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25 Purvabhadrapada

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25 Purvabhadrapada

Astronomical, Name, Symbol, Deity, Nature of Functioning,Mode of Functioning,Caste, Gender,

Bodyparts, Direction, Padas, Professions, Places, Guna, Gana, Orientation, Lunar day, Auspicious
activities, Inauspicious, Ruler, Sexual Compatibility,Esoteric, Remedial, Miscellaneous
(2000' Aquarius - 320' Pisces)
In the Sky:
Purvabhadrapada, the culmination of Jupiterian energy, is represented in the celestial firmament by two
bright stars in the constellation of Pegasus, which the ancient vedic seers saw as being representative of
the front legs of a funeral cot (or sieeping bed). Pegasus itself was seen as a fll funeral cot (or sieeping
bed). These two stars are known in modern astronomy as Alpha-Pegasi (Markab) and Beta-Pegasi
(Scheat). The bright constellation of Pegasus lies directly on top of the astronomical constellations of
Aquarius and Pisces.
The two stars of this asterism make a straight line (almost perpendicular to the ecliptic belt) at the juncture
of the constellations Aquarius and Pisces. This is in harmony with the fact that this asterism connects the
signs Aquarius and Pisces, Alpha-Pegasi, which can be said to represent the part in Aquarius, lies closer
to the zodiacal ecliptic and has a Visual magnitude of 2.49, white Beta-Pegasi, which can be said to
represent the part in Pisces, lies further away and is slightly brighter with a Visual magnitude of 2.47. Both
of them can be easily located in the night sky.
"Purvabhadrapada" translates into - "the former (one who possesses) lucky feet". Its alternative name is
"Purvaproshthapada",which translates into "the former (one who possesses) the feet of a stool".
These translations clearly highlight the problems one encounters when translating Sanskrit terms into
English. The above translations seem odd and confusing and don't seem to convey much regarding the

nature or functioning of this asterism. As we shall find out later they just relate to its ruling deity.
Its main symbol is the Yront part of a funeral cot'. A funeral cot denotes our exit from the world. In
astrology, the sign Pisces, or the 12* house in the chart signifies this exit. Since this asterism begins the
sign of Pisces, it is appropriate that it is ascribed the front legs of the funeral cot. The front part of a normal
sieeping bed can also be seen as the symbol of this asterism. Since the 12*1 house relates to sleep, which
can be seen as a temporary form of death, a sieeping bed would also relate to this asterism. It signifies
the moment in time when after doing our worldly duties and mingling with friends (Aquarian or ll01 house
activities), we prepare for retiring to bed in the night.
Its alternative symbol is 'a man with two faces'. As you can see in the image for this nakshatra, one face
wears a benign look while the other one appears mad, violent and destructive. This relates to the Jekyl
and Hyde character of this asterism. It can always put up a normal, socially acceptable and cheerful front
on the outside while holding its darker side inside at all times.
A 'sword' is also used as its symbol by many scholars. The sword obviously relates to the process of
"cutting off". The cutting off process relates to the destructive, dissoluting side of nature and associates
this nakshatra with all kinds of pains, injuries, accidents, deaths and endings.
Another alternative symbol for this asterism is 'a Single ray of Sun'. This relates to the gloomy, desolate
aspect of this nakshatra where all hope is at the minimum and the light at the end of the tunnel is very
faint. Those readers who are conversant with the novel "Count of Monte Christo" by Alexander Dumas,
can easily see how this applies to the experience of the lead character Edmund Dantes, while he was
imprisoned on the remote island of Elba.
Deity :
It has an obscure ruling deity with the name of Aja-Ekapada, which translates into "the one footed goat". Its
alternative meaning, which carries a cosmic pun, is "the one footed unborn one". This mysterious creature
is a goatheaded monster with one leg, who forms part of the entourage of Rudra (the fierce form of Shiv).
Surprisingly, Aja-Ekapada, a Vedic character, can be easily found on the card no. 15 in the Western Tarot
pack. This card is called "The Devil" and is supposed to signify the evil and dark side of life in general.
This goat headed creature carries much of the same meanings from the Vedic point of view, except the
fact that the destruction and ruin it brings is supposed to be divinely ordained. We can see that the name
of this asterism also relates directly to this one footed deity.
The sign Pisces is seen to symboh'se feet and since this asterism has only one part in Pisces, it can be
said to have only one foot. It is interesting to note that this one footed dark deity has gained enormous
prominence in the present world age of Kali-Yuga. It can be seen in all major important centres of the
Western civilization. All the secret societies and brotherhoods like the Freemasons, Club of Rome and the
Illuminati consider this goat god as their main deity. In these circles he is known as Baphomet
Since our present day world is run by a secret elite group, which has strong connections with the above
mentioned secret societies, it is not hard to understand why there is so much unnecessary violence and
bloodshed being perpetuated on our planet. Aja-Ekapada can be seen as the ruling deity of all types of
black magic and that is why individuals deepiy influenced by this asterism are attracted to or practise black
In the image representing this nakshatra, the reader can see skulls and bones lying all around, which form
a secondary symbol for this asterism. One can see that the skull and bones symbol has always been
associated with danger as it is displayed in dangerous places like high voltage areas etc. In this light it is
interesting to note that there's a secret order in the United States known as the "Skulls & Bones Society",
of which prominent American presidents have been members!
Finally, the supreme ruling deity of this asterism is Rudra, the fierce form of Shiva. This asterism carries
the destructive aspect of Shiva in much the same way as Ardra. The difference is that here Rudra
represents the final dissolution on all planes, while in Ardra the chaotic destructive energy only operates
on the mental, emotional planes. As a result, this asterism can be much more cruel and merciless in
comparison to Ardra. This can be said to be the place where the Universe loses its mind!

