Poverty in Africa
Poverty in Africa
Poverty in Africa
Don Pogreba
Helena High School
Helena MT
Background and Introduction
From Barbara Bush to Bono (Whittington), it seems that everyone is at least talking about
the poverty that afflicts much of the Majority World these days. Concerts have raised
awareness among young people, benefits have been held among the wealthy, and debt
has been forgiven by the most powerful, yet the problem of poverty and its associated
ills—illiteracy, poor health, oppression, to name a few, still afflict the world. Poverty is
destroying individuals and entire societies, with billions impacted each day. There is no
international issue that is more pressing or damaging. Tazoacha Francis perhaps best
summarizes the impact of poverty on the developing world:
Poverty is the oldest and the most resistant virus that brings about a devastating
disease in the third world called under development. It’s rate of killing cannot be
compared to any disease from the genesis of mankind. It is worse than malaria
and HIV/AIDS which are claimed to be the highest killer diseases.
HIV/AIDS attacks only a few number of people in a society which is a negligible
portion of the world’s population. As of poverty, it is a pandemic that affects a
greater number of people in the society and the whole society at large “out of the
worlds population of more than 6 billion people, nearly 1.3 billion people live on
less than a dollar a day, and close to 1 billion cannot meet their basic
consumption requirement... (2001)
Poverty is the most significant threat facing the world today, and threatens to dominate
our future. A failure to solve the seemingly intractable problem of global poverty in the
Majority World offers a grim present and even worse future, with targets to solve the
problems of child mortality not being reached until 2165:
And if we do not work faster, better, and harder, with more money and greater
impact - we will miss the 2015 targets. On child mortality. On primary education.
And on maternal health.
This poor rate of progress is unacceptable. It should shame the world. And we
have to do something about it.
On current forecasts sub Saharan Africa will not achieve our target for reducing
child mortality until 2165. Why? It is not that the knowledge to avoid these infant
deaths does not exist; it is not that the drugs do not exist; it is not that the
expertise does not exist. What is missing is political will and the capacity to make
it happen...
1.2 billion still lack access to clean water. 113 million children have no classroom,
no desk, no textbook, and no teacher because they don't go to school. Millions of
children die each year from diseases we know we can prevent. HIV and AIDS is in
some countries wiping out all the gains in life expectancy of the last 40 years
The G-8's aid increase could save the lives of 5 million children by 2010 - but 50
million children's lives will still be lost because the G-8 didn't go as far as they
should have done,'' said Jo Leadbeater, head of policy for British-based Oxfam
International. (Crutsinger, 2005)
Others were even less positive about the results of the summit. Caroline Sande
Mukulkira, of Action Aid, argued that “Once again, Africa's people have been
shortchanged” (CNN International), and Peter Hardstaff, head of policy for the World
Development Movement described his reaction as furious. He declared the final proposal
"a disaster for the world's poor." "The agreements on trade, debt, aid and climate
change are nowhere near sufficient to tackle the global poverty and environmental
crisis we face," he said. "We are furious, but not surprised." (CNN International)
The example of Ethiopia demonstrates that these first steps have not been enough. The
UN News Service reports that,
Despite the enthusiasm surrounding the last weekend’s Live 8 concerts in the run
up to the G8 summit meeting, The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has
warned that donors are showing increasingly worrying signs of “compassion
fatigue” over the plight of Ethiopia’s severely malnourished and dying children.
Preventable diseases and malnutrition on average kill up to half a million
Ethiopian children a year – more than the entire population of Edinburgh, close to
the site of the G8 Summit of the world’s most industrialized nations, which kicked
off today. (2005)
Action by the United States has been less than specific, with no clear assurances where
the aid money will come from. There is also no guarantee that the money will actually
reach Africa.
