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Additional Information About Finale 2005a For Windows

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Additional Information about

Finale 2005a for Windows

Finale 2005a Read Me, October 2004
Copri!"t # 2004, Ma$eMusic%, Inc&
Congratulations on your purchase of Finale 2005 for Windows!
IMPOR!"# Read this docu$ent %efore you %egin wor&ing with Finale 2005 and print a
copy of it to keep with your Finale information.
This file contains important information about Finale 2005 not included in the User Manual as well as
information about converting older files into the new version's format. Please note that Finale 2005 files
cannot be opened in previous versions of Finale.
This document is organized by each version's changes; those of you already familiar with earlier versions
may wish to read only the new information. The Read Me contains the following sections:
Running Finale 2005
New features in Finale 2005a
New features in Finale 2005
Fixes in Finale 2005a
Fixes in Finale 2005
You may also visit our web site, www.finalemusic.com for updated information about Finale and
information on new releases.
Runnin! Finale 2005
Installin! Finale 2005 on Windows 2000'()
If any pre'ious 'ersion of Finale has %een installed on the $achine( Finale 2005
reco$$ends that you restart your co$puter and log on as )yste$ !d$inistrator
%efore installing on Windows 2000*+P syste$s, his will pre'ent erroneous font
We reco$$end that you install Finale( and any other software( when logged in as
)yste$ !d$inistrator,
If you encounter pro%le$s during installation( we reco$$end that you turn o- any
progra$s running in the %ac&ground( as 'irus detectors can often pre'ent Finale fro$
installing necessary .les and updating the registry, Rest assured( your Finale C/ does
not contain any 'iruses, o turn o- all progra$s running in the %ac&ground# Press
Ctrl0!lt0/elete once to %ring up the Close Progra$ dialog %o1, 2In Windows 2000 or
+P( press Ctrl0!lt0/elete( then clic& on as& Manager,3 his lists e'ery process that is
running on the syste$, 41plorer and )ystray are always running( so lea'e the$
alone, If you see anything other than those two( clic& on any one of the others and
clic& 4nd as&, When that goes away( press Ctrl0!lt0/elete again and 4nd as& on
another one in the list, 2If a progra$ re$ains on the list after you ha'e tried to 4nd
as& on it( clic& on it( clic& and hold on 4nd as& for 50 seconds( then release it, If a
6his progra$ is not responding,,,6 $essage appears( clic& 4nd as& in it3, Repeat the
process until only 41plorer and )ystray are left, )o$e co$puters $ay ha'e so$e
other 6re7uired6 progra$s 0 if 4nding as& on a progra$ crashes the co$puter( try
again without 4nding as& on that progra$,
Re!isterin! Finale 2005
he .rst ti$e you launch Finale( you will %e pro$pted to register, o register a single
copy of Finale( clic& Register "ow! to open the Registration Wi8ard 2or( fro$ the 9elp
Menu( choose Register Finale3, hen follow the instructions to register your copy of
Finale 'ia the Internet( phone( or $ail, If you choose not to register( you will %e
pro$pted to do so each ti$e you launch Finale, If you do not register within thirty
days( printing and sa'ing are disa%led until you choose to register,
Note that the User/Authorization Codes are computer specific, and will only work on the given computer
installation. Verify that the correct serial number has been entered. If you make a change to the computer
(such as replacing the hard drive or motherboard, or install a new operating system), then you will need to
re-authorized the installation. If you have already installed and authorized twice, you will need to contact
Customer Service directly by phone, FAX or standard mail with your serial number and the location ID for
the specific installation in question, and one of our representatives can clear the previous authorization
from your account. If the software is not "reminding" you to register when you run the program, then the
registration/authorization has been successfully completed.