This is basically a purificatory energy. When the old has fallen into decay it has to be destroyed for the
new to take birth. The destructive fires of Rudra aim to achieve exactly that. On a more personal level,
souls pay for their past life bad karmas through penance and retribution under the burning fires of this
Nature & functioning :
If there is one word which could sum up this nakshatra it would be 'diabolical'. A lot of the so called
negative human traits like paranoia, pessimism, debauchery, violence, hedonism, thirst for the macabre,
lying, deceit, cruelty and morbidity can be ascribed to this nakshatra. This nakshatra is mainly concerned
with transformation. Those under the strong influence of this asterism have the huge task of witnessing
and understanding the lower dark side of life without getting their hands dirty.
Although most scholars don't recognise this fact, this is the most intense amongst all the nakshatras.
Since all its negative aspects can only in essence be manifested through the ego, humility becomes the
most important thing for Purvabhadrapada natives. One of the few good qualities of this nakshatra is that it
is devoted to those it respects. This again however is a double edged sword, since many a times its object
of veneration is not very wholesome.
Ramakrishna Paramahansa (the famous 19th Century saint), who has his Moon in Purvabhadrapada, was
devoted to Kali, the fierce goddess. The dark deity Kali, despite being fierce, is ultimately benevolent. This
devotion helped him rise above all the negative Purvabhadrapada characteristics, but many under this
nakshatra's influence take to worshipping demonic and devilish deities and spoil their karma for many
lives. Thus we can see that it is very important for the rratives under this nakshatra to find the right thing to
get devoted to from the very beginning.
Another good quality of this nakshatra is that it is very sincere and hardworking, even if its goals are not so
wholesome. It has tremendous perseverance and will go to any lengths to achieve its objective. In fact a
lot of Purva Bhadrapada natives end up engaging in bad karma because they are ready to do 'just about
anything' to obtain their objectives.
If a case study of mass murderers, homicides and genocides was carried out, it would be found that most
of the people involved would have some strong connection with Purvabhadrapada. This nakshatra relates
both to the persecuted and the persecutor.
More evolved souls usually use this nakshatra's energy to mortify themselves instead of others. All the
sages like Vishwamitra, who underwent extreme penance, are basically utilising this nakshatra's energy.
Even today in India, one can see a lot of sadhus involved in intense practices involving seif torture and seif
mortification. A Purvabhadrapada native is ready to stand on one foot for ten years or even more, if they
are convinced that it is going to bring them their desired result.
After reading the above description, the reader may be surprised to know that alot of times
Purvabhadrapada natives cannot be distinguished from the rest, just because they have a very strong
capacity to fit in with the contemporary societal structure. They are normal people with nine to five office
Jobs, who speak, eat and dress like everyone eise, and no one can suspect the kind of things they are up
to in their private lives. They usually keep their idiosyncrasies and nefarious activities secret.
The only way of Spotting a Purvabhadrapada person is their highly strung, nervous demeanour along with
an overtly serious look. They are the ones who are likely to snap first in any confrontational Situation. They
however try to carry a happy look and act amicably in social gatherings.
They are basically two faced people, the kind who work on normal day jobs, and in the nights they can be
found in fetish clubs, banging heads at hard core heavy metal concerts, entertaining macabre fantasies,
practising dark tantric rituals or plotting and carrying out violent or criminal activities ...Purvabhadrapada
natives are very susceptible to extreme views and often end up being part of extreme fundamentalist