The track record of delivery is rather appalling. Recall the Millennium Challenge
Account announced by the United States in 2002 to provide $5billion dollars to
support Africa's development. Three years later, the United States managed to
deliver only $17 million dollars to Madagascar bizarrely in support of land
privatisation and the introduction of a cheque-account system in commercial
banks. ...The Enhanced HIPC debt relief initiative promised, in 1999 a debt relief
package for all eligible highly indebted poor countries to the tune of $100bn. Six
years later, as the HIPC regime threatens to fold up, they have delivered $40bn
The area of the world that most clearly needs poverty assistance is Africa. In fact, as the
rest of the developing world has seen a steady decline in rates of poverty, the situation in
sub-Saharan African is only getting worse. As the Global Policy Forum notes in 2003,
The World Bank recently reported that Sub-Saharan African countries have the
largest share of people living below one dollar a day. The tragedy is that while
other countries in Asia and Latin America are slowly but surely pulling themselves
out of the poverty club, African countries, including Nigeria, are regressing into
lower levels of deprivation, with the result that the number of poor people in this
region is expected to rise from 315 million in 1999 to about 404 million in 2015.
(Daily Trust)
While the rest of the world seems to be slowly pulling itself out of debt and poverty, the
situation in Africa remains grim.
Healthcare in Africa
One of the most important issues related to poverty in Africa is the AIDS epidemic.
Currently, 25.4 million people are living with HIV in Africam with over 3 million new
infections occurring each year (Avert.org). HIV/AIDS and poverty are linked in a way that
makes determining causality difficult. Desmond Cohen identifies the nexus of these two
As a debate issue, this will provide fertile ground for both Affirmatives and Negatives.
There are other health concerns in addition to AIDS. Measles alone kills over 500,000
African children each year (Red Cross), and 11,000,000 children die before their fifth
birthday each year as a result of mostly preventable diseases, including malaria, diarrhea
and pneumonia (Sapp). These deaths can be prevented, according to Jean Pierre Habicht,
at Cornell University:
"Every single day--365 days a year--an attack against children occurs that is 10
times greater than the death toll from the World Trade Center... "We know how to
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prevent these deaths--we have the biological knowledge and tools to stop this
public health travesty--but we're not yet doing it. (Sapp)
And the current public health system is simply not up to the challenge, with poverty a
major obstacle, as Sustainable Development International points out:
The record of African countries in dealing with disease is not encouraging. There
are major structural and geographical problems to be overcome. Millions of
people Africa simply do not have access to trained medical personnel, and even if
they do, essential medical equipment and drugs are either not available or
supplies are not sustainable. In addition, there are inadequate data on the
incidence and prevalence of illness which adds to the problem of providing a
reliable healthcare service...
Until the creation of affluence becomes the major political driver, more money
will be spent on arms than on heath. The countries Africa are no exception to this
rule. Politically, they must get on the affluence ladder before they can afford
seriously to tackle the healthcare challenge. (2005)
Education in Africa
Access to education is another critical issue facing the people of Africa. A lack of literacy,
combined with low levels of schooling, makes any reform or economic program
challenging. USAID identifies the challenges facing education in Africa currently:
♦ African primary school enrollment and literacy rates are among the lowest
in the world;
♦ 42 million school children in sub-Saharan Africa are not enrolled in school.
Of those that do have access to school, the schooling they receive is often of
such poor quality that they are not able to acquire even the most basic skills
of reading and writing;
♦ In 1999, more than 860,000 children in sub-Saharan Africa lost teachers to
AIDS. In fact, it is predicted that by 2005, 15 to 20 percent of teachers in sub-
Saharan Africa will have died from AIDS. (African Education Initiative)
And education matters—as a tool for eliminating poverty, decreasing disease, and
creating a sustainable future. UNESCO describes its impact
Development experts underscore the fact that universal education for children—
particularly for girls, who account for more than half of the world's children not in
school—is the foundation for lasting social change. Education broadens
employment options, increases income levels, improves health and well-being,
helps prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, and stabilizes interpersonal ties.
No less tangible are the rippling effects education can have on a community or an
entire nation. (2005)
Compounding all of the problems in Africa is the rate of population increase, which
swallows up much of the aid and debt relief provided by Western donor States. On
Nutrition in Africa
While Americans often associate famine in Africa with the almost-consistent emergency
in the Horn of Africa, famine stalks the rest of the continent as well. Bread for the World
described the situation in 2004, arguing that a comprehensive program is needed:
Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia have cut by half - from 13 million to 6.5 million
- the number of people facing severe food shortages in Southern Africa. However,
many people still are at risk of famine. In Swaziland and Lesotho, families
continue to face food shortages, and in Zimbabwe, escalating food prices,
unemployment and political instability continue to leave many families without
enough food to eat.
