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Lesson Plan 1

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Kollen 1

Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program
Teacher Andrew Kollen

Subject/ Topic/ Theme
Grade ______9/10 grade__________

World History - The Silk Road

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
This is the first day of learning about Big Era 4. This is an introductory day that will introduce some of the main concepts for
Big Era 4 and the Silk Road
Learners will be able to:

cognitiveR U Ap An E

Write down detailed notes that give a broad overview of the unit
Have a broad overview of the following topics: Networks, Empires, Writing Systems,
and Religion
Take their notes and decide which pieces of information are the most important to



R, U
R, E

Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:
Michigan World History Standards for 9th grade:
4.1. Standard: Cross-temporal or Global Expectations
Analyze important hemispheric interactions and temporal developments during an era of increasing regional power, religious
expansion, and the collapse of some empires.
4.2. Standard: Interregional or Comparative Expectations
Analyze and compare important hemispheric interactions and cross-regional developments, including the growth and
consequences of an interregional system of communication, trade, and culture exchange during an era of increasing regional
power and religious expansion.

(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Identify prerequisite
knowledge and skills.

Notes - Students have been learning to take good, detailed notes. These students dont have to write
down every piece of information that they read or hear, but they are beginning to write down the most
important concepts. Saying that this is going to be on a test helps them understand that this is important
Intro - Use their own previous knowledge about trading and why its important in Big Era 4 but also in
our society today.

Outline assessment
(applicable to this lesson)


Pre-assessment (for learning): Answering the warm up questions.

Formative (for learning):

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Formative (as learning): Working in groups and deciding what 3 ideas are most important in a particular

Summative (of learning):
Provide Multiple Means of

Provide Multiple Means of Action

and Expression

Provide Multiple Means of


Provide options for perceptionmaking information perceptible

Provide options for physical actionincrease options for interaction

Provide options for recruiting

interest- choice, relevance, value,
authenticity, minimize threats
Students will have an intro
discussion in their groups of 4. They
can have these initial discussions,
then talk about their ideas to the

What barriers might this

lesson present?
What will it take
emotionally, etc., for your
students to do this lesson?

Provide options for language,

mathematical expressions, and
symbols- clarify & connect

Provide options for expression and

communication- increase medium of

Provide options for sustaining effort

and persistence- optimize challenge,
collaboration, mastery-oriented
Students will have to work together
to answer the opening questions.

Provide options for comprehensionactivate, apply & highlight

Provide options for executive

functions- coordinate short & long
term goals, monitor progress, and
modify strategies
Short term goals are that students
can get a broad overview of where
we are going with this unit. Long
Term goals are that there will be a
more in depth look at each topic.

Provide options for self-regulationexpectations, personal skills and

strategies, self-assessment &
The assignment at the end of the
lesson will help with this. Students
will find 3 important ideas from
each of the 3 main topics. This will
be a self assessment activity so
students are aware of what their
notes mean.

Students will take notes for most of

the class period. There will also be a
time to locate different places on a

Opening Questions
Big Era 4 Notes
Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson
and are they ready to use?

[All on Google Drive, Link below]

Students will need their own paper to write down the intro questions/answers and to take their notes
There will be pods of four in the classroom. This way students can collaborate with one another.

How will your classroom

be set up for this lesson?
III. The Plan


5 min



Describe teacher activities

student activities
for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
Students will answer the following questions which
can be found in Opening Questions slide on Google

Students will have 5 minutes so discuss these

questions with their group. Students will also have
to write their answers down on a piece of paper.

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What is the importance of trading goods?
What are networks?
Would trading goods be considered a system of
What are other examples of networks?

5 min

This will not be turned into the teacher, its their

tool to reference.

The teacher will take another 5-10 minutes to go

over the answers with the students.

Today is the introduction day of Big Era 4. The

teacher gets the powerpoint ready to present.

Students get out paper and pencil. They will be

taking notes for the next 30 minutes.

Please look at attached slides named Big Era 4

(the largest
component or
main body of
the lesson)


Teacher will go through the presentation with the

students and will be talking about each topic more
in depth than what it says on the powerpoint.
The presentation also has two videos and various
images that will help in explaining various concepts.

Teacher assigns each group one of the three ideas

that were talked about in the notes. These are
networks, empires and religion. The teacher
explains that they will have 5 minutes to come up
with what they think are the 3 most important ideas
from their particular topic.

After note taking, each group of 4 will be assigned

either Networks, Writing Systems, Empires or
Religion and they will have 5 minutes to come up
with the three most important ideas from their
particular topic.

After these 5 minutes are up, the teacher facilitates a One student from each group will tell the class what
discussion and asks each group what they thought
their group thought were the most important
were the 3 most important ideas from the topic.
concepts. The other students should mark in their
notes what the 3 most important ideas are from each
of these 3 topics.
Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
I tried to make this lesson as engaging as possible. Sometimes students dont enjoy a class period full of note taking. In my
notes, I included videos that would give students a broad overview of the Silk Road and lay some of the foundation for where
this unit is heading. I also liked including graphics and maps that would show some important cities, empires, and religions of
the world. I also wanted students to take what they learned during the note taking, and decide what were the most important
concepts they thought were addressed during the lesson. I wanted to include this so the notes were not overwhelming, and
they could understand the broad picture of the Silk Roads and the topics that we would cover over the next several lessons. I
hope that I can improve keeping students engaged and focused Maybe to improve the lesson, I could try and implement a new
idea to show that they can create concrete examples to show what they know. I hope that these introduction activities and
notes will help students understand the broad overview of what they are going to learn in this unit.


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