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429 Teacher Work Sample

Madeline Willis
Placement: Emerald High School 9th-10th grade Resource
Cooperating Teacher: Deana Coker
Contextual Factors
1. Classroom Factors:
In my classroom, there are fifteen desks, one large table for small group instruction, a
teacher's desk, a computer table, and long tables for computers, folders, supplies, etc.
There are three large shelves for books and other supplies. Read alouds, textbooks, and
resources are organized on these shelves. On the long tables, there are four computers
that are available to students. There is a bin for student's folders that contains student
work to be completed. There are also tubs full of supplies such as markers, pencils, glue,
scissors, etc. for activities. These tubs are organized so that groups can take one tub and
have all supplies needed. Below the table, there are teacher resources and books. Mrs.
Coker's desk has all of her supplies such as notebooks, pencils, tape, etc. which are also
available to students. There is a file cabinet that contains student records such as IEPs and
assessment data. The kidney shaped table has supplies for small group instruction such as
whiteboards and markers. On the walls, there are poster resources for students such as
PEMDUS, characteristics of a mathematician, and characteristics of good writing. There
is also a white board and Promethean board that are both used for instruction. Due to
students being at an independent stage in their development, parent involvement is at
minimum. Parent involvement includes things such as dropping and picking up students,
attending conferences, attending IEP meetings, and keeping updated on student
performance through e-mail and phone calls.
Classroom rules include the following: be respectful, be ready, be responsible. Emerald
high school is on a block schedule and Mrs. Coker's schedule consists of 1st block 8:3010:00, 2nd block 10:05-11:40, lunch 11:40-12:10, 3rd block 12:15-1:50, and planning
2:00-3:30. Mrs. Coker introduces each class by giving them instructions for the day. She
usually does a whole group lesson in the beginning and then students work independently
and are sometimes pulled for small group work.
2. Student Characteristics:
There are nine students in my 3rd block class. There are two females and seven males,
four of which are Caucasian and five are African American. Seven students are classified
has having a Learning Disability, and two students with an Other Health Impairment.
Interests include hanging out with friends, culinary arts, ROTC, football, reading,
nursing, and biology. My students have very diverse personalities, but most of them are
very independent during work time. Sometimes they need redirection, but overall they are
motivated to do their work. Due to student disabilities, one similar accommodation
between all of my students is extended work time. All of my students learn best through
hands-on, direct instruction, benefiting from activities that involve all learning
modalities. Students in my classroom range from ages 15 to 17. Most of them are in the
process of repeating the ninth grade due to difficulty in subject areas such as English 1
and Algebra 1. Others are sophomores but are having difficulty in their new subjects such

as English 2 and Geometry. These students are below grade level in reading and math.
Their difficulties in these subject areas include comprehension and basic math.
3. Instructional Implications:
a. These contextual factors greatly affect my instructional planning and assessment.
The disabilities that are included in my classroom will affect my instruction because
these students will all be learning on different levels in diverse areas. Instruction
should be planned to accommodate all of their learning modalities so that they will
benefit from instruction. This classroom setting includes a lot of on the spot
teaching. After a short lesson to start the class, students do their independent work. A
lot of times they go to the teacher for help on a problem, but there is not a lot of
whole group instruction during this time. All of the students are working on different
things every single day, which makes it more difficult to plan instruction because of
their work changing constantly. This will affect my instruction planning but some of
the students are having difficulty in the same areas, like algebra, therefore most of my
planned instruction will be for small groups. This will affect my assessment because
most of my formative assessment will consist of observing oral responses, written
responses on work that they are doing, and by using checklists to record students
progress and things to do.
b. Since students are on different levels, I will plan whole and small group lessons that
focus on similar things that students struggle with. This will also be a good review for
students who do understand the subject area. For example, in Algebra, I may plan a
small group lesson of using the formula for circumference. This will benefit students
who are struggling in this area. I may assess students by observing verbal and written
responses. Since many of my students interests include careers, I may plan lessons
based on different careers to inform and give them experience in different clusters. I
may need to accommodate assessment based on student interests.
Assessment Plan
Lesson Objectives
Lesson Objective 1:
When given a
statement, the students
will agree or disagree
by collaborating with a
persuasive argument
with their peers with
100% accuracy.


Format of Formative


Students will be preassessed by observing their

collaboration skills with
their peers and how they
respond to persuasive
arguments. Students will
be assessed during the
lesson by observing how
they respond to peers
perceptions and how they
express their own evidence
of reasoning. Directly
following the activity,
students will be post-

Students social abilities

will vary as well as
processing differences.
The difficulty of the
information given may be
adjusted for students with
processing disorders.
Students with social
disorders may write their
reasoning on a piece of
paper and provide their
group with this to back
up their argument.
Students may need

assessed by writing in their

journal about their
responses to their peers
and how they provided
evidence and reasoning to
support their views.

Lesson Objective 2:
After reading a memoir
aloud, the students will
organize a memoir
through sticky notes
with at least two main
points of their life with
100% accuracy.