Other regions in Africa also face famine threats. The situation in Ethiopia and
Eritrea remains dire. Promised food aid reached only some remote parts of these
countries. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where a protracted
interethnic war continues, nearly half a million people face starvation. Civil wars
in Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire and Sierra Leone also have displaced millions of people
who now depend on food aid for their meals. (2004)
John Nayamu argues that the “twin onslaught of disease and hunger” has had dire
consquences for people, communities, and the very systems that provide their food
One area of debate centers on assigning blame. Jeffrey Sachs, author of The End of
Poverty, argues that blaming Africans for their poverty is misguided.
The poor are blamed for their problems. We say the poor are poor because they
are corrupt or because they don't manage themselves. But in the past two years
I've seen exactly the opposite. ... The idea that African failure is due to African poor
governance is one of the great myths of our time." (Eviatar)
Others disagree, including Marian Tupy, from the Cato Institute. She argues that
corruption is getting worse in African nations, preventing aid and loan programs from
solving the problems they hope to address (Tupy). This conflict will provide an
interesting avenue for solvency debates, providing fertile ground for the negative to
attack and provide alternative solvency mechanisms.
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The Unique Status of Women
All of the problems facing African society are magnified in the condition of women, who
often bear the brunt of poverty and its implications. Despite constituting more than 50
per cent of the total population of Sub-Saharan Africa, women are undervalued and often
ignored in policy discussions (Lopi). AFMIN explains that women suffer more from
poverty, and have a more difficult time using business to escape it:
In a context of rising poverty and unemployment, women suffer
disproportionately. While self-employment can provide a means to build income
and assets and a way out of poverty and an avenue to increasing their assets, a vast
number of poor women entrepreneurs still lacks access to financial services that
can help them build their businesses. (2004)
The ‘feminization of poverty’ makes life especially difficult for African women, who are
burdened with significant familial and social responsiblity, as the International Labour
Organization points out
In developing countries, nearly 570 million rural women - 60% of the rural
population - live below the poverty line. Recent research by the International Fund
for Agricultural Development (IFAD) shows that in those countries, it is women
who are nonetheless responsible for most food production. On the African
continent, it is estimated that women produce 70% of the food. Poor women in
these countries produce for sale as well as for subsistence; the poorer the
household, the harder and more essential these two activities become. Analysis of
the effects of structural adjustment programmes on African agriculture suggests
that the increasing work load of women could provoke a new poverty crisis in
which poor households will have record mortality levels even as overall
agricultural revenues increase. (1996)
Gender inequality also leaves African women more vulnerable to a range of problems,
including HIV/AIDS.
Gender inequalities in personal relationships, in the community, within the
workforce, and in political circles affect women all over the world. Inequalities
increase women’s vulnerability to poverty and vice-versa: both impact harshly on
our ability to enjoy full human rights. Gender inequality and poverty not only
increase the risk of HIV but also leave women more vulnerable than men to its
impact. (International Community of Women Living with AIDS).
There is no more critical problem facing the world that the specter of poverty, a plague
that threatens the lives of millions each year. While the topic area is quite broad, I believe
a resolution can be selected that both challenges Affirmatives to develop creative
solutions and provides Negatives with legitimate debatable ground. Given the critical
dimension of this problem for this and generations to come, I can think of no better topic
for the brightest of our students to tackle.
Money, property, services, or anything of value transferred to a recipient to
accomplish a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by Federal
1. The act of assisting.
2. Aid; help: financial assistance. (. (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the
English Language, Fourth Edition, 2002)
Development Assistance
International transfers through loans or outright grants, either directly from one
country to another or indirectly from one country to another via a multilateral
assistance agency like the World Bank. (www.agtrade.org/glossary_search.cfm)
specific economic assistance for the purpose of promoting economic, social,
and/or political development. (www.futureharvest.org/about/glossary.shtml)
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American Heritage Dictionary, 2000
1. The act or process of educating or being educated.
2. The knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process.
3. A program of instruction of a specified kind or level: driver education; a
college education.
