Sering Ucap "Good Girl" (Pake Nada Tinggi) Anak Bagus (Bagi Anjing Cewek)
Sering Ucap "Good Girl" (Pake Nada Tinggi) Anak Bagus (Bagi Anjing Cewek)
Sering Ucap "Good Girl" (Pake Nada Tinggi) Anak Bagus (Bagi Anjing Cewek)
3. Take away contaminated blanket or carpet
Bawa pergi selimut/carpet kotor
4. Take away dirty newspaper, place new sheet of clean newspaper
Buang Koran kotor, dan ganti lembaran koran baru
5. Clean the water bowl, pour in clean filtered water from the “Blue Tap”
Bersih botol air, trus isi penuh air saringan “dari kran biru”
6. Use thumb tip (not nail) to rub away their eye secretions
Pake jari (buka kuku) bersih kotoran mata anjing
7. Feed them dog food: Ask them to ‘Sit” first, in front of you, then give them
bowl of food, 9 1 dog 1 bowl with 1 cup of food)
Give them 10 min, then take away the food even they have not yet finished
Makan: duduk dulu baru boleh makan: ( satu dog satu gelas, satu dog satu ember):
10 menit selesai, tidak habis juga ambil embernya
8. Give 1 tab of Glucosamine to each of them
Kasih makan satu biji Glucosamine , satu anjing satu biji
9. Put the left-over food inside fridge
Sisa makanan simpan di kulkas (ice chest)
10. Clean the food bowl
Cuci mangkok makanan anjing
11. Brush teech, remember the inner most big teeth, brush hard with glove
Put tooth-gel inside fridge after use
Sikat gigi, paling penting gigi besar yg di dalam (abis pake odol simpan di kulkas)
12. Brush hair, start with back of ear back, neck tail both sides of buttock
Sweep floor dust clean floor use disinfectant to clean floor
Sisir bulu, lap/cuci kuping, punggung, leher ,buntut dan samping paha, trus
Sapu lantai trus ngelap lantai pake obat anti bakteri ngepel
13. Brush basin, toilet booth, toilet floor
Cuci baskom/kolam, cuci toilet dan lantai toilet
14. Dust clean balcony, cupboard
Bersih balkon/serambi, lemari dapur
15. Knock KatKat and LamLam into kitchen one by one, say loudly, “ PPKaKa”
Bawa Kat-kat, Lam-lam ke toilet trus ucap, PP Ka-Ka
16. Wait for 5 min for each of them until then p-p, then cover clean newspaper on
top of urine, take away stool
tunggu 5 menit, sampe mereka uda selesai buang air besar/kecil, pake Koran serap
air kencing dan buang air besar.
17. Switch on Radio
Buka radio
18. Cover-up the toilet seat cover, hide up the toilet paper roll, switch on air-
refresher, throw away rubbish outside the house
Sebelum pergi,beresin tempat papan toilet, simpan tissue lap tangan, buka mesin
penyegar udara, buang sampah.
Morning at 7am and evening at 7pm*Walk-Dog *
Never release “Lam-Lam” (She will disappear at once!!!)
Tidak boleh lepas “Lam-Lam”(dia bisa leyap)
Before come back into house after walk, towel clean each of their feet,
then release them
Pulang ke rumah, di depan pintu rumah pake handuk lap kaki dog baru masuk ke
13. Sweep floor dust clean floor use disinfectant to clean floor
Sapu lantai trus ngelap lantai pake obat anti bakteri ngepel
14. Brush basin, toilet booth, toilet floor
Cuci baskom/kolam, cuci toilet dan lantai toilet
15. Knock KatKat and LamLam into kitchen one by one, say loudly, “ PPKaKa
Bawa Kat-kat, Lam-lam ke toilet trus ucap, PP Ka-Ka
16. Wait for 5 min for each of them until then p-p, then cover clean newspaper on
top of urine, take away stool
tunggu 5 menit, sampe mereka uda selesai buang air besar/kecil, pake Koran serap
air kencing dan buang air besar.
17. Use wet towel paper to clean: ear urethra anus
Use one piece of paper for each dog
Pake tissue basah bersih : kuping,tempat kencing, dan jubur
18. Apply cream onto the paws
Kasih cream di telapak kaki anjing
19. Switch off Radio
Matikan radio
20. Before sleep: Cover-up the toilet seat cover, hide up the toilet paper roll,
switch on air-refresher, throw away rubbish outside the house
Sebelum tidur: toilet, simpan tissue lap tangan, matiin mesin penyegar udara dan
buang sampah
21. Say”Good-night”
Ucap”Selamat malam