Cheshire High School
Cheshire High School
Cheshire High School
Taylor Bond
Daughter of Debi
and Steve Bertenshaw
Currently attends the University
of Connecticut
G.P.A. 4.55
Yale Medical Research Labs,
Elim Park, volunteer
Cheshire Public Library,
National Honor Society
Major: Physiology and
Career Goal: Physician
Daughter of David
and Debra Bond
Currently attends Georgetown
G.P.A. 4.55
Brown University Book Award
CAS-CIAS Scholar Athlete
Cross Country, captain
Varsity Lacrosse
National English Honor Society,
publicity manager
Major: Undeclared
Career Goal: Undecided
Aohan Dang
Daughter of Brett
and Brenda Giles
Currently attends Georgia Tech
G.P.A. 4.7
School Representative, Board
of Education
Excellence in English Award
Writing Center, tutor
National Merit, finalist
Superintendents Award
Major: Chemical and
Biomolecular Engineering
Career Goal: Pharmaceutical
Jason Hall
Rohan Roy