4. The field of study that is concerned with the pedagogy of teaching and
5. An instructive or enlightening experience: Her work in the inner city was a
real education.
Instruction to improve critical life and social skills, including decision-making,
refusal skills, critical analysis (eg media messages), and systematic judgment
abilities. (wind.uwyo.edu/sig/definition.asp)
WordNet (wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn)
♦ the activities of educating or instructing or teaching; activities that impart
knowledge or skill; "he received no formal education"; "our instruction was
carefully programmed"; "good teaching is seldom rewarded"
♦ knowledge acquired by learning and instruction; "it was clear that he had a very
broad education"
♦ the gradual process of acquiring knowledge; "education is a preparation for
life"; "a girl's education was less important than a boy's"
♦ the profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university)
♦ the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior);
"a woman of breeding and refinement"
♦ Department of Education: the United States federal department that
administers all federal programs dealing with education (including federal aid
to educational institutions and students); created 1979
Foreign Aid
The international transfer of public and private funds in the form of loans or
grants from donor countries to recipient countries
Same as development assistance, which consists of international transfers
through loans or outright grants, either directly from one country to another or
indirectly from one country to another via a multilateral assistance agency like the
World Bank. (www.agtrade.org/glossary_search.cfm)
Aid, such as economic or military assistance, offered by one nation to another.
(American Heritage Dictionary, 2000)
The ability to read, write, communicate, and comprehend.
Is the ability to read, write, calculate, speak and understand as well as
communicate with others. It promotes the ability to understand and use
information and communication technologies. Literacy is critical to the ability to
function as an individual and to participate and contribute in one's family,
community, culture, work place, or any other group that one interacts with on a
American Heritage Dictionary, 2000
1. The condition or quality of being literate, especially the ability to read and
write. See Usage Note at literate.
2. The condition or quality of being knowledgeable in a particular subject or
field: cultural literacy; biblical literacy.
The taking in and use of food and other nourishing material by the body.
A process or series of processes by which the living organism as a whole (or its
component parts or organs) is maintained in its normal condition of life and
growth. (www.ventria.com/glossary.asp)
The process of nourishing or being nourished, especially the process by which a
living organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and for replacement of
tissues. (American Heritage Dictionary, 2000)
Public Health
the science and the art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting
physical health and mental health and efficiency through organized community
efforts toward a sanitary environment; the control of community infections; the
education of the individual in principles of personal hygiene; the organization of
medical and nursing service for the early diagnosis and treatment of disease; and
the development of the social machinery to ensure to every individual in the
community a standard of living adequate for the maintenance of health."(
the health or physical well-being of a whole community
The science and practice of protecting and improving the health of a community,
as by preventive medicine, health education, control of communicable diseases,
application of sanitary measures, and monitoring of environmental hazards
The science and practice of protecting and improving the health of a community,
as by preventive medicine, health education, control of communicable diseases,
application of sanitary measures, and monitoring of environmental hazards.
(American Heritage Dictionary)
Of, relating to, or situated in the region of Africa south of the Sahara. (American
Heritage Dictionary, 2000)
of or relating to or situated in the region south of the Sahara Desert (Wordnet)
o significant: fairly large; "won by a substantial margin"
o being the essence or essential element of a thing; "substantial equivalents";
"substantive information"
o having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary; "the
substantial world"; "a mere dream, neither substantial nor practical";
"most ponderous and substantial things"- Shakespeare
o hearty: providing abundant nourishment; "a hearty meal"; "good solid
food"; "ate a substantial breakfast"
o solid: of good quality and condition; solidly built; "a solid foundation";
"several substantial timber buildings"
American Heritage Dictionary, 2000
1. Of, relating to, or having substance; material.
2. True or real; not imaginary.
3. Solidly built; strong.
4. Ample; sustaining: a substantial breakfast.
5. Considerable in importance, value, degree, amount, or extent: won by a
substantial margin.
