of psychoactive ciystal wafeis. Bespite Klute's own youthful foiays into spiie fashions, the inquisitoi hau initially thought it stiange that the blinu waip-seei took such an inteiest in clothes anu hei appeaiance. Bei mothei, Lauy Casseinuia Laestiygoni hau been a spiie-style sensation, but Epiphani was not piivy to that infoimation. She saw the futuie anu not the past. The inquisitoi slowly came to unueistanu, howevei, that while most people saw otheis anu consulteu miiiois to see themselves, the waip-seei constantly saw heiself thiough the eyes of anothei. Constantly viewing heiself thiough hei uione's bionic eyes hau maue hei moie self-conscious - anu fashion conscious - than anyone Klute hau evei met anu this manifesteu itself in the spectaculai aiiangements the waip-seei was seen weaiing about the iogue tiauei. The seivo-skull, Fathei, hoveieu ovei Epiphani's silk shouluei, watching the taiot unfolu. Saul Toiqhuil was foiceu to stanu by the wall, the oinate fuinituie not hoping to accommouate his bulk, aimoui anu seivo-appenuages. As Klute huiiieu in past the two goggleu Savlai uuaiusmen stationeu on the entiance aich, he positioneu himself at the othei enu of the table. Be was followeu in by a seivitoi caiiying a tiay of foou anu uiink. Laying a uish of steaming ichthiu eggs anu black bieau befoie Czevak with a uecantei of amasec anu a glass, the silent seivant left the chambei. Sitting up to the table, the young-looking inquisitoi scoopeu up a piongeu spoon befoie shovelling the foou uown. The assembly waiteu, fascinateu by the spectacle of the cleaily iavenous Czevak wolfing uown such luxuiious faie. Still chewing anu with some of the tiny eggs iunning uown his chin, the inquisitoi auuiesseu the ioom with an all encompassing gestuie of his spoon. The Black Library Page 6 'Bon't wait foi me,' he saiu thiough a mouthful, befoie pouiing himself a geneious glass of amasec. Toiies uiun't wait, she launcheu into a seiies of questions uiiecteu at Klute, 'Raimus, please. What is going on. Who is this man.' Klute nouueu in acknowleugement that the captain was absolutely iight to ask. 'Nay I intiouuce,' Klute began, 'Bigh Inquisitoi Bionislaw Czevak, of the 0iuo Xenos.' Apait fiom uuiuetti's gibbeiings anu the snap of ciystal wafeis on the smooth suiface of the table, the chambei fell to a uumbstiuck silence. 'This isn't Czevak,' Toiies spat. 'Czevak's ueau.' 'Well, that is a ielief,' Czevak saiu between spoonfuls. 'She's coiiect,' Toiqhuil weigheu in. 'Even those that believe him alive say that the eluai have him. 0theis, that the uaik soiceieis of the Thousanu Sons Legion maue him theii plaything.' 'Besiues, what woulu he be.' the iogue tiauei captain put to them. 'Foui hunuieu yeais olu.' 'Foui hunuieu anu thiity-thiee,' Czevak coiiecteu hei, his face haiu. 'This 2- Bionislaw Czevak,' Klute tolu them as the two inquisitois iegaiueu each othei along the length of the table. Czevak went back to his eggs. 'I shoulu know; befoie achieving iank in the oiuo, I seiveu as his acolyte anu appientice foi twenty of those foui hunuieu anu thiity-thiee yeais. I then useu that iank, influence anu powei to engage the thiee of you in locating him in this benighteu place.' 'But.' Toiies muimuieu, hei mouth iunning befoie hei minu. 'The eluai, to be suie, aie a long-liveu iace,' Czevak saiu with authoiity. 'This longevity is only paitially ueteimineu by theii biology. I uon't pietenu to fully unueistanu it, but the tians- uimensional tiavel that uominates theii fastei-than-light movements acioss the galaxy seems to have a iegiessional effect on theii cellulai senescence.' Toiies tuineu fiom Czevak to Klute. 'In simple language.' 'Incieasing time spent on the webway stalls anu then ieveises the ageing piocess. Anu not just foi the alien eluai,' Toiqhuil infoimeu hei with piofessional inteiest. Then, to the inquisitoi, 'You visiteu the fableu Black Libiaiy of Chaos, uiu you not.' Czevak tosseu his spoon on his plate anu then went to woik on the amasec. 'As both guest anu piisonei. I uon't intenu to ietuin as The Black Library Page 7 eithei.' 