*tartin! Finale 2005 + ,--s
Most applications 2including Coda products3 re7uire a set of .les( the Microsoft
redistri%uta%les( in order to wor& successfully on your syste$, hese redistri%uta%le
.les are nor$ally already present on $ost syste$s and are not generally included in
application setup*install scripts 0 doing so would add a%out 5,5 M: to the si8e of the
pac&age( and cause a longer installation process, More i$portantly( as these .les are
constantly updated %y Microsoft and are operating0syste$ speci.c( including these
.les in an application installer could result in incorrect .les %eing added in your
syste$ and su%se7uent pro%le$s,

In rare cases these .les $ay %e $issing or out of date on your syste$, In this case an
error will %e reported when you start the progra$, 9ere are so$e e1a$ples of the
errors that could %e reported#
If t"e .les are missin!&&&
;he dyna$ic lin& li%rary M)<CP=0,/>> could not %e found in the speci.ed path,,,;
;he dyna$ic lin& li%rary M)<CR,/>> could not %e found in the speci.ed path,,,;
If t"e .les are out of date&&&
;he OC+),4+4 .le is lin&ed to $issing e1port MFC?2,/>>#=@@0,;
We ha'e included a special setup progra$ 2dllupdate%,e1e3 containing /ust these
redistri%uta%le .les for users who are e1periencing these pro%le$s, 9owe'er( these
$ay not %e the latest 'ersions of these .les( so this is less prefera%le than searching
for a $ore recent 'ersion, Follow the steps %elow to run the setup progra$ we;'e
Run the setup progra$ dllupdate%,e1e 0 found on the Finale installation C/, Aou
$ay %e as&ed to re%oot your co$puter 0 in which case it is i$portant that you
do so %efore continuing,
he application should now start correctly,
0ser Manual
For full docu$entation on how to run Finale 2005( see the Bser Manual, o access the
Bser Manual( choose the 9elp $enu( then Bser Manual( then a%le Of Contents,
F)A Installation
Finale Perfor$ance !ssess$ent 2also called FP!3 is a stand0alone application that is
installed auto$atically during the Finale installation process, In addition to Finale( you
will also see a separate option in your Windows )tart Menu na$ed CFinale
Perfor$ance !ssess$entD after running a ypical installation, FP! can also %e chosen
during a Custo$ installation,
*a1e As Web )a!e and t"e Finale 2iewer
)upport for the Finale <iewer %rowser plug0in has %een discontinued in fa'or of Finale
"otePad( which pro'ides a free( relia%le( and easy way to 'iew and play%ac& Finale
docu$ents downloaded fro$ the Internet, o open a Finale 2MB)3 .le a'aila%le at
Finale )howcase( or another online resource( 'iewers now need to si$ply download
the .le to their local $achine and then open it in Finale "otePad, his paradig$ shift
eli$inates a 'ariety of pro%le$s associated with so$e we% %rowsers( and $eans that
all Finale .les posted on the Internet will %e a'aila%le for 'iewing on all $achines
i$$ediately upon the release of Finale "otePad 2005, Finale "otePad is a'aila%le for
download free of charge at www,.nale$usic,co$*notepad, 2"ote that docu$ents
sa'ed in Finale 2005 are only co$pati%le with "otePad 2005 which %eco$es
a'aila%le shortly after the Finale 2005 release, "otePad 2005 will open .les sa'ed in
any Finale 'ersion 2005 or earlier,3
/ue to these changes( the sa'e as We% Page feature has %een re$o'ed fro$ the File
Menu in Finale 2005, o post a Finale docu$ent now only re7uires a standard Finale
.le, We feel that the popularity of Finale "otePad( in addition to its relia%le nature and
added functionality pro'ides an attracti'e alternati'e to the Finale <iewer, o post
sheet $usic on a we% site for 'iewing and*or printing using a we% %rowser( we
reco$$end generating a P/F fro$ Finale, Bse Finale 2005Es )a'e !s !udio File
feature to create a co$pressed MPF .le if you want to distri%ute play%ac& data of a
Finale docu$ent o'er the Internet,
)"one 3ec"nical *upport
he phone nu$%er for Ma&eMusic Custo$er )upport is 2G523 GFH0GH0F, F!+I 2G523
Con1ertin! Finale 2004 4and earlier5 documents into Finale 2005 documents
Finale 2005 has a di-erent .le for$at than earlier 'ersions( and con'erts older .les to
the new format when you open them in Finale 2005. You should be aware of the following points:
Openin! old documents
Finale 2005 will open and con'ert older 'ersions; docu$ents( gi'ing the$ the default
title "UNTITLED.MUS." We recommend saving a newly converted document with a different name than
the original file, keeping the older unconverted file as a backup. If you do want to save the file using the
same name, choose Save As from the File menu. Finale displays the original file name, so you can click
OK to rewrite over the old file.
Runnin! older 1ersions of Finale
Finale 200? 2and earlier 'ersions3 for Windows or Macintosh cannot open any Finale
2005 .le( e1cept )tandard MI/I Files, o share Finale .les( the Finale application $ust
ha'e the sa$e 2or later3 'ersion nu$%er,
6ew Features in Finale 2005a
New system spacing options. You can now define extra space at the beginning and end of any number
of systems.