Lesson Objective 3:
When given a word
problem, students will
identify the solution of
the problem by using
the four steps to
solving a word
problem with 87.5%


Students will be preassessed by observing their

writing skills and by being
asked about pieces of
writing. Students will be
assessed during the lesson
by organizing their own
memoir. They will be able
to jot down ideas and then
pull from those ideas to
write about two events on
large sticky notes. Students
to be post-assessed by
being asked to explain how
they organized their
Pre-Assessment: Students
will be pre-assessed by
completing two word
problems. I will use a
checklist to monitor their
demonstration of the four
steps to solving a word
problem and their answers.
Each step will be worth
12.5%. If they show their
use of all four steps, they
will receive 100%
accuracy. For example, If
they do not show an
understanding of one step
in the first problem, they
will receive an 87.5%.

extended wait time. If

students dont have
anyone else in their
corner, I will assist the
student in coming up
with a persuasive
argument to discuss in
front of the class. If
students finish early, they
will refer to their folder
for other work. Slower
paced finishers will be
given extended time to
finish the activity.
Students may need oneto-one conferencing
during writing time to
assist them with
organizing their writing.
Students may need
extended wait time. If
students finish early, they
will refer to their folder
for other work.
Sometimes they need
redirection, but overall
they are motivated to do
their work.

Students social abilities

vary as well as
processing differences.
Students may need oneto-one conferencing
during independent work
time to assist them with
using the 4 steps of word
problems. Students may
need extended wait time.
If students finish early,
they will refer to their
folder for other work.
Students will also be
given an Advanced
Organizer to refer to ask
we go through the lesson
and as they solve

During: Students will be

assessed during the lesson
by completing a word
problem as we learn about
the steps to solving a word
problem. They will use
white boards to complete
this task.

Lesson Objective 4:
When given a question
related to the text,
students will identify
textual evidence with
the answer to the
question, the citation
from the book, and an
explanation with 90%


Post-Assessment: Students
will be assessed after the
lesson by completing a
work sheet with two word
problems. I will use the
previous used checklist to
record their understanding
of the concept of the four
steps to solving a word
problem. By looking at
how they solved each word
problem, I will check off
which of the four steps that
I see them using. Since
there are four steps and
two word problems, each
step will be worth 12.5%
Pre: Students will be preassessed by being asked
what they know about
giving textual evidence.
During: They will be
assessed during the lesson
by being given a question
and identifying the answer
to the question, a citation
from the text to give
evidence, and an
explanation of their
reasoning. Objective will
be assessed through
participation and
completion of the answer,
citation, and explanation
for each question given.
Post: After the lesson,

problems independently.

During this lesson,

students will be put into
two groups to gain more
support. They will be
able to look at the
passages in more detail in
a group and get ideas
from two teachers.
Students may need
extended wait time for
answering questions and

Lesson Objective 5:
When given a word
problem, students will
identify the solution of
the problem by using
the four steps to
solving a word
problem with 100%


students will complete an

exit slip. Exit slips should
include one thing that they
learned and one question
they still have.
Pre-Assessment: Students
will be pre-assessed having
a group discussion on the
four steps to solving a
word problem. They will
turn and talk to partners
about each step and share
out what they discussed.
During: Students will be
assessed during the lesson
by being put into group
and solving problems.
Each group will be given a
word problem and will
restate the problem, create
a plan, solve, and check
their work by using QR
codes on the iPad. Groups
will then create their own
word problem for other
groups to solve. After each
group has created a
problem, groups will rotate
and solve their peers
problems that were
Post-Assessment: Students
will complete an exit slip
using polleverywhere.com.
They will send a text and
include their name, steps
that they understand and
steps that they still have
questions about.

Students social abilities

vary as well as
processing differences.
Students may need oneto-one conferencing
during group work time
to assist them with using
the 4 steps of word
problems. Students may
need extended wait time.

Showcase Lesson Pre-Assessment

1. Tom had a platter of chocolate wafers. He ate 5 of them and then gave his brother 3, he
then handed them to his ball team of 8 members. The first player to arrive took 1, the
second player took 3, and the third player took 5 and so on. When the last player took his,
the platter was empty. How many chocolate wafers did Tom start with?
2. A stick one meter long is held to the ground and casts a shadow 0.4 meters long. At the
same time, an electrical tower casts a shadow 112 meters long. Use ratio and proportion
to find the height of the tower. Hint: Draw a picture.
Showcase Lesson Post Assessment
1. Jason worked during the summer (12 weeks) at an amusement park. He earned $2,964
over the summer. How much was he paid every month (4 weeks)?
2. Preston drove to his new college and then back home. Round trip he traveled 105.
Preston drives a Honda Civic and gets 35 miles for every gallon of gas. If gas is $3.60 per
gallon, how much will each round trip cost him?

Showcase Assessment Checklists

Pre-Assessment Worksheet:

Step 1
on 1

Step 2
ion 1

Step 3
on 1

Step 4
on 1

Step 1
on 2

Step 2
on 2

Step 3
on 2

Step 4
on 2

Percent Accuracy
(12.5 pts each)


During Assessment:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Accuracy (25
points each)


Post-Assessment Worksheet


Step 1
on 1

Step 2
ion 1

Step 3
on 1

Step 4
on 1

Step 1
on 2

Step 2
on 2

Step 3
on 2

Step 4
on 2

Percent Accuracy
(12.5 pts each)


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