The Didactic triangle is the support of methodology, since it has the three elements
that are fundamental for the teaching process (see in the picture), if one of these
elements is missing, the process will not be completed. Nevertheless, there is one
aspect that is very important in this process and it is not mentioned in this triangle,
we are referring to the context; Paschen, (1979); Knzli, (1998) explain: The
didactic triangle is usually drawn with teacher, student and content as its points.
There are, however, numerous variations depending on how the points are
understood in a larger context where the societal factors are explicitly drawn out. It
is very important to be aware of the background of the learners, to create a good
learning environment; the teacher needs to know the condition in which the
students are, what they know and how we can use this in the teacher favor.
Planning lesson sometimes is a very controversial topic, because is not
something that all teachers do, in terms of organization of the class it could be a
good strategy because it would mean that you are giving time to prepare a class.
A lesson plan requires the aim, the activities, the materials that teacher is going to
use in the class and finally the evaluation. Talking about evaluation, different ways
exist to evaluate if the student is learning or not, like at the end of the class doing
an understanding about what they did during the lesson or it could be with a test
asking different questions about the topic. Harmer (2005) proposes that an
evidence of a lesson plan gives to the students confidence that the teacher is
committed with the class, subsequently, they can feel secure with what they are
learning. On the other hand, a lesson plan can be useful for the teachers because
they will have a help if they lose the objective during the class. Beside, Jensen
(2001) suggests that a lesson plan must have coherence, variety and flexibility in
terms of macro (content) and micro (time) levels. Furthermore, we need to take into
account that planning a lesson can be very useful because of the different
situations that we have in a class, such as the behavior of the student in some
activities. The idea of a lesson plan helps the teacher to make some decisions
about how an activity can be more successful in terms of the elements that he is
going to use to present in the class and also it is related with the physical
environment and if it would affect the material that we would use. Another benefit
that the lesson plan has is that the teacher can feel confidence about what he or
she is teaching. Consequently, the student will be more self-assured about what
they are learning because they realize that teacher knows the topic. In addition to
this, a lesson plan could facilitate the continuity of learning, meaning to connect
activities if there is coherence among them.
Butt, G. (2006). Lesson Planning (2da Edition ed., Vol., pp. 50-51). London,
Continuum International Publishing Group.
Correa, R. (2014, August). English Language Methodology [Power point
Harmer, J. (2005). How to teach English: Planning Lessons. Longman: Pearson
Jensen, L. (2001). Planning Lessons. In Celce-Murcia, Teaching English as a
Second or Foreign Language. (pp.403-413). Massachusetts: Heinle &
P. (2014, 05). Didactic relation in the teaching-studying-learning process.