Repeat Show On settings in Document Options. You can now define Staff List information for all
repeat markings in a document on the Repeats page of the Document Options dialog box.
Human Playback improvements include enhanced Incorporate IDI Data! impro"ed rolled and
strummed chords! trills! turns with an accidental and hairpins. #$ now supports turns with double%
sharp and double%flat. #$ Dictionary additions include &slargando'! &riten.'! and &rf('. essages can
now be disabled program%wide.
atch processing !P" #iles is now possible with )inaleScript.
6ew Features in Finale 2005
!inale Per#ormance "ssessment. *ompare a li"e solo performance to its written notation. +ssess
against one of )inale,s existing exercises or create your own.
Smart$usic "ccompaniment %i&ar'. -asily create accompaniments for use with Smartusic.
(asily "'' Smart$usic $arkers including repeats! pauses! and rehearsal markers! with this new
option under the -dit enu.
(nhance' Human Playback capabilities. *ombine #uman $layback,s interpretation with your own
custom IDI data! and make additional related settings in the new #uman $layback $references
dialog box. .hen! use the +pply #uman $layback plug%in to apply #uman $layback styles and
elements to regions of your score. #uman $layback now includes a new /arching 0and/ style and
support for 1arritan $ersonal Orchestra.
New )aunch %in'ow. 1et up and running 2uickly with )inale,s new Launch 3indow. )rom here!
open existing files! choose how you want to start a new one! "iew reference material! and e"en import
scanned documents.
(*pan'e' Setup %i&ar'. Sa"e time by starting a new document using one of )inale,s preset
ensembles! or create your own custom ensemble.
+mprove' ,uplets. .uplet brackets now a"oid collision with accidentals! articulations! and other items
and angle appropriately according to the notation. )inale also offers greater control o"er the spacing of
non%beamed tuplets.
-p'ate' Repeats. +pply repeats to a region of your score using keystrokes and contextual menus4
playback is set for you automatically. You can now also assign staff lists to endings and text repeats.
Recor' .ontinuous Data. You can now record pitch bend! sustain pedal! and other continuous data
controllers in real%time using #yperScribe.
+mprove' Scanning. 5se )inale,s new .3+I6 supported scanning to ac2uire sheet music from your
scanner and configure your scanning software for )inale import automatically.
Simple (ntry +mprovements. .oggle enharmonic spelling! add expressions! and flip ties while
entering with Simple -ntry.
!inaleScript Plug/in +mprovements. 6ow! call any plug%in or menu item from the )inaleScript
palette. 6ew commands include &apply staff style'! &clear staff style'! &title'! &composer'!
&copyright'! and more.
Save as $P0. You can now sa"e audio files in compressed $7 format.
$arching Percussion Soun's ha"e been added to Smartusic SoftSynth playback.
New ,1,ools Plug/ins. *ustomi(e rest appearance! di"ide "oices from one staff into two parts! and
generate logical split points with these new plug%ins8 Modify Rests, Process Extracted Parts, and Smart
Split Point.
0r' Party Soun' !ont Support. Specify your fa"orite sound font for playback or audio output.
+mprove' 1race Note Spacing. Spacing of consecuti"e grace notes has been impro"ed. See 1race
"''itional Spacing .ontrols. Specify before and after barline spacing by measure in the easure
+ttributes dialog box. Control spacing between the clef, key signature, and time signature in Document
Options-Clefs and Document Options-Key Signatures.
.opy Sta## )ists. You can now accurately copy measure expressions! repeat text and repeat ending
brackets assigned to staff lists from one document to another without manually creating the staff lists in
the destination document.
(asily .hange the Path #or 1raphics. 6ow! you can manually update the path for referenced
graphics you ha"e placed in the score 9instead of mo"ing or replacing the graphic:.
New Navigation 2eystrokes. 6ow! you can press *trl%; to (oom in or *trl%%9minus: to (oom out.
Fi7es in Finale 2005a
('it $enu
+dd Smartusic arkers8 3ait for 6ote markers places in the middle of a measure now translate
properly to Smartusic.
!ile $enu
Scrolling through .ips in the Launch 3indow no longer crashes )inale if the .ips.txt file is not in the
)inale<*omponent )iles folder.
