December 2014 Newsletter
December 2014 Newsletter
December 2014 Newsletter
Important Dates:
December 5 , 2104
Class Spelling Bee
December 16th, 2014
Christmas Show
December 17th, 2014
Wildlife Zoo Field
December 22nd,
2014-January 2nd,
Winter Break
We w ill be learn in g ma n y
diff er en t t hings this qu art er t hat
inc lu de t he fo llow in g:
Writ in g:
This quar t er w e will b e foc u sing
on exp o sitor y a nd inf orma tion al
writ in g. T his inc lu des:
Explain, de scr ib ing, in form ing, se quenc ing,
compar ing a nd c ause and effec t.
Homework Tip!
Help them make a
plan. On heavy
homework nights or
when there's an
especially hefty
assignment to tackle,
encourage your child
break up the work
into manageable
chunks. Create a work
schedule for the night
if necessary and
take time for a 15minute break every
hour, if possible.
Mat h:
This quarter we will be working
heavily on double digit addition and
subtraction wit regrouping and word
problems. We will also review what
we learned in quarter 1.
Remember to check
your students STAR
Binder every night!
Langua ge:
Language arts this quarter will consist
of contractions, adjectives and
adverbs, capitalization, context clues,
verbs, root words and a heavy
review of quart 1 concepts.