Please also continue to encourage your child to keep working toward their Reading goal. They should have almost reached their goal by now in order to enjoy the ice cream sundae party.
It appears that we now have enough volun- teers and pumpkins based on those that have emailed me. Thank you for your support.
The week of November 10th, your child will be attending school on Monday and Wednes- day ONLY. Tuesday is a federal holiday and Thursday and Friday will be Parent/Teacher conferences. Details and scheduled times will be forthcoming within the next week.
This Week Reminders Spelling words can be found on Please review the lunch menu with your child. Water bottles! Snack should be sent in everyday!
Oct. 30-End of quarter/ Ice cream party/class auction/pumpkin carv- ing.
October 31-Teacher Record Keeping Day/ No school
November 11- Veterans Day/No school
November 13-14 Par- ent Teacher Confer- ences/No school
November 27-28 Thanksgiving Recess/No school
Enrichment activities (NOT mandatory) Due by Friday 1. Take a practice spelling quiz with a family member. Bring it in to me. 2. Write 4 sentences using: for and four. 3. Use an adjective to describe each noun in your spelling sen- tences. 4. Practice your addition facts. 5. Practice your subtraction facts. 6. Practice counting by 4s and 8s. 7. Practice counting by 6s and 9s. 8. Write a five sentence para- graph on the States of Matter. And/or anything else creative you can think of! Homework Spelling M-Th Read at least 20 minutes/night IXL Math Practice 10 mins. nightly Any unfinished class- work
Specials Schedule Day 1 - Art Day 2 - Host Nation Day 3 - PE Day 4 - Music Day 5 - Math Lab Daily Schedule Lunch 12:25-1:10 Specials - 8:50-9:30 FLES-Mon.&Thurs Contact Information E-mail: Julie.faulk