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2014-11-23 Bulletin

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How can I become a member of

Chapel Hill Baptist Church?

1. The first way is by professing faith in Christ and following in
believers baptism.
2. You can also join by a transfer of letter, if you are a member in
good standing from a sister Baptist church. If you are moving
from one denomination to another, you will be asked to be
baptized as a Baptist, signifying that you are aligning yourself
with the teaching and beliefs of Baptist doctrine as defined in
Holy Scripture.
3. You can also join the church by statement of faith if you have
been scripturally saved and baptized, but no longer have a
church letter at a like-minded church.

Weekly Laugh

Calendar of Events
5pm: Joint Thanksgiving Choir Practice
@ Sand Ridge Baptist 6pm: Joint Thanksgiving Service

No Meal or Service this Wednesday

Chapel Hill Baptist Church



1st Sun: Rita Holmes & Kaylee Maples 4th Sun: Brandy & Quaidan Austin
5th Sun: Steve & Faye Turner
2nd Sun: Debbie Smith & Betsy Goff
3rd Sun: Megan Brasher, Laney Maples

Childrens Church
Preschool thru 3rd Grade Only
1st Sun: Valerie Maples & Toby Vowell 4th Sun: Joel & LeeAnna Hatchett
5th Sun: No Childrens Church
2nd Sun: Delaine & Roger Dabbs
3rd Sun: Trish & David Brasher
If you cannot be here on your Sunday,
please swap with some of the other workers!

Environmental Response

Toby Vowell


Junior Hughes



November 23, 2014

4850 Hwy 200
Huron, TN 38345

P.O. Box 526

Lexington, TN 38351

Morning Worship

Prayer Needs

Evening Worship

Welcome & Announcements

Basil Ammons, Matt Azbill, Holly Bobo Family, Jim Bolden, Shelby Bolden,

No PM Service at Chapel Hill

Birthdays & Anniversaries


Megan Brasher


Blessed Be The Name

Heavenly Highway 164

6pm: Joint Thanksgiving Service @ Sand Ridge Baptist

Special Music

Trish Brasher

Special Music

Susan Wallace

Chapel Hill Baptist Church, Johnny Chumney, Doyle & Linda CoffmanJohn
& June Droke, Larry Nubbins Fisher, Robert Fresnsley, Brad Garner, Nadine Garner, Ralph Gillenwaters Wife, Jerry Holloway, Martha Hoppers,

Junior Hughes, William Keck, Walter Keller, Gail Johnsons 5yr old grand-




5pm: Joint Thanksgiving Choir Practice @ Sand Ridge Baptist

Rosie Bowman, Jessica B. Johnson, Briley Buckley, Bobby & Freda Butler,

son, Jean Johnson, Roger Johnson, Russell Johnson, Breanna Jordan,

Irene Keen, Mayreen Kennedy, Judy LaRue Family, Laney Maples, Zuby
Martin, Aleena Martinez, Rev, George McMinn, Johnny McPeake, Mavis

Bro. Mike Thrower

Family, Janice Patterson, Ava & Graham Perry, Brenda & Otis Pettigrew,


Mary Scott, Hubert Tolley Family, Barbara Tucker, David Veteto, Peggy


Wadley, Dorothy Woods, Janice Woods, our Military Personnel in battle with
ISIS, Bro Tommy & Debbie Smith Romania mission trip. Pray to God to
provide the finances needed!

Unspoken Requests
Peggy Hughes, Marie Pusser, Debbie Smith

Prayer Ministry

Sunday Night Childrens Opportunities

All men & women of the Church are invited to participate in our prayer ministry. We meet the 1st Sunday morning of each month at 9:30am. No
agendajust prayer!

Recreation: 4:30p-4:50p
Childrens Choir: 5:00p-5:30p

All Ages

Every Wednesday evening

Begins at 6:00pm
No cost to eat!

Bible Drill: 5:30p-6:00p

Jesus said in Luke 18:1, men ought always to pray, and not to faint
This ministry was birthed in the heart of Bro. Jim Jackson, and I, as your
Pastor, am in full agreement & support.
Come join us Sunday mornings at 9:30am for our Prayer Meetings

Wednesday Night
Community Meal

Wednesday Night Childrens Opportunities

Classes: 7:00p-8:00p


Want to help out with the meal?

Sign up to bring something on the board in
the fellowship hall, or see Steve Turner.
This is a community wide fellowship opportunity
open to all who wish to come!

Spiritual Contacts
Bro. Tommy Smith



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