Not every Purvabhadrapada person gives physical expression to their negative energies. The more
evolved souls learn to fight the battle between light and dark within their own minds and hearts. Alot of
common everyday Purvabhadra pada people, instead of being the perpetrators, end up being the victims.
Creative artists who have this nakshatra strongly placed in their Charts, can often be seen channeling its
energy, by implementing all the dark side of life in their art, whether it be writing, music or drama.
Purvabhadrapada natives, like everything eise, tend to oscillate between extremes in the sexual sphere.
All kinds of sexual perversions and phobias are seen to originate in this nakshatra.
Regretfulness is another of the prominent qualities of this nakshatra. Being contemplative at some inner
level, its natives are often seen brooding over the past, tormenting themselves for all the wrongs they have
On a material plane such natives are stingy in regards to money. However their one peculiarity is that they
are always ready to place all of their wealth at the disposal of their spouse, partner, teacher or cause.
Their capacity for revenge holds no equal among nakshatras. Once again Alexander Dumas's novel,
"Count of Monte Christo", reveals how this emotion can be taken to the extreme.
In the universal scheme of things, Purvabhadrapada relates to "yajamana udyamana shakti" -the power to
raise the evolutionary level. Its symbolism has humanity above, and the astral regions below. This imagery
suggests that Purvabhadrapada acts as a bridge between the consciousness on the material and
non-material planes. It is this bridge which is blocked in majority of the humanity in the present times.
Purvabhadrapada has the power to raise one's evolutionary level through internal purification brought
about by the raging celestial fires of penance.
Mode of Functioning :
It is supposed to be a Passive nakshatra, but this does not mean that it does not or cannot act when
required. Its passivity relates to the fact that it takes its time in forming and visualizing its goals and does
not act in haste. It is usually in no hurry to achieve its ends.
Caste :
Surprisingly, this asterism is given the Brahmana caste by ancient Vedic seers. It is however easy to
understand the why of it with a closer look. It is ruled by Jupiter, the most brahmanical among planets. It is
related to the universal law, that power and knowledge can be achieved through penance, and this
asterism is very capable of achieving both. What it finally does with that power and knowledge is another
Gender :
It is a male nakshatra in keeping with its male deities. Even Jupiter, one of its planetary rulers, is a male
Bodyparts & Humor (Ayurvedic Constitution) :
It mainly relates to the Sides of the Body. This includes the Ribs, Abdomen and the Sides of the Legs. It is
also an indicator of the Left Thigh and Soles of the Feet. It is interesting to note that patting the left thigh
was considered an invitation for war or an aggressive act meant to cajole or humiliate others. In the Vedic
epic Mahabharata, Duryodhana did a similar gesture when he asked DraupadiXo come and Sit on his
thigh, and BhimaX.ook a vow to break off his thigh in battle and drink the blood from it (a very Purva
bhadrapada act!)
It is a predominantly Vata (Air) nakshatra in keeping with its expansive nature.
Direction :
Its directions are west and southeast, leaning a little closer towards east as compared to south.
Padas (Quarters) :
The first pada or quarter of this asterism 2000' - 2320' Aquarius, falls in Aries Navamsa and is rul ed by
Mars. This pada brings out the most aggressive side of this nakshatra. The energy here is more mental.