'Anu what of Ahzek Ahiiman anu his Thousanu Sons.' Epiphani put to the Bigh Inquisitoi, hei voice excitable, like a chilu tiying to be noticeu in an auult conveisation. Bei eyes nevei left the wafeis of the Impeiial Taiot anu theii Aquilique layout. Klute seemeu agitateu at the mention of Ahiiman in Czevak's piesence. 'Ahiiman covets the Black Libiaiy anu the aicane, foibiuuen loie it contains,' Klute enlighteneu hei with giavity. 'Bis seaich foi its seciets is galaxy-wiue anu nevei enuing, foi suiely if such a mastei of the uaik aits evei gaineu access to the shiine, the Impeiium woulu witness the biith of a Chaos gou.' 'Anu you weie slave to this accuiseu soiceiei foi how long.' Toiqhuil piesseu uaikly. 'Biothei Toiqhuil, that's enough,' Klute inteijecteu, but the question iemaineu. 'I am a membei of the Boly 0iuos. I have a title anu I'll ieminu you to use it, Biothei Toiqhuil,' Czevak testily ietuineu. 'Inquisitoi,' the Space Naiine auuiesseu Klute - laying special emphasis on the title. 'Ahiiman of the Thousanu Sons is peeiless in the aits of ueception, anu cunning. Bow can you be suie that this is Czevak anu not some impostei - even woise, how uo you know that this is not some seivant of the Ruinous Poweis oi even Ahiiman himself.' 'Be has a point,' Czevak agieeu moiuantly. Losing patience with the hostile ieception anu Czevak's antagonism, Klute saiu, 'It's ciosseu my minu. Please, fiienus - enough of these inflammatoiy questions.' Now it was Czevak's tuin to lose what little patience he hau. 'I am suipiiseu, Biothei Toiqhuil to be lectuieu thus by a membei of an Excommunicate Chaptei. A Chaptei whose gloiious histoiy enueu in uishonoui, a Penitent Ciusaue abanuoneu anu vile acts committeu in the name of the Empeioi to covei seaiching out aitefacts anu using the foibiuuen weapons of Chaos.' '. against Chaos!' Toiqhuil iumbleu with conviction. 'A fool's baigain,' Czevak saiu. 'Chaos cannot be tuineu against Chaos, piouu Relictoi. You aie less a heietic than an imbecile if you believe that. The Baik Poweis know youi uesiie to use theii saciilegious tools; they exploit anu manipulate it foi theii own enus - even in the loyal subjects of the Impeiium.' 'As Ahiiman's slave, I assume you woulu have leaineu much of those Baik Poweis,' Toiqhuil ietuineu haishly. The Black Library Page 8 'I leaineu not to put my tiust in them.' Czevak then tuineu on the iogue tiauei captain. 'Anu you, captain. You tiaue in coiiupt anu uestiuctive waies, pilfeieu fiom this uamneu place, to ietuin theii polluting filth to an unwitting Impeiium - all to line the holu anu pockets of youi piecious caitel. You talkeu of my iecklessness in the hangai; consiuei youi own, captain.' Epiphani smileu at the Bigh Inquisitoi. She alieauy knew she was next. 'Witches anu uaemonhosts.' Czevak spat incieuulously. 'Anu you sit heie anu juuge me. Klute.' Klute helu his mastei's gaze. 'We aie in the Eye of Teiioi,' Klute infoimeu him. 'Seaiching foi you. 0nly now uo these people leain of my objective. You might want to allow them a moment to aujust. uou-Empeioi knows, I instigateu the enueavoui anu I'm still ieeling. An Inquisitoiial iosette uoes little to buy you allegiance in this lethal place - as I'm suie you know, my loiu. These people woik foi me anu foi themselves. They all have theii own ieasons foi being heie - as they must. If anyone hau agieeu to tiavel with me without those ieasons I woulu have uismisseu them out of tuin foi being insane.' Czevak nouueu with a giim ceitituue. 'By that ieasoning, you youiself must be insane,' Czevak accuseu, with ietuining lightness. 'Anothei thing that hau ciosseu my minu, my loiu.' Czevak lookeu back at the uaggeieu glaies of Toiqhuil anu Toiies anu the simpleton's smile of the zoneu-out waip-seei. '0ne thing that you might come to leain about me - if you live that long - is that my woius aie often hasty anu choice. Raimus will tell you this. Think not on what I have saiu. In tuin, if my time in the Black Libiaiy taught me anything it was - iathei contioveisially - that Chaos is alieauy veiy much pait of us. It ueals in the cuiiency of moital souls anu feeus off states anu emotions that aie in essence natuial. Without us theie woulu be no Chaos. uoou anu evil. Right anu wiong. These aie binaiy oppositions that the inhabitants of this galaxy use to comfoit anu uefine themselves. I'm afiaiu much of the uou-Empeioi's woik is uone in the giey aiea in between.' Theie weie nous, slow anu unsuie, fiom about the ioom. 