Pageant Rules, Requirements, and Guidelines
Pageant Rules, Requirements, and Guidelines
Pageant Rules, Requirements, and Guidelines
1. All outfits (production number, casual wear, playsuit, and gown) will be provided
by the official fashion designer of the pageant, Mr. Peter Rian asidsid.
!. "n each contest category, the candidates are not allowed to wear any other outfits
which are not provided by Mr. Peter Rian asidsid, however, they must provide
their own accessories appropriate for each contest category (e.g. earrings,
nec#laces, bangles, hairpieces for the gown competitions).
$. %he pageant committee reserves the right to dis&ualify the candidate from the
contest category on the basis of non'compliance of the approved rules and
re&uirements of the aforementioned.
(. %he candidate must provide her own ma#e'up artist during the pageant.
). %he candidate must provide her own footwear appropriate for contest categories.
(*ote+ ,ootwear will be chec#ed by the organi-ing committee before the
scheduled pageant).
.. ,or security reasons, only two (!) assistants (ma#e'up artist and chaperone) for
each candidate are allowed to enter the bac#stage/dressing room. "dentification
will be provided by the organi-ing committee.