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Strategiy For Teaching Visaul Impaiemnts

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There are two main functional categories of visual impairments: Low Vision and
Blind. Low vision students usually are print users, but may require special equipment and
materials. The defnition of legal blindness covers a broad spectrum of visual impairments.
The extent of visual disability depends upon the physical sensory impairment of the
student's eyes, the age of the student at the onset of vision impairment, and the way in
which that impairment occurred. Vision also may fuctuate or may b e infuenced by
factors such as inappropriate lighting, light glare, or fatigue. Hence, there is no "typical"
vision impaired student. The major challenge facing visually impaired students in the
science educational environment is the overwhelming mass o f visual material to which
they are continually exposed viz., textbooks, class outlines, class schedules, chalkboards
writing, etc. In addition, the increase in the use of flms, videotapes, computers, laser
disks, and television adds to the volume of v visual material to which they have only
limited access. To assist in overcoming a students' visual limitation requires unique and
individual strategies based on that student's particular visual impairment and his/her
skill of communication (e.g., Braille, speed listening, etc.). (After: "The Mainstream
Teaching of Science: A Source Book", Keller et al.)
General Courtesy
Speak to the class upon entering and leaving the room or site.
Call the student with a visual impairment by name if you want his/her attention.
Seat the student away from glaring lights (e.g. by the window) and preferably in
front of the class.
Use descriptive words such as straight, forward, left, etc. in relation to the student's
body orientation. Be specifc in directions and avoid the use of vague terms with
unusable information, such as "over there", "here", "this", etc.
Describe, in detail, pertinent visual occurrences of the learning activities.
Describe and tactually familiarize the student to the classroom, laboratory,
equipment, supplies, materials, feld sites, etc.
Give verbal notice of room changes, special meetings, or assignments.
Ofer to read written information for a person with a visual impairment, when
Order the appropriate text books for the students in their preferred medium.
Identify yourself by name; don't assume that the student who is visually impaired
will recognize you by your voice even though you have met before.
If you are asked to guide a student with a visual impairment, identify yourself, ofer
your services and, if accepted, ofer your arm to the student's hand. Tell them if they
have to step up or step down, let them know if the door is to their left or right, and
warn them of possible hazards.
Orally, let the student know if you need to move or leave or need to end a
If a student with a visual impairment is in class, routinely check the instructional
environment to be sure it is adequate and ready for use.
When communicating with a student who has a visual impairment, always identify
yourself and others who are present.
Do not pet or touch a guide dog. Guide dogs are working animals. It can be
hazardous for the visually impaired person if the dog is distracted.
Be understanding of the slight noise made by a portable translator.
Also use an auditory or tactile signal where a visual signal is normally used.
It is not necessary to speak loudly to people with visual impairments.
Always notify changes of class schedule in advance.
Teacher Presentation
By verbally spelling out a new or technical word, you will be helping the student
with a visual impairment, as well as for other students.
An enlarged activity script, directions, or readings of a detailed lesson can be used
for a low vision person and for use in describing tactile 3D models .
Use an overhead projector to show step-by-step instructions. Mask all the
instructions except the one(s) that you want to present.
Use an opaque projector whenever possible to enlarge a text or manual.
All colored objects used for identifcation related to a lesson, experiment, or other
directions should be labeled with a Braille label maker or otherwise tacitly coded for
most students with vision impairments.
Describe, in detail, visual occurrences, visual media, and directions including all
pertinent aspects that involve sight.
Use a sighted narrator or descriptive video (preferably the latter) to describe aspects
of videos or laser disks.
Describe, in detail, all pertinent visual occurrences or chalkboard writing.
Where needed, have lesson or direction materials Brailed, use an enlarged activity
script, or recorded ahead of time, for class handouts.
Have tactile 3D models, raised line drawings, or thermoforms available to
supplement drawings or graphics in a tactile format when needed.
Whenever possible, use actual objects for three dimensional representations.
Modify instructions for auditory/tactile presentation.
Use raised line drawings for temporary tactile presentations.
Use an overhead projector, chalkboard, graphs, or slides as you would normally, but
provide more detailed oral descriptions, possibly supplemented with thermoforms
where appropriate.
Allow student to use a tape recorder for recording classroom presentations or the
Make all handouts and assignments available in an appropriate form: e.g., regular
print, large print, Braille, or on a cassette, depending on the students optimal mode
of communication.
Use a monocular or a private eye (electronic miniature television) or similar devices
for long range observations of chalk board or demonstration table presentations.
Text Reading Systems
Paid or volunteer readers or writers can assist a student with a visual impairment
with texts, materials, and library readings.
Ofer to read, or arrange to have read, written information for a person with a visual
impairment, when appropriate.
Arrange, ahead of time, for audio book acquisition of the text or other reading
materials through the Talking Book Service, Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic,
text reading systems, or audio output devices.
Various Braille devices can be used to assists vision impaired students when
Make arrangements for tactile examinations, if touch is not normally permitted
(say, in a museum) then contact the curator for tactile access to a museum display
items or say, in a zoo for access to a plant/animal species and/or collection).
Place the student being tested close to the activity if tactile examination is
Present examinations in a form that will be unbiased to visually impaired students.
Ask the student for the approach he/she fnds to be most accessible.
One possible accessible method is to record test questions on tape and have the
students record their answers on tape in an area which has minimal disturbance for
other students.
Use an enlarged activity script, directions, or readings to go along with the testing
Allow more time.
Allow calculators to be used during the test.
Make use of larger print (e.g. 14 pt; 20 pt sized or as needed).
Make use of visual magnifcation (magnifer or magnifying machine), audiocassette,
Braille/Braille graphs/Braille device for written responses, large block answer sheet.
This information is taken from the following website:

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