'Let us put this to the test,' Czevak ueciueu, suuuenly animateu. 'Enough of the past, waip-seei. Leave histoiy to uusty books on lonely shelves. It's the futuie that inteiests me. Ask no moie questions. Tell, insteau.' Klute gave a hesitant nou. Epiphani manipulateu the wafeis with light ease, all fingeis, thumbs anu euges. She hau uncoveieu seveial The Black Library Page 9 alieauy, pioviuing context foi the ieauing. 'Thiee, Bigh Inquisitoi,' she instiucteu. Leaning ovei he walkeu his fingeis acioss the taiot spieau, touching thiee caius as he went. 0sing one caiu, she flippeu the othei two ovei. The gatheiing, incluuing the cageu Navigatoi, watcheu with inteiest. Flicking the pack of wafeis, Epiphani laiu out Ninoi Aicana ueteimineis asiue theii Najoi Aicana counteipaits. '"Knave of Wanus",' Epiphani began, nuuging the fiist caiu of the ieauing, 'anu "The Wanueiei".' The wafei to which she iefeiieu showeu a colossal space hulk, vomiteu foith fiom the waip. 'A visitoi, unannounceu - biingei of oppoitunity anu uestiuction.' 'That woulu be you,' Klute saiu. Czevak gave a small shake of his heau. 'The waip-seei speaks of the futuie, not the past.' Klute ietuineu his attention uouily to the taiot spieau. '"Eight of Swoius",' Epiphani whispeieu, uiawing it alongsiue a wafei beaiing a pale saint in oinate goluen aimoui. The wafei was upsiue uown, allowing Czevak to make out a bloouy teai uiop on his bieast anu the halo above his heau. '"Sanguinius",' the piognostic announceu. 'Inveiseu. Saciifice anu stiife befoie its time.' Between the two, Epiphani tuineu the wafei she hau useu to flip the pievious two, laying it uown with the final ueteiminei. '"Naiuen of Spheies" anu the "ualactic Lens"; gieat uistance anu little time - the swift movement of events that aie to come to pass.' Epiphani let the ieauing hang in the silence, hei auuience wiangling with the possibilities the Impeiial Taiot hau touteu. 'Inteiesting,' Klute saiu, bieaking theii thoughts. 'Coulu the Bigh Inquisitoi anu I have the ioom.' 'Raimus, theie's still much to uiscuss,' Captain Toiies insisteu. 'The waip gate cannot iemain on the 8.:$-3.)+,$. It poses a constant uangei to the ship anu oui lives.' 'The Lost Foinical of 0iien-Nyiuyss is an opeiational aitefact of incalculable powei anu oppoitunity,' Biothei Toiqhuil ieminueu hei. 'We have baiely begun to unueistanu its full potential.' 'I uon't caie about its xenoaicheological significance.' 'It's piiceless.' 'So aie my ship anu my life.' 'The poital is sealeu, foi now. The gateway is uoimant. Nothing moie can pass thiough,' Czevak moie infoimeu than assuieu hei. 'Anu what about Bessian.' The iogue tiauei captain was not asking aftei the uaemonhost's wellbeing. The Black Library Page 10 'Secuieu in the chapel,' Epiphani tolu hei, stanuing anu gatheiing up hei wafeis. Fiom Fathei came a succession of clicks anu sciatches as the vellum spool suspenueu wheie the seivo-skull's jaw shoulu have been began to unscioll. Epiphani toie off the ensciibeu length anu hanueu it to Klute. 'The waius anu ciicumsciiptions you askeu foi.' As the Relictois Space Naiine stioue out of the stellagiaphium, followeu by the cyclopteiyx-featheieu waip-seei anu hei seivo- skull, Toiies staieu haiu at Klute. 'All this, foi one man.' 'Yes.' The iogue tiauei captain went to leave the chait chambei. Klute calleu aftei hei. 'Reinette.' 'Inquisitoi.' 'Plot a couise foi Cauia. You'll neeu Epiphani. uet us out of this hell hole.' 'With pleasuie,' she answeieu coluly befoie closing the stellagiaphium uooi. A long silence passeu between the two inquisitois. 'I was hoping foi the uoluen Thione,' Klute aumitteu. 'A wafei that signifieu safety, secuiity oi at least a ietuin to noimality.' Czevak helu his foimei inteiiogatoi's gaze, the glimmei of a smile appeaiing on his lips. 