Multiple Questions Prepare Karna
Multiple Questions Prepare Karna
Multiple Questions Prepare Karna
o 1
Click the "Home" tab on the ribbon.
o 2
Click the "Multilevel List" icon on the ribbon, in the Paragraph group. Directly to the right of
the "Bulleting" an "!umbering" icons, this button isplays three hori"ontal lines,
respectively labele "#," "a" an "i." $his opens a rop%o&n menu.
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'e $est (obots )n )ur *ccounts + 'e ,hare $he (esults 'ith -ou . /ree0
o 3
Click the list &ith these levels presente5 "#6," "a6" an "i6."
o 4
$ype a 7uestion for &hich you &ill provie multiple choices. $he list &ill label this item, an
all the other 7uestions on the sheet, &ith numbers. $he first 7uestion, for e1ample, &ill
receive the label "#6."
o 5
Press 8nter on your keyboar, then press $ab one time. $he list &ill s&itch to the seconary
level, using letters instea of numbers. $he first ans&er for each 7uestion, for e1ample, &ill
receive the label "a6."
o 6
$ype the first choice, then press 8nter to begin a ne& line. $ype the ne1t choice. (epeat until
you have provie all the possible ans&ers for that 7uestion.
o 7
Press an hol ,hift after typing the last choice for that 7uestion9 press 8nter once, then
release the ,hift key. $his as one line of blank space bet&een 7uestions.
o 8
Press 8nter t&ice9 the list &ill s&itch back to the first level, letting you begin a ne& 7uestion.
o 9
(epeat ,teps 4 through : until you have type all the 7uestions an ans&ers.
o 10
Change the style use to list the ans&ers, if esire. /or e1ample, using empty circles
instea of letters &oul allo& the stuents to fill in the circles for the correct ans&ers. Click
one of the multiple%choice ans&ers on the sheet, then click the o&n&ar arro& ne1t to the
"Bulleting" icon on the ribbon. )n the rop%o&n menu, click the picture of the empty circle
%% the one &ith a black borer an a &hite interior, not the soli black circle. $his &ill
change the format for all of the ans&ers on the sheet.
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