!inale Per#ormance "ssessment
If an )$+ file is sa"ed as an 5S file 9in order to open the file later to fix inconsistencies for
example:! it can now be reopened and sa"ed as an )$+ file.
3hen opening an existing IDI =eyboard file that has no conflicts! the )$+ *ompatibility *hecker no
longer incorrectly reports conflicts! such as /ax one staff allowed/ and /ore than one simultaneous
pitch/ 9which are allowed for keyboard files.:
)$+ files can no longer be sa"ed with illegal elements if the )$+.dll is not in the )inale<*omponent
)iles )older.
Double%clicking a page%attached ossia entry in the +ssessment )ile *ompatibility window now brings
the offending item into "iew.
$ass $over ,ool
6ew 0efore<+fter usic Spacing specifications are now copied when easure $ositioning is checked
in the easure Items dialog box.
*opying an expression to the clipboard no longer fails to preser"e its &.his Staff Only' assignment.
It is no longer impossible to re"ert a group of tuplets to their default settings. You can now do so for a
selected region using the Reset button in the *hange .uplets dialog box.
$easure ,ool
Inserting a measure after manually placing a page break no longer remo"es the page break.
Options $enu
+fter clicking +pply on the $iano 0races and 0rackets page of Document Options! dragging the left
handle of the top pair on a $iano 0race no longer crashes )inale.
.he options &1utter for +ccidentals' and &1utter for .ies' on the 6otes and Rests page of Document
Options ha"e been changed to &+d>ustment +t Start of easure' 9Document Options ? +ccidentals:
and &-xtra System Start Space' 9Document Options ? .ies:.
.he options &+d>ustment at Start of easure' 9pre"iously &1utter for +ccidentals': and &-xtra System
Start Space' 9pre"iously &1utter for .ies': options on the 6otes and Rests page of Document Options
now function properly.
.here is no longer an extra character next to the second radio button under &5se Smart #yphens' on
the Lyrics page of Document Options.
.he word &definition' is no longer wasting space in the subsection headings of the .uplet page of
Document Options.
+ non%logical number no longer appears in the aximum Space 0etween #yphens field on the Lyrics
$age of Document Options if a number greater than @@7 is entered.
In )inaleScript! the following options can now be copied "ia the Import Document Options command8
Default $lacement drop%down! -ngra"er .uplets check box! and +ppearance radio buttons.
#uman $layback now works using non%scrolling playback.
#uman $layback no longer applies undesired "olume data when it is applied to a single effect that lasts
for a large number of measures.
#$ $references8 Optimi(e Aelocities has been renamed &Smooth Aelocitied' and is now consistent with
)inaleScript8 +ll tuplet document options are now copied "ia the Import Document Options command.
)inaleScript8 Insert easure in the easure enu can now be executed.
)inaleScript8 Sa"e! *lose and *ancel buttons are no longer cut off in the )inaleScript -ditor.
)inaleScript8 .he word &wait' in a script no longer causes a crash.
)inaleScript8 Aertical ad>ustments to dots and hori(ontal ad>ustments to upstem flags in Document
Options % )lags are now recogni(ed.
)inaleScript8 Specifying the path for plug%ins and menu items now functions properly.
)inaleScript8 *ommands &lock<unlock systems' and &import page format for parts' now function
odify Rests8 Options under the Split Rests tab now function properly.
Repeat ,ool
+fter selecting an item from a drop%down menu in any of the Repeat dialogs! the corresponding text
field 9if there is one: now becomes highlighted! ready for typing input.
.he context menu for the 0ack Repeat 0ar 9without the -nding 0racket: no longer contains items that
pertain only to a 0racket. 9+lign 0rackets! Rerset 0racket $osition! and +llow Indi"idual $ositioning
ha"e been remo"ed:.
+lign 0rackets and Reset 0racket $ositioning are now disabled in the context menu for regional
selection if there are no brackets to be manipulated.
/+llow Indi"idual $ositioning/ is now grayed out in the 0ack Repeat 0ar context menu when there is
no -nding 0racket.
.he Relati"e >ump setting in some older files are now con"erted correctly when opened.
In the .ext Repeat +ssignment dialog box! selecting /6e"er Bump 9ark:/ or /Stop on $assC/ now
also grays out the /+uto%5pdate .arget/ checkbox.