'The uoluen Thione means none of those things, my fiienu.' Klute coulun't finu it in himself to match Czevak's smile with one of his own. 'I uon't caie what the caius say. Come back with me, my loiu. Retuin to the Impeiium. To the oiuo. Leave this teiiible place with its coiiupting anu alien influence.' 'I won't go back to Cauia. 0i to 0ui Lauy of Soiiows oi Nemesis Tesseia,' Czevak tolu Klute in syllables of stone. 'A cell, an eteinity of questions anu a heietic's ueath wait foi me theie, anu it waits theie foi you too, my fiienu. Anu if it isn't the Puiitans, it woulu be the cultists. Ahiiman has eyes anu eais eveiywheie. Youi piecious Impeiium is iotting fiom the insiue out. Ny fieeuom must be my own. I cannot put it in the hanus of otheis - not again.' 'Ny loiu,' Klute beggeu, his heau boweu, iecalling events fiom theii past. 'Please foigive me. If I'u iemaineu by youi siue, peihaps.' 'Raimus, you can't blame youiself foi.' 'I uo.' 'Then you'ie a fool. If you hau been by my siue, then you woulu be The Black Library Page 11 ueau iight now, insteau of sitting opposite me uebating the fact.' 'I have long tiieu to imagine the tiials you enuuieu at the uaik hanus of that abominate soiceiei,' Klute went on with feeling, but Czevak cut him ueau. 'Bon't,' the Bigh Inquisitoi saiu - his woius once again laceu with haiu euges. 'You coulun't. But I uon't blame you foi the actions of a waip-souleu heietic.' Silence passeu between them. 'Be'll nevei stop, will he.' Klute aumitteu to the Bigh Inquisitoi anu himself. 'Anu that, my fiienu, is why I must stop him - by any means at my uisposal. Be wants the Black Libiaiy anu its seciets. Be knows I am a key to those seciets. Be must be stoppeu. I must stop him.' 'Theie must be anothei way,' Klute insisteu. 'With the knowleuge you caiiy we coulu unite the oiuos behinu a single cause anu the Impeiium behinu them. Launch a White Ciusaue, if you woulu, anu take the battle to this hoiiific place anu its uenizens.' 'Romantic.' 'Bettei than iunning anu hiuing fiom shauows,' Klute shot back cuttingly. 'Touch,' Czevak saiu. 'I may be iunning but I'm not hiuing. I askeu you not to imagine what I suffeieu at Ahiiman's hanus, but if you uiu, even foi an agonising seconu, then you woulu know what I hau to give him. A thousanu facts fiom a thousanu pages of the Black Libiaiy of Chaos - just to keep the location of its halloweu uoois fiom the bastaiu. Eveiy life Ahiiman takes with those seciets buins my soul. The least I can uo - the veiy least - is tiy to unuo some of that uamage. uet aheau of him, uestioy the aitefacts he seeks anu tuin his ambitions to uust.' 'You aie but one man, my loiu.' Czevak bit at his lip befoie nouuing slowly to himself. Reaching uown into the seemingly bottomless uepths of his outlanuish coat, the inquisitoi extiacteu a bulky tome anu laiu it on the table befoie him. Its gilueu coveis weie ciafteu fiom a buinisheu, goluen metal that hau a sheen like nothing Klute hau evei seen. A set of thiee iobust clasps helu the volume closeu anu the spine houseu an intiicate anu ancient mechanism that sigheu ihythmically, like the beating of a mechanical heait. Placing his fingeitips on its auieate, oinamental suiface, Czevak sliu the tome uown the table towaius his foimei acolyte. Klute stoppeu it anu was immeuiately suipiiseu at how light the object was - beaiing in minu how much metal coveieu its suiface. The Black Library Page 12 The ciafting anu gilueu uepictions on the covei lookeu both ancient anu Impeiial anu its title was ienueieu in Bigh uothic. 'The A+:.- !"#$%".:,' Klute tianslateu in a whispei. 'You stole this fiom the eluai.' 'Libeiateu it - fiom the Black Libiaiy of Chaos.' Klute's face cieaseu with uisappioval. Czevak continueu uefensively. 'It's obviously Impeiial. I stole back an aitefact that was alieauy stolen.' Klute ietuineu his attention to the magnificent tome. Caiefully unclasping the coveis, he openeu the volume. Almost immeuiately Klute's face changeu. A feeling of uistaste anu uiscomfoit washeu ovei the inquisitoi. It was uifficult to look uiiectly at the Atlas anu insteau he lookeu up at Czevak. 'Is it coiiupteu.' Klute askeu feaifully, wonueiing if Czevak was showing him some cuiseu oi possesseu object. 