6. Possessing wealth or property; well-to-do.
This topic offers a breadth of research opportunities that should allow any team to be
prepared for the topic. There is a wealth of information available on the web, in the form
of articles by members of think tanks, advocacy groups, and policy analysts. There are a
number of current books on the subject of alleviating poverty and debt relief, with a
multitude of approaches. Finally, the increased attention this issue has received in the
past year will undoubtedly lead to more scholarly work to supplement the existing wealth
of information. This topic should offer an ideal of combination of a topic that is both easy
to research and challenging for students.
Topic Balance
While the potential number of countries and topics may seem to favor the Affirmative,
there are a number of limits that should make the debates even-sided. Given the huge
number of proposals for dealing with the problems of Africa, the Negative should have
strong case negative and potential counterplans—both specific and generic, for almost
any case. Kritik ground is also strong for the Negative, given the potential implications of
a resolution that requires the United States to give assistance to Africa. I believe the topic
will present a fair challenge to both sides, with better-researched teams being more
There is no more timely topic than poverty reduction in Africa. While Africa has been on
the periphery of some recent topics, we have never selected Africa, or even an African
nation as the focus of a resolution(National Forensics League). Given the critical
situation in Africa today, it is essential that our students be exposed to the problems of
Africa, so that they can be part of the solution. It has been over 10 years since we have
considered a topic dealing with poverty in any form—another subject that is long
overdue. World attention on the problems of African poverty has never been higher—and
this is the time for our students to approach the topic.
I believe that students and judges will embrace this topic, because it will force an
examination of an area that many people overlook. There should be sharp, interesting
debates on point under this topic, given the availability of evidence. The wide-ranging
nature of the topic, combined with media attention, make this a topic that our
communities will want to see—and one that they should.
American Heritage Dicitionary of the English Language. 4th ed. 2000. 3 Aug. 2005
Baschetti, Riccardo. “Africa’s population problems not limited to Africa.” 1998. Canadian
Benn, Hilary. “The development challenge in crisis states.” London. 4 Mar. 2004. 3 Aug. 2005
Cohen, Desmond. “POVERTY AND HIV/AIDS IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA .” HIV and Development
Crutsinger, Martin. “G-8 Leaders Agree on $50B in African Aid.” The Guardian [London] 8 July
Eviatar, Daphne. “Spend $150 Billion Per Year To Cure World Poverty.” New York Times 7 Nov.
“Famine Threatens Southern Africa.” Bread for the World. 2004. 3 Aug. 2005
“The Feminization of Poverty.” International Labour Organization. 17 Oct. 1996. 3 Aug. 2005
“G8 Doubles Aid to Africa to $50 Billion.” Moscow Times 11 July 2005. 3 Aug. 2005
Global Policy Forum. “Can We Abolish Poverty.” Daily Trust (Oct. 2003). Global Policy Forum. 9
“Glossary of Terms.” NWT Education, Culture and Empoyment. 6 Feb. 2002. 3 Aug. 2005
“HIV and AIDS in Africa.” Avert.org. 26 July 2005. 3 Aug. 2005 <http://www.avert.org/aafrica.htm>.
“HIV Positive Women, Poverty, and Gender Inequality.” ICW Vision Papers 3 (2004). 3 Aug. 2005
Les, Whittington. “Bono, Geldof win the ear of Bush.” Toronto Star 7 July 2005: A07. LexisNexis
Lopi, Barbara. “Poverty and economy: the situation of women in southern Africa.” The Zambezi
Nyamu, John. “Famine and AIDS: a lethal mixtur.” Africa Recovery May 2003. 3 Aug. 2005
“Red Cross Measles Initiative.” American Red Cross of Portage County. 2004. 3 Aug. 2005
Sapp, Katherine. “Preventable diseases claim 11 million children each year.” Inter Press Service 8
MacMillan, 2005.
“ To fight disease, Africa must first get rich.” Sustainable Development International 22 June
UNESCO. The 2005 Report: Education for All, The Quality Imperative. 2005. 3 Aug. 2005