Such natives will do well to control their temper, aggression and violence. It gives tremendous
determination to achieve one's objective.
The second pada or quarter of this asterism 2320' - 2640' Aquarius, falls in Taurus Navamsa ruled by
Venus. This pada relates to the more indulgent side of this nakshatra. The energy here is more earthy and
the natives are likely to give some physical expression to the aforementioned dark sides of this nakshatra.
The third pada or quarter of this asterism 2640' - 3000' Aquarius, falls in Gemini Navamsa ruled by
Mercury. This pada expresses this nakshatra's energy through more communicative means and makes
the native curious, This is the lightest pada of this intense nakshatra.
The fourth pada or quarter of this asterism 000' - 320' Pisces, falls in Cancer Navamsa ruled by Moo n.
This pada has an extremely diabolical quality, in the sense that it can be extremely benign or extremely
dangerous. It relates both to the persecuted and the persecutor. Such natives can be found in all walks of
life and are most socially adept in comparison with the other three padas.
Professions :
Morticians and all professions relating to death or the death process like Coffin Makers, Cemetary
Keepers etc.; Surgeons and contemporary Medical Practitioners (basically those who administer poisons
as remedies); Fundamentalists, Radicals, Fanatics, Terrorists etc.; Horror, Mystery and Sci-Fi Writers;
Present day Psychiatrists (who often end up making things worse); The dark side of the entertainment
industry; The dark side of the ruling elite; Pornagraphic Industry; Weapon Makers and Users; Occuitists
dealing with the dark side, Black Magicians; Perpetuators of dark technologies; Leather Industry; Extreme
Ascetics involved in seif mortification (like the famous Aghoras); Police Departments particularly Homicide
Squads; Soldiers; Metal Industry; All professions involving the use of fire and high temperatures; Those
who deal with toxic substances and highly polluting waste products; Enemies of the environment like
Lumber Jacks; Environmental Activists; Pharmaceutical Industry.
Cemetaries, Morgues, Cremation Grounds; Factories; Heavy industries of all types; Land Fills; Dark Alley
Ways; Centres for Occult Studies and practices of a dark nature; Operation Theatres and Terminal Iliness
Wards; Asyiums and Penitentiaries; Churches; Top Secret Military Research Bases; Atomic Power Plants;
Places where high technology equipment is kept; Night Clubs and all other places associated with dark
entertainment; The places related to the above mentioned professions in general.
Guna (Essence) and Tattwa (Element) :
The ancient Vedic seers saw it as a Sattwic nakshatra. Once again, this Classification relates mainly to its
capacity for penance, detachment and generosity. It must be kept in mind that its generosity only extends
to those dose to it by family or association.
It belongs to the Ether element. This is primarily to do with its planetary ruler Jupiter, who also has a
primarily etheric Constitution. This element relates to the dissoluting aspect of this asterism. In a way even
murdering a person is nothing but an act of separating their etheric, subtle body from their physical body.
Gana (Type):
It is a Manusha (human) nakshatra. Going by its qualities one would expect it to be a demonic nakshatra,
but it is important to remember an old dictum from Vedic wisdom here - "Humans are capable of more
demonic acts than the demons and more godly acts than the gods. "
Orientation & Disposition :
It is a Downward nakshatra. This means that it is concerned with what is below the surface of things. It
also suggests a person whose glance is downwards instead of upwards. It also relates to its capacity for
deep research of all kinds. Natives predominantly influenced by Purvabhadrapada are very good at
keeping secrets and can't be taken on their face value.