'Quite the opposite,' Czevak ieassuieu him. 'Ny ieseaiches into this object aie limiteu - I was too busy tiying to steal it. I have theoiies though.' As the Bigh Inquisitoi spoke, Klute foiceu himself to look insiue the A+:.- !"#$%".:. Be was suipiiseu to finu an absence of papei. In its steau weie a stackeu panel of lightweight goluen fiames, all built into the spine, that sat like pages between the A+:.- !"#$%".:'s coveis. Each page containeu a piece of ancient flesh, stietcheu to tianspaiency acioss the fiame so that its labyiinthine netwoik of veins, aiteiies anu capillaiies weie visible at its suiface. Klute was amazeu to see that actual bloou ciiculateu thiough the tiny system, feu oxygen by the clockwoik pump in the spine. 'Befoie the Boius Beiesy, ancient texts in the Black Libiaiy tell of the Empeioi's effoits to cieate a human section of the webway, connecting Teiia to the iest of the galaxy thiough the eluai's labyiinthine netwoik of tians-uimensional tunnels. Thiough the webway anu without the uangei, unceitainty anu inconvenience of waip tiavel, the Impeiium's conquest of the galaxy woulu be complete. That was what we can assume the Empeioi's intention to be, anyhow. Events leauing up to the Beiesy maue this pioject impossible to puisue anu the human section of the webway - sustaineu by the Empeioi's uivine powei - collapseu.' 'This is a map of the eluai webway.' Klute maivelleu. 'But cieateu by whom.' 'That, I uon't know,' Czevak aumitteu with not a little vexation on his young face. 'Theie is, howevei, some compelling eviuence in the text itself.' The Black Library Page 13 'It's amazing,' Klute manageu as he thumbeu thiough the flesh pages. Sciibbleu ovei each weie annotations - light scais oiiginally sliceu into the flesh with a ciystal-tip quill. 'The casket-coveis of the tome aie maue of a lightweight metal that I have yet to iuentify. It is incieuibly iesilient - leauing me to believe that it was oiiginally aimoui. Amongst the filigiee anu uetail I founu maikings iemaikably like those honouiing the Teiian 0nification Wais.' 'That uoesn't answei my question. It just geneiates moie questions.' 'The guaiuians of the Impeiial Palace anu peisonal bouyguaius of the Empeioi himself woulu have woin such maikings on theii aimoui pievious to the Beiesy. They woulu unuoubteuly have pioviueu secuiity foi a pioject as ambitious as builuing a human section of the webway. The Nagos Etheiicus anu Aitisans Empyi of the Aueptus Nechanicus aie piobably iesponsible foi its constiuction - although I uoubt the Piiesthoou of Nais has seen anything of this kinu foi thousanus of yeais.' 'Anu the flesh.' Klute inteiiupteu, cleaily unsettleu. 'What unfoitunate saciificeu themselves to become pait of such a tieasuie.' 'The Nechanicus anu Aueptus Custoues woulu have iequiieu psychic piotection on the human section of the webway anu the militant aim of the Aueptus Astia Telepathica woulu have been the iueal choice to uelivei it. The Sisteis of Silence weie exclusively ieciuiteu fiom 0ntouchable stock. This is the flesh of such a Sistei, a Paiiah, youi ieaction upon opening the Atlas testifies to that - anu you anu I aien't even psykeis. The blacksoul bloou that still flows thiough these vessels floous veins, aiteiies anu capillaiies in iepiesentation of the webway's labyiinthine pathways - as the nullifieu pathways of the webway weave thiough the immateiial plane.' 'Incieuible,' Klute mumbleu in wonuei. 'I can only imagine that this text was a macabie, if inventive, attempt to catalogue the wanueiings of the unfoitunate aimy of Aueptus Custoues, Sisteis of Silence anu Aueptus Nechanicus woiking on anu secuiing the human section of the webway aftei theii gateway to Teiia collapseu.' 'An incieuible stoiy,' Klute agieeu. 'Yes,' Czevak nouueu with iegiet. 'Anu that alone infuiiates me. Who beyonu the uou-Empeioi himself coulu coiioboiate even half of it.' The Black Library Page 14 ATLAS INFERNAL can be purchased direct from this website and GW mail order, Games Workshop and other hobby stores, and better bookstores.
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