If there is a .ext Repeat set up to /$lay SectionC.imes/ and a Repeat marking later in the score causes
$layback to make another pass at the repeated section! an infinite loop no longer results.
aximum Repeat $asses now prohibits an infinite loop in the following situation8 3hen a repeat
marking has a target of an earlier measure! and the repeat is set to Bump if Ignoring Repeats! and Ignore
Repeats is checked.
In a Repeat -nding that is one or two measures long! using a .arget of /)orward D easures/ no
longer causes an infinite loop.
Status bar text no longer incorrectly states that a single click on a measure will allow you to define a
repeat. 9+ double%click is re2uired! which is now indicated in the status bar:.
Selection ,ool
0eat chart handles now appear when right%clicking a measure with the Selection .ool and choosing
-dit 0eat *hart.
Setup %i&ar'
If no ensembles.txt is a"ailable! and you create a new ensemble! the ensemble is now "isible before
restarting the wi(ard.
3hen a whole note is used for a tempo marking! it is now ad>usted to sit in line with the rest of the
Simple (ntry ,ool
If a note is entered in Simple -ntry of a duration thatEs too large to fit in the measure so that )inale
breaks the note o"er the barline! )inale no longer runs a rebar music command on the measure that was
>ust exited.
.here is no longer an extra space before &Step up diatonically' and &Step down diatonically' in the
keyboard shortcuts list.
Sta## ,ool
3hen you turn independent .ime signature on then off for a staff! you it is now possible to change the
.ime Signature.
3hen you apply Slash notation to an area with -ngra"er .uplets! the brackets and numbers are no
longer displayed.
3hen you turn independent .ime signature on then off for a staff! you it is now possible to change the
.ime Signature.
,uplet ,ool
.he F8Y2 or F28Y2 format with a broken slur shape no longer makes the last slur part go in the wrong
direction for short tuplets.
3hen using *enter 6umber 5sing Duration and the Stem<0eam Side setting! the number is no longer
too far to the right.
5sing the ) 9or ctrl%): keystroke to flip a tuplet with +"oid Staff unchecked now functions properly.
.he &Slope' command has been renamed &anual Slope +d>ustment' to better describe its function.
If /+"oid Staff/ is checked! dragging the second diamond handle on a tuplet bracket toward the staff
9so that the bracket starts to become flattened: no longer causes the tuplet number to mo"e in the
opposite direction.
Secondary<diamond hook handles are now positioned correctly for -ngra"er tuplets whose brackets
would ha"e otherwise 9with -ngra"er .uplets unchecked: been positioned on the other side of the staff.
-ngra"er .uplet numbers no longer a"oid -xpressions with undesirable results.
3ith *enter 6umber 5sing Duration checked! the tuplet number can now be mo"ed hori(ontally.
.he "ertical position of the number relati"e to the bracket in -ngra"er tuplets no longer "aries greatly
depending on the context.
6ested .uplets with *enter 6umber 5sing Duration now properly align.
Fi7es in Finale 2005
(*pression ,ool
*anceling out of the -xpression Designer dialog box no longer clears the 5ndo list.
You can now control the amount hidden text is shaded 9$rogram Options%Aiew:.
!ile $enu
3hen a Smartusic +ccompaniment is sa"ed! and full ensemble is selected in the Smartusic
+ccompaniment Options! staff name is used 9instead of the instrument name.
If a repeat uses measure @ as its target! an exported .S$ file will no longer playback an extra empty
measure on the second pass 9in Smartusic:.
*hord libraries now contain learned chords.
HyperScribe ,ool
5sing the sustain pedal as a tap source now works with non%binary keyboard sustain pedals.
6ote no longer appear se"eral measures late while entering with ic6otator in #yperscribe.
)yric ,ool
.he two menu items &5pdate #yphens' and &5pdate 3ord -xtensions' ha"e been combined into a
single menu item &5pdate Smart 3ord -xtensions and #yphens' 9under the -dit enu:.
Lyrics now retain line breaks and do not contain extra spaces added after hyphens when copied 9with
the ass -dit *trl%*<*trl%A method:.
Lyric and -xpression 0aseline .riangles now update when a document is scrolled "ertically.
$ass ('it ,ool
anual spacing of grace notes is no longer lost if music spacing is applied 9due to new Document
Options%usic Spacing parameters:.
3hen a grace note is changed back to a /normal/ note! unwanted music spacing elements no longer
Settings made to /1race 6ote Spacing/ are no longer o"erwritten when music spacing is applied.