Vedic seers regarded it as an Ugra(cruel & fierce) nakshatra. This doesn't come as much of a surprise
after understanding its essential nature.
Lunor Month & Day :
It can be seen as the ruler of the waning part (first nine days) of the month known as Bhadrapada. This
period usually corresponds to the month of September in the Solar calender.
Purvabhadrapada is also related to Chaturcfashi'(14* tithi or day) of the waxing and waning phases of the
Moon's monthly cycle.
Auspicious Activities :
All dangerous, uncertain and risky activities; All activities of a mechanical or technological nature; Holding
funeral Services; Putting an end to things; Exploring Death Issues; Agricultural activities; All activities
connected with water like sailing etc.
Inauspitious Activities :
Generally unfavourable for most activities except those mentioned above; Especially unfavourable for
beginning new things or initiations of all kinds; Not good for travelling, sex, marriage and dealing with the
government or higher authorities. Most of the actions carried out under its influence often end up causing
pain, anxiety, regret, sorrow or extreme difficulty.
Planetary Ruler :
The planets associated with this nakshatra are Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Ketu. Jupiter is its
main planetary ruier. Saturn and Uranus are connected to this asterism because of their corulership of
Aquarius,whi!e Neptune and Ketu connect to the portion of this asterism which falls in Pisces.
It is important to note that even though Rahu is a coruler of Aquarius, Rahu does not relate to the part of
Aquarius where this asterism lies (20 to 30). Rah u's energy culminates in the previous asterism
Shatabishak (642' to 20Aquarius).
Saturn primarily relates to the grief causing and disciplined aspect of this asterism. It also points to the fact
that this asterism always tends to physically carry out its dark functionings. Saturn also provides the
detachment aspect, which can be best seen through the self-tormenting ascetic standing on one foot (see
the nakshatra's image).
Uranus relates to the futuristic and technological aspect of this asterism. The most famous among the
modern science fictions, "Star Wars", displays the Uranian aspect of this nakshatra. It can be seen that
this nakshatra has a tendency to go overboard with technology, and in its hands technology always ends
up being used for destructive purposes. This is the asterism which furthers anti-nature and dehumaniztng
technologies like microchipping, androids and mindless genetic manipulation.
It is hard for some people to understand how a benefic planet like Jupiter can rule such a malefic
asterism. In order to explain this mystery, we would like to once again bring into the picture the two faced
nature of this asterism. This nakshatra is very capable of putting up a Jupiterian, socially acceptable, well
mannered and conservative front. It is also skilled at earning money and Jupiter as we know is the natural
significator of wealth. However its means of earning money are always questionable. It is an expansive
asterism in keeping with Jupiter's natural tendency. It however uses its expansiveness for furthering
darker/destructive causes. Its Jupiterian side also comes out when it is ready to place all of its belongings
and resources at the disposal of its partners or those whom it admires and respects.
Jupiter's energy culminates in this nakshatra. This means that at some stage, Purvabhadrapada goes
beyond the Jupiterian values which uphold society. Once the moralistic and preservative influence of
Jupiter is finished, the stage is set for destruction and dissolution. This process can be seen as Vishnu
stopping his preservation activities, which sustain the drama of life, so that Shiva's destructive energies
are (et loose without restraint.
Neptune relates to the fantasy aspect of this nakshatra. All its Uranian futuristic visions like "Star Wars"
have been made into hugely successful movies. Neptune, as we know, rules the cinematic realm and this

asterism has a Strang hold over the modern day showbiz capital, Hollywood. One can plainly see the
energy of this asterism being relayed through 90% of the movies being churned out by Hollywood,
especially in the last 20 years or so. Its fantasy aspect goes into other areas as well, which we have
already mentioned in its nature and disposition.
Ketu comes in touch with this nakshatra through the 'Mittle foot" it has in the sign Pisces. Ketu, as we
know, is the most destructive and detached among all the planets, and this asterism requires that energy
to be able to inflict torture upon itself or others. When it is working on an internal, benefic level, the
attachments are destroyed without any seif mortification. When it is working on an individualized but
externa!, benefic level, this nakshatra tries to control and Sublimate inner desires through external means
like tormenting the body through extreme penance. When working in a malefic, externalized way, it reaks
havoc on its surroundings, and this is where we get the cold blooded murderer, serial killer, the war
general or behind-the-scenes manipulator.
In general astrological terms, the conjunctions of Mars/Saturn/Rahu/Ketu/Uranus or Neptune in cruel and
harsh nakshatras have an energy similar to Purvabhadrapada.
Not many planets fare well in Purvabhadrapada. Only a well aspected, well fortified Jupiter is good here.
Saturn can also give okay results in Purva bhadrapada, if Jupiter is well placed in the Chart. A well placed
Ketu, especially in the Pisces part, can generate detachment in a positive way.
Vowels and Alphabets :
The first pada (20to 2320' Aquarius) relates to " Se" as in the name "Seth".
The second pada (2320' to 2640' Aquarius) relates to "So" as in the name "Somalia".
The third pada (2640' to 3000' Aquarius) relates to "The" as in "Then".
The fourth pada (0to 320' Pisces) relates to "Di" as in the name "Divali".
In the Sanskrit aiphabet Purvabhadrapada corresponds to the letters "Vam" and "Sham", and
consequently its mantras are "Om Vam" and "Om Sham",
Sexual Type and Compatibility :
Its sexual animal is a Lion, which points towards an aggressive sexual nature and attitude. It likes to be
the dominant partner in sexual union and in many cases does not have a healthy respect for its partner.
One can notice in the image of this nakshatra, the lion is a roaring lion and not a tarne, gentle one as is
the case with Dhanishtha.
For sexual & marital compatibility with other nakshatras please refer to the tables on pages 457 &458.
Esoteric :
Its ruling deity, as we have seen earlier, is a mysterious figure and finds little mention in the Vedic texts.
Surprisingly, it is a much revered deity in the present time and human sacrifices are carried out under its
name by today's ruling elite. This may come as a shock to many of the readers, but as the saying goes,
"Fact is always stranger than fiction!"
This asterism relates to all the dark deities of all ancient cultures, who were supposed to require sacrifice
of some live thing, in the form of an animal or human being. The blood sacrifices of the Mayan civilization
are notoriously famous.
This nakshatra is the consummation point of Jupiter's energy, which in effect means that Jupiter's benefic
nature cannot intervene in the destructive acts of this asterism. The universal function of maintenance, so
dear to Jupiter, holds little meaning for the destructive, dissoluting energies of this nakshatra. Since this
nakshatra relates to the extremely destructive types among Shiva's entourage, it deals specifically with the
unrestrained aspect of Shiva.
The imagery of the *two-faced man' (refer to the image), on an esoteric level, refers to the dying process.
Each of us when we die get to face all our actions in the earthly realm, and at the same time we get to
peer into the astral plane, commonly referred to as "the world of the dead."

Gotra (Celestial Lineage):

This nakshatra is related to the Sage Vashishta,one of the seven celestial sages looking after the affairs of
our galaxy. The name of this sage translates into "the possessor of wealth". This seems to be apt
considering the fact that this nakshatra seems to be good at acquiring wealth; especially in today's world,
as Purvabhadrapada seems to have taken complete control of all the resources of our planet. On the
other hand, Vashishta is renowned for his extreme penances in keeping with Purvabhadrapada's essential
R>r those suffering from bad effects resulting from afflictions to this nakshatra, the best remedial measure
is worship of Shiva. The practice of Karma Yoga, which involves carrying out one's divinely ordained path
in life, is the best way to neutralize the bad effects of this nakshatra.
Repetition of the root mantra of this nakshatra - "Om Vam" and "Om Sham" 108 times when Moon transits
this nakshatra and in the waning half of the lunar month of Bhadrapada is sure to reduce suffering and
bring enlightenment into a person's life.
Persons who are benefiting from the positive energy of this nakshatra can a/so increase the good effects
through the above mentioned ways. It is helpfui for them to wear light colours like light blue. Leather
apparels and black colours should be avoided as much as possible.
Example :
MichaelJackson, the famous entertainer, has his Moon placed in this asterism. This nakshatra's energy
can be found expressed in his later music, especially music Videos like "Thriller".He definitely does not
seem to have a normal sexual life and has been accused of child molestation. The seif mortification of this
asterism is evident from his continuous surgery, which he is supposed to be undertaking to reach a State
of physicai perfection. He is also said to have suffered a lot of abuse in his early childhood, which can be
seen from Moon's placement in this nakshatra in his furth house, the house of childhood and upbringing.
Miscellaneous :
Varahamihira states that "those who have Moon in Purvabhadrapada are good at earning money, are
stingy and are liable to place their wealth at the disposal of their partners. They speak distinctly but tend to
suffer from grief. "All these characteristics seem to fit in with our example, and curiously enough they
would easily fit in with 90% of the present day ruling elite !


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