6ote spacing now makes room for grace notes placed at the end of a measure. 0eat spacing lea"es
room for them and spaces them indi"idually.
$easure ,ool
.he three contextual menus for measure handles ha"e been combined into one menu and used for all
three handles.
.he contextual menu item &0reak a ultimeasure Rest' has been renamed &Remo"e ultimeasure
Rest' to better reflect its functionality.
$+D+ $enu
.he Output de"ice chosen in the SoftSynth Settings dialog box is no longer reset after closing )inale.
Options $enu
+ccidental spacing on grace notes when both the grace note and its parent note ha"e accidentals is no
longer incorrect when /5se *ross%Layer +ccidental $ositioning/ is checked in Document Options%
5sing the 1lass @ palette style and mo"ing the mouse o"er the edit tools on the -dit enu $aletteno
longer changes the icons to )ile icons.
Shift%arrow keys to highlight to the end<beginning of the piece 9etc.: now works in all tools that offer
regional selection.
.he name of the format &*oda 6otation )ile' has been renamed &)inale 6otation )ile'.
)inale now plays back documents containing repeats that are defined to loop infinitely 9See
&aximum Repeat $asses' in Document Options%Repeats:.
Spacebar%click playback no longer causes erratic playback when SoftSynth is chosen as the Output
de"ice in the IDI Setup dialog box.
$atches G7! GH! and GG 9choir patches: are no longer too soft.
$atch GH 9Aoice Oohs: no longer has a click sound on release of short notes.
.he )retless 0ass patch in Smartusic SoftSynth is no longer distorted.
6ote attacks are no longer inconsistent in the +lto Sax patch of Smartusic SoftSynth.
3ith Smartusic SoftSynth playback! accordion 9and some other patches: no longer make clunking
noises on short durations.
#uman $layback now includes impro"ements to o"erall stability and process speed.
#uman $layback now supports D* al )ine and other complex situations with repeats.
PostScript an' (PS
It is now possible to choose whether you want to create a transparent or non%transparent -$S file 9See
-xport $ages<-xport Selection dialog boxes:.
Repeat enclosures now print at the correct si(e.
Slurs now automatically redraw after transposing music.
Repeat ,ool
.he text field in the Repeat Designer is now the correct si(e.
+pplying a backwards repeat to a bar which has a right double barline no longer displays the repeat
plus another barline.
If a text repeat has no text! the repeat will no longer display a (ero.
.here is now an indication of the metatools assigned to barlines in the Repeat Selection dialog box.
5p and Down arrow keys now mo"e the selection in the Repeat Selection dialog box.
*licking the Reset button in the Repeat -ndings dialog now resets the "alues back to those used in the
Default Document.
0ackwards repeat bars are no longer positioned beside normal measure barlines! making the thick lines
in the backwards repeat bars wider than they should be.
Setup %i&ar'
.he numbers are no longer too small and the ; sign too high in the Ba(( font metronome marking
added with the Setup 3i(ard.
&Simplify =ey' is now unchecked in Staff .ranspositions for instruments set to 5p Octa"e and Down
Setup 3i(ard created tempo markings are now fixed si(e.
Simple (ntry ,ool
.he "ertical position of the caret now mo"es back to where it was after an undo.
)inale no longer stops responding if the caret<selection is mo"ed to a hidden staff.
+fter entering a note in a measure%one multimeasure rest! undoing past the multimeasure rest create!
and then placing the simple cursor in measure one and redoing the multimeasure rest create no onger
causes a *tree error I in *.O.#-RS8@HH7.
Smart Shape ,ool
*trl%dragging one of the inner cur"e handles of a slur now allows asymmetry if dragged hori(ontally or
3ith the Smart Shape .ool selected in Scroll Aiew! Smart Shape handles in the score will no longer
continue to appear displaced from their Smart Shape when scrolling through the document.
Secondary handles can now be selected by a single click 9no *trl%click re2uired:.
SmartShape $lacement no longer changes when con"erting older documents with independent time
Special ,ools ,ool
Double clicking a Special .oolEs handle that does not ha"e a dialog no longer makes the handles
Spee'y (ntry ,ool
#olding the left mouse button when pressing the right arrow key to ad"ance measures in Speedy -ntry
6o longer causes a crash.
,empo ,ool
$lacement is now referred to as +lignment in the .ext .ool enu 9as it should:.
,ime Signature ,ool
.here are no longer rounding errors when using a composite time signature and using edus as the beat

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